\ I', \\ ) Ultl\ I 1*4 I II I REPORTED CARTURED BV THE FRENCH. GERMAN CHARGES teamen have been landed at Cromarty. Doctors are being THF. GERMAN BATTLE.CRU.SER GOEBEN. :n automobiles from Aberdeen and other places to attend th EMBITTERFRANCE The War »Office announces that General Sir John Frene t distinguished himself so notably in the Boer War, going has been apj Allegations Accompany, III* whole campaign without a single defeat, ing Declaration of Inspector General of the Forces. Wir The whole of the United Kingdom is under martial law Hotly Repudiated. railways have been taken over by the government and troc being «rushed with all possible speed to strategic points. Á DEPUTIES CHEER FOR been heavily fortified and batteries o portant seaports have attack. ENGLAND AND lery have been placed in position to repel any hostile RUSSIA 500,000 MEN UNDER ARMS. Demonstration in Chamber Fsj. Reservists and territorials are being hurriedly mobilize! lows Premier's Attack on between 50 the Common within a very few hours the country will have Foe. under ar and 600,000 well trained and fully equipped troops Paris, Aug. 4 The ¡«reneb M«w^. The movements of the several divisions of the British of Wa <«ued the fetS? is satisfied that Great "The German Ambassador are being kept secret. But everybody *». 4 most wanted. manded his pasaporta and di-ae^'' ain's war vessels are where they are ranee an-1 &^L* and even frantic effoi .«.en broke«) off Further evidence of the earnest "War is declared catastrophe of a gf ict of the Britain to avert the overwhelming ..The llWl Cera»!. «' Great lat» cording to Information from aa¡ZLl the official publication, ., European war was afforded by »..uro *he liiniatsr of Wbt,b5?V! final and app» execute M. srmss r*-njj. the text of King George's eloquent «' night, giving *¦ reneh ... VR0 j^ of the of Ciar Nicolas theret ii Met*, ..«-"I to imprison all th« the Russian Emperor and reply ¦" b-v- to the Czar is timed 3:30 a. m., s b.-r. .'-¦ King George's dispatch -, von .Sehj.n's final lattert«(W and his advisers have spent nigh French government annosseing aL ing that the British monarch of v ^Àemwm their unremitting efforts to preserve peace. that ar «.sed deep indignât«,».^ well as in . days that there evoked a vigorous and «xpiir 4- His expressed the opinion The ambassador deela majesty's telegram r to to the breaking off of .errnai », some misunderstanding lead -, t< rritorv, a-.d that in been with ptetteo an en«leav long as it was respected ,,f these premeditated »ctg of t*«fc. tiations, and said: rroceilure of dermany in 'he the (.«rm»n whs a government. This i- believed to hav enee to herself. sion by K'rençh gaBjT to to remove the misap rcross Belgium, which planned, to maintain peace, saying: wai itself a» in 1 a you be« n «lur to Sir Edward p« e, the At "But we knew that m.«nt considi-red «»^^ "I make personal appeal cording to absolutely unimpeachab Grey's FOI "From the very outbreak of France coul France The FLAYS war wi'li fu^»r for attitude of th«« KAISER an invasion. tar posi has as a eo the gerat. lan we worked for the for negotiations Information. (îerniany outlining trian-Ser' confliet inva. that Fi --. hension and leave open ground neutra ment and giving d« tails of the -Uni to Austria a we could not. A French tion were made *«.*-».-»,. >equcnce disregarded Belgian the hostilitis had survc, t to what means to h«-r tion in the Houis of Commoi All the <'abinets. our flank on the lower ators .f-irbe« «^ i y prevent * Servia. particular So we thrown bomb-, aid that peace." of life and death a Fren» day. IN THRONE SPEE thai of «ireat Britain, Bsed the sai have been disastrous. had fr*m CZAR REPLIES TO KING. question '' "The Manchester Guardian" nn«l tli th »o «et aside the ¿u tided troops had invaded firman ten advance through Belgium.' endeavor. Russia alone «leclare«l forced and B< ral im, accc| Labor papers are virtually alone in ai have something to say as of th- Lux'-mburg point«. that he would have I It ¡mat um l'olic> Approved. she must The injustice thu Premier Viviani in reply The Russian Emperor replied tagonism to ths gevornmont'i polir; the