
Welcome to iAnnotate v 2.1!

Contents 1.0: QuickStart Guide 1 2.0: Using the iAnnotate Interface 2 2.1: The Top 2 2.2: 2 2.3: The Navigation Panel 3 2.4: The Library 4 2.5: The Selection Panel 5 2.6: Breadcrumb Navigation 5 2.7: Context Menus 6 3.0: Document Transfer 8 3.1: Mail Transfer 8 3.2: iTunes Transfer 8 3.3: The Connectivity 9 3.4: The Sync 12 3.5: Printing Documents 13 4.0: The PDF Display 14 4.1: Tabbed Reading 14 4.2: Single-Page Mode 15 4.3: Modifying the Document 15 4.4: Document Information 16 5.0: Annotations 17 5.1: The Annotation 20 5.2: Annotations and Popups 21 5.3: Annotations and Colors 21 6.0: Settings 22 7.0: VGA Output 26 iAnnotate v2.1 www.branchfire.com

1.0: QuickStart Guide Welcome to iAnnotate 2.1! This guide will introduce you to the features of this update to iAnnotate. In addition to this User Guide, iAnnotate includes an interactive tutorial that outlines the basic functions of the app. To submit support requests, or to browse additional troubleshooting tips, visit the Branchfire Support Site.

If you are using iAnnotate for the first time, you can get your PDFs onto your iPad via several methods: • Download attachments via the iPad’s Mail app. • Download documents from a remote Dropbox, Box, or WebDAV account. • Use iAnnotate’s integrated browser to download PDFs from the Web. • Download documents from a computer via the Aji PDF Service or iTunes Transfer.

You can then locate all of your PDFs in the Library.

While reading your PDFs, use the Tabbed Reading interface to open and switch between PDFs.

To annotate your PDFs, use relevant Toolbar commands. Tap an Annotation to reveal the Annotation Ribbon, which allows you to edit or delete the Annotation.

You can share your Annotations in several ways: • Tap E-mail in the Toolbar. From here you can e-mail annotated and/or flattened PDFs. Additionally, you can tap Notes Summary on the Document Sharing Toolbar. This inserts a summary of your Annotations into an e-mail. • For additional sharing options, see 3.0: Document Transfer.

You can customize the number of Toolbars in the Toolbar Drawer and add, remove, or change the position of the tools. Further customization can be done through Settings.

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2.0: Using the iAnnotate Interface 2.1: The Top Toolbar The Top Toolbar of iAnnotate displays options for accessing the Library and adjusting iAnnotate’s settings: • Tap Library in the upper-left to gain access to your library and display the Library Options Panel. • Tap the Sync Icon to transfer files between iAnnotate and Dropbox, Box, or WebDAV, as well as to prepare documents for iTunes Transfer • Tap the Gear icon to access iAnnotate’s Settings, Interactive Tutorial, and PDF User Guide.

Library icon Sync & Gear icons

2.2: Toolbars iAnnotate’s Toolbars store and organize your annotation commands. For example, the Annotation Toolbar stores an icon that you can tap to Gear create a Note annotation. After creating the Note, you can then tap it and edit it with the Annotation Ribbon. Only one Toolbar appears while reading. Tap the double left-facing arrows at the bottom of the current Toolbar to open the Toolbar Drawer and display its constituent Toolbars. Toggle between Toolbars by swiping to the left over the current Toolbar.

To add a Toolbar, open the Toolbar Drawer, tap the square with a plus sign to open a of predefined Toolbars and a custom Toolbar option.

To remove a Toolbar, open the Toolbar Drawer, tap the gear icon at the top of the Toolbar to be removed, tap Delete, and tap Remove Toolbar.

To edit a Toolbar, tap the Wrench Icon at the top of the Toolbar to be edited and select individual commands from the command library tabs. Drag the corresponding icon from the command library into your Toolbar (to add), or vice versa (to remove). Toolbar command category Open Drawer tabs include (from left to right): Add toolbar

Toolbar Open Toolbar Drawer

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• Navigation includes commands for moving between pages, bookmarks, and marks. • View includes commands for using the Navigation Panel, toggling Scroll Lock, and moving between Next/Previous Tabs. • Document includes commands for altering the document, such as Add Page Before/Add Page After, Remove Page, as well as Print. • Utility includes commands such as Present and Master , the latter of which grants one- tap access to all commands.

