HISTORIA MATHEMATICA 23 (1996), 117–120 ARTICLE NO. 0014


A Birthday Tribute to R. C. Gupta

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The internationally renowned historian of mathematics, Radha Charan Gupta, celebrated his 60th birthday on October 26, 1995. According to custom in his native India, this implies official retirement from his post as Professor of Mathematics at the Birla Institute of Technology (BIT) in Mesra, Ranchi. His many friends, as well as the many colleagues who have been in contact with him, realize, however, that ‘‘retirement’’ and ‘‘official retirement’’ are two different things; they look forward to benefitting from the continuing labors of this active and productive historian of mathematics toward the promotion of the discipline both in his native country and on an international level. Born in Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, Gupta graduated from Lucknow University in 1955. Two years later, he passed the M.Sc. examination (with a major in mathe- matics) in the first rank, and in 1965, he earned a diploma in mechanical engineering, both from the School of Careers in London. awarded him a Ph.D. for his research in the in 1971. His achievements were further acknowledged in 1986 with an honorary doctorate in the history of science from the World University (U.S.A.). After teaching at Lucknow Christian College for a year, he joined the staff of the Birla Institute of Technology in 1958. He served there in the ranks of first assistant professor and then associate professor prior to his promotion to full profes- sor of mathematics in 1982. Beginning in 1979, he was Professor-in-charge of the Research Center for the History of Science at BIT. R. C. Gupta has traveled widely in India and abroad and has given presentations of his research before many audiences. In 1977, he addressed the British Society for the History of Mathematics when he attended the XVth International Congress on the History of Science in Edinburgh. Three years later, he lectured in Germany, the United States, and Canada. He also participated in the XVIIth International Congress of Mathematicians in Berkeley, California in 1985. In his several hundred papers—among them a series of 16 popular articles, entitled ‘‘Glimpses of Ancient ’’—Gupta has always striven to deepen and broaden our knowledge and understanding of the development of mathematics on the Indian subcontinent. He is thus a successor to his compatriots,

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B. Datta (1888–1958) and A. N. Singh (1901–1954). Their important book, History of Hindu Mathematics (Lahore, 1935, 1938), although now some 60 years old, remains a standard reference work for those of us who are unable to read the native Indian languages. It is to be hoped that Gupta’s forthcoming book on Indian mathematics (in Hindi) will soon be translated for a wider readership. In the meantime, we can gain from his insights by reading the pages of Gan. ita Bha¯ratı¯, the official journal of the Indian Society for the History of Mathematics, which he founded in 1979 and which he continues to edit. As the cumulative index (in volume 13 (1991)) for volumes 1 through 12 of that journal reveals, Gupta has published many articles, notes, and reviews there under both his own name and the pseudonym ‘‘Ganitanand.’’ One recent article, ‘‘The Chronic Problem of Ancient Indian Chro- nology’’ (Gan. ita Bha¯ratı¯ 12 (1990), 17–26), is characteristic of his scholarship. For reasons of space, the selected bibliography below is limited to some of the more extensive papers that Gupta has published in English. R. C. Gupta’s scientific achievements have received acknowledgment in many ways during his fruitful and ongoing career. Most recently, he was elected Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences in India in 1991, President of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of India in 1994, and Corresponding Member of the International Academy of the History of Science in 1995. He has also represented India on the Executive Committee of the International Commission on the History of Mathematics for many years. An active sportsman, he has won numerous medals and prizes for his athletic prowess. May his health continue and enable him to pursue his researches in the history of mathematics for many years to come.


Abbreviations used: GB, Gan. ita Bha¯ratı¯ (Bulletin of the Indian Society for History of Mathematics); HM, Historia Mathematica; HS, Historia Scientiarum [Japan]; IJHS, The Indian Journal of History of Science; IS, Indological Studies (Journal of the Department of Sanskrit, University of Delhi); JAS, Journal of the Asiatic Society.

1. Bha¯skara I’s Approximation to Sine, IJHS 2 (1967), 121–136. 2. Second Order Interpolation in Indian Mathematics up to the Fifteenth Century, IJHS 4 (1969), 86–98. 3. Fractional Parts of A¯ ryabhat.a’s Sines and Certain Rules Found in Govindasva¯mı¯’s Bha¯s.ya on the Maha¯bha¯skarı¯ya, IJHS 6 (1971), 51–59. 4. Early Indians on Second Order Sine Differences, IJHS 7 (1972), 81–86. 5. An Indian Form of Third Order Taylor Series Approximation of the Sine, HM 1 (1974), 287–289. 6. Solution of the Astronomical Triangle As Found in the Tantrasam. graha (A.D. 1500), IJHS 9 (1974), 86–99. 7. Sines and Cosines of Multiple Arcs As Given by Kamala¯kara, IJHS 9 (1974), 143–150. 8. Addition and Subtraction Theorems for the Sine and the Cosine in Medieval India, IJHS 9 (1974), 164–177.

