Groups Acting on Trees. the Theorem Will Tell Us That Such a Group Is the Fundamental Group of a Suitable Graph of Groups
GROUPS ACTING ON TREES A. Raghuram & B. Sury 1 Introduction This is an expanded version of the notes of talks given by us in the in- structional workshop on geometric group theory held in the Indian Institute of Technology in Guwahati, India during December 2002. The aim here is to give a self-contained presentation of what generally goes by the name of Bass-Serre theory. This theory studies the structure of groups acting sim- plicially on simplicial trees. The aim is to recover information about the group from its action. A principal result of this theory is that there is a combinatorially de¯ned notion of a `graph of groups' associated to this ac- tion and of a fundamental group of such an object and that the given group can be identi¯ed naturally with this fundamental group. This is in analogy with the topological result where a group acting properly discontinuously on a simply-connected space can be recovered as the fundamental group of a suitable quotient space. This theory has now been pro¯tably generalised by several people like Alperin, Bass, Culler, Morgan and Shalen to groups acting on nonarchimedean trees and to general ?-trees for ordered abelian groups. The presentation here is based on Serre's classical book titled Trees, Springer Verlag, (1990) but is meant to be more elementary; it is aimed at advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students. In the last section, we dis- cuss some results on more general ?-trees. In another article, the second author uses these to discuss some generalisations as well as some interest- ing applications due to Culler, Formanek, Narain Gupta, Morgan, Procesi, 1 Shalen, Sidki, Tits and Voigtmann.
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