solution of the conflict, and thcr government«. recti prm^fr, war. Premier Asquith then said: "The Guardian." representing tin-g re« the of European coi thereby committed we shall against the allegations rega-di»» Og not Germany declared this on iVhalf of h Russia Afflicted with "1 bl raided dangr is ach atid rem <\ the proposals had "I ha\c to add commercial interests of Lnneashm soon as our military object French aviators the G*. "showed no disp government: We cannot r< \ I plication-. man Ambassador that 1- . e gg. the Russian Emperor, majesty's continues its lolent opposition. and Franc \ «en 'i ths ll delinite ne« for Dear Ufa." h»d "Germany," says this as in any sense a «ati.factor tionalism" "Fighting sented a note on Saturday 'sut ta of Austria mac gun! was received regarding the P.us-ii m and her and those communication. We have in reply r< "It i? to throiv on the Hous "He who il as menaced erence to the vio'a'ion of Fr-mea «j* tion to mediate, preparations made last week t mockery Is Malicious. militar«, pnparations, srs directed dear life must but I most categoi pcHted th»' request of Commons s1 a moment's notice, an but strong communication and is lighting fai ritory by German;-. Russia should mobilize, gave th»« that it shoul <" «'riendly to eat an opening U imperative that wc German government in circumstances of great eitemenl St. Peter*burt:, out that «ara only bow Beery Charge Denied. the Russian troops give »i» the samp assurance regardin for deciding on (minting t h the German Emperor that u the responsibility like measure* against Austna-Hunga rough. War Offi« assurances to Belgian neutrality as was given to has been maturing fo * far a.« il concernée The French ippteat«ate policy that would lind us on the side of our all; Kngland the Premier's as the continued." by Iiatue Im! week. eai s." GOD SEEN ON SIDE ib'claration which Sir Edward protest by declariagfc not move so long negotiations "We have asked that the (ierman r« ] thrtt military praparationa sgainsl the Hous«- of -igoroiu inquine« info the will not VÍBCOUnl Btyc-, the fottner Ambas force us to eon made in xl'tfaiSa "I trust that your country to that ami I satisfactor OF GERMAN AR/ «voul«! corresponding yesterday the stand contained in Baron von .Vrioenianj. reply concludes: ply reijuest Bada? i'i Washington, heads the Igl ter measures, and that mobilizati« t-ions has cleared up _The answer to our telegram of this morn the hop We show that ever.- one of his run, and France. God bless and protect you!" to er- of a nviiife ng would not be far removeil from wa of the English government. unfounded. The to support Russia ing should be given before midnight the ha- not c .hau te< fashion a to the British was oaly» was that government Russia assured us in solemn road« declaration wholly a week of a i of "The London Gazette" published night." the of diplomacy. Hu «1« clared th ernment that so long as Knglan» stance within reneb at A special issue Tremier concluded hit grav peMlbilitlOfl "We'll Wo her wish for peace, and will no» ai dier having been on German Isles. The these raices are drawned in the «l.-e| Repair Wrongs -he would not enter into any sor« mams neutral our navy SS^H martial law in the British statement amid a gieut outburst o that coast of France and m the ease «>?' a '«I'l'tarygS evening proclaiming from all of the house. tide of popular belief England' When Our Military Aims A military preparations against u«. 'he northern who descended at MuehN the govc cheering parts interests and h(f national life compc we will not violate the integrity tor i-i«e«B( An order was issued during the evening giving The House of Commons latir \otn "In the meantime England sought efd his flight without her to reeerl t«, arms. Reached." Says Chancellor me.ha;., between Vienna and St. Petes Independence of Belgium. re«j»rtis|a in Great Britain. totlJOOOfiOO for emergency purpose her. C "I thii »'.eclaration the local authorities. ment control of all the railroads several bills in live minute burg. We warmly supported eon repeal a m«.de -it »md pa.