CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1037 HON
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April 30, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1037 World Famous Apollo Theatre, over the years TRIBUTE TO JAMES GRABAU and completed the Advanced Placement Insti- has been the home club of choice and hang- tute at Millsaps College. out for many of Harlem’s renowned entre- HON. TOM LATHAM Prior to teaching at Murrah H.S., Ms. Don- preneurs and personalities. Since 1942, Show- OF IOWA aldson taught at Bassfield High School in the man’s Jazz Cafe has showcased top musi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jefferson Davis School District and at Sumner cians for Harlem and International audiences, Hill Junior High in Clinton, MS. ‘‘The art of Thursday, April 30, 2009 as Mona, Co-Owner and retired Son of Sam teaching is bigger than the subject one teach- New York City Police Detective Al Howard, Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise to rec- es,’’ Donaldson said. It is no surprise to those and former barmaid ‘‘Lil’’ Pierce refer to as ognize James Grabau, a resident of Boone, who know Stacey best that she would be rec- ‘‘family.’’ Iowa, and president of R. H. Grabau Construc- ognized for her achievements. Donaldson’s fa- tion Inc. ther, Allen Hall, ‘‘noticed his daughter’s poten- Madam Speaker, The Friends of Show- James, who has been the president of R.H. man’s roster include luminaries and enter- tial and encouraged her to be the best she Grabau Construction Inc. since 1984, was re- could be’’. With this in mind, Stacey serves as tainers like Count Basie, Billy Eckstine, cently honored with The Master Builders of a member of the Murrah site council and Sammy Davis, Jr., Charles Honi Coles, Leroy Iowa ‘‘Build Iowa Award.’’ The award is given sponsor of the school’s Not Here Club, which Myers, Gregory Hines, Pop Brown, Nat Davis to one Master Builder member each year who discourages students from substance abuse, and Savion Glover. Personalities like Jesse best exemplifies skill, integrity, and responsi- as well as coordinates Murrah’s Seatbelt Safe- Walker, Joe Yancy and Jimmy Booker. Per- bility in the construction industry and in the ty Project. formers like Bill Doggett, George Benson, member’s community. Stacey’s husband, Johnny Donaldson, de- Seleno Clarke, Irene Reid, Jimmy ‘‘Preacher’’ James has offered his time and talents to scribes her as passionate, hardworking and Robins, Gloria Lynne, Joey Morant, Akiko many community organizations. Among many devoted. She is the mother of two daughters, Tsuruga, Grady Tate, Frank Dell and the other contributions, he has served as Presi- 10-year old Camaryn and 5-year old Cailyn. In Prince of Harlem Lonnie Youngblood. dent of Boone’s Future, the Boone Chamber addition to her role as wife, mother and teach- Mona has always been, and still is a of Commerce, Boone’s Industrial Development er, Stacey finds time to give back to her ‘‘Hands-On’’ person and as Operations Man- Corporation, and the Master Builder’s of Iowa. church and community. She is a member of ager she along with her dedicated and ener- He has served on the boards of Boone County Greater New Jerusalem’s scholarship com- gized staff, is responsible for the reputation YMCA and Hawkeye Federal Savings Bank. mittee and is a young women’s ministry volun- that Showman’s has maintained for being Additionally, he has served as Global Ambas- teer for the Sims House Stewpot Ministries. sador for the Rotary Group Study Exchange to ‘‘The Jazz Club in Harlem’’ since it was found- I am very proud of Ms. Donaldson and all of Australia, Church Elder, and Chairman of the ed back in 1942. For her service to the com- her accomplishments. She is truly a remark- Congregation of the Trinity Lutheran Church. munity, Mona has been honored to receive a able example of the talented, dedicated and Through his work, he has been honored with ‘‘Woman of the Year’’ award from the Tioga hardworking teachers that help to educate such awards as the Al Kinney Award, DMACC Democratic Club, the Women’s Ministry Mississippi’s best and brightest children. Alumni Award, National Leadership Award, Achievement Award, and a special award from and the Associated General Contractors of Please join me today in congratulating Ms. the Greater Harlem Uptown Chamber of Com- America Chapter President of the Year Award Stacey Donaldson, the 2009 Mississippi merce Association. In 2009 Ms. Lopez be- while President of the Master Builders of Iowa. Teacher of the Year. came a partner in Showman’s Jazz Club. I know that my colleagues in the United States Congress join me in commending f f James Grabau for his professional contribu- PERSONAL EXPLANATION tions to the construction industry, his leader- PERSONAL EXPLANATION ship and dedication to representing Iowa in his career, and committing time to his community. HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS I consider it an honor to represent James and OF TEXAS HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS his family in Congress, and I wish him the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TEXAS best in his future endeavors. Thursday, April 30, 2009 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, on Thursday, April 30, 2009 CONGRATULATING STACEY DON- ALDSON 2009 MISSISSIPPI TEACH- Wednesday, April 29, 2009, on rollcall number Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, on ER OF THE YEAR 223 I am not recorded. This rollcall vote on Wednesday, April 29, 2009, on rollcall number H.R. 1913, the Local Law Enforcement Hate 216 I am not recorded. This rollcall vote on S. Crimes Prevention Act of 2009, to provide HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON Federal assistance to States, local jurisdic- Con. Res. 13, the Conference Report to a OF MISSISSIPPI tions, and Indian tribes to prosecute hate Concurrent Resolution setting forth the Con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES crimes, and for other purposes, occurred while gressional Budget for the United States Gov- Thursday, April 30, 2009 I was absent from the floor of the U.S. House ernment for fiscal year 2010 and budgetary of Representatives. Had I been present, I levels for fiscal years 2009 and 2011 through Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Madam would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ 2014, occurred while I was absent from the Speaker, I would like to congratulate the 2009 Violence, whether it’s based on a perceived floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. Mississippi Teacher of the Year, Stacey Don- or actual threat, is of enormous concern when Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ aldson. The Teacher of the Year program, spon- it is combined with constitutionally protected I would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on S. Con. Res. sored by the state Department of Education rights. Race. Color. National Origin. Religion. 13 because the budget significantly increases and the Mississippi Teacher Center, awards Gender. Disability. All of these fundamental the Federal deficit and passes the burden of certified public school teachers for their out- rights are protected by our Constitution and payment on to future generations of Ameri- standing performance. Donaldson, a 37-year- hate crimes themselves have additional pro- cans. The reserve funds singled out for old Murrah High School English teacher, was tection in Section 280003(a) of the Violent healthcare reform, climate change, affordable selected for exhibiting leadership, excelling in Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of housing, and Medicare alone represent a dra- the classroom and being active in her commu- 1994. Any hate crimes perpetrated in violation matic expansion of the powers of the Federal nity. of either law should be fully prosecuted by the government. I am committed to voting to im- Stacey, a graduate of University of Southern U.S. Department of Justice and we, as the prove fiscal responsibility and to reduce the Mississippi, obtained a bachelor’s degree in DOJ’s appropriators, should give them all the size and power of the federal government. As Broadcast Journalism and a minor in speech resources they need to prevent any hate a result of that commitment, I would not sup- communications. She worked as a broadcast crimes from occurring. port this resolution. On April 2, 2009 the journalist before changing careers and becom- I believe existing federal law is more than House of Representatives voted in favor of the ing a teacher. Stacey earned a master of adequate to prosecute hate crimes and, as House Budget Resolution (233–196), on that teaching degree from William Carey College such, should I have been present I would vote, I am recorded as voting ‘‘nay.’’ and became a national board certified teacher have voted ‘‘nay.’’ VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:46 May 01, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30AP8.041 E30APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS E1038 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 30, 2009 CREDIT CARDHOLDERS’ BILL OF just that, while also helping to foster fair com- ships. He also has been most active in civic RIGHTS ACT OF 2009 petition and the values of the free market. I life by serving as Mayor of the Borough of encourage all my colleagues to vote for H.R. Phoenixville since 1998. SPEECH OF 627. The school district and community members HON. JAMES R. LANGEVIN f will honor the two men during an induction ceremony on May 5, 2009 at Phoenixville OF RHODE ISLAND TRIBUTE TO DR. TOM RENZE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Area High School. Wednesday, April 29, 2009 Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues HON. TOM LATHAM join me today in congratulating Thomas R. The House in Committee of the Whole OF IOWA Ramsey Jr. and Leo J. Scoda for their tremen- House on the State of the Union had under IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dous community spirit and exemplary dedica- consideration of the bill (H.R.