—"*" FOR I FRIDAY —-——— LAND, DECEMBER 10, 1886. —-1 — _MQRN1NQ, PRICE THREE (’ENTS.

‘i Kt IAI M( i it ti. » the PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, FROM WASHINGTON. be done with it?” was a fair question. Some foreign. Pub'-lsiied every day Ute '6^. They have no seed to plant nert season am THOMASTON | (Hundays excepted) by of the would have to t>e used for the LIFE. his fellow convicts. This ev'dent desire I » !' surplus I to with. The condition of tilt WAS IT MURDER. 'iiTI.AVI* {‘VULIBHlMt COMPANY, uew and for nothing buy be like the rest has navy, seaboard defences, and is bad but that of won the good will c i At' V, Ks< HANDS. The E). °ass the Bill Abolish ( whites enough, the black: CONC KTKKK'f. I'OUTLAM'. 1-*/. | f then tlie internal revenue tax on tobacco may Salisbury’s Speech both the prisoners and the officers. His ce D D on the Irish is worse. They have nothing and the white: A

State. Card Vases, Glove Handker- — In appointing District Stone's The art paper of this number is the first of sever- Shopping Bags, Wallets, Purses, Cigar Cases, and AT- Attorney chief Hand Painted. Novelties in Whisk Broom Nickel ami GROCKEti k CO. President al short articles on Satchets, Holders, PULLEN, successor, Cleveland has burned THE FISHERY CORRESPONDENCE. Contemporary French Scnlp- Brass, 75 cents to $1.50. CITY HALL one of his civil service Hire. Tlie latter half of Dr. Martin’s Old Chelsea reform bridges behind of the Silk Plush satin at 80 Secretary Bayard’s presentation contains a chat in relation to Stationery, Boxes, lined, containing paper and envelopes Bankers and him. The only way he can his itlie literary and his- each. Brokers, MONDAY, DEC. 13. keep open American side of the fishery case, as dis- torical associations of this half of London, the cents, $1.00, $1.25, $1.60, $2.00 and $2.50 line of communication now is to make way closed the sent to drawings, by Pennell, including Carlyle’s Statue NO. 33 EXCHANCE “Demon Drill” bj the P. W.C. Drill Team by correspondence Con- and STREET. successor Home, Turter’s House, Tile Street. Cheyne for a to District Attorney Benton. on PLUSH ALBUMS AUD SCRAP BOOKS. ilfnabtr. of the >. Y. Mlwl IS «< Music Grimmer', Full Orchestra. gress Wednesday, is, it is only fair to say, W alk, Battersea Church, etc. The Food Question SILK hnuge. by in America and Is a vital and on the whole, satisfactory. lie was a little Europe suggestive HANDKERCHIEFS. Private Wire to New York and Kefreshments will be served In Ilall by Boston. Keceptton A debate on so momentous a proposition as study, by Edward Atkinson, of a most late in under but when he did practical UMBRELLAS. the Society of LITTLE WOMEN. of the Constitution to getting way, subject, tlie victualing question as related to labor the changing allow and the begin he wrote vigorously and to the point. wages, comparison being greatly In favor One lot 26 inch Gents Silk Umbrellas with Silver Mounted Handieg at INVESTMENT admission 50 cents; reserved seals 23 the of to should call of the 1 lilted Slates. Mr. $8.35. SECUflTIES FOR SALE. Single privilege voting women, Atkinson’s statistics One lot 26 inch Gen's aud Ladies cents extra OnsaleatStockhrldge's Wednesday, Undoubtedly the action of the Senate last will be a revelation to his Silk Umbrellas, beautifully mounted with Ster- readers. A curious arti- WE OFFER SEW Dec. at 0 a. out a large audience of friends of the meas- cle Is A Silver at worth YORK COHHEMPOSDE.Tm. 8, in.__ winter and the criticisms of the press in- Little Mtllerlte, by Mrs. Jaue Marsli Par- ling $5.00, $6.50. __dect)d7t ure. But not more than twenty women were ker, being reminiscences of Millerisui in 1843 Black Hand Run Spanish Scarfs and Fichus. Iteal Duchess Lace Collar- CREFN A RATE M A M fused a good deal of the into him, but and the time Collars, In vigor 1844, set for tlie end of the world. ettes and the galleries of the Senate Wednesday The in the Handkerchiefs, Oriental, Spanish, Fedora, Mazarine, Gulpuire and Un- it is not very important where it came from War Series is The Second Dav at chess Laces. BOSTON, ST. STEPHEN'S FAIR. when Mr. Blair mads his speech, although Gettysburg, treated by Generals Heity J. Hunt as long as it is there. The Secretary states and K. M. Law. llie latter with Ladies’, Gents’ and Children’s Linen and Silk Ladies’ and TUESDAY notice special regard to Handkerchiefs, Gents’ * F H. PRINCE & CO. had been given the day before. Round 1 and MORNING, the claims of the American fishermen clearly op the Confederate Right. Hemstitched Handkerchiefs. The Annual Christina* Fair will be held at V The contents of for Ribbons. Hand Knit Jackets. Quotations constantly displayed. 71. C. A. li tl.l,, Tuesday Afternoon and One quite important feature of Secretary and argues their justice with ability and Llppincott’s December are Goods, Leggins, Skirts, Jersey Jackets, Ladies’ and Miss Francis Gents’ Silk IOO doz. livening, Der 14. Extensive preparations force. How much lie made on Defarge, by Hodgson Burnett: Maid Hosiery, Gents’ Fancy Suspenders, Ladies’ Aprons, Nurse Aprons and India Silk Handkerchiefs at 29 cts. each. St axle v T. PutxKx, Frank C. Crocker. Manning's report the Argus strangely ne- impression Harlan (a story) by Seawell The Master Aprons for Children, Towels, Napkins, Carving Cloths, lilai-k aud eodtf wide of choice III art1 ulcets to mail*. If 1,1. -„A...... A...iA»i„.. the English foreign office it is impossible to Sydney; Tray Cloths, Greatest ever offered in these in decl__ range the Met ilfered. Sup- Hand (poems by Ella Wheeler Wilcox; The Pres- Colored Dress Goods. Bargains for Holiday Gifts, Black and Colored bargain goods per will be served through the evetwiig. decsdlw that the Greenbacks be discover from the submitted Special Beal Kslate llerlgage Mecuriliea. retired. The opin- correspondence, idents as Gastronometers, Frank S. Silks, Khadames and Faille Francais; also rich Crape Silks for evening wear. Portland. ion by Carpenter; I am sending Fiiai .tlaruasr. on real estate of our esteemed the British part of which is non- A Ac. contemporary ou that exceedingly Bachelor’s Blunder (conclusion) by W. E. Nor- Fancy Plnshes, to eastern parlies, netting them seven per cent, would be point valuable, as to show committal and evasive. Lord Roseberry no- Iis;aiy John per annum, with the loterest payable -ruii-im- tending mieiary Experience, By Hablierton; I '» uuully. loan ouly one-third of the value of the liow far it has recovered from its null, luut s ulltTl iijMfU WILIl UUJ Ot?Crtuai J Mental 10th greenback Grace H. Ghosts STOCKBRIDGE Obliquity, by Pierce; security, And attend to all collections of both in- delusions He acts ns of a few years ago. if iiis policy were to stave the mat- (poem) by Charles L. Hildreth; Newspaperlsm X. JOHN UTTLE & CO. terest and principal. The mortgages are In the Reviewed Junius form of Bonds with city ha ll, ter olF. No of the conduct by Henri Brown; Love’s Vol- N. B.—We advise our to visit our store iu the Interest coupons attached. justification of ume patrons morning in order to avoid I Springfield’s vote for this (poem) by William H. Hnyne: A Ghost on ...... _1. A At... .1 will be pleased to correspond with parties and Dec. Uih. prohibition year a UUII H umvu nui 1u M. iu Ull v Wetlncaday Evening the Dominion government appears to iiave (liristmas Eve, E. P. Keconeillatlon (po MV Ul V V If null W VUV » give full particulars. Address. is the result of a liy ltoc; conviction ou the part of Mark How 1 Became an dtf M. II. BI l.luiolu. come from him and no disapproval cither. ®f°).by Mallow; Artist’s _dec7__ RyUAtl, Nek- First appearance after an absence of 15 years the people that the license Model, by charlotte Adams; The Book ol Ameri- References : of the Renowned African and Governor system could not us far as can Exptoicr Indeed, indicating the opinions of Figure Painters, by u. 1*. Lathrop; Isolation, Judge W W. VlilGIN. > General of the Free " cope with one nuisance obnoxious Congo Slates, Author of How especially the British government is (sonnet) by Helen Gray Cone; Our Monthly Gos- Hox.JOSIAH H. Portland, Me. 1 Found Livingstone,’’ etc., Mr. M. concerned, : Book Talk. Hoy. C. F. DKL'MMOND,} Henry in that city. Every saloon keeper who was LIBBY, Lord ltoseberry might just us well have Hoy. H. M. Me. a SPECTACLES. BKABCK, Norway, sept7eod3m refused license turned his establishment silent. In his to kept letter the President (EDUCATION A I,. into a so-called “club” where liquors wets Seoretaiy Bayard says that negotiations are PORTLAND STANLEY. dispensed to all who obtained admission. Hsbjecl, “Through the ISarh Ceallural.” still proceeding and there are hopes of a The license law was insuftleien t to 500 coon OK ATM. 500 suppress settlement satisfactory to both parties. He EYE CLASSES. these clubs; so absolute prohibition was in- Reserved seats, 30 and 73 ceuts; chairs on the gives no hint of the nature of that settle- We have a assortment and are lo the same voked. large prepared adjust stage. 50 cents. Now on sale at Stockbrldge's. Given to the scientific We use TRUST Half fare on train on G. ment. upon NACHET’S TRIAL COMPANY M. C. R. R. Late I. ft. R. Evidently England is inclined to he private pupils by subscriber, principles. CASE, together with the The Springfield Eepublican thinks that the conciliatory, and that of Itself alone affords J. W. OPTHALITIOSCOPIC TEST LENSE, combining the best Pint National Bank COLCORI), methods known for detecting nil optical defects of the eye and deter- Building. Ilth “uproar made by the Republican over reasonable ground for the which STOCKBRIDGE, press expectation 143 PEARL STREET. mining tke lenses needed for their correction. the appointment of Col. Morton of the Secretary expresses that a solution will CITY HALL. Efening Decanter 22d. Augusta, _Jan24__ jus • Wednesday as be arrived Y Me., commissioner of navigation, is per- at. Practically all that the Unit- City, Conuty and Railroad Bonds, and I.fcinre by HR. IMTI fect bosh.” If a sailor ed States asks is from before the mast that her vessels shall bo other First-Class .Securities. should be put into the managing editor’s accorded the same rights in Dominion ports EVANS & chair in a certain newspaper office in Spring- that are granted Dominion vessels in Ameri- MILLETT, CO., McCarthy, (Member of Farllameot.) field, does the Republican think the uproar can ports, and that American vessels he re- I INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Mr. brilliant abilities as His- that would arise would be “bosh?” Yet imbursed for the losses which have accrued Portland Nrbsol of Mlenograpky. Nos. 517 Congress and 7 Caseo McCarthy’s literary Streets, JelO____eodtt torian, Poet and Novelist, and Ills pronounced po- the misfit would be no worse than to put a to them by reason of the unjustifiable acts of Pupils thoroughly instructed in shorthand and sition in favor of Hume Rule, will secure him an type-writing. Day and evening sessions. TO-DAY a line of in ovation in Portland. sub-editor in the office of the Commissioner Canadian officials. It will be difficult for Send for circular. Open complete Stamped Linen, Tray Cloths, mucin k noiiim, Op hire.‘The I saw ml Irelaad.’’ of Navigation. the British foreigu office to find an excuse finlacllfl Tldnc llllka QldulkAnitil CawAMA CmKrlnn 11 a A 1. r. B, A ~ — 7 ~ « VVf » *“rt ViVlUO^ M 500 I.OOIl si lls. 500 that will be satisfactory in the eyes of the L. Sawyer, 537 Congress St., Portland, Me. Reserved GO “Trade, my dear sir, runs in the cheapest civilized world for "teiA Also real Scotch Linen Thread. All seats, and 73 ceuts; chairs on the refusing either request. colors for ontline Embroidery. stage, 50cts. Now on sale at Half was the a Stockbrldge's. channels,” expression of leading fare on the M. C. R. K. trains on PR POOS A CM. Late G. T. H. K. business man of St.John a few days ago; BANKERS KP“"Messiah’’ Tickets now on sale, CURRENT COMMENT. decio dlw and he this supplemented remark with a few’ Proposals for famishing nad placing reasons why the people of St. John could .lour on bmakaatrr al Rockland. .Tlninc. UTAH OVERLOOKED. Cor. Middle and Street. copaktnkkwhip noticko. not expect to get the mail steamers, unless United States Engineer Office, I Exchange Hartford Courant. Portland, MaUie, December I certain 3,1886. they changed obsolete regulations Where w’as Utah when the President’s proposals, ill triplicate for lurutslilng Choice Securities, suitable for Dissolution of Co-Partnership. which SEALEDand placing stone on tile breakwater at hamper commerce fn their ports. As message was written? A year ago it was a dec8 7 EVANS will be received CO. Rockland, at tilts & evil. Maine, office, MILLETT, ct3t Banks and Trust co-partnership heretofore existing wider Portland is St. John's rival the business crying Savings No. 637 Congress Street, until 3 p. m.. on Friday, THEthe Arm name and of Nutter, Kimball A MISPLACED MUGWUMP FAITH. December 2c, and style man’s review of these regulations is worth 1886, opened immediately Funds on band. Co., Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. N. Y. Times. ther“after In the presence of such bidders as may constantly Justo M. Quintero having withdrawn. All attairs reading, aside from its historical interest. attend. These lines should all appear black to a normal eye. l*eisons to whom the above lines do Ian 13 eodti hot equally of the late Arm be settled Mr. E. T. Nutter aud We do not doubt that Mr. Cleveland Blanks appear equally black at five or ten have a visual which connno will by A steamer at St. John ischarged 20 per cent, will, and full information ou the subject, will feet, Imperfection spectacles Mr. Genrge L. Kimball, who will continue the as soon as be to lcn9es to c,|rre<‘t the of he corneas. This possible, find out whether Benton furnished parties desiring to bid, on applica- 8rouna deformity business under the same Arm name, at 41S Fore more for pilotage than a vessel pays; tion at tills defect Vs caUc I^As^'IGMATISmV60131 sailing was guilty of the scandalous sayings attrib- office. street. JAKED A. & J. B. BROWN & is of Boston double is not uted to and if was SMITH, Portland A charged him: he that he will be Major Engineers. Go. KIMBALL CO. wharfage; permitted SONS, NUTTER. to take in a removed. dec7,8,9,lo,22,23 Clothing Portland. Nov. 1, 1SHH. novlldlm general cargo at the pier of the promptly Spectacles for 25 cents. for 25 cents. Intercolonial but must move to THE PRESIDENT DEFIES BENTON. for in Porilnnd Har- Eye glasses ofco-pahtnekship.