\ A PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1969 Averace Ikdfy Net ^ees Ron \' iNanrt;]f0ter lEvrmng Week ■edeJ October «. tom The WeatherV J Anyone with a special intere^ Members of Boy Scout Troop . / About Town or hobby, who would like to 120 planning to attend the UiU* Campus Sketches Partly cloudy and mlider, plan and teach a weekly course verstty of Connecticut football 15,790 high 88 to 60 today, low tonigM A Holiday Pair will be held in the Community Enrichment game tomorrow are reminded Put on Exhibit IE in the upper 30e and low 40e. at Trinity Covenant Church to- Courses offered at Temple Beth to meet at St. James' School ATTENTION »imsseheater^4 City o f Village Chmrtr Sunday p ^ y cloudy and mild. mortow from 10 a.ro. to 3 p.m. Sholom, may contact Mrs. Alan parkinjg lot at noon. All mem­ Preliminary , architectural VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 22 The \ dining room will feature Krutt, 21 Agnes Dr. The next bers of the troop and their driv­ ideas being considered for the (TWENTY PAGES—TV SECTION) session of oo\irses wilf start In MANC^HESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25,^1969 (Claaalfled Adverltofauc cn Pose Ig) coffee and buns o t 10 a.m. and ers will meet Sunday at 1 p.m. ' permanent Manchester Oom- PRICE TEN CENTb luncheon at noon. December. at the school cafeteria for the munity College campus are In­ SHOPPERS troop’s annual candy sale. corporated in a set of large Senior Hi-League of Trinity Temple Chapter* OES, will color plate sketches which will Oovenent Church will conduct a hold a military whist tonight at TTie rummage sale sponsored tag sale tomorrow from 10 a.m. 8 at the Masonic Temple. by the Newcomers Club of the be on exhibit in, the Stairwell Birth Control: to 3 p.m. on the church grounds. YWCA will ibe held tomorrow Gallery o t the Hartford Rd. building today through Wednes­ The Rev. Dr. Thorsten Gus­ from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Mott’s $ Million Baby day. r " Mjembers of the Manchester Community Hall, E. Middle E.S.A. tafson of Southbury will speak WASHmOTON (AP) ^ The gallery is open to the pub­ Rod and Gun Club will meet to­ at a meeting of the Emanuel Tpke. - Ihe Office of Economic Op­ 300-Man Unit Invades lic weekdays from 8 a.m. to 10 night at 7:30 p.m. at the W.P. Lutheran Church stewardship Sfprfs Sat., Ocf. portunity has boosted by $T p.m. 25 Quish Funearl Home, 22S Main committee, team captains and Officers and members of the million the amount K will The sketches were viewed St., to pay respect to the late visitors Monday at 7:30 p.m. in British - American Club will W H A T A spend fids year in tts war earlier this week by the Board Harry Firato, a member of Uie the youth Room of the Parish meet tonight at 7 :30 at the club­ agalnrt the population ex­ of Trustees for Regional Com­ club. Building. a house to proceed to Holmes Fu­ SHOP NOW— PAY hfEXT YEAR plosion. neral Home, 400 Main St., to munity Colleges and the MCC e Vs in Jan — Vs in Fob. —H^s in March OBO Director Donald Manchester Council of Church­ pay respects to the late Winiam Regional Council. President The Junior Choir of North Rumsfeld announced Friday Lebanese Hill R. Collins, a member. Frederick W. Lowe Jr. said Country es’ will meet Monday at 7:80 fiiat«the federal antlpoveity United Methodist Church will they ’’are preliminary studies p.m. in the Robbins Room of . „ j f 1. What is E.S.A.? agency will spend $33 mil­ that Indicate the direction in Center Congregational Church, " I P ™ The Rev. WInthrop Nelson Jr. A special plan effective from October 25 N ovenber lion in file year eiviing next BEIRUT, LEBANON at the church. which we are moving, but are of Center Congregational M 29, designed to help your bodget over the icMt boiy- June 80 to provide family (AP)— An armored force Church will conduct a service by no means final.” Mrs. Dorothy Morris of Can­ / ing period. planning services to mmiotv The stewardship committee of Sunday at 8:18 a.m. on radio of S()0 men has crossed into ton will speak on "Landscaping The sketches were prepared of women who have not had Trinity Covenant Church will station W INF. The program Is Lebanon from Sjrria and the Small Property,” a f a meet­ by the California architectural 2. How Does If W ork? previoue help in limiting the ing of the Perennial Planters meet Monday at 8 p.m. at the eponsored by the Manchester firm of Daniel, Mann, Johnson occupy hills overlooking the All your purchases mode from tbe date of KAA. number o f their children. Garden Club Monday at 8 p.m. home of Paul Jacobsen, 28 Hill­ Clergy Association and the Man­ and Mendenhall, vdilch is de­ village of Yanta, Beirut ra­ provai tbrougfa the entire month of November wBl Rumsfeld released a sur­ in the Federation Room of Cen­ side Manor Ave., Vernon. chester Council of Churches. signing the campus, with Philip ' billed on your E./UUL,Y SHOPPES AOODNT. vey that showed famUy plan­ dio said today. ter Congregaltional Church. Mns. J. dlCorcia Associates of 380 ning services were available Yanta is about four miles Joseph Aniello, hostess, will be The council of mlnisteries of The VFW Post and Auxillaiy W. Middle Tpke. serving as t 3. Thof Means! to nearly 5H million wom­ from Lebanon’s eastern assisted by Mrs. James Brit­ South United Methodist Church will conduct a bingo Monday liaison. en in only 1,200 of the no­ ton and Mrs. Raymond Haltted. will meet Monday at 7:80 p.m. night at the Connecticut Valley Better budgeting for you on your Christmas g ift shop- liorder with Syria. / ping with NO BILL ^ m ns until January, 1979. Tlien tion’s 8,072 oountlss. Tbe The broadcast said five ar­ The event is open to members at Susannah Wesley Hall of the Veterans Hospital, Middletown. you pay by the 10th of the month, y, in January, y, in survey also said only one out mored cars, three jee$>e with re- and guests. church. Those planning to attend w ill 2 February and y, in March. of seven low-income women meet at 6:18 at the Post Home. Arthritis Appeal collleas rifles and eight veUcles received family planning towing 130mm mortars mads up help in fiscal year 1988. The executive board of the Gets Under Way NO ADDED COST the force that entered Lebanon Ladles Guild of the Assumption Friday night. The Arthritia Foundation’s ALL THIS WITHOUT A will meet Monday at 8 p.m. in The column was not Identlfled A T PERO'S 1969 Capitol Region Appeal is the Assumption School library. ^ FlkLNCE CHARGE os being a regular Syrian unit, now getting under way and will but authoritativa oourcea said ORCHARD FRESH; Macs, Cortlands, Red Delicious, Bald­ continue imtll the end o f Novem­ wins, Greenings, Macounn, Bose Pears, Ben Ezra Chapter of B ’nai How about Jtliat? No F IN AN C E d targe! AH you have to Commission they believed It was a contin­ ber with the aid, hopefully, of do is Complete paying for your E.SjV. purchases by Pumpkins, Gourds, Indian Com, Fresh B'rlth will sponsor a program Former Capt. Marasco (A P Photofax) gent from the Syrian army. 800 door-to-door volunteers In 3i: March 31! That’s all there’s to it. After that date there Cider, Native Chestnuts. on the Manchester drug prob­ The radio said Leboneaa army 5 Manchester. iij will be the normal FINANCs; charge on your unpaid NATIVE: Cauliflower, Cukes, Egg Plant, Yellow and White lem Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. at ToProbeTV units moved up to the viUage to There are 4,600 victims of jf: balance of 1%% per month or 18% per year on balances Turnips, Acorn and Butternut Squash, Beet Temple Beth Sholom. J. Grant block acceas routes and prevent arthritis In Manchester alone, up to $500; or 1% per month or 12% per year on bal- Greens, Swiss Chard, Beets, Boston Lettuce, Swank Jr., executive vice pres­ the force from advancing. says Elizabeth L. Crosby, public : onccs hi cxccss of $800 after deducting current payments Spinach, Black Radishes, Cherry Tomatoes, ident of Manchester Chamber of :! and/or credits. FINANCE charge may be avoided by fiarasco Critical Fire Hazard There was no report of on en­ relations director of the founda­ White and Sweet Potatoes, Red Onions, Shallots, Commerce; and Robert J. Dl- paying new balance before next closing date. gagement between the two Belgium Endive, Leeks, Dill. tion’s Connecticut chapter. SOUTHAMBOT, N.J. (AP) — A passenger in Marasco’s car, gan, coordinator of youUi serv­ WASHINGTON (AP) — A ildea. She reports that the founda­ Former A i^y Capt. Robert F. Jacqueline Ziegenbalg, 84, of FRESH; Tangerines, Tangelos, Grapefruit, Red, White ices in the Manchester School presidential commiaalon expects ! The invading aoldtars were and Blue Grapes, Honeydews, Cantaloupes, tion will try to ’’contact every­ Otlier E.S.A. Benefits . . . Old Bridge, was hospitalized system, will speak. The meet­ Marasco, a cbntral figure in the to determine Tuesday if there is carried in 80 trucks, the radio Dates, Limes, Peiiilmmona, Seckel Pears, one in Manchester to ask them is Do we have to mentten them? Better sdectfons, no with leg injuries. ing is open to the public. controversial Green Beret mur­ a potential tire hazard Inherent sold. Cunninghams Wed 35 Years if they’d like to work for us.” IS Christmas rush, a care-free December — fidl Marasco, a resident of Ruth­ ii months to pay for your purchases, der c w , was taijiu'ed critically in file 86 million television sets Unconfirmed reports said five Out of those contacted, the hope erford. was one at eight Green The Youth Choir of Communi­ Mr. and Mrs. James Cunning­ The couple was married Oct. s That’ a deal hard to beat! If you’re not already one Of early today in a traffic accident. in use across the nation. l->ebaneae border guards on pa­ • WEEKEND SPECIALS • la for 800 volunteers to collect Berets the Arm y charged this ty Baptist Church will rehearse ham of 183 Branford St. were ii: our E.S.A, customers, rush in and make out an aqpfdixai- Attendants at Perth Ambaoy Arnold B. Elkind, chairman of trol near the vUtage hod been 24, 1634, in St. P eter’s Church a total in donations ’’approach­ summer with the murder of an Sunday at 6:48 p.m. at the tlon. We give instant service (olm oat)! General Hospital, where the 27- the National Commiaslon on kidnaped. honored at a 38th wedding an­ In Hartford. Mrs. James ing” $2,000. RED DELICIOUS ...... per bag S1«00 church.. year-old Marasco was taken, alleged Vietnamese double Product Safety, announced The announcement come niversary celebration last night The Arthritis Foundation will agent. CUKES ...... 3 for Hayden of Hartford, maid of plans for the meeting Friday in riiortly after Syria said that do- t B t at Cavey’s Restaurant. This attempt to collect $18,000 In the said he was in critical conditiem The charges were dropped a telegram to some oongrtoo- Y E L L O W GLOBE T U R N I P S ...... 3 lbs. 29 « morning, they left for a two- honor at their wedding, was at Capitol Region to aid the more with head injuries suffered in a spite Ita anger with Lebanon two-car mishap. last month. mCn. week trip to Bermuda, an anni­ the reception. than 8,000 arthritis sufferers over the guerrilla laeue, H would YELLOW SUMMER SQUASH ...... 2 lbs. 3 9 « The Army had Identified Mar­ "We have taken, and are tak­ versary gift from Uieir daugh­ Mr. Cunningham is employ­ who can be served through such South^Unboy police said Mar­ only direct Ita fire at the Israeli itic TanKs asco as the man who did the ing, every measure consiatent army. AND ter, Mrs. Raymond ITilffault ed by Pratt and Whitney Divi­ agencies as the Hartford R e­ asco’s car was atruck head-on We Carry The Manchester Evening Herald shooting In the alleged murder. with dutiful analysis to expedite of Manchester. sion, United Aircraft Corp. in habilitation Center and the by another vehicle which Arab guerrilla forces fought Marasco was discharged from COMPLETE LINE OF SUNDAY PAPERS The Cunninghams also have Fast Hartford. Mrs. Cunning­ arthritis clinic at UConn’s Mc­ crosaed the median line. Tbe fills investlgaUon,” Elkind said. Lebanese security forces Pluftad Sawers the Arm y at Ft. Monmouth this a son, James Cunningham of ham, the form er Helen Grant, Cook Division Hospital. driver of the second car, Thom­ But one congressmEui urged throughout the night, storming ^ OPEN 6 A.M. to B P.M. DAILY month. He said then that he did even faster action. Coventry, and six grandchil­ is a member of the Koffee Kraf- Miss Crosby says that size­ as Green Jr., 22, o t CUffwood, police poeta In the north and Machine Gleaned dren. ters at the YWCA. was killed. Rep. Gklward R. Roybal, D- Septic Tanks, Dry Wells, able grants are also given to (Bee Page Eight) battling for control of two fron­ Calif., calling the estimated Lebanese troops stand guard on Triiioli street corner. (A P Photofax. Sewer Llnee InstaJIed—4>l‘ Manchester Memorial Hospi­ Tu88 Statement: tier villagee In the eouU). Ur Waterproofing Done. tal’s arthritis clinic, under the 7,000 fires a year attributed to In the northern port oMy of -6 CANVAS and ALUMINUM PRODUCTS i r direction of Drs. Edmond Zag- television sets a significant haz­ Tripoli, where street warfare ard, said the government and I PI^ODUCEI" llo and Harold Lehmus, where U.S. Will Meddle erupted Thuredsy, guerrttlae P F P n McK in n e y bu g s. Combinotion Windows and Doors Industry should take immediate patients m ay receive both eval­ and their supporters were re­ U8 Peori Bt. — MS-53M MOStXlW (AP) - Tase dis­ Z7B OAKLAND BT„ MANCHESTER — 643-eSM uation and treatment. action ”to eliminate the source ported today to have oceupisd a Sewerage Disposal Co. tributed a special statement to­ Door c'anoplm. Roll-up Awnings, Canvas Awnings Repaired, Speaker Denies of this serious and unacceptable number of police poeta and to Re-covered, Tuke«lown Service and Storage. Boat Canvas Re­ danger.” Arms Talk Date Set day sayltqt the United Btatcs Is have wrested vtrtusi oontroi of paired or Made New To Your Pattern. All Work Custom claiming the right to Intervene Television manufacturers also WASHINGTO N (AP) — The PossIblllUea for accord be­ Idea of the best place to negoti­ the Old City from suthorttles. Made, Gronimots — Eyelets — F'aHteners. Storm Panels tor In crl*U-tom I.>ebBnon. had a statement out in defense United States and the Soviet Un­ tween the two nuclear super- ate, In part because the Com­ The Old a t y Is a rabbit w ar­ ilalousle Units. Waterproofing Compound For Tents, Boat- GOSMETIGS "N o outside Interference by a of their product. ion will start their long-awaited pofrera on UmlUng their race In munists have also been pushing ren of steep, twtoUng ollaywaya caven and Canviis. We Du Rml^^e charges obviously trig­ vance of publication, said Vo- Presidential press secretary They said the raid was beaten DARWIN ‘U an uni>aasonable hazard is atari at Helsinki, Ziegler report­ lengthy effort to start the talks, The news agency claimed the off by the police garrison. gered McCormack’s decision to loahen had operated freely out Ronald L. Ziegler Indicated the DOUBLE BULB TULIPS ed. which were propoaetl by former U S. Embassy In Beirut circu­ found,” he added, "the commis­ run again, thus avoiding any ap­ of the speaker's office and even term "prelim inary discussion” tn the south near the Israeli EARLY sion will promptly make public I’ retidem Lyndon H. Johnstsi In lated a statement in recent ilays MIxmI pearance of his quitting under sat at McCormack's desk when meant dealing with preliminary Nixon agreed and sent Do­ border. • a guerrilla fores of 100' a mesaage to the Soviet leader- TULIPS fire. announcement of ita findings matters in getting into substan- brynin to see Secretary of State (See Page ElgM) he accepted a $5,000 cash pay­ I hip three years ago. (Her Page Eight) 40 for $2.79 “ M y (xmscience Is absolutely ment from an OMo physician after notifying the manufactur­ Uve negotiations. He described William P^ Rogers to work out 10 for 98c An agreement to begin the SALE clear,” McCormack said. fighting a tax evasion case. The ers involved.” as required by it as phase one of the talks details. The Rogcrs-Dobrynln law. discussions’ was ready for an­ Until the actlvlUes of Nathan magazine said McCormack was which are expected to go on meeting, wMch took place lest nouncement In August I98S. but V<0oahen, a long-time M c­ not present at the time, but ’’the su tle r had said written ques- for a long ume and deal with Wednesday, had been previous­ RED OR WHITE It was shelved by Johnson when NARCISSUS and Cormack friend, and Martin evidence Is that McCormack MgMy important disarmament ly disclosed. OM Dutchy says: Sweig, the speaker’s chief aide, (See Page Seven) issues. EMPEROR TULIPS was more than naively involved Helsinki was not (his nation’s (Hee Page Eight) “ Plant now for spring DAFFODILS MIXED were pubUcized it had been in what whatever took {dace In widely belived among House 10 for 98c lieauty I” his office.” r 25 for S2.3S Democrat* that McCormack Life also said Sweig and Vo- would retire at the end of the loshen used the speaker's sta­ 90th Congress in December 1970. tionery to request action by gov­ He will be 79 then, with 43 ernment agencies and made HETZI JUNIPERS FORSYTHIA years of service tn the House. telephone calls in the speaker's Tune in Tomorrow? For Radio ALL McCormack has come under name seeking to influence g o ^ or $1.00 LA W N SEED growing criticism from younger emment officials. GLOBE ARBORVITAE Democrats, who felt he was out McCormack denied Friday he POTTED RO$ES Rog. 4.95 of touch with them and was fail- had made calls himself or that There’s No Tomorrow Today R09. 2.25 ing to provide the leadership he kne* about any others. He needed with the White House in By JOEL HIEOEL A few loft N O W $2.95 said he had never even heard depression or fight a war they after World War I that co*iv Republican hands. The Los Angeiea Times Service had some common ground. Per­ moat of the name’s mentioned in m en ial radio, programs radio, N O W $1.65 $1.50 SAVE $2.00 It is rare for a sitting speaker •‘Hello, CMef? Thu is Jack sonally radio made us stomach- the magazine article as subjects started to take form. And on to be challenged when h> bids of the ^alls. Benny again. Remember the last ocsiacious and pi*-crust-con- Oct 17. 1916, 80 years ago, the for re-election, but last January The speaker suspended Sweig Ume I spoke to you about the scious a n d odor-canscious the dlscootent already had Radio ( *jx election returns. BUT $2.65 challange was seen as further stay away from Ms office after tant papers returns the money, 10 for $29.95 the soap operas and the scrists in July. 1931. David Hernoff N O W S2.9S (Supply Lhnitod) evidence McCormack would the first stories on Volosben’s he can keep the pepera.” step down before risking anoth­ In e sophisticated way — wlio had begun working to R(*|N)rl<*r SayH You Ou|{hter activities appeared in newspa­ Wha knows what ev1| luriu* la er fight. make radio a primarily hr>me pers a few weeks ago. tbe hearts af men7 Tbe "hadiii through news commentators Summertime ends and wlntarUmt bagtiM In America’s entertainment medium In I91S knows: and Norman Corwin documen­ clocks Sunday aa the nation changes from Oayllgtat Saving taries end even presidential borrowed a General Electric "H ow do you do. ladles and Time to Standard Time. speeches - radio taught us that transmitter and broadcast the genUemen. ttaU is Bob Mosquito Fertilizer— All Reduced! justice must triumph over evil. Dempaey-Carpentler fight over Clocks should be turned back one hour at a a.m lomcr- network Hope and here wa ore row And, tn a naive way. that waa WJY Lu/ky for Barnoff the on this South Pacific island...” the message we learned, loo, fight went four rounds The According to the Uniform rime Ac«. OayhgM Savtry HOME & GARDEN 1 0 - 6 ^ COW Blacky Crow Held Remember You have to re­ from the Lone Ranger and Dick transmitter lllcraily melted In rim e ends at 3 a m on the laoi Sunday Ui October ft has member. Because today, at 80, Tracy. what would have been midway been In effect since 3 a m on the last Sunday la April wtMn 5.10-5 LA W N FO O D OGDEN, Utah (AP) — The MANURE Police are: uncertain bow radio Is .jlcad. Stations play "T ell the boy* and girls of through round five About 800, clocks were advanced an hour Groat Parking Ticket Caper has • Two and Three Button Styles many tickets crow took but it is music, broadcast news and give the United States." the great 000 heard these broidiasts, nl- The^ time change armuaily moves file Harald's Sol R. Reg. 3.35 50 Rm . been ckwed with the capture us ball scores. 50 Rm. 50 Rm. Tony Pietrantonio, candidate for Board of Directors, and Ruth m Bew Double Breasted Models believed to be several dozen. grand, lama of Tibet the mo*t sU on home-made sets Cohen to change from out-and-out newsman to reporter-poof. sad speedy trial of s feathered The past few days, O o w had Radio deserves beUer. Tucker, candidate for Town Treasurer, knocking on doors for up­ a Resrularlr 27JO world's wisest man said to It wasn’t easy to be a radio This year be has heralded Che occaaton by ponnli^ the fol­ N O W $1.95 $1.95 $2.25 culprit who had become Meter been hanging out near a used Like the railroad and the auto­ Jack Armstrong one summer -lUtlon In 1|21. You paid for alU lowing ^ Maid Enemy No. 1 sod s hero of car business beaded by Gus mobile, radio shaped America. coming town election. These Democratic candidates will continue afternoon In IBM. "this world Is the peograrommg Abd.every ka- bu^n Bid« Vfntp 3-buHon CBnUr VGfit and now motorists everywhere. Cutrubue. Bmpk>yes\ would The railroad and the automobile 2 theirs and they may use It as tlon had to bruodcak on the Do Whut You Oughter to introduce themselves to town residents through November 3rd. It was a sweater, in ettation throw out brightly colored ob­ shaped our cities and our aco- fond bloz.™, ^ yelkisr, that spelled an end F ri­ they will. Aa they are, so ahaD aamr frequency 18 (0 meters By SOL B. tXNIBN jects for Oow to pick up. nomlc lives. Because o t the the world become: If they ore day to the moath-king career in just past SOO kliocyclesi The WEED and FEED OR 22-8-4 railroad Kansas coud OE station* until It's right ◄ walked across the lot wearing a wheat and dress tn of cMvaJry If they are hooeot. VOTE THE ACTION TEAM on NOV. 4ih didn't pay for programming be­ Oo«r*a daring matches of raa^-to-waor; the suburb U an sweater the same shade yellow aJ) riches shall be theirs, if they cause programs helped sell When you put out file Ugteca and hM the oaek. your dock LAWN FOOD SAVE 50%> psridng Ucksta from auto wlnd- e x t ^ ’.on the automoblia. But must be set one hour BACK. as the city's parking Ucketa. at are kind to one another, they llodr radloa But W EAK New FREE ALTERATIONS rideldB had left police muttering radio shaped the American VOTE DEMOCRATIC Crow followed him. and Cutru- •haO save the whole world from York was o$wra(ed by AT and. If II seemed like the days ore growing iBortar,^ they'll even ip earWily truotrotlon os he bus made s citizen's arrest. mind. malice . . . f be shorter. If you do what you cughtar. I J mode hia atibcrne getaways. T at s loss until / get Y v ^ O O NE^ Sponsored by Democratic Town OommiUee, Roger Negro. Treoa. 946 MAIN S lM lif' "H e followed Gus like s ittUe Radio was s -aharad experi­ Radio began arMh Marroiil “Smart. A real bright bird,” On Aug 29. 1933. WEAK sold And. what you dughter remember Jack, Is to turn ywir ence. When mlilicas o t Ameri- and Lee De Foixoi's early votes clock one hour BACK. V o im to w i grawlad Chief L. A. Jocobeea. (Seo Page EigM) esAB came togotbor to fight a broadcasta but It irasn't until (Hee Page Tw a) X PAGE TWO A\ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1959

in the orient, Oanston lesuned cl^>ped hair and untanj^ed al­ Tune in Tomorrow? Radio a strange and mysterious liances for nigh on to 25 years. Manchester secret: 'ine hypnotic power to Bill was the creation of Frank ii^ V I E AUDIJENCEt SheinwoW on Brid^p Heraldinff Homes doud men's minds so they can­ and Anne (lummert, who creat­ Hospital Notes j jLe¥****GtjlOC^****** Has No Tomorrows Left not see him." The oompleat ra­ ed doeens of successful soaps, A:8ERVICC O f MM-MAKERS EVEN A mOH CABD dio hero, a character so vivid r-;, AND THEATERS. MAY REALLY BE LOW NORTH Continued Page One) Including David Harum, Heloi VORDfO HOCB8 Browning, King sponsored the you couldn’t see him. Trent, Our Gal Sunday and Th «9t apply to films - ♦ K 9 ^ 2 ten minute of times to the fia Can Seni- ftlssssrf shsf Nov 1. tfiOS By ALFRED SHEINWOUI Browning, King Orchestra and Hallowe’en Eve, 1938, radio Backstage Wife: "The story of ______17 AQ7 i-S pjm., aafi 4 pun. 0 62 A House Full of Clever Ideas Queensboro Corporation to sell never once mentioned they stild drama proved its credibility. t h is _ SEAL Mary NoUe, a little Iowa girl i pun.; pBtvato'neM, M j "Things are seldom what they 4 KQJ5 houses in Jackson Helghjts, N.Y. clothes. The A and P Gypsies The program began Innocently who married LarnyTfoMe, hand- S p.nl, aad 4 p -■ -a in ads kidlcatss the mm wee seem," said a famous satirist, It was radio’s first commercial. didn’t sell groceries, the Good­ enough: "The Columbia Broad­ some matinee idol, dream sweet- FMBattless l^u sn u allowed submHtsd end approved under but he was Just indulging his EAST rich Sllvertown Orchestra (fea­ casting System and its affiliat­ heart cf a mUUon other wo- aaiy Hiien aoMhB p.m.; the Motion Pieturs Codo bent for exaggeration. A seven ♦'■.s ♦ 84 Add 1 Page 1 HCR Golden ed etations present Orson Welles <7 J1062 1? K95 turing the famous silver mask­ offcaia, B p u n ^ p j i . - J. of Self-Rsgulation. or eight is usually a Ugh card, Radio, gg and the Mercury Theater on the 0 AK743 O QJ 10 9 8 ed tenor) didn’t sell tires—di­ Complicated ^ hardly the Mf Servlee: U pun., ;D Suggested fer GENERAL m,;ani. to encourage you to con­ "Let me enjoin upon you as rectly. air in "The War of the Worlds" •h A 10 2 4 9 8 6 word for It. On one soap, pretty 4 pjn.4 pan. audisness. tinue the suit you have opened. you value your health and your by H. G. WeUs. . ." Kitty KeUy, a character, got into lataMlve Gate and Coronary But there’s no harm in looking SOUTH And that’s how the Gold Dust S Suggested for MATURE hopes and your home happi­ ’Twins, the Ipana ’Troubadours Then there was a strange cut an elefvator one Tuesday after- Caras Inunedlate Sswiiijr only, around to make sure that your 4 AQJ 1073 /7 843 ness, get away from the solid and the aiquot Club Eskimos to the Meridian Room 'of the noon and did not reach the fimlted to fhre mla- audisness (psrsntal dIsera-. partner’s card is exactly what masses of brick, where the Hotel Park Plaza and the "live” sixth floor until the following ; tion sdvissd). it seems to be. Even satire isn’t were bom. And why radio’s 4 r 9 4 3 meager opening admitting a "name” stars, Billy Jones and music of Ramon Raquello and Friday. HBteraHy: Fotbera, U a.m. B RESTRICTED — Parsons always wrong. North slant of sunlight is \nockingly Ernest Hare, masqueraded as his orchestra. The studio ^ It’s not that (he soap opera Us« pja., and BsSB p.m.4 under 16 not sdmittsd, un­ North dealer. South West called a light shaft, and where announcer broke in wlUi a bul­ the Happiness Boys (for Hap­ tried to mirror the housowives’ pjn-t otteta, S p.m.-4 pun., and less accompanisd by parsirt East-West vulnerable. 1 4 Double children grow up starved for a letin from the Jennings Observ­ reality. They tried to minxxr pun.-B pjB. Opening lead—King of Dia­ Pass 4 4 All Pass piness Candy), .the Taystee atory in C%icago, something or adult guardian. run over a patch of grass and loafers, the Best Foods Boys fantasies: The 86-year-

