University of South Florida College of Pathways to our community our global our workforce our ongoing engagement initiatives leadership discoveries

Partner with local communities Research partnerships and MPH in public health practice Well-rounded research portfolio to bring information student opportunities in Belize, designed for experienced including federal, state, private and services to adults in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, health professionals and foundation grants and . Hillsborough and Polk counties Uganda, Ecuador, Panama contracts success and Costa Rica Innovative DrPH designed for Bridge programs that introduce working professionals More than 285 publications high schoolers and Public health leadership and annually undergraduates to public health disaster response training Florida’s first bachelor’s in disciplines in the Caribbean public health housed within an New Bill and Melinda Gates accredited College of Public Foundation grants to the Global Host of Dean’s Lecture Series Certificates in Health Health Infectious Disease featuring local, national and and Latin American studies, Research Team international practitioners disaster management, and Federally funded training humanitarian assistance programs in a variety of Undergraduate students Home to Students with Diabetes, disciplines engaged in research a national program with 30+ Recognition as a top five opportunities chapters on college campuses Master’s International Peace Students recipients of national Corps school certification in public health Partner with H. Lee Moffitt Recipient of $4.2-million (CPH) Cancer & Research Institute federal grant to help uninsured Developer of a national risk map on in our Floridians navigate health care and integrated Part of USF Health communities coverage options management policy/strategy Interprofessional Education for Uganda efforts to educate students Federal fellowship awards, Designer of community-based across disciplines internal graduate school social marketing approaches to Engagement in community awards, research scholarships, prevent disease and disability health dealing with diseases of Annual presenter of Florida and awards for research and public health importance in Asia, Outstanding Woman in Public practice for public health Home to institute focused Africa and the Caribbean Health award students on translational research in adolescent behavioral health as Satellite office in Panama with Host of Social Marketing in National research leader on it relates to substance abuse and a focus on education, training Public Health conference the role of fathers in pregnancy co-occurring disorders and research outcomes Academic home of Dr. Adewale Nationally recognized model Collaboration with underserved Troutman, former president A global resource with for service delivery to children, communities on air of the American Public Health 10 centers and institutes youth and families with HIV resolution Association addressing areas of public health importance such as Partner with Reach Up, Inc., to Recognized leader in online Three consecutive Chapter of maternal and child health, improve racial and ethnic equity education, offering six master’s the Year recognitions for Delta occupational health, violence in health degrees, more than ten graduate Omega chapter prevention, behavioral health certificates, DrPH, and and biological threats Academic home for Girls on the upper-level BSPH coursework Occupational safety training in Run, a national, positive youth online Florida and the Caribbean Community-based research development program on safety and quality of care in hospitals, health care settings and home-based care environments University of South Florida 888-USF-COPH College of Public Health success takes many forms. Community & Family Health Global Health Concentration Concentration

Community and Family Health PhD, DrPH Global Communicable Diseases MPH, MSPH, PhD Maternal and Child Health MPH, MSPH Global Health Practice MPH, DrPH your education. your options. Public MPH, MSPH Global Disaster Management and Behavioral Health MPH, MSPH Humanitarian Relief* MPH Established in 1984 as the first school of public health in Florida, the USF College of Public Socio-Health Sciences MPH, MSPH Infection Control* MPH , Maternal and Child Health MPH Epidemiology, Global Health MPH Health is a recognized leader in , online education, maternal and child Epidemiology, Global Communicable Diseases MPH health, social marketing, disaster management and infectious disease research. The college Dual Degrees Dual Degrees offers more than 20 concentrations that lead to MHA, MPH, MSPH, DrPH and PhD degrees, Anthropology (MA or PhD) MPH, PhD Medicine (MD) MPH as well as a BSPH, dual degrees, graduate certificates and online programs. Anthropology (MA or PhD) MPH, PhD Social Work (MSW) MPH Medicine (MD) MPH Physical Therapy (DPT) MPH Biochemistry/Molecular Biology (PhD) MPH Undergraduate Academic Programs Public Health Practice Law (JD) MPH Physical Therapy (DPT) MPH Law (JD) MPH Major Concentration Special Programs

