Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Pyrgodesmidae)

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Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Pyrgodesmidae) Arthropoda Selecta 28(2): 179–190 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2019 The millipede genus Cryptocorypha Attems, 1907 revisited, with descriptions of two new Oriental species (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Pyrgodesmidae) Ñíîâà î ìíîãîíîæêàõ-äèïëîïîäàõ ðîäà Cryptocorypha Attems, 1907 ñ îïèñàíèÿìè äâóõ íîâûõ îðèåíòàëüíûõ âèäîâ (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Pyrgodesmidae) S.I. Golovatch Ñ.È. Ãîëîâà÷ Institute for Problems of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prospekt 33, Moscow 119071 Russia. Институт проблем экологии и эволюции РАН, Ленинский проспект, 33, Москва, Россия. KEY WORDS: Diplopoda, Cryptocorypha, taxonomy, new species, Laos, Thailand. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: Diplopoda, Cryptocorypha, таксономия, новый вид, Лаос, Таиланд. ABSTRACT. The largely Old World, tropical or дов рода Cryptocorypha, включая два старых вида, subtropical diplopod genus Cryptocorypha Attems, C. tobana Chamberlin, 1945, c Суматры (Индонезия) 1907 is reviewed, with the following three new formal и C. leia Chamberlin, 1945, с Явы (Индонезия), на generic synonyms established: Carlodesmus Verhoeff, основе ревизии их голотипов. 1941, Cryptomauritius Verhoeff, 1941 and Sisyrodes- mus Attems, 1912, all syn.n. Two species are newly Introduction synonymized: C. fungifer (Attems, 1953), comb.n. (= C. leleupi Golovatch, Nzoko Fiemapong et Vanden- The mainly Old World, tropical or subtropical mil- Spiegel, 2017), and C. riparia (Carl, 1932), comb.n. (= lipede genus Cryptocorypha Attems, 1907 has only C. lawrencei (Verhoeff, 1941)), both syn.n. Another recently been reviewed, rediagnosed and shown to com- two new species are described: C. bicolorata sp.n. prise 21 species [Golovatch et al., 2017; Likhitrakarn from Laos and C. jaegeri sp.n. from northern Thailand. et al., 2019]. The issue, however, needs to be revisited A provisional key is compiled to all 25 currently recog- not only because of two new species to be described, nized species of Cryptocorypha, including two old con- but also to document a few new synonymies, to transfer geners, C. tobana Chamberlin, 1945, from Sumatra, two new congeners, and to revise the holotypes of Indonesia and C. leia Chamberlin, 1945, from Java, another two old species. Indonesia, based on a revision of their holotypes. How to cite this article: Golovatch S.I. 2019. The millipede genus Cryptocorypha Attems, 1907 revisit- Material and methods ed, with descriptions of two new Oriental species (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Pyrgodesmidae) // Arthro- The type series of both new Cryptocorypha were bor- poda Selecta. Vol.28. No.2. P.179–190. doi: 10.15298/ rowed from and will be returned to the collection of the arthsel. 28.2.01 Senckenberg Naturmuseum, Frankfurt a.M. (SMF), Germa- ny. The holotypes of two old species of R.V. Chamberlin were borrowed from the American Museum of Natural His- РЕЗЮМЕ. Дан обзор диплопод в основном тро- tory (AMNH), New York and revised at the Museum of пического рода Cryptocorypha Attems, 1907 с уста- Comparative Zoology (MCZ) in Harvard, USA. новленными тремя формально новыми родовыми Colour pictures of the new species were most skillfully синонимами: Carlodesmus Verhoeff, 1941, Crypto- taken and stacked by Kirill Makarov (Moscow, Russia), mauritius Verhoeff, 1941 и Sisyrodesmus Attems, 1912, whereas those of Chamberlin’s congeners by Mrs Jennifer все три syn.n. Предложены два новых видовых Trimble (MCZ). синонима: C. fungifer (Attems, 1953), comb.n. (= C. leleupi Golovatch, Nzoko Fiemapong et VandenSpiegel, Taxonomy 2017), и C. riparia (Carl, 1932), comb.n. (= C. lawrencei (Verhoeff, 1941)), оба syn.n. Описаны два Cryptocorypha Attems, 1907 новых вида: C. bicolorata sp.n. из Лаоса и C. jaegeri sp.n. из Северного Таиланда. Представлен предва- Type-species: Cryptocorypha stylopus Attems, 1907, Java, by рительный ключ для всех 25 ныне признанных ви- monotypy. 180 S.I. Golovatch = Procoptodesmus Brolemann, 1920, synonymized by Golo- species); C. tobana Chamberlin, 1945; and C. tubercu- vatch et al. [2017]. lata (Carl, 1932). At least further two, apparently new, Type-species: Procoptodesmus diffusus Brolemann, 1920, Tan- zania, by original designation. but yet undescribed species of Cryptocorypha have = Archandrodesmus Carl, 1932, synonymized by Hoffman recently been recorded from Nepal [Golovatch, Mar- [1977]. tens, 2018]. Type-species: Archandrodesmus areatus Carl, 1932, India, by With the above synonymization of Carlodesmus original designation. Verhoeff, 1941, Cryptomauritius Verhoeff, 1941 and = Platykapelus Attems, 1938, synonymized by Hoffman [1977]. Type-species: Platykapelus ornatus Attems, 1938, Hawaii, by Sisyrodesmus Attems, 1912 under Cryptocorypha, the original designation. following new transfers, as well as two new specific = Cryptomauritius Verhoeff, 1941, syn.n. synonymies are warranted: C. riparia (Carl, 1932), Type-species: Cryptomauritius lawrencei Verhoeff, 1941, Mau- comb.n. ex Carlodesmus; C. lawrencei (Verhoeff, ritius, by monotypy. = Ceyloncarlia Verhoeff, 1941, synonymized by Hoffman 1941), comb.n. ex Cryptomauritius; C. riparia (Carl, [1977]. 