d stand for a small tray. U H t - /rv But radio’s great success was Wynn the Texaco Flrechlef, In- In 1947, Bob Hope and Fibber fin, Marlborough; a daughter to does it. 'the kltohen Is a colorful con­ Hil 6 ((A • HOI lUN NORM not its business success. Radio Party, 1:80, 8:26; Good Guys, ycHted the studio audience so McGee and Molly were tied for Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Oebel, 6:80, 9:26; The .Green Berets, Mrs. Alvin Hirschfeld of 81 trast with bright orange chairs, was an entertainment success. he could play his lines off of the lead in the Hooper ratings Storrs; a son to Mr. and Mrs. 7:00. Mountain Road, Manchester, is orange burlap covered bulletin PRI. - SAT.. SUN. We don’t remember ’TV shovys with a 80.2 (the number (s the Danny Byram, 89 Birch St.; a the lady who has so many bour:l and orange novelty plates something that would respond. Cinema I — Alice’s Restau­ we watched last month ibut we’ll And tho\)gh they seldom saw p ^ e n ta g e of all the radloe son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert "PUTNEY SWOPE" -Tdever Ideas that she is contin­ hung on a beige wall. Kitchen never forget radio programs we rant, 2:00, 4:80, 7:00, 9:30. ually putting them to use here anything other than a line of that were tuned in to those Bllnn, 161 Ellington Rd., South Cinema n — F^mny Girl, 2:00, The Truth and Soul Movie appliances arc brown. Tlw heard 20, 80 years ago. Hie rea­ ' and there and everywhere in kitchen table extends from a actors on folding chairs seated shows). Jock Benny’s Hooper Windsor, 8 :00. JM raltDf. son is that when you listened rating was 27. By I960 their rat­ her home. built-in shelf counter and is behind a couple of microphones, Exdwstvs to radio you had to fill in the audiences clamored to watch a ings, respectively, ware down to DISCHARGED Y E S T E R - I N E M A 1 An unusual porch, reminding movable to suit the family’s missing parts. Radio Involved radio show. 13.9, 16.9, and 28.8 and in 1964, = Frederick W. Hyde, 96 m i ‘.'d’l.y i8[.cri k r xmiDLifl one of 11 picnic shelter in a rec­ needa An original rtlll life you. Soap operas came to radio with the end Just a matter of Donway Rd.; Mrs. Barbara C. H ELD O V ER reation park, becomes the en­ painting of Mrs. Hlrschfold’s in QtiVf Radio had to create word - early In the SO’s and, like the time,II— their----- ratings^ were Brewer, 2.6, 8.0100 Scott Dr.; Nell trance. The smell of cedar is which she has used tones ol pictures so vivid you could comedy shows, stayed to the &Jld 6,8, ■“Paterson, a\r»104 A>cAiuwukBaldwin Rd.;nu. i h id W EEK ! unmistakable Vrom the under­ brown with black hangs over "see" them. Like The Shadow, end. Ma Perkins, "America’s Horfleld Weedin, director of Wyile, 68 McKinley St.; side of the peaked porch roof. the refrigerator. An antique that "mysterious ohar^ter who Mo!ther of the Air” and radio’s networkBtwork programs for CBS ra­ra- *’^*®bael P. Ondek, East Hart- Slw dgj of Inside, blown up candid copper wasli tub, often used us aids the forces of law and order ford; Mrs. Mildred B. DeCan- photos of the four Hirschfeld a fireplace accessory, becomes Ismt soap, finally said goodbye dio, said: "We honestly expect­ , WootMockl and is, in reoUty, Lament Jum 24. 1900, after 7.068 broad­ WL*ed 4CSU1Vradio tow die uie when wnen television Leievuiofi --- IrelMd Dr., Coventry; , Today A Sun. "Good Guys A Hod Giqrs” a t SdS A S:W children are mounted in collage a dry goods storage container Cranston, wealthy young mon- casts -more than 2,800 conse- came In. The way silent movies S. Darna, 877 W. Middle fashion on the foyer wall. The in this home. about-town. Several years ago. cutlye hours with Ma, Fay BSd- died when talkies started.” Tpke.; Mrs. Martha S. McKen- r-. m m j„ wall-mounted hat rack in the 77ic dining room, although dle end Shuffie and the Rush- The late Bud (3ollyer, To Tell Broad St.; Mrs. Sylvia @ GUTHRIE ROBEFT MOUM GKDR5E foyer holds hats to suit the rather small, appears formal yllle Center Lumber Yard. the Truth on television and Su- !^rlque, 17 Ridge St.; Elmer family’s fancy, — a Davy with French Provincial furnish­ IfUutAlUlcL Radio's first soap opera was perman (and, with his belt Weirs, RFD 2, Rockville; Ever- A l TCE'S ^BSOOBBUnUB Crockett coonsktn. a sailor’s ings. An old English folding Just Plain Bill, the story of the hitched up a notch, Clark Kent) Patten, 41 Hemlock St.; RE 5 rA.UR.A.Kir hat, a high silk hat, a cowboy screen with a pastoral scene in Hartylllo barber who had "mar­ on radio, said that the networks *’**'®- M. Wing, Spring- m Bu ims , hal. and maybe a couple of or­ suburd colors f!‘. < in a bare DRIVE-IN ried out of his rtatlon" and who Just surrendered, pointing to the Mass, dinary caps. "You know where corner. The centerpiece of profits in television sales and Also, Douglas E. Mecteau, I got the Idea?" Mrs. Hirsch- stones referred to earlier, 1. a programming. Amston; Christopher Warner, felcl asked. “ FYom C aptain K an­ collection of stones from places NOW thni SUN. Radio today is a different kind Mrs. Jean Wother- /4X/ w/mo/f garoo” Of course. far and near commemorating of medium, tt informs. It’s spoon. 28 Range Hill Dr., Ver- DRIVE IN ★ RT 5 The living room, In varying special occasions. One, with the "NOW I'VE SEEN background. News, music, ball Tracy Collier, 281 Center degrees of whiteness creates formation of on "M" In differ­ EVERYTHING.” scores. Radio la no longer an ®t.; David F. Larrimore, 871 a setting for a collection of art ent stone, Is for son Marc who :A — B#v«rty Hillt CcHirt^r entertainment medium. Adams St.; William R. Phllllpa, They took thoir stand at the Westh Uoodiost frarfierl and artifacts over the white found It at cam p one sum m er. Where are the old shows? Clark Rd.. Belton; Leiwellyn mibby linen upholstered aofn These stones are piled on a Armed forces radio, today’s Wilson, West WllUngton; Ed- and a colorful oriental mat over footed wooden carving board most creatively programmed niund Phillips, East Hartford; the fireplace. Accents of black under a glass dome. radio, still plays some of them. Henry Grzejka, Old Post Rd., and gold are provided in black An o]>cn shelf wall separates If you Join,up you can hear X- Tolland; Mrs. J^an H. McCar- and gold sofa cushions, black the dining room from the sun in a comer of the living rdom, Mrs. HirsclifoUl rejids-with Marc and Darya , Al and gold covered chairs and the Minus One In Germany. Lights thy, Blast Hartford; Mrs. Bea- room. Mrs. Hirst-hfeld uses this while Erica watches Stephen write a note. Out! In Spain, Sagebrush trice W. Cole, 67 Lexington D r.; gold in a blue figured china cof­ shelf unit to display special BURNSIDE Theater in Micronesia and Stella D. Roavazino, 13 Linden Agnes Davis fee set. plecee of glooirware and (hlJUi 5fio miRNSinf. Avr iast hamtforo ^ a n k Bresee's fine anthology Pi., Rockville; Mrs. Jonle E. Of special note 1. a very low. os well as Mxiie unique items. FREE PARKING ^28 .3333 oT old shows, Golden Days of Donohue, 292 B. Green Rd.; long tabic arrangement beneath Place mats made of flat trans. PMAVMW«tKMM(OlMai«HiiWAIWIMm UVItian Radio, even in Vietnam. Harvey J. Bachand, 37 Village the picture w^low. Wliat re­ hx-ent shells are arranged sembles an oriental table Is ac­ Go-mt Ratod “M** St., Rockville; Gerald F. Shar- standing on the top shelf to look low. East Hartford; Mrs. Nora PANAVBION* TKHNKWM* From WMNH N0$.-SEV» MlSlff tually the two extension leaves ornamental- rather Uuin prai-tl- Slor> Ky Reid, 213 Green Rd.; Paul C. Co-Hlt "The Green Beieta” Today A Sun. ahown a t 7rta from the dining room table c.'iJ And the piet-e cle rejristance Kaiser, South Glastonbury; plaeed end to end. Memwitos is a cluster eg clear baubles, Jiini’ B. Tiiiii|ikiiis Clarence W. Chister, 122 of the Hlrschfelds’ travels to not unlike chandelier prisms, Asptnall Dr., Andover; M n. Greece, Ireland and Israel are which is really a huge collar- Plioifts By Margaret Cheseey, RFD 1, Hue Green Berets readily apparent. A warf from .Alhrri Buci’iviriiis Tolland; Mrs. Helen E. Flrtier, Iceland In the natural shadM (Hee I’sg e Four) dan[FONDaciaionRp6ap 18 N. Elm St. of the native sheap (off-whllea. DEane}OnE§«KlpM3R3i MU®IV ® Also, Mrs. William \Thomaa You aad your family may grays and tans) hiuigs casually (COUNT THE POSSIBILITIES) and twin sons, 29 Deerfield not be sauce lovers, but all at one side of the fireplace. And TtCHNICOt.CM« PIKMIWARMIII M t O B .il “THE MODEL SHOP” Lune, Wapplng; Mrs. Edward homemedters should know n huge whale's tooth marks the Mull and son, 41 Orchard St., how to make a good sauce Globe lamp and skirted table create Victorian area in little girl’s room. center of the mantel. Rockville; Mrs. Leo F’ontalne . . . Cream Sauce. White and daughter. Standlsh Rd., Sauce, Momay Souce or Coventry. White-Wine Sauce. To per­ fect the art of sauce mak­ .-..ilOHN - DAVID ing, the cook must luiow not otuy the method but the pur- HELD OVER Srd WEEK! poae—which, to the caee of Wayne i Ia n ssen SATURDAY “The Beat of the New Sex- white sauce, is primarily to a.oR>paN«MisiON>pnoM wasNsn snoe-aavaN aura l V FUma’’—(Playboy gtaae food. The rtilcken, fish NIGHTS or iweat diould be placed on TODAY AND SUNDAY i the serving plattM- and the SPECIAL YOUTH SHOW Sauce, Mornoy Sauce or ovor it. When the platter is SHOWS AT 1:30 and 3:15 put in a hot oven or under the broiler, a thin, lustrous I k f t and appetoting film is achiev­ ed. Try garnMiiog your next dinner m e^ with a deUcious It 8 The Silliest P^rty DAVID'S aauoa (fomcrljr Stealgy Gmalg) Better yet, come to MR. of the Year... MANCHESTER PARKADE VIXEN. STEAK, 244 Center St, RESTAURANT 646-1996. The only work involved is getting here. and you re all invited I FINE FOODS AND COCKTAILS m T H m f O R D We are America’s favor­ ! SING-A-LONG LOVELY COLONIAL DEOOB ^ WITH ★ ite family restaurant and ddight in serving chil­ SPECIAL dren. We have a very M 9 D KAY PAULSEN special menu just for ■ERNIE iENTLEY ON iANJO SIZZLING THICK JUICY .I—t^JfffllE A S t thm. You’re also sore HIP STEAK • 3 . 9 5 "A Bemarkable Film" to find our luncheon . r COUNTRY SQUIRE —Judith Cbrtst mom most inviting. We E UVE A UTTLE ------TRY are <^)«i Sundays, too! HIP STEAK FOR TWO • 7 . 7 5 “The Beat Ptrture about patosr Young People I ba\-e oeeu" HELPFUL HINT OPEN SUNIXAYfi FX» DINNERS A COCKTAIUS l olui Theker, ABC-T\’ When plartng fruit in a brass NOON TO 8 PM . bowl, Ikw tho bowl with ^ S T SUMMER’' nraa wrap firat to protect DAVID'S (CliOAED MONDAYS) tho bowL Mon.-FrL Bvea at ALL SEATS 8Se p MANCHESTER PARKAME—444-2S85 (ChUdivn’s Menu Available) ROUTE >8, EtXJNOTON, NN. 8at--SiUL Your Hoat: Robert P. Oaiett-— Next to OleMMy’s Uiaiber t :46-8 :<*-T :I6-»<16 Pop posters enliven the Read Herald Ads f : COLOR CARTOONS panei^ walU of the boys' room. igjw talile u,n

' -III A : \' P A G E F O U R •V' w MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1969 EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1969 P A G E F IV E them find the owner of the V Nearsighted glasses, and word that police In $4.9 Billion BUI: 6,000 Planes knew about the spectacles PIZZA-IN-A-WINK leaked out. .. Killer Sought In addition to correcting near­ Weicker Seeks to Return Doii^ Bst OsM n m Listed Lost Tiny Treasures ^ sightedness, the glasses—as de­ Business Bodies Trr Urnfm Osok Tsm elf FIm bw scribed by Helder and Dr. In Tate Case H t • MhMrtss and Piaots Tan Baro Wayne W. Hoeft, one of the first Humanism to City Renewal ; In Vietnam Miniatures Shop ■ I ■ ‘ ■ JOINS ROOEB8 I/)8 ANGELES (AP) — Pto- optometrists to examine them 1968. He is a member of the As­ WASHINGTON (AP) —Each I S^GON (AP) _ Tlie U.8. yesterday and Thursday, in Sy­ I '‘DoR House MiiNoturos” —indicate their owner was be­ The ' over-all housing biU O r L e t B a y O sok ^ laklesM Francis S. Keery of Rockville sociation of Computing Ma­ racuse, N.Y. I Uce have disclosed that the per­ housinig unit deatroyed by an ur­ lOommand announced today Omt has Joined Rogers Corp., here chinery, and a representative to tween 20 and 40 years old with a passed 389-9 Mlowing three MMhMi David Morse, manager of Ag- 192 Hartford Rd. Monchostur ■ son who killed actress Sharon ban renewal program would jAmeiican aircraft hnses in the Vernon PTO OouncU. White small head, characterized by days of debates. It oontalnB au­ as product q>eciali8t, Mektron. way, said the delegation in­ have to be replaced by a new OAU. .Vietnam have reached 6,000, also received a certified data (AcroM from Fabric Cig>board) " Tate and four others last August Heoft as "v(dleyball-shi4>ed," thorizations for urban renewal Holder of B.S.E.E. and M.B.A. cluded Jack Goodrich, THte one at the project slbe under ^ pint-RAn ^ ^representing ah estlmeted 66 processing certificate from the Bourse Monday Umi Saturday | dropped a pcUr of spectacles in­ and had ears close to his face. and other major housing pro­ degrees from University of De­ Hale, George Magnusen, Jack tern™ of a 34.9 bUlion bUl IM 8FBOCB 8TBEBT billion. Data Processing Management 19 A M . to 4 PJM. Hoeft said the left ear \vas a grams. troit and Western New EIngland Bond, Harry Magnusen, Georgs dicating he was nearsighted. passed by the House. THE ONLY ORIGINAL PIZZA SHOP IN TOWN AssocitOion. Phone •4»-{aM quarter to a half Inch higher In an interview with radio H ie weekly summaiy of Mr- OoUega, 1996 and 1666 roqwet- Kingsbury, Antonio Perrmchlo, They believe this may lead to Rep. Lowell P. Weicker Jr., than the right, the eyes were station WKX:, Bridgeport, craft losses listed S,U4 A native of Windsor, White is Michael Lepter, Edwi^rd Lugin- R^onn., sponsor of the unprece­ married to the former Miss - J capture of the killer. wide apart, and the wearer was Cemn., after the House vote, tet» of half a doaen types and buhl, Edward Gerber, Martin dented provision approved Paitricia CandUn o f Manohestw. Detectives said Thursday they active enough to require break- Weicker, a freshman, described “ 8.886 fixed-wing aircraft includ- Krlstoff, Lawrence Coulter, Mi*, They have one child. found the thlck-lensed tortoise resistant plastic lenses, yet Thursday by a nonrecon) 116-92 hls victory as "heartwarming." iBE figMer-bomben and and Mrs. Lee Dlnny, Mr. and; shell eyeglasses when they dis­ careless enough to scratch them vote, argued It "wlH put the iw- ‘.‘Both Republicans and Demo­ t«*n^>orta lost to Norih and Mrs. Simon Upton, and KeXh man element back in urban re­ IN NEW POST covered the honey blonde Miss up. crats, conservatives and lR>er- South Vietnam ainoe Jan. l,196t. Goff, county agriculttuva agent. newal. Ririfi Tuelwr Walter L Erley of Glaston­ tate, 26, and four companions The owner "would have diffi­ als, 8outhemers and big city Tils summary said 1.368 beil- However, Rep. Thomas L. bury has been named to the Some 6,000 farmei^members slain last Aug. 9 in her Bel Air culty getting along" without Democrats, voted for it," he Town Trnasnrtr ooptsBz bad been deatroyed by of the cooperative met In Syra­ AaMey, D-OhlOk claimed it said. , newly created poaitimi of man­ home. glasses, Helder said. "He might cncniy gunners across South cuse for the meeting. Agway ia would "m ean the end of the pixv Weicker' called the adoption WKh husband Paul and 6 ^ ager of applications engineering Near Miss Tate’s body was be able to read, but he would children she lives at 4iS7 ■Vietnam and 10 shot down over a farmer-owned farm supply unson^s gram as we know it today and of hls provision "a victory for by RogCTs CorporaUon. He has the body of her former boy­ have a great deal of difficulty In East Center St. Graduate North Vietnam. Another 1,781 and food marketing business lock in the cities the peoide who people who have felt for a long served the company as molding friend, hair stylist Jay Sebring. (grating a vehicle." Police of Emmanuel C ollege, : heUooptera ha've been lost to owned by 106,(WO members in are living there now." period of time that urban re­ materials product manager Their heads were hooded and think the killer has replaced the graduate studies at Bos­ other causes as rocket, 12 northeastern states. Ih e authorization measure newal over the years had been since 1966. Joined by a cord. spectacles or soon will. ton um v Teacher of mortar and ground atiacks, ool- In addition to hearing reports Candy Kitchan will be subject to a oonterenoe perverted into something it was A graAiate the University speech, diiuna and Eng­ ™*0OB in the air and ntertiant- from management on Agway’s Where l)uallty Candy Is .Made Fresh Dally Outside the house were the with the Senate, which has ap­ nevery intended to be.” lish, Ruth is a member ^ oal trouble. of Illinois with a B.3. degree business year which closed June bodies of ^ coffee heiress Abigail proved a 36.3 billion measure. The Urban Renewal Act, said L.iimanuel Alumnae As­ In physics, Mr. Erley Joined In the flxed-wing category. 30, members voted on six nomi­ f'hnose From tKer tOO Varieties Folger, Polish playboy Voityck The Senate bill, although it oon- Weicker, had become "the Great soc. and Women’s Club of Rogers as a sales engineer in MCC Professor 921 |8anes were riwt down over nees to the organisation’s board Frokowsky and Stephen Parent, taine nothing similar to the Shopping Plaza Renewal Act, Manch. She is chairman 1962. He advanced to midwest 'N o I pasty Is ra i p i rtti TiUksal ore North Vietnam and 892 over of directors. The board is made friend of a caretaker. UConn Speaker Weicker proposal, would pro­ rather than one that dealt wMh of Ways A Means for 8t. regional sales manager in 1980. Bartholomew Guild. South Vietnam. H ie summary up of 18 directors, all farmers. All were shot, stabbed or vide for the first time tl»t the people and homes." 4rild 1,678 irianes were lost due He is a member of the Society MUOWEEN CMDY both. John R. Burton, assistant pro­ federal governm^ woidd be'* Weicker said he had not clear­ to all other nniinnn of PlEtstlc Engineers. A feature of the meeting was fessor of business at Manches­ authorized to "pay part o f the the annusd Agway Farm Show Blrek and onsage pm am i breter kisoeo Ckocolate The eyglasses. Detective Lt. ed his provision with the admin­ IGlltery i^tokesmen sold there Hatlowaan popa> , tiled chocolate no%‘eltleo— ter Community Ocdlege, will public hoiaing tenanta’ rent. in the exhibit hall of Onondaga Robert Holder told a news istration. are now about 8,600 U.B. heli­ PROMOTED Me pumpidns filled nith nuidy—assorted Hollo- address the Connecticut Home Weicker said preaent law de­ "I may have hit a home nm George D. Gilbert has been Charles A. Banks, of 240 Early In hls career. Banks County War Memorial, covering weed 2 conference ‘niursday, were For The ACTION Team copters and more than 1,000 FriuMla B. K e n y 60.000 square feet and display­ found inside the home, where Economics Association at the mands neidaoenient housing be when Iwas supposed to bunt,” fixed-wing planes operating proihoted to assistant vice pres­ Green Rd., retired after 80 Joined the Farm Loan Depart­ University of Connecticut on located for those whose homes he said. "I may get chewed out Ively, he will provide technical ident of sales in the West Hart- years with the Connecticut Mu­ ment and was named agricul­ ing the latest In Agway products they "probably fell off^during a Oct. 31. VOTE DEMOCRATIC irom bases in South Vletmm. (uid servicee in 80 exhibits and struggle." are destroyed by urban tenewal when I get back to the dugout.” marketing support for Rogers’ tual Life Insurance Co. At a tural loan assistant In 1962. Two A la Captain Kangaroo— ^the variety hat rack. He will speak at a luncheon projects but there is iV) requiie- Tbis ad sponsored by the electronic products, many of party held by the company in years later he was named as­ demonstrations. Police tried to keep the glass­ In the past week, the U.S. on "Who Is Best Prepared for ment that housing be created in Bfancbeeter Democratic Town Committee which are used in the computer hls honor, Etanks received re­ sistant manager and then in es a secret, Helder said, be­ the Responsibility of Teaching the same cuea. Boger Negro, Treas. Command said, six fixed-wing tirement gifts ranging from a BRIEFS Heralding Homes craft and seven helicc^tters and aerospace Industries. Be­ 1957, he was designated man­ cause they were useful in lie de­ Consumer Education?" He said there would be no I KODAK-POLAROID bowling ball to a portable TV. George W. England a former were lost. AH the helicopters fore Joining Rogers, Keery was ager, agricultural loans. tector tests as long as suspects Burton is completing doctoral change in d>e current provision CML Pnesldent, Eldward B. resident of Manchester, present­ AGENCY ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ were shot down and of the a senior engineer at Hamilton He has been active in tympa­ weren't aware detectives knew Htudies in business education at requiring 20 per cent of die Bates, placed the rare 60-year ly Hvlng in Stamford, has been DISCOUNT PRICES fixed-wing aircraft two were Standard Dlv., UAC, Windsor ny and community activities for about them. UConn. He has a BS from the units be for families with low or pin on his lapel. named branch manager of the shot down and the others were Ix>cks, Clsted its seventh we ek to- pletely a p ^ from the rest of et, and their two ch ild i^ on Fabric Fair, first incorporat­ Mrs. Hlrschfeld bought a decou- r day, but the U.S. Oommand re- Gilbert lives with his wife, the house, is the room that ^ported sUghtiy kicreaaad enemy Eleanor, at 10 Gardner St. Duncaster La. ed in 1968 as Bernard Abrams poge kit and with a diversified sons Marc and 8tephen call Potholes, Washboard Associates, by the start of this assortment of old newspaper ads ^actively along the Cambodian their own. Bunk beds and PROMOTED AT ANDBB80N ASfilSTANT CONTROtXJCR year had become the largest op­ with such slog^ans ns ‘"rime to ^ond Laotian bordere. drawer units combined with a David F. Acker, of Vernon, Promotion of Daniel J. O’Con­ erator of leased store depart­ Retire with BMsk" luid "Do You • ReqxMiding to the pooslblUty ALL TREAT no tricks are Shady (»len*s two favorite desk shelf complete the neces­ Celebrated in Novel has been promoted to manager nell of 28 Northfleld St. to the ments In the country. U controls Have Tired Blood,” etc., cov­ ;that the Viet Cong and North sary furnishings. The boys of the advanced electronic sys­ position of assistant controller ill fabric and domestic depart­ ered a circular metal table that 8Vietnam«ae are positlaning have added their own art hang­ A Manchester novelist in her book, “The O.B's,” has tems development department has been arjnounced by Edward ments In 06 stores. Halloween fla v o r s - LICORICE CHIP and PUMPKIN ICE has become the center of many l.troops for a winter-spring cam- ings imd whlmsieB for "that an obstetrician say of the roads in her fictional Mitchell of Anderson laboratories In J. Shages, president, Cushman In 1966 the corporation a conversation. Bentwood chairs •poign, U.S. B82a attacked ene- personal touch.” Marc even City, “ You don’t have to see the city line to know where Ijny staging areas78 mUes Bloomfield. Industries, Inc., of Hartford, acquired the chain of Garwood complete the setting. A large divlaiim of the multi-line opera­ Department Stores, which are boasts of his own phone. But you are. Pot holes and washboards I There’s one by the Jlnorthwest of Saigon near ttie Acker graduated from Rens­ CREAM . . . Perfect too, for those Special Parties! puppet made by Marc hongs Stephen shares It. rotary I hit every day.’’ tions department at The selaer Polytechnic Institute in located In Atlantic Cltyi Vine- clownishly from one comer. -Cambodian border and Infiltra- c Travelers Insurance Companies. land and Cherry Hill, N.J., and With four children ranging In The author, Mrs. Virginia 2tion corridors leading from Laoa 1961 with a B.S.E.E. degree and A graduate of Loomis School, Norristown, Pa. A green dyed rug of luxuriant age from 8 to IS, Mrs. Hlrsoh- Mercer, said, “ I used what I •Into the A Shau Valley west of worked as a design engineer for White received a B.S. degree Otoer Fabric Fair stores are sheepskin from Iceland keeps feld finds time for PTA activity, knew about Manchester to write ri>a Nuig. the Raytheon Co. in Wayland, daughter Darya's toes warm in Hadosaah, B’nal B’rith and the the story. The point of that doc­ from Trinity College In Hart­ Mass., until 1966. During that at 711 Park Bt, In Hartford, Cor­ U.S. reconnaissance patrola bins Corner in West Hartford Shads^ SiohsA, her bedroom decorated In Manchester Memorial Hospital tor’s statement was that such a ford and Joined the company in time he completed . require- *and Navy patrol b o ^ screening and In Norwich and Peekslll, shades of green. weedthy city should have (»ich Auxiliary. Mr. Hlrschfeld, a •Infittratlon routes near Saigon N.Y. New stores will open this TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS An aura of gold pervades the absolutely miserable roads.” certified public accountant, en­ ■killed 60 enemy aolibers in half year In Old Saybrook and Weat- B3. 6 A 44A — Opsa Dally Mrt lhre.