-sed To Insure Shipping. Berlin. t. U ill the of r before the whole world, Premier Viviani figgp voice. Aug. Emperor 29 Emperor Germany openly a H .. without a dissenting David Lloyd George. Chancellor o July of Russia tel !<1 that M long as Kngland government,'.« sfa* ORDER READ. Hs.-einbled lust night be <>priie«l the parliani« Bl to «iue*ea » contained these instructions public Embassy, In S paar, bs eration in Vienna. The German said WO should has She did not in Europe and hooting. \ nihlly itoaei case of war British commerce shoul« aowora, this role of mediato to defend our gains of 1870 justly provoked. aasN state of affairs groaning "The t -= which had ar peror undertook of t v ar: she ha.« done all in her "Whereas, the present public were tliro»vn. which biok»- windows. not be inability to se- great«« p.«n set in motion h The great hour poasri coi interrupted by «vents in the Balkans but he had scarcely yet elapsed. it. Since war was we strictly Prune Lieh« ii and to insure that In« owing to the m« our has now struck, avoid an imminent national danger, The German Ambassador. cm'- grog k:;, been overcome, bal I offices to this end when Russia for peopje fiSTOS^H such as to constitute with the members of his staff, shoubl not go so peare«! to havi- to it with confidence. hr. she will defend herself to all instri nowsky, su ranee rates high of friend bilizcd all her forces against Austri; we advance is re agie'^i^'^H to and conform the but quickly with¬ n I th<» assassination my in the Field our na\y many and any other power whJ^H and our subjects obey was In fardan, a- to eaass any considerable r'rancis Ferdinand opened Hungary. Th*- Monarchy army Li nat it- mand enjoin us or our A. drew to the house. An'hiluke fdual Servia. for 'battle; the »vhole German yet bavin* made known «enrneJE be issued by by prices, ; the Kmpr bad mobilized against the ,d.. of which may A force of mounted anil foot police convince«!," hi great aby:. My ally, Onljf in th them.'" take-, part by tion» and regulations arm "We ;ire perfectly »»¡is »o t had mobilized two army corps i;. behind th officer of our navy and reinforced the regular guard an»! vith continued, "that nrith the Francis* .Toscph, comprl^d from Russian the Chancellor's speech Siel beta «sal Council, or by any crowd. protection up arm« f«>r lh»« protection of his north, far the frontier, rVftOH of an attack which oWtssi mirslty and Army difficult? drove off the of the British navy ue can make «'«r- was a prolonged demonstration "Against in our behalf for securing the objet A few hundred excited and rlamoi- lire ag:iint the dangerous agitai Accuse» Czar of Treadier?. the Reichstag thereui the laws of «n«iif«r and all the rtf active tain of that vital condition." a state. thoaiaaa. and now or 7 any other person c eus through that area the existing in neighboring of $1,".">(),000.í of nation«, wc have takes! but to afford all the you'hs marching The work is to be undertaken by Its interests the H "The Russian mobilization v.ri- ,1« passed a war credit to hinder or obstruct, of which to the rate "In pursuing a Social Democrat, s necessary di.*positions. They wtm afo;»said; and not London BOTttsydl Stat«- Insurance Office, with a flat in the way m before the R Herr Hasse, in accordance wi Broadway district of Naw York may of variation from ian Fmpire -«teppcil eidsd principle of the views of his pa carried out rigorously. "lethodid to any person acting to premium capable Austria Hungary. addressed himself to the Gel that in spite aid ¡he mobtliiation »is* ice in their power cause American visitor.« carry bOBM time to time. The he sai«l, Emperar war Social Democrats calmly. sfj measures taken for secu government, "Not only our duty as an ally cal man Emperor. The latter notified th toward the Russian 1 t of any that Knglanil il embarking wa.