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JOURNAL of VIROLOGY VOLUME 56 * DECEMBER 1985 * NUMBER 3 Arnold J JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY VOLUME 56 * DECEMBER 1985 * NUMBER 3 Arnold J. Levine, Editor in Chief Michael B. A. Oldstone, Editor (1988) (1989) Scripps Clinic & Research Foundation Princeton University La Jolla, Calif. Princeton, N.J. Thomas E. Shenk, Editor (1989) David T. Denhardt, Editor (1987) Princeton University University of Western Ontario Princeton, N.J. London, Ontario, Canada Anna Marie Skalka, Editor (1989) Bernard N. Fields, Editor (1988) Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. Harvard Medical School Nutley, N.J. Boston, Mass. Robert A. Weisberg, Editor (1988) Robert M. Krug, Editor (1987) National Institute of Child Health Sloan-Kettering Institute and Human Development New York, N.Y. Bethesda, Md. EDITORIAL BOARD David Baltimore (1987) William S. Hayward (1987) Peter Model (1986) Sondra Schlesinger (1986) Amiya K. Banerjee (1985) Roger Hendrix (1987) Bernard Moss (1986) June R. Scott (1986) Andrew Becker (1985) Martin Hirsch (1986) Fred Murphy (1986) Bart Sefton (1985) Tamar Ben-Porat (1987) John J. Holland (1987) Nancy G. Nossal (1987) Phillip A. Sharp (1985) Kenneth I. Berns (1985) Ian H. Holmes (1986) Abner Notkins (1986) Charles J. Sherr (1987) Michael Botchan (1986) Robert W. Honess (1986) J. Thomas Parsons (1986) Saul J. Silverstein (1985) David Botstein (1985) Nancy Hopkins (1986) Ulf G. Pettersson (1986) Patricia G. Spear (1987) Barrie J. Carter (1987) Peter M. Howley (1987) Lennart Philipson (1987) Nat Sternberg (1986) John M. Coffin (1986) Alice S. Huang (1987) Lewis I. Pizer (1987) Geoffrey M. Cooper (1987) Tony Hunter (1986) Craig R. Pringle (1986) Mark F. Stinski (1986) Donald Court (1987) Masayori Inouye (1985) Carol Prives (1986) James Strauss (1987) Richard Courtney (1986) Robert Kamen (1985) Robert Purcell (1986) F. William Studier (1987) Walter Doerfler (1986) Thomas J. Kelly, Jr. (1985) Fred Rapp (1987) Lawrence S. Sturman (1985) Peter Doherty (1986) George Khoury (1987) Dan S. Ray (1986) Jesse Summers (1985) Elvera Ehrenfeld (1986) Elliott Kieff (1987) M. E. Reichmann (1985) William Summers (1985) Robert N. Eisenman (1985) Daniel Kolakofsky (1986) Gordon M. Ringold (1987) John M. Taylor (1987) Suzanne U. Emerson (1986) Robert Lamb (1985) Harriet Robinson (1985) Howard M. Temin (1985) Emanuel Faust (1987) Robert A. Lgzzarini (1987) William S. Robinson (1986) George F. Vande Woude (1986) S. Jane Flint (1987) Myron Levine (1985) Berhard Roizman (1985) Inder Verma (1986) Yasuhiro Furuichi (1985) Douglas R. Lowy (1986) Naomi Rosenberg (1986) Edward K. Wagner (1986) Costa Georgopolous (1986) Robert Martin (1987) Roland R. Rueckert (1985) Eckard Wimmer (1985) Walter Gerhard (1986) Warren Masker (1987) Norman P. Salzman (1987) Owen Witte (1986) Larry M. Gold (1985) Thomas Merigan (1986) Joseph Sambrook (1985) Charles Hamish Young (1986) Peter Gruss (1985) George Miller (1987) *Charles E. Samuel (1986) Julius S. Youngner (1986) Hidesaburo Hanafusa (1986) Lois K. Miller (1985) Priscilla A. Schaffer (1987) Helen R. Whiteley, Chairman, Publications Board Linda M. Illig, Managing Editor, Journals The Journal of Virology (ISSN 0022-538X), a publication of the American Society for Microbiology, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006, is devoted to the dissemination offundamental knowledge concerning viruses of bacteria, plants, and animals. Investigators are invited to submit reports of original research in all areas of basic virology, including biochemistry, biophysics, genetics, immunology, morphology, physiology, and pathogenesis and immunity. Instructions to authors are published in the January issue each year; reprints are available from the editors and the Publications Department. The Journal is issued monthly, four volumes per year. The nonmember subscription price is $249 per year; single copies are $21. The member subscription price is $37 (foreign, $49 [surface rate]) per year; single copies are $7.00. Correspondence relating to subscriptions, reprints, defective copies, availability of back issues, lost or late proofs, disposition of submitted manuscripts, and general editorial matters should be directed to the ASM Publications Department, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006 (phone: 202 833-9680). Claims for missing issues from residents of the United States, Canada, and Mexico must be submitted within 3 months after publication of the issues; residents of all other countries must submit claims within 6 months of publication of the issues. Claims for issues missing because offailure to report an address change or for issues "missing from files" will not be allowed. Second-class postage paid at Washington, DC 20006, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Journal of Virology, ASM, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006. Made in the U.S.A. Copyright ©) 1985, American Society for Microbiology. El* ff I J-t14t1t; ( IIItc All Rights Reserved. The code at the top of the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the arti- cle may be made for personal use or for personal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition, however, that the copier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, 21 Congress St., Salem, MA 01970, for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. Author Index Akusjarvi, Goran, 879 Hanafusa, Hidesaburo, 743, Mar, Eng-Chun, 846 Sabara, Marta, 1037 Anderson, Kevin P., 814 790 Maroney, Patricia A., 1049 Saunders, Keith, 921 Anderson, Robert W., 757 Hanafusa, Teruko, 790 Mayer, Bruce J., 743 Schroder, Claus H., 930 Asselin, Claude, 958 Hand, Roger, 711 McAtee, Frank J., 1018 Shaw, Jane, 943 Hankins, W. David, 660 McCahon, David, 921 Shimizu, Robert W., 701 Babiuk, Lorne A., 1037 Hayman, Michael J., 943, 969 Mertz, Janet E., 1002 Silverman, Lauren, 814 Barrell, Bart, 807 Hayward, Gary S., 723, 867 Milman, Gregory, 860 Simon, Suzanne, 1023 Barrington, Alan, 1037 Hayward, S. Diane, 852, 860 Mitsudomi, Tetsuya, 951 Slade, William R., 921 Bastin, Marcel, 958 Heilman, Conrad J., 1014 Mosca, Joseph D., 867 Smith, Douglas R., 969 Behnke, James N., 912 Hilliker, Sandra, 1030, 1034 Moss, Bernard, 830, 1027 Soe, Lisa Hokama, 701 Bestwick, Richard K., 660 Holmes, Kathryn V., 904, 912 Murakami, Seishi, 978 Somasekhar, Madhu B., 1002 Bhat, Ramesh A., 750 Horowitz, Jonathan M., 798 Stedman, Deborah, 711 Biggin, Mark D., 807 Huang, Eng-Shang, 846 Nayak, Debi P., 1049 Stenberg, Richard M., 665, Bornkamm, Georg W., 987 Newman, John W. I., 921 676 Brown, Ronald E., 1041 Jeang, Kuan-Teh, 852 Nilsen, Timothy W., 1049 Stinski, Mark F., 665, 676 Jennings, Stephen R., 757 Nishizawa, Makoto, 743 Sturman, Lawrence S., 904, Cerini, Costantino P., 1014 Jolicoeur, Paul, 1045 Nitayaphan, Sorachai, 887 912 Chambers, Thomas M., 1049 Joseph, Anne D., 1014 Svensson, Ulla K., 896 Cheng, Yung-Chi, 846 Oberg, B., 996 Swanstrom, Ronald, 779 Chiou, Jwo-Farn, 846 Kabat, David, 660 Ogasawara, Naotake, 978 Szpirer, Claude, 938 Cho, Myung-Sam, 852, 860 Kaerner, Hans Christian, 930 O'Hare, Peter, 723 Szpirer, Josiane, 938 Cohen, Gary H., 1014 Kaplan, Paul L., 1023 Olsen, John C., 779 Kawai, Sadaaki, 743 Takeya, Tatsuo, 743 Deppert, Wolfgang, 821 Kerr, Ian M., 1041 Pellett, Philip E., 807 Tevethia, Satvir S., 757 Dietzschold, Bernard, 1014 Kerr, Shona M., 1041 Petersen, Robert B., 683 Thimmappaya, Bayar, 750 Kimura, Genki, 951 Pitha, Paula M., 867 Thompson, David L., 757 Eckhart, Walter, 1023 King, Andrew M. Q., 921 Ponce de Leon, Manuel, 1014 Toth, Marcia M., 887 Eisenberg, Roselyn J., 1014 Klessig, Daniel F., 767, 814, Portis, John L., 1018 Toyoshima, Kumao, 743 Enrietto, Paula J., 943, 969 821 Powell, Bernadette B., 839 Trentin, John J., 839 Ensinger, Marcia J., 1027 Klockmann, Ulrich, 821 Tsichlis, Philip N., 938 Eriksson, B., 996 Kloszewski, Edmond D., 757 Ransohoff, Richard M., 1049 Tumilowicz, Joseph J., 839 Everitt, Einar, 896 Kodama, Kazuya, 978 Rassart, Eric, 1045 Kozak, Christine, 1045 Reyes, Gregory R., 867 Vennstrom, Bjorn, 969 Forss, Sonja, 921 Kumel, Gunther, 930 Ricard, Cynthia S., 904 Villeneuve, Luc, 1045 Frana, Mark F., 912 Rice, Andrew P., 1041 U. Landolph, Joseph R., 701 Wahren, B., 996 Freese, Karl, 987 Laux, Gerhard, 987 Rice, Patricia L., 757 Weir, Jerry P., 1027 Lenard, J., 655 Rice, Stephen A., 767 Whittaker, Lori, 711 Gadler, H., 996 Lerner, Richard A., 691 Risser, Rex, 798 Wiggins, Bruce A., 1030, 1034 Garber, Ellen A., 790 Levan, Goran, 938 Roberts, Walden K., 1041 Wilson, Michael C., 691 Gawlik, Mary E., 839 Levine, Myron, 930 Roizman, Bernard, 807 Witte, Pamela R., 665 Glorioso, Joseph C., 930 Levy, David E., 691 Roos, Raymond P., 887 Wohlfart, Claes E. G., 896 Golub, Ellis, 1014 Lohse, Megan A., 938 Rosel, Johannes, 830 Wolff, Linda, 717 Gopalakrishna, Y., 655 Long, Deborah, 1014 Roy-Burman, Pradip, 701 Ruden, U., 996 Yamamoto, Tadashi, 743 Hackett, Perry B., 683 Manor, Haim, 734 Ruscetti, Sandra, 717 Yoshikawa, Hiroshi, 978 U.S. Postl Service STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION Required by 39 U.S.C. 3685) lA.TITLE OF PUBLICATION B. PUBLICATION NO. 2. 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