| Pkrtnde BfMMk — Mtm. tiuu Sat. master bedroom with walls, joys tennis and teaches account­ Money, or the lack of It, is JJb dosen small sMrmlahes and port. (Jaka dmt BAules Eleg) draperies and bed cover In ing and auditing evenings at the the "root” cause of the town’s • reported one American killed. FCC Rules in Favor ( ) matching hue. A small Vlotorl- University of Hartford. poor roads, according to town T ^ "There are definite indlca- WN'IETY MEMBER officials. This is their answer Reprinted • tions the enemy is preparing to 'ITiomas C. McPortland, 628 E. to Irate motinists and the Judge presume his offensive activity,” Hearald Of Cable Television Center St. has been elected to when suits for road-caused dam­ ■one official source sold. "The No Public Outcry Expected 8/28/66 active membership In tlw Pub­ age appear in court. rilmlng is uncertain. He la pre- WASHINGTON (AP) — Ca- note programs "to a significant lic Roiations Soclsty Amsrt- The loss in ruined front ends ^ peuing to give himself the option ble-TV will grt its chance to extent” starting Jan. 1, 1971. at Over Liberalized Pensions on cars, flooded streets, lawns "of launching a winter-spring show what it can do, but the Only about 10 per cent of the nation's 2,000 cable systems are and cellars, and store customers 'cam paign, but whether he de- Federal Communications Com­ The By JOB HALL driving to other towns is haid fcCldes to launch one is another big enough to come under this In addition, mivny members mission doesn’t think regular Associated Press Writer to measime, he said. • question." requirement. (Hr in office and thus the plan Is network and local television liable only for survivorship pay­ But until Manchester makes • Meanwhile, the U.S. Ctom- In some munlclpallUss, ha WASHINGTON (AP) — Top broadcasters have to worry ments to their widows. some move, people will con­ ITmand pushed ahead with the said, local rules prohibited pro­ congressional pensions, Incnuis- about being upstaged. Monroney was a coautlior of tinue to refer to it in novels gram origination by caMs-TV Ing nearly 3% times since the • Vietnamizatkm of the war and The commission announced the 1946 ('ongrcsslonnl Reorgan­ and newspapers as the town and the new fXXI rule wipes out Daniel J. fVConaeil plan was born amid controversy Tturned over to the South Viet- new rules Friday that require ization Act which created the with the car-mangling pot holes such restrictions. in 1948, are being llbcrali/ed “namese 18th infantry Divlaton large cable systems to originate manufacturers of power and pension pliui. and washboard roads. Lthe first major U.S. b4toe rs- But^even where there were ru> again but it probably won't ■I--- f ■ fc- .It. -jiai-ijjs their own programs in competi­ restrictions, cable systems have manually operated workholding bring a fresh uproar. The great increase In pensions With few town roads gflving leased in the Srd Corps Area tion with the networks and ex­ equipment. hiiH taken' place because of the the town civio pride, what is •.which kicludes Saigon. It is the been reluctant to Invest the Many congressmen say the isting Studios and guarantees money It takes —p e r h a p s O'Connell Joined the Cushman sharp rise In congressional sala- Manchester doing? ■sprawling Black Horse base criticism which led some out­ POTHOLE ON WEST MIDDLE TDENPIKE the same right to smaller sys­ 3100,OCX) each—to gear up or organization In 1963 and has rie.M since the two are tied to­ ecam p 40 milea east of Saigmi. It raged citizen to send derisive PHOTO TAKEN 1 6 /n /M tems. The FCC also ruled cable original programming, as long been manager of the costs, gether. 'w a s the base for the U.S. 11th 177 EarHord tM’CN MTHDATSl "bundles to Congress" In the TV operators will be allowed to as it was uncertain what the budgets and payroll deportment The 1946 law fixed a congres­ • Armm^ed Cavalry Regiment im- 1940s has died down and the present some paid commercials. FCC programming policy would since January of this year. Be­ la AJI. 6 r Ji. sional salary of 312,600 and a OaUyi t : » 9 : l 6 plan seldom Is an Issue In elec­ HtU last June and since then has Specific rules are to be pub­ be. fore this he has been associated Arross from nmxlinum ]>cnHton of 310,000. (1XWKO AA’n BOAVS tion campaigns. •been the base for the U.S. 199th lish ^ next week and wlB take Friday’s order approving pro­ with Skinner Precision Indus­ ONnuuoilty CaBsfte The pension is equal to 2.8 per Tlnfantry Brigade. Ws Bsare CAP A bill signed Into law by Pres­ effect SO days later. gram origination and commer­ tries. Pratt * Whitney Aircraft, cent times years of service • There has been qwculadon and Combustion Engineering ident Nixon this week <'ontolns a The commission’s top authori­ cials, said Schlldhause, would'in times Uie average luinual salary •that both the llth Armored Rag- ty on cable TV says, however, where he was a member of the slight liberalization to enable In the lost tlirec years. effect "tell the cable people to members with long service to ^ment and the 199th Brigade will that cable TV can’t do Its best go ahead and buy equipment." accounting departments. OPEN SUNDAYS^LOSED SATURDAYS got the maximum pension — The maximum payment Is 80 •be among the American units against conventional broadcast­ The FCC, viewing the multi­ He Is a veteran of the U.S. 334,000 a year—after Just three l>er cent of salary which re­ To Bring Back The “CHARM” ’ withdrawn from Vietnam in ers in the competition for view­ channel cable as a kind of elec­ Navy, Korean War. and grad­ AFTER 5:M years at the 342,000 salary quired 32 years of service. ►1970. ers until some other Issues are tronic superhighway right into uated In 1961 from the Unlver ca, the national organization of which took effect early this The representative or senator • On the political front, one of decided. the living room, said itNvould Blty of Hartford with a BS de­ BROCADES year. Formerly, it required five must servo at loitst five years to •the six pai^es in the political al- Perhaps the most crucial fight any legislation attempt to gree In business administration. professional public relattons years at the toj> salary to get be eligible for a pension. Nor­ .Uanoe President Nguyen Vsi^ .question, said Sol Schlldhause, keep cable systems from linking O'Cormell Is a member of the counsellors and managers. maximum pension. mally, he ciui Sturt getting pen­ 2*lhieu formed five months ^^ngoi chief of the FOC’s cable-TV task themselves into vast regional or Hartford (Chapter of the Na­ Marketing communications^ Prepare now for the holidaye ipith ace­ sion payments ul age 82. If he tional Association of Ac­ agency. Mcpartland was co- The bill also increased the ^withdrew today, aaylng the alU- force, in a news conference. Is national networks, perhaps aid­ tate type brocaden with emixiaaeti floral has servtsl 30 years, he can be­ ’ ancs had done nothing for the that of allowing cable systems countants. Pnjnder of the McPartland-Hld. 2 contribution a senator or repre- ed by satellite relairs. tentative must make to partlc- gin at age 60. • country. The dissidents repre- to bring signals from "distant" well advertising sgency. prede­ pattarna. 46” wiile. Bag. G I«S D 7<). pate In the plan from 7 Mi to 8 Although congressmen don't *sent one faction in the Hoa Hao TV broadcasting stations into or School for Trtdnen FABRIC HTORR OPKNH cessor rt of President 7 few young ladies and a few men nonexistent Friday and ViDOSnt M. Philip SHsog *4.98 asked the actuaries of the feder­ Nixon, although they say they • and teen-agers, are flocking to a Wasilewikl, prerident of the Ns-' lining. al system a couple of years ago are not taking ^sldes oh U.8. poli­ •etoR where a three-day —u of tional Aasoctatlon of Broadcast- to make a,separate calculation ers\ said iu would have no oom- Liv09 at 46 Adelaide Road with wif<> aind two chil­ ' V cy In Vietnam. '''■ .vV . ' ■'* 4 ' •i' Mpistole la In pregreee. m of the soundness of the congres- One of the organizers. Rex \ \ ( f *• The weapons range in price meiH unthith he had studied " ...... the dren. Mancheeter reeldent 23 years. Project man- \ TWILL BACK VELVETEEN '■ ^ " V ^ \' slonl. pensions. Wood, a electric utilities compa­ • from $4AB to IB.99. The pletole ruling thoroughly.. af«r Pratt k Whitney Aircraft. Metnlier South They reported, he said, that ny executive, said Friday: "It's ►can fin both Uaaks and tsirt The PtCC said, however, that Importad from Italy. Machine wazhable, this part of the system was In it would take "any action aeces- United Methodist Church. Pazt president Conn. time that 90 per cent of silent •'gas cartridges. 66” wida. Rag. $2.99 yd. Idaul for jiffy the black, that contributions for Americana began to show tangi­ on Nov. 4Hi “ Some of the little oM Isdiee sary" to protect eidsUng tree CooDcil of Churches. Chairman Conn. Stop Hunger televialan "should there be any members' of Congress were than ble evidence of their support of ►losded the wespona in the elan Pask Force, a project of Church World Service. jumpan or elagenra in a party draaa. 2.49 Bttverse effects.” w paying their benefits. our country." “ or outside to have them ready The reason, he explained, was •for Immediate uae. Actcally, the FCXI found it The group, which calls Itself SALB BND6 FRIDAY, OCTOBER SI that most members of Congress the "Silent Salisburlans," has ; ^ "Buyers said they wanted the necessary to ahoee the new par- VOTE REPUBLICAN serve well beyond the normal not decided exactly what It will / ••plaloia tor protecthm because of former into the spotlight, wtth retirement age and thus draw do in the capital, but will travel . TerMnc the strrets. tta rule requiring cable-TV sys­ *7 Mh. OPEN SUNDAYS-CLOSED SATURDAYS SpMisorgti by Democratk Town R«t«r Ncgra. T n m . MeNcute, benefits for a shorter period by bus and plana to return the • No Ueanse is required to carry tems srttb, more than 3,600 than the usual retired person. same day. p I/' thiei wespoos. but the purefass- subeertbera to ' m aintain tele- • sr zafist bt oesr U yssia oU. oasting equipment and to ortgl- li

\ \ •r-A . « ,4,4 V P A G E SIX MANCHISyriSK EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1969 \ ______MANCHEiyfER EVENING HEKALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1969 P A G E S E V E N 4% Drop Noted Dance to the “ Nutty Reviaw'’, — News for Senior Citizens Happenings a b e ^ from HoittonL Hebron u r c h e s STAR . GAXElC*iV> In Idle Oaims EGHS Gym, .8 p.m.-m4dnlght III Bohan 8t. John's Polish National -ByCLAYILPOIXAN- For Teens * Halloween Dance to the “ Down Properly Lists St. Bartholoinew’s Chorch Calvary Church U ltA A 4 per oeut drop In miem- B y WALLY FORTIN Catholic Chureh Bev. PhOlp Hnasejr, Pastor W UAM.2> M Your Daily AtHvHy GukU M DIRMTTOB Sataiday Oot 28 Beota” Open to the Junior and Mrs. Potter (Assemblies of God) t According to Iho Stan. » ploymsnt ocmpensstlaa claims nr .. ^ ** senior Hnaeea of BCHB. Are Due at Town Bov. Walter A. Hyssko, Rev. Edward M. LaRose It •47 E. Middle Tpke. To develop message for Sunday, OCT.’\er. 22* was reported for hwt week In Hello everybody. It seenu Uke quist, as we could well put our- WoddeU Scfaort Auditorium, 1 *Eaat Side Bee, a t, Pastor As^stant Pastor -.■) 2- A-7^40 To Head Girl Bev. K. h . Oostalsoa, corresponding to numbers 19-21-25-39-42^ the Manchester office of the our column is mostly about selves in his position. We will p.m., 90 minute film—“ wiHle OP**» 8:80 a.m.-6 p.m. 73-74-73>-74-75^.. Office by Nov. I Pastor of your Zodiac birth siga atMs Lnhor D^Mitment. The trips, eltber^ taken or planned be seeing those slides at a later McBeen end His Ha- *Weet Side Roc, Cedar St.. Masses at 8:30 and 10(80 a.m. 7:30, 9, 10:15 and 11:80 a.m., SCORPIO Scout Fund Drivie 1 (dM( 31 Con tots* was 842 for 4he w«ek end- (gr a later date, and ao today date, however. For a fill in, the Nov. 1 la the final day for Masses. 61 Volue OCT. 23 ( Chino,’’ sponsored by the Beta ,, . 9:80 a.m., Sunday School, 2 D«dicot«d 32 Suptrion 62 1 ^ ^ 18 e tm v n rtA to 864 4, ^ exception. group was treated to filing peraonal property declara­ , Mrs. Warren L. Potter -has \ Gospel Hall classes for all ages. Nursery 3 For 33 For 63 Slip WOT. 2f eeelng 1-23-33-35 4 Effort 34 Bo for the week endbig Oot. 11. We have two buses loaded fbr some slides of the home races been sippototsd general cam­ " 415 Center St. St. Bridget Church care facilities. -762-A7-«9 64And ^ 1- 3. 6-17^. tions. Harold Maddocka, nisna SGood 35 Two 65 Up mStatewide awrww cchilnis ju m increased a r trln to the Ice eva d es, they attended, aa weU as the fit oe various Manoheater duir- Bev, John J, Delaney, Pastor 10:80 a.m.. Divine Worship. MMINI 6 EKpr«Ming 36Wotch 66 So IS2055 ^ M r, will be at the Town Office paign (toolrmon of Bolton for ll^a.m.. Breaking bread. 7 Grooming 37 Active 67 Disoppoirfr taeiTTAuus for tWa trip Is Red Sox baU game, ao all 5wmg. •-These acttvttlas requiiti Bev. Kenneth J. FrlaMe “ Reformation Sunday*’ observ­ 21 8 Ut 38 You 68 Out Building then from 9 a.m. to the 1969 finance drive of the 11:45 a.m., Sunday School. 9Th* Sunday, Nov. 28, at the 8:80 wasn’t lost after aU on rw*^**” ataters get to memberafaip cards atvaUahle at Bev. Harry McBrleo ance. 39Afroid 69 Rorrtonticolly Ing week lost year was 20,980. ' Connecticut Valley Girt Scout 7 p.m., Gospel meeting. to lOStors 40Foith 70 It'll ------■ ___ . . p.m. performance. This means Next weeks Fun-Day will fea- E O M k.™. o the Recreation Center, UO Cedar noon and 1 to 4 p.m., to aasiat ------7:80 p.m., F’amliy 11 Otfiors MC. 21 ^ 1 Council. Mrs. Potter sad her gospel ^6-21-31-34 41 Lot 71 Hoepftolity H a ^ o t ^ wlto 8,7I» ClahM, iTpleiity of Ume, however, tiu-e a costume parade, Hallo­ * P-™;;>n‘ we had to make reservationa ween games, and a short “ skit’’ Se’n to r^ C ^ ” * ' ^ ' ^ ^ ° ® ^ p W itgj your W(ittor Reciea- A penalty of 10 per ceiyt aa the church. 9:15, 10:30 and 12:00 music, and Bible message. CANCIR 14 Hgify 44 Nothing It was fcOowed by Bridgeport scouting circles for some time. M l Main 8t 74 Your CAPRICORN early, to assure ue of gettiag by some of the members. Tnim r ? *? ’ o_. ttofi Program for k detailed list In the auditorium. J(/ME 21 15 Bocomo 45$togo 7SPIoni with 8,880, New Haven with Teen Center, Schoct St., 7:80- of activities preacribed by law, will be' add­ 'ITwlr children have olao been MaJ. Kenneth Lance, 16 Spfttr^l 46 In 76 Be seats for the matinee. The Sounds like a good time, so ed to all Uata not properly filed — Church of Jesus Christ of 22 . 17 Artistic 47 Your , 2,901, and Waterbury with 2,8«7. T . j-n-t vou 11 p.m.—Dance to the “ Pidf active to the scout programa. Officer fn Charge 77 Mountoinc JAH. It V K St. James' Church latter-day Saints (Mormon) l6T«rKkrKi«t 48 Of 78 Avoided Manchenter i«tained its 14Ui remaining to be paid Is an out-of-town recording group on or before Nov. 1, Forms may ~ The council campaign will run f S 8-11-30-38 19 Don't 49 Pick 1f24-51-572r Kathl reports — Msgr. Edward-J. Reardon, HUIstown Rd. and Woodside St. 1^-65-79-82 79 The nnsWinn amrwttr ia 11.60 each person, and this weonesaay wiu start being . . members only—member- be obtained from the TPwn from Nov. 1 to Nov. 16 to the Sutulay, 8 a.m.. 20 And 50 Work 80 For 22-76-78 R . p ~ ^ among the state's 19 be paid a . ^ mi pos- <>“r very busy day. A rt. and For the post several weeks, Prayer Pastor Paul E. NnttaU, Bishop 21 Totks 51 Immoturt 81 Poy rtilp ocmb avollaUe at the Clerk. six council towns not Included Breakfast. 22 And *52 Sociolixirw 82 Cheek AQUARIUS sible, and no later ♦bo" crafts projects in the mnnings, fraternttiea_ and sororities of Rev. Joseph E. Vqjs 23 Outing door. Again this year. It is not nec­ to the Community 'Tmst areas. 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 53 Provorbior 83 Dig JAH. 20, MOC have held the :qxiUlgbL.. Rev. Thomas Barry 9 a.m.. Priesthood. 24 And 54Expoctod 84_____ Dividends 1 T» - n o 1 Wednesday, Nov. 19. We'll ax- "Hot-Meal" during the ' MHS Bailey Auditorium, 8 essary to file on huUdtoga, real The funds obtained through the (Classes for all ages). 2SB« 55 ErWortoinirtg 85 Of fit. It 1 Uoctor in d S m o k e a pjam more about the trip at a Fun-Day in pledging is to Us fourth w e^ . Rev. Vincent J. Flynn 10:30 a.m., Sunday School. 26 Sot p.m., MHS’s Sock and Buskin _ .. __ ®>tate, or registered motor campaign will pro vide ssrvlcea 10:45 a.m.. Holiness Meeting 56 Fovor 86 Bocomo 5- 7-13^1^... OTTAWA— Of Canada's phy- uter date. afternoon, presents “ The Mouse That SS?. **’*” *® ore really swinging. vehicles. tor the 180 girls and 18 oduUs Classes for all ages '27Mof% 57 Judgmontt 87 Sucetw & (nursery provided). 28Eri«rtdly 58 Don’ t 88 In stetans, 18.4 per cent now Now, we thought this Our Hot-Meal promises to con- Roared.” 'rtckAt. WhUo better known tor their so- However, the following must cturenUy active to Girt Scout­ Masses, 6, 7:30, 9, and 10:80 6 p.m.. Sacrament Service. 29 Th* Plica Roared.” Tickets available at 6:16 p.m.. Open Air Meeting, a.m., noon, and 5 p.m. ^Sporkling 89 Hond smoke, a recent survey showed, year we would write aariy re- tlnue where they left off last the door. cial activities, they are also dedi­ be declared: Uhieglatored ing to Bolton. To provide good 30H«lp 60 Er>ttrtoinmont90 Frustrated fU ; >» ^ 6:30 p.m.. Prayer Meeting. It revealed also that doctms gardlng the (Jhriatmas play at y c " . top notch meals, cated to social service . . . as Girl Scout programs lor t$M Zion Evangelical Lutheran 10/26 tJAK, 20* ^ ^ •Eaat Side Rec, School a .. motor vehicles, unragistared 7 p.m.. Salvation Meeting. Church of the Assumption Church living In small towns are more Radio city. However, I received How’s this for a startsr? Broast- Open 8:30 ai.m.-8 p.m. note, the Phi Delta Psl fratern­ boats, horses, all Uvestoefc, girls, profea^nol services ore |(g)Good ( g ) M rctte ^^Neutial t-10-56-59/C ity Juet recently lent a helptog Adams St. and Thompson Bd. (Missouri Synod) 6&64.71 Ukely to be smokers than their u,g aecesaary infnTTnaNnw just cd chicken with rice and gravy, •West Side Rec, Cedar a . farm machinery, buatoess mer­ needed to assist to training new Cnitcd Pentecostal Church Rev. Edward S. Pepin, Pastor Cooper and High Sts. blg-clty oounterparU. this past week, and already carroU, roUa and but- Open 1-6 p.m. hand to restoring a Hartford chandise and airplanes. leaders and helping them to de­ 187 Woodbrldge St. Bev. Emeot J. Coppa Rev. Charles W. Kuhl, Pastor there Is nothing available In the ter, beverage, and a birthday ' •Community Y, N. Main a . E"** nursery school dam- Also, residents should note velop the skUU needed to lead Robert Baker,' Pastor afternoon until the first week in cake honoring all the birthdays Open 1-6 p.m. ' during the riot. If your that appUcaUtm must be made the gtrU to their troop. There Masses at 7, 8, 8:18, 10:80 9 a-ni,. Divine Worship. Nurs­ January. from August Uqxxigh October. Sunday, Oct. 28 fraternity or sorority plans a anually to get the farm exemp­ ore to aduks that have recently 10 a.m., Sunday School.. and 11:48 a.m. ery In Parish House. Area Churches If we want to get in on this By the vray, to kMp up with MHS Swimming Pool, 12:80- * * la l, be tt a service or a tion and <^>en space exemption. or are presently taking the 11 a.m., W or^ip Service. 10:15 a.m., Sunday School and United Congregational Church Sacred Heart Cburcfa Union Congregational Church trip at all, we must register ^ prices p Is planning to conUn- Infants at church. Manor. Nursery and Worship Church for their meal '''® something new to anytime or Candy after school tions, at the University of Con­ such events as the start of ____. . Ice. 9:80 a.m.. Church Schocri. Open 8-10 p.m. basic problem to our household: ...,__ rooted and conolgned—perma- " It’s a disgrace to be the only ue the project of beautifying the 10:45 a.m.. Morning Worship, 7 p.m.. Film : "Tm ck 12.’ United Congregational Church School. So now we rertstor for the column and It’a (tome hours, 267 Hackmatack St., 649- necticut Theatre, Triangle World War II when to he n8.w Si... ..AS ______. . . ^ 10:80 a.m.. Worship Hour. MiMiiing Worship. •West Side Rec, Cedar St., who Is going to run the wsuite- nently, Delaware’s governor slate to the nation to still have Green at the center by addition­ The Rev. l/ti. Swenson preach­ Discussion after the film Theater, and la currently ap­ walked, home early for the first Topic: “Are You Awake?" Tolland n T m . r a ^ Worriilp; Open 6-10 p.m. 6080; Kathi Knapp, 640-9238 af- bosket concession. hopes-to the basement coal bln thla medieval symbol” al planting. ing. Sermon title: “ What Is That pearing at the Image Theater time to months. "What," he de­ Nursery Is provided In the Bev. Donald O. MUler, Unitarian Fellowsfaip Sermon: "An Adventure In gutog consists of ten teams all clever- •Community Y, N. Mato St.. ® P’*"-! “ ■ Gilmore, It's easier to sneak narcotics In the county Jail. Persons not approached by In Your Hand.” Nursery for pre- JelMvah’s Wltneoaei In Hartford, where he has the manded accusingly, “ do you Children's Building. Blinlstor of Gtaotonbury Open 6-10 p.m. 649-9276 after schoed hours. through customs than to sneak Gov. Russell W. Peterson sug­ the eoHcttor may call Mrs. Pot­ sch(x>l children. Kingdom Hall Falth;’’ Pledge Sunday; Sacra- ^ " ^ ® ‘* “ toUowa.’ and In the leading role to “ Exit, the have those out for?” 7 p.m., Junior Baptist Youth Academy Junior High ment o t Baptlam. We plan on taking as many u^der of the standliirrto date •MHS Swimming Pool, Open anything' out of our house into gested during a tour of Kent Ti'en-’Afirni Adrrt* ter and make arrangements tor 788 N. Main St. King.” Local audiences re­ I thought fast. “ I’ve devel­ Fellowship will meet in the 9:80 a.m., Worship Service. Main St., Glastonbury 6:30-9:30 pm . the garbage can. a soticttor to call. 1:80 p.m.. Dessert Hour for ®®" Gutter - Duster»!^T1day-Wink» member him as Willy Loman to oped a sudden Interest to an­ Correctional Institution to Dov­ Church H as Failed Second Coiigregattonal Church Youth Building. Senior Baptist members Com m ission My husband has a distinct 9:80 a.m.. Public Bible dis­ r . of Vlaltatlon Team. Srni ■ Flowem, H ope^,^! •Waddell School, Brood St., “ Death..-wswvs. ofws A« Salesman. sMicrtiitcuL. ' .... ciemcient niBiory,history," ' iI saia.said. "I i waawas er Wednesday . —^ that---- — the • — post be United Church of Christ Youth Fellowship will meet In Jeliovah’s WItai 10:80 a.m.. Service, Nursery HONOLULU (AP) A Advertisenient — course “ Finding Courage In a 7 p.m., Methodist Youth Fel­ Open 6-9:30 pm . Horton has also appeared cm "verence for age. I m not talk- through these and '•®'"‘>v«aper, 88 per cent 10 a.m., Homing Worship. Bev. Timottiy CaHierry tower Society representative. Bev. Karl B. Gurgel, Pastor mand ensues. But If anything First Church of Christ, 9 a.m„ Church School. Nurs- Back ’ at our Fun-Day last MHS Swimming Pool, 6:30-8 Anyone interested to acting to chew them up and swallow Odessa who called the action of the senior boys at all-male lo- Nursery through Church School Rev. Ronald Haldeman 10 a.m., Study of the Watch- has been around as long as a SclentiBt eiy, Grades 5 throuaft 9« Andy Noske, 128; p.m., Open swimming for answered by all ma- the Nov. 21 program is invited them. premature and questioned Its le­ lanl School said It had failed. At Heart Valvca Slnrrd Grade 8. Youth Sunday. Sermon Rev. Bussell Afien tower. Oct. 18 Issue, “ The Ap­ 10 a.m., Sunday School. week It takes on all the value of 447 N. Main Bt. 10:48 a.m.. Church School. Burke and Gertrude MCXTers. Those with long hair television makers In this to attend Monday evening’s gality because whInpIng Is still St. Andrew’s Priory, an all-girls by Joanne Reggetts and Nancy proaching Peace of a Thousand 11 a.m.. Worship Service a rare antique and my misde­ BOMBAY A heart-valve N , i r ^ Ktodergarten. Grades S ? ^ In M ^ ^ must wear bathing caps. * country and some abroad. In meeting. It to the Players’ wish a penalty for 26 offenses In Del­ school, 44 per cent of the sen­ Richards. 7:80 a.m., Holy Communion. Years." meanor becomes a felony. bank, Indta’e firet, has openetl ______11 a.m.. Church Service. to give everyone an opportuni­ aware criminal law. iors agreed. 9 a.m.. Family Service. Her- WlUlams BuUdtog, St. Mary’s *'® “ You’re not throwing out our Kennetly Aiuiured In a Bombay hoepttal. II col Eastmlnoter United 9 and 10:48 a.m., Christenson, 120; Ted Rivard, rnuitvh Pnrv a - s n - in ^ refused to Identify the manufac- ty to perform. In another |Mtrt> of the poll, 2S North United Methodist Church Sunday School and Nursery. monette by the Rev. Jervis Worship ret Donahue, ine* Mahoney^wd However, Peterson’s legal lecto and proceoeoe human an-® -®^ -UKht fire If there are any questions, dear little baby's teething ring," O f Ke-EIecti<»n |>rr cent of the boys and 24 per 300 Parker St. "Probation After Death” Is the Zimmerman. Church ' School. 184 W. Main 8L ______, George Schroll are at home re- my hoarding husbemd says to aide, Jerry Herllhy, said the animal heart valvee for use In uiinlA/vt A\w 1siasi#^n-Bao>**ir\*i _ .. __ ’ Rev. Gordon Bates, Minister please contact either Martin or Rev. Earle R. Custer, subject of the lesson-sermon. S^^reaS'™" I ^ STto^^in^d “® >«'"® - tlon colter . inquiries kept " ' “ rt oft®"- BOS’TON (AP) — Sen. Ed- ..u law states------"the — whipping-.—r r - e to­post cent of the girls said they had replacing dtoeoaed human Crib Class and Nursery Care. (First Lutheran Church George Slye School, The commission said Friday Horton. horror. "Why, we’ve had that Pastor The Golden Text from Isaiah 7 p.m.. Senior Pilgrim Fellow- "t-nch-hltter” . tor Pete anonymous. ward W. Brooke says he favors shall be In or near the Jail, pris- smoked marijuana. valvee. 9:80 a.m.. Coffee House. baUdlng) Kingston Dr., off Onk St. VendrlUo in handling tWa pro- “ >®*® the National Fire Protection As­ Schort Menu for years!" Gary Klooe and Howard Mayer 40:1. ship. •Blast Side Rec, School St., Since our a nonpolltlcal opponent for S«i. or workhouse ysrd of each 11 a.m.. Morning Prayer. Rockville Kart Hartford ggram, n ^ ^ a aa a things ran veryv w ^ ‘“ P® ‘^®^ ^ »«> v e r sociation, ba(sed on Information The menu at the Hebron Ele Indeed we have. ____ _ Paotors-in-Tralnlng The Christian Science Read­ Open 6-10 p.m. . .-----..