Indians Among the Exalted at ICM 2010 He Presence of Indian Mathematicians Number Theory, Combinatorial Number Theory, of Current Interest in Statistics
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August 27, 2010 History of Mathe- On the footprints of Opinions Emmy Noether 3 5 matics in India 7 Indians Among the Exalted at ICM 2010 he presence of Indian mathematicians number theory, combinatorial number theory, of current interest in statistics. His work in Tamong the plenary and invited speakers elliptic curves and cryptography. In 1986, he multivariate analysis related to developing at ICM 2010 has been significantly more than solved the Waring problem for fourth powers geometric notions of multivariate quantiles is in the past. To be invited to deliver a plenary in collaboration with J-M. Deshouillers and F. considered a major breakthrough in the area or an invited lecture at an ICM is considered Dress. of multivariate nonparametric inference. More highly prestigious. recently, he has developed methods that en- Prof. Venkataramana has made significant able one to discover statistically significant While Prof. R. Balasubramanian of the Insti- contributions to algebraic groups and discrete features in the income distribution in different tute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), Chen- subgroups. He proved the positive character- populations. nai, delivered a Plenary Talk, Profs. V. istic version of the Margulis super-rigidity the- Srinivas and T. N. Venkataramana of the Tata orem and obtained important results on Prof. Arup Bose has made significant re- Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR, cohomology of locally symmetric varieties. search contributions in resampling plans, se- Mumbai), Probal Chaudhuri and Arup Bose of quential analysis and asymptotics, statistics the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata, Prof. Srinivas has done significant work in as- of diffusion processes, rates of convergence, and V. Suresh of the University of Hyderabad pects of algebraic geometry and commutative multinomial selection problems and strong delivered Invited Talk. In fact, Prof. Balasub- algebra. His interests include algebraic cycles laws. His work in resampling provides a deep ramanian's Plenary Talk is the first ever at an on singular algebraic varieties, projective and powerful impact on areas such as time ICM by an Indian mathematician. Prof. Suresh modules, Hilbert functions and multiplicity and series, linear models, general dependent is from a university and the last Indian math- on aspects of algebraic geometry in positive models and nonparametric estimates. ematician from a university to a give an In- characteristic. An important work by him, done vited Talk in an ICM was Minakshisundaram in collaboration with D. Cutkosky, is the solu- Prof. Venapally Suresh has made outstanding in 1958. tion of Zariski's problem (Riemann-Roch prob- contributions to the theory of quadratic forms. lem for surfaces). His work on Galois cohomology and u-invari- Prof. Balasubramanian is a world-renowned ants over function fields of p-adic curves is es- number theorist. His research interests en- Prof. Probal Chaudhuri has made outstanding pecially important and regarded quite compass a wide spectrum of topics in analytic contributions in a number of important areas fundamental. !"#"$%&%'(!)*%+% ,$!(-"./ R. Balasubramanian T. N. Venkataramana V. Srinivas Probal Chaudhuri Arup Bose V. Suresh REFLEXIONS August 27,Friday India and Evolution of Mathematics !"#"$%&'!()%*% +,!'-"./ im Leslie Plofker is a well-known historian a place value system that is also fully inte- Kof mathematics. Currently a Visiting Pro- grated with arithmetic, is definitely Indian. It is fessor of Mathematics at the Union College, part of this trend, this mainstream in Indian USA, she is the author of the recently pub- mathematics, which is producing the sophis- lished Mathematics in India. Plofker has also ticated arithmetic and algebra that we are contributed a chapter on Indian mathematics seeing in the medieval period. And as to ac- in The Mathematics of Egypt, Mesopotamia, tually when that happened is a tough call. I China, India and Islam, which she has also think we can see that this place value system co-edited. She has also contributed to A De- of zero is clearly fully established at least in scriptive Catalogue of the Sanskrit Astronom- the scientific use in India by maybe around ical Manuscripts preserved at the Maharaja 3rd century of this era. Man Singh II Museum in Jaipur, India. She co- edited the volume Studies in the History of the Prof. S. R. Sharma has made some interest- Exact Sciences in Honour of David Pingree. ing arguments in favour of the idea that the place value system, including zero, may have Prof.Kim Leslie Plofker completed her PhD from Brown Uni- been developed in that era. So somewhere versity on ‘Mathematical Approximation by of course the remarkable methods that you around then is when integration of zero into a Transformation of Sine Functions in Medieval see by the Kerala School with infinitesimal number system gets going in the Indian tradi- Sanskrit Astronomical Texts’ under the super- quantities and various operations with infinite tion. vision of David Pingree. Much of the work series. Plofker and Pingree did was founded on the When did Indian mathematics become vis- great early Indian textual scholars of Sanskrit I think one of the things that we may have to ible and how? tradition like Sudhakar Trivedi and Bapudevan thank Indian mathematics for more than we Certainly mathematics is something involving Sastry. realise is the structure of the organisation of various types of calculations. There is a lot of mathematical knowledge; this distinction be- awareness about it in Indian contexts, all the She gave a Plenary Talk at the ICM 2010 titled tween arithmetic as the computation of known way back, when you have hints to the num- ‘Indian rules, Yavana rules: foreign identity quantities and algebra as a parallel type of bers in tens to hundreds to thousands and so and the transmission of mathematics’. In her computation but with unknown quantities is on, and the importance of calculation is defi- talk she discussed the encounter of two cul- something that appears very early in the San- nitely recognized. The other two cultures start tures of mathematics, namely Yavanas and skrit tradition. to understand something about Indian math- Indians, and the reactions of the cultures to ematics (well that’s something I talked about each other. Yavanas (In Sanskrit means Which do you think is the most remarkable in my Plenary presentation), and certainly as Greeks or any Western visitor) came into con- development? far as the West is concerned, after the incur- tact with Indians by crossing the Himalayas The work on the infinitesimal series in the Ker- sions of Alexander. So, the Alexander expedi- and travelling across the Arabian Sea. ala School about fourteenth century is just a tion gets as far as India and gets home but really amazing synthesis of so much work -- that means that there is a sense of link be- In a conversation with Richa Malhotra, not just infinite mathematical concepts they tween Greek culture and Indian culture. From Plofker threw light on ancient Indian mathe- evolved but also the astronomical problems then on Greek and other Western sources -- matics and her engagement with it. Excerpts by people who were masters of all aspects of first in the classical theory -- then in the Mus- from the interview: mathematical sciences and thought very orig- lim and then the modern European started to inally of it. report back on what they understand as “In- What are the iconic contributions of an- dian mathematics” and what things these for- cient Indian mathematics? What is the correct story about India and eign people – the Indians -- are doing in Well, first of all, what everybody knows about the origin of zero? Indian mathematics. is the decimal place value number system, It is a very long story. It is hard to know exactly which is now the universal number system. all the details of the origin of zero. Prof. R. C. Do you think it is important to recognise Though it wasn’t the first place value system Gupta, who will be receiving the [Kenneth O.] “who invented what” in mathematics? to be devised, it was the first that is definitely May Medal for history of mathematics has Well of course we don’t want it just to degrade the ancestor of the universal decimal place written a very good article called ‘Who in- into a priority dispute and argue about a few value numbers. That has really made a differ- vented the zero?’ In that he makes some cru- centuries or years here and there. But like ence to not just mathematics in general and cial distinctions between different concepts of everything else what we want to know or un- practical mathematics but the progress of sci- zero. Are we thinking of zero as just a place derstand is how concepts developed, how ence by enabling calculations more effec- holder in a place value system as there is an things were transmitted, how they evolved. I tively. The place value system had a great empty digit of zero? Or we are still thinking of think a thoughtful adaptation of foreign con- impact on Indian science and then, as it zero as something that plays a certain role in cept is historically just as interesting as the spread, had a great impact on doing science computations? Or are we thinking of zero fully original development. So it is important to elsewhere in the world. integrated as a number, something on which know who did what and when in the sense it you can perform arithmetic operations? If we is important to get all of the history right. Per- But that’s one of the best known examples but go back to the first idea of zero as a place haps we were little over-influenced by the some others, I think, are equally interesting.