Bibliographie Carl J. Friedrichs
BIBLIOGRAPHIE CARL J. FRIEDRICHS I. SELBSTANDIGE VEROFFENTLICHUNGEN* Alfred Weber, Theory o/the Location 0/Industries. Transl. with an introduction and notes by -, Chicago, 1929 (2nd impr. 1957). Politica Methodice Digesta 0/ Johannes Althusius (Althaus). Reprinted from the third edition of 1614. Augmented by the preface to the first edition of 1603 and by 21 hitherto unpublished letters of the author. With an introduction by -, HarvardPolitical Classics Vol. II, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1932. -, and Taylor Cole, "Responsible Bureaucracy. A study of the Swiss Civil Service", Studies in systematic political science and comparative government, Cambridge/Mass., 1932. Responsible Government Service under the American Constitution. (In commission of inquiry on public service personnel. Problems 0/ American Public Service, Monographs 7) New York-London, 1935. Constitutional Government and Politics, nature and development, New York London, 1937; Boston, 1941, 1946. Rev. Ausgabe: Constitutional Government and Democracy. Theory and Practice in Europe and America, New York, 1950. 4. Rev. Ausgabe Toronto London, 1968 (f. 1958, span. 1965, ital. 1966). Foreign Policy in the Making. The search/or a new balance o/power, New York, 1938. -, and J. Sayre, The Development o/the Control 0/ Advertising on the Air. (Radio broadcasting research project at the Littauer Center, Harvard University. Studies in the control o/radio, N. I, Nov. 1940) Cambridge/Mass., 1940. Controlling Broadcasting in Wartime; a tentative public policy. (Radio broadcasting research project at the Littauer Center, Harvard University. Studies in the controlo/radio, N. 2, Nov. 1940) Cambridge/Mass., 1940. The New Belie/in the Common Man, (Repr.) 1st ed., Boston, 1942. 5th ed., Bratt leboro, 1945.
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