----Edward M. Kennedy to 1970 to county,” and contended that the Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Z im - Rev. Lloyd A. Weotover, Pastor from three states, projects more mentarv schools next week win u®®'’dear “little ft*® baby“ “Y «Is now to college Kowara M. Kenneay m iirru lo .v,, »..u .rveueoueo inai me ing Room, open to the public inerman •West Side Rec, Oedar St., coal bln meets that require 10 a.m.. Worship Service and At thisuuo time,uiiic, I i wontvrwii UJto renunoremind ~ than 7,000 fires a year are be- Mondav oranve tiHee chewdng on her fingernails spark "a frank, honest and In- meets that require- C 9 and 10:80 a.m.. Worship on holidays, is located at 7 pm .' Evening Prayer Open 6-10 p.m. 1:80 p.m., Sunday School. Sunday School. .4 Thought for Today aU you Gold Card holdere that for caused by television sets. This coroed beef hash o^en father than a small plastic clr- tellectual discussion of the is- tn®nl. Posts still stand to the Service. Sermon: “ We Can Re 749 Main at. The hours are 11 ______^ •OommusUty Y, N. Mato St., 2:48 pjn., Worabip Service. Sponsored by the Manchester wo are plaimlng a food sale here able to is l.(KX) higher than the estimate apUMau?r eWe?^ ®*®’ * » ft*«f®'» ® »“®» ” form.” through South United Methodist Church Open 6-10 pm . 4 p.m. Youth F^ellowship OouncU a t Churchee at the Center on Friday, Nov. E* be with ua for a long of the International Aasoclation noodle soup grilled cheese and ft*®* particular Item. In an Interview with a Boston Unruh Is sponsor of a bill that Brofherhood-ln~Acfion 9 a.m.. Church School. Nurs- Saturday, Rev. J. Manley Shaw, D. D., St. John’s Bptsoopal Church BL 88. Vernon 7. and we need your hrtp. ? " ® . " “ ^ ’ remembered •Bucldey School, Vernon St.. of Electrical Inspectors, the bologna sandwich celery and * ■n'®lL «> I retrieve It Globe reporter In Washington, would make 40 lashes mandalo- ery and Grades 3 through 8. Pastor Avery St. I’RJMEMTH m Bev. Robert B. Wellner, Lord, We Weep Please try to bake something ^ P®«® *" Open 0-9:80 p.m. commission added. carrot sticks choice des ‘*’® ® Republican .Indicated ry for all persona convicted of 10:80 a.m.. Church School. Emanuel I.uUieron Churish Rev. Carl W. Saunders, Christian Reformed Churob lord, we weep for the sale, and If you have Nlchrtte Theresa Wednesday, Oct. 29 These statistics reflect “ Incl- serto- Wednesday riienher^a ®f$ument. that he believes his senior Dem- ussault and robbery after the Nursery, Kindergarten and Church and Chestnut Sts. Associate Pastor •81 Avery St. 8 a.m., for our brothers Nichols la now Bennet Junior High vs. HI- dents ranging from those Involv­ pie, broccoli tomato vrodges However, the 20-year-old tele- ocratlc colleague Is virtually as first offense Isishet are now at Grades 1 and 2. Rev. C. Henry Anderson, Rev. Gary 8 . Cornell, South Windsor Holy Oommunton. In South ® problem of getUng It to the residing as 10 a.m.. Africa. Center, Just call 648-6810. and I w e’™ _Glenwood St. ing Junior High, varsity soc- damage to the TV set only apricots- Thursdat h o h ^ lln ''***°" ■** *• **** ®"®u8b tofight sured of re-election, but should the discretion of the Judge and 3rd ANNUAL BAU Rfw, Eric J, Gothberg, Associate Pastor Rev. James A. Family Worship Service. Claoses, b a b y - a lt^ P*ease hear their cries. will arrange to pick tt up. Now of you "half- cer e4 Illtog. tg those having more seriouq. T.I..O witch green Alad *°f—®f against. It has a seven- have an opponent In the public the Iasi time - a man ----- was Center Congreguljonal Church Pastors Minister P «z a . wuen green aalad. Hallo- interest. whipped AT THE Bennet Junior High, 7:30 consequences," the commission In Delaware was In T and— " coffee----- ■hour. Take the dead Into your glory. Youn* folks, who are '*^® Y®*' ween surprise; Friday, no United Church of Christ 6 a.m., Sunday Morning modern ones with screens more He said Erwin D. ('anham, 1963. 8:56 and 10:40 a.m.. Church and mtnfnnfcomfort »h.>the faUeii.<.11. - ' anxlouslvanxiously waitinvwaiting in to Jointnin »hi.this “oolost of the mostest to r many p.m., PTSO . . . remind your said. school because of teachers con­ 11 Center St. Adult Discussion Group at Su­ 9:45 a.m., Sunday School for than twice that size. For 16 editor of the Uhrlstian Science Peterson and others have School for three - year -olds St. Peter's Episcopal Chorch Lord, active group, we are depending ^ Years. parents. Roybal said to a statement vention. STfiTE ARMORY, MANCHESTER Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, sannah Wesley Hall. all ages. yeara It's been stuffed Into the Monitor, has not "closed the been urging the leglslattire to through Grade 8. Sand HUI Bd.. Booth Windsor South Africa needs your Holy YOU to visit our Center dur- week: MHS, Room A-22, 8:30 p.m., Friday night the public has a Minister 9 and 10:46 a.m.. Morning 11 — a.m..- - Worship Service. garage, along wUh trunks of door" on Brooke’s suggestion re|>eal the whipping laws. One 10:40 a.m.. Church Bev. James A. BtrdsaU, Splrtt. Ing the food sale, and give your a.m. to noon. MXX: Chorus Rrfiearsal. right to know the “ fuU facto on Advertisement— Rev. WInthrop Nelsim Jr., School WorslUp. Reformation Sunday. Nursery, books, electric train sets from that he oppose Kennedy, and (mllce official said the scars, Sat., Nor. 8th, 1969 Minister of Christian Kdiuvitlon class for adults. Vlcor Lord, your children family a treat with real good- l^ b e n sociaJ, and each cne Williams Building, St. Mary’s the extent of risk of personal In- Beatrice Andrews Democratic ^ .. World Service~ Sunday.- - Recep-— 7 p.m.. Evening Service, my husband's boyhood, cans of "does want lo perform a service rather than being a deterrent, 11 and 10:45 a.m.. Divine Wor- members. The Rev. have been shot. You know, cooked the way ®™*il*l bring one can of canned Church, Park St., 6:30-10 p.m. jury to TV viewers, as well as candidate for tax collector will IMtNATIUNi $12.88 per rouple dried-up paint and rusty nails. to the commonwealth." would be status (lymbols among 9:16 and 1 la.m Wok-ship ship — Reformation Sunday." 8 and 10 a.m. ,Fainlly Berv- "^®Y have wallowed In their ‘^oes- Mrs. Georgina f P-*"- to 4 p.m. pInocMe PINTO, Inc.—drug information the chance of property damage, be having get acquainted cof­ Mr. Saunders, preaching. Ser­ First Evangelical Lutheran In assessing Kennedy’s pros- certain criminals — Tirkels may be parrhoaod at — Service. “ Rejoice" folk mass. Sermon by Pastor Anderson, Ice. Baby-sitting provided. blood Vince, and her ambitious com- a.m., return trips at noon center . . . inquiries kept anon- resulting from the so far unex- fee hours between 2 and 6 p.m. "But this was one of the first ------— ...... - ,--~ mon: “ Tell Me Why.” Church Church of Rockville ymous. TVs made,” the family collector P®®1®. barring unfavorable de- Unruh says mrporal (mnlsh- S Fewter Optlclom Youth and Rhythmic Choirs par­ “ What’s My Share In the Bud- and cried. mittee is working overtime to “ *** * P-ui. plained TV firta which are re­ every Saturday until eleotion. School tor Infant • Toddler Bev Richard E, Bertram, Insl'ts. “ It’q, a museum piece." v®lopmehto. Brooke noted that a ment would help reduce the Moiirheator Foriiads ticipating. gvt'i" Temple talk on steward­ Congregadlonol Church children make this a success, so lets Tuesday, lo ajn. to noon, oU •Elaat Side Rec, School St., ported to have occurred to some Taxpayers are Invited to stop through Adults. Paotor — ..V.. un iiiicB no., nave 8o Is the watch with no hands, f®c®nl Boston Globe poll a)ioweerto more support for It 4U Horttori Rood Woodruff Hall. R tidio Today So are we all. record a little higher for Mbn- Wednesday, lo a-m, to noon. •Community Y. N. Main St., would urge the presidential next year. Unitarian Unlveniollst Society WDEC^lIM 11 a.m!? ’8o rv ^ *'o f*^ W ^ tn ®"® ** better than another, ‘‘ays’ Kitchen Social, by having volunteer project work. Noon to Open 6-10 p.m. commission to make “ a full dis­ Hebron correspondeat, Anne ''®'* ">®*®* dump truck vrith most said. 1:00 Joo Hager Our Savior Lutheran Church •MHS Pool, 8:30-9:30 p.m.. Emt, tel. $88-1871. Of Manoheater 8:00 Dick McDonough 289 Graham Rood, Wapping 4 p.m.. Junior Pilgrim Fellowi ®"® *°** church 86 persons participating. 1 p.m., “Hot-Meal” served to closure of all the facto, toluding ahip. ^ and the other to that, Ou*" regular afternoon pinoch- two ahlfts. 12 o’clock the first Family Swin Night. 48t Main Bt. h:uU tven Uiiiitn Rev. Ronald A. Erbe, Mlnlotor the names of the domestic and John R. FItKRcmId, Pres. 1:00 New*. Sign Ofl 8 p.m.. Youth Choir ***®^ P” Y to you. ’® tournament had 14 tables, shift of fifty people, and at 12 -80 •Buckley School, Vernon St., f o r e 1 gn manufacturers In­ THE w1u:h--«i4 Open 6-9:30 p.m. volved.” Garbage May Be 1:00 Mallnea 8:30 and 11 a.m., Worship 7 p.m.. Senior PUgri'm Fellow- °"® “ "® P®"” " ’ ®®*”“ “ ’'® “ *® 2 p.m. to 4 p.ra.. 4:00 llai^ord Highlight! that the other ii dirty and he was an ardent BalUmore Or- 18>to-Day. Bus p(..fci^p at 8-») •Waddell School, Broad St., BIBLE 10:30 a.m'„ Ber\-lce, Chuix-h 7:00 Newu Service. 6hlp. The Electronic Industries As­ Building’s Foundation TOWN Of MANCHESTEK — D^ARTMENT Of PUtUC WORKS School. Nursery. i . JO Qaallght amelU. lole fan, and hadn’t gotten over ajn., 12:80 p.m. and m * Open 6-9:80 p.m. sociation said manufacturers . 9:45 a.m., Sunday School •ruing Junior High. E. Mid­ SPEAKS WTIC-'IM* 8t George’s Eptocoprt Chu«d. ^ ®"'®'- = the shock of the Mets route of turn trip at 4 p in have been making successful STANFORD, CaJIf. (AP) — A 1:00 Newu and Christian Education Hour. dle Tpke., Open 6-10 p.m. l-'ull Goopel ChrJsUon i:l6 UConii vu. UMaaa Bt. 44A, Bolton 8lve me 4 straight. The winners were: Thursttoy 9 a.m th* ninonhi. safety efforts to control fire and Stanfoni University professor by 4:30 Monitor what you and your ancestors Emma Russell, 718; MlUle Me- group w ill’ visit R o c to S u to r ’Thursday, Oct. SO predicts Uiat majestic office Kcllow-iihlp Interdenominational 7.50 Knlgtua v«. Harrl»burg Wesleyan United Methodist Bev. Robert W. Ihloff, Vksnr shock hazards. have bum. p «th y . 68; Bea. Moons. 674; toe day of c W v S h ^ L S ? Bennet Junior High vs. Illing buildings and factory complexes Eugene Orange Hall 10:30 Monitor Chnrch It said the "annual ratio of re­ because It Is on my land. Louise Meyerhoff. 658; Rose viUe d u W Junior' High, Jv soccer at Ill­ ported instances of television may one day be constructed of NOTICE OF LEAF PICKUP Brewer Rev. PhUlp P. Maunders, Pastor iliao 0 ( 5 ? / the Dey Crystal Lake Bd., BOlngton 8 a.m., Holy Communion. ing, Bennet vs.„ Rham varsity ______wrpp—1414 10:15 a.m.. Morning Prayer, One of them sleeps In a bun- Cambell, 658; Paul Schuets, Friday, l set fire and shock to the number garbage. ' Bev. Harvey W. Taber, Pastor galow 642; Kathleen soccer at Rham. The following streets are scheduled for leaf collection on the Iselow luted days. In the event of rain on any scheduled collection 7 p.m., Sunday Service 1:00 Dick lieatherton Nursery and Church' School, _ ^®®*hre. 642; crewel embroidery ctaas* 7 n m of sets In use would be mea­ Prof. Cedric W. Richard U at 3:00 Mike Green and the other on the ground, ^im Young, 689; Mary Thrall, to lo p . m ^ e t b ^ •East Side Rec. School St.. werk on a two-year study to de­ remaining routen will be postponed one working day. Home owners, on the below listed streets, who wish to have October 26 U Loyal Tem­ 6:00 Frank lloller 9:45 a.m., Sunday School Discussion sermon. sured In thousandths of one per I3:0i) Gary QlrarU And the hate between them Katherine Hogan, 634; The Center i. ****'*“ “ ®*'*- 6-10 p.m. termine If garbage and other re­ perance Sunday, so deoignot- Classes for all ages. 11 :i5 a.m.. Coffee and (x»ver- cent, counting even mistaken yard leaves collected are requested to rake leaves into the gutter so as to form a windrow the length o f the property and con­ WINF—i m grows likeUke corn in the rainy Prances Flke, 636; Gus Gull, from 9 a_m *'®®“ ^ •West Side Rec. Cedar St., fuse can be processed Into a ed cm to call special attsn- 5:00 News U a.m.. Worship Service. Nur­ satlon. anJ unsubotat'ated reporto and fining the leaves in the gutter as much as possible. 'Hiis should be done on the day prior to scheduled leaf collection. Property own- 5 :10 Speak Up season. 631; Florence Brooks. 680. and P-“ - tor 6-10 p.m. , glass powder which would re­ tlori to the acandalouB sery. 6 p.m.. Adult Dtecuaalon and visittog. Tv' v i , ; ; ^ . *'i;:;;dto;^. reports of Insignificant dam­ r S no foreign objecta such a« stones, brdnehes, cans or any other material OTHER T H A N problem of alcohol In an af­ 6:00 r^wa Lord, you are the peacemaker. WUson; 623. •Community Y, N. Main St., place sand as a cement compo­ 6:10 World ThU Week Group. pool, shulfleboard, and card age.” LE A V E S OR GRASS are placed in the piles. Additional scheduled routes will lie advertised next week. fluent America. Alcohol is 6:30 Speak Up 6 pm., Wesleyan Youth. Lord, please, please, Wednesday mornings' volun- 6-10 p.m. nent. 6:80 p.m., Fast and Prayer. 7:16 p.m.. Youth Group. plaiytog. involved in over half of the speak with the brothers. toer project workers completed •WaddeU School, Broad St:, A recent Washington study 7 p.m.. Evening Prayer ’n » first U.8. census was tak­ 2 mounting traffic fatalttleo— We ask you for thla one of the two Joba, and this Open 6-9:30 p.m. en In 1790. At that Ume about 96 showed that 75 per cent of Incin­ October 27 October 28 October IS O c to b e r aa 53,000 last year. The Prert- Talcottvllle Coogregatlonal In the name of our Redeemer, coming Wednesday morning, •IHing Junior High. E. Mid­ Nova Fort 300 Yeara Old per cent of the U.S. population erated refuse Is composed of dent’s Crime Oommisalon St Maurice Church, Bolton Chureh Jesus Christ. we will complete the other, and dle Tpke., Open 6-10 p.m. Boate I t lived on farms. glass and metal, he said. Beuta I 4 reveals that alcohol io a ST. AUGUSTINE. Fla. — The Rev. Robert W. Cronin, Pnotor United Church of Oirlat Lord, here are your people. toen be ready to start the first Friday, Oot. 81 factor In at least 52% of all 300-year old Castillo de Ban Rev. Truman O. Ireland, We want to have a happy eve- week to November on the mak- MoAchester Public Schools — crimes. Dr. William Terhune Horttord Hd. Gordoer St. Otivor Bd. Liter at Marcos, overlooking Mataniaa Manses at 7, 8:80, 10 and 11:80 > w ^ ^ .. "tog together, of Chrtotmas decorations No school — Teachers Oonven- Charter Oak fit. Hackmatack St. MIddieTgbe. Weta of New York calls alcohol (tJtarter Ooh to Ilolloa Bd. TrwniksB fit (HlUterd to Btewd) “ addlcttve," the moot dan­ Bay, la this area’a top historic 8 a m.. Mena Club breakfast „ yo„ are wlUtog. and trinkeU. thxi. HlchtaoS St. Proopect fit. Sprtag S t ) Hartlood Bd. BookvUla Unltod Methodtet (irtawoU fit AdooM fit gerous drug being used In attraction. The fort, finished In meeting. „ We know At our Fun-Day. we were go- MHS. Fine Arts Festival, 6-10 W. Ceater fit. Plano Ptaeo Sprtag St. Wlodetaarr St Ohurrk Ltacwta fit (Middle Tpke. Meet America, wHh 9,000,000 al- 1696 after 28 years' work, has * ** School; ihat other men are to need and to see aome slldea of the p.m. — Oo-sponsored by the Ccater fit. Norwood fit. (S. Mota to Gordoer) Gnuil Bd. Baggovett fit B. Center fit. to New State Bd.) cohoHco and another 15,000,- walls 10 feet high and 12 frot 148 Grove fit Nursery through Adult Discus- misery Canadian Rocklea by Mr. Evan Manchester Fine Arts Associa- Judith Dr. Lrwto Bt ( oittrobaa fit Bldgawaai fit Mintard fitreet Korm Dr. 000 “ sonvewhat alcoholic de­ thick. Bov. Willard E. Conklin, Sion Group. facing their death Nyqulet, but lUie It always hap­ tion and the Manchester Lions Comoloch Bd. lroker at chester Lions Clifi). MtetoRd. . / M— rt 7. 8;8M0:88 mtd the church. to TO *teS^te^^5S3 Tesn Canter. 7:80-U i eAGB EIGHT MANCHESTbK EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATUBDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1969 ..v MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER roV M . SATURDAY. OCTOBER 2K, 1999 Peking Joins Pollution May Upset PAGE NINE Hanoi In Picking School Simplified W ar Stand >>3 Earth’s Heat Balance OPEN Col. Herbert Sharp Dies, I By BIIX STOCKTON "We might not react to such a With New College Guide TOKYO (AP) -The pwnrieni Associated Press Writer change until its effects mani- To gtve you a hesid s te it on Ph.D., Director of Develop­ WESTOWN « North Vietnam and Commun- LAS CRUCES,, N.if, (AP) — tested themselves In a small •electing toe p ri^ r college lor ment, La Salle College, Phila­ ALL DAY Veteran of Three Wars Ut O ib ia iaaued a Joint com- PH AR M ACY f Two scientists said today/ air percentage modificatloa of our your high school senior or jun­ delphia, Pa. ROC9CVILLB — Orf. Herbert i»erve as e military air trans- today emphasizing the pollution may be blocking pcul natural environment,” BfiltAire ior, Tile Herald will publUdt a ' “ Black OoUegea—Black Stu­ --il E. Sharp, 46, of New York City port pUott, and aerved as deiv entire Vietnamese of the sun's radiation. They and Chrtiessy said, series of articles on college dents," by David B. Kent. Jr.. and Quogfue, N.Y., fomwrly of uty commander of the 904th Air *<• light to final victory urged a worldwide satellite sur- "T h is (diange could be hi the selection starting Monday. Director of Admissions, Lin­ SUNDAY Rockville, died Thursday at his Transport based at Stewart “''**’ ln>perlall8m " vey of atmospheric perilutants to vital heat balance or perhaps in Written by profesalonal ocri- coln University. Pennsylvania. home In New York City. AFB, Newburgh, N.Y. communique by China’s determine wdiether die earth’s the light to wdilch our eyes and lege admission officers and To reserve your copy of The A ll Medicinal Serviceu AvaUable A veteran o< three wars, he He was manager and a pert- En-lal and North Vlet- heat balance is changing. skin are exposed.” other experta In the field, the Guide to College Selection, WBs appointed last January as ner In ElscriptorUo-Supllcy Bht- Pham Van Dong said '455 HARTFORD RD. 64J-523 "M an’s continued existence A battery erf instruments seriea will tell you what to look 1970 Edition, at the special special assistant to the Secre- porters, a Brazilian corporation **‘®''* ® settlement of may depend on his measure- mounted on satellites circliiu; for and look out (W In both the newspaper price, send $2 to: tary of the Air Poroe monitor- with offices In Now Yoi* City **'® war—but only If U.8 . forces ment and subsequent ocmtrol of the globe must begin a constam prospective freshman and In (he College Selection Guide, care of Ing speciaJ prefects. His prl- A lter his aervloe In World withdraw unconditionaUy from factors pertaining to Oie earth’s surveillance o f the atmosirtiere more than 1,300 accredited four- The Manchester Herald, De­ maiy responsibilities included War H, he attended Trinity Col- Vietnam, ■*- •'« heat balance,” R.S. Wiltshire to detect changes In transmls- - > ■ year colleges. -V jw, partment 060, P , O. Box 489, manpower and financial man- logo, Haitfonl, and also took ‘I "U S- imperlal- 'k 'k irk iritirk ir ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ and W.H. Clohessy of Martin- siem n»ml«iue, dated Pri- Town CInrii LilUan Sharp Glessman of Rock- al Church “"*1 broadcast today by Pe- tronautlcal Society. molecules Injected Into various Aa an additional public serv­ vHle and the late Herbert ‘ king's official New China News The earth’s heat balance is parts of the atmosphere could ice, The Herald wlU also make Hospital Gets Lives at 61 Gnuidvlaw 8t. Sha^. In 1942, dfter gradual- '"2!’,'^ Agency, did not say when Chou University Scholars from Manchester delicately controlled by cheml- do to our environment Hence available to readers to 1970 w6th wife Mauresn and ing from Rockville High Sidiool, **” • “ f * " " and Pham Held their "cordial i , cals in the atmosphere that fll- we must preparq ourselves bv edition of The Guide to OiUegs 6120,000 Grant •on ntsphMi. IhMO. V.P. he entered the Arm y A ir Porce and friendly” talks NCNA re- UCorni studenU from of Mr. and Mrs. M ax Good- by undergraduates. Their reg- ‘®*' radiation using a global monltorhig sys- Selection, a 196-page book which C a m . Town Clerks Asaoc., Advlscry Bd. Member o t as a oadet. During World War Mias Gabrielle Sharp ported earlier thaJ Rham and **“ ®l*ester are among the 17 stlne, 28 Brookfield St., Pierre------ular study programs may be r^atlon tom watching all the various spoils out exactly what you For Expansion Internattonsl Institute o t n , he served as a pilot in the M a r ^ Sharp, both h.s1,. e VietnameseVietnameBe people should Mimas, 15 *miles "“ ®® “to “the *® Due t o . the new Bt. 6 con- Raymond L. Merrigan, of North Adams, Mass., admires the snow and ice-covered trees on Mt. Greylock, man and "v e ry primitive” bread and water. “ hundreds of letters and applloa- neiw Intensive care unit, a new io« r.Vllt _ Maas., daughter of Frank be left to deal with their own In- "east. structlon there will be a He made his statements after An Army spokesman, Lt. Col. the highest mountain in Massachusetts, which had a 3 to 4 inch snowfall. It was 12 degrees above zero tkina to rcdleges which do not kitchen and dietary-department and Nora Batley, and had lived ternal affairs free from foreign The PLto, which loosely con- temporary detour on Hackma- taking a tour of the stockade ^.J. Nealon, said the’ dlsclpli- when this picture was taken on Thursday. (A P Pho tofax) fit toe particular qualifications and employe cafeteria. Funeral Home, 96 in Manchester for the past .itcrference.” trols most guerrilla groups, re- tack St. starting Monday morn- ANTHONY 17 OonservBiton Panel Wbbrter St,, Hartfood, with a years. Police Log Frlday and talking with prison- ‘*‘®‘ ‘® approved in and needs of the Individual stu­ Although the Soviet Union— Ported three guerrillas Ing. dent. The Conservation Committee MAm (rf roquiem at St. Augus- Survivors, besides her hus- ers and Army officials. ' North Vietnam’s other major were killed and two wounded in Police announce that Hack- everything but meat. He said Columbia The newepoper series will of toe Vernon Junior Women'a to o 8 Uh|^h, Hartford, at 9. band. Include a son, James L. source of aid—is believed to fa- *"® ““lUe for Delr Mimas, and matack will be closed from 8 ARRESTS Power Rediicra (Jlub will meet at toe home of HAIRDRESSER He also said he was told that the only time a man be present general information on Buri^ wlti be In Mt. St. Bene- McAuley of East Hartford; a vor a negotiated settlement to ^ were taken prisoner by the a.m. to 4 :30 p.m. every day for Christopher McCarthy. 17, of be™ !" was readily available on put on the diet is with the ap- Business Mirror Mrs. Anthony Caruolo Tuasday A fuse failure on a CSieot- what to look for In planning he war, Peking has always Lebanese army. at least a week, NEW YORK (AP) — What jor stock market decline has UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT daughter, Mrs. Joseph S. Glb- 189 Ludlow St., charged with ‘*'® *’“ ® ^*“1 officials at proval of the stockade senlc^ raft St. pole inconvenienced your college career. The book at 3:30 p.m. .PrlM ^ may coll at the fU- lllsco of Bast Hartford; a broth- Report Filed ended In September or October, urged a fight to the finish. To- Lebanese troops were report- Eastbound traffic on the failure to carry a registration Ui* bad acknowledged that commander and the diet cannot about 500 customers In a causes the stock market to rise provides a personalised oomput- The committee will work on neiul home tonight from 7 to er, Lawrence Batley of South I>cave toe explanation to atu- o ■ ------>“ <~uiii lay’s communique did not ap- ®d to have surroundedsurrounded Bint Bint street - — will------be detoured at- -Pros- and unvmgdriving wunwith ununsafe tires. ‘*®*'® “re about 300 attempted extend for more than seven several block area yester­ and fall is always a debatable cr-like print out to match the "Thoughts on Beautification of dents of mass psychology, llie 7 ‘ “ "Oi'ivnv from 2 to 6 and Hadley Falls; six sisters, Mrs. pear to modify that hard-line Jbeil and ordered the guerrillas P®rt St. There will ■ be no cn- Court date Nov 10 suicides at the post. In and out days. By Auditor college to the student. Vernon," and will discuss sir day morning, Marvin Oerter- mattpcr, but there never Is on fact remains. 7 to 9 p.m. Charles Rltchotte of Windsor, position. « Ibere to... surrender. toance . to the street from 8 . ___ —__ ° f “ *® otoebade, each month. Biaggi said his was an Inde- llng, Machester manager of Neither attempts to eliminate pollution. in tro d u c e s absence of explanation, espe­ -The technical position of the M ,. 1 *^®'®" o t New York The yitiages are in the central M^. Robert Phillips. 