October 29, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1589 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

RECOGNIZING JEREMY HISSONG’S throughout California’s flood prone Central HONORING THE CAREER OF EFFORTS TO SUPPORT HOME- Valley, while other construction projects will JUSTICE THOMAS KILBRIDE LESS STUDENTS help to rebuild our crumbling water infrastruc- ture and create jobs. The improvements to re- HON. CHERI BUSTOS HON. ADAM KINZINGER vitalize our ports and waterways will bolster OF ILLINOIS business development and ensure that prod- OF ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ucts grown and manufactured in the United States will continue to be exported around the Tuesday, October 29, 2013 Tuesday, October 29, 2013 world. Mrs. BUSTOS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. KINZINGER of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I I commend Committee leadership for finding honor Justice Thomas Kilbride, who just com- rise today to recognize an inspiring effort to a way to authorize much needed projects with- pleted his term as Chief Justice of the Illinois support homeless students in Rockford, Illi- out violating the earmark ban. The Natomas Supreme Court on October 25th. Justice nois. Under the leadership of Jeremy Hissong, Levee Improvement Project will be authorized Kilbride received his law degree from Antioch friends and neighbors of the Rockford School when this bill becomes law, resulting in in- School in Washington, DC, and practiced law District banded together to collect clothes and creased flood protection for thousands of resi- for 20 years in the 17th District of Illinois be- school supplies to benefit the District’s home- dents in the Sacramento area. However, there fore being elected to the Illinois Supreme less student program. is more we could do. There are approximately Court in 2000. He graciously conducted a cer- After learning of the over 1,200 homeless 15 projects that have Chief’s Reports in the emonial swearing in for me in Rock Island children in the Rockford Public School District, pipeline. They aren’t yet completed, but should after I took office in the U.S. House of Rep- Mr. Hissong utilized social media and the be in the next several months. I urge an ex- resentatives in January. internet to organize ‘‘Kids Need Us’’ to gather pansion of the authorization to include those Justice Kilbride made a great impact on support for a supply drive. His employer, projects that will have completed Chief’s Re- public access to the law during his term as Mondelez International, provided space in its ports by the end of the Fiscal Year so that im- Chief Justice. He promoted the increased use parking lot for volunteers to collect needed portant projects like the one in the Sutter of technology in the court, spearheading ef- supplies from the community such as socks, Basin can begin work without wondering when forts to put cameras in Illinois courtrooms and pants, coats, hats, pens, and paper to be do- we might get around to passing another allowing electronic filing of many documents nated to the homeless student program. WRDA bill. for the Supreme Court. I applaud Mr. Hissong, and the community, Much needed language was included to in- Additionally, Justice Kilbride formed the Illi- for their success in bringing people together, struct the Corps to revise its regulations re- nois Supreme Court Access to Justice Com- gathering needed items, and educating the garding levee vegetation. Each part of the mission, as he explained, in order to ‘‘make public about the awful reality of youth home- country is different and it is vital that the Corps access to justice a high priority for everyone in lessness in our communities. This story of ac- have the flexibility to make determinations the legal system.’’ Among other accomplish- tion is an important reminder of the victims of based on the individual community and what ments, the Commission has broadened the a slow economy and the importance of taking is needed to provide the most protection. As use of standardized legal forms in plain action in order to help those most in need. the bill moves forward in the process, I urge English to make it easier for people to navi- Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the 16th District of my colleagues to be open to discussing gate the law without needing to hire an attor- Illinois, I wish to express our deep apprecia- changes to the crediting provisions. Crediting ney. tion for Jeremy Hissong’s work and the rest of is critical to ensure timely investments in pub- Mr. Speaker, I want to thank Justice Kilbride the community for their support of this impor- lic infrastructure and encourage local commu- for his friendship, his commendable work as tant cause. nities to start sooner than later to respond to Chief Justice and his dedication to making the f flood threats. One slight change I would like to law accessible to everyone in Illinois. WATER RESOURCES REFORM AND see would be to move the milestone earlier as f DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 2013 to when a non-federal sponsor of a project could begin receiving credit. This does not ob- TRIBUTE TO CHARLEY GREENE DIXON, JR. SPEECH OF ligate additional federal funds, nor does it guarantee a non-federal sponsor will receive HON. JOHN GARAMENDI credit. It merely lets local communities begin HON. HAROLD ROGERS OF CALIFORNIA to address risks to the public safety as soon OF KENTUCKY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as possible. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, October 23, 2013 The Committee has taken strides to reform the way money in the Harbor Maintenance Tuesday, October 29, 2013 The House in Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union had under Trust Fund (HMTF) is spent. Over the next Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I consideration the bill (H.R. 3080) to provide several years, more funding will be funneled rise today to pay tribute to a dear friend and for improvements to the rivers and harbors back to our ports to ensure those paying into true leader for southern Kentucky, Charley of the United States, to provide for the con- the fund actually receive the dollars back to Greene Dixon, Jr., in honor of his selection as servative and development of water and re- maintain the infrastructure. Again, more can the 2013 Knox County Chamber of Commerce lated resources, and for other purposes: be done to make sure California gets a fair Man of the Year. Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Chair, I want to thank shake. Most of our ports are donors to the During his ten-year service as the Knox Committee Chairman SHUSTER and Ranking fund, but get little back. The world is only get- County Attorney, Charley Greene Dixon wit- Member RAHALL, as well as Subcommittee ting smaller and we must do all that we can nessed first-hand how the prescription drug Chairman GIBBS and Ranking Member BISHOP to ensure American products can get out of abuse epidemic destroyed the lives of count- for their hard work in putting together a bill our country and into the global market. All of less families in our region. The rapid rate of that all of us can support. There are many our ports are important to international trade overdose deaths and repeat drug trafficking good things in the bill and a few things that and all should get adequate funding to be the offenders funneling through his courtroom still need some work. best they can be. stirred a passion within him to do more—to try The Water Resources Reform and Develop- This bill is a milestone in a divided Con- to save the lives of his neighbors and their ment Act (WRRDA) is a vitally important bill to gress and represents compromise in an era of children. In response, Charley played a key my constituents in the 3rd District of California. partisanship. A vote for this bill today is a vote role in establishing Juvenile, Family and Adult The levee projects that are authorized will pro- for jobs and for our economy, two things we Drug Courts in his hometown, and he remains vide life-saving protection for residents can all support. a steadfast advocate for expanding drug-free

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:23 Oct 30, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K29OC8.001 E29OCPT1 PWALKER on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1590 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 29, 2013 education and treatment efforts across our re- ment. Founded in 1949 by Drs. Hollis and of New York and New Jersey residents are gion. I count it an honor to stand shoulder-to- Julia Todd as the Department of Speech, the still displaced and others are living in partially shoulder with Charley in this fight for our com- current Communication Department presented repaired homes. Infrastructure throughout the munities. diplomas to hundreds of students who have region awaits repair and needs to be hard- Outside of the courtroom, Charley Greene subsequently experienced personal and career ened. I am confident that with the continued Dixon has rallied efforts in our schools and success in their chosen fields. Among its commitment of state and federal partners, our communities, as Chairman of the Knox County alumni, the department prides itself by seeing communities will rebound and come out UNITE Coalition. Through his dedicated sup- former graduates become leaders in fields as stronger than ever. port, thousands of young people have had the diverse as business and ministry, education f opportunity to attend drug-free events like, and journalism. Hooked on Fishing Not on Drugs, a prevention The faculty of the Mississippi College Com- TRIBUTE TO JOHN AND MARY camp, as well as faith-based walks, parades, munication Department embodies dedicated PAPPAJOHN along with basketball and cheerleading pro- and sustained service to the university and its grams. He has undoubtedly inspired countless mission. In fact, only three men have chaired HON. TOM LATHAM young people to break the cycle of addiction the department over the span of its 64 years: OF IOWA in their families, encouraging them to dream Dr. Hollis Todd, Dr. Billy Lytal, for whom the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES big and to accomplish great things through a annual student scholarship fund is named, and Tuesday, October 29, 2013 current chair Dr. Cliff Fortenberry. With a life of sobriety. Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Additionally, Charley has worked diligently teaching philosophy built around the practical recognize and honor John and Mary to obtain several instrumental grants for Knox application of theory and curriculum, depart- Pappajohn for being the named the 2013 re- County, including a victim advocate grant, a mental faculty are teachers first, individuals cipients of Eli and Edythe Broad Award for truancy prevention grant, and an environ- who view their service at Mississippi College Philanthropy in the Arts at the National Arts mental PRIDE award. Those grant dollars as an investment in their students’ lives and in Awards ceremony. have been vital to the growth, security, and their community. The Mississippi College Communication De- In celebration of National Arts and Human- health of area communities. ities Month, Americans for the Arts organizes Despite his battle with cancer, Charley’s partment currently enrolls undergraduates in interpersonal and public communication, jour- the National Arts Awards each October to rec- passion for progress in Knox County is still ognize the achievements of individuals and holding strong. He continues to serve as a nalism, mass media, public relations, and the- ater concentrations, and offers graduate de- corporations who have exhibited outstanding member of the Knox County Chamber of leadership in the arts, arts education and phi- Commerce Board of Directors and President grees in journalism, health services commu- nication, professional communication in sports, lanthropy. Accordingly, the Eli and Edythe of the region’s Bar Association. He is also Broad Award for Philanthropy is reserved for very active in his church, serving as an usher and public relations and corporate commu- nication. Leading in innovative online class- individuals who have demonstrated an extraor- for the past 15 years and a trustee for two dinary commitment of philanthropic generosity years. room offerings, the communication department partners with other academic departments to to one or more major arts institutions. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me The selection of the Pappajohns to receive in honoring a champion for southern Kentucky, offer unique degree programs to meet student and market demands. such a prestigious award should come as no Charley Greene Dixon, Jr. His recognition as surprise to those that know this incredible cou- the Knox County Chamber of Commerce Man With a current enrollment of over 5,000 stu- dents and future leaders, Mississippi College ple and their love of the arts. John served on of the Year is duly warranted and I wish Char- the board of directors of the Des Moines Art ley the very best in the years to come. seeks to be known as a university recognized for academic excellence and commitment to Center and continues to be an honorary trust- f the cause of Christ. The faculty, staff, students ee, while his wife serves as the head of the MISSISSIPPI COLLEGE and alumni of the Mississippi College Commu- museum’s Acquisition Committee and has nication Department are proud to fulfill this vi- continued to serve as an active trustee for HON. ALAN NUNNELEE sion as the department enters its 65th year of nearly two decades. Together they have do- service. nated several works of art to the museum, in- OF MISSISSIPPI cluding those that comprise the beloved sculp- f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ture park in downtown Des Moines. They have Tuesday, October 29, 2013 IN RECOGNITION OF THE ONE also been members of the National Committee YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF HURRI- Mr. NUNNELEE. Mr. Speaker, Mississippi of Performing Arts of the Kennedy Center in CANE SANDY College, the oldest institution of higher learn- Washington, DC for more than two decades ing in the state of Mississippi and the second and continually rank among the top art collec- oldest Baptist university in the United States, HON. PETER T. KING tors in the world. recently celebrated the opening of its 187th OF NEW YORK Mr. Speaker, Mr. and Mrs. Pappajohn’s life- school year. Mississippi College has since IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES long commitment to philanthropy at the local, pre-Civil War days provided students from Tuesday, October 29, 2013 state, and national levels cannot be over- across the state and around the world an edu- stated. John and Mary’s selfless contributions Mr. KING of New York. Mr. Speaker, I rise have changed countless lives for the better cation informed by Christian values, and was to reflect on the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, the first co-educational institution in the nation and I cannot imagine a more deserved selec- which made landfall one year ago. tion for this prestigious award. It is a great to grant a degree to a woman. Super Storm Sandy was the second largest honor to represent John and Mary in the The university has a long and distinguished natural disaster in our nation’s history and the United States Congress and I invite my col- history of educating future public servants, second costliest. New York State alone in- leagues in the House to join me in congratu- counting current leaders in federal and state curred $32.8 billion in damage, $8.4 billion of lating them for this momentous recognition government among her alumna, including cur- which was on Long Island. 305,000 homes and thanking them for their continued dedica- rent Third Congressional District Rep. Gregg and 265,300 businesses in the state were tion to their community and our nation. Harper, and current Mississippi Gov. Phil Bry- damaged or destroyed. While these numbers ant. As a member of the Board of Trustees I are shocking, they don’t begin to tell the story f am also proud to recognize the leadership of of the suffering my constituents experienced. WATER RESOURCES REFORM AND Order of the Golden Arrow recipient Gayle This devastation was exacerbated by the DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 2013 Wicker has provided to the university’s presi- failure of Congress to provide immediate aid dents through the years. Mississippi College, to the affected communities. The Northeast SPEECH OF located in Clinton, is a proud constituent of the was forced to wait more than three months for HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON Second Congressional District represented by a federal aid package, thereby delaying the re- OF TEXAS Rep. Bennie Thompson. gion’s recovery. Fortunately, this assistance is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES For 64 years, students have received exem- beginning to flow and communities are in the plary training in areas of speech, media, public process of rebuilding. Wednesday, October 23, 2013 relations, theater and related practices in the While we have made progress, the road to The House in Committee of the Whole Mississippi College Communication Depart- recovery remains long and difficult. Thousands House on the state of the Union had under

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:23 Oct 30, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29OC8.004 E29OCPT1 PWALKER on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS October 29, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1591 consideration the bill (H.R. 3080) to provide for a deep-draft waterway from the Gulf of tinue our commitment to our veterans. Let us for improvements to the rivers and harbors Mexico to the City of Freeport through the do what we can to honor their service and of the United States, to provide for the con- original mouth of the Brazos River. It will con- sacrifices. With more and more servicemen servation and development of water and re- lated resources, and for other purposes: tribute to the economic efficiency of commer- transitioning to veteran status, it’s critical that cial navigation in the region and will signifi- we protect the benefits they have earned in Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. cantly improve Freeport Harbor’s ability to service to their country. Mr. Chair, I rise in support of H.R. 3080, the compete in international maritime commerce. Water Resources Reform and Development These projects will help bring nearly a billion f Act (WRRDA) of 2013. As the Senior Texan dollars of Federal funds to Texas’ ports and on the Transportation and Infrastructure Com- waterways. In turn, these improvements will ESTABLISHING COMMISSION OR mittee and cosponsor of this legislation, I am be a boon for Texas’ economy and the Na- TASK FORCE TO EVALUATE THE glad to once again be addressing water re- tional economy. Further, with the expansion of BACKLOG OF DISABILITY sources legislation on the House Floor. Such the Panama Canal, these improvements will CLAIMS legislation has not been passed by this es- allow Texas’ ports to play an increased role in teemed Body since 2007, when I served as the global economy. The increased economic SPEECH OF Chairwoman of the Water Resources and En- benefit and movement of goods will be felt vironment Subcommittee that helped craft and throughout Texas, including in my home dis- HON. LOIS FRANKEL usher the Water Resources Development Act trict in Dallas, home to two Class One rail (WRDA) of 2007 into law over a presidential lines, an intermodal facility, numerous inter- OF FLORIDA veto. With this background, I understand the state highways, and a strong consumer mar- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES challenge of composing and advancing such ketplace. legislation to this point. I applaud the leader- It is my hope that the passage of this legis- Monday, October 28, 2013 ship demonstrated by the Chairman and lation will revive the biannual WRDA author- Ranking Members of both the Full Transpor- Ms. FRANKEL of Florida. Mr. Speaker, the ization schedule. Monitoring the streamlining veterans’ disability claims backlog is simply tation and Infrastructure Committee and the provisions of this bill, as well as assessing the Water Resources and Environment Sub- unacceptable. American service members who expenditures of the Harbor Maintenance Trust risk their lives to protect our freedoms should committee for bringing this bill to the Floor Fund will be ripe for reconsideration during