End Term One Newsletter 2017
U3A Croydon Inc, Keystone Complex Office Hours: 10:00am to 12:30pm 1 Civic Square, Croydon 3136 Monday to Friday during U3A term Postal Address: PO Box 816, Croydon 3136. Closed Public & School Holidays. Reg A0026437S ABN 12 643 602 869 Phone: 9724 9544 Website: www.u3acroydon.org.au Email: u3acroydon@u3acroydon.org.au End Term One Newsletter 2017 Inside this Issue Acting President 2 Terms & Conditions 2 Watercolour by Brian Casey which has now Course Coordinator 3 won the holiday com- Cycling 4-5 petition at the Ring- wood Art Bushwalking 5 Society. Dinner Date 5 Brian is in the U3A Speechcraft Lunch 5 Earth Hour 5 Croydon Monday art class. Computer Photo Repair 6 Explore Melbourne 6 Knox Quilt Exhibition 7 Reading Program 7 Well done Brian and Tea Party 7 congratulations from Memory Based Study 7 us all! The U3A Croydon AGM is on at 10:00am on Tuesday the 28 March at the Kent Avenue Scout Hall. There will not be any classes that morning so that members can attend this important meeting which could decide the future direction of U3A Croydon. Points of Interest AGM 10:00 Tues 28 March Earth Hour—Sat 25 Mar Bushwalking—1, 15 April U3A Croydon 2017 Term Dates: Cycling— 18, 27 April, 2, 11, 16, 25, 30 May, 6, 8, 20, 22 June Term 1: 30 January to 31 March 2017 9 weeks Term 2: 18 April to 30 June 2017 11 weeks Explore Melb—23 May, 20 June Term 3: 17 July to 22 September 2017 10 weeks Term 4: 9 October to 8 December 2017 9 weeks Hatter’s Tea Party—Thurs 6 April Knox U3A—Sat/Sun 8/9 April 2017 Annual Membership Fee: $50.00 Full Member Speechcraft Lunch—12:00noon $30.00 Associate Member Tues 11 April ACTING PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE It is quite a surprise to be preparing When you receive this Newsletter our AGM will be something for the newsletter again, only days away and we need a minimum of 10% of but as Barry mentioned in his last our members to attend, so please make an effort to be column, he has left us and moved to there.
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