17 , of East ^ apokeaman denied pendent investigation and "waa At toe Board of Selectmen’s toe Haitford Electric Light the ad'/lce of a professional cially in recent weeks. market is said, once again, to Mrs. Charles RIsley City, Mrs. Matthew Myers of sector of the Lebanese southern detour wHI not bo In ef- Hartford, charged with Illegal ®barges. not prompted by. nor related meeting this week, it> was an­ Co. said. guidance counselor, but they Almost invariably, any rise or be sound. For toe past three Cloud Seeding Failt TOLLAND — Mrs. Elizabeth Miami, Fla., and Mrs. Walter frontier, where battles between from 4:30 p.m. to 8 a.m. passing on the right and mak- Ue said one of his chief com- to” any of their allegations. nounced that the auditor’s re­ save valuable time luid boll Hie trouble occurred at dip In prices Is attributed to the months price movements have ST. Lt>UI8 — A five-year Broadbent RIsley, 73, of Wind- DIetel, Mrs. Fred Landry and ^ unnecessary noise with plaints had to do with what is Col. Nealon, information offi- port is on file in toe town down the 1,302 schools to a rea­ Beret Captain 10:15 a.m. Osterihig said Vietnam war, or more precise­ been narrow. The ao-called bot­ cloud-seeding experiment aJaty tor, sister of Mm. William Mrs. Theodore Drozdowskl, all earlier this week sparked the travel by the public. ^ motor vrfilcle. Court (date hnown as "disclpUnary chow," oer at Ft. Dix, said the state- clerk’s office for public Inspec­ sonable few before >’OU visit power was not completely ly, to the prospects for peace In tom has been tested. In fact, toe the Mlsoourl-Arkansas border Bancroft of Tolland, died yes- o t South Hadley Falls; and current crisis In the tiny coun------Nov. 10. a special diet given to prisoners ment about 300 suicide attempts tion. your counselor. lost at any time, but voltage that country. But one wonders If chartists say a "double boMom" was supposed to result In a 6 to terday at Hartford Hospital, three grandchildren. Badly Hurt ‘•’y’ drew sporadic fire Into Friday who mdsbehave. at the base was a "com plete According to the report toe Included In the newspaper remained low until toe this Is so— If money men really haa developed, signalling a sus­ 10 per rent InrmuM In rnintaU. SIto was the wife of Charles The funeral will be held Mon- "We shall never direct our night as they patrolled the Anthony McAllister, 28, of no He said the disciplinary chow falsehood.” He said there had financial records of the town aeries will be: "What Oillcges (Continued from Page One) source was located. Full ser­ think so idealistically. tained advance. But toe project, called "White- ■ «l“ y at 8:16 a.m. from the John fire against Arabs," a comimu- streets. Armed elements re- certain address, charged with for Friday was as foltows: been perhaps "a dozen" suicide are maintained in a most com­ Are Ixxiking for Beyond Grades vice was restored about an Without doubt this problem of —The stock market Indicates top." actually come up with a ^ include thwe F, Tierney Funoral Home, 319 not know what he planned to do said* "W e save our armor malned entrenched Intoxication. McAllister was petent manner. and Test Scores," by Samuel in the old —For breakfast, 1 % pancakes "gestures” at the post In the hour later. war and peace pervades toe conditions expected many 20 per cent decrease In praclpl- srandnliiM " * Sfeat- W. Center St., with a Moss of except that he would "look for a I"*" U*® Israeli enemy.” city today. found on the roof of the Mar- wlth no syrup, two pieces of past year. In toe report) it was stated H. Mlsalmer, Director of Ad- that disbursement of monies is thinking of most Americans. In months ahead, rather than con­ tatkxi. Funemi hh u u ,. *'®*i"**'" “i ®l- James' Church job.” He was an Insurance ^A PLO spokesman 1in Beirut J" Beirut, troops withdrew Building, 869 Main St. about the thinking of many people, mlHslons, Lehigh Univentily, under control of toe town treas­ ditions at the moment. Econom­ J«M t MIcIhwI Anthony M onda^at 11 „ T ^ i a.**! ? ^e in South salesman before entering mill- J®^rted that all police posts In f™m areas where there 8:46 a.m. today by Manches- money men included, untold Bethlehem, Pa. urer, except for toe school ic conditions, in the view of ™ on ^nem ri^m ^r^: tary service______in _____1966. I^banon’s 18 Palestinian refu- large refugee _ camps on the 'I®’’ Police. Police think he spent Thant Urg es benefits could follow a cessation "The Advantages of An Ur­ lunch and activity funds, which some professional traders, will Friends may call at the fu- I^st Wednesday Marasco was ?®® been evacuated southern edge of the city. The U*® alsht on the roof. He was I Big 2 Set of fighting, even though there ban University," written by quonock Ave., Windsor. Burial be much sounder In 1970 than neral home tonight from 7 to granted a divorce from his wife security forces and taken camps themselves were quiet as '“-aken to the Hartford Cor- Fire Calls are controlled by the reapectlve U.N. Heed Voice Richard R. Perry, Associate will be in Rlvenlde Cemetery no longer Is any certainty of a now. 9 and tomorrow from 2 to 4 Denise, at Juarez, Mexico. guerrilla militiamen. of mid-morning. reotlonal Center and will ap- Town firefighters extinguish­ fund treasurers who are ac­ Executive Vice President, Uni- Pine PhaimMi Windsor. countable to toe Board of Ed­ peace dividend. Those holding tots view be­ and 7 to 9 p.m. Court records show he had filed "^® "ot allow the Le- Meanwhile, diplomatic efforts P®®'' *" court Monday. ed a kitchen fire at 136 Bisseti N-Talk Date Of Youth veral'ty of Toledo (Ohio). 664 C E N TE R STRJCBT Friends may call at the fu­ ucation. But are such vague possibili­ lieve toat toe Nixon administra­ ------for divorce lost Tuesday and re- *>®"ose to come back until involving Egypt’s president Oa- . ------St. yesterday at 7:46 p.m. Fire­ "How To Get Into College If neral home tonight from 7 to 0 (Continued from Page One) Also, a record of town-owned UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. ties the clue, suddenly, for mon­ tion's slowdown policy haa be­ M ANCHEirrER—$46-9614 WIG STYLING celved It one day later on Pu^osilnlans are given equal Abdel Nasser were report- * ACCIDENTS men said there was moderate You Haven’t Any Money,” by and tomorrow from 3 to 8 p.m. smoke damage. real property and m ajor per­ ey men to plunge Into toe mar­ gun to dig In and will result In a Vernon grounds of Incompatibility. The '‘‘F**** "’ith other citizens of this «<• underway to mediate^e cri- , ^ for failure the Soviete invaded Czechoslo­ (A P ) — The united Nations ket, as they have, and cause healthier business climate late Maclln E. Richardson, Direc­ C o m p lete Eighth District firefighters sonal property has been start­ tor of P'lnanclal Aid. Baldwln- 129 CENTER ST.— MANCHESTIR Mrs. Lena O. Crockett couple was married Oct. 27 country,” the spokesman said. between the government and of way was vakia. must listen to. understand and prices to Jump? Are the money in 1970. The conviction grows Prescription Borvleo ’ As apprehension in the Arab f^o guerrillas. issued to Lucien Marchesseault, extinguished a fire on N. Main ed by the selectmen’s office. It Wallace C'ollsgo, Berea, Ohio. 1968. They had no children. , , When Nixon took office, he heed the voice of young rebels if men hanging on every state­ with each passing day. Mrs. Lena Louise Custer Car Rolls Over, was recommended that all town "Arc Athletics Still Impor­ 644-3494 C world mounted over the Incl- A groun of Moslem Wapping, after his car “ *>001 3 p.m. yeste: FREE DBUVERV ,Tr " ° “ ®® ^ U.S. readiness It is to succeed in its search for ment out of Paris, Wiiahlngton, Albert Sindlinger, a pollater Crockett. 83. formerly of He­ dents in Lebanon, attempts who met with Lebanon Pros! U^e car of Harold Firemen listed the call as 11- departments. Including toe tant In the University Expsrl- to launch the talks while the Saigon and Hanoi? who has surveyed stock market bron Rd., Bolton, died early this Driver Unhurt at Board of Education, should co­ world peace,’ Secretary-General ence?" by M. O. Phelps, Di­ ConBiumniition Soon reported under way ' to dent C3iarles Helou Friday'itiiht Hartford, yes- ’ ®8“ ' bunting.” Last night. new administration conducted Some maverick analysts be­ confidence for years, claims morning at Manchester Memo­ :e the dtsDute hAtwoon « aIH "f? . ic^day on HiUstown Rd. at 8:10 11 p.m. Eighth District fire­ operate so that these records rector o t Admlulons. Universi­ A car rolled over at Wlndsor- mediate the dispute between Le- said they were optimistic that n m its own review o t American de­ U Thant said Friday night. lieve that Investors are for less rial Hosplital. She was the On nT-Grinnell Deal fighters went to the Knights of can be completed In line with that the war did have a sharp ty of Georgia, Athens, Ga. vllle Rd. and Rt. 74 last night, banon and the Arab guerrillas the crisis would be solved with- " “ fense strategy. TTiant made this observation concerned with Vietnam than widow of William J. Crockett. Columbus Hall, 138 Main St., recommendations of previous effect on the stocli market—but "Widening Horizona o t the but the driver, Gary P. Bhr- NEW YO RK (A P ) i — Inter- who want to use the country as out further violence When such disarmament talks during the intermission of a they arc with the dollar-and- toat was a couple of years ago. Mrs. Crockett was born Dec. collided on East where they extinguished a mi­ years. It was also recommend­ Church-Related College," by a base for attacks on Israel. The leaders had asked Hetou C e^ ^ r s“t” do get going, the negotiators are cents issues of inflation, slow­ 19. 1886 in Talcottvllle and had hardt, 17, of Michael Dr., Ver- aatlonal Telephone A Telegraph nor fire In the transformer of a ed that dollar aimounts should U.N 4 Day concert held in the For the past 18 months, he In­ down, corporate profits and the- Brother Patrick Elllz, F.8 .C., lived moat of her life In Man­ non was not Injured. Corp. says steps are being taken ®ffPP«?-“ P action to ease restrictions OT'pIlestijnb dayTt 5“p.m ^Tbf dri'ver^^wero light fixture. expected to focus initially on be inserted in these records so General Assembly hall to com­ sists, Vietnam news has not di­ State Police said the ca# roll- toward consummation of Its ac- continued on the Arab-Israell an guerrillas who, possibilities for limiting multi­ Internal workings of the market chester before going to Bolton they said, David CJrocker, 25, of Rhode Is­ that values can be readily as­ memorate toe 24th anniversary rectly affected toe market. Itself. 18 years ago. She was a mem­ ed over after Ehrhartit lost qulsltlon of Orlnnell Corpn. of fc“ "L Israeli Jets bombed on should operate within the land ami Laurence warhead missiles and antimis­ certained. of the ratification of toe U.N. What effect it has had, he be­ T Green, 19, The war-peace .stories, they ber of Concqrdla Lutheran control at Skinner Rd. and Rt. Providence. R.I. Arab guerrilla camp hear Am- framework of Lebanon’s sover- of 17 Oakland St. sile defense systems. It was recommended by the charter. lieves, has been Indirect— Students Paint say, have an Influence on Church, and an honorary mem­ 74. He will appear in Vernon IT T said Friday consumma- ‘ ^® Jordanian capital, to- elgnty. ___ Both of the weapons have auditor that the town ineneoso He said that by the time the through Influencing the over-all prices, because the mass of peo­ ber of Temple Chapter, OE8 , circuit court to answer charges t*on of the sale depended In part ‘'"J'’ “ "‘f Egyptian jets attacked The dispute between the guer- There was' a been the subject o f heavy de­ the surety bonds for both the United Nations observes its 25th mood of Investors, but not of operating minor two-car For Halloween ple do tend to spend when they both in Manchester. a motor vehicle on the preparation and entry of position's In the Sinai de- rlllas and Lebanon has been accident on W, bate in Washington for a num­ treasurer and tax collector to anniversary next year, there enough to trigger their action. while under the Influence sert. Middle Tpke., The annual Halloween window are In a happy mood. Survivors Include two sons, of a forma aloderr, satisfactory to ®!"®® U*® Arab- near Adams, yesterday at 7:40 painting ber of months $80,000. The selectmen have al­ will be 3.6 billion people In the TTie factors that count. Bind- liquor on Ntov. 18. contest co-sponsored Hut the big portfolio manag­ Thomas J. Crockett of Bolton IT T an dGrnnlell, pursuant to The Israelis said the attack in Israeli war but it erunted into Dm Driw>r-4 j v... .i Some senators have suggested ready requested the respective world and 2 billion of them will Unger's polls show, are financial ers aren’t supposed to be so sub­ and Manchester, and W. Tuesday’s decision by U.8. DIs- Jordan near Salt was aimed at open conflict earlier this week Ralph Finney. 38 of East Itort K h e ^ to T c h ^ b e ? insurance companies increase be under 25. and economic. And these (actors Elisabeth Parton of ♦ t*io» TiiricvA tj ii cFiinrt*niii nnmn ♦Kq* Unri whon a______. ’ cauiR rtari- i*ittnciieaier V-/najTiD6r jective. Instead, they're sup­ Invariably have been tied up Herbert Crockett o t Seattle, Judj. wm j.„ a Tlmb.™ . 8u.r«,.,, ,.„P ,h.. hM “J;™ troop. b .,„ i t.M .na-£S;irs.';'..7,' the bonds Irom $20,000 to $50,- It is good that many of these bury, waa charged with ______posed to ask: "What's in It for with toe handling of the econo­ Wash.; a daughter, Mrs. Gor­ evad* New Haven, Conn. targ^el in luiother air raid crackdown on guerrilla camoacamps 90 Baldwin Rd. ____ *P*^tion an agreement coUd be 000. young people "are skeptical ing responsibility after the car in that decision Timbers de- Ttiursday. in routhem Lebanon. The Leta' m e?" And nobody is certain my out of Waahlngton. don Smith of Windsor Locks; reached in the forthdomlng The report stated that since about Institutions of the piisl. ..•••1.4.11 u i "’*** driving allegedly nled preliminary government A Jordanian spokesman said >ym government fears Israeli re this year are 166 seventh and .there Is anything immediately For many weeks, he found, two brothers, William Custer of c o m p l a i n t s eighth grade students, using 78 talks. But others argued it no money has been e.xpondcd and it Is natural and inevitable Manchester*Md'*Hef'b^ airtick a parked car al the Park motions for inJuncUons against the Israeli raid wounded one sol- prisals If it lets guerrillas set up translaliible Into dollars and the managers-proprtetors-offl- mini bike belonging would tie the hands o f the ad- from toe trust funds for care that they should want to change West Apartments — ” ------“ ■------. ----- j . ------. ------. ------^ cents. cers. or toe affluent and In­ of Coventry; nine grandchil­ on Terrace the merger, which Is eventually dtor and seven civilians, Inelud- camps. ” " Gary Plourdc’ ^of Ts^'Avon S r ^‘^®e studAris r«AA.„ , ministration to formally halt de- of certain cemetery lots, it ap­ a number of today's relation­ Dr. to include Hartford Fire Insur- 1 g one woman. He did not say To retaliate, the guerrillas at- disaoDeared J u ' i ^ students receive a large vclonment of th** Rementber, the market these formed private Investori, were dren; and seven great-grand­ pears that pro\d.sions of these' ships and Institutions,” Thant days is far less a reflection of losing their confidence as Infla- children. The parked car is owned by nnee co. of Hartford, Conn. whether antiaircraft guns in tacked t7 re e bo^eT"*!^^ Plaurde “ aragr‘‘The'Td bike oilm J’ensnysten^V toe S y new funds are not being fully com­ said. James Umby Jr., of in Ter- Hartford Fire stockholders are Amman brought down any Is- Thursday and kidnaped 24 tor- day morning. * ‘’rtishes and three differ- rocket warheads ^ the random thoughts of millions Mon continued to endanger the Funeral services will be held piled with and therefore the race Dr. Police said, a witness to vote on the proposed merger raell planes. der guards who were released ent eoinrcolor nAin.Apaints of their — choice. •—,._ "L e t too voice and passion of of Americans than it was Just Tuesday at 11 a.m. at Concor­ The issue of multiple warhead auditor recommended this work economy. who saw the Incident gave them Nov. 10. Lebanese troops In Tripoli later, The painting Is done at home youth be part of our work for two years :igo. Today It also Utree weeks ago his polls dia Lutheran Church. The Rev. missile tests is scheduled to be be done each year. a description of the car and and then delivered to toe desig­ peace. Ix>t those of us who are mirrors the tw-havlor of the big showed that not only had the de­ Joseph Bourret, pastor, will of­ A spokesman in Tel A viv said New Head for Lea^^ue taken up Wednesday when toe driver and Miss Parton was Because of inquiries being (tidcr strive to understand money managers, who account ficiate. Burial will be In East Israeli planes attacked Egyp­ nated store and place in the cline in confidence stopped but contacted at home. Police aald In Fairfield County Senate Foreign Relations Com­ made as to the status of the youth's concern and priorities. for 50 JMT cent of the trading on Cemetery. tian military positions across window. that almost Immediately It be­ •he came to headquarters mittee holds a closed meeting town reports. It was announced I^ct us make new plans In the some days, and perhaps even Holmes Funeral Home, 400 the Suez Canal Friday night. He ST. LOUIS (A P ) — J. Philip Selected by the Chamber to with Rogers. gan rising, and still Is. Mfhere she waa charged. Court that they will be available by light of an eloquent new reali­ more recently. Main St., Is In charge of ar­ also said Egyptian ptones made Waring, an Urban League ad- be judges this year are Mrs. date, Nov. 26. Committee chairman J. W. Nov. 1. Copies of the , lumual ty ." There are several technical Heralding Politics two tombing runs over Israeli "’Inlstrator here, haa been ap­ Helen Veltch, Mrs. Harold rangements. Fulbright, D-Ark., said he had reports will be av .Six (H 'lit’ralioiis' O'Coln of Wapping last night. and toe campaign to date haa Hoard of Education. Proposals fice. Take your pick: son ascended to 72,396 feet In cordia Lutheran Church Memo­ Waring s appointment, an- rprizes on Monday, Nov. 3, at the moratorium on testa o f toe new The Incident occured on Rt. 83, been about us exciting as watch- usually come from toe super- The town reports will not be PE.NSACOLA, Fla. (AP) — A The market Is merely fol­ a biilloon gondola. This record rial Fund. nounced Friday, is effective Chamber of Commerce building, weapons. Sen. Edward W. near toe old railroad overpass, lug paint dry. Intendent of schools, upon rec- mailed this year due to the ex­ 5-pound. 11-ounce boy born in lowing an Ingrained pattern. for manned flight stood 21 Black Crow Nov. 16. 287 E. Center St. Brooke, R-Mass., and 42 cospon- police aald. O’Coln was not In­ No real Issues have develop- ommendatlons by principals pense of mailing them. How­ Baptist Hospital Friday repre­ Since World War II, every ma­ years. ~ ...... —------: — sors introduced toe resolution. jured. ed, although toe Democrats. In and teachers, ever. if anyone would like one sented the sixth living genera­ Donald M. BartleUe. 23. of recent days, have tried to raise Sometimes the Board of Di- sent, he may contact the select­ tion of his mother's family, dat­ Personal Notices Captured men’s secretary, Mrs. Adella South Woodstock was charged *be Issue of neighborhood rec- rectors considers proposals by Wylie To Help in Planning Tass Statement: ing back to 1873. with breach of peace. He was reational centers versus one. employe groups and by citizen fCootlnued trrnn Page One) Urban. Identified as Baby Boy Blan­ 2 arrested after Vernon police re large, recreational complex, organliatlona. Vandalism Reported ton until he is officially named, In Memoriam puppy d og-righ t Into a build­ Robert Tuttle, selectmiui. re­ In lovlns memory of Peirr ne<<.l. celved a complaint of a prowler. The Republicans liave killed And. sometimes toe Board of Special Hartford Schooling U-S. Will Meddle the baby l.s the son of Mr and WHY WASTE GOOD LIVING SPACE? STYLARAMA CAN MAKE rtw passed away. Ocl. 3S. 1967 Court date, Nov. 18. that prospective Issue by stat- Education considers proposals ing." said a happy Chief iacob- ported vandali.sm at the Hcn- ■Mrs. Kenneth Blanton of Pensa­ Dr. Richard E. Wylie of 67 (Continued from Page One) nequln Rd. recreation area. Two Ultle hands are resliJtz. ing that there's no reason why by teacher groups and school ^®” ‘ Immediately chained completely eliminated so that cola. He was born by Caesarian A BEAUTIFUL FAMILY ROOM FROM YOUR OLD CELLAR. Kennedy Rd. has been.chosen to A lovlnc heart Is still, there can't be both. organizations. ,*be bird with petty larceny. parenu. teachers and children expressing "concern to ensure Racing cars badly tore up the section but the hospital said V IllUe zrondson we loved Is wsJt- CALL NOW ...HAVE IT DONE IN TIME FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Prisoners* High The Republicans have point- Then, why slates by the poll- " » had to help create a new educational of all ages can work and learn area. The board di*- both the baby and his 15-year- 'the independence and territo­ cuseed the possibility of putting Ih>r us Just over the hill. ed with pride to the funda al- tical parties', as o p p o id 'to ^ n - Uik* to have"gto h C together. old mother were doing well. Orantimother and llreiul- Falls Hat rial integrity of Lebanon’." up a gate and giving keys to CUSTOM KITCHENS htther StrloMond. located for school improve- ivirtlsan camlldates? but that's all we could dodo, " said ~ — *** ** eliminate toe atop- Wylie explained, "The new The baby haa two living Vi«A I P U T N A M V ILLE , Ind. (A P ) gap measure of busing Hartford Tass said the statement con­ leaders of groups using the ments. The Democrats, who ul- Actually, * it's liecause . Issues the chief. • ““ ‘o curriculum will remove frustra- great-great-great-grandmothers. FINISHED Dozens of Inmates of the Indl- children to suburban sctools. area. First selectman Joseph In Memoriam so voted the allocations. said Judge Charles Sneddon im­ , . „ , ^ , “on and failure, by eiimlnatlng stituted "claim s of toe United Mrs. Mary Greer, 92. and In loving memory of Peter J Szegda will discuss this prob­ 5 Reed, who passed away. October ‘^ey -hou.d-havrbe^^^ wmrtoe'ro^afpTr- posed a sentence of 30 days in The Mucational design, called grade levels, rigid course Slates to interfere in the Inter­ Mrs, Ix>u Jobe. 96. both of Rose­ liospltal Friday night after eat­ lem with Dr Ralph Wolmer, 3S. 1967. As proof of toe lack r/ real ties required to take a stand. the pen. a wire enclosure to be "The Everywherer- . School,”...... Is qulremenU, and often, outdated nal affairs of toe Lebanese re­ bud, Ark. His great-great-grand­ BASEMENTS ing poisonous seeds of the Jim chairman of the Recreation H e w u an Itept by Cutrubus. sponsored by Hartford's South textbooks." public. It was pointed out that mothers. Mrs. Owen Newman. CSMWI mw ts«w -W «•» »«• awe B | | | , a ezil IM IM( flTWin tor son weed. OnmcU. earth. last'T\ietoay**Xht voted'Tn"s8 sJn'd’ ^ “ Arsenal Neighborhood Develop­ "The curriculum," he said, 'the Interests of toe United 70. and Mrs. Mae Jobe. 80, are n t s r*W M chMSW nw kvTri • <*• I f l — 8<*al here for a short while. Robert Long Hospital at the on Vietnam, or on funda The Ogden- Chamber of (tom- ers (SAND.) m S C tu to— Uton ■ddinR m tm m I Ood marked him when lie «ave Items. Some were approved will be based on an experience States of America in that area both from Romance, Ark . but Hi State Medical Center in Indian- rome relectto redevelopment, or a position »“ td It had received a let- Maneboater Evening Herald tmm to dtort* StfUrMU »di irae»«torM fmsf coRor W X him birth. Dr. Wylie is a professor at exceed toe Interests of any oth­ all of the others in the slx-gener- And took him with a smile. approach to education. The com­ Cohimbia eoireapondent, Hr- apolls .aid 76 prl«>ner. were “ rvoto w^'uZtm.^ — “ »'“‘® bury, N.C., er state*." at4on chain ore from Pensacola. cz« M ■ ! OUT Of TORN c m eouicr treated and all but 11 were re- There come tax. or on the vote for Who had seen toe University of (tonnecticut munity’s parents, aunts, uncles gtnia M. Carlson, tel. IS8-3I24. mssf tor • IfMMlMtoto Aunts and Uncles were no sldea taken, even In is-vear „ h i. 'o - The Infant's great-grandmoth­ turned to the farm, a minimum the dlscuoalons. t* year olds, or on bonding ver newspaper picture of CTow and specializes to toe teaching neighborhood workers will reminds." Tass comment- BUS pay-as-you-go. the act of stealing a citation. or reading and language - _ arts, P’®y active role to the total ®‘*' ' “ id colonial practices er is Mrs Farris Jobe, 49. and OPEN HOUSE In Memoriam security Inatltution where In­ It Is safe . In loving memory of RVMnt K to say that. In toe " I am writing about toe park- ** ® Democratic candidate *®bl program.” '®^®n big powers referred to vio­ his grandmother Is Mrs. W. E. poozed away Octobri mates are sentenced for less three Gasses Earn Watson. 31. , SUNDAYS 12 TO 8. DAILY 9 TO 9 36. 19S7. than one year. ing ticket-snatching crow." said *^® -'lanchestor Board o< Dl- Wylie, who has worked wVh lations of their interests to some qf toe world to interfere in A hospital apokesman said Brown 'Some time ago I had a T®®*®"- ' tim ilar programs in Texas $32 for UNICEF tTTUUIAkU Not Just today, tot everi-dny. the internal affairs of states and Our thoustits turn bock to you. some of toe 11 admitted suf- Droxlmaielv an ...... •,«.«, mey nave h® disappeared. I ■"T*'* Everywhere S c h M ” « <»'monstraUon class- Stored hy Lake Head M lift MS looa •TMIH W W f 966 wn IIRf wnii Bomo IHoe thins. In a H|>«-clal way. w fered violent hallucinations but f l ^ ‘ ^ ‘ I*® “ Gtanixatlon and the elected ®PPr»<-'late you returning designed by the residents °P®" in Hartford's ^®Prtve the peo- The pupils of two Bentley LIIm you used In say and do. BOL*LDER CITY, Nev.—Lake officials to Issue the statements ^ *"®' Hartford's North End. R baa late plea of their inalienable right to SetKiol third grade classes have none was seriously III. He said Actually, it Is w®int»r. He Mead is the Western Hemi­ R says time heals all sorrow, not an unusual in this year of only munlci; ^ F i n a n c e Director Law- been hailed as one of toe moot raid ...... that long-range plans call settle their owh. affairi them­ made a cortiributton to betoa ua to forset. he•• learned from Inmatea rimatea that situation. In fact H la usTmTI'in’ munlcl- selves." sphere's largest man-made And so• for . time has______only provtsl. parties rence Hunter offered to hand- promising and inovative edoca- for comoletion of the plan to UNICEF How much we mlos you yrl. the whole SoiAh Araenal area The classes of Mrs. (Jertrude resenrotr. by volume, and Hoo­ In five years. Wolf and Miss Jean Freeman ver Dam is the highest concrete Ood save us strancth to flghl. A a i eouiage to bear (he blow. spread that f'c^uM Jet ^ ^ rrL T y T e '-lC trtJ e T e c fo ';? e ‘ ‘ ^® Nothing doing. says (^tru- Children. ‘ **® 2 to 10 wUI att«id "B y creating an educational Sewer Accident •old home-baked cupcakes to dam. The- dam stands 726 feet » » t » • » * * !