The Command Library

2.3: The Navigation Panel The Navigation Panel allows you to move through a document and locate content by criteria such as Thumbnails, annotations and bookmarks, the PDF outline. Open the Navigation Panel by tapping the left grabber. Select navigation criteria from the bottom of the panel. From left to right: Nav Panel icon grabber

Thumbnail displays a scrollable list of page Thumbnails. The current page is indicated by a blue outline and white page number. Tap a Thumbnail to move to that page.

PDF Outline lets you navigate via a document’s embedded PDF outline or its Bookmarks, which can be created with the Add Bookmark command. At first, only top-level/parent outline entries are displayed. If an outline entry is part of a group node, tap the right-facing arrow next to it to view its child outline elements. Tap Aji Bookmarks to see all Bookmarks created in iAnnotate for the current document.

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Annotations displays a list of any Annotations added to the document. Each Annotation is listed along with its Annotation type, color, page, and descriptive text.

Search opens a search interface in the Navigation Panel. Search results are also displayed in the same panel. Matches are listed by page numbers, which are displayed to the lower-left of corresponding excerpts of context text, with the search query bolded. Tap any result to navigate directly to that search result in the PDF. Each result will be indicated on the document inside a yellow box. Results from page numbers prior to your current page number are displayed at the very end of the search results. Search includes all document text as well as Annotations.

You can also navigate your PDF by related Toolbar commands: • Go To Page Number jumps to a specific page. • Back and Forward navigate through pages à la a web browser. • If zoomed-in, you can tap Move Screen Left or Move Screen Right to shift the document and view its margins. • Tap Move Screen Up and Move Screen Down to move by one screen height.

2.4: The Library See 2.1: The Top Toolbar for information about opening the Library. In the Library, you can tap any document to read it; two-finger tap it to preview it. Tap the and enter a query to search the Library. Filter options include (from left to right): • Full-Text searches for terms or phrases within any document(s). • Tags searches by applied tags. • Names searches only document titles.

Tap one of the Browse By buttons to set browsing criteria. From left to right:

• Unread browses documents that have not yet been annotated. Library Options Panel • Favorites browses documents that have been designated as Favorites. To mark a document as a Favorite, two-finger tap the Thumbnail in the viewer and click the star icon. • Annotated browses documents that have been marked-up.

Tap one of the Sort By buttons to set sorting criteria. From left to right: • Names sorts documents by alphabetical order • New sorts documents by the order in which they were added to the Library, with newest first. • Last Read sorts documents by the order in which they were viewed, with most recent first.

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Tap one of the View Options to set the document display: • Thumbs displays documents as Thumbnail images. • List displays documents by filenames. • Single View displays documents in one pane. • Split View displays documents in two panes.

Tap Close Library at the bottom of the panel to close the Library.

2.5: The Selection Panel The Selection Panel appears in the lower left of the Library. You can tap and drag a document into the panel. Alternatively, you can tap the clipboard icon to select and add all documents to the panel.

• Clear removes all documents from the panel. • Tap and drag a selected document over the buttons above the panel to Tag, Mail, Duplicate or Delete it.

The Selection Panel

2.6: Breadcrumb Navigation Breadcrumb Navigation is a series of blue folder icons that displays which folders you are exploring within the Library. It appears at the top of the display as you browse the Library. You can tap a folder in the Breadcrumb Navigation at the top to view its documents. To move a document within Breadcrumb Navigation, tap a document and drag it over a blue folder icon in the breadcrumbs. Tap the blue folder icon with an orange plus sign, to the upper-right of the Breadcrumb Navigation, to create a new folder.

Breadcrumbs New Folder

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2.7: Context Menus Context menus display specialized options in a horizontal bar, independent of a Toolbar. These menus include:

Document : Tap the title of the current tab. You can also tap and hold the tab of an inactive document to open its context menu. This menu lets you close, duplicate, and delete your documents.

Document Context Menu

Annotation Context Menu: Tap and hold any empty space in the document display. This menu lets you add particular Annotations (Note, Pencil, Signature, Typewriter, Stamp, Bookmark, Photo, Sound Clip, Mark) to a document.

Annotation Context Menu

To access the Recent Tools Context Menu: Double-tap anywhere on the document. This menu displays the five most recently used tools from the Toolbar(s).

Recent Tools Context Menu

Thumbnail Context Menu: In the Navigation Panel, in Thumbnail view, tap and hold any Thumbnail. This menu lets you to share, print, rotate, or add blank pages to a document.

