Mid Term Two Newsletter 2017 from the ACTING PRESIDENT

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Mid Term Two Newsletter 2017 from the ACTING PRESIDENT U3A Croydon Inc, Keystone Complex Office Hours: 10:00am to 12:30pm 1 Civic Square, Croydon 3136 Monday to Friday during U3A term Postal Address: PO Box 816, Croydon 3136. Closed Public & School Holidays. Reg A0026437S ABN 12 643 602 869 Phone: 9724 9544 Website: www.u3acroydon.org.au Email: u3acroydon@u3acroydon.org.au Mid Term Two Newsletter 2017 Vol.3 FRoM ThE ACTING PRESIDENT Contents Acting President 1 Following my comments in the last newsletter Secretary 2 about attendance at our AGM, it was very pleas- ing to see the hall filled to capacity. It was also Course Coordinator 2-3 pleasing to have all committee positions bar one Volunteers 3 (Vice President), filled without having to call for Explore Melbourne 3 nominations from the floor of the meeting. The Time Please 3 New Course Mahjong 4 meeting was over in about half an hour which meant I made 500 Cards 4 some mistakes, the biggest of which was that I did not ask our Cinema Group 4 new President to address the meeting. Now I am not writing this Speechcraft 4&8 Bushwalking 4 column to correct that oversight (although some penance is sure- Cycling 4-5 ly due!) but because Les and his wife have headed off on a two month trip which was planned before Les agreed to nominate to Learn to Swim 5 lead our U3A. If only we had been able to find a volunteer to be- Croydon 6 come Vice President I would not still be wandering around trying For Sale 6 Keep Fit 6 to look Presidential! Plein Air Painting 7 UFOs 7 The committee has a good blend of experienced and new mem- bers, and we have some members who have volunteered to take on specific management tasks to assist members of the commit- tee. Margaret Atherton did a wonderful job ringing round to find members to fill the vacancies on the committee. That was a big job which took a lot of time and dedication and we owe her a big vote of thanks. I escaped much of the manic preparation associated with the AGM by having a trip myself. I visited Bhutan the democratic kingdom, where all measures implemented by the government Points of Interest are assessed on their contribution to the Gross National Happi- Bushwalking—6, 20 May ness of the population rather than the Gross National Product of the country. It is a very interesting concept and seems to work Check Website for Course Vacancies for them – perhaps we could consider formally adopting that idea for our U3A although, I think it is fair to say we do aim to oper- Cycling—27 April, ate in a way that focuses on the happiness and involvement of our 2, 11, 16, 25, 30 May, 6, 8, 20, 22 June members. Explore Melb—23 May, Geoff Steventon 20 June, 12 July. OUR MISSION STATEMENT Swimming—commences Weds 19 July “U3A Croydon is committed to sharing knowledge and skills with each other for mutual ben- efit, well-being and enjoyment and to working constructively with its partners.” FROM THE SECRETARY PATRICIA’S COMMENTS We held our Annual General meeting on 28th March Ah Mahjong! That continuously fascinating, intri- and we had a great turnout. The Committee would guing, challenging and mysteriously exotic game of like to thank the members who came along and partic- ancient Chinese Emperors. A new generation of play- ipated. In particular, we would like to acknowledge ers is about to be unleashed as Helen Ruby, fresh the helpers behind the scenes who set up the meeting from Toowoomba, Queensland, weaves her magic room, and those who organised the food, poured the and shares her knowledge with members of our new cuppas and cleaned up after the event. ‘Mahjong – Beginners’ course. Check out Helen’s stand alone description – well worth a read and if you A special thanks to the members who made home- are up for the challenge…. baked slices and brought flowers from their garden. Research has long indicated that playing games is Jenny Higgins good for brain health, for general wellbeing and of Secretary course, that most valuable component – social inter- action. U3A Croydon offers a great ‘Games’ pro- gram – ranging through Rummikub, Scrabble, Chess, COURSE COORDINATOR Bridge, Canasta, 500 Card game, Cryptic Crosswords and yes an advanced Mahjong course. While a num- “Mi chiamo Ingrid” .... that’s one of the phrases I ber of these courses are filled, some still have a va- learned in U3A Italian, I’ve also cycled hundreds of cancy or two so take a look at the website – there kilometres with U3A cycle3 group, and recently I’ve may be something to surprise and tempt you. commenced a course to learn more about my digital