—The railway, Proposals Dredging «**o.v.ou,™ to return to the district system after five D ^ h Remit me the difference less your commis- Cabinet BANKERS and BROKERS. years it they choose to do but Photographs To ■ BB* so; during sion. Upon the promptness with which you every gentleman In the State of Maine, we -m «■ _ _ Paul that five the old execute this order future Paioff, LOT NO. 5. years order of things must depends my patron- No*. would say, 11 you have waited for the mast favor- ni'.TIRKRM OP age.” The Standard of Purity' and Ex- Commencing Tuesday Morning,° 9,1886, give place to the new. The law also had By F. MARION CRAWFORD, able opportunity to purchase an OVEKCOAT this 50 Men’s Fine All Wool Blue Chinchilla Keefers New Vork, C hicago and lltstou Miotk Richard was r. some conditions which be Gunther, who elected to Con- cellence. winter, now Is the time. wool lined, the best goods we ever made In irhnngca might improved We shall make for a Short Time Author of “A Roman up gresss in Gen. district in Only, Singer,” “Mr. Isaacs.” cte Reefers, the Boston PRIVATE WIBEM TO should our Legislature decide to pass a sim- Bragg’s Wisconsin, Firat C lass Cabinet Photographs for pr'ce of which has been *18 Endorsed for its all New lurk, is a native of Germany. Fifteen years ago Purity and Healthfulness by all on this season, now offered by us Chicago Washington, Port- ilar for Maine. The following from the Chemists and who have Papers American History, land, Pall Providence. he landed at Physicians examined It. Rivor, uad Row Manenester Mirror shows the Castle Garden with $24 in his “I have this a LOT NO. I. Bedford. respects in given powder thorough chemical JOHN octlleod3mos inside examination and find it to be of full entire- $4.00 PER By FI3KE, At which the New law is pocket. Ten years afterwards he was weight, DOZEN. 200 Men's All Wool Black Chinchilla only $12.00 each. Hampshire unpopular: ly free from Alum, Ammonia, Lime and the Phos- Beaver are State auditor of have so "There districts in the State In which the Wisconsin. He has a slight and to be an CA nn pep nnTBhl papers been interesting, Overcoats, goods made best mills In the coun- Sizes 34 to 44. Vests to match. phates, absolutely pure bread-raising r full of by have drawn a dividend blonde hair and blue and it is 9‘1'UU tn UUACIVi information, and taxpayers actually from figure, eyes preparation every wav to be recommended for generally popular. try, and made and trimmed in our best manner in the town treasury this year, instead of paying a thought will make a creditable Con- wholcsomeness and cent highly efficiency.” our own workshops, aud retailed of tax, the rebate with which they are cred- gressman. 4.00 PER DOZEN. French and English, during October PER CENT BONDS GUARANTEED ited by the valuation set upon their school houses RICHARD ( and November for $18.00, now offered at by the Mhownlter C’o. More A flue liue of the best makes, in black The train STANLEY, A. M. Pli. D. only Also in Men’s Reefers at Tlortgagr imported amounliug to more than their assessment for jug is one of the peculiarities of A continuation of the admirable Bargains $4.00, than flftv Savings Banks in New leather and pearl, with gold trimmings. Professor and papers compar- Hampshire plated State, county and town taxes. Then there are It into Chemistry Geology, Rates College Tbt. opportunity baa never before beeu ing the French and EngllSD people. Vermont and , also Insurance Prices low. (A beautl'ul plush hand-bag given others whose Georgia railroading. brings Atlanta, State Maine from $8.00 and taxes have been doubled or more l>y Aseayer of *76 to ’83. offered by ns, and the F. U. $12.00 Each. So.OO, $10.00. Companies, Societies and Irdlvlduals are with every pearl pair sold!) their every several car loads of These nltbough price By HAMERTON being compelled to pay their share of the day, jugs. is very low. we wi.h ibe public Unresting in this class of securities. Call or valuation of the easily school houses in other jugs are not empty—far from it. They are FOKSALE BY ALLCROCERS '• *‘"»w «•>“* address lor Illustrated pamphlet, parts of the town. But to the law marlO Essays and Poems, repeal might filled with nnndly Gtenuiae simply make similar trouble next year. Most of ardent spirits in “wet” countries LOT NO. 2. Hnrgaiu. JOHN M. FREEMAN. Agent. By OLIVER WEMDELL iin rvnil IIAr AT AAflTI tlin UP the towns drew tiie teeth of the law and In nn „„„„„ ■„ HOLMES. by electing shipped to Atlanta, Th# interest in the • wivunnuh boards of education In no sense will the work be 400 Men’s All Wool mM rwnib»wu, pledged to regard it as little jug train in Atlanta is intense; many people Overcoats, comprlsiug Whip- as possible, and allow the schools to remain sub- nor Occasional Papers, go to the depot to see it come in. Heartless slightest, need they cords, Cassimers, Fancy Mixtures, Melllns and stantially as they were, and tills can con- LOT NO. 6. Uiey Jokers set afloat rumors that the train Elyslaps, all fine and tinue to do until the expiration of live years from jug fear that inferior stock By james russell lowkll. goods, thoroughly reliable, Its has been thrown off reduced in 112 Boys' Fine Overcoats in WILL BE passage, when it graciously allows them to the track. will be used. price from $12.00, $15.00 and $18.00, Kersey Blue and SOLD AT return to the district _ Brown, system without the inter- There is a great deal of old material yet in to elegantly made and trimmed, and superi- vention of the Legislature." or Deco Contributions fltttng garments, marked down from »2t>.00. Should Congress, despite the fact that many of the * may be expected from John THE BEST ASSORTMENT Maine legislators contemplate fol- « Green leak Only all sizes. statesmanic landmarks have been removed BROTHERS’ Whittier. Thomas Wentworth j$IO each, DARRAH’S lowing Mr. Luce’s advice, the example of Hiooinson, Charles Dudley Warner, e. c. To $15.00 the few lu the Senate Harriet W. Only each, New be during past years. Stedman, Preston, Sarah Ornk LADIES’ Hampshire may a warning and a Jewett, Charles For RINGS Morrill of Vermont stands out as the oldest Eoebert Craddock, Ak- LOT Boys 14 to 17 years. guide. i'X <2*.* (W T1UR Sherburne Hardy, Henry Cabot NO. 3. to be found hi Maine, lnclnJing all the latest man, seventy-six years of age, while Edith M. with being 1 I I \ \\ Lodge, Thomas. koRACE E. Scud- 157 styles, precious stones. Also, plain and en- ! 1,1 It. GEORGE K. Young Men’s Fine Mcltou, Kersey aud his PIANOS W Ely- bands 8AVINCS BANKS AND Is * Wl.ODRURY, GEORGE Flit HER. graved and Uents’ Sea! NATIONAL colleague, Edmunds, sixty-eight. Payne w,r Vj KID Rings. B MauricR sianOvercoats In Mixed and GLOVE BANK of ParEONB, Thompson. Lucy i.ar. Blue, Fancy Brown, STOCK. Ohio is also seventy-six years old, but falls com, Celia Thaxter. John Burroughs, reduced in price from $15.00 and $18.00, Extraordinary Bargains in Children’s There are very suggestive figures in the short of Morrill by seven months. Dawes BBROETT ORGANS. James Freeman Clarke. Elizabeth Robbins STORE, Gold Queen Vest and Extension f’hk'os. ..mi Fennell. Buadford and lopuii ui uauK r,xaunu«r ruenarus upon of Massachusetts is he Turkey, many others. Overcoats in sizes 4 to 11 the seventy, although Please call and hear the matchless tones of these To $12.00 each. years, par- savings banks of the State. It dnno not lnoL — nr.. J it.-i... e Only appears --v— TERMS: FOR V* a ONE MUV XlUUipilUU U1 beautiful instruments. U a 54.00 year in postage WEEK. by this report that the savings banks have P|\Af Afyyo F advance, at $5, $7 and 1 ■ IV U a free; 35 cents a number. With ticularly $6, $8, "absorbed the sum of of na- South Corolina, Evarts of New York, and IvCnl d | | C I superb llfe- $1,900,238.83 size tional bank stock, an increase during the Sawyer of Wisconsin have withstood the TECHNIOON. portrait of Haw thorne, Emerson, Longfel- LOT NO. 4. Our Finest Goods. COLD year of Are the of the ... ___ low, Bryant. Whittier. Lowell or HutmPM 50 8192,127. people cities blasts of sixty-eight winters and the heat of doz. 5-button Kids for 50 etg. -AND- and towns in which this hank stock was uu BIlibM, each additional 85 Men’s Flue Austrian Blue. Chin- “ “ as portrait, $1.00. Beavers, 25 Children’s • 15 held many summers. Evarts looks much “ Mittens, before it was “absorbed” by the the STOOLS AM chilla, Elyslan Beaver aud One l.ot 25 “ “ savings COVERS, Tbc Kersey Overcoats, I.arge Uamaged C'ardignia Jacket, at Ladles’ -15 banks aware of the true these oldest of tlie trio. of is November and December numbeia “ significance of Conger Michigan Portland, Maine. actually marked dowu from $25.00 and $28.00, to only 30 rest, 25 ? WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. TUNING TO ORDER. — of the eark, regular priee 91*30, dent’s and Boy’s double figures They mean that in hut .. Atlantic will be sen. fr*eof charge nearly 82,000,000 spry, lias worn sixty-nine years. Wil- f, b.-Tlluse who leather .... “ taxable hold Club l irkrli (it Onn, .... Jackets and Vest, at Mittens, U property, which paid before its “ab- aiibaerjbcra « boar are son of and Brown of are can use the same *3.00 besides the aubarr.plioaa and sorption an average of at least 2 cent, Maryland Georgia by paying $18.00 $20.00 each. manufacturer', price.. per in ticket, and receive the 12 Cabinets. received before December JOiSi. An taxes for each sixty-five, while Beck of is Family elegant line of Ladles’, dents’ and municipal purposes, has been put Kentucky SAMUEL tickets can be used by paying *3.50, thus making beyond the reach of THURSTON, Postals .Votes Children’* Kids in dress and Suedes. the local tax gatherer, sixty-four. Pugh of Alabama is sixty-six, (the total amount paid), *4.00 for the dozen, the amt Money arc at the risk of tin and pays now only of one same as here advertised. novlOeodtf uniter: and three-quarters per aud Suulsbury, the rusty bachelor from Del- Sfo. 3 Free therefore remittances should lie made When it is considered ALL OCR cent, to the State.—Bangor Commercial. Street Block, Portland. that these goods were marked the iirst of the BEST dLOVES FITTED. aware, is sixty-nine, and looks it. There is OCtl4 cltf _ t’V money-order, draft: or registered letter, to Any broker who buys and sells bank .a, g* "m no one in ™uts **™ -"■*« ■«*«• stocks of the House so old as the two oldest this State will confirm the state- Senators. Judge Kelley, the Father of the . ™& **»■ «ir»"™‘txr.reT«BEe„r5;ss{(’wt ment that their market value rules R||H. DARRAH’S KID GLOVE at least House, the venerable Pennsylvania protec- Stearns & Go., "e1™’ STORE, 25 per cent, higher than it otherwise would if tionist, leads the list. He Is seventy-two. but Eldrldge of Michigan, it is is DEERINC BLOCK, savings banks were prohibited by law from said, quite as old. Plumb of Illinois is while corner STRICTLY ONE holding this kind of seventy, the All PRICE. security. Directory records Waite of Counectieut at Clamp Skates! 163 Congress Street. The national bank Alamo is which must be an error. Best in the 87 Cent* Jahanto capital of 810,- seventy-five, Curtin Market, Pair. Art Goods. ld stand but in It has Reliable retereuce Consultation free, (established 1*71), a the cities and towns instead of kept Its readers fdlly Informed In tlie most given. By losing Mrs. tV \V. 175 Tremont 8t.. Room „„w- ware, Mannsor. 840.j valuable literature of the Its Issue Hadley, 48, NEW REMODELED 000 per year actually gain 842,300 in .taxes day. frequent Boston. Mass.—Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thurs- ______tUf STORE. and ample space enable it to present, with a com- days; hours, o a. in. to 4 p. in. P. O. address, 123 with Large show windows. It will through the influence of savings banks as Bummer pay yon. Out of pleteness and freshness no other nor Uhrr «mii -safety t. BASKETS. Street, Lynn, Mass. own customers can take the horse cars from the attempted by competitors with in the ItVMMCAN-NV M TENNEY & lepot and at the F. O. I am two private parties publicatlou, the ablest and the TOOTH, PIMPLBN, stop doors from essays reviews, 4 J LANG- BOSTON m EUCKLI3, DUNHAM, he corner or street. purchase i nnd F.xchange Look or cni.nlr- ofjstocks of national bunks. .. RInck — choicest serial ami short CARL ZCRPANN llmd, cured, an SOLE — , or stories, the most Inter- n-V WA* F-TfJ- permanently by AGENTS FOB robes: l.aiuson's Jewelry Store. 177 Middle stre 't On account of — AMO HUN- lIUHr.Q A fTtlGJ Price 32.00. Address Mrs. the double liability of stock- esting sketches, the best poetry and the most Goods for a iiPBjl?-VW.W. reparation. Open every evening till Christmas. MroBtr crw« tatig\ uurouwns 128 Summer Mass. holders, it valuable Holidays Specialty. Hadley, St, l.ynu, would perhaps bo well for the biographical, historical, scientific and WUSIGAt AUTHCR1TIL1 I T ANY (WdiFACTUttfr <8*22_^_ eod3m Before savings banks if the Legislature should re- political information from the entire body of for- buying Fur Robes or strict investment in the stock of nation- eign periodical literature, and from the pens of ORGANS PIANO CO* Horse any 631 TREMONT ST. BOSTON.MA53* THE Blankets, don’t fail to 1‘KRIC'E 81.00. the ablest writers. Its NEW (THE. — — CHAS. al bank to 10 living pages contain the AND H. per cent, of its such BEND FOR CArAlQEUE tdO PRICES-UJillCti TAPEH* look at the capital; such bargains Coe is LAMSON. productions of authors as Prof. Max legislation, would re- Muller, J however, immediately A. Frof. feb24 R. lor ssmie offering. Jas. Froude, Richard A. eodly H. Repairs from Huxley, Proctor, oct,A Stearns & Go. Fever Original eweier, duce its market (or taxable) value. eu(13m Catarrh, Ilay 1U. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, Edward A. Freeman, — SINES At the close of —. AND Patterns, its article the Commercial Frof. Goldwln BROTHERS, Smith,’Prof. Tyndall, Frances Pow AGENTS FOR answers er Francis Galtou. The SOLE PORTLAND. 177 practically itself: Cobbe, Duke of Argyll, COLD IN THE HEAD. nova —mm MIDDLE ST.. There is another Wm. Black.Mrs. Thackeray-Hilchie. Mrs. Mulooh- 12 AND 14 EXCHANGE feature of tills exemp- O ST., Craik, Geo. MacDonald, Mrs. Oiiphaut, Mrs. WQ. PO WTLAND- ME- tion of national bank stock and UovlU in the posses- Alexander, Jean Ingelow.R. D. Black Tlios. A NEW PUZZLE! speedy cure guaranteed by the use Ut, sion of banks more, “Oltle. EOItTLAND, .HE. COE, savings from No local taxation Hardy, Laurence Oiiphaut, James Bryce, W. E. FOB TUB OI.l) AND YOU U. snuff nor disagreeable inhaler, \o. 197 which is deserving of *uU Priee Vliddlc We have received a (lue line of consideration. The H. Lecky, Alfred Russell Wallace, Matthew Ar- ,t KIVAL OF '1 HE FAMOUS •< 15 1UZZLU. poiit,ve cure> •l-uw» _novi?__K.UAWtjayl Street. fact that national bank stock In the nold, W, u. Mallock, P. G. W. W. securely^aifedf posses- Hammerton, Send ilOc. in nilver rar the o I C. Address with WIESBADEN TABLE sion of individuals is subject to tax for muni- Story, Rusklu, Tennyson, Browning and many postal note, SAUCE (CRAP, OFFICE AS1> WORK BASKETS other most eminent writers of the Address CONSUMPTION. purposes averaging at least a age In all de- H. H. cipal per cent., partments of and scientific work. The 8AMPS0H, H. while the savings banks only literary Box 309(1 BOSTON, HANS. A. ROSES for the holiday trade. pay three-quar- Living Age is Invaluable to every American read- WOOD, fresh from the trees ter* of one cent, on the same, d«c(! eod&wlm l'f" | cut erery day. Funeral de. per gives the er, and supplies the place of many magazines, re- iiool eodSni nnv2/?