Thumbnail Context Menu

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Select Text Context Menu: Tap and hold an area of text. To alter the area of text that has been selected, drag the blue handlebars on either end of it. This menu lets you annotate that text or explore reference resources such as Google Dictionary and Wikipedia. You can also strikeout, highlight, underline, and copy the selected text to the iPad clipboard.

Select Text Context Menu

Library File Name Context Menu In the Library, tap and hold a document’s file name. This menu lets you view Document Information, or tag, duplicate, e-mail, or delete it.

Library File Name Context Menu

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3.0: Document Transfer

3.1: Mail Transfer To import a document(s) into iAnnotate from the iPad’s Mail app, tap the PDF to download it. Then, tap and hold the PDF attachment, tap Open In..., and tap iAnnotate PDF. The document now appears in a default folder called Imported Documents.

Opening a .doc file in iAnnotate

Use the E-mail command to e-mail documents. You can e-mail documents as Flattened or Annotated. Flattened files have Annotations compressed into the PDF “layer,” and can be viewed in any PDF reader, although the Annotations cannot be modified. Annotated files have embedded Annotations which can be viewed and edited in apps such as Acrobat or Preview

3.2: iTunes Transfer If you want to preserve your Annotations for later viewing, tap the Prepare for iTunes Transfer button, in either the Connectivity tab or in the upper-right of the PDF Display. Then, if an iPad is connected to a computer via iTunes, click on the iPad under Devices, click on the Apps tab, and click on the iAnnotate PDF entry under File Sharing. To move files from the iPad to your Mac/PC, click Save to... or drag the document(s) out of iAnnotate PDF Documents. To move files from your Mac/PC to your iPad, click Add... or drag it into iAnnotate PDF Documents.

Transferring documents via iTunes

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3.3: The Connectivity Tab The Connectivity Tab in iAnnotate 2.1 allows you to transfer files between iAnnotate and Dropbox, WebDAV, and the Aji PDF Service. It also allows you to download PDFs from the Web.

Web Download button

The Connectivity Panel

3.3.1: Downloading Documents from the Web To use iAnnotate’s integrated browser, tap the Connectivity Tab in the Library, tap Web Download at the bottom, and enter a URL or search to find a PDF(s). If the browser cannot detect PDF links, tap Action (a box with a curved arrow) and tap Compatibility Mode. In Compatibility Mode, load a PDF into the browser, tap Action, and tap Download PDF. You can also use Action to convert a webpage into a PDF by tapping Action and then tapping Save Page as PDF. To use Safari, load a PDF or webpage into Safari, edit the URL by adding an “a” to the front of it (example: ahttp://myurl/...), and tap Go in the popup keyboard to open it in iAnnotate.

Launch iAnnotate from Safari

3.3.2: Dropbox, Box, and WebDAV You can link iAnnotate to your remote Dropbox, Box, or WebDAV account. First, tap the Connectivity Tab in the Library, tap Setup New Account, tap the desired account type, and enter account information. With the account set up, you can manage your documents via a range of commands.

Edit Dropbox Account Create a new Dropbox Account

9 iAnnotate v2.1 www.branchfire.com

You can upload a single PDF to Dropbox, Box, or WebDAV (even to a different server from the one it originated from, or even if it wasn’t originally from there): • In the PDF Display, tap the tab of the document you wish to upload • Tap Share... • Tap Upload... • Select the server to which the PDF will be uploaded.

You can upload all annotated and modified PDFs to a remote account, without downloading any PDFs from that account: • Tap the Sync Icon in the upper-right of the PDF Display. • Tap Upload Annotated to Server. • Select the server to which the modified PDF(s) will be uploaded.

You can upload a flattened PDF to Dropbox, if you have the iPad Dropbox app installed: • Tap the document tab. • Tap Share... • Tap Open In... • Select “Flattened” from the . • Select Dropbox from the menu of apps.

You can download a single document from a remote account, such as Dropbox, Box, or WebDAV, without uploading any new documents to that account: • Tap and open the Connectivity Tab in the Library • In the Dropbox, Box, or WebDAV account, tap and open the appropriate folder and find the desired file. • Single-tap that file to download it into iAnnotate.

