Bibliographie Carl J. Friedrichs
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BIBLIOGRAPHIE CARL J. FRIEDRICHS I. SELBSTANDIGE VEROFFENTLICHUNGEN* Alfred Weber, Theory o/the Location 0/Industries. Transl. with an introduction and notes by -, Chicago, 1929 (2nd impr. 1957). Politica Methodice Digesta 0/ Johannes Althusius (Althaus). Reprinted from the third edition of 1614. Augmented by the preface to the first edition of 1603 and by 21 hitherto unpublished letters of the author. With an introduction by -, HarvardPolitical Classics Vol. II, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1932. -, and Taylor Cole, "Responsible Bureaucracy. A study of the Swiss Civil Service", Studies in systematic political science and comparative government, Cambridge/Mass., 1932. Responsible Government Service under the American Constitution. (In commission of inquiry on public service personnel. Problems 0/ American Public Service, Monographs 7) New York-London, 1935. Constitutional Government and Politics, nature and development, New York London, 1937; Boston, 1941, 1946. Rev. Ausgabe: Constitutional Government and Democracy. Theory and Practice in Europe and America, New York, 1950. 4. Rev. Ausgabe Toronto London, 1968 (f. 1958, span. 1965, ital. 1966). Foreign Policy in the Making. The search/or a new balance o/power, New York, 1938. -, and J. Sayre, The Development o/the Control 0/ Advertising on the Air. (Radio broadcasting research project at the Littauer Center, Harvard University. Studies in the control o/radio, N. I, Nov. 1940) Cambridge/Mass., 1940. Controlling Broadcasting in Wartime; a tentative public policy. (Radio broadcasting research project at the Littauer Center, Harvard University. Studies in the controlo/radio, N. 2, Nov. 1940) Cambridge/Mass., 1940. The New Belie/in the Common Man, (Repr.) 1st ed., Boston, 1942. 5th ed., Bratt leboro, 1945. Radio Broadcasting and Higher Education. With the assistance 0/ Jeanette Sayre *Da die deutschen Ubersetzungen amerikanischer BUcher zum Teil vom Ver fasser selbst besorgt wurden und gelegentlich starke Veranderungen gegenUber dem Original aufweisen, wurden sie in dieser Aufstellung - im Gegensatz zu den Ubersetzungen in andere Sprachen - gesondert aufgeflihrt. BIBLIOGRAPHIE Smith. (Radio broadcasting research project at the Littauer Center, Harvard University. Studies in the control of radio, N. 4, May 1942) Cambridge/Mass., 1942. "War; the causes, effects, and control on international violence," Problems in American life, N. I I, Washington, 1943. -, and Evelyn Sternberg, Congress and Control of Radio Broadcasting. I.) (Radio broadcasting research project at the Littauer Center, Harvard University. Studies in the Control of radio, N. 5, March 1944), 2) Repr. from the American Political Science Review, 37 (1943), N. 5 and 6. Cambridge/Mass., 1943-44. American Policy toward Palestine. Publ. under the auspices of the American Council on Public Affairs, Washington, 1944. Inevitable Peace, Cambridge/Mass., 1948. -, and Sidney Connor, "Military Government," The Annals of the American Academy ofPolitical and Social Science, Vol. 267, Philadelphia, 1950. The New Image of the Common Man, (Enlarged ed. of: The New Belief in the Common Man) Boston, 1950 (span. 1960). The Age of Baroque, 1610-1660, The rise of modern Europe, Vol. 5, New York, 1952. Der Verfassungsstaat der Neuzeit, (Constitutional Government and Democracy, deutsch. nach einer vom Verf. ffir die dt. Ausgabe bearbeiteten Fassung fibers. v. Alfons Mutter). Enzyklopiidie der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaft, Abt. Staats wissenschaft. 6, Berlin-Gottingen-Heidelberg, 1953. Das Zeitalter des Barock. Kultur und Staaten Europas im 17. Jahrhundert. Aus dem Engl. fibers. v. F. SchOne. Stuttgart, 1954. -, and Robert G. McCloskey: From the Declaration of Independence to the Con stitution. The roots of American constitutionalism. Ed. with an introd. by -. (The American Heritage Series. 6) New York, 1954. -, and Robert R. Bowie, Probleme einer europiiischen Staatengemeinschaft. Studien zum Foderalismus, durchgeftihrt unter Leitung von -. (Dokumente und Berichte des Europa-Archivs, I I) Frankfurt/Main, 1954. Die Philosophie des Rechts in historischer Perspektive, Hrsg. v. Wolfgang Kunkel. (Enzyklopadie der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaft. Abt. Rechtswissenschaft. 3) Berlin-Gottingen-Heidelberg, 1955. (holl.1964, span 1964, portug. 1965). Cours d'histoire des idees politiques; evolution de la liberte constitutionnelle en Angleterre a travers les deux revolutions, Paris, 1956. Etablissements de formation: Proposition de creation d'un centre de formation des fonctionnaires europeens de la G.E.C.A. ou de semblables autorites supranationales, Paris, 1956. -, and Zbigniew K. Brzezinski, Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy. Cambrid ge/Mass., 1956.2. Aufl. 1965. -, and Charles Blitzer, The Age of Power. The development of western civilization, New York, 1957. Constitutional Reason of State. The survival of the constitutional order, (The Colver Lectures in Brown University, 1956) Providence/Rhode Island, 1957. Totalitare Diktatur. (Obers. v. Autor.) Unter Mitarbeit von ZbigniewK. Brzezinski. Stuttgart, 1957. The Philosophy of Law in Historical Perspective, Chicago, 1958. (Korean. 