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Raw often has a crystallized appearance levels, but it also has 40% fewer calories than and is solid at room temperature during colder . Also, rather than causing tooth decay like months. Use raw honey in smoothies, beverages, sugar it may prevent cavities. Substitute xylitol at salad dressings and other recipes that don't a 1:1 ratio for sugar. require heating. Maple (Aisle 1 & Bulk) is made from tapping the sap of About City Market, Onion River Co-op maple trees and boiling it down in an evaporator City Market, Onion River Co-op is a consumer to reduce the water content. As the cooperative, with over 11,000 Members, selling season progresses, the sap darkens, producing wholesome food and other products while Natural progressively darker and stronger grades of syrup. building a vibrant, empowered community and Because maple syrup is concentrated sap, it is a healthier world, all in a sustainable manner. Sweeteners rich in the that travel up from a tree’s Located in downtown Burlington, Vermont, roots. Use 2/3 to 3/4 cup maple syrup for 1 cup City Market provides a large selection of local, of and lower the oven temperature organic and conventional foods, and thousands by 25°F. (, which is evaporated of local and Vermont-made products. maple syrup, can be substituted 1:1). Maple syrup makes cookies and granolas crisper. You Visit City Market, Onion River Co-op online may notice crisper, darker edges on your cookies at or call 802-861-9700. and more of a “crunch.” Stevia (Aisle 1 & Bulk) Stevia is derived from the stevia plant native to Paraguay and Brazil. The leaves are gently processed in cool water. It is chemically not a sugar, and therefore does not register any calories, , or . It comes in several forms: Liquid stevia is a concentrated syrup and dried stevia is a white powder. On its own, it is 200-300 times sweeter Natural sweeteners are usually made from saps, than sugar. Use liquid or dried powdered stevia , and found in nature and have in extreme moderation as a sugar replacement. It been less processed than pure cane sugar, which is best in beverages, sauces, or marinades where is 100% . Because they are less processed, the lack of bulk won’t affect the outcome of the they have naturally-occurring , minerals, recipe. Dried stevia sold in packets as a sugar and , and may be produced in more replacer for beverages has fiber and/or silica as environmentally friendly ways than pure white bulking agents, so one packet is equivalent to 2 Your Community-Owned Grocery Store sugar. If you’re looking to kick the sugar habit, tsp. of sugar. 82 South Winooski Avenue start by reducing the sugar content in recipes, and Burlington, VT 05401 experiment with using natural sweeteners in place Xylitol (Aisle 1) (802) 861-9700 • of white sugar. Xylitol is a plant-based sugar with a low glycemic index. Not only does it not spike sugar interior interior interior L C R

SUGARCANE SWEETENERS hot and cold beverages and as a crunchy topping Brown Syrup (Aisle 1) (in order of less to more processed) for baked goods. If you substitute it 1:1 for is made from white rice that white sugar in baked goods, the large crystals has been cultured with enzymes and then cooked First, an explanation of common terms: may not completely dissolve and you may get into a thick brown syrup. Like barley , it Organic means that the sugar cane is grown some crunch! is high in complex carbohydrates, about half as without synthetic pesticides and ; is Evaporated Cane Sugar (Aisle 1 & Bulk) sweet as sugar, and also has a tendency to make processed without chemicals, bleaching agents, foods more brittle. It has a mild or colorings; and is non-GMO. This is refined white sugar with a tiny amount of flavor. Follow the substitution guidelines for left in. The main advantage to buying Fair Trade means that farmers in developing barley malt. this over pure white sugar is that it has not been countries are paid based on a fair pricing processed with chemicals or colorings. Use 1:1 in Coconut Sap Crystals (Aisle 1) structure. Certain certifiers additionally support recipes that call for granulated white sugar. sustainable farming practices, worker co-ops, and Coconut and coconut sap crystals are small family farms. made from the sap of the coconut tree. Coconut OTHER NATURAL SWEETENERS nectar and sap crystals are great choices for a Molasses (Aisle 1 & Bulk) (alphabetical order) , since they are high in enzymes, Molasses is what is left over when sugar cane vitamins and minerals and have a low glycemic Agave Nectar (Aisle 1) juice has been boiled down and the sugar crystals index. The nectar is created by tapping the are removed. Blackstrap molasses is the darkest Agave nectar is made from the juice of the coconut tree and the crystals are made by taking grade of molasses. Molasses is high in minerals Mexican agave plant. Because it is minimally that nectar and evaporating the liquid off at a like and . Use 1 Tbs. molasses plus 1 heated, it is suitable for raw food recipes. Agave low temperature. Use coconut nectar in a 1:1 cup of sugar to replace in a baking nectar has a low glycemic index, which means it substitution for recipes calling for a sweetener recipe for a 1:1 substitution. doesn’t spike blood levels (it is primarily with a similar consistency, such as maple syrup ). To replace 1 cup of sugar, use 2/3 or brown rice syrup, or use it to top or Whole Cane Sugar/ (Aisle 1 & Bulk) cup agave nectar, reduce the quantity of liquid waffles. Coconut sap crystals may replace sugar Whole cane sugar is sugar cane juice that has slightly, and reduce the oven temperature by in recipes at a 1:1 ratio. been boiled down, cooled, and dried without 25°F. It also makes a good sweetener in cold removing any of the molasses. It is sometimes beverages, such as iced tea. Honey, Pasteurized (Aisle 1 & Bulk) sold under the trade names “Rapadura” (which Pasteurized honey has been heated above 117°F Barley Malt (Aisle 1) comes from the Portuguese name for unrefined to make it liquid at room temperature and easier sugar) and “Sucanat” (SUgar CAne NATural). Barley malt is made from whole grain barley to pour and measure. Honey is sweeter than It can be substituted 1:1 in recipes that call for that has been sprouted, roasted, and then slowly sugar and also more liquid, so substitute 2/3 to white sugar, although it will contribute a slightly cooked to form a thick, dark brown syrup. Its 3/4 cup of honey for 1 cup of sugar in baked darker color and more earthy taste; also 1:1 in complex carbohydrates help slow the absorption goods. Baked goods made with honey will also recipes that call for brown sugar. of (mostly ) into the bloodstream. darken more quickly in the oven, so reduce It’s about half as sweet as sugar. It has a tendency the oven temperature by about 25°F. They will Raw Cane Sugar/Turbinado (Bulk & Aisle 1) to make foods harder and crispier, so you may also stay moist and soft longer, because honey The word “raw” in this case means that a small substitute it for other sweeteners when making absorbs moisture from the air. amount of molasses has been left in the sugar crunchy items like granola or cookies. Use 1 crystals, which are spun in a large turbine to 1/3 cups barley malt in place of 1 cup of sugar, Honey, Raw (Aisle 1) remove most of the molasses and create large, reduce liquid by ¼ cup and add ¼ tsp. baking Raw honey has been extracted from the honey shiny golden sugar crystals. It is sometimes soda). comb without heating or filtering, so it retains sold as “Demerera” sugar, named after a British live enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. It may also colony in Guyana. Raw cane sugar is popular in have trace amounts of propolis and bee pollen.