HI 483 411 $=fnlfJna~nu~dla~~~~fJ - GqUlUU


~la~:a~u,~,,,,,~~~l~u~l~~lU 6% The Economic Stabilization Act The Environmental Protection Agency The Clean Air Act The Water Quality Improvement Act

The First Earth Day - 22 LPJ‘EJIUU

1971 7osl~~~s-~~Rlla-El"~~,~l~ - fyllvh~ The Berlin Accord

HI 483 413 ,414 HI 483 1974-1977 n~s'ga6u~mnltr%~ms~l~~~6~~~~ Oli.d&l -P,, 1974 The Fair Compaign Practice Act The Freedom of Information Act The Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act

nls=6lul~nr~~o;~la"onruan'u 6a.fon"ntdarn~;6SU~Q~rIs~~lUl3Y7 -20

dwlnU 66a~rUan'u 60. ~on~6vla6aoi6v45'Y~l66~~~~~~~~~~lul~~~ -


The Nigon Pardon - 8 n'UUlUU ,The Amnesty Program - 16 fbJlOU

&l51nui1a.l1u 9%

The WIN Program - @pW

d5SlUlhdTk& wlJ;bu’fl b. LuXftUd Ihd The Vladivostok Accord

1975 @VW6WJ6%tWlU -306UYlUU tYwil~uil~~lu 11%

The Mayaguez Incident - WpWW6U ‘l$e Helsinki Accord - ft5ftQVlU

HI 483 415 1976

1977-1081 1977



416 HI 483 HI 483 417 S7tb fm&ot of tRo lbited States U~lSU:pmsidsrl l%S-74)

Ha msmot of tR0 uoitod stotos pn 1815;Preside~t 1974-77)

. HI 483 418 HI 483 419 The Nixon Admiitration

Resident Richard hl. Nixon 1969-1914 Vice President Spiro T. Agnew 1969-1973 Gerald R. Ford 1973-1974 secretary of state William P. Rcgea 1969-1973 Henry A. Kissinger 1913-1974 secretary of David M. Kennedy 1969-1970 Treasuty John B. Connally 1971-1972 George P. Shuln 1972-1974 William E. Simon 1974 Attorney General John N. Mitchell 1969-1972 Richard G. Kleindienst 1972-1973 Elliot L. Richardson 1973 William B. Saxbe 1973-1974 kmnaJteer Winton M. Blount 1969-1971 General SecreraIy of Wa!ter J. Hickel 1969-1970 lnrerior 1971-1974 secretary of Chfford M. Hardin 1969-1971 Agriculture Earl L. Butz 1971-1974 secretarv of Maurice H. Stans 1969-1912 Commerce Peter G. Peterson 1972-1973 Frederick B. Dent 1973-1974 secretary of Labor Gecrge P. Shultz 1969-1970 James D. H&son 1970-1973 Peter J. &ennan 1973-1974 Secretary oi Melvin R. Laird 1969-1973 Defense Elliot L. Richardron 1973 James R. Schlesinger 1973-1974 secretary of Robert H. Finch 1969-1970 Health, Elliot L. Richardson 1970-1973 Education, Casp-sx W. Wcinterget 1973-i974 and wel6ar.2 SecEta~ of George Romney 1969-1913 Hwsing and James T. Lynn 1973-1914 urban Development

420 HI 483 1 19?4$19q 1974&w? 1974-1917

William Saxbe 19743915 EdwardL.cvi 1975-1977 seuetarvof Rogers I&ton 1974-1975 Interior Stanley K. Hathaway :975 Thomas Kleppe 1975-1977 secretary of Earl L. Bus 1974-1976 AgIiCUltUR John A. Knebei 1976-1977 secretary of Frederick 9. Dent 1974-1915 Commerce Rogers Morton 1975-1976 Elliot L. Richardson 1976-I971 SecKeta~ of Labor Peter J. Brennan 1934-1975 John T. Dunlop 1975-1976 W. J. Usery 19761977 secretary of James R. Schlesinger 19741975 Defense 1975-1977 secretary of C&per Weinberger 1974-1975 Health, Forrest D. Mathews .1975-1977 Educaron. and Welfare Secretary of James T. Lynn 1974-1975 Housing and Cxla A. Hills 1975-1977 Urban DW&pllWt secretary Gf Claude Brinegar 1974-197s Tranqxxtation William T. C&man 1975-1917

HI 483 421 The carter Administnticln

wient Jimmy Carter 1977-1961 Vice President Walter F. Mondale 1977-1981 Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance 1977-1980 Edmund Mwkie 19ao-1981 SecretaIy of W. Michael Blumenthal 1977-1979 ~--Jw G. William Miller 1979-1981 Attorney Genemi Griffin Bell 1971-1979 Benjamin R. Civilctti 1979-1981 s.rcmnn, of Cecil D. Andms 1977-1981 heaim

saxrnrv of R&n Bergland , 1977-1981 Aglidnlrc secretary of Jlunira M. Kreps 1977-1979 Commerce Phdip M. Klutznick 1979-1981 Secretary of Labor F. Ray Marshall 1977-1981 secreery of Harold Brown 1977-1981 Defense secretwy of Jceph A. Califano 1977-1979 Health, Patricia R. Harris 1979 Education, and Welfare Secrerary of Patricia R. Harris 1979-1981 Health and Human Services secretarj of Shi;!q M. Hufsredler 1979-1981 Education secremy of Parncia R. Harris 1977-1979 Housing and X!C.XI Landrieu 1979-1981 Urban Deveiopment Secretary of Bmck Adams 1977-1979 ‘Transportation. &I! E. Goldsclwudt 1979-1981 Secretary of JXICS R. Schlrsinge; 1977-1979 EtlCg/ Charles w. Duncan 1979-1981

422 HI 483 MOON LANDING Neil A. Ammstrong took this photogmph of fellow astro- naur Edwin E. Aldrin during the American landing on the surface of rhe moon. ju1.v 20. 1969.