the today. not have to wonder if they will receive the next Congress—as will many other issues. It basic benefits they deserve. Today, more than While I ultimately support the passage of is my belief that the overall objectives and pur- this legislation, I am concerned about the 405,000 veterans are waiting for their benefits poses of water resources legislation are vital in this tragically backlogged system. These weakening of environmental protections and to America and should be considered on a bi- the ability of the public to participate in that aren’t just numbers. These are real people— annual basis. The importance of this bill heroes who served our country. process as a result of the streamlining provi- should not be lost in politics. sions of this bill. The Army Corps of Engineers In closing, I want to once again thank the Take for example Jeff Colaicovo, a veteran project construction backlog and astronomical Chairman and Ranking Members of both the living in my district in South Florida. Jeff re- figure it carries demonstrates that project effi- Full Transportation and Infrastructure Com- ceived two Purple Hearts for his courageous ciency must be improved. I understand the de- mittee and the Water Resources and Environ- service during the Vietnam War. He sacrificed sire to expedite Army Corps of Engineers ment Subcommittee for their leadership in ad- for his country, and unbelievably, our claims study and project completions, yet do not be- vancing this legislation to the floor today. system failed him. lieve that the environmental safeguards such f Until his case was brought to my office’s at- as the National Environmental Policy Act are tention earlier this year, Jeff had made little VULNERABLE VETERANS HOUSING the cause of those delays. If properly funded, progress towards receiving the benefits he has REFORM ACT OF 2013 necessary projects can be completed with ap- earned. In fact, he and his wife spent over two propriate environmental considerations. I am SPEECH OF years struggling with bills that his benefits discouraged that environmental protections should have helped cover. Finally, after reach- are being weakened under this guise. HON. DEREK KILMER ing out to my office, Jeff began receiving his As Co-Chair of the Texas Maritime Caucus, OF WASHINGTON far-overdue benefits in June. Jeff, along with I have supported language in this bill to in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES all of our nation’s veterans, deserves better. crease commercial navigation capabilities for Texas’ ports and waterways. I am excited Monday, October 28, 2013 Thankfully, today, we took an important step about Texas’ ports and the role that they play Mr. KILMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in towards helping our veterans by passing H.R. in cultivating the Texas economy, the National support of H.R. 1742, the Vulnerable Veterans 2189. economy, and the global economy. With ex- Housing Reform Act of 2013. Part of the reason veterans often wait so pansive coastlines, established intermodal in- Our country enjoys unparalleled freedom long for their benefits decisions is that the av- frastructure, and strategically beneficial loca- because of the commitment and sacrifice of erage number of conditions afflicting our vet- tion, maritime commerce has a bright future in our troops. I believe that if you serve our erans has grown significantly. This was true Texas. Moreover, the American economy has country, we should have your back. That for Jeff whose conditions include PTSD, loss a brighter future because of Texas’ transpor- means ensuring that military families and vet- of hearing, irregular heartbeat, and severe tation investments and capabilities. erans have access to the full level of benefits back problems. In fact, our service members I am glad to have worked in a bipartisan they have earned. currently returning home from Iraq and Af- fashion to include language in this legislation Mr. Speaker, it is unacceptable that the aid ghanistan submit an average of 8.5 separate for an assessment of the Gulf Intracoastal Wa- and assistance we provide to our heroes and conditions, whereas WWII veterans typically terway. This assessment will be a valuable their families, would end up diminishing hous- submitted less than three. tool for the State of Texas to determine its ing benefits. Treating this allocation as part of Under the current system, each medical current and future operation and maintenance the income calculation to determine HUD ben- condition is individually adjudicated and the needs for navigation improvements to the Gulf efits could lead to an increase in homeless- veteran only begins receiving benefits once Intracoastal Waterway, allowing it to be uti- ness. Why force our heroes to choose be- the entire claim has been processed. lized more efficiently and productively in mari- tween the care they require and the shelter time commerce. they need? H.R. 2189 will address this issue by requir- Further, I supported the inclusion of projects H.R. 1742 clarifies that the benefits earned ing the Veterans Administration to pay benefits at the Sabine-Neches Waterway, Texas and at by our military retirees shall remain used to as each element of a veteran’s claim is re- Freeport Harbor, Texas—both of which are the purposes provided—and that assistance viewed, rather than when the entire package authorized in this legislation. The Sabine- for caring for the disabled shall not jeopardize has been processed. This would allow vet- Neches Waterway project will contribute to the the ability to get the housing and shelter they erans to begin receiving benefits checks much economic effectiveness of commercial naviga- require. sooner. tion in a system of navigation channels in the Again I am proud to support the Vulnerable While much more still needs to be done, Sabine-Neches estuary of Texas and Lou- Veterans Housing Reform Act of 2013 and this is an important step to help repair a bro- isiana. The Freeport Harbor project provides urge my colleagues to do the same. Let’s con- ken system.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:23 Oct 30, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC8.001 E29OCPT1 PWALKER on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1592 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 29, 2013 PERSONAL EXPLANATION ment with the local and state communities. In CONGRATULATING SAINT LOUIS conjunction with his professional accomplish- DE MONTFORT CATHOLIC HON. SAM GRAVES ments in the Air Force and on the bench, SCHOOL, A BLUE RIBBON OF MISSOURI Judge Allen has served on a number of SCHOOL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES boards and commissions, most notably as Tuesday, October 29, 2013 Chairman of the Judicial Qualifications Com- HON. SUSAN W. BROOKS mission, and has received many awards and OF INDIANA Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, on accolades for his service. Judge Allen’s con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, October 28, I missed a series of roll- tributions to the Columbus area and the state Tuesday, October 29, 2013 call votes. Had I been present, I would have of Georgia have even earned him recognition voted ‘‘yea’’ on Nos. 561 and 562. from the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer as one of Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I f ‘‘100 People to Remember for the Century.’’ rise today to congratulate an outstanding school in my district that is being honored as IN RECOGNITION OF THE RETIRE- None of Judge Allen’s momentous accom- a 2013 National Blue Ribbon School. It is a MENT OF THE HONORABLE plishments would have been possible without pleasure to congratulate Saint Louis de JUDGE JOHN D. ALLEN the enduring love and support of his wife Vic- Montfort Catholic School in Fishers, Indiana in toria; children John Jr., Geoffrey, and Kevin; celebration of this special occasion. HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. and grandchildren John Ill and Carson. The National Blue Ribbon designation, given OF GEORGIA A true Georgian devoted to serving his great by the U.S. Department of Education, is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES state, Judge Allen embodies Georgia’s state awarded to both public and private schools Tuesday, October 29, 2013 motto, ‘‘Wisdom, Justice and Moderation.’’ across our great nation. Started by President Judge Allen is a man of great integrity who Reagan and given annually since 1982, the Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, it is sets a high standard of values that make for award celebrates great American schools that my honor and pleasure to extend my personal a strong foundation of character in himself and achieve very high learning standards or are congratulations and best wishes to a great in others. On a personal note, I would like to making significant improvements in the aca- friend and servant of humankind, Judge John thank Judge Allen for his friendship, advice demic achievements of their students. In my D. Allen, Chief Judge of the Chattahoochee and counsel over the years. His wisdom and district and across the country, the award rec- Circuit of the Third Superior Court District of sage advice have contributed immensely to ognizes the great educators, students and par- Georgia. Judge Allen will be recognized by the my success. For that I will always be grateful. ents who have worked so hard to ensure Indi- Columbus Bar Association for his distin- ana’s children reach their full potential and Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join guished service on Tuesday, October 29, achieve academic success. 