You can download a folder(s) from a remote account, without uploading any new documents to that account: • Tap and open the Connectivity Tab in the Library • Select and tap the circular icons on a folder(s) held in the remote account; these folders now display a yellow arrow icon in that circle, as do all of their contents (it is not possible to deselect individual contents of a marked folder; marking the folder marks all of its contents, which is why a lock icon appear next to the yellow arrow on individual files). Yellow Arrow Yellow Arrow & Lock • In the PDF display, tap the Sync Icon in the upper-right. • Tap Download Marked From Server in the menu.

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You can download new documents from Dropbox, Box, or WebDAV while also uploading newly modified documents back to your account(s): • Tap and open the Connectivity Tab in the Library. • Mark folders in your Dropbox, Box, or WebDAV account so that yellow arrows appear over them. • Tap Sync Marked.

3.3.3: The Aji PDF Service The free Aji PDF Service (APS) transfers PDFs between your computer and your iPad. It also processes PDFs for iAnnotate to enable advanced functions.

To install and launch on a Mac: Download the Aji PDF Service for Mac from www.branchfire.com and double-clicking to mount the Disk Image. Then, drag the Aji PDF Service icon into Applications in . To launch APS, go to Applications folder and double-click Aji Reader Service.

To install and launch on a Windows PC: Download the Aji PDF Service for Windows from www.branchfire.com, double-clicking it, and following the on-screen instructions. You may have to grant the installer permission and allow APS to bypass any firewall software. During installation, the installer will set up Bonjour for Windows, which is required to facilitate communication between iAnnotate and APS. The installer will launch APS when complete. You can find APS in your Start Menu, under Aji Programs. APS works by sharing folders on your computer that contain PDFs; any PDFs in the shared folders can be download by iAnnotate. APS works with folders only (not individual PDFs). If you wish to share an individual PDF, simply share the folder in which it resides. APS displays the list of shared folders in the white box in the middle of the . Click Add to share a new folder. The Remove button removes previously shared folders. To find folders on a Mac, click Browse. To find them on Windows, click Explore.

Add Remove Browse Uploads Settings Add Remove Browse Uploads Settings

Aji PDF Service on Mac Aji PDF Service on Windows

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3.3.4: Transferring Documents via APS Once set up, you can utilize APS within the Connectivity Tab, accessed by the tab above the Library Options Panel:

To download from APS, tap Aji PDF Service at the bottom of the Connectivity tab, tap Connect to APS, tap your computer on the list, and then download either by tapping individual files or by using the red download buttons next to folders to download their content. You can also download all new files by tapping the red button next to the The Download Menu connected computer’s name.

To upload to APS, tap the sync icon in the Top Toolbar and tap Upload Annotated to APS. This uploads only documents with new annotations that have not yet been transferred to your computer via APS. You can also upload a specific PDF by opening the Document Context Menu, tapping Share, tapping Upload, and tapping Aji PDF Service.

3.4: The Sync Icon

The Sync Icon, signified by two circular arrows, appears in Sync the upper right of the PDF Display. When tapped, it displays commands for managing your documents via remote account. Tap Sync All Servers to both upload all modified and annotated documents in iAnnotate back to their original servers (e.g., Dropbox, WebDAV) and to check marked folders for files to be downloaded into iAnnotate. Tap Sync with Server to sync the documents for only one selected server. Tap Upload Annotated to Server to only upload (not sync) documents that you modified in iAnnotate back to the original server from which they were downloaded. Tap Download Marked From Server to only download (not sync) all marked folders from the server into iAnnotate. Tap Prepare for iTunes Transfer to prepare annotated documents for transfer to iTunes. See also Section 3.2: iTunes The Sync Menu Transfer.

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3.5: Printing Documents iAnnotate prints via AirPrint on the iPad. AirPrint connects your iPad to any AirPrint- enabled printers on your wireless network. You must have iPad iOS 4 or later, as well as an AirPrint-enabled printer, to use it.

To print a document, tap Print in either a Toolbar or the Document Context Menu. This displays Sharing Options:

• Tap Flattened to print the PDF with all annotations embedded (for Note annotations, Print & Print Current the text is summarized in extra pages at the end of the document). To print only pages with Page buttons annotations, enable Annotated Pages Only via the . • Tap Original PDF to print the original PDF without any annotations.

After tapping either format, Printer Options are displayed: • Tap Select Printer to list all AirPrint-enabled printers. • Tap Range to adjust the range of pages to be printed. • Tap the + and - buttons to adjust the number of copies to be printed.

