Stehlik to Leave for CMU-Q Position Kechun Mao I Was an ECE Major
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Club holds Rube Goldberg Supreme Court maintains Wigle Whiskey restores ice cream competition • A4 judicial power • A6 Pennsylvania tradition • B8 SCITECH FORUM PILLBOX @thetartan April 9, 2012 Volume 106, Issue 24 Carnegie Mellon’s student newspaper since 1906 Constant threats disturb Pitt campus Student Body BRENT HEARD a reward of $50,000 for infor- over the next day. There was and non-Pitt students will not Assistant News Editor mation leading to the arrest a bomb threat at 10, and I was be allowed in residence halls. Elections Results and conviction of the person just in the window to continue “I know the general con- The University of Pitts- responsible for the threats. my work. There’s been days census among everyone is burgh has been the target of “Pitt is stating its appeal to the where there’s a bomb threat, that it’s a really big pain, be- President over 20 bomb threats since public to assist the University and okay, I can’t do any work cause it’s not easy to carry all mid-February, the majority of of Pittsburgh Police and FBI today, because what I needed your books from class to class, Will Weiner which have been made in the with their investigation,” the to get done, I need to get done but I guess it’s necessary if past few weeks. department said in the mes- now.” these threats continue,” said The series of threats be- sage. On Sunday, Pitt police an- first-year chemistry major Vice President gan on Feb. 13 when a threat The constant threats and nounced several new security Tim Kaniecki. “I don’t think Meela Dudley was made against the Chev- disruptions have taken a toll measures, adding to the in- [the measures] will cut down ron Science Center, where on the Pitt community. Assis- convenience. Under the new on the threats, but they’ll cut Pitt’s chemistry department tant linguistics professor Da- measures, bags will not be down at least on the time it Vice President for Organizations is located. Since then, simul- vid Mortensen told the Pitts- allowed into buildings, every- takes to deal with the threats.” Alyssa Danesh taneous threats have been burgh Post-Gazette, “Please one entering a building will Pitt Vice Chancellor for made against locations on the stop or I will find you.... It’s be required Public Affairs Robert Hill told Pitt campus, including dorm not fun anymore. You can’t to show a Essential Public Radio that the Vice President for Finance buildings. In addition, a threat plan anything anymore. You Pitt ID, university takes the threats has been made against Point get kind of concerned — be- and their effects — including Jon Mark Park University. cause what if something does the emotional toll — seriously. After the first threat, an- happen?” “We have included in our no- other bomb threat was lev- Pitt chemistry Ph.D. stu- tifications information about eled against the Cathedral of dent Marshall McGoff said, counseling services available Student Body Learning on March 14. The “People get desensitized to to members of the University Cathedral houses multiple it, because you get these text community, especially stu- Pitt classrooms and has over messages. It got to the point dents who would like 42 floors. two days ago, where people to receive guidance From that point on, the were like, ‘Oh, there’ll prob- counseling dur- threats against Pitt have be- ably be a bomb threat at 10 ing these stress- 19.3% come more frequent. Threats o’clock.’ People were almost ful times,” Hill have been placed against the joking about it. But then, the said in the in- 41.9% Cathedral of Learning and the last few days, someone put terview. Chevron Science Center on in a threat for three or four multiple occasions. Other tar- buildings at once. So it wasn’t geted buildings include David just one building, it was mul- Lawrence Hall, Posvar Hall, tiple buildings.... If they don’t Litchfield Towers, the Music catch them soon, people are 35.7% Building, the Frick Fine Arts just going to stop going to Building, and Victoria Hall. class. It’s very unsettling to be The threats have differed a Pitt student right now.” in their delivery. Some were McGoff also spoke to the written in Pitt bathrooms, effect the threats have while others were emailed in had on his studies. via reporters. “The other day I 2.9% One of the threats against was growing up cul- Litchfield Towers was made tures for protein pu- Graduate students Undergraduates at 2 a.m., forcing a nighttime rification, and it’s a who did not vote who did not vote evacuation of students from very strict timeline,” their dormitories. McGoff said. “If you Jonathan Carreon/Photo