Bilateral Ossification of the Stylohyoid Ligament
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Folia Morphol. Vol. 66, No. 3, pp. 203–206 Copyright © 2007 Via Medica C A S E R E P O R T ISSN 0015–5659 Bilateral ossification of the stylohyoid ligament J. Skrzat, I. Mróz, J. Walocha, J. Zawiliński, J.K. Jaworek Department of Anatomy, Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland [Received 15 February 2007; Revised 22 June 2007; Accepted 27 June 2007] This paper presents the case of an adult male skull with bilateral ossification of the stylohyoid complex. The total length of the stylohyoid complex amounts to 62 mm on the left side and 65 mm on the right side. Visual inspection of the stylohyoid revealed the presence of callosities that are located on both stylohyoid complexes at nearly the same level. These sites are regarded as the ossified attach- ments of the stylohyoid ligaments to the corresponding styloid processes. The skull studied is an example of extreme development of the stylohyoid complex, which could cause severe pain and a restriction of head and neck movement. Key words: styloid process, hyoid bone, cranial ligaments, stylohyoid complex INTRODUCTION cle and the stylopharyngeal muscle. The elongated The stylohyoid ligament is a fibrous cord stretched styloid process and the ossified stylohyoid ligament between the tip of the styloid process of the tempo- can compress some of these structures, leading to ral bone and the lesser horn of the hyoid bone. This mild or severe clinical syndromes, such as sore throat, process forms the background for the attachment of dysphagia, dysphasia, dysphoria of the throat, otal- numerous muscles and ligaments that are connected gia, the sensation of a foreign body in the throat, to the throat and tongue. The styloid process togeth- facial pain radiating to the ear or along the mandi- er with the stylohyoid ligament is referred as the sty- ble and head and neck pain [3, 5, 11, 13]. lohyoid complex. The entire complex can be divided The aim of this study is to describe the morpho- into several segments, including the tympanohyal, logical appearance of the bilateral ossification of the stylohyal, ceratohyal and hypohyal segments [9]. stylohyoid ligament found in a dry human skull. Many important anatomical structures are in close proximity to the styloid process and the stylo- MATERIAL AND METHODS hyoid ligament. It is therefore worth studying the A skull with bilateral ossified stylohyoid ligaments variability of these structures and analysing the pos- is housed in the Department of Anatomy of the Col- sible effects of an ossified stylohyoid complex. Just legium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University. Un- posterior to the process lies the stylomastoid fora- fortunately the exact dating and origin of the skull is men, through which the facial nerve exits to run unknown. Its morphological appearance suggests that anteriorly and medially to the styloid process. The it belongs to a recent population. The skull is well internal carotid artery, the internal jugular vein and preserved, with no noticeable deformities. The marked the accessory and vagus nerves lie medially. The ex- muscular attachments, strongly developed temporal ternal carotid artery runs laterally to the stylohyoid lines, prominent supercilliary ridges, well-developed ligament. The glossopharyngeal nerve exists in close external occipital protuberance and the shape of the proximity under the styloid process, stylohyoid mus- mandible are all indicative of a male skull (Fig. 1). Address for correspondence: Dr Janusz Skrzat, Department of Anatomy, Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University, Kopernika 12, 31–034 Kraków, Poland, tel: +48 12 422 95 11, fax: +48 22 422 95 11, e-mail: [email protected] 203 Folia Morphol., 2007, Vol. 66, No. 3 Figure 3. Lateral view of the ossified stylohyoid ligaments (indi- cated by arrows). Figure 1. Anterior view of the skull with bilateral ossification of the stylohyoid ligaments (the mandible was removed). Figure 4. Close-up view of the callosities and apparent ossified attachment (indicated by arrow) of the right and left stylohyoid ligament to the styloid process; stp — styloid process, shl — ossified stylohyoid ligament. tween the top of the styloid processes and the begin- ning of the stylohyoid ligaments on both sides. Close Figure 2. Posterior view of the ossified stylohyoid ligaments observation revealed a bulge of bony mass in the mid- (indicated by arrows); ma — mandible, mp — mastoid process. dle parts of the ossified complexes. Its presence may indicate the place of attachment of the ligament to the styloid process (Fig. 4). This place was therefore regard- An anatomical study was performed on the ossi- ed as the end of the styloid process and served as fied stylohyoid ligaments on both sides of the skull. a landmark for measuring the distance to the cranial The length