Sample of editable annotations Sample of flattened annotations Sample of Note summary page

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4.0: The PDF Display

When you open a document in a new tab, iAnnotate displays it so that the content occupies most of the screen. You can navigate any document by dragging and flicking to scroll or pinching to adjust zoom levels. At any time, you can single-tap the PDF display to hide all Document Tabs; simply single-tap again to re-display them. You can adjust the PDF display via several methods: • Tap Fit to Page Height to rescale the document so that its height matches the display height. • Tap Fit to Page Width to rescale the document so that its width matches the display width. • Tap Scroll Lock to keep the document from moving horizontally while you scroll vertically.

Fit Document to Height Scroll Lock Fit Document to Width

4.1: Tabbed Reading When you open a document, a tab is added at the top of the screen. While reading tabs: While reading tabs, you can tap any tab or tap Next Tab or Previous Tab to switch tabs. Tap View Duplicate Tab toolbar command to open a duplicate of document in a new tab. Tap the X button to close the tab.


Document Tabs

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4.2: Single-Page Mode To read documents one page at a time rather than via continuous scrolling, use Single Page-Mode. To enable Single-Page Mode, tap the Gear Icon in the upper-right, tap Settings, tap Reading, and then slide the appropriate slider to On. In this mode, iAnnotate displays only one page at a time; you can swipe, tap, or slide the pages to change the page. The page-changing behavior in Single-Page Mode depends on how you are reading: • If zoomed-out, or if reading while Scroll Lock is enabled, use left and right swipes to change the page. • If zoomed-in close enough to allow horizontal scrolling, drag pages off of the edge to change the page. For example: scroll all the way to the right edge, then drag the page even further so that the background shows; the page will change. • If Tap-to-Advance is enabled (the default), tap to move vertically down the page; then, once you have hit the bottom of the page, iAnnotate proceeds to the next page on the next tap (and likewise going backwards). To always change the pages with a tap, enable Tap Advances Full Page in the Reading options under Settings. • Alternatively, tap the Next Page / Previous Page commands to change pages.

4.3: Modifying the Document Some PDFs contain pages that were scanned sideways or upside-down. To correct them, use the Rotate Page or Rotate Document commands. These commands modify the PDF itself, rather than its mere display. To rotate all pages in a document simultaneously, tap either Rotate Document Clockwise, Rotate Document Counter-clockwise, or Rotate Document 180 Degrees. To rotate individual pages, tap either Rotate Page Clockwise, Rotate Page Counter-clockwise, or Rotate Page 180 Degrees. Rotating a single page requires iAnnotate to reprocess the whole document. Existing mark-up Annotations in the document will not be rotated when any of the Rotate commands are used. To manage the number of pages in your document, tap Add Page Before and/or Add Page After to add blank pages. Tap Remove Page to delete any page. To remove Annotations, tap Delete Annotations on Page to delete all Annotations on a particular page. Tap Delete All Annotations to delete all Annotations in the document.

Rotate Page 180 Degrees Add Page Before Remove Page Delete Annotations on Page Rotate Page Clockwise Add Page After Delete All Annotations Rotate Page Counter-Clockwise 15 iAnnotate v2.1 www.branchfire.com

4.4: Document Information The Info option in the Document Context Menu lets you access information about a document: Tap the title to change the document title. Tap the tag box below to enter tags or notes; these tags may be used as search criteria in the Navigation Panel. Tap the star icon to mark the document as a Favorite. Tap i to see information about the document title, number of pages, and date added, as well as when it was last viewed and last annotated. Tap Advanced to access additional options: • Re-Process the PDF: If iAnnotate encountered problems while processing the PDF, or if your Annotations and or Bookmarks aren’t displaying properly, you may want to use this command to troubleshoot the issue. • Tap Exclude to exclude the selected document from any Library search. • Tap Prep for iTunes to prepare the PDF for iTunes transfer.

Title box Thumbnail Tag box


Document Information window

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5.0: Annotations

When creating annotations, iAnnotate enters Annotation Mode, indicated by the appearance of the Annotation Ribbon in the upper-right corner; tap any existing annotation to display it in the upper right over the PDF Display. The Annotation Ribbon displays hints and options related to the currently selected annotation types. To cancel an annotation, tap the cancel button at the far right of the Annotation Ribbon.

Annotation Ribbon for Pencil annotation

5.0.1: Pencil Annotations

Pencil Annotations let you use your finger to overlay freehand and/or straight- line annotations on a document:

Pencil & Straight- Line icons

• Tap Add Pencil Annotation markup a document like you would with a pencil or pen. • Tap Straight-Line Annotation, tap a spot on the document, drag a line to another spot where you’d like it to end and release.