°* a,3> Bed lord, TOnss. and all orders punctually IIOV-O dllll signs attended to. KENDALL A WHITNEY. I'rirnta, FlsrUl,(HS CsairrH at. de7lw» decs dim 110,0 d*w6m L—- -L ___J-535BSB—Mg— Press 1 Portland Dally Stock List. Shipweut*—Flour, 17,000) bbis; wheat, 61,0m Ar at Not Nellie E ri-I K PRi BS. lAguayta 15, barque Ruin ifllilClilAljAftKOUS. rot e AND EOl'ND. MALE HELP. ■CI'EA.VIKKB. KtlLHOAM. Corrected Swan a busb; corn, 46,000 busb; oats, 15,000 bush ball, Blake, New York. by Babbitt, Hunkers au< bush. ryel ,000 bush,barley 89.000 At Port Spain Not 18, ship David Brown, Me Brokers, 186 Middle street. # llaskel FRIDAY MOKMXO, DECEMBER 10. 8T. LOUIS, Dec. 9, 1886.—Flour unchanged ; ('livery, for 'lurks Island ; barques Hancock l Cl* ADKIET-neai V17ANTED-A young man about 18 years ol STOCKS. XXX at 2 50*2 60; fandlyat 2 76*2 90; cholci Onptlll, from New York; C'liestlna Redman PICKEDIsland. Harpswell. the following articles; »T ago fur assistant book keeper. Must be PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COHPAATN 1 Vi bbl. Wate min; Descriptions. l'ar Value. Bid. Askei 3 20*3 80; fancy 3 60*3 65; extra fancy 3 80* Dixon, do; s R Lyman, Pinkliam, fm Demarara tierce lard. bbl. Water While oil, willing to make himself generally useful ami come otral railroad White WIT AN3 WISDOM. Canal National Bauk.100 166 log 4 00; patent at 4 16*4 50. Wheat Irregular; No ! ! brig Alible Clifford, Stover, Feimandlua. oil. 2 hhls. flour, 1 package wrapping pape well leecomemleii. Address In own handwriting. Casco Nat. Bank. .100 ir>3 106 Red at 79c. Corn lower; No 2 Mixed 36%®38c At 81 Thomas Dec 8, brig Rocky Glen, Bray, foi Tbelowner can have the same by proving propert (1.. 40 I'AltK STREET Portland. On and after MONDAY, Oct. 2», and JOHNSON. So. 8-J_ First, National Bauk.100 110 Oats are higher; No 2 Mixed at 28®29c. Lard I Fortune Island, to load for Boston, ready. paying eharges. G. R. Harp- California, Jjpan, Chin'' Contrai 1**0, Trains Leave well. 7-ltfcwtw Ik- a a situation to riiviM-nier Lady of the liouso (to trump)—What are at Cumberland National Bauk.. 40 60 62 about steady at 5 95. Ar at Havana Nov 28, brig Elizabeth Winslow Hy young man. you WAhfTifdo farm or and South Amarioa and etioo. Fortland as follows: there? Merchants'National Bank.. 76 123 126 Receipts—Flour, 2,000 bhls; wheat, 2,000 bn Oakes. Philadelphia; A J I’etteiigill, Berry, fron work, coaching. Address K, lng While In the on Monday, Nov. 2711 THIS OFFICE. 7-1 National Traders'Bauk.100 143 146 corn. 27,000 bush; oats, 7,000 bush; rye, 1,001 Macliias. city For Ifi.nger, 7.10 a. m., via Aagnui 1.20 p- Tramp-Alas, lady, lam so hungry that I an 1 oh Central Wharf, a double cliari NEWPORT.sails Wednesday, Dec. 15, noon. Aa- Ocean Insurance Co..;.loo 80 90 bush, barley 10,000 bush. 81d 2»tli, barque Josephine, Brown, Delawari LONTprobably ui.. via IdwtaiM. 1.26 and tl 1.16 p. m, via eating grass. for watch consisting of an English gold coll a llrst elas still and From New Ret of Portland Company. 90 100 Shipments—Flour, 3,000 bbls;wheat 10,000 bu Breakwater; Stepheu G Hart, Pierson, Peusacols chain, Immediately Yonc, pier Canal St., North gasla; (or Kllvvrerth. Bar Unrbar, lain Lady—Poor man! Come around into the bad and a miniature In a square bloodston WANTEDsheet Iron worker; none other need apply. River, lor Naa Kraaciaca Portland Oas Company. 60 62 corn, 8,000 hush; oats 3,000 bu; rye 10,000 bush 8Id fm Matr.nzas Nov 30, barque Jose E More compass vl» The l.thusu. of boro, Ml. John, UalKaa.aad ika «*revl»- yard, where the grass Is real high. You can male 66 with and attachment C. A. CUMMINGS, 41 street. V1 barley 0.000 bush. Leonard, New York. settlng gold ring eye-bolt Exchange rauaa, ees, Nt. Mlrph.nna.l Iroosloob l aaali, a full meal there. B;0;N D S. Both attached to one ring. A suitable revfar Great redaction In rales to San Francisco. Cabin 1.20p. m., 1.26 and fll.tSp. in. For ■■■<•' State of Mame 6s, due 1889.IOC DETROIT. Dec. H, 1886—Wheat-No|l Wlilti will be If the bo restored to tic 107 2 Red Sooken. given property $70| Steerage *30. A Pforauaqais It. U., 7.10 A ur.111.16 p. in.. If there ever was a for one Portland 80c; Mich Red 81c;No 80%c. owner. M. A. HANNA. -Two specific any com City Os,Municlp'l various! 00 116 Keeper Lights. From San 1st and Brannan (01 Mltesrhegaa, Belfast na.i Dnlrl, 1.20, R. K. Receipts, 18,300 bush. Nov 26, lat 33 10, Ion 65 33, brig Telos, froir 4-1 Francisco, Sts. plaint, tbeu Carter’s Little Liver Pills are a City 6s, aid 1907.. .124 126 BOY WANTED For nnS China. 1.25,111.16 p. Walervillr, 7.10 A in.. spe BathE°rtU“2 Doc Boston for Surinam. Japan in.; city 6s, Mum various.102 106 NEW ORLEANS, 9.1886.-Cotton strong CITY OF RIO DE JANEIRO sails 1.20, 1 111.16 p. m.. and on Saturdays clflc for sick headache, aud woman slioulc Bath Cs book, between East Saturday Dec. 25, and, every City K. K. aid various_loci 101 middling 9 1-lCc. lady’s pocket at 2 at 6.16 in., (or Hallavsell, _ _ 11th, p.m. only p. laaa.a, know this. one a LOMT—Aman Bros. & Bancroft’s and A. B. Butler’s To learn the Prin- Only pill dose. Bangor City 6s, long B. R. aid... .113 no Dec. 9, For or liardiurr uad III aaaoli 7.10 A 1.26. SAVANNAH, 188C.2Cotton steady Middle street, containing money and tickets fron Freight, Passage, general Information la, in., Bangor City 6s, longMuu.122 124 8%o. to or address the General Eastern 6.16,111.15 p. m ; Hath, 7.10 a in., 1.26. 6.16 Belfast middling Kennebunk to Portland. The finder will be re ter's i apply Agents. City 6s, B. It. aid. 304 106 ude. Apply at and on at 11.16 p. m.; is And. & Ken. CHARLESTON, Dee. 9,1886.—Cotton is Arm warded by leaving the same at CYRUS LOW E. A. ADA.HS A CO., Saturdays only "My hearing excellent,” boastfully renmrkei B. B. 6s, various... 105 106 tin.,•cklaad and Haas aad l.,u«ola H. K., Merritt. "1 can Portland & Ken. middling 9 Vie. ELL'S, 278 Middle Street. 4-1 once at PRESS 113 Miale distinguish any sound.” B. B. 6s, 1895 tlo 112 the Siriei, Or. Brand HI., Boston. 7.1oa. m.. 1.26 Aal ura aad l.eario T know one Leeds & p. m.; thing you can’t hear," said little Farmlng’tn It. B. 6s.110 112 MEMPHIS, Dec. 9,1886.—Cotton is Ann; mid' J«lt> dtf ion at 8.30 a. I.ewlslan red _ m., 1.20,6.00 p.m.; in a tone voice. Maine Central 8 15-16c. pocketbook containing a sum o OFFI Johnny, daring of It. B. 1st mtg 7s.. 121 123 dliag via Brunswick, 7.10 a. 1.26. 111.16 p.m.; Maine LACTARTand LONT—Amoney and a ticket to Haugor. A suitabh m., And what may It he?" asked Merritt. Central B. Jt, Consol 7s_182 184 Dec. HONEY. TE._ Tlonmoulb. \l Oala- MOBILE, 9,1886.—Cotton is Arm; mid reward will be paid anyone the same a Vuraningfoa, intbrop. "Why,” said little Johnny, "I bet can’t heat Maine Central It. R. Fund 6s. 106 leaving you Skg 108 dllsg £%c. TN to THIS OFFICE. i ALLAN LINE. land aad North ia»a, 1.20 p. BL. Vara- what the who are extras.” Portland Water ______response many in- 4-1 EUALE HELP. newsboys say selling Co. 1st mtg 6s. rla a m. 1,26 '• ...101% 102% -L iagtoa Braaawirh, 7,10 and 2d mtg Cs.106 107 European Markets. quiries, from both the 188B. '.Vinter Arrangements. 1887. p. in. 3d mtg Cs... .110 ill AWEN'l'H WANTED. -A girl for housework. Apply at All trains timed as above from Commercial Street Do not allow a or cold to bui By Telegraph.] medical and cough get seated, profession WANTKl71) ST .'. I K and Station, at ___ Parllsad stop LONDON.Dec. 9. 100 ST._9-1 Liverpool nervier. break It at ouca Seth 1886.—Consols 13-16 foi the for a up by using i>r- Arnold't Boston Stock Market. and 101 for trade, medicine D -A From CONUKE** money the account. live, energetic man. to repre situation by a as house- Liverpool „mi>u l From Portland ST. STATION. Cough 4TtHer, the old reliable remedy tor coughs FREE from sent us. 875 mouth girl Halifax MHAMKtt [By Telegraph.] LONDON,Deo. 9,1886.—U. 8. objectionable WASTE per aud expeuses WANTKD—Akeeper, chamber work, or work of auy kind. vta | | vm Ha lilac where through tickets and checks may 4%s, 113%. Goods oue baggage colds, and all diseases of the lungs. Price 2uc. The following quotations of stocks are received staple: every buys, outfit and partleu Direct EMMA, PRESS OFFICE. 9-1 be obtained for East and West. LIV..RP X)L, Dec. 8, 1886.—Cotton market drugs, which will effectu- lars free. RTHLKSDAY, I TIILHIIDAY, principal points and Sl.oo dallvi 8TANDARD SILVERWARE CO. 11.16 m. train Is the wttB 60c., per bottle. For sale by all drug -up.audsat 6 3-16d: Orleans at 6 6-16d;sales Nor. 11 Sardinian. Dec. 2 tTbe p. olght, express Atch. ally cure Coughs, Colds, oct22eod&w3m car attached and runs Sun- gists. Topeka and Santa Fe Ballroad. 97% 12,000 hales: peculation and export 2000 bales. Boston,_^ Nov. 26 I Polynesian. Dec. IB sleeping every ulgbt New Vork to but not M and New England Railroad. 64% Croup, and fur the best and fast Dec. 9 | Peruvian. Dec. 30 days Included, through Hangor Mothers, teething unit fretful children need l)r Hoarseness, agents on to Belfast doDref 141% WANTED—Liveest selling article Dec. 23 Sakdinian. Jan. 13 Skowhegan Monday mornings or Seth Arnold’s and Eastern SAILING DAYS OF STEAMSHIPS. Sore Throat, and at the POWDER out;country rights given and Uexter or on morn- Soothing Quieting Cordial (Ballroad.1211% Semi for to C. T. & C. It. CUR Jan. 6 Polynesian. Jan. 27 beyond Bangor Sunday Mexican FROM stamp particulars Druggists, 2uc. Central 4s. 67% FOB same time not interfere RIER, 120 St.. Mass. Jan. 20 | Parisian.Feb. 10 ings. Bell Telenhone Worthington Springfield Trains are due In Portland as follows: The morn- 204% Germanic.New York.. Liverpool... Dec a Absolutely Pure. with the ___novl',1-4 Passenger accommodations unequalled. Cabin ing trains from Augusta and Hath *.46 A tu.; “Speakiug of the intelligence of dugs," observed Rheatia.New ...Dec a digestive organs C. ii. York..Hamburg va,lcs- A •60, $05 and $76; Intermediate, *30; steerage, Lewlstou, 8.60 A tlie trains from Ban- one &;y. i*?1* Vancouver.Portland ...... or marvel of for the Miller Glass Tele- m.; day Zebedee Jones, “1 have which can detect Liverpool Dec 11 affect the nervous sys- ThliPowd,er “e,ver purity, trains Wisconsin Central., 23% Bervta. New strength aud wholesomeness. More economical, WAITED—Agentsphone Transmitter, which conversation $15. gor at 12.40 and 12.46 p.m. the afternoon counterfeit money.” York..Liverpool. ..Dec 11 by THE VALUE OE MURDOCK S aFor to & A. Boston it Maine tem, we offer our than Die Kinds, aud can lie a passage apply H. ALLAN, General from Bangor, WatervtlTe. Bath, Augusta, Kock “Oil, now Kbenezer ltallroad. 207% Enis ..New York..Bremen.Dec 11 ordiuary can not be sold In distinctly heard at whisper. Easy to LIQUID you're Joking.” replied Boston &‘Albauv with the Passenger Agents, 80 State St., Boston, and C. P. land and Lewiston al 6.46 m.; the night Full- Smith. Baiiroad.200 Wcsteruland.New ...Dec 11 competition multitude of low test, short sell and large profits. Sample sent post paid upon p. Old Colony York..Antwerp. alum or FOOD IS RECOGNIZED IN WALDRON, 40 St.; T P. McGOWAN. man train at 1. 60 a. ui. 1 lie .'.181% Alllanca.New York..St Thomas. 16 weight, phosphate powders. Sold only in receipt of one dollar. JAMES MILLER & CO.. ALL COUN- Exchange Express “No. am not. If ho gets ou a bad scent, .Dec 422 Congress or for or class, Flint S Pere .! cans. Royal Baking Powdeu No. 407 Port 25-3 St., passage freight to H. Hi I..tailed Tickets, Urst and secaad abandons it a«d looks for a Marquette Ballrocd.com..!. 32% Kider.New York..Bremen.Dec 16 Co., 106 Wall St. St., West, Detroit, Mich. at re- immediately good LACTART 1 A. ALLAN, Agents, No. 1 Inula St.. Portland. ull paints in the Frs.lscr* •• wlr one." Polynesian.Portland ... Dec 16 -A.3STTD TRIES, AND IS INDORSED BY ALL NA- Sonora Liverpool... _juZdly nov23 dtl •laced rales. 7s... 103 Republic.New ...Doc 16 Boston & Lowell York..Liverpool Railroad.!!!!!l32 buevia.New York..Hamburg ...Dec 16 WAIUTPH! iwm num xL miuiiEN mu MT. OESERT & MACHIAS «■ • • »■ ™ nv ■ PORTLAND, BANGGh. Samaria.Boston.Liverpool.. .Dec 16 CO. New York Stock and Lily of Chester...New York..Liverpool ...Dec 18 Honey, AN UO-.1HKAD STEAMBOAT Money Market. it KNKKGETIO, HAN, D makes two Devonia.New ...Dec 18 believing will meet who has either had experience aud been success- Steamer Ci TV or KICUVION [By Telegraph.] York..Glasgow I ac n (MoiiiPliilaitaliiliia or week on the route between an. Edam.....New York..Amsterdam.Dec 18 LA1AA V Oi Ottl It* ttQU ful, who has the ability aud energy to succeed, trips per When sick, we NEW YORK. Dec. 9 1886.—Money on call VUT, There never was an essay read before any Med Portland at 11.00fortland Baby gave herCaetorta, Peunland.New York..Antwerp....Dec 18 to act as General Agent lor ail old aud prominent ical Manillas port, leaving p.m. active, from 6 to 12 cent.. Prime mer- soon Society on Haw Food Extracts, on DIRECT STEAMSHIP LINE. and at 4.00 a ranging per Alaska.New York. .Liverpool.. .Dec 21 become a necessity Life Company for a desirable district. To sucha except Tuesdays and Fridays Machlasport When aha us: Child, she cried for cantile percent. weak Murdock's Liquid Food, and counterfeit manufac Cuatoria, paper4a5 Exchange at werra.New York ..Bremen.Dec 22 in man rare inducements will be offered. m., Moudays and Thursdays. 4 and 4 4 every household. Address turer.H of Extracts have on- ■•i 80% 8Sf%C« 83%. Government bonds published many of From TCCKEM.Geueral Bntauic ... BOSTON WEDNESDAY and FAYSUN Manager. HIUIB, BUD \Ai .New York.. Liverpool Dec 23 stating age and references, tiery SATURDAY. L1ULI£ VyUlOriA, Arm. Baiiroad bonds Brim The stook essays to show the vaXue of their Gea’I Pass, market Aurauia.New York..Liverpool ...Dec 25 “BOSTON. DUAIVKR counterfeits. F. a. BOOTH BY, and Ticket Agl. When she had i'. i.drcu closed with moderate business. 03.T, she ga. e them Castoria heavy Dec 30 I recommend Lactart and novlS-d&wlm N. Y. From PHILADELPHIA TUESDAY and FRIDAY Portland. Ocl. 20.1S86. oct22tt Tue iraiisacuous at the Stock Ccphalonia.Boston.Liverpool... ALBANY, Send for atari Exchange agare- Noney aa a safe and Essay and DISCUSSION low.wow suaiua. very From Long Wharf, Boston, 3 efficient for Coutrha. before the British Medical Associ- nnnvi lain n innnnrnvrn ttir ‘“i- are M1N1AT0KH ALMANAC .DECEMBER 10. remedy WANTED. p. m. From Flue Street Wharf, roiiowiug to-day’s quotations of Govern etc. Colds, Croup, ation at England. at 10 a. m. meat securities: Sunrises.7 06iti,_,__ _i. 9 60 " to sen pbatt** patent Brighton, ISSd, Philadelphia, rumuinu ot wunucoicn Line. water O. G. CILLEY, A M., M.D.” I nsurance one-ball tbe rate of United Stales bonds, 3* .100% Sunsets.4 02 28 BUTTON FASTENER. (Essay) by the Vice President of J.10 Agents Address vessel. New 4s, reg.128% Length of day .... 8 I... 9fi4m Get a PRATT the American Medical Association sailing 56|H .... 