1 Science and Engineering Research Institute, Doshisha University, Tanabe, Kyoto 610-03, Japan. E-mail: [email protected]. HM 23 DEDICATION 119

9. Some Important Indian Mathematical Methods As Conceived in Sanskrit Language, IS 3 (1974), 49–62. 10. Circumference of the Jambu¯ dvı¯pa in Jaina Cosmography, IJHS 10 (1975), 38–46. 11. Sine of Eighteen Degrees in India up to the Eighteenth Century, IJHS 11 (1976), 1–10. 12. Parames´vara’s Rule for the Circumference of a Cyclic Quadrilateral, HM 4 (1977), 67–74. 13. On Some Mathematical Rules from the A¯ ryabhat.¯ıya, IJHS 12 (1977), 200–206. 14. Indian Values of the Sinus Totus, IJHS 13 (1978), 125–143. 15. Munı¯s´vara’s Modification of ’s Rule for Second Order Interpolation, IJHS 14 (1979), 66–72. 16. Square Root of 164 in the Berlin Papyrus 11529, GB 2 (1980), 29–31. 17. Indian Mathematics and Astronomy in the Eleventh Century Spain, GB 2 (1980), 53–57. 18. Bibhutibhusan Datta (1888–1958), Historian of Indian Mathematics, HM 7 (1980), 126–133. 19. The Marı¯ci Commentary on the Jyotpatti, IJHS 15 (1980), 44–49. 20. The Process of Averaging in Ancient and Medieval Mathematics, GB 3 (1981), 32–42. 21. A Bibliography of Selected Sanskrit and Allied Works on Indian Mathematics and Mathematical Astronomy, GB 3 (1981), 86–102. 22. Indian Mathematics Abroad up to the Tenth Century A.D., GB 4 (1982), 10–16. 23. Can. d. u¯ , an Astronomer of Medieval Rajasthan, GB 4 (1982), 134–135. 24. Decimal Denominational Terms in Ancient and Medieval India, GB 5 (1983), 8–15. 25. Spread and Triumph of Indian Numerals, IJHS 18 (1983), 21–38. 26. On Some Ancient and Medieval Methods of Approximating Quadratic Surds, GB 7 (1985), 13–22. 27. Jinabhadra Gan. i and Segment of a Circle between Two Parallel Chords, GB 7 (1985), 25–26. 28. On Derivation of Bha¯skara I’s Formula for the Sine, GB 8 (1986), 39–41. 29. Some Equalization Problems from the Bakhsha¯lı¯ Manuscript, IJHS 21 (1986), 51–61. 30. Ma¯dhavacandra’s and Other Octagonal Derivations of the Jaina Value ȏ ϭ ͙10, IJHS 21 (1986), 131–139. 31. South Indian Achievements in Medieval Mathematics, GB 9 (1987), 15–40. 32. On the Date of S´ rı¯dhara, GB 9 (1987), 54–56 (under the pen name Ganitanand). 33. Ma¯dhava’s Rule for Finding the Angle between the Ecliptic and the Horizon and A¯ ryabhat.a’s Knowledge of It, in History of Oriental Astronomy, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1987, pp. 197–202. 34. Chords and Areas of Jambu¯ dvı¯pa Regions in Jaina Cosmography, GB 9 (1987), 51–53, and 10 (1988), 124. 35. On the Values of ȏ from the Bible, GB 10 (1988), 51–58. 36. Tombstone Mathematics, GB 10 (1988), 69–74. 37. Volume of a Sphere in Ancient Indian Mathematics, JAS 30 (1988), 128–140. 38. On Some Rules from Jaina Mathematics, GB 11 (1989), 18–26. 39. Sino–Indian Interaction and the Great Chinese Buddhist Astronomer–Mathematician I-Hsing (A.D. 683–727), GB 11 (1989), 38–49. 40. The Laks.a Scale of the Va¯lmı¯ki Ra¯ma¯yan. a and Ra¯ma’s Army, GB 12 (1990), 10–16 (under the pen name of Ganitanand). 41. The Chronic Problem of Ancient Indian Chronology, GB 12 (1990), 17–26. 42. A Few Remarks concerning Certain Values of ȏ in Ancient India, GB 12 (1990), 33–38 (under the pen name of Ganitanand). 43. The Value of ȏ in the Maha¯bha¯rata, GB 12 (1990), 45–47. 120 DEDICATION HM 23

44. Sudha¯kara Dvivedı¯ (1855–1910), Historian of Indian Astronomy and Mathematics, GB 12 (1990), 83–96. 45. An Ancient Approximate Rule for the Area of a Polygon, GB 12 (1990), 108–112. 46. The ‘Molten Sea’ and the Value of ȏ, The Jewish Bible Quarterly 19, No. 2 (1990–1991), 127–135. 47. On the Volume of a Sphere in Ancient India, HS No. 42 (1991), 33–44. 48. The First Unenumerable Number in Jaina Mathematics, GB 14 (1992), 11–24. n 49. Vara¯hamihira’s Calculation of Cr and the Discovery of Pascal’s Triangle, GB 14 (1992), 45–49. 50. Abu¯ ’l Wafa¯’ and His Indian Rule about Regular Polygons, GB 14 (1992), 57–61. 51. On the Remainder Term in the Ma¯dhava–Leibniz’s Series, GB 14 (1992), 68–71. 52. Rectification of Ellipse from Maha¯vı¯ra to Ramanujan, GB 15 (1993), 14–40. 53. A Problem of Interest in the Na¯rada-Pura¯n. a, GB 15 (1993), 67–69. 54. Sundarara¯ja’s Improvements of Vedic Circle–Square Conversions, IJHS 28 (1993), 81–101. 55. Six Types of Vedic Mathematics, GB 16 (1994), 5–15. 56. A Circulature Rule from the Agnipura¯n. a, GB 16 (1994), 53–56. 57. Areas of Regular Polygons in Ancient and Medieval Times, GB 16 (1994), 61–65. 58. Marx and His Mathematical Work, GB 16 (1994), 66–69 (under the pen name Ganitanand).