5.0.2: Signatures iAnnotate 2.1 features a Signature tool that allows you to zoom-in on a certain location in your PDF and add a Signature or other written Annotation. Tap the page to select a location.

Signature Icon

Creating a signature 17 iAnnotate v2.1 www.branchfire.com

5.0.3: Markup Annotations

Markup Annotations, such as Highlight, Underline, and Strikeout, track the text in your document:

Highlight, Underline, Strikeout annotation icons • When creating Markup Annotations, drag your finger over the desired text; you can include multiple non-contiguous chunks of text in your annotation. • Use two fingers to scroll through your document without leaving Annotation Mode. • You can add text comments to Markup Annotations with the Text Bubble.

5.0.4: Note Annotations

Note Annotations associate a text note with a location in a document. Enter and modify text in the Text Bubble.

Note icon

5.0.5: Photo Annotations and Select Image Photo Annotations attach an image to the document. You can select an image stored in your iPad Photo Library or on the clipboard, or use the iPad Camera (iPad 2 or later only) to take a picture.

Photo Annotation are indicated on the document by a photo attachment icon. Tap the icon Photo to open its Annotation Ribbon. annotation icon

The Select Image command allows you to select and copy an area of your PDF as a PNG image file. To enter Select Image mode, tap Select Image and manipulate the red draggers on the corners to designate the area to be converted to a PNG. After you have selected an area Select Image and chosen from the popup options menu, you can attach the image to a document as a Photo Annotation or use it to create a custom Stamp Annotation.

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5.0.6: Stamp Annotations Stamp Annotations overlay an image on your document. Unless you have already created a custom stamp, scroll through the Stamp Library to select a ready made stamp. You can customize your Stamp Library by importing images from your iPad Sample & Stamp with Image Photo Library. To browse your Photo Library, tap the + button at the top right of the Stamp Library, select an image, and tap the arrow to add that image stamp to the Stamp Library. You may also use the Annotation Ribbon to turn Drawing Annotations into custom stamps. Tap a finish Annotation, then tap Stamp in the Ribbon and title the new Stamp to add it to the Stamp Library. You can Tap and hold any stamp in the Library to permanently remove it.

5.0.6: Sound Clip Annotation Sound Clip Annotations feature a short audio recording. Tap Sound Clip and select a location to display the recording interface. An audio tone signals the start of recording. Use the iPad’s microphone to record a short sound clip. You can tap Stop or Restart at any time. The duration of the recording is limited to one minute due to file size considerations. Sound Clip annotation icon The Sound Clip Annotation is indicated by an attachment icon. Tap this icon to display options for listening to the clip or moving it to another spot.

5.0.7 Typewriter Annotations Typewriter Annotations are free-text Annotations overlaid on a document. Unlike Note Annotations, they are displayed over the A text at all times. Use the popup keyboard to type within the text box. To change the Typewriter, Typewriter, w/Font Typewriter w/ Date dimensions of the text box, tap and drag its red draggers. You can create a custom Typewriter with Font command that lets you set default settings for font type, size, and color. Tap the Wrench Icon on top of the Toolbar to edit it, then, under “Annotation” in the popup command library, drag the Typewriter with Font command into your Toolbar. From there, you can adjust its default settings. Tap Typewriter with Date to have today’s date automatically added to the text.

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5.1: The Annotation Ribbon The popup Annotation Ribbon allows you to modify an annotation. From left to right: • Edit modifies the textual contents of an annotation (if applicable). With markup annotations like highlight and underline, Edit lets you add a text comment to the annotation. • Color alters the color of the selected Annotation. For specific tools like free-form highlighter, you can also alter the thickness and transparency of the Annotation from this menu. • For Drawing Annotations only, tap Undo or Redo to change any writing or erasing you’ve done. You can tap these commands multiple times to eliminate or reinsert changes in the order in which they occurred. Once you select Done or Scroll on the Annotation Ribbon, Undo and Redo will be deactivated. • For finished Drawing Annotations only, tap Stamp to convert that annotation into a custom stamp. Name your stamp in the Enter Stamp Name window and tap the arrow button to add it to the Stamp Library. • For Markup Annotations only, tap Scroll to enter Scroll Mode, in which you cannot mark the document while you reposition it. Tap Markup to reactivate Annotation Mode. • For Drawing Annotations only, tap Erase to edit and/or remove the annotation. For Pencil annotations, swipe the areas you want to erase. For Straight-Line annotations, the entire line segment is deleted. • For Photo and Sound Clip annotations only, tap Action to share your annotation via e-mail or to open it in another app. • For Typewriter annotations only, tap Font to access options for editing font size, color, family, style and alignment. • For Stamp annotations and Typewriter annotations only, tap Resize to move, rotate, or resize the stamp image or text. You cannot rotate and resize at the same time; you must tap the Resize button again to switch modes. • Tap Delete to remove the annotation. • Tap Done to close the Annotation Ribbon. You can also tap outside of the Annotation Ribbon to exit it.