10c. trial size bot- MANUFACTURING Bostou, Mass. Plttsburger New see that In the New Moon CO., Freights for the West the Penn. H. and (to Yorker)—I 4s, coup.J2»% sets. 6.68 J 8114,11 decSdOt and others on the by B., Portland & Rochester R. R. Boston ears "Here’s a value of Mur- street the formula, seat, New4%s,reg 11„% tle of your druggist. Soutb by connecting lines, forwarded free of com- is into use. dock’s Food over all Mrs. Lady,” coming New 4%s, coup.110% Liquid mission. New Yorker—Yes, and Boston to be a Central Pacific Prepared by AVEEY LACTATE Foods and IIO.OO. Hound ARRANGEMENT Of TRAINS. pretends Isis .HO CO., «« •» WANTED. and Extracts known, it Passage Trig IIS. centre of culture, too. Denver A B. Gr. 173 BEST THINS KNOWN Meals and Boom Included. lsts.118% MABINE_NEWS. Devonshire St., Boston, Uass. being the ONLY Raw Condensed On and after .Vteadny, Ocl. M, "What do you do in New York when yon offer a Erie 2ds .i0l For freight or passage apply to "il PORT OF Food, free from iusolubte matter. .. ..‘ivw. Trains will Lew re lady a seat?” Kansas Pacific Consols. PORTLAND. WASHING ** BLEAOHIN show yon the Mulloy Detach- H. H. SiflPSOV, Ageal, Passeuger “We never do.” Oregon Nav. lsts.111% 6 WANTED—Toable Hoof Pad; a perfect preventive of Sldtl TO l.oag Wharf, Hhisi. THURSDAY and the best article a Also essay read before tbe American Medical For W.rrnMr, (Huh, Ayer Jaaclloa. Union Pacific 1st. 117 Dec. 9. W HAR3 3'f K3T OS COLO snow-balling, for packing 2DH, W4TE8. horse’s foot ever invented. wanted in Association at Richmond. Virginia, and Washing- Naehaa, Wiadhum and Kppiag at 7.3 “Ob! what is in world of ours that do Land Grants .. Agents love, It this Arrived. D. C. b. m. and 1.03 m. do Sinking Funds. HAVES LAitOR, TIME aud SOAP AMAZ- every part of the State, at 161 FEDERAL ST. ton, p. makes people suffer so with neuralgia?” “Can’t Steamship Franconia. Rennet, New York—mdse Far .Vlaeeheeter, i’encerd, and points North The to J B INGLY, and un.vtr-ii.; li.Glfac (ion, _t>-l MM STEAMSHIP I'OAPWY ihe cltixen hasn’t following New York stock market is rt- Coyle. Its value was recognized by the at 1.03 p. m. tell, my pet, unless average got ceived Steamer 1o family, U'-ii nr should l>c o tlhout It dally, by private wire, by Pullen, Crocker state of Maine, Hilyard, Boston for public to know that we took For HMknirr, Allrod, Wale.* sense a of Salvation Oil.” Sold (1 profession from results obtained Sirla(>al«, enough to buy bottle & Co.. No. 33 Exchange street. Me: Eastport and St John, NB. bj^dl ioser« BI£\V Aim oi imitation* a For MEW YORK. Mace a. Portland. WANTED—Thefront seat at the Maine State Fair on Gen- in the Free that have bare, and Hirer at 7.341 m., 11.03 Adams Express. 136 Steamer Dallas (U 8) Barr, coastwise. ••m. UAMMUiiu 10 tlemen's fine and Hospitals # Mi u>. Seek no further. Dr. Bull’s UN Boots Shoes, which we still oc- and (mixed) at p. Try Cough Syrup." American Jennie been established and Express..108 Brig Phliincy, Morton. Mayaguez. PR- DNLY 8AF?! labor Buying compound, »H) cupy, and we will sell Banister’s flue Newark supported Steamers leave Franklin Wbart on Wednesdays For Uerhnm at T.ltO a. as., 1.03, 0.40, S3 Central salt to Dana Si Co. to and at 6 m. Pacific.. 47% Vessel J S Winslow & Co. llwaya beor- the idjcve symbol, and name of cheaper than any party that carry them, by our Mr. A. L. Murdock during Saturdays p. Returning, leave Pier (mixed) at E.3D p. m. “Did that to old Mrs, A Reports lost anchor and 30 ee 38, East New on and Far you carry prescription Chesapeake Ohio. having fathoms chain JAMES PSTCE NEW YORK. §"(>dsadvertisement hi another column. WYER the last four years. River, York, Wednesdays Mnrrnruppa, Cumberlaad mils, W* a Smith last said a doctor to his office Chicago A 111 Boston of 6th and was towed Into GREENE & 639 at 4 m. J. B. COYLE, Ju. break Jaerliea .mil Wood lord’, at 7.34 night?” Alton.143% Bay night CO.. Congress St.9-1 now Saturdays p. boy. Chicago A Alton preferred.ICO Gloucester by a coal steamer. They equal «ept21-dtfGeneral Agent and I (MM* a. as., 1.413, 11.00, 0.40 ar e “Yessir.” Chicago, Burlington A (Julncy.137 Sch Lady of the Lake, Peterson, Northport— II( MIN EMM CARDK, to call and be convinced (mixed) *0.110 p. as. & sand to Mills. that the “Did she take It?" Del. Mud. Canal...... 106 Hulling WANTED—Peoplebest of work in. dyeing, cleaning, 140 Far Ferro. A reaae (Deerlagl lO OO a. an A Sch J aud of FREE “Yessir." Del., Lack. West.. Maggie Chadwick, Orr, Boston. finishing pressing all kinds of garments is BEDS, Boston & Savannah lliOO and 0.40 p. as. “How do you know?” Den A Bio Grande. 36% Sch A J York. Wallace, Salem. BOOK BINDING. done at the New Dye House on Union street. Our Steamship Tbe 1.03 p. as. train from Portland connects at "Crape on the door this morning.” Erie. 36% Soli Silver Cloud. (Br) Coggins, Westport, NS— colors are fast and bright, do not crock or smut, Aysr Jaacb with Ueeoac I'aaael Keale fin Krle;preferred 70% dry fish to Dai.a & Co, and Trefetheu Si Co. Re- and are unt poisonous; the work is conducted by the West, and at A aioa Drpai, WsrcrsMr, (or of done in a Illinois Centra!.133 ports having lost Jib and foresail In gale of 7th. Book-binding every description sat- a practical ayer and chemist of 21 rears practice; Company. New York via Narwick f,iuc, and all rail, look here! know how weak and manner at low rates. Also My trend, you Ind Bloom. A Western. 18% Sch Caroline Knesclier, Devereux, Bucksport isfactory blank do not fall to try us; orders may bo left at Homan's Via MpriaaOrld, also with N. Y. A N. K. H. It. Lake Erie A Sell Eva C VON books made and warranted at Hat on nervous your wife Is, and you know that Carter’s West...... 19% Yates, Bangor for New York. PROF.CHS.LUDWIG SEEGER, Blcachery. Casco street, aud will receive (“Steamer Maryland Route”) (or Philadelphia. Sell Marcia Direct Line from New not bo lair LakeliShore.,. 98% Bailey. Cole, Addison for Boston. Professor of Medicine at the ; prompt attention; don’t forget the place. N. K. Only England Miiltimore, Washington, and tbe Moaib, and Iron Pills will relieve her, now why Sch \ Itoyal University Louisville A Nasn. ... 68 auguard, Kimball, Bootlibay. Knight of the Itoyal Austrian Order of the Iron DYE HOUSE, No. 63 Union St., Portland. Me. wltli Haoiaa Ac Albany H. K. (or the Wees. about It and her a box? W. A.. to Savannah. buy Manhattan Elevated.163% Cleared. Crown i Knight Commander of the Itoyal Spanish QUINCY’S, 8-1 Close connection made at Wentbreek Jaw Michigan Central. 98 Order of Isabella ; Knight of the Itoyal Prussian UNDER NEW VIANAOEV1ENT. liaa with through trains of Maine Central K.R. and Minn. A St. Steamship Vancouver, (Br) Llndall, Liverpool AT 97 1-2 EXCHANGE ST., over Press Office. who arc of to lands. 21% via Order of the Red Eagle; Chevalier of the Legion of thinking going at Grand Trunk Transfer, Portland, with through Mrs Greene—Timothy, what have you dono 00 Halifax—D Torrance & Co. WANTED—AllFlorida for heaith or to send their Connecting at Savaniuh with all-rail ami water pref .48% Honor, liio Central. delphia. cent, new blood When used for solved in pure Imperial Crown wanted to get up Tea Clubs for our eight per weekly. Wl\TI’H AKKANOEJIENTS. A Miss. genuine Spanish or Ohio; 32% WISCASSET, Dec 0—Ar, sells Pure Teas and Coffees. A host of useful ar- infants, never change their food, but add five A Coquette, Ornc, Sherry.” Ladies IT WONDKFUI, Out. Western. 21 and Two Brothers, Boston. to more of Food at each feeding, and IS Dodge. Invaluable to all who are Run Down, Nervous, ticles select from as premiums. Send for Illus- drops Liquid Nav. (iregou Sid sen their lost or needed will be restored In less On aad alter MONDAY, 1, IMA Trauseou.86% 3d, Cock of the W alk, Lewis, Boston. Malarious or afflicted with trated Price aud List ial after: vitality how easily rheumatism begins, and how insidi- Pacific Man.*. Dyspeptic, Bilious, Premium Spec I ml as will raa an fellows 64% weak Beware of Imitations, to every trail* person that auswers this adver- than thirty days. it in the until one is startled, Pauahu 08 kidneys. ously grows system, from merchants’ exchange. tisement, we will send free one pound of choice International DEPAHTl'HKS. Pullman Palace.h.142 azs UAJI3TT3 FAVOHTJ GOEXIXIO CLTCZSHtX. Soiitl of Chair- to find himselt its victim in tlm acute or chronic Arut Buenos Nov Tea. Address N'AT’L. TEA & COFFEE CO., tor (lie Report the For Aakaraaad Lewiston,7.10a. m„ 1.13 Beading Ayres 4th, barque Plilsou, Used by Her Highness of Wales of Its 48% Cotullcb, Portland. Royal the]Prineess Boston, Mass. oct22eod*w3m man of the Section of Obstetrics STEAMSHIP CO., and 5.20 m. lorra. Ho then learns the tearful tenacity Bock Island.. and the nobility. For the Skin, Complexion, Erup- p. 127% Sid fm Calcutta 7th — ro» — For 7.10 a. and 5.20 and the utter of the St Louis A San Frail. lust, ship Paul Revere, Mul- tious,Chapping.Roughness. $1.00. Of druggists. of the American Institute of Hom- Uorkaas, m., 1.80,4.10 grip powerlessness ordinary 33% New York. JVC m. 00 Uii, LIEBIG CO'ft Genuine of Sarsa- WILL 1)0 IT QUICKLY. TO LET. at at the p. remedies to relief. prof. 67% Ar at Hyrup oeopathy, rend Saratoga For aad give Hong Kong 8th lust, barque Alden Besse, Is as the in WE WILL IK) IT EASTPORT. ST. JOHN N. B„ N. S. Uorhsa, .vioairral, Chicago 1st nret. ... 116 parilla, guaranteed best Sarsaparilla CHEAPLY. aunual ot ISSO. CAlAJS, HALIFAX, Victoria, BC. the market. meeting — — 1.30 m. Probably to no disease have physicians given St. Fanl. 96 O’Brleu, WK WILL DO IT WELL. AND ALL PAHTS OP 4|aekec, p. Ar at Panama Nov 26, ship Challenger, Thomp- LET-Storo No. 181 Middle lately oc- Far BuckAeld aad laaloa, 7.10 a. rn aad more and none lias more completely burned St. Paul prelurred. 119 N. Y. 38 MURRAY STREET. St., New Nova Prince Mil- study, son, Cardiff. Depot TOcupied clothing business, suitable for of- Circulars were sent by him to all the Fhysivians Bruaawick, Scwlia, 1.80 p. m. St. Par.. .-Jilin. A Mail. by war da and Hrrloa. their efforts to a and until Ath- 117% Ar at fice or retail wade. Possession at once. in the United States, what their experience Inland, Cape provide specific; I'aul k Sagua Nov 30, brig Daisy Boynton. Hard- given askinq AMITAU. St Omaha. 62»4 New was with Murdock's Food in its use in- was discovered there was no medicine lug, York. Apply at No. 152 SPRING STREET. 9-1 Liquid Jor WINTER ARRANOEV1ENT. From Lewisloa aad n. iophoros no _ Aakara, 8.26 a. pro-... 113% Sid C S dec7__to&Flynrm B. fants under, as tcell as over, one year old. Texas 30th, brig Packard, Vanslow, Philadel- THURSTON & 12.06, 8.16 awl 6.60 p. m. which would surely cure rheumatism, neuralgia Pacific. 25 phia. CO., LET—House on Danforth St., house on The new Steamers of this Line will leave Rail- Union MONDAY, From liorhaa, 8.25 a.m., 12.0Sand 6.60 p. as and nervous or sick headache. Thousands of {Pacific. 65% Sid fm 6tli PRACTICAL TO Clark St,, house on Hanover St., ranging 111 Then what with all the road Wharf, foot of State street, every U. 8. Express. Newcastle, E, Inst, ship Indiana,Mor- PRINTERS, results, From Chicago aad Montreal, 12.06. 62% l'izou, San Francisco. COUCHS from $8 to SIB per month. Enquire of and THURSDAY at 6.00 0. M., for EASTPORT testimonials lilte the following prove beyond St. Louis A -jsamMmmmnmmaamam 97 1-2 price different Milk From 4|nrbec, 12.06 p. in. Wabash, Pacific 20V* Passed St Exchango St., Portland, Me. ELIAS THOMAS & CO. 120 Commercial St. 0-1 preperations,Grain and ST. JOHN, with above connections. is the reliable do Helena Nov 6, barque Edw L May- Pullman Palace Sleeping cars on night train queetion that Athiophoros only pref. 37% from Foods, Feptonoid Foods and Beef Through tickets issued and baggage checked to berry, Kuigbt. Cebu for Boston; 18th, ship AND Parlor cars on train between Portland is for Western.Union Telegraph 77% LET—House Xo. 82 (irav street. Posses- destination. received up to 4.00 p. m. day remedy, and that it will do all that claimed Isaac Heed, Colley, Cebu for New York. Extracts. {^“Freight Montreal. K. lean, V.A Ga, new. 17% LOCKE & TOion given at once. of F. S. WATER- For Tickets and Staterooms, apply at the Union LOCKE, Inquire OFFICE . it. do HOUSE 93 street.0-1 The Surgical Stall ol Murdock's Free Hospital Ticket 40 St., or for other Infor- TICKET pref.80% Memoranda. Exchange Office, Exchange Lisbon, also Lewiston, Me., April 5,1880. COLDS for Womeu are in daily attendance, except Satur- mation at Company’s Office, Railroad Wharf, fo»t Soli M to aud beds. 35 SI, ud Qeoot Foot of India Strati My mother, Mrs. D. Dwelley, has been a great New York C Moseley, Rumrill, from Sullivan for LET-0 rooms, up stairs tenement, Se day. examine patients assign of State street. J. B. COYLK. JR.. Eichange Mining Stocks. New with into and Counsellors at sufferer with the for York, stone, put Provlnceiown 8th WHICH LEAD TO Attorneys Law, TObago, coal and water closets, good pleasant nov20dtf Gen’l Manager. neuralgia thirty-five years, [By Telegiaph.] leaking 1100 strokes hour. She rent, EVEKV BED FREE. AT BATE per started aleak have remove ! ready Thursday, the 9th, No. 122 Oxford St. TICKETS SOLD REDUCED aud at times so much as to dethrone 7th off to very severely, NEW YOBK, Dec 8 1886.—The are Thatcher’s Island, the storm. N.S. 4 ) St. — following during GARDINER, No, Exchange _7-1 Our Free Surgical Hospital for Women, located TO her reason. After a deal of Sch Augusta E Herriek, Herrick, at Boston fm LINE. spending great money closing quotations for mining stocks to-day: on avenue, above Westchester Fark, DOMINION CnMila. Dr iron, flilwsali P E Island, reports the loss of one of lier crew. 180 MIDDLE KENT—The new brick store and base- Huotiogton t’bicaf*, lor various medicines she at last a bot- STREET, contains beds. < Ml. otus, procured Colorado; Coal. 39 13 Lewis A of ment No. 112 Centre near fljty (SO) inriunnii, Omaha, Magi* Perry, Nova Scotia, who was washed FOK street, Congress ■' * *’ ■ liu iiuuit.iiiDJiti.' iu- IOOU Three door. h i'.I or foi uicr ollltv. Our Free for Women, located 1000 I onw, Ml. Hall l.altr tle of Athiophoros, and to her astonishment, it Quicksilver. 8 00 overboard; also lost anchor and chain. street; would arrange counter aud to suit Surgical Hospital Paalt City, shelving on corner of do preferred.. 28 00 Soli of Macliias, went ashore of 7tli Joseph A. Locke. Ib.v s. Locke. tenant. BENJAMIN SHAW, Gainsborough street, Huntington D«ivcr, Haa Fraaciaca. has done more for her than all else that shalias Sylvi, night 48Exchange avenue, contains 60 beds. Each in between and Portland, Homestake..15 00 off Manomet Point, and lost aeckload. ConsumptionHave been cured the use of AD- fel»27 street.tl-1 hospital Sailing; Liverpool and all in the Plymouth, point* ever aud now considers herself almost speedily by __dtf of a staff of tried, Outario.23ask She was assisted off 8tli the Station charge separate responsible surgeons. via. Xoville and Halifax. by crew.j AMSON’S COUGH BALSAM, after all other Our Free Home for Homeless contains 40 North West mill houlliwrsi. cured. She is seventy-eight. Bex He Con. 4 60 Lewes. Del, Dec 8—Sch G M Bratnard. from LET—Two 6-room lower tenements, Boys went. TENNEY & beds, and Is located at 11 to 21 street. Mono 4 GO lost anchors uth on Cough Medicines had failed. Sufferers DUNHAM, 48 Salem St., and one « room lower tenement, Causeway < Mbs. H. N. Mkuhii.i.. Viiialliaven, and chains For- TO of LIVERPOOL SERVICE, via SierraNevada.46 tune Wholesale and Betail Dealers lu 15 Salem St,; water in all. to Many these boys suffer from Scrofula. Eczema Londondta/.) JOSEPH HICKSON,Renaral Foot Bank. She was towed hi and supplied from either recent or chronic coughs or Sebago Apply t Manager. Eureka. W. 4-1 aud other skin diseases, which by ilAmXB PATKH Lewiston, Me., April 3,1880. 7 with new ones. Is leaking some. JOHN DYER, 235 Commercial SI. yield quickly __ WM. EDGAR, G. P. A.. Yellow Jacket bronchial affections can resort to this great the use of our Liquid Food. for muscular .66 From I uTvivvvu From Portland J. STEPHENSON. Supt. I used one bottle of Athiophoros TIN WARE I, for ol From the fact that no two beeves or sheep are STEAMERS. Horn Stiver.2 60 ‘Domestic Ports. remedy confident of obtaining speedy relief STOVES, ET—Storage Carriages. Enquire Liverpool. | I via Halifax. Nov. 1,1888. dtf bottle cured — alike Is the reasou of our different brands rheumatism lu the arm, the single ijo uoi ANI) — TO KENDALL A WHITNEY. 4 2 being aeiay. tiei 11 ai once; n may save in 18th Uth December. was SAN FRANCISCO—Cld 2(1, Com T U Allen different flavor. November,. Vancouver, me. 1 took Athiophoros because 1 told it California Stocks. snip life. December, Mining; Merriman, Liverpool, with 76,486 ctls wheat and your LET—The second story of building No. All brands are made by the same formula. The 2d December, Sarnia. 23d BOSTON AND MAINE R. R. would cure rheumatism and aud It was nth neuralgia, (By Telegraph.) 27,000 ft lumber valued at 8111.800. A wonderful remedy is ADAMSON’S KITCHEN FIIRMSIIBG GOODS. TO253 aud 255 Middle street, from January 1st, letter represents the day of make, and the figure, tilth December,|Orboon, January. I'tSSEVI.KH TRAIN SGRVICK, a medicine like others that were ad- SAN Rlchd P from 1887. Been used for a number of years past tor the tank. not many FBANC18CO. Dee. 9. 1888.—The follow- Chartered, ship Buck, coal Nan- COUGH BALSAM. It heals irritated la effect Dcteker 1ES4L parts, wholesale ami Most cen- If it Is m smell and Maudur, 44, vertised to cure everything. In the hope of ing are closing official quotation* of mining stocks aimo to Wilmington; Florence’ coal from N anaimo millinery fapry goods. richer, stronger and flavor, HKIMTOI. KKRVII K, (Avoumouth Dock.) tn Kun Pronninn/i cures the cougli and helps the throat and ^CHANGE ST..-PQ^JE tral location In the city; well lighted and freight will bear a greated .eduction. It cannot be re- WESTERS DIVISION. reaching anybody suffering with rheumatism I elevator. of W. 0. 255 Middle duced so low but ll will be to all other FromAvonmthi STEAMERS. jFrom Fortland. Best & Belclier. 12 25 PORT TOWNSEND Ar 30th, barque E O lungs to resist the influence of climate so Inquire WARE, superior TRAINS LEAVE PORT!.AND to for that disease Is a street.dec2tf In chroulc cases. write say Atblophros posi- Con. Cal. & Va. 32 Whitmore, Thompson, Honolulu. awere s.i time of the ADAM- Wffl. m. preparations treating 11 h November. | Texas, 2d December. year. NIARKS, If cannot obtain Murdock's Food Far Boe.oa at 17.30,18.40 a m., 12.40, 18.3k cure. A. B. 67 St. Ophir. 12 50 MOBILE—Ar 8th, sell Florence Lelancl, Adams you Liquid November. 16th December. tive Bam, Blgh s< >N *. LB A M has been used with -or without UPth | Dominion, far Purtlaad a. m l ot Savage. 8% Galveston, by RENT-Shop 15x50, from your druggist, we deliver, free of express, p.n, llwl.u 7.30,8.30 should Pills, on the 489 FORE Kale, at' Every druggist keep Athiophoros Bodie. :.... 3 KEY WEST—Ar 8th. sch A D Lamsoti, ;L- \s pie wilh the best FORpower. Apply premises, 12 oz. for gl.OO. F>a««r Smith, STREET.29-2 a. 5.30 in. Hare but where they canuot be bought of the druggist Yellow Jacket. 6% New York. Cabin...*50, $60, $75 .Return. $100, $125, $150 Petal, 7.30, 8.40 in., 3.30, p. .. Return.. Hiildrfotd, Hraarbaali, 7.30, 8.40 a, SB. 112 New 5 ST AUGUSTINE—Ar at the bar Book. Card lutermedlate$30 $60 the Athiophoros Co., Wall St., York, Crown;Point. 4tli, sell.Maud * KENT—Offices aud chambers DOCK Brack 7 8.40 suitable Mill FOOD Boston. .. lowest rates. 5.30 m. Well* 80. (lould & Carry. 6 00 Snare. Dow. New York. LIQlIb CO., Steerage $20 Return at 12.40, 3.30, p. will on of su for salesrooms, studios and work In SMSWtf m. North (Jreet send either reg- — — FOR uiy22 v. (carriage paid) receipt Bulwer. 2 FERNANDINA-Cld sch Marion fi:Qsan>, Cures as A NO shops For or to m„ 3.30 p. Berwick, 8th, HU1, by Magic. Mtissey’s Row, Middle street ; also one store on freight passage, apply . Law* ular price, which Is 81.00 per bottle for Athio- Mexican...«% Armstrong, Barbadoes. Bold by DruggieIb and Medicine Deulers DAVID TORRANCE & CO., FalU, Kieier, Haverhill, Temple street. Apply to L. D. M. SWEAT or 7.30, 8.40 a. in., 12.40. 3.30 p. and 50c for Pills. Potosi... 7 Vi BRUNSWICK—Ardtli, sch William K Downes, Everywhere. nov2dtf Foot of India street. react, l.ewell, phoros WM. P. 20-tf in. and Altea Ha). Eureka. 7% Haskell, New Haven. Pric© IO cts. and 35 c£s. TREBLE._ Bochealrr Faraaiagtoa For liver and kidney diseases, dyspepsia, indi- DARIEN—Cld sch Helen L Foun- 8.40 a. m., 12.40, 3.30 p. in. Tlaacheater an* Mono. 35* 8th, Martin, IIA UK IIV Job fTlO LET—Home 29 Cushman newly Printer street; Concord via Lawtet.ce 8.40 a. in., Newmar- diseases of tain, New York. (via gestion, weakness, nervous debility, Utah.’.. 8 V. W. KINSMAN lb tierces; 7%® 8th, ship buccess. King, Car- DUNN, D., county, large enclosure for exercise, Sebago wa- m. Fertanaeatk, New hurypo* l, Salta and MARKET. 7VS|C in lo-tb In 5-lb pail»;7*t *8 thagena; schs Onward, box stalls. 11. G. 9.00 a. m. PORTLAND WHOLESALE pails;7%*7'4c Nantucket; RingDov, OS NEAL ter, THOMAS, Sacearappa. Lina. 2.00, in., l.oo, 6.00 p. In 8-tb Rockland; Bell,do; Active, Seth For worn-out.” run-down,” debilitated STREET, 17-4 Aaaeekarv 9.00 a. in.. 1.00 ui. Parlor PORTLAND. Dec. 9, 1886. pails. Maggie Bangor; p. and Hams at 10%®1 lc *> lb. according to sire and W Smith. Amboy for Bostoo. school teachers, milliners, seamstresses, house- JOHN BROOKS and TREMONT Pullman cars on trains leaving Boston at 8.30, Flour steadily held at previous quotations. Iu cure; smoked sndulders 7®7%c; pressed hams at Ar Dili, ship A G Ropes, Rivers. Liverpool. keepers. and over-worked women generally. Portland. Me. Lumbermen and Railroad Men— 9.00 a. m.. 12.30. 1.00, 4.0O, 7.00 p. in., and leav- iu HgUVjC. Cld stb, Soutag, Haskell, lloug Kong; l)r. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is tbo best FARMER*,You can get Wool Boots, first and leave FRANKLIN WHARF, PnrtUnd, ing Portland at 2.0O, 7.30, 8.40, 9.00 a. in., 12.40, Grain, Coni continues firm, but unchanged barque quality, alternately In Dressed hogs, city, at 6% c p lb. Sid 8th, ship St Mark, for San Frhncisco. ol all restorative tonics. 11 is not a Cure-all,’ low buckle Rubbers, for $1.70 per pair. BROWN, every weelt day evening at 7 o’clock; arriving 1.00 and 0.00 p. m. Through Pullman sleeping with Oats strong and lc better; Sacked season for connection with earliest trains for price, Butter—Western extra fresh made creamery 28 Passed tlie Gate 8th, schs Annie L Palmer, fin but admirably fulfills a singleness of purpose, Office Hours—From 10 to 11 a. m. and 2 till 421 Congress St. 9-1 cars on trains leaving Boston at 7.00 p. in., and Bran Is from 60c to 1 00 better. Eggs steady aud ®29c: do extra Hrsts at 24*26c;do lirsts at 19 New York for Nautilus, and Nile, do a most f or all those 4 p. m. Telephone No. 060. points beyond. Portlauu 2.00 a. m. Eastport: being potent Specific Worces ®22c; do gooa to clioice held creamery 19®23c; for Rockland; Merrill C Hart, do for Boston; Wm Chronic Weaknesses and Diseases to uecl d2w» Through tickets for Providence, Lowell, tProlll Nectk Berwick k> Hcirrbe.-e Arose- unchanged. Provisions firmer. Sugars are very peculiar FOK SALK do fresli imitation creamy, choice at 21*23c: do Todd, do for do; Rosie & Adra, Hoboken fur Bar women. It is a powerful, gen ral as well os ter, New York, &c. leg via Western Division. strong and at 0V4e for Do.ston ev- tending upward granulat firsts 1U® 19c; do factory, extra fresh, 21®23c: Harbor; Senator Grimes, Hoboken for Boston ; uterine, tonic and nervine, and inmarts vigor Returning, leave INDIA WHARF, 'Connects with Kail Lines for New York, Month do Ulrica week at 6 o’clock, ed aiu) Stic for Extra C. At New York to-day some, fancy lots higher; choice 18*20c; do U Smith, Weeliawken for do; Florida, do and strength to the whole system. It promptly MEN-You can buy first qual- ery day evening and West. held to good at do for Reno, ltoudout for cures of octltf J. U. COYLK. Jr. Manager. New Sugar.advanced Vic. choice 15®16c ;dotair 12ffil4e; Rockland; Boston; Margie. weakness stomach, indigestion, bloat- Railroadity Wool Boots ami best high cut Rubbers, sCounects with Bound Lilies for York, Bout h common lots at 10®lie; do dairy nominal at 14 Elizabethport tor Providence; W D Cargill, Port ing, weak back, nervous debility solid at 82.00 421 Con- and West. are of prostration, heels, per pair. BROWN. The following to-day's closing quoiAtums ®18c: New York erm, extra fresli at 28a29c; do Johnson lor Deer Isle; Princeton, do for Boston; and sleeplessness, in either sex. Favorite Pre- To leave passengers gress St,.U-l_ STKAMKIIS. only. Grain, Provisions, &c.: extra firsts 25*27c; good to choice June 22624c; Win Slater, do for Salem. scription is sold by druggists under our posi- INLAND Through Tickets to all points Wesi and Bouth extra at PERTH AMBOY—Sid schs ft one fr'iuur. Ixraiu. Vermont enny 28®29c. Jobbing prices 8th, Mary Brewer, tive guarantee. See wrapper around bottle. I/O MALE— Sleigh, pung and wolt robe; tor sale at pales sialiaa Ticker Outre Com- u.2c Hattie E Ports- Price or six bottles for one runner end t uietr Ticket and HtgbMxd Corn.G 3 « 54 1 Higher. Kennedy. Boston; King, Collins, $1.00, $5.0*0. J? slelgli, (Thompson make): single mercial tSlreet, Portland, Supeiliuc choice to mou Hattie M Boston. A treatise on Diseases of and fine wolf robe. at 107 NEW- Mtreel low grades. 2 CG££3 60 Corn, bag lota....o4 aBB Cheese—Northern, (extra, 12%®13i; li; Collins, Fisher, large Women, pro- pung Enquire Outre, 40 Kscknuge sageil3%*14c; Ohio choice to extra 12% *12‘/a ; Ar 8th sells Keystone, Wilder. New York; J W fusely illustrated with colored plates and nu- STEPHEN BURY STREET, or 26 COTTON ST. 9-1 HARPSWELL STEAMBOAT E. JAM. T. RUBBER, (ien'l Maiutger. X and Meal, bag lots...62g63 BERRY, Spring choice to ex lowei Woodruff, Annie T J B merous sent for 10 cents in A A XX 26 Oats, car lots... 41 «42 Western ll%@12V*c; grades Barbour, do; Bailey, do; wood-cuts, stamps. Til K OPTICIAN. D. J. FLANDERS, Den. P. T. Spring..4'>0<£4 do. MALE—Three new one old com- Patent Oats, according to quality; job lots %c higher. Knowles, Address, World’s Dispensary Medical sleighs; and after MONDAY, Nov. 1, 1886, steam- 31. L. WILLIAM'. Uen'l Agent. Spring bag lots—42*43 sch 663 and fort. SAWYER'S STABLE. Cor. Federal Has returned. Boom 106, take the elevator. He Wheats.6 00(s6 26 Cotton Seed, Eggs—Neal by 35c; Eastern extra 27® 28c; Eas- PROVIDENCE—Ar 8th, Victory, Milllkeu, Association, Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. (gaui i/OR ON er GORDON will leave Custom House dtf N extra at New York. ffiook, Joh ffi\i/nde\t aud Market Sts. 9-1 will not remain beyond the middle of the month. oct23___ car lots..22 60&23 00 tern firsts at 24®25c; U and Vermont SICK Bilious Wharf dally, Sundays Excepted, fur Long Island, Midi, straight HEADACHE, Headache, If you desire to make any improvement In your 76 24 00 a25 00 27c; New York choice at 24*25c;Western choice DUTCH ISLAND 11 ARBOR-Std 8th, sllipCC and cured No. 87 etuca acen Little Jeuks.Ureat Chebeague, Harps- roller .4 6034 do bag... Constipation, promptly by down — Lumbermen's Wool vision should esll, or send address to Chebeague, 23c; choice 24c; Nova Scotia choice 24 Chapman, lor Philadelphia. you your well and Orrs Island at 2 m. Iviinifonl Falls k Budtield Railroad clear do_ 4V»34s/b! Hack’d llr’D Michigan Dr. Pierce’s Pellet*. 25c. a vial soon. Me n p. limed Ic NEWPORT- Ar sells Lizzie L MARREDBoots aud first quality high cut Rubbers, the Preble guarantee* 01 in every stone 36 car lots. .18 O0 a. ni., Winter Wheat PrsTixlcDi. This of owner leaving when he calls, if wish to see or sep20dtf Manager. 1 85. VINEYARD-HAVEN-Ar ctlu schs Ned P Plaster MALE—Inconsequence you better, obtain Lewiston 8.00; Mechanic Falls t mixed train) Patents— 6 0036 25 Pork- 80**1 vfll Sc FORthe city we offer au unusual opportunity to better fitting frames of kind. He also iuscrts 50g*18; fair to good Walker, New York for Vlnalliaven; F Nelson, Analytical Consulting Chemists, any 8.45 ; at W. Minot 9.05 ; E. Hebron 9.30; 8'i.n. Hacks... 15 OOJS1 550 Day—Choice priment$17 acts directly upon, the a desirable cottage In western portion of artificial of tlie best arriving 00; Eastern fine poor to Providence for 8t George. purchase eyes quality. Buckfleld E. Sumner 10.35, Hartford, Cod. 1? Clear ... 14 50,®]4 75 $10 oo®*17 *12**15; muscles and nerves of the hi eight rooms, 0.43; qtl- *12*815; East swale at in port, sch June Brunswick for Bostou: 103 milk Street, Boston. city, thorough repair, containing Please .‘Notice the followiug I.etter 111 55; Canton 11.15. Large Bhore2 7633 00 Mess.12 00® 12 60 ordinary 9®#10. Bye Bright, back, the seat of all pain. compact and well arranged, good bath room, fur- *13 oat straw *866 Adas Allen. Elizabethport for Alfred Leave Portland 130 p. in.; Lewiston J.A7; Uank2 2532 60 straw, choice, 5o*10 60; pi Boston; nace iu best of drainage Portland, Maine, Oct. 27.1885. Large Keene, and AJ FOR ALL R. b. griffin. a. d. little. good order, plumbing, Meehaule Falls 3.15; arriving at W. Mlimt Small.2 0032 26 Ex MC3S. 7 50®8 00 ton. Abby Wasson, Amboy fordo; Terms BENJAMIN SflAW, 48(._, Prof. Brown. 3.27; Maine and New Brunswick Fabens, and S S Bickmore. do for Alim Rich- decl dtf perfect. easy. E. Hebron 3.37; ilueklteld 3.50; E. Sumner 4.08, Pollock.2 0032 76, Plate.... 8 60,'® 9 00 Potatoes—Extra p do; Lung Troubles, whether street. Sly Dear Sir: In reply to yours of-. I am ardson, aud Mabel Hoboken for local or Exchange Hartford Canton 4.25; Itlloertvllle 4 35 Haddock.1 6032 00! Ex Plate. 9 50® 10 00 bbl 1 50*1 Hall, do; Light deeply seated, _8-1 pleased to say that through the aid of eye glasses 4.10; p 02%.__ of aud Catharine. Ronduut for this Plaster will be in. Hake.1 1 75 Lard- file East, do; Doug- found HA I.K—Traverse runner pungs, roll ami made for me about three years ago, my eves 25® las Hoboken for Olive do to instant relief yon RETURNING—Leave Canton 4.13. 