PLAYer Class Lesson Plan #4 Core Lesson: Honesty • Core Values: Honesty – to tell the truth. • Etiquette: Pace of Play • Rules of : , Provisional Ball, Lost Ball, Dropping • Golf Fundamental: Target Awareness – Target Selection Review • Homework: Pages 16-19

LEAD COACH: Today is a play day for participants. The goal is to get them on the for as long as possible, so if necessary, skip the warm up. You can stretch while waiting for the group in front of you to off.

MAINTAIN SOCIAL DISTANCING AT ALL TIMES! Even if you play a scramble format, maintain social distancing (even if it requires playing outside of the normal ).

5 minutes Opening Questions: After completing the golf fitness warm up exercise above, coaches and participants will discuss the following questions: • What does honesty mean? • HONESTY: to tell the truth. Golf is unique and different than other sports because o There are no referees o You keep your own score o We call penalties on ourselves

Rules of Golf and Etiquette (to be covered during activity #1):

Pace of Play – “Keeping up with the group in front of you” - A player should make a stroke in no more than 40 seconds (and usually in less time) after the player is able to play without interference or distraction, and. Committees should adopt a Pace of Play Policy (rather than only say they may do so).

Teeing Ground – When a player is putting a ball into play from the teeing ground, it must be played from within the teeing ground and from the surface of the ground or from a conforming tee in or on the surface of the ground. Rule 11-1. You may tee up no more than two club lengths behind the tee markers (while staying between them) You may stand outside of the teeing ground while playing a ball that is teed up within the teeing ground

Provisional Ball – If your ball may be lost or out of bounds, you may play a provisional ball under . If you find your original ball, you may play it and avoid taking the penalty stroke.

Lost Ball - Your ball is considered lost if not found in three minutes after you begin to search for it.

Rules of Dropping - The New Rule: The new rule states that a player's only requirement is that the ball must be at knee height when dropping and must not touch any part of a player's body or equipment before hitting the ground.

Activity #1: Play Day Duration: the remainder of class (if possible)

Objectives of Game: this lesson is about getting kids on the golf course to experience playing as well as exploring honesty as it relates to golf.

Supplies: cones, balls, , ball markers/coins. Scorecards to keep score!

Description of Set-Up: coaches should place cones/tee markers down to shorten the golf course making it more appropriate for the age and skill level of the class. Recommended yardages are: 3 – 60 yards, par 4 – 100 yards, par 5 – 150 yards. Make sure to take in account hazards, hills and other obstacles when setting up your course.

How to Play: Below are a few sample golf formats coaches can choose from. Think about your class skill level when determining what format to play.

• Scramble (Captain’s Choice) – can be played by 2, 3, or 4 person teams, and involves choosing the one best shot following every stroke, with each team member playing again from that same spot. Can be a slow format with big groups. Remember pace of play and safety.

• No Putts – players hit shots until they are on the green (or fringe). Once a player has reached the green (or fringe) they have completed the hole and can pick up. If played as a competition, the winning individual or team is the one who reaches the green (or fringe) in the lowest number of shots. ***No Putts can be added to a scramble format to speed up pace of play.***

Coach Notes: • You should review Get Ready to Swing and Target Awareness. o Make sure to ask questions to help them understand concepts instead of just telling them answers. • During play, cover Rules of Golf and Etiquette as described on the first page of this lesson. • Make sure participants are displaying HONESTY by keeping score on page 17 in their yardage books.

The goal of this week is to get the kids used to playing on the golf course. The first thing coaches should be concerned with is the safety of players on the course. Equally as important is ensuring that students are keeping up with the pace of play.

Make sure you are aware of these things: • Who hits next? (think “air traffic controller” – clearly state who’s hitting next and help them get prepared) • Safety (where are students standing or walking) • Golf bags (show them where to place their golf bags to ensure a proper pace-of-play) • Equipment (help them keep up with all their equipment)

Remember these things when you provide golf instruction: • Instruction should not slow down play • Instruction should be focused on the golf fundamental “Get Ready to Swing.” • Instruction should be age and skill level appropriate.

Remember to look for things they are doing right. This will probably be many participants first time on a golf course…make it fun and memorable! This is also a great time to get to know the young people in your group, so chat it up! Keep it simple, keep it light, and keep it fun!!!

5 minutes Bridge to Life: Use the following questions to help participants apply their “on-course” work to their “off-course” activities and experiences. 1. How did you use the golf fundamental of Target Awareness (selection) today? 2. What does pace of play mean? 3. How did you display honesty in class today? 4. How can you display honesty at home? At school? 5. HOMEWORK: Assign 16-19 in the book for homework. 6. To end the class, share a socially distanced First Tee cheer!