-- ">0 cent of the hulls the credit, hut tl army pro in the execution report«, inserittg per us to tiie «ule of Austria-Hiir-gary, Russian forthwith that hi alone favored m and boundless such instructions upon war with a light heart and boast¬ of In to Emperor their brother« march irkable energy ea% kno»v this country vessels. re-pect voyagl the gieat ta-k »»a- east upon us, good offices as mediator would b.e mad »vould follow T Biases." fully. Those who r«nt on the outbreak of war, no pre¬ ancient ef to war with their warm wishes. ing those objects." to all the Britii extreme is the Une time Witb the more difficult by this general mobili n < a message yesterday know that the opposite mium would be charged, but it would culture «if the tWO empli if the declaration brought a rene*e,l beer Russia and England. The King addressed truth. imii-, ity of zation against Austria-Hungary, the assu the öfterererd our own position against were not frustrated. Never burst of cheering. The House turned toward % of their spontaneous These ;, oung Turn, who emulate of the re¬ to protect wholly then una sian M -.ho his appreciation Tl,«« mobilisation army of unfriendly force- we continued our mediation i The ( hamber passed Minister. ist colonies expressing demonstrator- of the Vari- bonlorants, has been con¬ ¦tläck theless a serie, to the Motherland. serves and t«*t ritorials in whir ii- a few moments ttie diplomatic gallery, and chsfl will the fullest support have beeil through the motor Harsh Words for Russia. \ icnna and exerei>ed it forms mously ha anee« that they give parading ducted principally by % vent almost to the extreme limit com emergency me.-.sures concerning Russia. streets, the I'nion ,Iack and London for .-«trate "It was with a heavy heart th* situati carrying Brans of which left tibie with our relation as credits and the monetary The Premier continued: Belsjl »vith vociferous cheering, hut soldiers .»¦as to mobilize my ar p; ally. in arm.« ADDRESSES COLONIES. Tricolor, gical p«.infs crowded with and compelled this time Rus.'ia renewe has now í30.000 men prepa) KING busiest section of the metrópoli , of London Yeo¬ a with whose tro» "During gooorally. of t the territorials. Thr City trains! neighbor assurances i Just nrior to the ailjournment to defend with magnificent aider I sell of which Trafalgar S«¡uare II the cen¬ it-¡elf for foreign mine had fought si»le by side »an spontaneously its that Chancel] of his says, "the generous manry has offered wa> no Reichstag to November 24, neutrality and independence thai recall to me," majesty tre, has not been as crowded or as territorial of battle, and with iinC4 making military preparation a short i s." round. i,bout the calanvty of President Poincar«- in a meneeBflJjl in God." ciinr troop-«. 1« is assumed by the "That France also placed herself that Russia was mobilizing it.« entir. announces that the govern si and us also. The Rus Senate and Chamber British Admiralty officially French military authorities that the the -. idi* of our opponent was not forces, against ef^^^H The ROAR o which knew from ou ITALY IGNO^ES~GERMAN «lured that Germany "had tried itap GUNS' made a sudden had sian and th< SIEGE Germans would have pricing to us. Only too often government, to France." has taken over the two battleships.one completed in force on Nancy if the more friend representations what mobtliza erou.-ly surprise ment attack great »fforts to bring about repeated \ aj well as Turkey, and tw< French in the vicinity had been the French Repub lion against us would mean, announce« to t "France is igilant, in England by BRUSSELS troops iflatiop- with Turns Deaf Ear Appeal Shp «us aid our covering ts other nearly completed.ordered WARNS that it was mobilizing, but did not giv« ready, found in minor strength. come into contact with the expressii be have been renamec reconnaissances were standii concerning its action War France. will allow mobfliwtion to ntrttsf ordered Chili. The battleships While these . f r>l»l hopes and with long any explanation Join Against destroyers by the French troops stead¬ "Later in the afternoon a telegran c >liy carried out." In progress malice. the Russian t« Rome, Aug. 4. -Germany has made i Before l<-aving the capital tbe . the Erin and the Agincourt. 4 »«ntiriiiert from paie I kept within the six-mile tone "The situation arose n arrived from Emperor fastly of' present interest the Herman In it the Pi to Italy to stand with her, a man Ambassador. Baron «m II Jeliicoe assumed supreme from the frontier. Several parties from temporary conflicts of Emperor. appeal th» tittaS Vice-Admiral Sir John yesterday zone to round is the r declared that his arms Tl intrusted the affair.* of Germans entered the up combinations, but sian Emperor cording to the "Giornale d'ltalia." th«>*.e of Humans Ul the rank of ad¬ were not in¬ diplomatic for »e-i would not take any provocative actior Embassy an«l the British home fleets, with acting ours we shall not the cattle. These parties ran of ill Will existinr; newspaper says the attention of tl ros T. command of I'pon this lend of an entire G« r- toward us. Hut the Russian mobiliza American Ambassador. M y ¡S wo aie d terfered with, but when the itrength and prosperity has been called Rear Admiral Charles E. Madden. and e\en if conquer«, against on our frontier had been in full Italian government rick, in accordance «vi'h inMroctP His chief of staff is to be weaken, man of cavalry crossed ths tli». Gorman Kmpire. tion describes as hostile ad miral. in WC ..?er shall submit. Belgian, sup¬ squadron of the desi since the night of July .'.<. what Germany received when lie was told to JßSM took a part of her line near Belfort a squadron French MWe aro not avahad on by progress on of France which, the Go new naval commander in chief prominent ported by the united energy the u "While we, at Russia's request, me the part his passport-, Arthur Hur«"« ^ttSS The h ea\alry was sent out, and the German of conque«». We are moved by man asserts, constitute as of the al suns, w ill not pen to secure for ourselvi niate¿ In Vienna, the Russian force* government second secretary of the A;.*«-r«caB advance to the assistance legations patriotic demon¬ troops retired. I ending desire case coming within the terms of th sou Admiral Seymour's Another prolonged In French territory the those coming after us the place arere «raised on our almost open fron bassy, received the imperial jl stration followed, the Qu"en and her penetrating and and France, though she did not treaty of alliance, even though on a» k"ys from the departing during the Boxer rising. were Germans tirs« entered Longlaville, in »\hich God has put us. tier, of thesp acts the declaration c dislajfl Peking children, who present, being and, above all. rr 'Mobilize, admits that she took some count the ceremony being witnessed a^Hj loudlv cheered. the Department of -et-, "My 'tovernment war came fram Germany. Frenen offlc TO DIVERT COURSES. of Old Lorraine, near Longwy, tried until the las' momei measures. b> t«vo army SHIPS II. Vandervelde. the Socialist leader, B part Chancellor I military, abstained ur The Giornale d'ltalia" says it undei The French I so and later invaded Circy-sur-Vezouze, the woist happenit:";. "We nad deliberately government to-dsj to British ships joined the Belgian Cabinet to-du>, to prevent cot for the sak«. of the stands the Italian government will no a message to Jule- lambón, HP was issued by the Admiralty be rep¬ in the BSflM depaitinent. German enforced ««-lf-dcfencr, with altar to that time pvnej A suggestion that «11 politii'Bl parties might we tl of fro calling a single reserv¬ ».hange its attitude of neutrality. Ambassa«lor in Berlin, tellirg bw}* were advised resented in tnc government. troops to-day also entered French ter¬ and clean hands, gTausp Kutope north of Calais. They where one of ist to the colors. Should we have wait- ask for lus passport« and to "49 bound for Continental ports of ritory near Mar-la-Tour, swoid. the Gei until the French and i'onsulste S * Kingdom. Strategic Importance Belgium. the most important battles of the "To the pioples a-id races of id patiently longer powers Embassy course to in the United t are in wen« DESTROYERS^EER care of the I :nted Stat« . 'o divert their ports The vital importance of Belgium in War was Au- man my appeal goes forth «between which WS wedged W Franco-Prussian fought. Empire ou wa* strutted a war between France and (iermanv 1«. 