HI 483 423 Hmry Kissinger Immnc Sccrctnry of State under President Nixon.

424 HI 483 , HI 483 425 Nixon and Chinese Premier Iheu Idol, left, toured Shanghai during the PreSdtnt’r visit to Chino in 1972. With them were Mrs. Nixon and U.S. Secrebry of State William P. Rogers.

426 HI 483 HI 483 427 Soviet leader Leonid Brahrmv, left toasted President in Moscow, marking .the si&ng of the Strategic Arms Limitrtion Treaty OII bby 26, 1972.

428 HI483 * 6w

HI 483 429 430 Fir 483 _ s--RI_- A&war Demonrtration - _l-.,“_l In Califomio Pu& opirr f96Y, 69 percent oflhpse intu. ion g&JO/~ but inuomb~ vi.wed btdicuted that they cm turned against the w(lr. I” 196~ ridered the WV 0 ‘histoke,” pails showed rhm onf,. 15 per- ’ and & 1970.0 m4oWsuP cent ofAmericans favored ,,+d+ ported withdmwof of U.S. dmwal fmm Vietnam. &t b tmop.

431 HI 483 No Gas During the energy crisis of 1973-1974, America faced widespread gasoline shortages for rhe first World War il. “Earth Day,” May I,1970 Designed lo alert people aboul rhe threats to the air, land, and water, the first Earth Day signaled Ihe erner Qence of the m&m enuironmenral movement.

NoGad As the hit harne, panicky moiorists. like these in Boston, rushed to gas stations to fill up, making the situation worse.

433 HI 483 Nixon Resigns On August 9, 1974, Richard M. Nixon hccnmc the first American president to resign. He is shown here minutes after turning over rhe presidency to Gerald R. Ford.

434 HI 483 THE BlCfNTENNlAL Ce!ebratlons of the two hundredth anniversary of the Declaration of Inde- perdence rook place 311 across the during 1976. Here, Presl- de-r greets A Sptin#ield. Illlnoi~. drum- mer band dressed for the occasion in Revolutionary Era garb. (UP/J

HI 483 435 An American officid ” punches a man trying w * y bcurd a plane already : ove&mded with refugees e’ during the chaotic evacuation of he city of

436 HI 463 The Signing of nhe Camp David Agreement Septet&r 17, 1978 Anwar Sadot of Egypt, jimmy Carter of the United States, and Menochcm Begin of lsroel put their signatures to the historic accord that brough hopes of peace to the war-torn Middle Easr (0 Sygmo.)

Ing of the Camp David accords. symbolized the achievement Of President jimmy Carter (center) in negotiating a peace treaty between President Anwar Sadat Of Egypt (lefti 2nd Israeli Prime Minister Menxhem Begin In March 1979.

HI 483 437 AMERICAN HOSTAGES IN IRAN In early November 1979. graphs such ils this one lhnlan mlllrants seized the lnfurbted the American Amerkan embassy In Te- publk and Increased their heran and took Its occu- ftustratlon wlth Jimmy Pants hostage. Photo- carter’s foreign policy.

atop the U .S embmsy in Tehran , bum an g $2 American jkzg. The F __*c vioknt actions and & virulent anti-Americanism of the Iranians shocked - ,. U.S. cih+,enc.

438 HI 483 HI 483 439 .

1yFmhd~lh.¶ uitl?dslalos (I*nl911;9mid.W, 198149J

President The oldest man ever &ted to the presidency, Reagan displayed youthful vigor both on the campaign trail and in office. (Wide World Photos.)

440 HI 483 4lst hestdmnt al tha tt#hd St&x (ham 1924: pmtdmt t999-93)

HI 483 441 , of State George F’. Sbula Secretary Donald T. Regan of Treasury James A. Baker Nicholas Brady E&rnIihdch Smith CiES? RichardThomburgh .!kC~tary James Watt of Interior William P. Clark Donald Hodel Secretary of Agriculture ki22 &$g Secretary Malcolm Baldrige of Commerce C. William Verity Raymond J. Donovan f?izz William E. Brock Ann Jhre McLaughlin &y&.r** wLggTJqs.~ ‘7 izEze p*c; Q&&p ‘,. Ri& Se &&& !secre& of Health g@pt%tee+ti and Human is . seNiCe.5

s--Y Terre1 H. Bell ‘- of Education wivilmg3M-&%r

-secretary Samuelk. Pierce, Jr. ’ -1981-lij8 ofHousing . : and Urban Development Secretary of Transportation Eliibeth H. Dole James L Bumely Secretary James B. Ed&’ of Energy Donald P. H0d.d’~

442 HI 483

, 443 HI 483 ministration rtetary Watten M. *topher 1993-1997 ofState Madeleine Albti&t 1997- secretaty - Lloyd Ben&en 1993-1997 of Treasury Robert E. Rubin 1997- Janet Rena 1993- ~%Z? 2,. secretaty BNC~ Babb& ,- 1993- of Interior . t .,. I I Ml Esu6&k;t;; 1; 1993-1994

@$&ii 1994- 1993-1996 ‘,i, 1996-1997 1997- 1993-1997 1997-

:E%; 1997-

1993-1997 1397-


444 HI 483