SCOR Proceedings 39th SCOR EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGVolume 55 Beijing, China 20-22 October 2009 Toyama, Japan September 2019 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON OCEANIC RESEARCH September 2018 – September 2020 President: Dr. Marie-Alexandrine Sicre Ex-Officio Members: CNRS, LOCEAN Dr. Patricia Miloslavich (IABO) Tour 46-00, 5eme étage GOOS BioEco Project Officer 4 place Jussieu University of Tasmania 75252 Paris Cedex 05 Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies FRANCE Private Bag 129 E-mail:
[email protected] 7001 Hobart TAS AUSTRALIA Secretary: Email:
[email protected] Prof. Paul G. Myers Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Prof. Trevor McDougall (IAPSO) 1-26 ESB, University of Alberta The School of Mathematics and Statistics Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E3 University of New South Wales CANADA Sydney NSW 2052
[email protected] AUSTRALIA Past President: Prof. Joyce Penner (IAMAS) Prof. Peter Burkill Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering Mount Clogg Farm Climate & Space Research Building Shaugh Prior University of Michigan Plymouth PL7 5HA 2455 Hayward Street UNITED KINGDOM Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2143 E-mail:
[email protected] USA Vice-Presidents: Co-opted Members: Dr. David Halpern Nuria Casacuberta Arola 14030 Crest Way ETH Zurich Del Mar, CA 92014 Otto-Stern-Weg, 5 USA HPK G23
[email protected] Zurich 8093 SWITZERLAND Dr. Sinjae Yoo
[email protected] 2670, Iljudongro Gujwa-eup, Jeju 63349 SCOR Secretariat: SOUTH KOREA Edward R. Urban, Jr., Executive Director Email: