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J2P and P2J Ver 1 JUNE 5, 1965 SEVENTY -FIRST YEAR 50 CENTS Billboard The International Music -Record Newsweekly Radio-TV Programming Phono -Tape Merchandisv..g Coin Machine Operating III1111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII TOP 40 CHART BY BILLBOARD NEW YORK -Billboard this week introduces the `Top 40 Easy Listening" chart (see page 4). This new weekly feature is ^^ being launched in answer to tOk;A kt numerous requests from various sectors the record -music in- of COMPOSER, ARRANGER, CONDUCTOR RIZ ORTOLANI has just recorded his T dustry to provide a chart that r Yellow Rolls 7 ranks middle - of - the - road most brilliant music for a dazzling new motion picture, "The , singles. The new chart is ex- Royce." The composer of "More" has again proved his reputation as one *RTr titi pected to be of particular aid r,. 'V° of today's most exciting musical talents. (Advertisement) u, to radio programmers, dealers and juke box operators. I I I I 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Copyright Hearings Open With Attack by Creators By MILDRED HALL educational use of nondramatic tenmeier (D.-Wis.) acting as musical and literary material in chairman in the absence of Sub- THE ROYAL PAVILION where the reception was held the last night WASHINGTON -An all -out nighttime broadcasts to the committee chairman Edwin E. British Song Festival at Brighton, England. -Wednesday (26) -of the attack by songwriters, music public, and would require simi- Willis, questioned "whether the the contest will be held, is in an adjacent building. The Dome, where publishers and licensing groups lar clearance for community an- Copyright Office may have on free use of music in juke tenna transmissions. leaned more toward protecting boxes, on nighttime educational However, Rep. Robert Kas- (Continued on page 50) broadcasting, and in CATV transmissions erupted in the first Ballads KO Groups week of hearings by the House Copyright Subcommittee on the historic copyright revision bill. The proponent testimony, and In 1st U. K. Songfest the Copyright Office presenta- tion bolstered the bill's provisos By ANDRE De VEKEY win the Golden Manuscript to assure performance royalty in Award. "I'll Stand By You," all three areas: The 1965 Copy- BRIGHTON -A ballad in written by Lynch and Hal right Law would end juke box slow, bouncy rhythm sung by Shaper and published by Be- performance royalty exemption Kenny Lynch topped the finals linda-Sparta, got top honors by in the current 1909 law; would here in the first U.K. song fes- panel of 14 judges recruited require copyright clearance for tival organized by the British from top TV producers. Music Publishers Association, to (Continued on page 8) Japan Copyright Nasatir, Ad Executive, Is Report Given Named MGM President TOKYO - The Copyright Council of the Ministry of Edu- NEW YORK -Mort Nasatir the MGM film and record ac- cation received reports from its will take over the presidency counts. five subcommittees on the sug- of MGM Records next week, Before joining the agency, gested revision of the 66 -year- replacing Arnold Maxin who re- Nasatir had spent several years old Japanese Copyright Law at cently was named head of the as a promotion and advertising its general meeting held May executive with Decca and had 21. Five subcommittees wrote Big Three, the label's music been vice -president of MGM - reports on (I) literal works, (2) publishing arm. Verve. arts, (3) music, (4) motion pic- Nasatir resigned this week as While Nasatir's pending move tures and (5) neighboring copy- vice -president and sales pro- to MGM has been rumored in rights. amend- motion head of West, Weir & the trade for several weeks, the The most important actual contract signing did not ments proposed in regard to Bartel, New York advertising HERBIE MANN's latest LP on Atlantic, "The Roar of the Greasepaint -The take place until last week. music are: agency. While at WW &B he Smell of the Crowd" (Atlantic 1437), is breaking out all over the country. The move will allow Maxin to 1. Copyright Protection - Sales on his Atlantic albums have established this jazz artist as a regular had also been account execu- concentrate on the Big Three, The copyright protection term Groove" (Atlantic 1433), tive in charge of MGM Records. with one of the largest ASCAP shall be extended to 50 years on the pop charts. Mann's proceeding LP, "My Kinda (Advertisement) The agency recently lost both catalogs in the country. (Continued on page 8) is currently on the Best Sellers charts. (AdveNSement, t reamers=reamers one 00110-l1.E00IE" Freddie ........a.= good 149 & the Dreamers EcORD hit... DO THE FREDDIE deserves MERCURY SINGLE .72428 another! & THEIR LATEST MERCURY ALBUM MG 21026/SR 61026 www.americanradiohistory.com BABY THE RUhR MUST FALL A smash hit single GLEnn YARBROUGH becomes a hot new album! Also stock up on Glenn's current chart -climbing hit album "Come Share My Life" LPM /LSP -3301 RCA VICTOR LPM/LSP-3422 11P1 The most trusted name in sound@ www.americanradiohistory.com Capitol Adds Audio Fidelity To Its Record Club Spread HOLLYWOOD - The Capi- sentation. "The whole club field with other clubs obtaining tol Record Club has signed is really wide open," he said. product passed over by the first Audio Fidelity Records in a Contracts vary with each com- club. continuing move to gain pany in the club business. Some "All record companies will strength in the mail -order mar- labels want large advances, eventually place their product ket. General manager Ed Nash, some large guarantees, he ex- with record clubs," Nash said. who signed the exclusive cata- plained. The whole basis of the He claims the best way to spot log contract with AF's Presi- club business is to try to offer what the competition is doing is dent Hiram Gimbel, is currently labels better terms than they to check ads in consumer maga- on an Eastern trip seeking to can get with Columbia, the zines. solidify additional labels. leading club operation. Capitol's club roster includes The AF deal does not in- Nash feels the trend is sway- all the ABC -Paramount lines, clude two LP's already repre- ing toward non- exclusive con- Everest, Crescendo, MGM - sented in the Columbia Club. tracts. The club which offers a Verve, Starday, all World Pa- MGM RECORDS' ARNOLD MAXIN was honored by his staff with a sur- LP label the best terms will get the cific lines, its Tower subsidiary prise luncheon executive head AF's roster includes product recently to celebrate his appointment as option for the entire catalog, and A &M. of Robbins, Feist and Miller music publishing companies. The staffers by Al Hirt, Louie Armstrong, gave him a gold record inscribed: "OneinaMillion Guy." From left, Dukes of Dixieland, Oscar Lenny Scheer, Frank Mancini, Dave Seidman. George Figler, Tom Brand, Don Shirley, Lionel White, Arnold Maxin, Gene Moretti, Morrie Price, Iry Stimler, Ed Barsky, Hampton, Eddie Cantor and Danny Davis, Val Valentin, Jerry Schoenbaum. In rear, Sol Greenberg, special lines for sound effects Inter Global Product Will Gene Rooney, Sol Handwerger, Jim Vienneau and AI Lewis. and discotheque material. In Nash's opinion, "this com- Be Released by ABC -Para ing fiscal year will be the most competitive in the history of rec- NEW YORK - ABC -Para- Barbara Clark will work with Ian, Zodiacs Go Home; Had ord clubs. He classifies the mount Records this week ac- Freeman in London. Wyatt had forthcoming season as being quired for U. S. release all been promotion man for Pye "fiercely competitive among product of Inter Global Records Records and professional man- U. S. Okay Not to Work clubs for mailing lists, clients Corp., an American corporation ager for Essex Music. Ralfini and customers." which has the exclusive rights headed Pye's international de- NEW YORK - Four British Department would grant the Capitol's approach with out- to the services of Alan A. Free- partment and was Anthony youngsters are going home Sat- Zodiacs the work permit that side labels is in offering them man, English record producer. Newley's personal manager. Miss urday (5) with a rather peculiar had been refused earlier in Brit- a wide breadth of catalog repre- Freeman, who had been under Clark, sister of Petula Clark, idea about American hospitality. ain. The assumption proved exclusive contract to Pye Rec- was head of the Vogue Records' Philips' Ian and the Zodiacs futile ords as a producer, will continue international department in were allowed into the United Bill O'Brien said that all ef- to work for the firm, but on a Paris. States briefly on a B -I "business forts by a Philips attorney had MGM, Parent nonexclusive basis. Pye and In- Freeman plans to sign 10 new only" permit. They were neither met with a blank wall. The ter Global now have reciprocal acts this year. He has already allowed to perform nor to re- group, popular in England and In Gear on licensing agreements for Free- signed a group of Oxford Uni- cord, nor even talk over the air Germany, have no trouble get- man's recordings. These arrange- versity students, called the Ox- with disk jockeys. ting into Germany to work. Ian ments call for Inter Global ford Boys. The group's first re- group, in The Chicago spent Edwards, the leader, said, "We Rolls Push handling all U. S. releases on lease is expected to hit the U. S. Friday (28), listening to new can walk into the German Con- market this month. HOLLYWOOD Rec- the ABC -Paramount label and material. "We're looking ahead," sul in London and have permits -MGM ords and the all British releases on the Pye Bill O'Brien, Philips national another parent film com- in an hour.
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