1H70. detachments visited out¬ stand together fraternally with in ¦ positic|i to choose the time when The ambassador gust that which »ve hav their blow? To have ex¬ fore leaving Berlin to pretest to» lies in the fact that unless Germany lying farms at Lepuix, near Belfort, allies in defence of to deliver GERMAN CRUISER it* *. may move across Belgian territory, cattle. A detach- erected in work. posed Germany to this danger would German government against COURSE and requisitioned peaceful on of RETRACES neutralized an invasion of entered the of have been criminal. Therefore, July tion of the territory by treaty, ment to-day village Looks lo the Almighty. l.uwssbvi^a«of s HetSa ASQU1TH France would have to be through the Moineville. in the Department of |L «ve demaniied of Russia the demo¬ Orappling for Cable, Fisher- against the presentation French frontier prop¬ "Following the example of our fore bilization of her troops t¿ the only ultimatum to Belgium. LED TO RUPTURE heavily fortified Muerthe-et-Moselle. A parish priest earnest an tttsa WHICH frontier fathers, I'rm and faithful, mea ure which could preserve the peace man Reports to President Pomcare to-day er. The entire northeastern was killed. an Newport we e for an im humble before our God The German Am¬ Prince Roland the Hoi . msnv, and ha« asked of France is, roughly, 440 miles long. A German last even¬ chivalrous, of Europe. imperial Bonaparte, *r*',,!gS lei in telling army aeroplane when in the face o was Naval Station. at the ef Asquith, Ix mediate For a distance of about têt miles this three bombs on the French truly to tight bassador in St. Petersburg given his seniees disjioisl J ©f Commons that a r«-nuest bad nply. ing dropped th»* let us contide ourselves t to declare to the Rus¬ French «iff«-r«.nf ml**? that she should g direct Threat to Belgium. ftontier line separates France from fortified town of Lunévillc, to the enemy, who wil the Mmmissios t »y Tclr«Tapli to Tli« Triton- ] government, h***** . ent t<> Germany Almighty, in ease of as a i-oidier and to of the neutral ..\Ve resolved 'his morning fiom ou Holmium and Luxemburg. The remain¬ southeast of Nancy. One of the main the everlasting i sian government that rejec¬ Newport, R. L, Aug. 4. While the army plassm the :-an.e assurance t.-lc France our defence and conduct tion of our demand we should b» dence in the hand.*, of ths SS»*yS a* France bad done a the following der, about 190 miles, separates thoroughfares was damaged and also strengthen m (»erman to a good end." to deel ire a state of war. yachts in the Astor Cup races were fin¬ for hospital purpose? Tl** that bar shoald be enl to Ei gram: from territory n large barn, but nobody was injured. end of his sp»ech from thi obliged his SSTST,I*** lS reply "'The German Minister has thi With the neutrality of Belgium ob- The entry intj the Duchy of Luxetn- At th<- ishing to-day the l\ S. torpedo boat de¬ thanked thv prince for land before midnight would be throne the Kmperor addressed the Hep Say» French Bombs Started II. said he WBS confronted by «tbetStSJS» "A was seni early tl trorning addressed a note to the Bel s» rved the scene of action buig was headed by thirty-five auto-, stroyer, the Smith and six others telegram to the fortified ut it s directly, ,-aying: "When the allotted time expired the the law. which did not to Sir Edward Goschen. Br reign Affali reduced splendidly mobiles tilled with German ofticer« read what out to sea under good pe«*^/J^' morning This "Gentbinen: You lavo German whs at ."i passed headway ber of a former French rulingr*" r in to the f« that -a < the Belgian govemmen Franco-German frontier proper. these followed in other fron Emperor compelled It -wai learned that a German cruisir I Berlin, ing being by cavalry »aid to my people the day m. on 1 to order the mobil¬ serse the French »rtny. a**sos has « «veil intentioned pro Une of defence runs, broadly speaking, force. nov p. August had been seen by a niherman to the in ^ lowing cfTeet: declined the balcony of my castle. I repeat of our forces. We were com¬ not now is of the Belgians lias a -ubmitted to it by the impera from Verdun to Nancy, to hpinal, to Gorman troops to-day cut the tele¬ know ization eastward and that she wo« couid be chsiieged .'"Th«- Kin;; pojal one of that 1 no longer any parties, at the «-ame time to make sure sttempting allow the to enlist. od to hi» Britannic maje. German government, the latter, deepl; Belfort and to Besancon. Each phone and telegraph wire« on French Germans, and in order t< pelled to grspple for the French cable prince to these cities is the centre of a group know only what attitude France would assume in « rnment for diplomatic intervention to its regret, a ill be compelled curr; territory along the border. No en¬ that you are tirmly resolved The torpedo boat destroyers it was The British force of arms of fortifications extending northwest in force testify stani the iituation. To our definite ques¬ went out under sealed orders lehelf of Belgium. out if necessary, by gagement was reported. without distinction of party, to whether she remain reported, Egyptiän^aiüTlTiil»- ment is also informed that t*>e Cerní the measui lend mdispensabl« and southeast and all facing the Gcr- General Joseph Joffre, commander in I side and death tion would neu¬ .No information regarding their destina¬ 4.-'^* 'S 1« y iiy through danger tral in a German-Russian war she an¬ Alexandria, Egypt, Aug ¦ has delivered to I 'he French menace.'" man border. chief of ihe French left Paris to¬ of the different tion could be obtained at the di Roms S» inanent m view of flank¬ army, I call upon the lead'-rs swered that she do what * torpedo branch of the Banco government a note proposir Mr. Asquith continued: "Immediate Fach has its outposts and its day for the frontier. partie.» in this h«>use to come forwar»! would her in- station. ed business here today. a tree pa S*S receive«! from the Belgiai ing protection, and the line is said to ._ the:r hinds in mine as i tensl I bade her. ndly reutrahty pending Be ly after continuous for the and lay "Nevertheless, the German .age of GitniKii ttoop- through «in here ths following tolegnB he virtually greater lielort, FraiK-e, Aug. 4. A number p!'dge." Emperor and to maintain the il the Belgian Minister of Forcigi par« of the entire distance between The did not proceed to th« gave orders tha« the French frontier gium promising the Kini from the Swiss bord»*r. of Germans were taken prisoners to* Fmperor be d<-peii«j« nee and Integrity of Aff* Luxemburg and imperial parliament building, but con¬ should respecte«! absolutely. Thefo .on on the conch "'[lie Helgian General Staff an Behind this line of fortifications day and brought into Belfort. ducted the opening ceremony in the o*ders were strictly followed without a line of .ion of peace, threatening in nounces that Belgian territory has beer France has second defence, A squadron of the 11th French White Hall of the imperial castle. exception. Fratn-e. which mobiliied at as we The treat M «'«my.' near Ai:<-la- running parallel than usual attended th« the same hour that di«i, told uj Tribune's iciusal to Belgium at Vrrvicrs, broadly speaking, ?>Iore ¡violated Chalons and to Ver¬ Dragoons stationed in Belfort rendered deputies German Telegram. ' < from Rheims to ceremony; many of th*m instead of be¬ that she would maintain a rone ten Reads hapelle.' from Chalons to to funeral honors today at Joncherey t . as is were then read a tele dun, and Langres, ing m cening dress, usual, kilometres back from the German Premiar Acquith Arm« Penetrate.1« Belgium. Dijon and to Besancon. This second a German lieutenant, the first \icfim in suits, as they had been frontier, but what took in re¬ German Foreig.« Mm ( traveling place trran. from the line of is 'rom HO to l'JO of actual conflict between France ! was that French of the n protection and calle»! huiritdly together. ality aviator» cast Atlas World which the German Ambassador "SubseT-ienl information tends to and the first frontier the Crown Princess and Comprehensive Sir Kdward Gre.« ha* miles from Paru, Germany. The Kmpress, aj»d bombs upon cavalry patroU 1/Oiidon had m nt to 'liai h German fares pene¬ line of fortifications is from 110 to 220 Se\eral hundred Alsatians, Swiasatid the members of the foreign diplomatic entered the imperial lands (Alsaro- It ««as as folio.