* nieant to (one you. toe other Bentley School chil­ high In Black Canyon between No one will over know. bus. He'll keep Crow locked up elas^-s to their 1 ^ ^ dren yesterday. United Nations Nevada and Arisons. Wheicfoll, ®'” 5 r i c S ' STYL-ARAMA w « i d h . " . t o ™ ,o “ c o d i a o t f p,,.. during lh« rehabaiUUon period, with the'schools heated tm t h l tm seiiuii Tuiwmt. wwiwToii. COWL •ntesMl by mother. Day. It backs up the Colorado R iver Mzdur, slsloni ond brothers *>un®‘ need to bus children to subur •^®*'®nch he waa work- been turned over to U N IcE r' with 560 miles of shoreltas and I YMI^ «f M. MMafWUI. M M. IM MRTM I Classroom walla will bo ban ______W4-1 •? *“ *n caved to and burlad him. for lU wrork with the children s storage of more than 36 mO- PIUS Jl PINNY! Another man waa tajurML of toe world. Uon acre-feet. PAG E TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 19«9 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN- SATURd A y , OCTOBER 25, 1969 PAGE ELEVEN IRonrhpBipi ^ other spheres, on other Issues. He may indeed l?e that Father Image. Should not Ulster Sees TourUm'Boom: Vernon ' ^tipning i|praii) any inon who can rule hla own 14-year- old daugtiter be automatically consider­ Maxine Rothe Fund Managers May ___- FUBLIHHED BY THE HERAT .n FROmNO CO., INC ed fit to rule us all? Irish Invite Visitors: IS BIim U B tn tt Heads VEIA Vaocbeatc^Coim. I THOMAS 7. BER0U80N ) Mark Up Letter Stock I WALTER R. 7ER0U80N i ' Miss Maxine Rothe Is the Publlahen NEW YORK (AP) — In the ______Tipunded October 1. ISSI Lindsay Ought To Sue The PoD Come for Peace, Ouiet new president tor this year of the policies In their own regto- By OOLDr/’VW YlkJ PTiOSTvmAam highly regulated securtties In­ tration statements. other, maHitaHi their traditions the Vernon Education Associa­ Publlataed Every ICveoInc Except Sunday* The 1869 Dally News poll on the Associated Press Writer The SEX? did place a firmer fpa Holldiya. Entered at the Port Office at of warmth and hospitality to the tion and will head the group dustry a mutual fund manager , Maacheater, CCim., as Second Class restriction on the amount o t mayewolty election in New York City still can buy a certain, type of Matter. BELFAST, Northern Ireland v soon to start salary negotiations such stock a fund should own. haa guaranteed Itoelf a destiny as the SUBSCRIPnON RATSS (AP) — Narthem Ireland Is _ comHig campaign wiU with the Board of Education. stock at a big discount and arbi­ Previously the commission held Payable In Advance moat discussed and perhaps eontrover- looking to one uneiqiected bene- !!!?“ exceilent fish- William Field is chairman of trarily revalue It upward to en­ that up to 15 per cent of a fund’s One Tear ...... $80.00 fit from Its year of trouble: a the calm coast re­ Six Months ...... 16.S0 alal poll In political history by starting the Personnel Policies Oommli- hance the market price of hla portfolio could be In letter stock. Three MontlM ...... 7.80 potential boom Hi tourism. ^ Warren Point in tee. Others In this group, be­ fund. It revised this down to 10 p«r One Month ...... x«> out with Mayor John Undaay leading This year the province’s ho- “ sides Miss Rothe. will be: Wal­ In fact, the right to do so was. cent. MEMBER 0 7 instead of traiUn^. ter Neff, representing the de­ But, despite the action this THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tels and caterers have had a tourists for n ^ In effect, affirmed this week by week the situation remains TIm Associated Press Is exclusively entttled Mayor Lindaay may have grounds for thin though not disastrous time, lar or so ans partment heads; Clare Albom, the Securtties and Exchange to the use of republlcatton of all news dls- Visitors have fallen by around cations in no ^ representing the supervisors Commission In an opinion on largely unchanged, and the in­ P^*>e»..>5redlted to It or not otherwise eredlt- suing the poll, when and If he now ed In t ^ pcHMr and also the local news pub­ 10 per cent from year’s (Te t an^Sro^^^ and directors; Ralph McCarroll, “ letter stock.” dustry remains split on the en­ lished here. loses the election, with the argument 1,197,000. Even If the current Sins. >"oun- the coaches; Edward Masker, Thla type of stock need not tire Issue. All rishts of republlcatlon of special dM- lulmlnlstrators; Grace Carbone, Some funds say flatly that patches herein are also reserved. that It spoiled everything for the under­ quiet continues, they expect Ut- Fni- tv,,, even be registered with the Rockville H l^ School, and such securities do not belong Hi The Herald Printing Company inc.. as. SEX?, which scruUnlies most dog kind of support which was really all Charles Singer and Arthur stock offerings to make sure any fund portfolio. Others, sumes BO financial responsibility for typo- .. by a big farm guest houses, all inspect^ g r ^ l ^ errore appearing In advertisements he had left going for him. ’That may have Lyon, elementary schools. tliat the public has been provid­ mainly the performance minded and ^ e r reading matter bi The Manchester to guarantee reasonable stand- funds, admit quite frankly that EsTenlnf Hcruo. been the only possible way he could the United States, Canada and ards of comfort. They provide a The Professional Rights and ed full and adequate disclosure ResponsiblHties Committee is of facts. letter stock has a special func­ Subscrl^ to Los Angeles Tlmes-Wasiilng- Germany ahould tell a different chance to live with the people at ton Post News Service, ' have won the election — by secret sup­ headed by Yale Cantor. It Is the tion; to boost the fund’s quoted story. $3 a n i^ t and most have horse Issuers of letter stock con be price. TUll rervlce client of N. E. A. Service. Inc. port In which hundreds of thousands of duty of thla committee to handle I^bHshere Represenutlves — The iulhis That wlU be the 80th annlver- riding or good fishHig and sall- mute before the public. They ~ New York. Chi­ sary of the Northern Ireland Ing available, any grievances which may oc­ need not make any public dis­ One danger frequently cited Is cago. Detroit and Boston Individuals were going to vote tor state. For the celebrations, Bel- At the height of the August cur within the teachHig staff. closure regarding their compa­ that any amount of letter stock him because they felt so sorry and guilty makes a fund less liquid. That TI0N?B®'^ a u d it bureau 0 7 CIRCULA- fast is building a leisure center riots Belfast Issued a leaflet en Cantor will be assisted by ny because, presumably, the over the fact nobody at all was going with concerts and sports hall. tlUed: “ Come to Northern Ire- George Heasman and Oarabed public will not be buying the Is, when called upon to purchase Oarabedian. stock. back Ha own shares—as it must DUmlay advertising closing hours to vote for Wm. William Stephens, the travel ^°r a Shooting Holiday.” It JJr Monday ^ p.m. Trldav. The security Is so called be­ —a fund might find It difficult to Tor ^e^ay — 1 p.m. Saturday and transportation expert who t^^used much embarrassmert at Other committee chairmen Tor Wedn^ay — l p.m. Monday Now the Dally News poll has made are Eileen Murphy, member­ cause when sold by a company do so because It cannot sell Its Is chairman of the Northern Ire- but now is paying off. letter stock to get cash. Tor Thursday — 1 p.m. Tuesday. him a favorite, there la almost nothing ship; David OUphant, constitu­ It la accompanied by a letter of Tor SMday — 1 p.m. Wednesday. land Tourist Board, told an In- Shooting parties have been Some financial men are wor­ Tor toturtav — 1 p.m. Thursday. tion; Leonard Lucia, Insurance, agreement between the parties he can do, except to try to keep » where the ring, a flawless, at the auction. The Greek ship- state-m^ntalned bridges and per seco^ . and again, In the years of spHt the window as the ’ ’White Won­ lett'Packard Co. Graduate of Michigan Techni- mesch In the Hartford Courant, Vice earth, Venus and Mercury. the outermost reaches of the each other at Hartford, they der.” t,oIumbia Records said Hi a pear-shaped diamond surround- ping magnate reportedly gave many ckhers. The longest Is When ho retired from public office, legislative powers. It proved wished license to shift the gome logical University, additiontil courses in state President Agnew had voiced similar sen­ Wherever they have struck one Actually, Colo suggested two solar system. Oilumbia Records estimated statement: “We consider the re­ ed by two half-moon diamonds his bride $1.2 million worth o t Seven-liflle Bridge on the Over- he left an honorable record behind him, easier to negotiate and deal and local government, University of Hartford and of these inner planets, they ways of tapping this reservoir to an earlier stage—before the that about 5,000 copies of the al­ lease of this record an abuse of totaling iuiother 2.92 carats, jewelry when they were mar- seas Highway to Key West, timent last June In a commencement of raw material. One was to with the Republicans thah it as he has now left honorable and friend­ have created cataclysms which identity of those coming to Hart­ bum had been pressed. But they the Integrity of a great artist would wind up. Parke-Bernet MCC. Recipient of IMstinguished Service Award install a modest propulsion sys­ proved, in the last session, to address at Ohio State University. have survived the ravages of ford had been determined. were surprised when told Fri­ . . . They are at one time defam­ wouldn’t even say who was sell­ from BAancneater Jaycees 1967. Serving third year ly esteem among all hls business and tem on the asteroid to swing it try and deal with their own ing the gem. ’There he scolded his own generation time and. the elements for bil­ They failed Hi their effort to day that stores were selling the ing the artist and defrauding his as town director. civic and fraternal associates, and loving close to Mars and have that Herald rambunctious Democrats. lions of years. The pockmarked persuade the 1969 session to leg­ “I^ite Wonder” openly. admirers. For these reasons, Kenmore sold he was not a for falling to ’ ’define and defend either planet’s gravitational pull act For the state employes, the Columbia Records in coopera­ free agent—Indicating he had a memories among those privileged to be moon bears testimony to these Yesterdays islate them more freedom for Dawnald Henderson, assistant as a "gravitational whip” to era of the split legislatures was tion with Bob Dylan's attorneys customer. But he refused to say Its achievements or Its Inheritance from in his family. Impacts. The craters seen on the political action which might In­ general attorney at Columbia, VOTE REPUBLICAN swing the_ asteroid In close to ideal. They had an easy time of intend to take all legal steps to whom. "The diamond is the past generations of Americans. Mariner pictures of Mars, and 2 5 Years Ago fluence future sessions. At their said the firm will go into U.S. ■ .f . T m *. many earth craters, are further the earth'tor capture. The oth­ It playing one party against the state convention last week, they stop the distribution and sade of Cartier diamond now tor the ClMs. McKsnsli, Tis.s. ”A society which comes to fear Its er scheme would place major other. District Court In Los Angeles this album.” moment,” he said, referring to evidence of asteroid Impacts. Gov. Raymond Baldwin and denounced the 1969 legislators and Canadian courts to seek an propulsion units on the asteroid When each party had the pow­ A spokesman for Dylcui’s the fact It was one of the few children,” he said then, ” ls effete. A Only In New England Some o f these fragments, several members of his state for the "politics” which UUed injunction against distribution to change Its path Into one er to pass, through one branch manager, Albert Grossman large stones without a name. snivelling, hand-wringtng power struc­ while moving In a heliocentric team pay surprise visit at ban­ their own bill for more politics, and sale o f the album. All the rest of the country has tour which would orbit the earth, of the legislature, Its own legis­ Management, Inc., said Dylan Both Mrs. Richard B urton- orbltdhat is, around the sun), quet of Young Republicans at and then showed signs of turn­ Sales have been reported In ture deserves the violent rabelllon It seasons. In New England wo also have changing It from a heliocentric lation in the state employe would have no comment on the actress Elizabeith Taylor—and come close to the earth. In American Legion Home. ing, like everybody else these California', New York, Boston October. orbit to a geocentzlc one. "White Wonder.” Mrs. Aristotle Onassls—widow encourages. If my generation doesn’t 1BS2 the asteroid Hermes came realm, the two parties almost day. to the streets or to the and Canada, he said. AT THE PARKADE ’The season which we have been en­ Cole visualized hollowing out Inevitably had the instinct to of President John F. Kennedy— stop C linging, yours will Inherit a lawless within 486,000 miles of the earth. iO Years Ago strike In search for power. The “ I don’t think they are being joying for the post two weeks is some­ the asteroid to create a large try to outbid each other for the were among the women reputed thing outside of and beyond the usual ApoUo, also In 1932, came with­ Republicans would do almost distributed through normal busi­ Farm Lending Off 8 % society where emotion and muscle dis­ chamber. Into this would be •Plans showing site change for good will of the state employes to be Interested. wheeling of the year, a time set apart in two million miles. Adonis was everybody a favor if they would ness channels,” Hdnderson said. place reason.” placed a magazine of one-meg­ proposed North End Junior high In the next state election. WASHINGTON— The volume TTiere was a rumor that the that somehow doesn’t count in the stress only a million miles away In manage, next time, to take the "Our information is that people aton thermonuclear bombs. school delivered by architect If the question were one of a of new farm mortgage money stone was flown to Switzerland OPEN SUNDAYS Taking these two pieces of Agnewlana of growth and decay, seedtime and har­ 1938 and. In the post two years, Those would be detonated sin­ Victor Frid. State Senate. are driving around In a car lent by 19 life insurance firms, pay raise, the two political par­ last month so Miss Taylor could on top of the impressively ringing prose vest In wtrloh we are usually enmeshed. Icarus — about 0.0 miles in gly with the entrance to the hol­ dropping them off.” federal land banks and the inspect it. ties would be rivals Hi gener­ The glory that Is October serves no diameter- came within four mil­ low chamber acting os the rock­ The manager of a chain of Farmers Home Administration 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. of the New Orleiins performance, we osity. and the state employes She already owns the 33-carat 0 0. (> utllltaiion purpose In the great natural lion miles of the earth. Over the et nozzle. However, the asteroid discoimt record shops In Man­ dropped 8 per cent In 1968 to Krupp diamond, bought for her IH could always expect a compro­ Quotations find ourselves on the way to several scheme of things. ’The warmth of the eons of the solar system’s exis­ Is so massive that literally hun­ Outlay. $37 Billion hattan where the album was ad­ $1.68 billion and was 21 per cent laat year by Burton for $308.(XX>. WATCH FO t o u t SUNDAY SPICIALSI mise between the two parties, Important realixatlons about the Vice sun Is not for growing of crops or the tence, these asteroids have con- dreds of bombs would have to ■Employers should give cozi- vertised In shop windows first under the 1965 record. And A1 Yugler, the man who CHICAGO—Out of their gross usually on a satisfactory level. ripening of fruit. All that Is over and stanUy moved from beyond be used to achieve the velocity sideration to adoption of formal denied knowledge that the President. income of about $82 billion this But when one party ahme has done with, and the fields He fallow In Mars to approach the earth. change at perihelion to enable year, U.S. farmers are expect­ programs for upgrading blue- record had been sold. LADIES,.. He Is not kidding, he Is not tiial- the soft light, ’The riot of color In the The late Daiidridge M. Cole, the earth to capture the aster­ dominant control then the busi­ follnr workers Hito professional- When told that sales were ob­ ed to spend more than $87 bil­ ness of playing one party balloonlng, he Is not In the employ of trees Is for no useful end, such as at­ <*ie of the Spare Age’s mewt oid. lion for goods and services and technical and clerical classlfca- served, he admitted grudgingly, for your shopping convenience ' tracting bees or hummingbirds to help against the other disappears, "N o,” the albums were not ob­ some speechwriter. He really believes perceptive thinkers, pioneered Another propulsion unit would other expenses involved In pro­ tions."—Report In the U.S. La­ In pollenliiiig and crosa-fertlltaatlon. ’The the study of asteroids for spare take the form of electric or nu- and the state employes are cast bor Department’s monthly La­ tained through normal business ducing crops and livestock. Into the role of weak petition­ what he says. And against the common scarlet of the maples and the gold of He. at one time, postu- bor Review. channels. He refused to elabo­ PILGRIM MILLS is Bophiatlcatod view that he keeps putting the birch trees is sheer, lush luxury, Wtied a hypothetical asteroid he rate or to give hls name. At a small record shop near hli foot In his mouth. It might be more as far as the practical ’furthering of rolled Hypothecus and develop­ nature's ends Is Involved, simply a hap­ ed an orbit for thu body. Cole C

PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1M9 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1969 PAGE THIRTEEN BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE SLUOR HOOPLE HOW ABOUT A NEW- T IE , ■mis ONE GOES IS IT WRINKLE-PRCXJF. PORKY? TH' PRICE IS WITH YER EYES! STRETCH-PROOF AND n e v e r AAIND R IG H Tl J LONG-WEARING? THACr (RUBY . r • THE COUSIN err BEAK IS Av CM^H BORBT BCN», AVLEOB ~ WC KNOW REAP StVEAWW?, Antwtr to PrtTieat Piinl* nex&B NO AAASATINGS/ vou / t h a t b e a p p Mf-SOfSI >mx>u know fine Texaco proAicts? You will round-the-clock burner field oil-powered water heaters domesticated and a 10% Bonus Card in advance that you will be cer­ enjoy using them. Fire (Thief 195 WEST CENTER ST. service that's Johnny on the and Aqua Boosters all the Talephnne 649-M il . . . To Save With! tain of the utmost in .satisfaction the regular gas or Sky Chief S s M ^ o d , (Ntwtpaptr InHtpfltt Ai$n.) ESSO spot should you ever need It, hot water you can possibly use when the work is done here. the high teut gas will really EaUbltshed 1949 T f . and an INSURED BUDGET at a fraction of the cost of thr 405 MAIN ST. Reuben Plen took over this make a difference when used CHOICE VARIETY P A Y M E N T P LA N that takes utilities. With these appliances, Texaco Station on July 16, 1962, regularly in your car. As for TEL. 649-5533 the peaks out of heating bills not a minute Is wasted waiting ITpholsUry and he has many years of ex- oil, the next time you need an J CARNIVAL and Insures you In the event for water to heat because the Qualify BY DICK TURNER * Tune-Ups perience in back of him as a ful- q[| change got Texaco’s Havo- ' and l ¥ l Shop A n A d ly trained mechanic working on, 1^,^, one of the oldest of the of an accident, sickness or units will recover the hot Seafood RE-UPIIOIJnERINO BY KEN MUSE * Engine Cieaning all makes and models of cars, f^ iy tested oils on the nuwk- death, at no cost to you. Please water to times faster than elec­ • MODERN FURNITURE No matter what your parUcular ^et today. If you need a new call them for more Information w, tricity and 3 times faster than 43 OAK STREET •nd ANTIQUES In The * Minor Repairs gas. There is a special leasing M car problem may be, you can battery gel a sturdy Texaco or ‘ T E l. 649-BU7 • Store Stool* »nd Booth* Herald * Stamps be sure that Mr. Plen can and oelco baUery and you wtU have ^ e lly Is In charge of program available for these ap­ • Custom Furniture pliances. Slipcover* nnd Draper!** HEROES a r e AAAPE-NOT BORN ip^ts^ will diagnose the trouble and worriea over starling your fix it for you. Not only does he ^ matter how cold it may It is a good time to have your Today the emphiislH Is i>n to­ Mode to Order Assures burner cleaned and serviced. tal home comfort and k-ogariy Complete Selection el do on excellent Job but you wijl be. Reuben Plen’s Mnterinl* be most pleased with the rea­ Fogarty Brothers services and Brothcris has a total comfort Insfont f’-RRE EHTIMATBS SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL United Rirtt-CUlL sonable prices that he chargee repairs all makes of oil heat­ system display In operatlwi at fW AAMtaai ing equipment. All the service It's office. This total comfort Texaco Sfafion leiwer l,evel of thr Porhade Action for his work. If you are not rat- 649-6394 iafied with the way your car I s ------system combines heating, cool­ ing. Humidiftentlon, dehumldt- 381 Main Stroaf Mon. A Tiiea. 9-6, Sat. 94 858 BURNSIDE AVE. running, take it over to Reuben tJ*\ 'saloon fleation and electronic air clean­ EAST HARTFORD Plen’s Texaco Station and let PhoiM 643.9149 Mr. Plen take a look at it. ing Into one unit. This Is the 289-6333 If you need new tires — and nrwcMt on the market and l’''og- IfydramsUr Tnunmlaoloo GLASS PAUL DODGE Power and Hand Tools it Is foolish and risky to drive arty Brothers would like you (o Repalrtag Painting and Decorating on worn ties — you wlU find a see It In operation at 310 Broad e For Auto WlndehleM* All Work Gnaraateotl a For Store Fronte and Tools full line of Firestone and Good­ Mtreat. PONTIAG, ING. Trxsoo 1 Aibrtrsllon Service all aixe* iif windowa Garden and Land Tools year tires at Reuben Plen’s Areas serviced by Fogarty Baby, Household, Party We Give jlttf Green Stamp* • For Table Tope BUZZ SAWYER S7S Main St.— Tel. 649-2881 Texaco Station. Brothers Include Maneh«v«ter, and Banquet Supplies BY ROY CRANE Eaat Hartford. Bolton. Ulnston- OPEN H A.M. to 6 P.M. Invalid Needs Whether or npt you have 1 DON'T X / THE MIKE BERNT I NOW, LOOK, FELLA. y W BUT HOTELS AND DAILY RENTAL new tires, it would he a very bury, Wapptng, SouUi WIndaor, SATURDAY 8 A.M.-NOON ENJOY HITTING \ USED HEAD ABOUT YOU'RE THE SPDRTSAAAN TYPE. STICK Ro<-kvllle, Andover, Vernon, THE SKIDS EITHER \ NEVERTO GAVE UP. ^ i - i CLUBS ARENT, TO SPORTS. TAKE THIS FISHIN6 CAMR„ SERVICE smart idea to have the front ^ I'M A THREE-TIME X X X *^UR LINE. end of your car checked to see TolcottvlHe and (Coventry. TOURAINE LAROCHELLE and SAWYER. BUT ' FAILURE. NIOT GUEST COTTAGES, BOATS.^MAKE WHEN THE MONEY'S X : V If it is out of alignment. If you See Fogarty Brothers for fuel CT...A FISHERMAN'S oil, (Tllll (Jhasers. humidifiers, , WHITE GLASS CO. FARADISC... AND I'LL BET_------, $7 a day - 7 c a mile COiNS A e p ra lM are driving your car every day. PRINTS WILL A WILL HELP. / O H . NO. n t L K 'TMEVRE ALMOST OUT the chances are that It la out dehumldlflers, oil-powered wa­ INC. CotlMtloas Wanted ter heaters, AqiNi DooMlerN nml 81 ni**ell S t —T*l. d4»-7999 ' YOU don't OVER SOON. J SALOON OF OIAIRS AND BOTTLES, BUT ONLY THE of alignment, for it is almost W»*^ Tor Cvrronf Total Oomfort heating Inatallu- FOR BEST RESULTS Jni M )8 ANCKLES (A l’ l -nie MICKEY FINN Amerlriin Red ('roM U urKlnK Fine Quality BY LANK LEONARD Hourly e Dally e Weekly they pull unevenly or perhaps for rep.'ilr work is someorw* who j, tune.up to front end alignment Optai I to 8 Dally,tally, butM Responsible Care for 2, S, op|Kjnem« of the Vietnam war to 60LVNE PLAYS I THINK NOT, you have not had them checked specializes In lore)|fn car repaT Robin Motors guariinteos the ’‘Never Ou Hiundny,' ^.P^rOi^KHBRERHSHTAkVAy, 4, S-yr. olds from 7 a.m. to put preHhure on North VleUiam SHADRACK MICHAEL! ITS for some time. Worn brakes and Volkswagen work. Such a work dom' on your car. J'OIAMONDS W ith beefy m s n ISH SPARKING TONIGHT, UNCLE PH IL? I 'M HA\/IN' TROUBLE WITH • p.m. Monday thru Sat­ through a lettrr-wrlHng < am- We ,nuy and Sell ALL CUT AND /T'S STEVE CANYON FRONT END will Ftlll stop a car but you risk place Is Robin Motors. Route You don’t hvae to have a for- THEIR DEFENSE, elleved 1 UPTHEANTE U O WESTESTER 3 1 mission. This will prevent trans­ Phone 648-5617 IHMalnSt.,Tol, 649-4531 Dry Cleaning Center Free Inspection I aptured (&2JJ No Obligation mission trouble and also pre­ The teen-ager In custody told Knikow. dlrer tor of the Arner vents the sp.als from dying out. Spoclalliing in 419 Main— ManchcHter RUBSH TROM ZA, Manag<’r Woman IK)llce he thought hls name was 1< an H«»<) (*n>fui International Chris <'ulrarii and that he had H« rv|i 4-' IN'partrnent, told newn- BRAKE SERVICE Alr-Conditloned Canh To Send iM’en traveling about- the United men he thlnka North Vietnam AUTOMOTIVE States, picking up money tay "LET US GIVE YOU A Wfiuld lUten to app4*H)« from Front End Allgnmant MR. ABERNATHY YOUR For AnineHiac’ plavlng hls guitar In <-offee BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY SPOTLESS REFUTATION” Houreeti krviw'n bi lx* agalnat the SUPPLIES — r ~ R O B iN COMPLETE houses. w er I JUST CANV Ganorol Rspiiir Worli TORONTO!API Mrs. Vale Ttiere are three other Cutrara In the |Niat few duyn. he aald, 6ET IWTSELF PET CENTERtoii^ R£Xi-y w a n t s [" SPECIAL ”1 da Culrara of Toronto la trying <-hll ren at Iwine Tlielr father word of the ram im lj(n haw l>ern P L U ^ 1DBRBAK (YinaiieH — Parakeet* ACRACKBRJ MOTORS to raise money to get her gui­ Is a hotel worker. --ent to every eaiii|iuii neWN|«t WITH I Liidlea’ Dresses (Plain) | Tropiral Fish — Turtle* MACHINE SHOP pouy WANTS WINTHROP tar-playing son Christopher p« r In the ('fitted Htatea. DaPONTS A CRACKER! TRADITION 1 BY DICK CAVALLI I Men’s 2 Pc. Suits i Hamster* —' GerM* home from Florida, now that SERVICE Rt, 6 & 44A Bolton Mixed Breed Pupple* Tlie iilrn. he Hald. Ui to obtnlti I Oar Ooata ...... 81-S9 she's sure It's him. ffallupn* for TrouUlv FRED/ WAICE EITHER THE Aquarium Aeeeaoorte*, ete. inteniiitirmal lrui|MM twm of prin I Osnto (Plata) ...... f l M | Christopher Cutrarn, 17. has on eamp». regular flow of mail Stop *11 Go H o u s e IS O N 643-2764 Our Own Hperlol Blended ALBANY, N Y If a motor I Spsrt dnchBte ...... 75c ^ Pet Food* been held In protective custody frYirn them, the identity of prix- ^S.'-aiSokE/ FIRE, (OR in dlDtrecm on n miper Prop: "Rudy” IhiPual WINTHROP JOE W. DUGAY, Prop. at the Barstow. Irin.. Jail since 1st U onem and uMauninee of humane , Good tlira Nov. 1st | MANCHESTER he walked In 10 days ago, an ap­ M ANCHESTEf I S a X J U I N B Anieriean & Foreign hijfhw.'iy. Jic khould fly n bnUcion treatment j^WHh Thta Ctoupoti Only^ PET CENTER parent amnesia victim. .275 .Main Street B C S A K B A S r Car Repairs from hU var. « Nrw York i«UU« AUTO PART FOR 0 6 . MB Main At. Blaiicbcater His mother wasn't sure It was hli^way Yjfflrlal brlleve* Phone: 619-6977 VW’s Our SpeeiaJty her »on mjlll she saw a photo­ profx»94eii IhU roior rorllng Hrd, German RoatU Runwr 'IW B K C M t/ >1 graph that Barstow police ar­ aid needed OrMsfi. pr> Featuring n cuiiiplele Uoe of ranged to hiive transmitted to BfiNN French motortnU LUCA’S liif. imd blue, mri hinUiil aid OPEN Hbell PriMlu, U plu* Toronto, Earlier she talked to liave nrsriy twice ns many Geoerol Automoltve PRISCILLA’S POP FRO N T END SELF-SEBVK'E Hn%>finK motorbiU w«6id no­ BY AL VERMEER Ihe youth by telephone ''and It mile* u( ruad at their dl»|Ksial HAT. TO I I’.M. Repolrtag LACNDRA-MAT tify polled a/l«r Kpottinff MM-h DYNAMICS Dry Ctewuing and Tiailortag sounded like him. !he way he a* Weal German drivers And ^MilluoriA »U*-e U>«y * 1*0 drive only ^ JUST HAVIN® IT G O O D X ("t a k e M V ..MAKE ______244 BROAD STREET Also: Reweaving and custom tnum bUil" But she wasn't sure. CCMECKED BEFORE THINKING .H a d V I C E ! ) : GUARANTEE cacK (Bediind Dulry Que.n) made suits, pants and coats. She s:il(l Christopher left the 6 OUO mllM * yessr, on the aver ^ T H E G U A R A N T E E •> Phone: 649-4045 Fair prices, too! ( J c l age cum|nred« wtlh W.OOti for CUNLIFFE RUNS OUTX . W H E N Y O U <£»AU_J house 2 to pU k up his pay­ MERCURY B U Y A Specializing In a fnw/si lee* check and she hasn't seen him Equal Pay Onlpred ai. West Gormans, the vigume uf ...... C O L O R T V ... Front Bod Geometry ■ince A relative In Chicago no­ MELWtCRNE The Auslr* Irsjffii on a mil* of We»t Get ”'*^Trav*l Agoficy MOTOR SALES w Bralte Service and tified her after seeing a story mmts«KNi has EXPERT AUTO BUOY aad : e n t e b BY LESLIE TURNER Shock AbMirbers a missing boy In Florida Mrs great Nil In Fran’e ' 643.9S71 — ^Foreign and Domestic— f^rdered eqWil | «y U»r women FE.NDER RCPAUM *»j do work equal U* that o( Pb n id ? wb couupwt find ID HOPO IVW WIFE I T « D TO CATCH HER BUTirs \ PARDON Free Inspection .NO SERVICE E.NAMBI. and IJ4CQUBR SPEILB) SHE OFTEN TAKE* OFF LIKE NO USEl BY NOW »m 9 REACHEI’) »W„P0LlCB before traveled to the United men The final raise m a sene: The German cfjfn|N,*er, Rich luu And DiciDsp io COULD GET THRU THE ■T-/ A WILD DEER-. HUROUNG No Obligation CHARGE lOUR HOTEL, 4NP BEPPED P0\NN^/ARH HERE TO .States, and that hls farthest trip of four Ls due by January 1972 ard Wagner dle<] In VriUc*. Ha RErLNIMIIINOS EVENING WITHOUT PENCES AND TERRIF/INA. J K « N TBO.UZA, .Manager Drive-In Parldag ONE OF THE UVEGTOCKI . AVORDl WE A»K A FEW from home was to (yttaw-a ly In Ik'S RK.HKR\ATION>t FOR KRAHO.NABIX PRICBS BtTT- qUEGnONSl • HOTElJt RT. 99—VEK.NON, CONN. * AIKIJNES Ju*t Ahave the Traflto * STEA-HSHIP* Got A Paintins Problem? Well Help! CM* Read Herald .-Vd- CM .Main S | ., Mant healer f ix . 04»-«01d Service still means ftosnething to ub— and service DON T L NEAT WITH means spending enough time with y.ou to help you ROBIN MALONE SETTLE FOR BY BOB LITBBERS select the right paint finish for that job you’re plan­ ning. See US for paint and service when you plan your 'pye, KATHY.( LApy o k jco-'cy-. LISTEN TOJUe M.AN WITH THE LESS EVERYftDCV ) OECipEATTK next project. >tT)K flA C e IS IW Die YUNNeKB a i x i c ' golcy-yj Tcw<5o e , ko ph j, a n d rU - R C ^ lN .y TPUSJ-, OCAK.' HAVe TOcOM^TOyoUR Rescue •' . NtSKT TIME- X .,\iV WONT fANiC^ f Taa, lE » I Cl)f Strati Club W f c / / .»r HiRTfQ" i SDBA ' m-. iAS » INSURED BUDGET [L[GANC[ WlfHOUT [XTRAVACANCr figjjAaaNPAINTm PAYMENT PLAN LITTLE SPORTS ATLA/mC BT ROUSON 723 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER—PHONE 649-4501 • 24-HR. CUSTOMER ' X f r i 'iLiD TOPEFFF^-; '• BUY THE PALNT THATS WORTH 'THE WORK OtI. H B AT SERVICE :n : hl ."rFS hea?:h V ' STEAK Your indepwident FOGARTY BR0S„ INC. , y M (w tl( i M m ifcta... Hcfimirs* ( ]D 46 WEST CENTER STRflT •./ S , ^ ■ - SK*** -A - AS dMl«r. 319 BROAD ST. PHONE 6494539 i\fe W -- . ss ' .* • ' i . - r :: SILVER LANE EXTINSION C a^ m a s a t Feataw Cm

..'f'S 'i ‘tr'


MANCHES’TER EVENING HERALD. MANCHES’TER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1969 PAGE FIFTEEN Sports Viewing UConn Hosts UMass, Yale Receives Cornell Browns^ THI Vikings Headed SATDBDAT 12:M ( 8) Pro FootbaU 12 :M (18) Knights Football Dartmouth Offense, Defense 1:00 (SO) RoUer Derby Herald Angle Individual Battle Called Draw 2:S0 ( 8) NCAA Football: For NFL Michigan State *9 Division Titles vs. Iowa Due for Test Against Harvard ’..V kings are red hot with four EARL y 1l»S7 NEW YORK (AP) — terback has been dumped 29 tough, bowing to Kansas City SUNDAY straight whW and Joe Kapp is Unb6&t6n D & l^m outll, a threi stlraight triumphs since an depleted ranks and pull an iqiset Sperls Editor Cleveland and Minnesota tim3s and Falcons have bagged only by 17-10 margin. Bills were 11:80 (18) Notre Dame having his beat year. Both national power o n b o th o f- opening loss to Ckmnecticut, re- against Army at West Point. should take giant strides enemy only four times. Look for lucky 50-21 loss at Oakland FootbaU teams tough on defense but loss fense and defense, sends ^or an engagement with. The Cadets are not as strong as In First Meeting of Lew—Wilt toward their divisional Atlanta to try to run on Pack. wain’t even worse. Bob Giiese 1:00 ( 3) NFL: St. Louis of Bill Munson and Mel Fan- its miirhtv machine in ‘^™***- are favored, in other years, but they have titles this week. Los Ange­ Washington 31, Pittsburgh has only lour TD passes and vs. Cleveland Notes from the little BladkBof* tough blow to Lions’ offense ( 8) Yale FootbaU aueat o f n fift h uintnrtr In *“®® “ ^wppInF never lost to BC. 20—Redskins aren't supposed to something is rotten in the Or­ LOS ANGELES (AP)— history, led the Lateia to a basket, Alclndor scored 12 first- tonight because they (the Lak­ day night, AUanta whipped Bos­ les and Dallas should re­ right when they are needed 1:30 (SO) AFL: Jets vs. H a r v a r e f Tufts and Wesleyan, who more over CincinnaU. Oscar "03 in the race .but they’re cling­ ange Bowl. dllan inv^ion invasion oi of H a rv a rd to- Marlnaro, who gained nearly match Dartmouth’s io record half points and Chamberlain, ers) were sagging on Lew. ton 132-110, Battlmore downed main undefeated and Kan­ most. Vikings won both games Patriots indMdu.1 au,ht Robertson’s 30 points were high ing to Cowboys’ heels. Seventh Kansas City 24. Cincinnati 14 facing a man taller than himself Somebody had to ^ open but ClncInnaU in overUme 131-190, sas City should get re­ in 1968 and have allowed only t% a l 7 h t m i 4:00 (30) AFL: Raiders vs. tor the Royals. Four of his —Chiefs have lost only once and N ew 'V n crl d r “ N®'" » l y the Senior Citizens Center, Fortin will be back on the ^ termed a draw with and grabbed 5 rebounds but for the first Ume in a while, we weren’t hitting the open New York overwhelmed Detroit poInU came in Uie last 84 sec­ venge for that upset in Chargers L T u 5 , Harvard. beaten teams, face stem tesU. Alclndor, the 7-foot-19i rookie, had a bit of trouble blocking man.” that to Bengals 24-1 9in Sept. 28 Dali schedule. Brown takes time out from ’Tufts is host to Williams, which Rec payroll as building director at the East Side ^ man praising the 110-93 and Chicago ahaded Phoe­ onds of regulation Ume to gain a Cincinnati. made his presence felt with 38 shots. "I thought our defense was LOS Angeles 28, Chicago 10- first meeting. Sam Wyche took Dartmouth, a unanimous action to entertain Colgate, has rolled to three victories in nix 110-llS in overUme. 119-119 Ue and force the over­ With the World Series finally Sonny Jurgensen should do it S i L * !' . ® program a other, but in the end it was points and 90 rebounds. It was But in the second half, Cham­ a little better than U had been,” George Halas won’t greet Clncy in after Greg Cook was choice as New England’s No. 1 "Hie Bruins have lost three in a four starts on the running (rf The New York Nets beat Den­ time. out of the way, the American i,aln and Charley Taylor had hurt. Kansas City won exhibl- ball bounces. Two men who The latter, Robbins says, won firepower of a game of muscle under the berlain scored 18 points and, said Laker Coach Joe Mullaney. ver 97-91, Kentucky edged New Willis Reed led New York George Allen with open arms team in this week’s Associated but hope to pull an upset Jack Maitland. Wesleyan In- boards. Football League reaches the and the Rams must beware of o™nanother in the tlon game 23-7 Aug. 16 at Jack- were let go by the Rec Depart- * number of sailing races this the Los Angeles Lakers using a balanced attack, with Baylor scored 26 points to Orleans 111-109 and Dallas with 30 points as the Kideks half-way point this Sunday and Press poll, rules better ban a against the Red Raiders. vades Amherst, which Is 8-1. "It was more physical than Elgin Baylor, Jerry West and lead the Lakers. It was "his walking into a trap. Bears must „ mqnt a year ago. Carl SUver summer agalrist Robbins. Rob- that beat an inexperienced tripped Pittsburgh 110-100 in the bounced back from their first the , touchdown favorite, but the In- Massachusetts traveto to Maitland neecki Just 148 yards it was in our flnit three rookie guard WUIie McCarter bet game of the season so far." be desperate when they talk of B^tlmore 27, San Francisco Oakland 27, San Diego 20—In- and Bob Pariseau, are both would like to see Hoops in ^Milwaukee B u ck tM in American Associa­ defeat Thursday to rout the Pis­ which started a week late, will dlans are guarding against Storrs to meet CoimecUcut in a to break the New England «d- gaunes,” Lew stdd. “ It was the scoring freely, the Lakers broke said Mullaney. bcnchlng but of- " haven’t lost to 49ers Jury-to Gary Garrison will per- back and in ^ portions. SUver “ >® f*ve M«e Rood Race com- Lew Alclndor. the'^S'on-dol- tion. tons. Jimmy Walker led Detroit have finished six of its 14-game over-confidence because of their Yankee (Conference showdown, first Ume I’ve played agidnat the game open in the fourth mynn Robinson scored S3 fense has scored only 48 points 1962. and this will be 14th mlt Raiders to double Op on lege division career ruriilng is the assistant director and P«tltlon here Thanksgiving; lar rookie of the Bucks lost Lou Hudson led Atlanta with with 31. schedule. long-time rivalry with the Crim- Although they own an over-all Wilt for real and he taught me period. In five games. Bears won 17-16 straight. John Unitas showed Lence Alworth. Daryie Lamonl- record of 2,663 set by Southern Parlzeau wUl be the BuUding for revenge! . . . The his third game since high school ints in leading the Bucks, who 38 points as the Hawks handed Tom Boerwinkle coimected on Form ran true last week for a son. record of 3-2, the Redmen have a few things." "I though WlU played one of lost their first game of the year the defending champion CelUca last year in Los Angeles. Ro- form in two years against ca warmed up with six touch- Connecticut’s Dick Nooera from director at the West Side Rec anniversary of the Ice Friday night when Wilt Cham- an eight foot follow shot with S3 11-2 record (7-1 In the NFL and An overflow crowd of more *” *** league outings, while 1964 through 1966. But Lew taught a few things hts really tine games,” said after opening with three vic­ man Gabriel may find defense Orleans last week. The down passes against Buffalo in thetr fourth straight defeat. seconds left In the extra session 4-1 nithe (jlFL). Let's try once than 40,0(X) is expected for the ***® Huskies are 2-1 in the C®nter. „ * berlaln, the greatest scorir in to WUt, too. Using hla flat hook Larry Costello, the Buck rookie tories. Gus Johnson, with 39 points tough to crush. Les Josephson ean t seem to get out of first half. Two clubs split last Firebirds Win Also zeroing in on Nocera’s * • * U-day stand at the Eastern NaUonal Basketball Association to five Chicago Ita victory ov4r more. All gJ’mes are Sunday un­ game when, as Sports Informa- ®°^e>'ence. shot and leaning toward the coach. "Our offense let us down In the other NBA gamee Fri- and 19 rebounds, paced BalU- and Larry Smith should run on ^"d are thinking year and Chargers won Aug. 15 record Is Amerloan Internation­ Phoenix. less otherwise indicated. of shifting to Steve Spurrier. BRIDGEPORT (AP) — T|ie tlon Director Baaron Plttenger ™® °“ *®*‘ Yankee Conference al’s Glenn Dumont, who is Just Here ’ n There ------Bears. expedition, 10-7 Bridgeport Jets lost to the Potts- of Harvard puts It; "Harvard outside the league. Just tWnk, two months from High Coach Don Burna, NFI. . a • . ~ ______. - A<- < . - * At.— ______.a... 156 yards short of the mark. Du­ now at New Haven ~ ‘ Philadelphia 20, New Orleans Dallas 31, New York 14 (Mon­ today WlU be Christmas! And I ... Cleveland 27, St. Louis, 17 Houston 17, Denver 14—Bron- town Firebirds 34-17 Friday the September favorite and Oc- faces the most difficult mont, who has scored 60 points ^ “^^^ything Appears Going IFrowg 17- Saints are overdue in game day night)- Network television haven’t shopped tor one gift , The Browns can opea up a co3 have better scoring punch, night after Bud Allen returned tober underdog, tangles with taking on Boston Unlver- this season to hike his career between clubs with so-so of­ J..OW (CBS) at 9:30 p.m. E8T. yet. . . . Speaking- - tween Card pass rushers who with Snead doing ithe Job. ickson and Bobby Duhon still water State, Worcester Tech at a spot on the NAIA All-Ameri­ BOS’TON (AP)—Ouch! The Boston (Celtics are hurt­ nis ace. said to Jackie Robinson, the ex-base)>all Dodge. Mets baseball schedule. Jets league, has a 7-1 record. Bridge- League lead. Harvard T M I '^®f'"0"‘ hits the best ball-toters, resides in Cov­ "They’re going to get fat and have dumped the quarterback Green Bay 24, Atlanta 14—Un- out will miss Spider Lockhart, C oa * Guard, PMC Colleges at ca squad. ing in more ways than one. won it 23-14 despite special de- port has won four and lost four, over all, and 1-1 in the league ^ Wilkes, entry. He’s assistant director of contented from all the favors coach of the football San Fran­ 24 times and Browns’ pass less Packers are shell shocked lost with shoulder separation, fense devised by d ic e Rush, m me league Trinfty, Mlddlebury at RPI, Everything appears to be going wrong for the Na­ employe development at Hart-' and benefits being lavlahed on cisco 49era, ami Dick Weber, blockers who have let their pass­ after visit to Coast, they should AFI. tional Basketball Association’s perennial champs in ex-Jot assistant now head man « » r^Son. ford Hospital. He played ctdlege Punts ’ n Passes them as a result of their (antss- professional bowler. er get sacked only five times. handle perky Falcons who upset Miami 21, Buffalo 20—Wlnless Player Suspended boro State, Southern ConnecU- at Boston. Jets have taken last baU at the University of Idaho. AFL receivers have caught their worst start in 20 years. Uc World Series victory. En­ TItUe, once the quarterback Mlimesota 31, Detroit 17—Vi­ 49ers last week. Atlanta quar- Dolphins have been playing it Yale, which has rolled to cut__at_Ad^phi and Bridgeport six from Pats. NEW YORK (AP)—Tom Lock­ attempts to re-group injury at Hotatra, Trig*# . . . Should Yale get past Cor­ 200 or more yards passing 18 Everything appears to be dorsements, contracts, trips to for the New York Giants, en­ going wrong tor the National hart, president of the Eastern nell today at the Bowl in New Umes, but in the past two aea- Los Vegas, new business enter­ tered the discussion obliquely. Hockey League, suspended Mike Haven and Diaiitimouth upend f®"® ^®"’ York’s Don Maynard Basketball Association’s peren­ prises. "It is quite a problem," he __ m ~ ^ ■ K a a K a a m 4Ib >. ______nial champs In their worst start Manny Leaks Rouleau of the New Haven Harvard, next Saturday’s Tale- has been the only performer to The graying Roblnzon rubbed said, referring to the tendency Archer Holds in 2 Oyeeus. of sports heroes to become one- Blades for two games Friday. Dartmouth Joust in New Haven crack this barrier. Maynard’s a stubbly chin and dissented. "I The Atlanta Hawks cashed in man business conglomerates. "I Lockhart said Rouleau pushed Oakland Puts Perfect Mark could well be the biggest game 212 on seven catches vs. Hous­ Set Example don’t think so." Jackie said. at the free throw line, convert­ think It’s up to the organisation T w o Stroke a Syracuse lineman Thursday In the East. . . . Cheney Tech ton last Monday night was his "They’re a young bunch, all ex­ ing 44 of 59 charity toeses, and to control these things” night on the New Haven team’s wiU play a 21-game basketball third In two years. Tliat’s three cept Donn t'lendenon, who is 84. ice. times more than anyone else dealt the 'winless Celtics a In AB A W in I think they’ll sUIl have a lot of Robinson admitted he was Golf Margin On Line Against San Diego schedule next season, the big­ fourth defeat 122-110 Friday high on the Meta and their gest in the school’s history. during this particular span. Msnny Leaks set a good ex­ drive." Last time a non-Don 200-pIus "ight before a small crowd of "But quick aucceas (or an ath­ phlegmatic pilot. Oil Hodges, a SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Johnny Klels, who guided the ample for the Dallas Chaparrals Ex>F^llcher Dies NEW YORK (AP) — 0.603 at the Garden. lete can be a spoiler," Talbert teammate in the old Brooklyn Boston has scored as many hoopeters Into the State Tour­ effort was generated was Lance misa defensive off for die paceaet- George Archer, leading the San The CelUcs Instated. "Uxik at Arthur Ashe. Dodger days. OLNBJY, Md. (AP) — Jack the only unbeat- touchdowns as the Jets, and the ney last March, will be back Alworth’s in 1967 when he Francisco Open but troubled BenOey, a former major league team in the Ameritan caught 10'for 213 vs. Oakland. In 1968, he Was a terrific player, "They played with a dash and Patriots lead the league with handling the coaching reins. player-coach the past sum wrlth a balky driver, says he Maynard’s performanoee at this Leaks started out hot In the srlnner of (he first U.8. Open a daring," Jackie said. "And pitcher tho dueled the great Football League, puts its the fewest fumbles, 6. Boston He’ll have to start with an en- mer. However, that was expect­ rarified level Include two in 1968 Tennis CTiamptonslilp. Then he Hodges, I think, built up a faml has the solution to his errant Walter Johnson to a standoff in record on the line Sundav also shut out Don Maynard in Ure new squtul and a repeat ed. game Friday night against (10 for 228 against Oakland, and Pittsburgh and the rest of hia got tied up in a lot of bualness ly spirit on the team Just like shots. ^v^®^ » <=>ash with the sizzling its earlier encounter with the post-uason game would be a Now it’s a i^ re n t they also day at Montgomery General t-,- ° 8 for 203 against Kansas City). teammates followed, dealing the onterprises. This post year ha the idd IMxlgers had." " I ’m going to get me 18 free Jets; the same Don Maynard minor miracle. But don’t forget, miss the shaip^hooting of Sam Hospital, Olney, after a long ill- m San DiegO. who totaled 212 yards on seven Pipers their first loss of the didn’t win a thing. Jackie also sounded off on ptisses and give them to my Oakland, 5-0-1, is one-half Jones, who bowed out as ness. catches in the winning effort * young season 118-100. Dallss, 4- The debate on the fat-cat Mels basehall’a failure to open the relatives," said the laconic Ar­ game In front of Kansas City in major proportions. champion laat spring. Bentley, who was 79, retired the lean Texan . . . DaDa de­ 1, leads Los Angeles by a full took place Friday at a cham­ front office and managerial cher, from nearby Gilroy, Calif. the Western Division and San against Houston Monday night. • • • from baseball in 1927 after 20 The brash young Cincinnati fensive tackle Bob Lilly on his It 8 ^ so apparent that deapite game. Pittsburgh U 1-1 in the •Si pagne breakfast given by All- door to black men “ I’m going to put nine of them Diego, Is right behind, winning four straight losses at the start Eastern Division on eech side of the fairway years with the New York Bengals have cooled off since OfftfaeUuff fumble recovery and nine-yard Star Enterprises, Inc., to an­ "What do you need to be a Giants, Philadelphia Phillies four straight after two opening ESntry blanka are now avail* of the season for the first time in other ABA action. Ken- nounce plans for a sports clinic manager, anyhow?" he asked and give ’em boeebail gloves. losses. vrinnlng their first three games, TD run against Phlladel{dila: and Baltimore Orioles of the In- and Buffalo, 2-4, is at Miami, 0- but the Chiefs won’t be talcing able for the 88rd running of the When I approached the ball I slnce 1949 the CelUca aren’t tucky, 2-1, beat Now Orleona, next summer st Adelphl Univer­ "A manager blnson ami Talbert are on to the plnyem. Casey Htengel going to be throwing them back to surpass his epic excursion Boston had a 40-38 advantage ver 0-4, Q7«fl. out of the fairway so fast . , . less Boston Patriots until the ago for the Chiefs’ only loss in A field oi 200 college, schoolboy there an hour before I got to it.” the (acuity as are Oacar Robert- the best living manager? WiUiams Captain against Buffalo last week. He fourth quarter last week and in field goals against the Leoki and’ P 111 o b u r g h ’o bingo, right back on the fair­ 12 games this season, exhibi­ and chib hinners are expected. . . ., tfnnM. YOUR MOVE WILT—Looking through Lew Alcln- aon of basketball’s Cincinnati that’s a hit of hull. AU he ever threw a record six touchdown won it 13-0 on a six-yard quar- Hawks. However, the CelUcs Charles WUUamz were high way." WILLIAMSTOWN, M a s s . tions Included. . . .Sad to learn of the death of City safety, after Itoyala; Y.A. TItUe. assistant related to la himself." passes In the first half and terback draw touchdown wltneo^ig were charged wlUi eight more scorers with 36 pointo M iece dor’s arms and awaiting next move is Wilt Cham- Archer, the e-foot-6 Masters (AP) — Dick Travers, a 6-6 by The Broncos are kx>king for Monk Dubiel, former major speedsters Mercury sophomore------sensation------who was--- have equaled the pro John Hadl. Walt Sweeney, aU- Morris, fouls and AUanta capitalised at The Kentucky ColoneU moved berlain of the Ijikers. It was the first official champ who has been In a slump their first victory against Hous­ league pitcher with the New Gene Milton and Jimmy Hines the free throw line t_.ii . sidelined after suffering a brok- seven In one game If star guard, etarted gmwina ton since 1966. Houston quarter­ meeting of the two giants. The lakers triumphed. since June, shot a second round Two o f ^ ^ Whistled on ^ p l « e t en right foot in the third game rookie wide receiver Don Buie beard after the Chargers’ first back broke a Camaro Wraps Up Trophy 87—despite the bud driver — ***"" *" fourth period against Boston were against Capt. John alon,*^H game back of the un- of his Junior season last year, hadn’t stepped out of bounds a two losses and promised not to small blood vessel in his foot in Friday Cor a 36-holo score of couple of yards from the goal ^ U . . .Oiarlle Robbins, well- Kansas City: "If those three Havlicek. Both were technicals beaten Carolina O ounrs 180, his best of the season. was named today captain of the touch it until he reaches the Su­ the game against the Jets but is long distance runner. g;uy8 all start catching balls it Olympic Committee In Grand Touring Division 1969-70 Williams College basket­ line after grabbing a pass in the per Bowl. known long distance runner, guys all start catching hallo 1* within 10 seconds which resulted But the Oalooels------did--^ tttlie He held a two-stroke lead listed as a probable starter. writes that Lirman Hoops, man- will revolutionize defenz|es.” ball team. last play in the half. In his ejection in the fourth peri- hard way, with Oene Moore NEW YORK fAP) — The Ulmann said he will build a over Miller Barber, 64 for 182, The World Champion Jets are Miami spotted the Chiefo 17 ager of the Southern New Eng- Milton is a second-year per- In other AFL games, Boston, not underestimating Boston as points in the first half and made popping in the winning field Gsnsral Motors Camaro has new circuit on a 700-acre tract with Bob Lunn and Stevie Spray land Telephone Co. office in former, Olympic speedster Havlicek drew the first technl- goal in the final seconds. Moore 0-6, Is at New York, 4-2; Cincin­ they try to increase their lead a game of it losing 17-10. Mercu­ African Nations wrapped up Its second manufsc- near the airport and have U following at 133. Lurai had a Killington Open nati, 3-3, is at Kansas City, 6-1; Manchester, is quite a sailor. Hines euid Morris are rookies. cal after he appeared to be wound up with 24 points tor the over Houston in the Eastern Di­ ry Morris accounted for nearly turar's trophy of the 1969 auto ready for the 1973 event. second round 68 and Spray a SQUEEZE PLAY—^The life of a pro football referee is filled with hazards as Denver, 3-3, is at Houston, 3-8; tripped and argued with rookie night, well behind teammate Ulmann, inoldsntally, has gold course record-matching 83. Jer­ KILLINGTON, Vt. (AP) — vision. In the pa^ three gsimes. 200 yards in kick returns. racing season, this one In NAB- Umpire Ralph Morcroft will attest. He was caught between the Rams’ Jack The Killington Ski Area in Cen­ Giants Tie Jets Second Time referee John Parker tor not Louie Dampter who pUed up 40. CAR’s Grand Touring division sponsorship of his Dec. 28 Conti­ ry Heard, 69 Al Mengert, 66, calling a foul. James Jones was Mgh for the Prepare Walkout nental Formula A rocs to a cig­ I’ardee and the filers’ Ken Willard. Luckily for him- he escaped unscathed. tral Vermont Is open to skiers Paced by young Pats Hamil­ and Lee Elder, 68, followed at Then, after a foul call against Buccaneers with 28 arette company. The 8tX,’A For for the earliest time in history. Miami Capitalizes to Triumph ton’s 10 vlctorlsa In the nrst SI 134. Boston. ^ vU cek mrsw the ball Rookie Luther Given came off DUBROVNIK, YuffOHlavia (AP)—The African na­ The area broke its earliest race., ttemaro compiled almoM ^ *'“ ® Perfect playing conditions and tions prejiared to stage a walkout today at the oiiening ______this racs. Rttasl Solid Offense and Jjoop^s Top Defense opening record-N ov. 4. 