2013, at the Columbus Convention and Trade me, my wife Vivian, and the more than For all of these reasons and many more, I Center in Columbus, Georgia. He will be retir- 700,000 residents of Georgia’s Second Con- am so proud that Saint Louis de Montfort is ing on Thursday, October 31, 2013. gressional District in honoring Judge John D. receiving this prestigious designation. It is a Judge Allen was born on January 17, 1943 Allen for his outstanding professional achieve- wonderful acknowledgement of the school’s in segregated Columbus, Georgia. It seemed ments and dedicated service to his country commitment to providing young Hoosiers an like all the odds were against him of one day and to the people of the state of Georgia as exceptional education. While 417 schools na- becoming a Superior Court Judge. Despite the he retires from his position as Chief Judge of tionwide may be nominated, only 286 are cho- lack of black role models in the law as he was the Chattahoochee Circuit of the Third Supe- sen as a National Blue Ribbon School, making growing up, Judge Allen kept education as his rior Court District of Georgia. this recognition all the more impressive. main priority. He graduated from Tuskegee Serving children from junior kindergarten University in 1966 with a Bachelor’s degree in f through eighth grade, Saint Louis de Montfort Mechanical Engineering. Catholic School provides its students with an A distinguished cadet in the ROTC, Judge WELCOMING GUEST CHAPLIN JACK outstanding education in both academics and Allen was commissioned into the Air Force in HIBBS TO U.S. HOUSE OF REP- the Catholic faith. It has consistently been 1966 as a 2nd Lieutenant Pilot. He completed RESENTATIVES graded as an ‘‘A’’ school by the Indiana De- Advanced Survival Training in 1967, and he partment of Education and is a leader in incor- was promoted to 1st Lieutenant/Tactical Fight- HON. GARY G. MILLER porating technology and learning in the class- er Pilot in 1968. Upon completion of course, room, while also engaging its students in daily he was assigned to Southeast Asia and flew OF CALIFORNIA prayer, religion classes, liturgical celebrations, 167 combat missions while stationed in Thai- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and service learning projects. As a mother whose children attended Catholic school, I ap- land. After promotions to Tactical Aircraft Tuesday, October 29, 2013 Commander, then to Captain, Judge Allen flew plaud Saint Louis de Montfort for its work to another 127 combat missions in Southeast Mr. GARY G. MILLER of California. Mr. ensure its students engage with the Hoosier Asia before returning to Tampa, Florida and Speaker, I rise to welcome Pastor Jack Hibbs community and remain service-oriented. serving as an academic and flight instructor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills and thank him As a member of the Education and the until his discharge in July of 1973. He left the for delivering today’s opening prayer. Workforce Committee, I also want to acknowl- edge how important it is to our nation’s future Air Force as a highly decorated pilot, earning I have known Pastor Hibbs for many years to encourage and raise a new generation of 23 Air Medals, 2 Air Force Commendation through his teaching of the Lord’s message. Americans who have the skills and knowledge Medals, and numerous other awards for his He is best known for his passion, and great service during the Vietnam War. to succeed both in and out of the classroom. ability to incorporate the Lord’s word into our Students like those at Saint Louis de Montfort In 1975, Judge Allen earned a Juris Doctor everyday lives. from the University of Florida. He was admit- give me hope that we will accomplish this vital Each week, thousands come together from ted to the Georgia bar in 1976. From 1976 to mission. Their outstanding work is an inspira- all over Southern California to hear his ser- 1987, he maintained a private law practice in tion to students, educators and parents across mons. And his radio broadcast is listened to the Columbus area. At that time, Judge Allen the nation. Once again, congratulations to on five continents. and I were two of only four black lawyers in Saint Louis de Montfort. I am very proud of Columbus. Pastor Hibbs is the author of ‘‘Turnaround at you. Judge Allen continued to break barriers Home,’’ a practical guide to inviting God into f your home, and creating positive cycles in when he began serving as a Columbus Re- PERSONAL EXPLANATION corder’s Court judge for a year before assum- marriage and parenting. He and his wife, Lisa, ing a position on the State Court for share their own experiences and inspiring sto- HON. ALLYSON Y. SCHWARTZ Muscogee County in 1987. In 1993, he was ries about understanding how emotional, spir- OF appointed to the position of Chattahoochee itual and social background factors play into IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Judicial Circuit Superior Court Judge. He has families. And how to make changes for been re-elected repeatedly since his appoint- good—starting at home. Tuesday, October 29, 2013 ment. I thank Pastor Hibbs for what he’s done for Ms. SCHWARTZ. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall Judge Allen’s diligent judicial service has my community and sharing his time with us No. 562 I was unable to be present for the also been mirrored by his extensive involve- today. vote on H.R. 2011.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:23 Oct 30, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29OC8.004 E29OCPT1 PWALKER on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS October 29, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1593 Had I been present, I would have voted proves critical in the joint actions with Immi- church choir and winning first prize at the ‘‘yes.’’ grations and Customs Enforcement. Detective ‘‘Amateur Night’’ at the Apollo at 15. As she f Lair was selected from among hundreds of grew famous she never forgot her hometown, other applicants throughout the nation, where despite sharing the stage with many renowned RECOGNIZING LUCY BILLINGSLEY his credentials withstood the rigorous process names, including artists such as Quincy AS RECIPIENT OF THE 2013 H. of approval. The citizens of North Texas are Jones, and . NEIL MALLON AWARD certainly safer due to his actions, and he is a Gloria will be long remembered for her ex- perfect example of how all members of Oper- traordinary voice, charisma, discipline, spirit, HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON ation Community Shield Gang Task Force and clear purpose which won the admiration OF TEXAS should operate. of all who were privileged to come to know IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In August 2011, Detective Lair was asked to and work with her during her distinguished ca- Tuesday, October 29, 2013 participate in an ongoing investigation of the reer in and around music. I consider myself Aryan Brotherhood of Texas as well as orga- fortunate to have had the opportunity to enjoy Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. nize Dallas-Fort Worth area law enforcement Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize Lucy her music and observe her example as a per- in an effort to disrupt and dismantle the pow- sonal inspiration. Billingsley who received the 2013 H. Neil erful race-based criminal prison street gang in Mallon Award from the World Affairs Council But most of all Gloria Lynne was a loving North Texas. As a direct result of the actions mother and sister, and is survived by her son on Friday, October 25. Mrs. Billingsley is a of the law enforcement agencies Detective Dallas native and well-known real estate de- P.J. Allen and her brother John Wilson who Lair organized, three Aryan Brotherhood of now inherit the solemn pride of having known veloper in North Texas. Texas members have been indicted, one of Past recipients of the H. Neil Mallon Award Ms. Lynne so closely. which has pleaded guilty. The overall case Mr. Speaker, rather than mourn her passing, include Stanley Marcus, Ray Hunt, President currently has 36 defendants who have been George H.W. Bush, Ross Perot, and Trammell I hope that my colleagues will join me in cele- indicted on racketeering charges. Detective brating the life of my friend Gloria Lynne by Crow. The World Affairs Council was founded Lair has been instrumental in coordinating the by H. Neil Mallon in 1951 in order to educate remembering that she exemplified greatness flow of information between agency partners in every way. and involve Americans in global issues. and the Special Prosecutor from the Depart- f The only daughter of developer Trammell ment of Justice Organized Crime and Gang Crow Sr., Mrs. Billingsley is not only a local Section. Additionally, he has been essential in PERSONAL EXPLANATION real estate mogul but also has a major global the development of confidential sources, pro- impact. Billingsley serves as the International viding information on numerous short term in- HON. ALLYSON Y. SCHWARTZ Board Chair of Women for Women, the vestigations of both federal and state viola- OF PENNSYLVANIA Chiapas International Founder, a member of tions. the National Geographic Society Council of Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the 24th Congres- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Advisors, a member of the Council of Foreign sional District of Texas, I ask all my distin- Tuesday, October 29, 2013 Relations, a member of the Tate Board at guished colleagues to join me in recognizing Ms. SCHWARTZ. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall Southern Methodist University, and on the the work of Detective Steve Lair and congratu- No. 561 I was unable to be present for the University of Texas at Dallas Center for Brain lating him on this prestigious award. vote on H.R. 2189. Had I been present, I Health Advisory Committee. f Before developing Billingsley Company with would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ her husband, Henry, Mrs. Billingsley was the IN REMEMBRANCE OF THE AMER- f Chief Executive Officer of the Dallas Market ICAN JAZZ VOCALIST GLORIA CONGRATULATING THE NORTHERN Center and the Crow Design Centers across LYNNE VIRGINIA BLACK CHAMBER OF the United States. Billingsley also grew her COMMERCE, INC., AND THE travel agency, Wyndham Jade, to be the larg- HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL GLOBAL BUSINESS NETWORK AS- est privately owned travel agency in the OF NEW YORK SOCIATION Southwest. The recently re-imagined and ac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES claimed Dallas Arts District was just one brain Tuesday, October 29, 2013 child of Billingsley’s many. HON. JAMES P. MORAN Lucy Billingsley has served as an inspiration Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to OF VIRGINIA not only to women of Dallas, but also nation- honor the passing of one of ’s most tal- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ally and internationally. Her humanitarian ef- ented musicians, and a dear friend of mine, Tuesday, October 29, 2013 the late Gloria Lynne. As I speak with grief of forts to promote business and diplomatic rela- Mr. MORAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tions across the globe will not go unnoticed. such an overwhelming loss, I join my commu- nity in rejoicing a life well-lived and to cele- congratulate the Northern Virginia Black Mrs. Billingsley is a personal friend and I ap- Chamber of Commerce, Inc. (NVBCC) and the plaud her efforts in Dallas and globally. brate the accomplishments of a remarkable woman. At 83, Gloria remained a golden child Global Business Network Association (GBNA) f of Harlem, and with an incredible soul touch- on five years of dedicated achievement, and RECOGNIZING DETECTIVE STEVE ing the lives of everyone who met her. Her to recognize the Celebration Gala and Awards LAIR FOR RECEIVING THE PART- passing on October 15th, 2013 at Columbus Dinner being held to commemorate this auspi- NERSHIP FOR PUBLIC SAFETY Hospital in Newark, N.J., brought immense cious occasion. AWARD sorrow to the countless fans of and individuals This year not only marks a milestone for associated with the R&B, jazz, and pop both organizations, it signals the emergence of HON. KENNY MARCHANT genres. an improving economy five years after the economic strife that impacted the globe. The OF TEXAS Gloria Lynne was born in Harlem on No- Celebration Gala and Awards Dinner will IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vember 23, 1929. Throughout her lengthy ca- reer, which spanned more than five decades, honor the achievements of business leaders Tuesday, October 29, 2013 her signature resonant contralto could be rec- and young scholars in our region who are sig- Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ognized on more than 25 albums. During her nificantly contributing to a more robust econ- in recognition of Detective Steve Lair of extraordinary life, Gloria Lynne brought great omy and vibrant business community. Carrollton, Texas and his earning of the Part- pride to her beloved neighborhood by releas- The NVBCC is creating opportunities for nership for Public Safety award for going ing such hits as her English rendition of ‘‘I businesses and entrepreneurs to build net- above and beyond his normal duties as a Wish You Love’’ and receiving a multitude of works, obtain practical professional develop- Carrollton police officer in his work with an Im- awards, including the Outstanding Achieve- ment, and gain the skills to strategically grow migrations and Customs Enforcement Task ment in Jazz at the New York MAC awards, companies. The Chamber delivers products Force involved in the statewide, multi-agency International Women of Jazz Award and hav- and services designed to maximize invest- investigation and prosecution of members of ing the City of New York proclaim July 25, ment, including networking events, seminars, the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas. 1995 as ‘‘Gloria Lynne Day.’’ and resources, connecting members, compa- The Partnership for Public Safety Award is Gloria displayed immense talent and love nies, fellow entrepreneurs, public and private given to an officer on a local level which for her community, participating in her local leaders who can help advance businesses

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:23 Oct 30, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29OC8.008 E29OCPT1 PWALKER on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1594 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 29, 2013 and inform on the economic, legal, policy, so- across the nation. Once again, congratulations mestic Violence Awareness Month. During cial, cultural and other factors that impact to Saint Maria Goretti School. I am very proud each October since 1981, we mourn those black-owned businesses. of you. who have died due to domestic violence, cele- GBNA is a regional network of business and f brate those who have survived, and connect nonprofit leaders that represents all industry those who work to end violence. sectors. Founded in 2007, GBNA’s member- RECOGNIZING THE 10TH ANNIVER- Many of us know someone who has suf- ship consists of start-up and experienced en- SARY OF LINDENWOOD UNIVER- fered from domestic violence. Whether you trepreneurs and businesses. GBNA has as- SITY-BELLEVILLE are a sibling, parent, or friend, your support is sisted the local business community by work- necessary. Each day, three women die as a ing to bring the issues and concerns of small HON. WILLIAM L. ENYART result of domestic violence. Your support businesses to the forefront to the national eco- OF ILLINOIS could turn a battered woman into a survivor. nomic agenda. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Domestic violence not only affects more Mr. Speaker, we applaud the work of these Tuesday, October 29, 2013 than 12 million people each year, but one in four women have been a victim of physical vi- two venerable institutions in Northern Virginia, Mr. ENYART. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to olence by a partner. The Violence Against and send our best wishes for a successful ask my colleagues to join me in recognizing Women Act (VAWA) is a helpful tool to com- celebration dinner. the 10th Anniversary of Lindenwood Univer- bat violence, but the fight against domestic vi- f sity-Belleville. olence must continue. VAWA improved the While Lindenwood University-Belleville, at CONGRATULATING SAINT MARIA criminal justice response to violence against 10 years old, is a relative newcomer for insti- GORETTI SCHOOL, A BLUE RIB- women and the reauthorization this year ex- tutions of higher learning, it is part of BON SCHOOL tends protection to native women, lesbian, Lindenwood University which has a long his- gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals. tory in the Midwest. Founded in 1827 in St. Though policies are put in place to end do- HON. SUSAN W. BROOKS Charles, Missouri, Lindenwood University is mestic violence and to support women who OF INDIANA the second oldest college west of the Mis- are survivors, it is essential that we also pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sissippi River. vide critical resources to save lives and pre- As a four-year liberal arts university with a Tuesday, October 29, 2013 vent future domestic crimes. When women are rich tradition in the St. Louis metropolitan silent, domestic violence thrives. But when Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I area, the administration of Lindenwood Univer- women speak out, domestic violence can end. rise today to congratulate an outstanding sity began talks with city leaders in Belleville, I urge my colleagues to support programs and school in my district that is being honored as Illinois around 2001, looking to expand the shelters nationwide that provide safety for the a 2013 National Blue Ribbon School. It is a university to the east side of the Mississippi many survivors each day. pleasure to congratulate Saint Maria Goretti River. The Belleville High School District had School in Westfield, Indiana in celebration of recently moved the location of the Belleville f this special occasion. West High School to another location, leaving HONORING CHARLES L. BLOCKSON The National Blue Ribbon designation, given an existing facility ready for use. Talks proved by the U.S. Department of Education, is fruitful and Lindenwood University acquired awarded to both public and private schools HON. ROBERT A. BRADY the 22 acre tract of land for its Belleville cam- OF PENNSYLVANIA across our great nation. Started by President pus in November of 2003. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Reagan and given annually since 1982, the The first classes for LU-Belleville were held award celebrates great American schools that in the Spring Quarter of 2004 for an incoming Tuesday, October 29, 2013 achieve very high learning standards or are class of 52 students. Initially only offering Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I making significant improvements in the aca- evening classes, the first programs were a rise to honor the scholarship and dedication of demic achievements of their students. In my Master of Arts in Education and Education Ad- historian Charles L. Blockson, upon the occa- district and across the country, the award rec- ministration. sion of the publication of his latest book—The ognizes the great educators, students and par- Today, LU-Belleville has over 1,000 full-time President’s House Revisited Behind The ents who have worked so hard to ensure Indi- students enrolled in a wide range of academic Scenes: The Samuel Fraunces Story. For ana’s children reach their full potential and programs with hundreds more in graduate, most of his life Mr. Blockson has collected and achieve academic success. continuing education and specialized pro- preserved African and African American histor- For all of these reasons and many more, I grams. In its first decade, LU-Belleville has ical tomes, art and artifacts. In 2001 I was am so proud that Saint Maria Goretti School is grown into a strong and vibrant institution that privileged to have sponsored an appropriation receiving this prestigious designation. It is a contributes much to the richness of Belleville to fund the digitalization of the Collection. wonderful acknowledgement of the school’s and to the higher education choices of South- Housed at Temple University, the Collection commitment to providing young Hoosiers an ern Illinois. is one of the nation’s leading research facili- exceptional education. While 417 schools na- This past spring, I had the high honor of ad- ties for the study of the history and culture of tionwide may be nominated, only 286 are cho- dressing graduates at LU-Belleville’s first com- Africans of the Diaspora with special emphasis sen as a National Blue Ribbon School, making mencement exercises. I quoted Lindenwood on the lives and experiences of African Ameri- this recognition all the more impressive. University’s mission statement to provide pro- cans in Philadelphia and the surrounding Since opening in 1996, Saint Maria Goretti grams ‘‘leading to the development of the Delaware Valley. School has consistently provided its students whole person-an educated, responsible citizen I am proud to know this much esteemed with an outstanding education in both aca- of a global community.’’ In its first decade, LU- and dedicated man who has provided us with demics and the Catholic faith and currently Belleville has done just that. a window into the lives of the African and Afri- serves 460 students in grades K–8. The Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me can Americans who too often have been writ- school starts each day with a prayer that pro- in congratulating the administration, faculty, ten out of history. I salute Charles L. vides guiding principles for its students. As a staff and student body of Lindenwood Univer- Blockson, a distinguished scholar. mother whose children attended Catholic sity-Belleville on the occasion of their 10th An- f school, I applaud Saint Maria Goretti for its niversary and wishing them continued success for many more years to come. HONORING BENAVIDEZ-PATTER- work to develop each child in mind, body, and SON ‘‘ALL AIRBORNE’’ CHAPTER, spirit. f 82ND AIRBORNE DIVISION ASSO- As a member of the Education and the RECOGNITION OF DOMESTIC CIATION Workforce Committee, I also want to acknowl- VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH edge how important it is to our nation’s future to encourage and raise a new generation of HON. BETO O’ROURKE OF TEXAS Americans who have the skills and knowledge HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to succeed both in and out of the classroom. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Students like those at Saint Maria Goretti Tuesday, October 29, 2013 School give me hope that we will accomplish Tuesday, October 29, 2013 Mr. O’ROURKE. Mr. Speaker, I am honored this vital mission. Their outstanding work is an Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. to recognize the Benavidez-Patterson ‘‘All Air- inspiration to students, educators and parents Mr. Speaker, I rise today in recognition of Do- borne’’ Chapter of the 82nd Airborne Division,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:23 Oct 30, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29OC8.013 E29OCPT1 PWALKER on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS October 29, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1595 a distinguished Veterans Service Organiza- erary success is truly remarkable for a six- years. This is $6.4 trillion in debt our nation, tional in El Paso, Texas. teen-year-old. our economy, and our children could have The Benavidez-Patterson ‘‘All-Airborne’’ I am extremely honored to represent this tal- avoided with a balanced budget amendment. Chapter is comprised of current and former ented young woman. Please join me in con- military paratroopers. The unit develops new gratulating Lauren on the publication of her f relationships and cultivates existing bonds first novel. I hope we continue to see many among those who have served in the Air- more from her in the future. HONORING SERGEANT PAUL borne; honors the memory of troopers who f CAVALLARO died in service; and informs its members of legislative changes and policy ideas relevant SUPPORT OF A WOMAN’S RIGHT to veterans. TO CHOOSE HON. TOM MARINO With 250 members, the Benavidez-Patter- OF PENNSYLVANIA son Chapter is the largest ‘‘All-Airborne’’ chap- HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ter in Texas and has included representation OF TEXAS Tuesday, October 29, 2013 from virtually every Airborne unit since World IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES War II. It is comprised of national heroes. Tuesday, October 29, 2013 Mr. MARINO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Members have included veteran paratroopers honor of Sergeant Paul Cavallaro of the Penn- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. who had combat assignments in Africa, Sicily, sylvania State Police. Italy, France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Ger- Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of the re- Sergeant Cavallaro has been serving the many, Korea, the Dominican Republic, Viet- cent determination by a federal judge that new citizens of Pennsylvania as a State Trooper nam, Grenada, Panama, Iraq and Afghanistan, Texas abortion restrictions directly violate the since 1992. He has served in numerous patrol along with others currently deployed in the U.S. Constitution. When Governor Rick Perry and crime units in stations throughout the Middle East. Members have included one of signed into law Texas H.B. 2, a smattering of Commonwealth. He has held numerous roles the original Darby’s Rangers and a Pathfinder new limitations on access to abortion, he within the State Police such as: Alternate on D-Day. Others were involved in ‘‘Operation: threatened to take away a woman’s right to Identification Unit Officer, Alternate CIA officer, Overlord’’ into Normandy, France, on D-Day; choose. Patrol Unit Supervisor, Criminal Investigation ‘‘Operation: Market Garden’’ in Holland; and The Texas law would ban abortions 20 Unit Supervisor, Patrol Section Supervisor, the ‘‘Battle of the Bulge.’’ weeks after fertilization, mandate that abortion Chartered in August 1985, the Benavidez- providers have admitting privileges at a hos- and his most recent title as Station Com- Patterson ‘‘All-Airborne’’ Chapter is named in pital within 30 miles of the facility, and re- mander. honor of the late MSG Roy P. Benavidez and quires doctors to administer the abortion-in- Sergeant Cavallaro has received letters of CSM Robert Patterson (Ret.), both recipients ducing medication in person rather than at commendation in 2002 and 2008, and re- of the Medal of Honor. The Chapter was fur- home. These provisions would cause dozens ceived a nomination for the International Asso- ther honored through the membership of of abortion clinics to shutter their doors, re- ciation of Chiefs of Police Trooper of the Year Medal of Honor recipients COL. Joseph Rodri- stricting access to women. Award in 2003. Additionally, he has also re- guez (Deceased) of El Paso and LTC (Ret.) District Judge Lee Yeakel struck down the ceived letters of appreciation from the Pike Alfred Rascon. Other distinguished members regulation that would require doctors to have County District Attorney’s Office and the Mon- have included MG Howard Bromberg; BG admitting privileges at nearby hospitals, a no- mouth & Ocean County Intelligence Bureau. Shuffer, a statesman, author and paratrooper; tion that creates an undue obstacle for women As a member of the Pennsylvania State Po- in addition to LTG Lionetti, MG Lennox, MG seeking an abortion. Yeakel also blocked the lice, Sergeant Cavallaro has obtained training Cravens, MG Infante, MG Little, MG Oblinger provision that would require physicians to fol- in wiretap, street gangs, domestic violence, and MG Michael G. Vane. low U.S. Food and Drug Administration proce- hate crimes, advanced crime scene investiga- I thank the Benavidez-Patterson ‘‘All-Air- dure for abortion medication because a physi- tion, terrorism awareness, FBI post blast in- borne’’ Chapter for their commitment to hon- cian can ultimately determine what route of vestigations, interview and interrogation, ad- oring our veterans and for helping to strength- medication is best for the preservation of the vanced hidden compartments and has re- en the bonds among service members and life or health of the mother. ceived special deputation as a United States veterans in the El Paso community. Unfortunately, the law still bans abortions at Marshall. f 20 weeks of pregnancy and requires all physi- Along with his duties as Station Com- cians to perform abortions in surgical facilities. HONORING LAUREN HALLSTROM mander, Sergeant Cavallaro is a bugler for the Restricting care for women is unconscionable. Pennsylvania State Police Ceremonial Unit, Currently, a woman’s access to abortion de- negotiator with the Special Emergency Re- HON. CORY GARDNER pends mostly on her zip code. While the U.S. sponse Team and he sponsors the annual OF COLORADO Constitution federally protects women, states Troop R Cadet Golf Tournament. In his spare IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with anti-abortion leaders impose restrictive time he coaches youth baseball, hockey, foot- laws. These state laws cannot stand up to the Tuesday, October 29, 2013 ball and soccer. U.S. Constitution. Mr. GARDNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to I urge my colleagues to support a woman’s Mr. Speaker, Sergeant Cavallaro has de- honor Lauren Hallstrom from Douglas County, right to choose, a law that was established in voted his life to serving his community and Colorado. Last November, sixteen-year-old 1973 with the decision made in Roe v. Wade. others; it is with great pride that I honor him Lauren participated in Douglas County Librar- I am proud to stand as a pro-choice legislator today. ies’ National Novel Writing Month and vow to protect fair access to abortions in (NaNoWriMo) and authored an entire novel in my state. f only 30 days. f PERSONAL EXPLANATION Miss Hallstrom’s novel, Dreamweaver, tells the tale of a girl named Audrey in a place OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL called Fortune. The novel follows Audrey’s ef- DEBT HON. RON KIND forts to rid her town of bad luck after an un- lucky penny wreaks havoc on Fortune and its HON. MIKE COFFMAN OF WISCONSIN citizens. This intriguing story and Lauren’s out- OF COLORADO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES standing efforts were recognized when IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, October 29, 2013 Dreamweaver was announced the winner of the Douglas County Libraries’ novel-writing Tuesday, October 29, 2013 Mr. KIND. Mr. Speaker, I was unable to contest last February. Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January have my votes recorded on the House floor on As part of Lauren’s prize, Douglas County 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- Monday, October 28, 2013. I had family obli- Libraries provided editing and cover design fice, the national debt was gations that kept me in Wisconsin. Had I been services for Dreamweaver, and it is now pos- $10,626,877,048,913.08. present, I would have voted in favor of H.R. sible to find Lauren’s book on both Today, it is $17,081,509,219,288.50. We’ve 2189 (rollcall No. 561) and in favor of H.R. Bookcrafters.net and Amazon.com. Such lit- added $6,454,632,170,375.42 to our debt in 4 2011 (rollcall No. 562).