9.1", ». in.. Herrmu Tubs Cattle Market. Haynes, Lynn; Branch, give by square Uasbers, light and medium weight, nave been lH'tiefltled and my vision greatly lin- i> tv..C»/i®7c Chicago for Salem; Diadem, between the FOK at Portland 8.25 a. in.. 12 ofi p. in. Sealed P ha. 14320c Tierces— Elizabethport furTlioinaslun; applying double sleighs, comfort and single sleighs. Cheap Now am able to use both eyes, while be- arriving (is* «j7e By Telegrapii.j G Providence for St Nil. shoulder blades. proved. a3 e Stephen Hart, Joint. nut»KE) at WRY & Corner Fore and Cotton St. fore I was obliged to do all work with one DTAfiE CONNKCITONM. No 1.13(a 16c Pails.7 1880—Cattle market SCANLON, my CHICAGO, Dec. 9. steady; Also in port, schs Humboldt, Everett, Avon, von I hail Mackerel hbl-1880. Hams t> lb..... 113® 1 « SHARP. 8-1 eye. Previous to being fitted by several DAILY—From W. Minot 3.27 in. for Hebron 4> re .■ Christmas steers Ella Rival. Ned p. ,'.-d'i,i'Oii:sUipment8 3,000; Clifton, Nellie F, P Walker, F of made through the advice of W Shore Is.21 60326 00 do covered 1-tut4 v* and Trouble pairs eye glasses Aeademy; Buckfleld 3.50 p. in. for Sumner 5 000.5 70: shipping steers —jstoekers feed- Nelson, S A Blaisdell. Cje-Kor Kidney no but will sell for In Shore 2s. 12 15 00 Oil. take back seat, cash, good occullsts, but must say that comparison and Turner; Canton 4.23 p. ill ; arriving ut Peru 50®. ers 2 Ode3 30; cows, bulls and mixed at 1 30® NEW BEDFORD—Sid sch F Rheumatism, Neuralgia, for New S. Oth, Nickerson, WE Hurts French Kid boots 85.50 and with yours were very defective. Mexico 7.00 also tor Mac. Keroeenr- Texans at 2 50. Pain in the and Back they 5.30; IMxfleld 0.00; p. m.; 3 10; bulk 2 00*2 25; 25*3 Scott. Cotuit. Side, Jersey boots including Banisters make for 8(1.50, vours, Arnmatin Tnvidnratnr S nail .... 9 Port. ltef. Pet. 8XJ are a certain Gratefully ill llrettun's Mills, Livermore. Returning, leave Hogs—receipts 40,000; shipments 9000;stroug; Ar Hlh, sell M B Mahoney, New York. Ache, they former ami the same as others advertise Gilman JI. Wilson. vmutiv 4 loiiurr. Water White. a price iuiiQyiw«vii Mexico o.oo, Dlxfleld 7.00 a. m.; arriving at Port- and mixed at 3 50.64 00; packing and ship- WOOD'S HOLL-Sid 8th, sch Carrie L 11 ix, and speedy cure. 541 St. Berries— Pratt’s A st’I.ebbl. in rough for $0.50. M. G. PALMER, Congress No. 7A Winter Street.novladliu SURE CURE FOlt land 12.05 ni- Oran 2 30; 3 40*3 95; skips at 2 25 Ills. Belfast. PAINM. 7-1 p. Maine.6 0037 00 Devoe’s Brilliant. 11 ping 90®4 light Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney Uvmplaistj, L. L. LINCOLN, Supt. % 40. I1YANN1S—Sid 8th, schs E S Mary E Cod.. .7 60 IJgonia.8% *3 Sawyer, Sold by druggists for 25 Headache, It. C. BRADFORD. G. T. A. uct29dtf Cape 60®8 Sheep-strong; receipts C,000;shipments 2000; Amsdeu. Georgle D Loud, Bertha D Nickerson, HA I.K — The "Ivers & Pond'’ Pianos Wind in the Stomach or Pea Beaus...1 75.31 86 'liver White. 7% cents, or five for $1. 1 native 2 00W4 87% ; Western at 2 60®3 60; Tex- and leuulleu. The Maine State Heat anil IAOKboth upright and square, so favorably known Pair* in the Bowels, Medium_1 7531 80 Centennial. _.> nr /Sit or ,..nV.a »* A A/Viir. i\(t Co. 8% BOSTON—Ar 8tli, sells Augusta E Herrick, Trade mark patented. Mailed on receipt of price Light all musicians; used In the New England Con- -5* 12? Indigestion. German nidi oo-al 751 KniMiun. (Hood win A: Co., general by March Iflfifi. Herrick, P E Island; Kchecea F Lamdlu, Dlggius, by (Heorge C. Agents, has opened an office in servatory and by many of the best artists in the Dr. Hast, 2, 60® l 661 M useatei — 2 25rd!> 00 to extol Portland and B. R, Yellow Eyes.l Glace Boston. oct20-W,Fd!M-Gm-nrm are for sale C. K. IIAWES, No. 4111 Otar .sir: —I foe! it a pleasurable duty Ogdensburg 2 87 Markets. Bay. country, liy Foiatcs'-S. bush, 4r>;a,66i London Lay’r 5o;«c2 Domestic schs Geo yoor medicine to the hlgha«t. I have been a ArOth, A Fierce, Sherman, St John; Congress Street. • ARABtM* very Potatoes 2 5(Xa3 26 OnduraLay. 9% (0,10% CENTENNIAL _4-1 JUsaM sufferer from the dreadfti! dleeaaa from St [By Telegraph.] Alible Weld, Fearby, Eastport; Electric BLOCK, ; dvspepala PORTLAND A MONTREAL LINE. Giiious 2 76® 3 00 Valencia. 7%®8 Flash, The Best Medicines Ever Invented For childhood, and very often after eating have vomited vkw YORK Dec. 9 1880.—Flour market is Smith. Deer Isle; United States. Archibald. East- O'l BC %' II L'ti tr a m R HA I.K—The good w ill, slock and fix Turkey®.. 15 Muunr. up the greater part of my victual*. About 3 month* t?niy liiot ruMmois u%i or- dull and ;reeeipts Dels 0016 port; lien cram, nail, Booth bay. lures, of first class fruit and confectionery Chickens.10 All pi miniated lb.CV« steady 21,921 .exports 150 ago I was induced to try a bottle of your invlgorator. Iwrra Fortin a<1 nod Uont rnl. bbls and 37 ,<>00 sacks; sales 19,000 bbls. Cld litli, brig L Staples, Portland. and solicits the ot tlic store; one of the best locations in the city; rcut Perfect and Immediate Relief in Cases of and I have not had a Fowls «A 9 Extra C.B’/s Stowers, Inspection public of the Which at once gave me relief, Flour No 2 at 2 80; SALEM—Sailed, sells of the merits ot line trade; Lie to make money like a new man, and am Clicks 14a 15 Weed*. quotations— 00*2 superfine Lany Ocean, from the low; Just place PAIN AND INFLAMMATION vomiting spell since. I frel Western ami State 2 35*3 10: common to good New York for Portland; Damon, Port Johnson during the holidays; must sell. Address BAR- perfectly welK I have tried many medicine*, hut FALL ARRANGEMENT. G-esfc 8t*,10 d Toi> — 828/»a(?2>/i both extra Western aud State at 2 80*3 35; good to for Portsmouth; Geo Bird, Koekland for N York; Neural- ■ CELEBKATED BANGS GAIN, Press Office. Externally and Internally. It is wuto and none had the least effect until I took your Invigora- % Seed2 25 2 38 Backache, Kheumattan, Crick, Sprains, CARBURETOR, _ 4-l_ pplfa. Timothy u. choice Uir a; 8 common to choice White Geo a Y Inal haven for certain m it* action. For burns, Poisouing, Ery- tor. Hoping you may go on In your great work tor OcioSer 4, 25 a 40*5 1U; Lawry, do; Clara Dlnsmore Stitches, Sciatica, Lame Side or Hip, Kidney ■ Commencing Monday, 1888, bJ>' 1 2 25 Clover. 9 /»11c gia. for coal or 1 am your*, \'i Western extra at 4 do at Boston for Lubec. or In any local ■ enriching gas, and | so It HAI.K—The elegant Palace Organs, for sipelas, Inflammation or tho Eyes Bowels, suffering humanity, Truly I'tirw. wheat 50*4 75; fancy AflhctionB, Bore Cheat pain part, thereby rt. K WOODMAN. ami until further uotlee I'aiieugt-r Trains wU> 4 common to extra Ohio at 2 80 Also sells Ella when a Planter R 1; sale C. K. HAWES, No. 451 Congress St., Earache, Deafness, Bheuumtlsm, Pains in 81do, at 80*5 15; good sailed, Prances,from ltocklaud or deep-eeated, quickly B° Hop by With W. II. Ilervev k Co.,ft Union St. Bo ‘on. Mu**. l.eare P.rllumJ as follows: Vermont.... 13% 014% 4a n r.rd icl. Prepared from Burmin dv Pitch, ■ REDUCING THE NET COST in In and Back or Boro Throat, * 5 00; common to choice extra St Louis at 2 86 * for New York; Ira Bliss, do for do; La Y'olla. ami 40 PER CENT., are unique design, unsurpassed tone; Shoulders, Piles, Croup, for Salt all and Drn r$. N.Y. a I ox rrean ■ by Oruayuta It m. factory 13% 14% at Canada Balaam and t ho medicinal virtues Intrinsic merits recommend them to all that or Bronchitis. Price 35 ota. and $1. at ll (or Hridgton, Fryrhmg, No. Conway* 510; patent Minnesota extra good to prime Ellen Perkins, do for do; \V F Parker, Sullivan r> more brilliant and their druggists. 14%ol6 Acta cures Tho great-■ while giving effective light D. H. HAM A Co., Btehleham, Sage. 4 40a4 00; choice to double extra do at 4 70a for Meuawa, for New Hops. instantly, quickly. wish to purchase-u tlrst-olass Reed Organ. 4-1 ^ L MORGAN A 'OSH, Proprietor*. Providence, K. I, Hroiul B*wU Hum. Fabyans, Lumlrr, WhUefteid ll. 9 1 Oc Stallrr, do; Bangor Haven; Serena ever known. All ready ■ The fl-i St., it, Kiver. Evaporated 4> a, 6 55CO bbls mill extra at 4 55® S Kendall, do for cat Btrongtheuing plaster l.lttfetim. Wells Montpelier. bl John I.CItlrtllM. 16, including city NewBedlord; David Faust, to Sold and country ■ Creamery *> !h...20328 su- apply. by druggist stores, HAI.K-selir. Forest Maid, 43 |0M l>r, J. Miller's Vegetable Ex pee to rant is lu- bherbrooke, Montreal, Burling- 4 00:900 bids fine do 2 00*2 80 ; 600 bbls Ellsworth for Koudout; William H Archer, Nova for 1 ^ VS* l bury. Newport, Palermo.0 00®7 00 (illt ltdge Ver....250.27 26ota., 6for $1.00. Mailed price. Fropriei/% BANCS CARBURETOR built In Newburyport 1877; is In good order valuable for Coughs Colds, 36c. A $i. at Druggists.W ly ton. Swan ton, Ogdensburg ami West. 2 35a3 10; 760 bbls extra No 2 at 286* Scotia for do; Northern Eagle, from Boston lor HOP PLASTER fjlPR Messina.6 ooa,? oo perfine tore, 00., Boston, has been In constant use for the five In well found. of W. S. JORDAN 3.13 in. Us'hI Portland to Bartlett ami Inter- Choice.^gilTS 3 86; 4000 bbls winter wheat extra 2 85*5 10; Mt Desert. Maes^jl past years and Enquire p. 4 00.® 4 6o flood.14015 Boston and other cities, and needs no rec- tiled late stations, with stage cunnectlnns for Malagers— bb's Minnesota extra at 2 80*5 15. South- GLOUCESTEK—Ar8th, sells John from large & eod&wttmcW Ornnseii. Store.12(014 4,800 Bird, ommendation. CO._20-4 oct27 No. Windham, blandish, Umlngtun, ern Hour Flour steady. Wheat—re- ltocklaud fur New York; Jolla bebago, Florida.4 2 A 5 00 steady, llyc Baker. Boston for SALK—A lodgiug house on Tremold 1‘arsimlleld, Kezar Falls, ««*»■ 80,300 busli; 47,595 busli; sales Bath; 1 J Beckett, do tor for Naples, liemnark, extras ceipts exports do; ltaska, Boston street, Boston, Mass., 18 rooms, all full; amt Corner; also for No. Valencia Eastern ..20e,27 260.000 No 1 hard at 9644c afloat; MUlbrldge. THE MAINE STATE _REAT AND LIGHT FOIt I.ovell. Conway Brldg- Messina and P.» Can & Western. 2B hush; higher; CO., furniture, black walnut and painted sets; ton. Harrison and Waterford via. Brldgtoa. No 3 lied c; No 2 ltcd 89*8944 c In cler; In port 8th. sehs Nellie from for 7 00! Limed. 19320 8744 Doe, Gardiner Plaster are ready to furnish and Ingrain. Rent $71 a month. Plenno bx.fl 60® tapestry duitOfole p l No 1 White at Hye is New York; N E carpets, Trules Arrive la Parilaadi No Bed at 92c; 8844c. Simonds, Bangor for do; George Hop | of or Price SIKH*. Cause selling, sickuess. Call MORTGAGE COMPANY. dull. Corn firm: leceipts 12,- and Ella _ and Stations. Bailey steadv. Berry, Pressey, Koekland fordo; EG address MISS L. FOY, 342 Treiuunt street, Bos 10 33 a. at. from Bartlett Way 100 43/192 busli: sales 192,000 bu; Willard, Amboy for WATER Q-AS IS. Moutreal. and West Raliroad Receipts. bush;exports Portsmouth; Catawamteak, ton, Mass. 10-4 N 33 p. from Burlington in elev. Oats unchanged; receipts and Ariosto, Boston for Mor CARD. CAPITAL, $600,000 J. H PORTLAND. Dec. 0. 188*. No3at <7c Koekland; Charlotte of as uood, If not better quality than Maine Water AMil.TON, Hupt. bush exports 11,000 busli; sales 90,out) gau, do for Orlaud; B D do for Camden; with SALK—New milk H. 0. T. A. 62.000 Princ, VIN(i permanently associated myself Gas Company, at a lower price than can fur- cows, at TKWKKS CHAb. FOYE, Received by Maine Central Raliroad—For Port No 3 at 3344c; White do 37c; No a at 34* Maggie J Chadwick, fin do for Emma they bush; Portland; HAB. A. Atkinson a Co. house furnishers, cor- nish. and ask consumers of gas to call at office, FOKBURY FARM, Ocean St., Peering, 12tl DEBENTURES Oct. 1. 1H86.QCtldtf and 41 cars miscellaneous mercnaudlse; foricou- No 1 White do for Mt Desert. — AND — 344ic;White do at 38V40: 39c;Mixed Louise, ner Pearl and Middle streets, Portland, 1 shall be roads t»l cars miscellaneous merohan Western White POKTSMOUTH—Below — nectlng Western 34*36c ;Wldte 87*42c; 8tli, schs Marla Ade- happy to meet my friends In the State of Maine at CENTENNIAL hai.E Owner leaving the country wil Cuaranteod Farm dise. at Coffee—Fair Rio firm 1444c. Su- laide, and Jennie M BLOCK, for UPHOLSTERY Mortgages State 89c. Carter, from Bangor for New new sacrlllce $400, Boarding and Lodgliq GOODS, expe- Lxtrn my quarters. My twenty-live years FOK gar steady; refined firm; C at 444*4VsCj Bedford; P P Hall, and Abby Tmuter, do for Bos- rience In the business with Walter Corey & 06., and examine our process before contr— 'at House In flourishing city near Boston; furnlsliei Turcoman id Milk Curtains, OFFICER. | niPBUNCCi). C Vellow Ira D NEW YORk.Yt* | Flrat Nat. bank, NEW YORK. at 0 444®4%c; While Extra 5if544c; ton; Sturgis, and M Collins, do for six of which was as connection any other. and *200 per month clear, ftroaJway. imports. Lucy spent manager (In complete, paying yeai ]w»j.TON, *1 Court Straat. boat, n Nat. Bank. WWTON. off A 544c: Mould A 6 16-10c; stand- New Y ork; Ella M Balli low location: tievei MAYAGCEZ.PIt. jirlg Jennie Plilnney—50C 444*4% c; Hawes, for Philadelphia; with Walter I,. Corey) of the Portland Furni- round; always full; rent; good Window Shaii Curtain Fixtures, rilll ADEl.PlltA, ll*S.4thftt. 7ili Nai. Hk., PHIl.AI'Kl I'HIA. Bass’ Ale at cut loaf and ard A at 644c; Oc; Minnehaha, Hallowell for New York; Jordan L ture warrants me In that I can (111 hands; investigate. Address J. W. FKK KANSAS CITY, 7th 4 Dal.Sla. Am. Nat. Hath, KANSAS ClTT English tons salt. granulated Co., believing changed | at 6V4 *044c; Confec A Mott, and EG —AMD— crushed —c; nowdered Willard, Koekland for do; Lettie any order entrusted to care to your entire sat- GURSON 2nd, Lynn, Mass. 13-12 For rate* of Interests and full information at Wells, Calais for my 5 13-lGc; Cubes at Oc. Pnrolrnm-unlted do; Lone Star, Lubec for Boston isfaction. that we have one of the / HARDWARE. Crain Is mess E C Assuring you UPHOLSTER 8K3D FOB PAMPHLET. Quotations. 0844c. Tallow steady. PorU steady: Dennison, Saco for do; Gen Grant. Bootlibay largest stocks of carpets, chamber seta and parlor CHICAGO old; 10 76**11 for Kate KOO.VIH. ONLY GUINNESS' HOARD OF TRADE. quoted 11 60(0 1 75 for one year do; Lilly, Wlscasset for do; B Kog suits In the count ry to select from, t remalu W« HASK TUK STOUT, Card better—Wes- Bath for Mary WHEAT. for two year old. Beef steady. ers, do; MB Oakes, and Josle, Maehias Yours very tied_lm* at 0 7C United A Respectfully, tern steam spot at 0 76; refined quoted fordo; States, Kastport for do; Louisa LORENZO F. DYER, riio I.KT—A room at 493!i St. HttLLKR. Just Lauded, Ex S. S. Nani In Ian. Nov. Dec. Jan. May Butter State large Congress GENUINE for Continent, 7 00 for 8. A. firm; Boardman,Calais fordo; Harvester Vlualhaven octao dtf one fitted for Opening— 76% J. up flight, sumplo room, twi and our Ntup Koltu I* Ntandaid. 77% 84% Western at 12*20c. Cheeoe firm. fordo; Georgletta.fmSullivan tor Philadelphia; and For bale in the Highest. at18*28c; closets, Sebago water, gas stove,will let by day for take no other NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Original Package by 76% 77% 86% Ask Dealer them, Iriiclit* steady; Wheat steam 444®*4id. Hattie Godfrey, tor Taunton. NOW-TUE TIME TO SPEC HE ATE. or month. Address C. C. fjr your Lowest. 76% 77% 84% MUlbrldge week BICKForp market dull of- [WHOLESALE. 1 Closing .... 76% 77% 86% CHICAliO. Dec. 9, 1880—Flour FLUCTUATIONS ill the Market 4U3Va Congress St.