1932) = C. lawrencei (Verhoeff, 1941), syn.n.; C. co- Type-species: Archandrodesmus kandyanus Carl, 1932, Sri alita (Attems, 1953), C. fungifer (Attems, 1953) and C. Lanka, by monotypy. girafficeps (Attems, 1912), all comb.n. ex Sisyrodes- = Afrocorypha Loksa, 1967, the Republic of the Congo, syn- mus; C. fungifer (Attems, 1953) = C. leleupi Golo- onymized by Golovatch et al. [2017]. Type-species: Cryptocorypha (Afrocorypha) nympha Loksa, vatch, Nzoko Fiemapong et VandenSpiegel, 2017, 1967, by monotypy. syn.n., these two latter species coming even from the = Sisyrodesmus Attems, 1912, syn.n. same type locality: Itombwe, the Democratic Republic Type-species: Sisyrodesmus girafficeps Attems, 1912, Rwan- of the Congo. da, by monotypy. = Carlodesmus Verhoeff, 1941, syn.n. Another genus, Aporodesminus Silvestri, 1904, with Type-species: Archandrodesmus riparius Carl, 1932, India, by only one accepted species, A. wallacei Silvestri, 1904 monotypy. (= Cryptocorypha napoleonis Attems, 1907, synony- Among others, both Carlodesmus and Sisyrodes- mized by Hoffman [1977]), almost fully fits in the mus have long been circumscribed [Hoffman, 1977] as diagnosis of Cryptocorypha, particularly its gonopodal a group of genera deemed to be especially close to traits. Like C. ornata, A. wallacei is nearly pantropical Cryptocorypha, but so far their synonymies have never and semi-aquatic, and it is also widely scattered across been formalized. In addition, Hoffman [1977] correct- the islands and archipelagos of the Atlantic and Pacific ly noticed that Cryptomauritius lawrencei Verhoeff, oceans, including a creek at Sydney, Australia (see 1941, from Mauritius [Verhoeff, 1941], is fully identi- Adis et al. [1998]). Superficially, A. wallacei differs cal to ?Archandrodesmus riparius Carl, 1932, from strongly enough from Cryptocorypha in the absence of southern India [Carl, 1932], but he regarded this spe- ozopores and the related reduction of the number of cies sufficiently distinct from Cryptocorypha (= Arch- lateral lobulations on all postcollum paraterga to three, androdesmus) spp. at the generic level to warrant the while the gonopodal telopodites are clearly tripartite, recognition of Cryptomauritius as a separate genus vs. quadripartite in C. ornata [Silvestri, 1904; Attems, [Hoffman, 1977, 1980]. However, because all of them 1907b, 1938, 1940; Hoffman, 1977; Adis et al., 1998]. clearly show basically the same somatic and gonopodal Taking into account the particularly profound varia- conformations (see a refined diagnosis below), they are tions observed in the distribution and location of ozo- treated here as a single large genus. pores within the family Pyrgodesmidae, in which far All species previously included in Cryptocorypha too many genera, including numerous monotypic ones, have recently been listed, with complete data on their are still based on peculiar pore formulae (e.g. Attems distributions also provided [Likhitrakarn et al., 2019]. [1940]), it would seem tempting to synonymize these That listing is briefly repeated below and the species two genera as well. However, I suggest first to compare are arranged in alphabetic order: C. areata (Carl, 1932); both these species and their genera using molecular C. bocal Golovatch, Nzoko Fiemapong et Vanden- evidence. In addition, formal synonymy would inflict Spiegel, 2017; C. chernovi Golovatch, Geoffroy et Van- numerous taxonomic transfers, as Aporodesminus is denSpiegel, 2013; C. diffusa (Brolemann, 1920); C. older than, and thus has priority over, Cryptocorypha. dimorpha Golovatch, Nzoko Fiemapong et Vanden- So let this challenge be deferred for the future. Spiegel, 2017; C. enghoffi Likhitrakarn, Golovatch, Considering both new Indochinese species described Strisonchai, Sutcharit et Panha, 2019, C. hoffmani Golo- below, the diversity of described/accepted Cryptocory- vatch, Semenyuk, VandenSpiegel et Anichkin, 2011; pha spp. currently amounts to 25. A key to all of them C. japonica (Miyosi, 1957); C. kandyana (Carl, 1932); will conclude the present contribution. C. kumamotensis (Murakami, 1966); C. leia Chamber- The distribution of Cryptocorypha is basically Old lin, 1945; C. leleupi Golovatch, Nzoko Fiemapong et World, largely restricted to the tropics or subtropics, VandenSpiegel, 2017; C. monomorpha Golovatch, Nzo- and it covers central and eastern Africa, through Nepal, ko Fiemapong et VandenSpiegel, 2017; C. nympha India, Sri Lanka and Myanmar, to East Asia, southern Loksa, 1967; C. ornata (Attems,
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