Fungal Endophthalmitis
............................ Mycosis of the Eye and Its Adnexa .. ............................ Developments in Ophthalmology Vol. 32 Series Editor W. Behrens-Baumann, Magdeburg ............................ Mycosis of the Eye and Its Adnexa W. Behrens-Baumann, Magdeburg with a contribution by R. RuÈchel,GoÈttingen 39 ®gures, 31 in color, and 39 tables, 1999 ............................ Prof. Dr. med. W. Behrens-Baumann Klinik fuÈr Augenheilkunde, Otto-von-Guericke-UniversitaÈt Leipziger Strasse 44, D±39120 Magdeburg This is a revised and extended translation of a former German version entitled Pilzerkrankungen des Auges by Wolfgang Behrens-Baumann The reproduction of the color illustrations in this book was made possible by a generous contribution from the Heinz Karger Memorial Foundation Continuation of `Bibliotheca Ophthalmologica', `Advances in Ophthalmology', and `Modern Problems in Ophthalmology' Founded 1926 as `Abhandlungen aus der Augenheilkunde und ihren Grenzgebieten' by C. Behr, Hamburg and J. Meller, Wien Former Editors: A. BruÈckner, Basel (1938±1959); H. J. M. Wewe, Utrecht (1938±1962); H. M. Dekking, Groningen (1954±1966); E. R. StreiV, Lausanne (1954±1979); J. FrancËois, Gand (1959±1979); J. van Doesschate, Utrecht (1967±1971); M. J. Roper-Hall, Birmingham (1966±1980); H. Sautter, Hamburg (1966±1980); W. Straub, Marburg a. d. Lahn (1981±1993) Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Behrens-Baumann, Wolfgang. [Pilzerkrankungen des Auges, English] Mycosis of the eye and its adnexa / W. Behrens-Baumann; with a contribution by R. Ruchel. (Developments in ophthalmology; vol. 32) Includes bibliographical references and indexes. 1. Oculomycoses. I. Ruchel, R. II. Title. III. Series. [DNLM: 1. Eye Infections, Fungal ± drug therapy. 2. Eye Infections, Fungal ± diagnosis. W1 DE998NG v.32 1999] RE901.F8B4413 1999 617.7 ± dc21 ISSN 0250±3751 ISBN 3±8055±6915±7 (hardcover : alk.
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