Public Health BSPH Public Health Practice* MPH Master’s International Peace Corps MPH, MSPH Special Programs (Online and executive weekend format)

Minor Master’s International Peace Corps MPH, MSPH Dual Degrees Certificates General Public Health Public Health Practice/Physical Therapy (DPT) MPH Maternal and Child Health; Social Marketing*; Violence and Injury: Certificates Public Health Practice/Law (JD) MPH Prevention and Intervention; Interdisciplinary Women’s Health; Infection Control Global Health Practice; Diasporas and Health Disparities; Infection Control* Medicine (MD) MPH Public Health Generalist*; Translational Research in Adolescent Behavioral Global Communicable Diseases Disaster Management*; Global Health and Latin American & Caribbean Studies; Health Humanitarian Assistance*; Water, Health and Sustainability; Public Health Community Engaged Home Land Security and Emergency Management Special Programs Generalist* Master’s International Peace Corps MPH, MSPH Accelerated Programs Certificates Environmental & Occupational Health Public Health (BS) / Public Health Education Concentration (MPH) Public Health Generalist*; Planning for Healthy Communities; Health Equity Epidemiology & dual degree Concentration Environmental Science and Policy (BS) / Public Health (MPH/MSPH) Environmental Health MPH, MSPH, PhD, DrPH Concentration dual degree Health, Safety and Environment* MPH Fast - track MPH/MSPH for USF honors students Epidemiology MPH, MSPH, PhD, DrPH & Management Industrial MSPH, PhD Epidemiology* MPH Certificates International Public Health Research MSPH Biostatistics MPH, MSPH, PhD, DrPH Concentration Occupational Health MPH, MSPH, PhD Public Health; Infection Control; Global Communicable Diseases; Community Epidemiology, Biostatistics MPH Occupational Health for Nurses MPH Engaged Home Land Security and Emergency Management Health Services Research PhD, DrPH Epidemiology, Global Health MPH Health Administration MHA Occupational Safety MPH, MSPH Epidemiology, Maternal and Child Health MPH Health Care Organizations and Management MPH Toxicology and Risk Assessment MPH, MSPH, PhD Epidemiology, Global Communicable Diseases MPH Public Health Administration* MPH  BSPH = Bachelor of Science in Public Health Dual Degrees Health Policies and Programs MPH Dual Degrees Anthropology (MA or PhD) MPH, PhD Anthropology (MA or PhD) MPH, PhD Dual Degrees  MPH = Master of Public Health Adult Nursing (MS) MPH Medicine (MD) MPH Anthropology (MA or PhD) MPH, PhD Biochemistry/Molecular Biology (PhD) MPH Biochemistry/Molecular Biology (PhD) MPH Medicine (MD) MPH  MSPH = Master of Science in Public Health Medicine (MD) MPH Physical Therapy (DPT) MPH Physical Therapy (DPT) MPH Physical Therapy (DPT) MPH Law (JD) MPH Law (JD) MPH Law (JD) MPH  Special Programs MHA = Master of Health Administration MPH, MHA MPH, MHA Special Programs Epidemiology for Pediatric Residents or Fellows MPH Special Programs Occupational Medical Residency MSPH  PhD = Master’s International Peace Corps MPH, MSPH Master’s International Peace Corps MPH, MSPH Master’s International Peace Corps MPH, MSPH Certificates  DrPH = Doctor of Public Health Certificates Certificates Epidemiology; Biostatistics; Concepts and Tools of Epidemiology*; Health Management and Leadership; Public Health Policy and Programs*; Environmental Health; Safety Management; Public Health Generalist*; Applied Biostatistics*; Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases*; Public Health * Toxicology and Risk Assessment*  Denotes online program Public Health Generalist* Generalist*