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:23 Oct 30, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC8.018 E29OCPT1 PWALKER on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1596 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 29, 2013 CONGRATULATING CREEKSIDE Dr. Garcia was inspired early in her youth to and barges during World War II in support of MIDDLE SCHOOL, A BLUE RIB- pursue a career in medicine. From a family of the war effort. Don Horton has become the BON SCHOOL doctors, dentists, and pharmacists, Dr. Garcia foremost expert on this forgotten segment of grew up with the value of helping others em- the World War II Merchant Marine, and has HON. SUSAN W. BROOKS bedded in her psyche. Today, Dr. Garcia worked tirelessly to see mariners like his OF INDIANA blazed her own path as a prominent commu- brother gain the recognition as veterans that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nity leader. they rightly deserve and earned through serv- Tuesday, October 29, 2013 In addition to her accomplishments in medi- ice to their country. cine, Dr. Garcia spearheaded a number of The ranks of these coastwise tugboats and Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I philanthropic endeavors. She is a founding barges were not solely operated by men, but rise today to congratulate an outstanding member of the Dallas Women’s Foundation, also women, as in the case of the Horton fam- school in my district that is being honored as an organization that promotes women’s issues ily. Don Horton’s mother and sister, along with a 2013 National Blue Ribbon School. It is a through education, and dedicates much of her many other women, served alongside their pleasure to congratulate Creekside Middle time to teach English to immigrant women. male counterparts, but were never issued for- School in Carmel, Indiana in celebration of this Mr. Speaker, Dr. Garcia deserves great rec- mal documentation for their service aboard special occasion. ognition for her efforts to empower members these vessels because of an order by the War The National Blue Ribbon designation, given of our community. Dr. Garcia demonstrated Shipping Administration. Many male Merchant by the U.S. Department of Education, is tremendous resolve in bringing community-ori- Mariners that operated domestically were also awarded to both public and private schools ented services to Texas, and I am proud to never issued formal documentation or the doc- across our great nation. Started by President recognize her many accomplishments. umentation that was issued is extremely hard Reagan and given annually since 1982, the f to find today because many of these docu- award celebrates great American schools that ments were ordered destroyed by the U.S. achieve very high learning standards or are ESTABLISHING COMMISSION OR Government. making significant improvements in the aca- TASK FORCE TO EVALUATE THE Currently, a certificate of shipping and dis- demic achievements of their students. In my BACKLOG OF DISABILITY charge forms, continuous deck or engine district and across the country, the award rec- CLAIMS logbooks, and shipping company records that ognizes the great educators, students and par- indicate the vessel names and dates of voy- SPEECH OF ents who have worked so hard to ensure Indi- ages are the only documents that are consid- ana’s children reach their full potential and HON. G.K. BUTTERFIELD ered acceptable to determine an individual’s achieve academic success. OF NORTH CAROLINA service in the Merchant Marine. In fact, by For all of these reasons and many more, I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES order of the Coast Guard Commandant, cap- am so proud that Creekside is receiving this tains of tugboats and seagoing barges were prestigious designation. It is a wonderful ac- Monday, October 28, 2013 relieved of the responsibility of submitting re- knowledgement of the school’s commitment to Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I rise to ports of seamen shipped or discharged. The providing young Hoosiers an exceptional edu- celebrate the passage of H.R. 2189, a bipar- deck or engine logbooks were turned over to cation. While 417 schools nationwide may be tisan bill that among many things will finally the War Shipping Administration and were or- nominated, only 286 are chosen as a National recognize the valiant service of Merchant dered destroyed because they were too ‘‘volu- Blue Ribbon School, making this recognition Mariners that operated domestically during minous to maintain, costly to keep, and rarely all the more impressive. World War II. It has been my honor for the used for research.’’ Shipping company records Since opening ten years ago, Creekside has past three Congresses to introduce legislation grown tremendously and now serves nearly that indicate the vessel names and dates of that would recognize these brave Americans voyages likely never existed because written 1,500 students. Creekside has also consist- and correct an injustice that has remained for ently placed as one of Indiana’s top middle communication relating to the movement of over 70 years. supplies and troops was strictly forbidden by schools. I applaud its administrators and The Merchant Marine were private citizens teachers for their focus on rigorous and rel- U.S. military commanders. employed by freight shipping companies. In an After 70 long years, the passage of H.R. evant curriculum that will help students suc- effort to support the American war effort dur- 2189 finally offers these mariners a chance to ceed in their future endeavors. ing World War II, those same freight shipping receive the recognition they deserve. H.R. As a member of the Education and the companies and their employees became an Workforce Committee, I also want to acknowl- 2189 expands the acceptable forms of docu- auxiliary to the United States Navy. Their mis- mentation used to determine eligible service in edge how important it is to our nation’s future sion was to transport bulk war materials in- to encourage and raise a new generation of the Merchant Marine. The bill allows Social cluding food, clothing, weapons, and even Security Administration records, validated tes- Americans who have the skills and knowledge troops to all areas of conflict and coastal in- to succeed both in and out of the classroom. timony by the applicant or closest living rel- stallations here at home. ative, and other official records that provide Students like those at Creekside give me hope During the World War II war effort, many of that we will accomplish this vital mission. Their sufficient proof of service. these mariners were tasked with the critically Mr. Speaker, estimates show that there are outstanding work is an inspiration to students, important role of transporting materials along educators and parents across the nation. fewer than 2,000 of these mariners surviving the U.S. coast using tugboats and barges. Al- today. It’s time to finally recognize these mari- Once again, congratulations to Creekside. I though these mariners did not sail across the am very proud of you. ners for their service to our country. I want to Atlantic or Pacific Oceans into areas of con- thank my colleagues in the House for sup- f flict, they still encountered the enemy while porting these brave men and women that RECOGNIZING DR. CATALINA delivering cargo that kept the war effort mov- served in the Merchant Marine during World GARCIA ing forward. One tugboat, the Menomonee, War II, and I implore my colleagues in the operating just off the coast of Virginia on Senate to consider this legislation as quickly HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON March 31st, 1942, was sunk by German U- as possible and support its passage. Boat 754 tragically killing several members of OF TEXAS f the crew. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES This tragic story has been the impetus for HONORING THE REV. THOMAS E. Tuesday, October 29, 2013 the legislation I have introduced in the past GILMORE Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. three Congresses to finally honor this small Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize Dr. Cat- group of unsung heroes. In fact, a North Caro- HON. TERRI A. SEWELL alina Garcia, an accomplished anesthesiol- linian, Don Horton, whose brother William Lee OF ALABAMA ogist from El Paso, Texas, and one of the first Horton, Jr. was on that tugboat and lost his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mexican-Americans to graduate from the UT life aboard the ship that rescued him from the Southwestern Medical School. Dr. Garcia is ocean and debris, has been the driving force Tuesday, October 29, 2013 being honored as a ‘‘Latina Living Legend’’ by behind this legislative effort. William Lee Hor- Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I the DFW Hispanic 100, a local service organi- ton, Jr., was 17 at the time of his death while rise today to recognize and celebrate the ex- zation that enables Hispanic women to partici- bravely serving his country. Many members of traordinary contributions of Rev. Thomas E. pate in social issues. Don Horton’s family served on these tugboats Gilmore, a Civil Rights icon and Alabama

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:23 Oct 30, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29OC8.024 E29OCPT1 PWALKER on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS October 29, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1597 treasure who was the first black sheriff elected Today Rev. Gilmore remains a dedicated Pas- Chicago, and taught law and served as aca- to serve in Greene County, Alabama. Re- tor, leader, and servant. demic dean at the cutting-edge Antioch School cently, the courthouse square in Greene Rev. Gilmore’s many accomplishments are of Law in Washington, DC. County was named in honor of this American an inspiration to us all. He is truly an Alabama As a law professor, he has been instru- hero and I am honored to join with my home treasure and an American hero worthy of rec- mental in helping students develop the analyt- ognition. On behalf of the 7th Congressional State in saluting the numerous contributions of ical and critical thinking skills needed to suc- this American hero. District, the State of Alabama and this nation, cessfully provide valued legal representation. Rev. Gilmore was born on May 1, 1941 in I ask my colleagues to join me in honoring the Known for his demanding pursuit of perfection, Forkland, Alabama to Beatrice O’Neal and a life and legacy Rev. Thomas E. Gilmore. Prof. Anderson’s first-year elements course loving grandmother, Clara Gilmore. Through- f out his lifetime, Rev. Gilmore has often cred- and upper-class evidence class were leg- ited his journey of greatness to the unyielding PERSONAL EXPLANATION endary for their reputation as both impossible love of both of these extraordinary women. to master yet required for those desiring to be- Today, he reflects on the passion, wisdom and HON. WILLIAM L. OWENS come formidable advocates. Having perfected Henry Wigmore’s chart method of constructing courage they instilled in him that served as OF NEW YORK arguments about questions of fact in complex cornerstones for his desire to make a dif- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ference. cases, using boxes, circles and arrows, Prof. Tuesday, October 29, 2013 Gilmore attended Greene County public Anderson mystified the uninitiated but brought schools and later enrolled in Selma University Mr. OWENS. Mr. Speaker, yesterday, I had enlightenment and depth to the truly dedi- in 1959. Shortly after, he married his child- to tend to a personal matter in Plattsburgh, cated. hood sweetheart, the late Minnie Gilmore, NY. Consequently, I was not able to return to Professor Anderson’s long-time collabora- whom Rev. Gilmore also credited for being a Washington, D.C. in time to vote on H.R. tion with Professor William Twining in Great source of great strength throughout their 35– 2189, a Bill to Improve the Processing of Dis- Britain and the United States redefined the law year partnership. The young couple left Ala- ability Claims by the Department of Veterans of evidence, culminating in a 27–year