____ 9-1 Winter patents 4 26*4 60; Southern Winter al Forelan Ports. ACTIVEfer opportunities to speculators to make CORK. whiter 3 COn I.KT—Three well rooms 3 76ii.4 00;Mlcblgan and Wisconsin Ar at Chefoo Oct 27, barque Wallace B Flint money In (iratn. Stocks, Bonds and Petroleum. furnished to le ap21_»"dvl DR. WILSON R. STANLEY & SON. Nov. Dec. at 4 26a at week each. Also one frou Jan. Mav 4 00; choice to fancy Minnesota patent Pearson, Burrard Inlet, BO/ Prompt personal attention given to orders re. 11018______dim TO $l per large i DDD DL’IT Pm< AlWPMi net, to Opening.... 37 Wheat 4 00*4 25; Minn, liak Ar at Elliott, eelveu hv wlro or mall. solicited. room on second floor, suitable for two persons vlitl I tiuHrnalccd 37% 43% 4 60; soft patents Batavia Nov 1, barque Win Hales, Correspondence J ■! I fill Investors. can now bo consulted at Ills IMPORTERS, EHlgliest.... 37 37% 43% ers In sacks at 3 00*3 25. Wheat higher; No 5 New York. Full Information about the markets in our Book, Board if wanted at $3 per week. Apply at 5' # lo*s. Whlt I against ■ Lowest. 36% 37 43% Spring at 7744c; No 2 Rod at 78o. Corn lilgher- Passed Anjier Oct 30, barques Evle Beed. which will be forwarded free on application. SPRING STREET.__ 81_ Closing. 36% *7% 43 No 2 at 87c. Oals dull: No 2 at 2844C. Rye- more, Singapore tor 31st, Albert Kussell, H D. AS XV. RODMAN WINSLOW, HO Fore Street. Boston; I4YI.E, Banker and Broker, TO KENT Fine rooms to let ii m\ MECHANICS’ OATS. No 2 at 66c. Barley—No 2 at 53 V4*64c. Pro Kane, Uherloon for New York. ROOMS, BCILIllAR, Dovif4 dtf Pork at 10 8244 Sid fm Wulttnore, 3N Brand and 34 New Streets, New York suite or single, furnished or unfurnished Nov. Dee. Jsn. visions stronger-Mess higher Honolulu Nov 17, barque C O KOO.TIH 132 SASSAL ST., (Vanderbilt Hulltlingi, crirr *t Caw*. May shoulders at 4 76 uov2* City. eodfcwurmly References required. Call or address 94 H1G1 Mi., Opening.... 31% Lard at 6 06; Dry salted 70*4 Thompson, Puget sound. 98. Hamlin NEW YORK CITY. no ton.a It* Highest.... HIM short clear sides 6 86®5 SUl fm Bllboa Nov 17, barque Mendota, STREET.__B-l_ No euro, pay, only for medicine, THIS PA 23,000 bbls; wheat, ca.oot Passages. Established Feb. 1st, 1877. Cnquest' liable linn nnd K iHnlnuli.u free Office hour, from lowest. 31 Receipts—Flour, TO I.ET—Furnished or unfurnished corn 89,000 busli; oats 88.000 bu; rye 4,001 Ar at Grace Gower, Wil IMS reference*. Write or call for particulars. ■ t> a. m.to 8 p. m. augsstt tns^'^v J5E: Closing.... 31 bu; Granada Nov 13, sch at 08 FREE ST. 4-1 f2zzs&&rnx?'*sis bush ;barley, 4,000 bush. sou, Georgetown, SC. KOO.VIH novIK eod&.vlm


_ THE OEERINC PAIR. BOARD OP TRADE. OWEN, MOORE A CO. NEW THE PRESS. ADVER JllliriON MALK*. A House at Crowded the Entertain- the Extension of Their Store. FRIDAY DECEMBER 10. Action on the Death of Hon Charles Open V. 0. HAILEY k AUCTIONEERS. MORNING, ment Last Evening. CO., McLaughlin. For the past six months an extensive ad- Furniture, cfco. PORTLAND AND VICINITY. The number of who people wanted to dition to the large store of Owen, Moore & CLARK'S CLOTHING HOUSE. HY AUCTION. visit the fair of the Deerlng Village Im- Remarks Made by Prominent Citi- Co., in tho Motley Block, 1ms been in pro- HATUMDAY. Per. II. nt lOo'rtwk ;i in.. NKW a l» VICItTINl: t| KSfTH TO-DAV ON at .1 t, w. ipxil ***11 provement Society last evening was so great zens. cess o£ erection uunder immediate supervis- ukircoui, Kxrti.mre fill lor Koruitur*. I ;:xmirr s-tx. VVIra ■>l>rliiu that tlie hall was AMUSEMENTS. literally packed, and the ion of Col. Fred X. Dow—whose father, llailx, Kxleunlnn Tab)... CrixUrry Warp. t t It a Stockbrldge Course—city Hall management was obliged to stop selling Gen. Xeal Dow, constructed the block—and RARE AND WONDERFUL BARGAINS. arpi'tx, Fuatbpi Haiix amt Mauresapx ,K A meeting of the Board of Trade was held Fimiltur •. Ac. |>orlHiiiiy country very enjoyable one and the different num- public. The Immense store, which stretches secure the most rare anti wonderful bargain*, for never in the his. Owen, Moore & Co. vice The VALUABLE LIBRW AT AUCTION bers were president of that body. chair of tory ol our ab'-e to Handkerchiefs—Rines Brothers liberally applnuded and eucored. over 25,000 square teet of space, is without busiuess have we been offer such extraordinary I (lark s the deceased was out of to his Consisting of w.nks of literature nnd of Clothing House Th« was as follows: draped respect bargaius in honest, reliable, well made and I general programme doubt the handsomest and largest establish- thoroughly perfect fitting r* hglomt » »l honks which are Wanted—Cast-Off Clothing Overcoats and now at lln*ologl'*:»l among For Cornet Solo. memory. Ulsters as we are showing this sale. Cange's Critic:*! Doctrinal ami Homileticnl Sale-Business Chance. ment of its kind outside of Boston, and we A we National Traders Mr. Frank Ferkius. President Blabon, of the firm of Dcering, o-ltay offer an iinet|italled list of new, attractive bargains in tine i Cmumct farle-i; Ibbliotkeea Sacra: Exeter flail 1» Bank—Meeting Solo—"Creole Lover’s doubt if there is more than one or two of the Lectures. Let—Tenement. Song".Buck & was in the Mr. II. W. Barnard. Milliken Co., chair. Cv' VVanted -Public to Know great houses in Boston mere conveniently ELYSIAN AND BEAVER OVERCOATS, ULSTERS Appleton’s mnedla with ;n.minis to ISiS.V Laconia Company, of Solo—"Bride Bells"... Among those present were Hon. W. \V. UNDERWEAR, Ilist*>rics. Ilii'iki of Sermons. N‘»vc1js Blddeford Mrs. L. A. or more New Store—Frank 11 Clark Ooudy. to arranged attractive Ih-ti .d Magazines. Art iVrh*dU?*,s» Muste voeHt Plano Thomas, Jr., ex-Minlster Sweden; James HOSIERY, CARDIGAN JACKETS AND SUSPENDERS. etc., etc. London and Lancashire Ins. Co. Solo—"Fantasie-Martha”.Sidney Smith The extension was built on the western score*!;, Miss Susie Adams. H. Hamlen; James P. of the Port- The almve honks will K* ••.ohl at auctl n at the °* Biddeford. Baxter, of See what the are! See what our are for them ! H ,^Sfiaclll,ri!lg 9°> 8olo-"Splnntn side the old store, and in its rear, so that goods prices r one* of K. O. Si ihxcliang** M ou Bank, of Portland. .Cowen land Packing Hon. W. see how our Hailey Portlaud Company; George its prices compare w'ilh ordinary retail prices for the WK1)NK.nI)AY, D« c. i:>. 1884, commencing at ten Encampment, No. 19, I. o O F present size is too x 40 feet, and the width same MOTHER HUBBARD Woodman, ex-president of the Board, and of goods. o'clock in tiie forenoon, ami may lie examined the AUCTION SALES. DRILL. of the old and new store is 80 feet- dcc-9dlw the firm of True & together Send your orders at once if waut the most attractive day before the sale F. O. Bailey & Co. .De Kontskt Woodman, Co.; C. E. you bargains. In fact standing at the head of the stair II goods arc not Jose, of C. E. Jose & Co.; W. S. Dana, ex- satisfactory upon examination, you may return case leading to the workrooms in the second them at our expense. F. O. BAILEY & CO. CHRONIC president of the Board; T. C. Woodbury, of PLEURISY CURED. i story, the panorama stretching out before Uabeield, Pawnee Woodbury & Moulton; N. O. Cram; Charles Co., Kansas. Jan. 30,1886. Mrs. O. H. Fellows.. the spectator Is so full of bustle that it is al- AVe offer 100 Pure All Wool book at all the (12.00 suits lu then Auctioneers and Commission Merchants I have been of & Portland, We have left In stock out 32 dozen All Wool Scarlet Underwear at for some years troubled Fobes, Burgess, Fobes Co.; J. H. Cof- come to our store and our only 48 of nearly 200 31.25 with pleu- The Mother Hubbard drill evoked shouts most to realize U see of retlc In of & impossible that he gazing BLACK those elegant Silk ami Satin Lined only 75 cents each. Salesroom 18 pains my left side, which come on in the fin, Dow, Coffin Libby; Hon. W. G. CHINCHILLA Exchange Street. of laughter and long-continued In on the interior of a Portland store. Besides OVERCOATS, $12.00 SUITS FOR $6.00. of and applause. G. A coat that has sold beginning Winter, are so severe that I am Davis; Philip Brown, of J. B. Brown’s regularly this This Is not a or 60 dozen of the celebrated 31.00 White Laun- V. O. BAILVY. the first of season throughout 80.00, (7.00. $8.00 810.00 suit c. «r. (LLKV confined to the house. part this portion of the enter- its size, and the liveliness it presents, the for *18, and never less than tuat price, dered Shirts at 75 cents During the past AVinter 1 Sons: lion. A. A. Strout; J. S. Wins- hut a regular $12.00 suit for $0.00, and Its equal Petersburg only each, mar 14 r Article, of jevrelrr and Mirer Ware, Pic- BEST SELLING and most attract* the known Mr. Secretary—George F. Gould. w the Falmouth Hotel yesterday: J. T. Hen- MeLauglilin for forty years and from 25 cents to *arc.f me,, will be givra a ar EBEK lo our Ca.tamer. thi. month. Mr. A. M. Sawyer received a as Chaplain—Charles J. Clark. $11.00. i vc for the We yesterday these merchants — shelf goods retailer. drop out we old ones IE. B. Our are the — derson, Philadelphia; F. J. Gladding, Provi- Marshal—Charles L. Drummond. Price, L.we.1 nod we Defy « ompelili.a. IE. B. letter from E. E. Assistant feel tile loss and feel our own turn is Fine Linen hare In stock a fall line of abore goods, Winters, Adju- C. E. com- Senior Deacon—William N. Howe. Hemstitched from 7 dence; Richards, St. Paul; F. H. ing. He Handkerchiefs, aud are to offer them to the re* tant General of the Department of Tennessee fully concurred in all that had been Junior Deacon—Edward E. Cheuery. cents pleased Strickland, G. M. said and felt that Mr. Senior to $1.00. and Georgia, G. A. R., the death Bangor; Patton, Bath; McLaughlin’s deatii Steward—.Joseph McKlvett. tall traae. announcing Hon. O. was a serious loss. Junior K. Dow. of the D. Baker, Augusta; Chas. Gifford, Steward—Edgar Ladies will find it to their to MORRISON & Department Commander, Colonel Mr. Charles E. Jose said few men will Organist—George E. Howe. advantage give partic- CO., Gardiner; Hon. S. S. Brown, S. 565 Street, A. R. Edward S. Colonel of the 3d Waterville; leave better influence for behind them Tyler—Warren O. Carney. ular attention to Congress Under C. Hall. Jones, Pennsyl- E. good this sale, as our stock is and vania Bolles, Detroit; J. B. Iiosferd, Haver- than Mr. McLaughlin. larger Cavalry, and a veteran of the Peninsu- New more than ft will be a hill; W. E. Mann, Bangor; G. C. Mr. M. N. Kich, secretary of the Board, England Coal Savins Company. complete little later in the HILTON & HARRIS. lar and Malvern of Sargent, Laconia Company of Bidtltfortl. HOWES,novll .12m Hill, Antietam, testified to Mr. ourucstncss The New Gettys- C. F. H. D. McLaughlin’s England Coal Saving Company season. the Ripley, Kingsbury, Boston; J. and faithfulness as a member. Even wrhen Directors 61 burg, Wilderness and Cob *««> uccu iur LONDON the Laconia Company ot Bid- Petersburg. N. uiguiu^eu me purpose oi manu- AND LANCASHIRE C. Dow, Cleveland. he was pressed witli business cares and a TUEdctord, Maine, hereby notice. In Jones died on Nov. '2r>. He was give compli- Thursday, was called he factoring and using devices for tlie of ance with the laws of the State that Intend an meeting managed to put in an saving they enthusiastic Grand Army man. He or- Their Third Annual Ball. to the Legislature of Maine at next appearance if his presence was necessary. fuel and the better equalization of steam Insurance petition It* the first Company, session, (or authority to dispose of the of ganized post in the South below Tlie “Demon as executed the Captain J. S. Winslow wished to say he service property Drill,” by in steam boilers, and of the OF the Laconia Company to the Peppered Manufac- H. Thomas had known and been associated for 25 applying RINES LIVERPOOL E.HiLAND. Kentucky—George Post, No. 1, Portland Wheel Club drill team at City Hall, years same thereto. The brothers. turing Co. By order of the Directors, with the deceased, and a kinder, more following are the officers: of Nashville. His efforts secured the estab- next genial, GEORGE DEXTER. Clerk. Monday evening,' will be well wgrth truthful and honest man, he did not know. President—Charles Waite. STATEMENT OF THK Dec. 2, 1886. lishment of other 8. __decUM6-2(l posts in Tennessee. Then witnessing. Attired in suits of impish hue Mr. W. S. Dana felt liemust sav something Treasurer—George Priest. he touching his love for and interest in Directors-George s. Priest, William Taylor, merrhiints Nulioiiul Bunk of became, by appointment of the Com- and shape, they will go through their differ- Mr. Mc- Charles Waite. Laughlin. He had known him ever since lie PoiiIuimI. mander-in-chief, Provisional Commander of ent evolutions a dim and to music UNITED STATES by light came to live in Portland and never heard Capital stock, $100,000; paid in, $1,300. BRANCH, stockholders of this bank are hereby notl- the Department of Tennessee and an THEHied that the annual the Georgia. especially prepared for them by Prof. Grim- intimation against him as an honorable, December 1885. meeting for choke He was next reliable 31, of Directors and transaction of business day chosen, by election, the mer. who care man. It was delightful to see a man any Many persons nothing for MARRIACES. which may be brought before them will be first who had such strong so childlike legally Commander of the Department, and the will be to this novel opinions holden at the bank on Jan. 11th, 1887, dancing present enjoy and with such for others. It made AMITI. Tcesday. unusual honor of a sympathy a at 10 o’clock a. m. re-election was conferred spectacle. Reserved seats for the ball are on on In this Itev. Stocks and Bonds, marker deep impression the speaker when these city, pec. 8, by C. J. Clark, Geo. F. value... .fl.tr23,643.06 declOdtd CHARLES PAYSON, Cashier. upon him by the Department deaths occurred for he Parker and Miss Alice Osborne, both of Port- Cash In Banks and Offices,. tu4.54n.47 Encampment, sale at Stockbridge’s. wondered who was to land. take their Accrued Interest,. 14.19 at Atlanta in February last. It was while The firm of & places. He urged the young men 1“ Nulioiiul Traders Bunk. Owen Strout are printing to Buxton. Dec. 6, by liev. G. W. Johnson, Uncollected Premiums,. 78,790.86 come forward and to display Chas. s. Other obeying a call to organize a new post among the souvenirs of the and will intelligence Spaulding of Blddetord and Miss Lizzie THE Assets,. 437.64 shareholders of tlie National Traders and ball, produce a desire to advance the interests of the Thompson of Buxton. LARGEST STOCK ! THEBank, of Portland, are notilled that the mountains of Alabama, the some of and Iu hereby amongst tlie best work ever done in this city. city perhaps they will prove better than Bath. Dec. 4, Frank F. Getchell of Bruns- St.432,466.16 their annual meeting will 1» held at their members of those who had wick and Miss Minnie banking tiie old loyal First Alabama The souvenir will be in two gone before. Austin of Bath. I.I 4KII.1 TIE*. room on Tuesday, the eleventh day of January printed colors, Mr. Jas-D. Tabor at Charles Fobes while to all 1 and Miss Eliza- next, 11 o’clock a. ni., to choose five Directors Cavalry, that he caught the serious cold, with a cover of will con- agreeing bethV,',u,ec-7- C. Unpaid Losses, Unearned Premiums, original design, and that had been said about Mr. Sudsbury. for the ensuing year and to act on any other bus- ■ The and other McLaughlin, In Best which, malarial Andover. Mass., Dec. 8, Jtev. ! Uabilltcs,.$ 723,090.01 iness that come ended bis J. J. Store before them developing fever, tain the programme of the and two elements had been by Blair, may legally evening thought overlooked. Charles 8. Passmore and Miss life after a brief Susie M. Came, declOdtd EDWARD GOULD, Cashier. illness of about three much other matter of interest in regard to These were the deceased’s hopefulness and botli of Page. D. T. Surplus.$ 707.376.15 weeks. courage. He had a word the club. will be well worth always hopeful even public to know that Harmon They preserv- in the most of UNSURPASSED Col. Jones’s visit to discouraging aspects affairs, ANYWHERE. SCULL & WANTED—TheA Reed, at Woodfords hold theuiselve* In During Portland, at ing. and the that BRADLEY, Maiiagers, _ courage carried him DEATHS. readme** at all hours of the and the time of through. day evening to the National Encampment here, He he a share shave and cut hair In a most artistic the Storm. thought reaped good of re- RONTON, .HAHN. manner, and his wife fell and Delayed by ward in the wealth he solicit Rooms EOREST broke her hip. For the gained and the influ- In this Dec..9. Cliarrlss We have to the patronage. AVENUE, Tlie steamer ence he city. Preble, youngest opened public our reconstructed store near corner of Ocean street.10-1 kindness of the Franconia, of the New York obtained. He thought his occupa- daughter of Bev. W. T. and ACCOUNT of E. C. BOCKS. Department Maine in Pnelau, aged 1 and with the tion broadened him in that while it would 4 mouths 20 new udditlon, the of line, arrived here yesterday morning, two year days. just completed, possess facili- ROLLINS & MALE-One of the best business chance* assuming expanses Mrs. Jones’s ill- have been difficult to interest him in [Notice of funeral ties for ADAMS, overdue. The Franconia left here certain hereafter, showing stock FORever offered. Not over 8'JOOO. re- ness, her husband, who could not well afford days for matters a few in West Dec. unsurpassed anywhere. AGENTS. capital years ago, he lately became Falmouth, 7, Mirriam. wldrw of quired ; business safe, light and honorable and New York a week the late OltDE BLANK BOOKS to expend the money himself, was deeply ago Wednesday, and en- one of Portland’s most public spirited citi- Hugh Leighton, aged 83 years 2 months. To-day the will bear the closest Investigation. Address P. O. zens. [Iuneral this Friday afternoon at t following departments will all be filled with Box and afterwards in countered gales during her entire passage, Sudden death has its Compensations. o’clock.] Portland, Mains. 1056, Portland, Me 10-1 grateful various ways ex- At Father'll Head. Dec. 0, Mrs. Sa- choice novelties, us well as 22EXCHAH6E4STREET. \V e feel his loss more now, taken in the Phipsburg, bargains, for we desire to have pressed his thanks. suffering no 'damage however. On the way rah Percy, aged 83 years 1 month, castoff vigor of his life, than we if buy g1.000 clothing should lie had Gardiner. Dec. 2, David 69 our such that of all kinds. cash to New York she was obliged to come to an- been pi Heath, aged yrs. prices every article sold will be an advertise- Peppered WANTED—To Highest price paid. FOR THE NEW YEAR. conflnedto his house for remem- !n South Dec. Manufacturing Company of Biddeford. Call or Rev. Edwin years, Gardiner, 2, Lavinia Edgecomb, address Immediately, MR. S. LEVY, 97 Keyes. chor at Vineyard Haven, and near there saw bered only a few old friends. aged 61 years. ment in itself which °J tl>e Peppered Manufacturing Middle 8t„ Portland. Me. 10-1 by will bring other customers to T,-Eto. of Biddeford, Maine, Many of our people will recall Rev. Ed- one vessel ashore and another The committee then reported the follow- duplicate hereby give notice, in dragging her funeral ■ compliance with the laws of the which were [The service of the late Mrs. it. State, that they BE LET-The lower tenement of house win K. who was at one ing resolutions, adopted by a Mary intend to petition the Keyes, time pastor of anchor and apparently drifting on to the McGrath will be held this afternoon at Legislature of Maine at its TO 240 Sprlhg bouse in or- rising vote, and the Board Friday next session, for street; Just put good Chestnut adjourned: 2 o clock, at No. 48 Adams street. authority to i nr reuse the capital der; water, and water closets Check street, M. E. church, and who be- rocks. Tlie stealner left New York Wc have been i>f said from Sebago furnace, gas Books, Sunday Whereas, The Board of Trade of Portland has collecting this stock for the past six Company $1,200, 000 to $2, 550, OOU Information cau be had at the 10-1 Printing, Ruling came a learned to the premises. New Church man. He afterward night, and anchored at Falmouth, a port in with profound sorrow of the death of change pur value of the stock and to ac- Hon. Charles mouths and of the ini™ the of the Laconia was a at New and the to McLaughlin, whom it has pleased holding many bargains and novelties for property Company. lawyer Yonkers. York, sound, ride out the storm. an inscrutable order of and Providence to remove from us In this By the Directors, Binding. was a prominent Democratic member of the lue prime of his and at opening. GEORGE manhood, the summit of o inu,. DEXTER, Clerk. his usefulness; therefore be it Rheumatism Dec, declO-16-26 New York assembly two terms. President to the best men’s and Youth's Xliai <>»« ucatu iji mr. iucivaugimu According authorities, originates in a Furnishings. 2,1986,_ Cleveland Jack Blades, who lives on Fore street near this Board appointed him Postmaster of lias lost a vice president who was one morbid condition of the blood. Lactic caus. its acid, Gloves for men (Stafford’s was Officer sf most active and efficient our bus- Ladies, and Children. Portland Yonkers and his commission came Novem- Block, sighted by members, “d by the decomposition of the and al- Encampment, iness community a I rusted, sagacious and far-see- gelatinous ber llth. On Thrasher yesterday forenoon at the corner buminous tissues, circulates with the meriuo Underwear for Ladies and SHORT that day he became sick and ing merchant, and Portland an unselfish, public- blood and Children. No. 19,1. O. O.F. LORING, & HARMON. of Franklin and Middle streets. Blades is iplritcd citizen. tttacks tlie fibrous tissues, particularly in the died the 16th of the same month, after a few andjoatriotie muslin Resolved, That we shall miss witli mints, and thus causes the local manifestations of Underwear for Ludies and Children. wanted the to answer to several deep regret the 474 davs illness. His rtnnffht.pr l.illian lias be- by police trom our and our disease. The back and shoulders are the St. meetings dally life the com- Infants’ dt»e Congress and the officer started manding presence, the usually affected and tlie Wardrobe and Novelties for small children's emUm come postmistress in his His wife is charges, for him, chas- genial smile, the cheerful parts by rheumatism, 1_ _ place. voice the ’nuts at tlie knees, wrists are him Franklin and helping hand, and the unswerving ankles, hips ami wear. 1HIS EVENING.at71 o’clock, a confirmed ing through Fore streets rlso sometimes or Invalid, and has not left her Jevotlon to duty .that our attacked. Thousands of people workJ^il?e.1!eld In the second distinguished late friend liavc and third decrees. Patri —- to the Custom and inti associate* found in Hood's a room for several years. House then to Commer- Sarsaparilla positive and Corsets and Panniers. l,le“*e make it a poiut to he there. ResolvedL That the life aermanent cure for rheumatism. Tills medicine ii-'jjf'.itedQdU cial street, where he was The officer and career of Mr. Mc- Per order, M. A. C. P. caught. Laughlin furnish an by its purifying and action on HOLDEN, Thief Arrested. illustrious example of a self vitalizing tlie blood Knit Worsted Goods and CHIN* TE* a ■orrccts SETS! stole on made tlie cause ride a for a of man. to an of tlie disease, and it also Jerseys. Photographer, passing sleigh part Coming Portland unknown gives about the L’ountry lad, he by honest worked strength to every function of the body. If you HI nvmirt a v min Yesterday morning eight o’clock Mr. distance and by this means gained rapid- industry his suffer from and )wn way upward to the front rank tbe rhuematism try Hood’s Drapery Upholstery. An Aeridentwili Sometimes Benefit Watson of the Merchants on among Sarsaparilla. FALMOUTH Many Exchange Hotel ly the fugitive. merchants of our city and State. He faithfully Art opp. HOTEL. uid Needle W ork and made up F jury Work. reported to Detective Ira M. True that an honorably represented our city and county Immediate Relief. With a lot of Holiday Goods two large m the legislative halls of and was the ‘•Some I overcoat valued at ten dollars had A Cift. Maine, twenty years ago had my right ankle Baskets and Screens. hogsheads foil of line been stol- Cenerous means of placing upon our statute IxKik some of dislocated, and It has been weak since. My assortment is en from his hotel The case was to De- The lie most important commercial laws of our com- every Dolls complete and given attention of the public is called to the About ten years I and Toys. now Is monwealth. ago was exposed to severe the time to make your tective Thomas A. .Simpson and with the as- and large elegant toilet case, which was Resolved, That prominent among the virtues of Since then I have Dress and Buttons. selection. Call and see our new picture es- NEW STYLE sistance of >ur late friend 1e,ar.fr*'f lJn$- Trimmings CHIN* TE* SETS one of the hotel employes, recov- presented to Bosworth Relief Corps by the shines like a gem ills crystal-like ’Bf“BeeP troubled with rhuematism, affecting pecially appropriate for a ed the lonesty. His word was always as good as his Hi" right ankle. i suffered Smnll Wares overcoat inside of one hour after it J1,® ff®’*.In severly uiittfttotion. nere sent us popular fancy goods dealer, L. A. Gould. lond. He was a model of truthful fair and tried by mistake. Now we prefer speech, lat®'winter, Hood’s Sar- 03 Congress street, the md honor. ,,,V keep constantly ready trouble of repacking and during holidays, wel1 others as it lias done for me Kiel* Goods and CHRISTMAS GIFT. 11.tls JiSSS,** '?r Fancy Bric-a-Brac. reshlpping. Therefore thin we thus all an to see and Resolved, That as a mark of respect the Board worth many times its cost.” L. T. Host. «lec» emit! morning The International Line. giving opportunity if Trade attend •hull offer them the funeral of our late associate. irniof Estey & Hunt, Kenton, Ohio. and Christmas Cards. at admire its This generous and Resolved, That Stationery A dispatch from Washington says it has beauty. these resolutions he entered Sarsaparilla tlie best medl- ipon the records of this ■ini timely gift is highly by the board, and a eopv thereof It gives me an appetite and re- Playing Cards and Games. ONLY 87.50 PER SET. heretofore been the custom to have three appreciated >e sent to our resumer„ ne„' LUSeii- »» late friend’s widow’ and family, to hleei). mid kpiqw tim nnin iv.u ladies, and will be of them in 'horn we different of of disposed by tender our heartfelt in tills ruc.o, lua spruce Me. and Fans. inspections baggage persons lour of sympathy Street, Portland, Jewelry rhene are really good styles and a way that will but swell the finances of the their great sorrow. very arriving in the United States by the Interna- Toilet unch less than unnal nets of name value. Corps. Hood’s Articles, Mirrors, Ac. tional line, ono at Eastport, one at Portland The Late Hon. Chas. Sarsaparilla McLaughlin. MdbyaUdruMlsts. Ladies’ Neckwear. CALL TO-DAY, SAKE. and one at the Jl;»lx lor *5. Prepared GREAT Boston, but At the of I* 11 BARGAINS. treasury depart- Captain Samuel Baker. request many of the friends und & ment CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, has decided there shall be but one 1 /ass. Laces. Captain Samuel Baker was for issociates of the late Mr. McLaughlin the Russian iiurriell in the many years Sleighs, Closing Out Sale of Christmas Goods. future, and that will take place at captain of the old North Yarmouth uneral services will be held at the First Doses One Dollar. Embroideries and While Goods. Light aon100y PORTLAND Kastport. •arish u&wivnrm Being obliged to remove (rum otir present u natt- TRADING Baker was also for sev- church, instead of his late COMP'Y, Infantry. Captain residence, Handkerchiefs. ers to onr new store on Congress Street. In Janu- 1 his afternoon at 2 o’clack. we 534 Quick Work. eral years one of the select men of tire town The Rev. Dr. rop Sleighs for Physicians’Use. ary, shall dispose ol our whole stock, l( possi- CONCRESS ST., Gibbons. ble, to avoid We shull have all ol our The being a in been ilill will officiate. Pews will ho provided in of moving. schooner Andrew J. York, Captain Republican politics. He had Sleighs best quality and low- d«C~dtl_Opp..,„. Black. lie broad aisle for members of the Board Wools and Material. Geo. H. Wallace, master, which arrived in in feeble health for the past three years, and ] of SICK HEfiDACHS Knitting est prices. Grocers’ Portland at 11 o’clock Wednesday night, lied Wednesday evening at his residence at Crude, Association, Portland Club. Positively Cured byH CHRISTMAS Jirectors of Casco Portland Fratern- tbose iitUe Piiia. ■ GOODS HAIR discharged 424 tons of coal in Salem, Mass., Yarmouth Corner at the advanced age of 81 Bank, IrflRTFEfQ WORK. and wnill also relieve I)is-E ready (or Inspection. Wednesday. l)ec. 8. Wr and arrived in rears, leaving no|immediate relations. He had ty the Prevention of Cruelty Society. Ll\Q They Portland all in the space of irws from J)ytMa,n show one of the largest and finest stock ol Holi- 1,1 n • be and the Uone' made 15 hours. It ilighly respected his native town I d i g e tlou and Too* day Hoods to found, prices have been over to look *2‘* P*«eea generally takes two days or throughout St. Alban IITTLE as good an new, Commandery. ■ A reduced In order to close out as much of our stork knotting and more to md State. lipL Hearty Eating. per-® discharge. \i feet l>iz/i-n as We have a lot of weaving done At the annual meeting of St. Alban Com- I Lj remedy lor WAREROOMS AND possible, large ■ W buu ness, Nausea, Drowst® MANUFACTORY, No. 8. held at Had Tusto in then Portland Club. Ira F. nandery, Knights Templar, Pi LL<£ ness. dec 10 AT LOWEST Clark, ■ Month, Coated Ton-ru- .n dtf 1*2 to 38 \EW VORk PRICES. At a ifasonic Hall last evening, the following of- Union Street. special meeting of the Portland Club, he clothier at 482 Congress street, iis offer- Pain in tlie Side. Ac®