camera .... Hi, my name is Ingrid Tiltman and I am Our recently advertised ‘Gentle Exercise’ course due the new Course Coordinator at U3A Croydon. to start this term was filled within a matter of days and now has a long waiting list. Obviously this is an What a wonderful array of courses and activities we area of need so if you know of anyone who would be have on offer, and as I become more familiar with willing to start up another group please let us know. this role I hope to get to know many of you. Planning Ahead – End of Life: This short course First and foremost I want to say a very big thank you (5weeks) due to start on the 28th April still has a cou- to Patricia Cheney, retiring Course Coordinator for ple of vacancies. Georgie Coeur will take you her generous help and support in my transition into through the process of putting your affairs in order so this role .... I have Patricia on speed dial!! that the needs of all concerned are met as far as is possible. I am sure you have all been thoroughly entertained by Patricia’s colourful and poetic anecdotes in each First aid Training: Leaders of our ‘travelling groups’ of her Newsletter items. I can’t promise to live up to completed a highly successful First Aid Training ses- that standard of accomplished literacy, but I will en- sion on Wednesday 12th April. The presenter, Rory, deavour to be available and supportive to members put the group through their paces. No passive sitting and tutors and hopefully have a bit of fun along the in front of a whiteboard – this was simulation par ex- way. cellence complete with smoke, fake blood, make-up and sound effects. The participants learned not only I seem to have taken over at a good time .... courses how to cope with an accident ‘victim’ but also crowd are all well underway, tutors are in place and mem- control and how to maintain focus and block out ex- bers are enjoying the wide variety of activities, which traneous noise and advice from know-it-all onlook- is testament to the great work that is being done be- ers. My understanding is that there were a number of hind the scenes to keep the wheels well oiled and award winning acting performances on the day. U3A rolling. Please read the update of courses and events Croydon obviously harbours a lot of closet talent. which Patricia has kindly provided. Feedback comments ranged through ‘I feel confident that I would be able to handle an emergency’ to ‘The Enjoy Term two! best course I have ever attended.’ Thank you Real First Aid. Ingrid And here comes the lecture: It is a requirement that members inform their Tutor if they will be absent. After all, it is just common cour- 2 Patricia cont’d EXPLORE MELBOURNE tesy. If a member does not attend a course for 3 consecutive weeks without notification, it will be as- Parliament House: 23rd May. 9.24am train from sumed that they are no longer interested and will be Croydon to Parliament. Fully Booked. deleted from the course. We are aware that extenuat- ing circumstances may exist – a member may be- Block Arcade: 20th June. 9.02am train from Croy- come ill and family members may not be aware of don to Flinders Street. $16 in office by June the procedure. Therefore we will always attempt to 7th. Fully booked. contact the member before deleting them. Wednesday 12th July (School holidays) And now I take my leave: This will be my last Australian Tapestry Workshop, South Mel- ‘Comment’ as it is time for me to vacate the position bourne. This is the only one of its kind in Australia having returned to work, but I am delighted to hand and one of only a few worldwide that produces hand the baton to someone as accomplished and imagina- woven contemporary tapestries. The workshop is tive as Ingrid Tiltman. Ingrid brings enormous enthu- housed in a National Trust Heritage listed building siasm and energy, new and fresh ideas and great or- erected in 1885. ganisational skills so I leave you in very skilled and 9.02am train from Croydon to Flinders Street, then safe hands. Watch this space. Good things to come. No. 1 tram to stop 24 We will have time for morn- ing tea before our tour at 11:00am. I have very much enjoyed my time as CC – have met Cost $11 to be in office by 28th June. Please book some wonderful people and enjoyed enormous assis- with me on 9870 0483. Gwen Owen Limit 20 tance and support. I shall always look back on my people. involvement with fondness. Gwen In parting: We could learn a lot from crayons – some are sharp, some are dull, some are pretty, some have weird names and all have different colours but they all exist very nicely – in the same box.
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