Annotation Ribbon for Pencil annotation

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5.2: Annotations and Popups When Auto-Popup mode is enabled (the default) in Annotation Settings, iAnnotate automatically displays the text content for the annotation that is nearest the midpoint of the screen; text contents of other annotations are hidden, but you can tap them to view the text. This feature allows you to automatically see annotation text content as you scroll through a document.

Sticky iAnnotate can designate selected annotations as Sticky via the pushpin icon. When the pin icon is diagonal rather than horizontal, that annotation’s editor is designated as Sticky and is visible whenever the annotation is visible.

Text Popup Window

5.3: Annotations and Colors

Although the Annotation Ribbon can alter annotation Color Chooser color, Toolbar commands can also be set up to be associated with particular colors. For example, a Color command can be set up to highlight in green (or Swatch pink or red) by default. Tap and drag Add Note of a Specific Color (or the equivalent command for another annotation type) to add it. When you add one of these commands to a Toolbar, iAnnotate displays a standard HSB color map on which Color Map you can select and tap a default color for a command. RGB and hex values for your color are displayed in the upper area and can be edited to choose a particular color. You can tap and hold any color-associated Saturation command to change its default color. For Drawing Annotations, the color map has sliders to Pen Transparency adjust transparency and thickness in addition to color. Pen To set a custom color, tap a color and drag the swatch Thickness in the upper-right corner down into the custom colors area, over the cell that you want to adjust. The cell update and now remembers your custom color. Up to 16 saved custom colors can be displayed and selected Custom color palette at the bottom.

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6.0: Settings

iAnnotate’s Settings customize app behavior and interface. Settings are accessible via the gear icon in the upper-right.

6.0.1: Reading Settings Screen Brightness Use the Brightness slider to control the brightness of the app display.

Elastic Scroll Lock If this option is enabled while Scroll Lock is also enabled, you can tap and drag a document horizontally to view its margins. The Settings menu

Single-Page Mode If this option is enabled, iAnnotate displays only one page at a time, instead of a continuous vertical scrolling view. Tap-to-Advance If this option is enabled, tap the right edge to advance one screenful; tap the left edge to go back one screenful. In Single-Page Mode, a tap moves the document forward and back full pages.

Tap-Advances-Full-Page If this is turned on while using Tap-to-Advance, taps move the document forward and backward a full page, instead of a screenful.

Slide-to-Advance This setting is only relevant in Single-Page Mode while you are zoomed-in. If this option is enabled, you can slide the page over the left or right edge to advance the page.

Swipe-to-Advance This setting is only relevant in Single-Page Mode while you are zoomed-out. If this option is enabled, you can swipe your finger to the left or right to change the page.

VoiceOver Auto-advances Pages If the VoiceOver screen reader is enabled while this is also enabled, VoiceOver automatically continues reading on the next page when it finishes the current page.

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6.0.2: Display Settings Show Links If this option is turned on, iAnnotate displays translucent blue boxes over links in your documents.

Show Page Number If this option is turned on, iAnnotate displays the current page number and total number of pages, in the lower right.

Show Page Locator If this option is turned on, the Page Locator appears in the lower-right to help with orientation. It is a small red box representing the current page dimensions; it indicates how much of the page, and which part of it, you are viewing.

6.0.3: Notification Settings Show Informational Alerts If this option is enabled, iAnnotate displays status alerts in a yellow box at the top of the screen.

Show Processing Status iAnnotate automatically processes a document before enabling user commands for it. If enabled: a appears in the upper-right corner of the Document Library during processing and can be tapped to show information about the pages being processed.

6.0.4: Annotation Settings Auto-Popup Annotations See 5.2: Annotations and Popups for more information.