1960). BIBLIOGRAPHIE Demokratie als Herrschafts- und Lebensform. (Studien zur Politik) Heidelberg, 1959.2. Autl 1966, (japan 1965). Puerto Rico: middle road to freedom. Fuero fundamental, New York, 1959. (Span. 1959) Die Staatsriison im Verfassungsstaat, (Ubers. v.: Constitutional Reason of State, 1957) Freiburg-Miinchen, 1961. Man and His Government, New York, 1963. Zur Theorie und Politik der Verfassungsordnung. Ausgewiihlte Aufsiitze. Heidelberg 1963. Transcendent Justice. The Religious Dimension of Constitutionalism, Durham, N.C., 1964. Selected Trends and Issues in Contemporary Federal and Regional Relations, Was- hington, 1965. Christliche Gerechtigkeit und Verfassungsstaat, KOln Opladen, 1967 (Ubers.). The Impact ofAmerican Constitutionalism Abroad. Boston, 1967. An Introduction to Political Theory, New York, 1967. Prolegomena der Politik. Politische Erfahrung und ihre Theorie, Berlin, 1967 (Ubers. des 1. Teiles von "Man and His Government"). Federalism. Trends in Theory and Practice, New York, 1968. Europe: An Emergent Nation? New York, 1969. -, and Michael Curtis und Benjam Barber, Totalitarianism in Perspective. Three Views, New York, 1969. Politik als Prozess der Gemeinschaftsbildung. Eine empirische Theorie, KOln Op laden, 1970 (Ubers. des zweiten Teiles von "Man and His Government"). The Pathology of Politics. New York 1971. II. HERAUSGEBERSCHAFT Studies in Systematic Political Science and Comparative Government, Cambridge/ Mass., 1932-42. Public Policy. A yearbook ofthe Graduate School ofPublic Administration, Harvard University. Ed. by - and E. S. Mason, Vol. Iff.; - and J. K. Galbraith, Vol. IV ff.;-and S. E. Harris, Vol. VIIff.) Cambridge/Mass., Vol. 1/1940-XIII 1963. Radio Broadcasting Research Project at the Littauer Center, Harvard University. Studies in the control ofradio, Cambridge/Mass., N. 1/1940, N. 2/1940, N. 3/1941. N.4/1942,N.5/1944. -, et al.: "Planning for the Greater Boston Metropolitan Area. in: Public Ad ministration Review, 5/1945, pp. 113-126. -, James Landis, and Wilbur White: The Middle East: Zone of conflict? A radio discussion, (The University of Chicago Round Table. Transscript. - 594th broadcast in cooperation with the National Broadcasting Company. Nr. 383, July 22,1945) Chicago, 1945. -, et al.: American Experiences in Military Government in World War II (American Government in Action Series) New York, 1948. [Immanuel Kant.] The Philosophy of Kant. Immanuel Kant's moral and political writings, Ed. with an introd. by -. (The modern library of the world's best books, 266) New York, 1949. Totalitarianism. Proceedings of a conference, held at the American Academy of BIBLIOGRAPHIE Arts and Sciences, March 1953. Ed. with an introd. by -. Cambridge/Mass. Oxford,1954. [Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel.] The Philosophy of Hegel. Ed. with an introd. by -. (The modern library of the world's best books, 239) New York, 1953, 1954. -, and Robert R. Bowie, Studies in Federalism, Boston, 1954, frz. 1960/62, ital. 1959 arab. 1965. The Soviet Zone ofGermany. Gen. Ed.: -. (Subcontractor's Monograph. HRAF-34. Harvard-I) New Haven/Conn., 1956. Authority. (Nomos I) Edited for the American Society of Political and Legal Philosophy. Cambridge/Mass., 1958. Community. (Nomos II) Edited for the American Society of Political and Legal Philosophy. New York, 1959. Responsibility. (Nomos III) Edited for the American Society of Political and Legal Philosophy. New York, 1960. Die Politische Wissenschaft, (Sammlung Orbis) Freiburg MUnchen, 1961. Liberty. (Nomos IV) Edited for the American Society of Political and Legal Philosophy. New York, 1962 (Portug. 1967). Public Interest. (Nomos V). Edited for the American Society of Political and Legal Philosophy. New York, 1962 (Portug. 1967). Justice. (Nomos VI) Edited for the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy. New York, 1963. Rational Decision. (Nomos VII). Edited for the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy. New York, 1964. Revolution. (Nomos VIII) Edited for the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy. New York, 1966. Politische Dimensionen der europaischen Gemeinschaftsbildung, Koln Opladen, 1968. -, und Benno Reifenberg: Sprache und Politik. Festgabe fur Do/fSternberger zum 60. Geburtstag, Heidelberg, 1968. III. BEITRAGE IN ZEITSCHRIFTEN UNO SAMMELWERKEN "The Issue of Judicial Review in Germany". in: Political Science Quarterly, 43, (1928) pp. 188-200.