of the osseous complex (the stylohyoid base. This distance was treated as equivalent to the process plus the ossified part of the stylohyoid liga- length of the styloid process and measured 28 mm on ment) was measured using a digital sliding calliper. the left side and 31 mm on the right side. The remain- ing part of the left ossified stylohyoid complex, namely RESULTS the ligament, measured 34 mm, while the right ossified Visual inspection of the right and left stylohyoid com- stylohyoid ligament was 30 mm in length. Thus the to- plex revealed complete ossification of the styloid pro- tal length of the stylohyoid complex amounts to 62 mm cess and stylohyoid ligament. The ossified parts of the on the left side and 65 mm on the right side. stylohyoid ligaments are clearly visible (Fig. 2, 3). Never- The callosities are located on both stylohyoid theless, it is difficult to determine the exact border be- complexes at nearly the same level and at a distance 204 J. Skrzat et al., Ossified stylohyoid ligament of 31–35 mm from the basicranium. From these place during cranial development and could have places both osseous complexes bend medially. continued during postnatal life. The distance between the bases of the right and The stylohyoid ligament derives from the second left styloid processes was 91 mm while the dis- branchial arch. The cartilaginous element of the sec- tance between the ends of the ossified stylohy- ond arch (Reichert’s cartilage) extends from the otic oid ligaments decreased to 51 mm. This differ- capsule to the midline in the each side. Thereafter ence between the origins and ends of the two the cartilage gives rise to the styloid process, stylo- stylohyoid complexes expresses a strong mutual- hyoid ligament, the lesser cornu and probably the ly convergent course towards the mid-sagittal cranial rim of the body of the hyoid bone. During plane. foetal development Reichert’s cartilage links the sty- loid process to the hyoid bone. Probably owing to DISCUSSION ossification of the styloid process the ligament may The normal length of the styloid process usually prolong the ossification, resulting in very long sty- varies between 25.0 and 30.0 mm [2]. However, loid processes. In adults the stylohyoid ligament may Moffat et al. [14] regard the normal range of the retain some of its embryonic cartilage and thus have length of the styloid process as between 15.2 mm the potential to become partially or completely ossi- and 47.7 mm. In human skulls elongation of the fied [16]. styloid process can occur. This condition is regarded The elongated styloid process, which results as an anatomical anomaly. A styloid process is consid- from normal biological variation, is a slender ered to be elongated when it is longer than 30.0 mm smooth pointed process projecting downward [8, 10, 18, 20]. However, some researchers regard and forward from the inferior surface of the tem- the styloid process as elongated if its length exceeds poral bone. When ossification of the stylohyoid 40 mm [7, 15]. This anomaly appears in adults with ligament propagates along its course there may varying frequency, ranging from 2% to 30% [21]. appear different callosities and the entire com- The styloid process can be elongated bilaterally or plex resembles an irregular bony trabecula, which unilaterally. According to Scaf et al. [18] unilateral is usually bent medially. In the case studied elongation of the styloid process is the more fre- a swelling and narrowing on the ossified stylohy- quent unilateral elongation of the styloid process oid complexes of both sides of the skull may be (90.5%). Ossification of the stylohyoid ligament oc- perceived. curs with differing frequency and may be as low Abnormal length and anatomy of the stylohy- as 2–4% or as high as 84.4% but does not cause oid complex may cause various clinical symptoms. any symptoms [1, 4]. The incidence of ossification One of these is Eagle’s syndrome, in which the elon- of the stylohyoid ligament or stylohyoid complex gated styloid process or ossified stylohyoid ligament (including the styloid process) varies in the pub- is a source of pain [3, 5, 13, 17, 18]. Eagle’s syn- lished literature and depends on different crite- drome is not frequently suspected in clinical prac- ria in radiographic evaluation and patient selec- tice, and only in a small percentage of the popula- tion [12]. tion does an ossified stylohyoid ligament manifest The skull investigated is a case of extensive bi- the clinical symptoms. The syndrome exists at about lateral ossification of the stylohyoid ligament, 28% of the population and is most commonly seen which is firmly fused with the styloid process, form- after the age of 30; there is no significant sex pre- ing a long bony trabecula. It is difficult to deter- dilection [3, 6, 10, 19]. mine a clear border between the styloid process The following are also symptoms associated with and part of the ossified ligament.