Annotation User Name This setting controls the name used when annotating the PDF. This name is only visible when viewing annotations in an external program such as Acrobat or Preview.

Magnification on Initial Markup Turn this setting on to enable magnification when creating highlight/underline/strikeout annotations.

Confirm Annotation Deletion Turn this setting off to disable confirmation when deleting annotations.

Auto-Add Markup to Annotations If this option is enabled, iAnnotate automatically adds the text of Markup Annotations to the annotation’s popup note content.

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Wrist Detection This setting applies to Drawing Annotations and how you rest your palm or wrist on the display while using a stylus. Options include: • Right-Handed and Left-Handed are effective for most of their respective users. • Hook may be useful for users who write with their hands above the written text (common among left-handers). • Knuckle Only lets you rest only the knuckle of your pinky finger on the display while keeping your palm and wrist raised.

6.0.5: Sharing Settings Default E-mail Subject This setting controls the default subject line of any e-mail sent via iAnnotate. If the text box is left blank, the default subject line is based on the name of the relevant PDF.

Default E-mail Body This setting controls the default text that is included along with e-mail sent via iAnnotate.

Include Bookmarks in Summary This setting controls whether bookmarks are included when e-mailing a Text Annotation Summary.

6.0.6: Security Settings Save PDF Passwords If this option is enabled, iAnnotate saves the passwords for your password-protected documents.

Application Lock If this option is enabled, iAnnotate requires a specified password before launching.

Lockdown Mode If this option is enabled, iAnnotate disables all network-based document import and export options, except iTunes. When you enable this option, you are also prompted for a password; enter the same password to disable lockdown mode at another time.

Warn on Bad WebDAV Certificate If this option is enabled, iAnnotate alerts you to possible problems with a credentials certificate whenever you connect to a remote site using WebDAV. You must quit and restart iAnnotate if you ever turn this option On or Off. (Double-tap the iPad home button to ensure that iAnnotate is not still running in the background.)

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6.0.7: Advanced Settings Experimental Features If this option is enabled, iAnnotate may be able to convert Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt) or Word (.doc) documents into PDFs in the app. Warning: as an experimental feature, this option may result in unusual or unexpected behavior, or encounter difficulties working in iOS 5.

Aji PDF Service Host Aji PDF Service Host allows you to specify the hostname or IP address of a fixed APS server to use. By default, iAnnotate automatically discovers any APS on your local network.

Aji PDF Service Port This setting controls the TCP/IP port used when connecting to a fixed APS server. If you have configured iAnnotate to use a specific APS host, then you must assign that host to a specific port (in APS settings) and then set this value to match.

Disable Thumbnails If this option is enabled, Thumbnails are not generated.

Regular Expression Search If this option is enabled, you can perform in-document search using regular expression. For advanced users: see http://userguide.icu-project.org/strings/regexp for the regular expression syntax.

Open Links in Integrated Browser By default, links in PDFs are opened in the integrated browser. Turn this option off if you wish to have them opened in Safari instead.

Browser Compatibility Mode If this option is enabled, the integrated browser can more easily download PDFs from certain websites which do not normally work with it. See 3.3.1: Downloading Documents from the Web for more information.

Auto-Process Documents and Process Documents When Opened When a PDF is imported to the iPad via any means other than the APS, iAnnotate must process it to enable user commands. iAnnotate uses a built-in rendering engine to display PDF documents. Additional processing produces data about the locations of words on pages, as well as the PDF Outline and any annotations and links. If these options are enabled, processing occurs automatically. If you turn off processing, certain functionality (like search) will not be available. However, if you frequently transfer large documents, you may wish to process the documents manually. This processing can take some time due to the iPad’s processing memory limitations.

Auto-Add to Full Library Search If this setting is not enabled, the text from a new document is not added to the full-library index by default. Accordingly, the document does not appear in any full-library searches, even if it contains the search query. You can add a document to a full-library search later, if it didn’t happen upon its arrival, via Advanced options in Document Information.

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7.0: VGA Output iAnnotate includes the ability to present your documents using the iPad Dock Connector to VGA Adapter. When the dock connector is connected to both your iPad and an external display like a monitor or projector, iAnnotate can present a document tab on that display. Tap Present to begin. While presenting, the external display mirrors your iPad’s display and actions. You can switch between document tabs on your device without affecting the VGA display; a green indicator flashes on the tab being presented