adven- bama briefly for a move to Los Angeles, but Affairs (rollcall No. 561) and H.R. 2011, the ture with the publication of the critically ac- the native son made the decision to return Veterans’ Advisory Committee on Education claimed Analysis of Evidence. The analytical home in 1963. Improvement Act (rollcall No. 562). As a vet- structure that Prof Anderson developed is not eran and representative of thousands of other Gilmore returned home to an Alabama that confined to legal jurisprudence, as he and was plagued by the perils of racism and injus- veterans, making sure the men and women Prof. Twining are now applying their principles tice. And one evening, as Gilmore was head- who served our Nation have access to the to such varied domains as archeology and the ed to a local gas station to purchase milk for care they deserve is one of my top priorities. applied sciences. his young son, he fell victim to a painful re- Had I been present to vote, I would have minder of the racial turbulence in Greene voted ‘‘yea’’ for both bills. His meticulous attention to detail and per- County. As he drove, Gilmore unknowingly ran f fection has produced a body of work that into a puddle of water and splashed a white stands the test of time. His quick-thinking, state trooper. Assuming that Gilmore was a HONORING PROFESSOR TERENCE crisp and clear arguments, and quick-fire rep- civil rights worker, the trooper retaliated by J. ANDERSON ON THE OCCASION artee has been known to both amaze and pushing Gilmore against a gas pump and forc- OF HIS RETIREMENT AS PRO- confuse, all for the purpose of striking at the ing him to wash his car. At that moment, the FESSOR OF LAW EMERITUS AT core of even the most intractable problems. young minister was led to make a difference THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI His students remain passionate, as he is, and he was inspired to find ways to end police SCHOOL OF LAW about evidence, argumentation, and advocacy. brutality. Professor Anderson knows no distinction Gilmore became active in the local civil HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS between legal theory and practice, following in rights movement and mass meetings and was OF FLORIDA the footsteps of the great legal thinker Karl later recruited by the Rev. James Orange to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Llewellyn and his mentor Soia Mentschikoff, work for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Tuesday, October 29, 2013 both of whom rejected any sharp divide be- Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Under Dr. King’s leadership, Gilmore helped to Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I tween the two. His skills were much in de- organize and lead voter registration drives. rise today to honor my good friend, Professor mand when, during his 1994–1995 fellowship The impetus for Gilmore’s run for sheriff Terence J. Anderson on the occasion of his at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced stems from his efforts in attempting to file a retirement as Professor of Law Emeritus at the Studies in Wassenaar, he lectured extensively complaint against a local officer that assaulted University of Miami School of Law. Professor on the American criminal process as the world a young black woman. During his attempt, the Anderson is not only one of the most revered focused on the unfolding O.J. Simpson trial. Greene County Sheriff savagely beat Gilmore and respected law professors in the United During that period, Professor Anderson devel- in the district attorney’s office. Shortly after the States, but his legal jurisprudence far exceeds oped an ‘‘audit model’’ that critically analyzed incident, Gilmore and other local civil rights the boundaries of this nation, as his students and explained how the Dutch system of crimi- leaders constructed the idea that he should and his influence span the globe. nal procedure was different from but no less run for sheriff to combat the violence that was Professor Anderson is an intellectual giant as effective as the American adversarial sys- brewing in Greene County, Selma and sur- in the law and over the course of his career tem. rounding areas. has demonstrated acute success as a prac- Through nearly 50 years as a gifted lawyer, At the age of 24, this young warrior ticing lawyer, an international courts commis- advocate, professor, public servant, commu- launched his first campaign for sheriff in 1966. sioner, and an academic dean. His knowledge nity conscience, international observer, family Today, he describes his candidacy as ‘‘un- of constitutional law is renown, and he has be- man, and legend, Terry Anderson has been a heard of.’’ While he was unsuccessful on his come not only a trusted advisor to me gift to the law and the legions of lawyers who throughout my legal career, but a good friend, first attempt, he was elected four years later. owe their skills and successes to him. In ways too. He served as Sheriff of Greene County from both monumental and profound, Terry Ander- 1971–1983. When asked what it was like to Since he joined the Law School faculty at son has changed for the better the course of be a trailblazer, this humble servant simply re- the University of Miami in 1976 as a prized the law and legal education in the United plied ‘‘I thought about being the best sheriff I professorial recruit of the late Soia States and beyond. He truly represents the could be . . . I thought about walking tall.’’ Mentschikoff, then-Dean of the Law School, During his influential tenure, Gilmore be- Professor Anderson has been an indelible in- best of the American legal system. came known as ‘‘The Sheriff Without A Gun.’’ fluence on virtually every aspect of law stu- Mr. Speaker, on the occasion of his Cele- Led by the nonviolent teachings he learned dent and faculty life. Upon graduating from the bration of A Life of the Law at the University during his time as a civil rights activist, Gil- University of Chicago Law School in 1964, he of Miami School of Law on November 7, 2013, more endeavored to govern through the use of served for two years as a regional courts com- I am proud to recognize his outstanding leg- non-violence. Gilmore retired as Sheriff in missioner in Malawi, Africa as a member of acy that will remain for all time an important 1983 and relocated to Birmingham to serve as the Peace Corps, practiced commercial and component of the history of the United States Pastor of First Baptist Church in Ensley, AL. corporate transactional law for seven years in of America.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:23 Oct 30, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC8.027 E29OCPT1 PWALKER on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1598 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 29, 2013 HURRICAN SANDY: ONE YEAR have to be elevated—weeks after grant pro- their work and family life. Policies that promote LATER grams to help fund the elevations had closed work-life balance can, and have, helped to their applications. create healthier, more flexible work environ- HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. Unfortunately, the State of New Jersey has ments. OF NEW JERSEY been slow to spend its initial allocation of HUD Today’s families are increasingly likely to in- funding provided under the Sandy supple- clude two working parents. In addition to car- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mental appropriations legislation. According to ing for children, a number of working-age Tuesday, October 29, 2013 some estimates, just 25 percent of the funding adults face other demands on their time such Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise as we allocated for housing programs has gone out as caring for an aging parent. To meet the recognize the anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, the door to those in need. needs of a modern workforce, many compa- which made landfall in New Jersey one year With the next round of Community Develop- nies have created work-life programs to assist ago today. ment Block Grant—Disaster Recovery funding employees in balancing their jobs with their By now, we all know that Sandy was a on the way for the regions impacted, I will be personal commitments. storm of epic proportions. In New Jersey, fighting to ensure that these critical aid dollars Studies show that both employees and em- 357,000 homes were damaged or destroyed, go towards addressing our outstanding needs ployers benefit from work-life flexibility pro- and 2.7 million households were left without and priorities quickly and efficiently. grams. Benefits from such programs include power—some for weeks. Sandy taught us how utterly vulnerable we increased productivity, recruitment, retention, We pause to remember the over 3 dozen are when disaster strikes—a lesson we cannot and employee satisfaction. Work-life initiatives New Jerseyans tragically killed by the storm. It soon forget. lead to better business, higher employee mo- is only thanks to the heroic efforts of our first As we continue to rebuild for the long term, rale, and healthier families. responders that many more were saved from we need to focus on finding solutions which In today’s economy, public and private em- the rising waters. will make our communities more resilient to ployers, including our government, are finding As media coverage focused on the destruc- better protect us from future storms. it is not only necessary, but beneficial to sup- tion to shore communities, inland towns along We must also work towards reducing our port work-life balance. With this in mind, I the Hackensack River in Northern New Jersey carbon emissions in order to slow the warming have introduced the ‘Paid Vacation Act’ (H.R. were also being inundated by floodwaters of our climate, which is driving stronger 2096) to provide workers one week of paid The towns of Little Ferry and Moonachie in storms, sea level rise, and more severe leave annually under the Fair Labor Standards Bergen County were particularly hard hit. weather. Act (FLSA). My bill would provide much need- About 90 percent of the homes there were As we move into the second year of our re- ed time off to the one in four Americans, work- damaged or destroyed. covery efforts, I urge my colleagues to stay ing in the private sector, who do not receive Over $19.6 million in Individual Assistance firm in their resolve to support us in the work any paid vacation. from FEMA has been awarded in my district, we still have ahead of us. Today’s employees work longer and harder including $9.3 million in Little Ferry and $6.2 f than ever before. I strongly support policies, million in Moonachie—two working class like paid vacation leave and sick leave, that towns with a combined population of just over RECOGNIZING NATIONAL WORK allow workers to spend more time with their 13,000. AND FAMILY MONTH families, improve their mental and physical We have come far over the past year, but health, and ultimately be more productive. We we still have a long way to go moving forward. HON. ALAN GRAYSON in Congress must take National Work and Moonachie’s Borough Hall, which houses OF FLORIDA Family Month as an opportunity to consider the municipal government and public safety IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES how to better promote work-life programs and department, is still operating out of temporary policies that will benefit working families. trailers. Tuesday, October 29, 2013 This October, in honor of National Work and In Little Ferry, many homeowners were only Mr. GRAYSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Family Month, I encourage my colleagues to recently informed that after spending thou- honor of National Work and Family Month. As acknowledge the positive impacts of a healthy sands on repairs, the extent of the damage a father of five, I understand the constant work-life balance on family life and the work- was severe enough that their homes would struggle faced by American families to balance force.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:23 Oct 30, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29OC8.030 E29OCPT1 PWALKER on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS