Helmut Hofer Publication List
Helmut Hofer Publication List Journal Articles: (1) A multiplicity result for a class of nonlinear problems with ap- plications to a nonlinear wave equation. Jour. of Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 5, No. 1 (1981), 1-11 (2) Existence and multiplicity result for a class of second order el- liptic equations. Proc. of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 88A (1981), 83-92 (3) A new proof for a result of Ekeland and Lasry concerning the number of periodic Hamiltonian trajectories on a prescribed energy surface. Bolletino UMI 6, 1-B (1982), 931-942 (4) A variational approach to a wave equation problem at resonance. Metodi asintoctici e topologici in problemi differenziali non lin- eari; ed. L. Boccardo, A.M. Micheletti, Collano Atti di Con- gressi, Pitagora Editrice, Bologna (1981), 187-200 (5) On the range of a wave operator with nonmonotone nonlinear- ity. Math. Nachrichten 106 (1982), 327-340 (6) Variational and topological methods in partially ordered Hilbert spaces. Math. Annalen 261 (1982), 493-514 (7) On strongly indefinite funtionals with applications. Transactions of the AMS 275, No. 1 (1983), 185-213 (8) A note on the topological degree at a critical point of moun- tainpass-type. Proc. of the AMS 90, No. 2 (1984), 309-315 (9) Homoclinic, heteroclinic and periodic orbits for indefinite Hamil- tonian systems (with J. Toland). Math. Annalen 268 (1984), 387-403 (10) The topological degree at a critical point of mountainpasstype. AMS Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Math. 45, Part 1 (1986) 501-509 (11) A geometric description of the neighborhood of a critical point given by the mountainpass-theorem.
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