Editor Graduate students Undergraduates The Pitt Police Department miss that window, The Cathedral of Learning is a common target of the bomb threats, which have who voted who voted released a statement offering you have to start prompted federal law enforcement to begin investigating. Highmark/UPMC Stehlik to leave for CMU-Q position KECHUN MAO I was an ECE major. I figured feud threatens Staffwriter out pretty quickly that I actu- ally didn’t want to do ECE,” When computer science se- Greaves said. “I had my first student insurance niors graduate this May, their conversation with Mark. I adviser, Mark Stehlik, will also figured out at that first con- JENNIFER COLOMA work.” leave Carnegie Mellon’s Pitts- versation that I wanted to be Operations Manager According to the Pitts- burgh campus. Stehlik plans a computer science major. He burgh Post-Gazette, UPMC to make an impact on stu- worked with me that semes- The contract between refuses to negotiate for a dents at the other end of the ter and next semester and all Highmark and UPMC, allow- new contract with Highmark globe, taking a five-year ap- these semesters so far and ing those under Highmark’s because Highmark is in the pointment as associate dean helped me transition to the CS insurance to use UPMC facili- process of acquiring the West at Carnegie Mellon’s Qatar major. That really shaped my ties, will terminate on June Penn Allegheny system of campus. entire academic path.” 30, 2013. Carnegie Mellon hospitals, UPMC’s only com- Stehlik, the assistant dean Greaves said that Stehlik students with Carnegie Mel- petition in the Pittsburgh of the School of Computer Sci- will continue advising him lon’s Highmark health insur- area. ence (SCS), began teaching at even after he moves to Qatar; ance plan will be unable to UPMC CEO Jeffrey Ro- Carnegie Mellon in 1982. “I there are about 30 students use the local UPMC facilities moff told the Pittsburgh started here at Carnegie Mel- that share Greaves’ situa- after the termination. Tribune-Review that UPMC lon at 1979 as a Ph.D. student tion. “We plan to use Skype Carnegie Mellon’s Health couldn’t contract with High- in computer science,” Stehlik and email to converse with Services department has sent mark if the company acquires said. “I wasn’t really excited one another for advisement,” out a request for proposals the West Penn Allegheny sys- about the research direction I Greaves said. (RFP) in anticipation of the tem. “A new contract would was on, and I knew I wanted Stehlik said that he is excit- contract’s end. An RFP invites allow Highmark to steer pa- to teach.” He applied for an ed to work at the Qatar cam- health insurance companies tients away from UPMC’s fa- opening as a teaching profes- pus. “It will be very interesting to submit proposals so that cilities and doctors,” Romoff sor in the computer science to work at the Qatar campus. I the university can select one said. department. He got the job, will be the associate dean for of them as its new health in- Some students believe and he has not stopped teach- undergraduate education, so surance company. that might be a good thing. ing since. I will be in charge of the com- “There is some sense now “I think that the monopoly Stehlik is one of the few ad- puter science, information that that agreement will not UPMC has on healthcare in ministrative faculty members system, business, and new bi- only cover to ... 2013, but will Pittsburgh is raising the price involved in the undergraduate ology and computational biol- run into 2014. But that said, of healthcare overall,” said program of the SCS since its ogy program.” we weren’t in that place when Katherine Forsyth, a junior creation in 1988. One of the Stehlik taught at Qatar in we made the decision to send biology and history double key factors of SCS’s success, the spring semesters of 2006, out a RFP,” said Anita Bar- major. Stehlik said, was that Carn- 2007, and 2008. He said that kin, the director of university Junior electrical and com- egie Mellon already had one the Qatar campus has a lot health services. puter engineering and com- of the best Ph.D. programs in Jonathan Carreon/Photo Editor of potential, and he hopes to Barkin said that Health puter science double major computer science. Mark Stehlik, the assistant dean of the School of Computer Science, will help it in whatever way he Services invited twenty in- Faith Clayton said that the Stehlik said that his main leave Carnegie Mellon to take a position at CMU-Q. can. surance carriers and bro- extended contract is “post- role as assistant dean of SCS Tom Cortina, a computer kers to submit, but only four poning the inevitable.” was to “figure out how to take advises.