AST Premium/286
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AST Premiuml286 ASr RESEARCH INC. The AST Premiuml286™ is a powerful and versatile personal computing system that combines legendary AST quality, uncompro mising compatibility and lightning speed. Reliably engineered, this system provides for exceptional versatility and upgradeability, yet it is IBM®Personal Computer AT®(PC AT) compatible. Its power delivers bottom-line productivity improvements in single and mul titasking applications, individual worksta tion and shared environments alike. Choice of flelU ergollomic ally designed ellhanced co lor or monochrome Ilfdeo displays. 1.2 MB diskette drive stan l/ru·d, 360Kb diskette drive optional. Seve n illdI/shy-staluM,-d expmlsioll slots, i/lt:llldil1g tlCO roASTslols. AST-3GTM lIIultimode ellhanced graphics adapter included, with most /IIodels. 25-pill {l~Yllcll}VI10IfS serill/ {llld parallel printer ports, mId l'Clll-time clocklcalelldar f1ie/tlded. ASTFASTRAM ElzlulIlced Memory card ille/tlded, exptl1ldtlble to 2MB ofhigh -speed RAM ill a siltgle s/ol. User-selectable opemtioll at JOMJ-lz, 8Mllz or6MI-/: for lite widest range of JwrdwaY"C tilld software compatibility. The AST Premium /286 personal Fast Processing high speed with built-in com )mputing system provides Based on the proven reliabil patibility for industry standard increased rEM AT-compatible ity of the 80286 chip, combined enhancement cards. The system computing power, performing with the advanced technology provides two AST FASTslots 50% faster than traditional developed by AST, this system capable of running without wait 8 MHz ATs. Ideal for general possesses the power to speed states through the addition of business use, the AST Premium/ either memory/processor-bound a third connector to the standard 286 also serves as an extremely or disk-bound applications. 2-connectOl; 16-bit IBM AT bus. powerful engine for applications Processor- and memory This third connector provides a oriented workstations, both intensive applications, such as high-speed interface direct to standalone and shared, includ large spreadsheet analysis and the 10 MHz 80286 processor. ing des ktop publishing, busi multitasking/windowing, bene This native 80286 bus inter ness graphics and CAD/CAE. fit from its 10 MHz Enhanced face, coupled with high-speed Its design also includes sup Expanded Memory capabilities. circuitry on the FASTRAM port for increased connectivity And the AST Premium/286's board, permits address signals and access to shared informa rapid fixed disk data access to be accepted faster and data tion-use the AST Premium/286 boosts performance in disk to be ready early-allowing (with AST enhancement boards bound applications, such as data zero wait state operation. installed) as a local area net base searches and sorts as well This architecture enables work file serve!; to manage as systems configured as net system operation at a Norton multi-user environments or as work file servers, host gateways Utilities'MVersion 3.0 SysInfo a cluster controller in shared on a local area network or clus rating of 11.5, or one and one-half mainframe or minjcomputer ter nodes for connecting multi times the speed of the 8 MHz ,-,Jnnections. ple PCs to a host. rEM PC AT and a full two-times Above all, compatibility is 1hle Hardware Compatibility the speed of the original 6MHz never a question. Built by AST, Unlike other 10 MHz machines, AT. These FASTslots provide the leader in PC enhancement the AST Premium/286 offers acceleration of up to 4MB of AST solutions with over two million products already in use, the Slot Compatibility AST Premium/286 benefits from this technological expertise, XT SIal AT-Compatible SIal, and is compatible with both AST and IBM prod ucts. > From the inside-out AST applies the same philosophy of quality, reli- ability, compatibility, added performance and service to the AST Premium/286. uanslated, this solution means true "plug DDDDDD and play" abilities, and a com .-- - petitive edge for you. - 80286 - - ,'- '-I En'lurrr:;ed, low-profile 1011 FAST,lol 102-kl.-Y keyboard I(lith separate lIumerie keypclci, dedicated cursorcolttro! alld extmfimciioll keys. illtl'r natiol1al versiOI/S auailable. FASTRAM Enhanced Memory patibility with current DOS one-third more storage with on two 2MB boards. All the and current and future protected a faster-28 msec-access time while, your standard PC- and mode operating systems, as than the PC AT's fixed disk. AT-type peripheral cards run well as new generation Expanded Additionally; we offer a 70MB at standard AT speeds with wait Memory application and opera hard disk with an equally fast states-so you only speed up ting environment software. access time. And an optional tape what you need to. Technically; AST's Expanded unit that provides rapid backup AST's FASTs iots also pro- Memory addressing capabili of a ful140 MB of data on a single vide a bridge to the future, allow ties provide full Lotus ~/Intel ®/ cartridge. ing easy upgradeability and Microsoft" (LIM) EMS perfor The AST-4000'" and AST- expandability. A perfect founda mance plus a larger page window 5000'" external disk/tape sub tion offering the power you from which to access expanded systems are ideal for multiuser need now and future upgrade memory Up to 64 16K-pages are environments. These subsystems ability; this advanced architec supported, including direct pag feature advanced SCSI archi ture is also an open architecture ing into conventional memory; tecture allowing easy expand for easy development and sys providing advanced multitask ability for Gigabytes of storage. tem integration. ing capabilities with appro The AST Plus lhte Software Compatibility priate multitasking/windowing Finally all this increased power, software. The AST Premium/286, shipped speed, compatibility and relia For standard Linear memory with MS-DOS 3.1 and BASIC, is bility is extremely cost com addressing, AST Premium/286 compatible with a vast library petitive. And AST's complete line FASTRAM memory supports of popular and technical off-the of proven peripherals and both conventional and extended shelf application software. lt eas enhancement cards proVide the ily runs IBM PC AT-compatible modes (the native 80286 Linear one-stop solution allowing memory addressing modes). software, including word pro you to expand and upgrade your AST's industry-first "Split Mem cessing, business graphics, system with assurance of ory Addressing'"" ability makes spreadsheet and data base future compatibility; support management. memory configuration extremely and service. versatile and allows automatic ASTis known the world over Flexible, Powerful Memory fill-in of memory in the nearly for the high quality and relia Addressing 16 MB conventional/extended bility of its products. There's The AST Premium/286 sup range. always extra value too, like ports a maximum memory con Fast Access To Large Volumes figuration of 13 MB per system built-in interfaces, user conve Of Data niences, a one-year warranty with AST options. The system features the industry'S most As a complement to the AST and a network of sales, service flexible array of memory address Premium/286's speedy opera and support teams worldwide. ing modes, including conven tion, AST offers high perfor The AST Premium/286 is mance access to large volumes tional and extended (protected a unique machine which not of data with its full line of mode) Linear memory capabil only maintains compatibility disk subsystems. with other computer products ities and Enhanced EMS and EMS Expanded Memory address Available with the AST whether they be peripherals, ing. This versatility provides Premium/286 system is our software or other accessories ultimate performance and com- 20MB hard disk and our it truly advances the standard. fast-access 40 MB hard disk. The 40MB drive provides FasterTha The Fastest PC AT; • MS-DOS operating system and BASlC ' • 10 MHz 80286 System Unit with software, ASTsoftware utilities and • Availab le with new AST ergonomic zero wait-state operation, runs popu complete documentation included. video display options: lar IBM-compatible software 50% ., . -AST Premium Display/ Enhanced faster than the 8MHz IBM PC AT for . , , Color'" true productivity improvements, • AST FASTRAM '" Enhanced Memory -AST Premium Display/ even for the most demanding user. card included-expandable to 2MB Monochrome'" (black and white, • Advanced coprocessor socket accepts in a single slol. Up to 4 MB high-speed dual-mode) 8 MHz 80287 devices. When RAM per machine. Total system Both offer sharp presentation of text configured with coprocessol; AST memory expandable to 13 MB with and graphics. Premium/286 sign ificantly acceler AST options. " . ates mathematics-intensive pro • AST f-ASTRAM SUppOI1S Enhanced grams including Lotus 1-2-3 ' Release • Ergonomically designed, the AST EMS and EMS, breaking the 640KB Premium 101 and I02-key (interna 2 applications, AutoCAD'" and DOS barrier and eliminating "mem VersaCAD!M tional), low-profile keyboards feature ory full" messages. a separate numeric keypad, dedi • SUPPOI1S extended (protected cated cursor control and extra mode) and conventional memory function keys. • Advanced architecture allows addressing. incorporation of two AST FASTs lots'" • Memory, speed and high-performance that provide accelerated bus oper to work with huge spreadsheets and ations, while remaining IBM PC AT databases-run one or more at the • Rea l-time clock/calendar provides compatible. same time using windowing software. time and date stamp. • Seven industry standard expansion • One 25-pin asynchronous serial t . •. I I • slots, including two AST FASTslots. communications port standard. • FASTs lot design ensures built-in • Choice of high-performance 20 MB, • One 25-pin parallel printer port 40 MB and 70 MB fixed disk drives. future upgradeability, accommo standard. The 40MB and 70MB drives offer dating the next generation of accel erator and high-performance rapid data access up to two times faster than the PC AT's 30 MB ftXed • AST also offers a full line of prod enhancemen t cards.