« trated -till further into Belgian terri- \V. the to-day. « h:.t ma« miles from the French capital. Thv Italians have enlisted here and have corps, including James Gerard, Lorraine«. France thereby broke th« "PIcB'se di pel any distrust reooived this note this were the Brit French frontier »rom the Strait of demanded to be sent to the advanced Ami-man Ambassador, preient. peace and actually attacked us. though and of the German Ambassador War <>r. the from subsist part riii.i.iiiig to German territory, the lin« who was suirounded a state of war Map Dover The had not been European oui outposts. Emperor, yet eut vit h legar.l to intention; from I", and naval officers, pro¬ most the for d.-irust that which separates France Belgium many military claimed. by iipeating po.lithwly '.'Pl oti the of the Briti-h prior small de- COUPON. lual .nay i.-t part Thus a German advance through steamers in this port have been seized. form. taehments of French armed conflict with Belgium G« rmanj with regard to our inten- the Im¬ troops had an- government Belgium is in effect "going around the I»r. Von Bethmann Hollweg, erOBBCd the German French will under no whatever most the in a said: frontier, pretensions" tlOBI by repeating positively end .*' Berlin, Aug. 4 A of Rus¬ perial Chancellor, speech aviators had thrown bombs on our t. il- i r v Belgian territory assurance that even in case of body knew France was for an wa fermai sian frontier guards from "We ready and French Wednesday, August 5, 1914. reading of this telegram conflict with Germany 4. German to¬ Krottingen was able to we WajTS troops had attacked srmsd Belgium London, Aug. troops was driven back yesterday by a part invasion. France wait; our frontier guards at with derisive Usghtel under no whatever a further invasion of Bel¬ vere not. K French aggression into Schluchpas* th« greeted will prétentions day made of the garrison of the German sea¬ Our troops, in of their or¬ member.. Th« Premier continued: The near to the flsnk on the lower Rhine would pursuance This coupon and NINETY-EIGHT CENTS -will tatik cnt<- annex Belgian terriloty. sincerity gian territory Verviers, port of Même), the most our dern, remained on the ¦Ws utiderttand that Belgium borne out ths to a northerly ¦. n and wholly defen¬ ^°^ declaration is by east of Liege, according dispatch town in German diaaatroai wo, therefore, sive. are bearer to one of the Atlas of Ü-* .o a flagrant our here from the territory. to overrule the These the actual facts. copy Comprehensive 1«.-: that we have solemnly pledged to the French Kmbassy WON cimpelb'd legiti¬ "We are in violation of the law of nu' t" respect her at Brussels. mate of the and acting self-defence, n.id and a War in at was. Word to Holland Strictly French Legatior proteit« Luxemburg knows no law. European Map. colors, when presented "Hi ma.« ' lity Our troops government..dation | |1 nbvifiiiv that we could Russian Battleship Aground. Belgian government-. have occupied and bound in protest agan i...i saaes Belgian territory Paris. Aug. I. "Le Temps'' publishes "WO shall repair the wrong we are Luxemburg perhaua a to which Geraaaay wa* a preAtabll on the Franco- 1 openhagen. Au«r. 1. A gnoolss war¬ «on u our already have advanced into Belgian of treaty making territorial acquisition a resume of incidents . military aims have THE TRIBUNE 154 lassai & « wii i, l without It a number of ship is «ground at Aland Islands It -, territory. Ihis is against the law of OFFICE, party in omisos at th<- of Holland. Uenaan frontier. myi been reached." n.u-t taejU* lance that th<- de¬ ( KpOBM Sir Kiwefi Grrman rcconnoitering crossed said to be the Andrei Pervosvannye, a Chancellor Blames Russia. nations. The French government hi«| "W B<¦!;. tmativl "'Pistaos impress upon with the partiesof aicer- battleship of 17,491 tons, laid down in, declared in Brussels that it would re¬ 12 cents additional is if sent by mand made upon Bel¬ that tlie Gri-man army reul«! not the frontier object I The Chancellor then outlined the the required l»e not proceeded with and that (irey attack tuning the strength of the French cov- 1!'03. spect neutrality of Belgium h gium's neutrality be respected by Cci- remain «xposed to a French