1966— do,^rourt, drawing a«^er the bench to shackle Denver’s as many points as Oougsr, Mus a beautifully co^itloned course by getting under way Friday. Showdown Slated technical and automaUc banlah- gpenoer Haywood and lead the joint aesHion of National Olympic CommittecM and the ' helped lower the scores. In fact. tang. Javelin and othsr makes Limited skiing on a 75-foot wide Irresistable Forces Meet ” ’ ®"*'’ Nets to their first vtotory o* the nine memlier executive iKiard of the International Olym- It took a score of 142, par for combined. While Javelin tiinui ■section of the three-quarter mile The Celtics led by as many as season. The Nets trailed by 14 pic Committee if South Africa makes an ap|>earance. Tw ins Cut KoHt(‘r two rounds on tho 6,877-yard COUNTRY CLUB—Harry Ath­ represented by fsotory equip­ long snowshed slope was avail­ With Answer Due Tonight seven points before setUlng for points late in the third quarter The Africans have been fum Harding Park Golf Course, to Vikings Face Battered Lions erton-140—356, Fred Baker-146— For Midget Crown ment. Mustang and (k>ugar able. a 60-58 advantage in the first and Green put New York ahead Ing since their arrival at this Including Vets moke the cut for the final two 361, Carl Bolin-146—382, Bert ter of the African bloc. barred were not. What happens when an Irre- ern California, No. 7, entertains half. They lost their shooting to stay 84-82 by cannii^ two free Adriatic resort city after two rounds. NEW YORK (AP) — Nclsen, This should be enough Davis-148—358, John Dyment- Up for grabs next Friday night will be the Man­ the entry Into the country of (3sJnaro nartter hod rlUu-hed slsUble force meets an IrreaisU- Georgia Tech and No. 8 Penn eyes after the intermission and throws with 8:09 remaining in South African delegates sudden­ MINNBAI’OIJH-BT PAUL Arnold Palmer ridllcd with a Milllie.sota V ikin g ’S, rollin g to gst by stumbling St. Louis, Call Up Defenseman 136, Jim Harvey—364, Carrol ble force? The answer could State is at home against Ohio U. chester Midget Football League championship. the Hawks, helped by free the game. South African athlete. 10 days lAI') Ths Mlnnsapolls Trib- 67, Including an eagle three on who probably will start Charley ly showed up. ca’s Trans-Ameiican sedan title iHshinti a .solid offense and a MONTREAL (AP) — The Maddox-135--375, Sherm Porter- come tonight in the Houston As- Auburn, No. 14, Journeys to Still hanging onto first place after last night’s bat­ throws,- pulled away to their Green held Haywood to four ago (or un International gym­ une reported In Its Saturday edi­ his Inst hole, for 137, while Bil­ Johnson at quarterback. fleld-148—360, Bundy Tarca—364, How the two South Africans, with drivers Mark Donohue and rugged defense, meet tlie Montreal Canadlens of the Na­ trodome. Louisiana State, No. 9, for a third victory In four starts. of hla 81 points, high for the nastics meet In LJubIJsiui. tion tost the Minnesota Twins ly Casper had a 68 for 138. Chicago, unable to get on of­ Charlie Whelan—358. tles are the Jets although they had to be content with FYank H. Braun and Dennla Ron Bte'Jinum dominating UM tional Hockey League an­ The University of Houston, crucitii Southeastern Conference Lou Hudson led AUanta with game. • The apartheid problem has so have dropped 13-year major Archer, botltercd by tendonitis liattered Detroit liions Sun­ fense going, now must (ace the a 12-12 Ue against the winless ------McDolvIe, managed to obtain also has been awarded the 1969 nounced Friday night they have ranked first in the country in to- clash and lOth-ranked Florida STANDINGS 28 points. Walt Haxzard contrib- Haywood, former Olympic far cast grave douMs on (he league veteran John Roseboro In his left elbow iiivl a question­ day in an ini|mrtant Na- rugged Los Angeles defense and Giants. This marked the second vloaa to enter Yugoslavia re­ manufactuer’s trophy In the Na- called up defenseman Guy La­ tal offense and second in rush- plays host to Vanderbilt. uted 23, Bill Bridges 21 and Joe star signed by the Rockets out ___ success of the meetings here Kosebora was among seven able starter until moments bc'- tionid Football League try to stop tho passing of Ro­ time this season the two teams mained a mystery and they de (lonaJ Hot Rod Aasoctatlon stock pointe from their American Bruins Continue Ing, entertains a high-powered Among the Second Ten, it’s Jets Caldwell 19. of the University of Detroit, hit playera dropped from the fore her tei>d off In th»' first game. man Gabriel and a solid running battled, the ftrst ending also in dined to explain how. Braun '*'*'■* acheduled to propare ,|imjnslor categories, Hockey League farm club, the 17th-ranked Mississippi team In Oklahoma, No. 11, at Kansas Eagles Don Nelson and Henry Flnkel on 14 o4 26 ohots from the floor that "we'll agenda for a full IOC con- MInneaots major league roster round* put tour shots In the After iHdng iip.set by the New game. Lo-s Angeles tops tho a 12-12 deadlock. said Friday night Montreal Voyageurs. a football game that might need State, No. 18, Kentucky at No. Giants 0—2—8 topped Boston with 22 and 21 and snared 22 rebounds to pace greas in 1970 at Amsterdam...... Friday. Another btg name was woods and nnollu-r ’’dead right, Coastal Division. Unbeaten Record Meanwhile, the Eagles con­ take our seats at the Joint meet­ York Giants on ojienlng day, the a computer from the NASA 13 Georgia, Northwestern at No! Pate points, respecUvely. the Denver attack. _ „ Alex Ulmann, pioneer of the veteran relief pitcher Al Worth­ uimvet to (inotlier fairway. I Baltimore has . beaten San tinued to roll along with an easy ing. Our places are already pre­ The Kxecul v . I ^ r d .( tern ^ M ring. Fia.. Vikings have won four .straight OAKLAND (AP) — Phil Espo- Space Center to keep track of 15 Purdue, San Jose State at No. ington. hit five absolutely hideous and lead'Detroll and Green_ Hay without top middle linebacker F'ranclsco 13 straight times and 48-0 decisfon over the I%tr!ots. pared for ua.” previous meetings her. has con Inaugural Winner the points 16 Wyoming and Colorado State a TD but he was finally caught Roeeboro, 86. played 118 drives," he said by one game In their drive for a 'foininy Nobis, and Nobis' re- appears to be set to do it again. The Jets have won three The Africans were reported cerned Itself with the d l« ’rln^ be the last on . on U>e games with the Twins during BOSTON (AP) - Good Wick, Orr had three assists in leading ^ u g a rs have averaged U. at No. 20 Air Force. up with at the whistle. He mlvuged par out of four sei'ond straight Central Division I’hieement, Don Hanson, is Johmiy Unitas looked like his games while playing two ties. willing to make ooncesalons and nsllon Issue and was said to be gebring airport courss the 1969 season driven by Bert Beckwith, won , , o **® The Giant scores were by Vin­ Steve Gates Stars not walk out If the South African pUnninjr a mov« to c»unUr a m r- of his poor drives, however, and ehamplonshlp. qn.'stlonable because of a old self In completing 20 of 28 The Eagles have a 4-1 won-loss ci and Demko with DeCtoclo tewk his only bogey on the 16th, Atlanta. 2-3, Is at Green Bay; ■''•'elcheil right knee ligament. passes (or 319 yards and three the 86,000 Inaugural Trot as Suf- ^ e r ® record and although they have delefpatea • appeared aa obaerv* mnaa walkout which would caM folk Downs opened its 11th sea- prid^v *1 ^anies. including a 74-0 slaugh- and Banning tallying tor the making his final visit to the Washington. 3-i-I, at I’ itl.shurgh. Washington will count on the touchdowns in a 30-10 victory Seattle To Learn one more win, still trail the era with no voting! rijphta. doubta on the ICKVa ability to aon of harness racing Friday hocI cX ^ NaUonal ter of Mississippi State. Ole Jets. trees. He missed the green and 1-4; St. Louis, 2-3, at Cleveland. pa.ssing of Sonny Jurgensen, over New Orleans.After Balti­ In X-Country Wins Tufoalavla, a atre^ auppor- keep polUlca out of apcirta. night ^ League game. Miss. 3-2 and led by ace quar- Jets. Three touchdowns by Makxiey, 4- 1; Ix)s Angeles, 5-0 at Chicago. second In the league, luid the more, Philadelphia will be a Fate of Ball Club missed a 12 fcx>t putt. _____ Bruins, unbeaten with terback , shows The two titans clashed Friday two by Tedone and one each by Winding up the regular cross country season in a Archer, acknowledged an one 0-5; San F'ranclsco, 0-4-1, at Bal­ NFL's sixth be*'L ninnig attack step down in class for New Or­ _ _ ' " ’® victories and a tie, play a 223.2 passing average and nightT in the opener . at , 6:30. Carlow. Rea and Purcell blaze of glory yesterday afternoon in Wethersfield b y of the finest putters on the tour timore. 32, and New Orleans, to iH'at Ptttsburgli and put pres­ leans, luid this could be the time CLEVELAND,, Ohio (AP) — PAUL DO D G E Dawson Krstoretl tonight in Los Angeles. 155.6 rushing. In scoring, it’s sure on Capitol Division-leading “ s ^ k ^ t h e Eagles to thrir easy gcoring a twin triumph in CCIL conipetition was Man- riui In hirdle putts of 17 and 0- 5, nt Philadelphia, 1-4, Sunday. (or tile first victory by the Billy Other NHL action tonight sees Houston_ with a 40.Doint avpp. American League baseball team thrillermiier torfor thetne fans converted twice xi:_u TTK' Giants, 3-2, are at Dallas, Dallas. Kent Nix probably will Kllmer-led Saints. KANSAS CITY (AP) 18 feet on Nos. 8 and 13, and The Chicago at Montreal. St. Louis age. Mississippi 32 8 owners and officials wUl meet Again credit la due the Gl- and T>,.rr.n Purcell added»HH»d one.oo. chester High. Coming up next week wtU be canned a five-footer after 5- 0 In a nationally televised start at quarterback (or Pltts- N€>w York’s main problem Kansas City tXiiefs restored at Toronto, New York at Detroit in Cleveland Thursday to vote Manning has completed 83 of anto’ defoisive unit. The hard­ The Indians toppled Wethers- Um Sectionals Motiday at a good seven-iron shot on 12. game. hurgli in iilace of Dick Shiner, w.ll be the same as anyone who Quarterback and and Pittsburgh at Minnesota Top play was an 85-yard play - PONTIAC - 135 passes for 922 yards and hitting Giants caused four fum­ field. 18-48, and trimmed Wind­ UOmui, the (XTL Meet Thurs­ Tl»e Vikings’ defense, lui- who has a bruised larynx. p!ay.s I)ullas stop un offense 8Vard to th for a score, Tedone passing to He has 15 birdies In two days. ac- The Bruins had 43 shots to 24 also la the Rebels’ leading rush- CSeveland Plain Dealer bles in the first half to halt ham High of WlUlmanUc, 18-46. chored by a tremendous front Cleveland the Century Divi­ Maloney. day in New Britain at Central tpirkcd by the passing of the ^ve list I^ day and took flanker for the Seals, for whom It was er with 367 yards in 57 carries! long Jet drives. Odell, Fergu­ Individual homers were garn­ and the State CSaas A Meet one four, has allowed the fewest sion leader, has Defensive standouts for the 4 . »T n o s MMSI running back league’s loader, Cnilg Morton. Taylor and specialist No- the first setback of the season Jim Poole with 24 catches anrf The newspaper said it has ered by Steve Qatea. The local week from today at Central. |x>ln..H, 55. an.l the fewc'st total Leroy backU'k at full toI.* such receivers______asand Bob Smith Hayes nff Smith Hot off the Hat. ______' wiin caicnes, and son, ()uagUa and Nells were winners were Madsen and Rea. Holiday Classir on home Ice. Floyd Franks, with 23, are Man­ learned that the meeting will Junior senaatloa tied the eourae yards. 1,018, In the NFX,. strength and rookie Ron John- and Lance Rentzel and the run- chiefly responsible for upoetting 1. Oataa (M ); 2. Nolan (M ); ning’s chief targets. be in Cleveland because it is record in 12:484. The mark was 8. O'ConnM (Watti.); 4. Butta BRIDGEPORT. Conn. (AP) Compounding Detroit’s prob­ son the league’s (hint be.st ning of Calvin Hill, the NFL’s the Jet offense. GET OUR SPECIAL Houston has, split its quarier- the home and headquarters of set by Scotty (Jarter of Bristol Bight basketball tejems will com­ lems are injuries. Top nuuier rusher, plus the passing of Bill top rusher. TTie real excitement came in (M ); 6. Kahn (M ); 6. Nixon backs. Ken Bailey was at the William R. Daley, principal in 1967. pete In ftie third annual Sacred Mel F'arr is sidelined by knee the last SO secotids. T h e Giants (M); 7. Ferrigno (Wind.); 8. helm in the ftrst two games and owner of the Seattle team. Chasing Oates horns was Heart University Holiday Clas­ surgery; quarterback Bill Mun­ were behind, 12-6. Giant tpiar- Regina (Wath-): 9. o iiB o a FALLjCHECKOP sophomore Gary Mullins in the The American League ______issued Greg NoUn, also of Manchester. sic tournament from Dec. 28 son Is out with a broken hand, terback played his timeouts like (M ); 10, Levesque (Wind.). last two. The Cougars feature a 8®“ **!® « Uiree-potat ulUmatum The winners captured six of the The tocals also won ths JV thought 30, the university’s ath- wide receiver Bill Mallnchak Is Rirnf Goalies Outstanding a pro and with five seconda great split end in , Tuesday. It called for finding a top 10 places. competition against Wsthant- leotlc director, J. Donald Feeloy, doubtful because of a pulled left, threw to Demko for a who has caught 27 passes tor 522 Seattle group to purchase the In wJuilng, Manchester upped field, 21-87, wtth Bob SwadoMi said today. hamstring and ace rornerback touriidown to knot the ooimt at As Indians-Conard in Tie yards and seven touchdowns. team or at least part of it, as- Us record to 6-8 under Coiteh On the first afternoon Southern 1- eni Barney Is hobbled by a U-oll. and Dave Sheehan giving the Tmn Days Only Other key games on the Safur- s“ ro"®® that Sicks’ Stadium Paul Phinney. squad a one-two finish Connecticut will play Dickinson Charley horse. The Jets SOU didn’t quit and AltlKHigh eiuh side had sev­ Conard laid 26 shots at the day night slate find Rice at sec- •>« renovated, and poai- College and Bates will face Greg Lsuidry started In place in the most spectacular run of TUNE MOTOR eral seorlng opportimitles nei­ .Manche.ster go«\t and the locals ond ranked Texas. 12th-rated ^ve proof that conatructica of a Queens. TTiat evening Sacred Munson last Sumlay and com- the night. Banning took the kick­ ther rould gel the ball into tlie had 21 tries but both goalies Notre Dame at Tulane and Kent Proposed 840 million domed su - PACK WHEEL BEARINGS Heort will play City College of pleteil nine of 21 passes for 121 off, broke several tackles and nets and as a result Manches­ turned In outstanding perform­ State at Toledo. Also, New Mex- '•’*** begin by Dec. 81, CHECK BRAKES Now York and Trinity will vie yards juid one touchdown In 13-7 ter Hlgli and ConaiM lllgli of appeared to be on the way to ‘'V i Warriors Get Jerry Lucas with Sworthmore. victory over Chicago. ances, Bud Landerfln for the ico at Arizona, Baylor at Texas “ t* *>® completed by the West Ilartfoixl txittled to a A*M, Brigham Young at T^x- ■haaeball season. ADJUST BRAKES A twin bill on the following Green Bay ho|io.s to rebound home crew and Skip Upton (or scorele.ss tie In IX'IL play yes- Conard, y - afternoon will pair the four los- from »4-2l loss to Ixw Angeles as-El Paso, Missiaaippi State at The Plain Dealer said if the In Trade for Two Gagers CHECK MUFFLER k PIPES leixliiy afteiiuKMi al Memorial CMach Dick Danielson of the ers from Dec. 28. Winners w I' while Atlanta will be looking to Florida State, Maryland at ceexHUons are not met by Seat- COfCDtNATI (AP) — Jarry botbersd by bad knaas thrm i^ F'ield, IndUuis saitl his offense, al­ Basketball Qinic CLEAN BATTERY TERMINALS play that night. The finals will make it two straight after beat- South Carolina, Utah at Oregon B® city officials at the meeting out Ms ozu«ar. though U wasn’t able to tally, Lucas, one of ths top shooters follow on Dec. 30. I»K San F'ranciseo tor second State and UC-Sonta Barbara at T«»esday a vota will ba taken King, 8-faat-2, piayad for Lm Summary; looked better than In recent San Diego SUte. Daley permisaloa Scheduled at Y and rsbounders in ths Nattonai time this sMuson, 31-7. Atliuita Is Monrbotlrr it) to Angelas snd Chicago before Joto- (t) weeks. In Friday night's only major move the Pilots. Basketball Asaorlatton was leAiHlorftu LliHtm There wlU be a basketball ing the Warriors and avsrsgad Rtfs 112.11 The finale will be at Windham action, Miami of Florida turned ______dealt to San Franclaeo Friday g.8 potnls a gams in six sissnns Ji>)uulon Taun> clinic for midget boys between THINK SMMl FB Monday afternoon. a fumble and a blocked punt _____ — by Canettmat) arhlcb is trying "to He played ooUega at Tulaa. 0 « r M *191140 AiKtermm into touchdowns and beat Texas " — — i\ tbe ages of 10-12 at the 0 » - get 13 haaksthall playors IDw Ibe IMIvered In Mnnehewter PB \ “ Christian 14-f. Turoer, 0-fset>7, aysrsgad 74 SpwM Carter LXukmh nraatty Y Nov. 5-12-19-26 each Knlcks have.” \ ^ potnu game laat year along Equipped >vlth leatherebte In- RHB Vince Opaltky scored both Mi­ Sports Slate V \' Mealing Po«t|>on«d nlgttt foom 6 to 8. Any midget Ih e Wairiora aani forward i)(lth 800 rsfeotands. Ho played 'at (PIm P«rtBl torlor, windshield washer. 2- Wmunloin ami TDa before a slim crowd of PLAYS TODAY--Toin BUI Turner and guard Jimmy the University of Akron and was ■poed electric wipers, heater, Due to the Hallo>veeh parties 21,190 In the Orange Bowl. SATURDAY. OCT. ts interested is urged to attend. Leahy will be in the YOU SAVI I7.2S ,,defogger, 4-wny safety ftashers. Ttiftv.-r King to the Koyols for Lii Son Franclsoo’s second draft UIB Winds of up to 80 miles an hour —Maloney at Man- There also wiU be a Junior Dftck'Up llffhta, front and roar KminorUiMC Kititv the regular monthly meeting of Blast (Catholic Hi|(h who was named to the NBA’s choloe In 1807. whistled through the stadium______Chester, East Catholic at Pen- Mat balta, iiMitharotto headreats, the Manchester Baseball UtUe (dlnic for boys between the ages lineup against Penney all-star squad In' each of Ms obc The three ptayerz will report in Saturday afternoon acdoB, "*T' Rockville at Windsor. Irki9 In TUs Per A Maarlni: whoal lock and roar of 18-18 on Nov. 10-17-24. High in East Hart­ years in the laagus. to their now teams tonight. IkHUBfleUl League officials hius been post­ window defroatar. top-ranked Ohio State hosU nh------ford this afternoon- WMi OI I’ poned imtH Now 8. The meet­ .DC^ Tennessee, rated third, is Toin OOnran. an experienced Isicaa. on AO-Amertean at I'Vnmn COED VOfLBYBAlX TED TRUDON RU. II, Tolland Tpko. lie ing will be held at the Legion hUe, No. 4 Arkansas faces Wich­ player and official, will again On the home front. Ohio State Unlvaraiby. avensgad Gal Ripken Retained Henlk: be in charge. 19.9 potaU a game and 194 ra- RO C H B arni. N.Y. (AP) —Cal TakalMlo>M«nchoitor / CV>Ut Home at 7 p.m. All eonimls- BRIEFLY PITT— 'This play stopped the game at ita State in Little Rock and Coed volleyball at Ooronuaittr &lanchester High hosts OL Players must have a member­ bounds In his carser before this fCptMO baa been rvtalnsd as VOLKSWAGEN 44f-2lll ^ihntltuten bfiutch(vt^r> *Wrrb- and iXMohes of ' all fifth-ranked Missouri vlstts Ool- T wUl start TuasiMy, Nov. u Maloney High of Meri­ the ^ d ies International Football Knockout com- ship card t o participate. saason. In tour gamaa Ihte year, manager of the. Rochsolsr Red NO. 1— ^Tulsos punter Ken Senders gets his snkle le:g(uas are requested to lit- m»r. R^mh-itlrr. Snm.wlii, jietition at. London’s Willesden Stadium when this ora^. at 8 p.m. Playan must be 18 Adults interested in coaching den at Memorial Fiidd. be has averaged 104 points a Wings In ths Iqieniattonal teped by Homecoming Queen Rt^gsn Anne Alford Maroh. tend. ISJLA, ranked sixth, travels years or ovsr sad a Msmhsr player went up and part of her costume came down. tozuns contact Joe Dl- Kickoff for both game and 104 rebounds. Dssptto League for the 1910 bsasball before prsctice session. Senders is the nation's to Stanford. No. 18, wkUe South- ship czud is rsquirsd. games will be at 1 :S0. the statistlca. Lucas has been season. leading punter with an average of 45.2 yards.


T r o i l v n — HousohoM Sorvleos MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1969 Eloctricol Sorvieos 22 Holp W ontnd Holp Wanted— Help Wanted Male 34 Mobil* Honios 6-A Offorad 13^ ELECTRICAL contracting, F o m crio 3 5 F e m a le 3 5 ------Wonted— Male 36 Help Wantod— Mcrie 36 CLASSIFIED TWO handymen want a variety commercial and ’ Industrial, Articles For Sol* 45 Antiqaes 56 Rooms WMi Board 59smetlcs and toiletries in your weekend hours a'vallaUe. 102 COLOiHAL RD. ^ CHAIN SAW, small. Ideal for the prettiest yet; In Ram ­ 1948. Days, 624-0164 evenings. condition. Call alter 6 p.m., Apartments flat* 8 a Im . to 4:30 P.M. Apply to Manager, Parkade Ap|dy in person 181 Mid­ blers, Trav'lers and Vsu;a- 849-7690. F U X )R .S A N D IN G and reftnlsh vicinity. Call 289-4922. home owner cutting fire wood, 646-1019. Bowling Lanes. dle Tpke., or Junction Route 2 extra chains and guard. 878. Tenements 63 tioners. Fifteen units on dis­ ing (specialising in older Haa Immediate Openings: MAHOGANY Empire server, COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. floors). Inside painting. Paper DESIRABLE position for semi- 44A A 6 Bolton Notch. 649.8786. M ANCHESTER—Quiet reslden- play in a wide variety of FULL-TIME Days: 7 a.m. to 4:80 p.m. 836. Oak spinet desk, $30. sizes, floor plans and inter­ Biiilclin9~~ hanging. No job toe small retired couple or capable oonvenlenoe aak for the bo^k tial area; attractive three- 4:30 P.M. DAY BEFORE PUBUCATIOK Nights: 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. ’TWO 7.78 X 14 tires on wheels, Three oak bureaus, 818 each. John VerfaiUe, 649-8780. single woman; cooking and COUNTER CLERKS room apartment. Heat. utUItles Deadline tor Saturday and Monday is 4:30 p.m. Friday ior colors. We invite your Contracting 14 Tbtro U no obllgatioo and It k.i $12 a pair. Maytag automatic Walnut bureau, $10. Two oak household chores. Ideal living parking. $130 monthly. 236-0664. inspection and will gladly things you’ve dreamed of Ltvlnr realize aU the TURRET LATHEJ—Set-up waaher $10 as is. Double wash- tables, $10 each. Mahogany LEON Cie8Z3mski builder—new conditions provided. Ref­ For dry cleaning store ftStty. “ naving for yourself and your accept your present unit in Bonds— Stocks— and operate. tub and stand $16. Ctoll 649- highboy, $46. Oak commode PLEASE READ YOUR AD homes custom built, remodel­ erences required. Phone 646- WE H AVE cuetomers eratttiig trade. Bank Financing, of Steady work. Apply at 1408.^ with mirror and glove boxes, ing, additions, rec rooms, ga­ M o irgo ge s 2 / 7186 between 8-9 a.m. or 8-9 EXPERIENCED for the raotal of your opart- ClaMsifled or “ Want Ads’’ are taken over the phone as a Course. " CALL TODAY— 1 -774-5044 HARDINGE CHUCKERS $88. China, mirrors, picture convenience. The advertiser should read his ad the FIRST rages, kitchens remodeled, p.m. for interview. BABY CARRIAGE, walker, car mlht or home. JX>. Raal Ea- M ORTGAGES — 1st and 2nd. OIL BURNER — Set-up and operate. frames, bowl and pitcher sets, D AY IT A PPE A R S and R E PO R T ERRORS In tim e for the bath tile, cement work, steps ONE-HOUR APPLICATIONS now being bed, etc. Ebccellent condition. tote Aaeoolataa, Ine., 64S«30 mortgages— interim financing etc. Call 643-0678. next insertion. The Herald Is responsible for only ONE In­ dormers. Residential or com- SALAD GIRL wanted nights ap­ MARTINIZING token for resident superinten­ Reasonable, 875-1161 between 8- RECTOWN, USA, Inc. —expedient and confidential SERVICEMAN lathe hands needed. Liberal PRODUCTION MILLERS TWO-ROOM deluxe efficiency correct or omitted insertion for any advertisement and then m ericel. Call 849-4291. proximately 4:30-9:80. Experi­ dent. Garden apartment. Must 299 West Middle Tpke. beneflta. 80-hour week. Apply — Set-up and operate. 10 a.m., after 3 p.m. prestige location, appliances only to the extent of a "make good’’ Insertion. Errors which Route 6, West of Wllllmantic, service. J. D. Real Estate ence not necessary. Apply be reliable, some mechanical Assoc. 648-8120. Manchester Metronlcs Inc., 640 and utilities Included, $186 per do not lessen the value of the advertisement will not be Conn. KI’TCHENS — Colonial, mod­ CJavey’s Restaurant, 48 E. Cen­ knowledge, willingness to TOOL GRINDERS — Ex­ ABOUT 1,(X)0 linear feet weath­ Wearing Apparel corrected by “ make good’’ Insertion ern and Mediterranean. Also ter St. Hilliard St., Manchester. ered bam boards, I I H " wide. month. Paul W. Dougan, R eal­ MATURE woman for cosmetic Good pay. Good worldng learn. Fine opportunity, good perienced at sharpening rec rooms. All work custom Call 644-0618. Furs 57 tor. 049-4586. Open weekday evenings ’till 10 Business O pportonity 2B department. Some knowledge conditions. Paid vacations. salary. Send resume: Man­ E3CPERIENCED mechanic tnetal cutting tools. (Rorkvllle, ToO Free) built. Call Royal Custom Build­ p.m. and all day Saturday 'till of cosmetics desireable. Write Paid holidays. Phone 649- ager. 6 Downey Drive, Man­ wanted for general repair 40 GRISWOLD St.. Threa ers, 646-8484. NURSES AID E S — 3-11 p.m. NEVER WORN, custom tailor­ PIZZA SHOP and Restaurant in 1166 for appointment or stop chester, Omn. rarage. Profit sharing plan rooms, heat, hot water, refrig­ 875-3136 6 p.m. Telephone 1-423-1826. Laurel Manor, 649-4619. Box R, Manchester Herald. BRIDEPORT MILLING Florists— Nurseries 49 ed fall tweed coat, cost 848, 643-2711 prime location. . Completely in. avaltable for qualified man. erator, stove, airconditioning, NEWTON H. SMITH and Son- HELP WAN’TED male, full­ MACHINE OPERATORS sell $18. Maternity clothes, equipped. $6,800. Philbrick SALES Associates wanted by LADIES—for pleasant telephone See Mr. Sloan, Sloan Garage F IV E Colorado Spruce ’Trees, parking. Security required. Remodeling, repairing, addi­ time. Apply In person. Barrett complete wardrobe, coat 878, Agency Realtors. 646-4200. real estote office, full facilities sales work. Downtown Man­ Route 83, Vernon. — Set-up and operate. 8 to 8 foot In height. Excellent Bentley Realty. 347-4046, 833- tions, rec rooms, .garages, ______^ Plumbing Supply, 831 Broad sell $38 or eeparately. All provided. Will train inexper­ chester. Pour hours daily. for border or live Xmas Trees. 7403. porches and roofing. No job BEAUTY Salon—Excellent loca­ THE WHITING St., Manchester. else 16. 649-2618. Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? Pre-Owned Units ienced but otherwise qualified Morning or evening hours MEN for tire service and re­ All benefits. Call 649-6814. too small. Call 646-8144. tion. Good income. For more CORPORATION applicants. Call Mr. Dwyer, at available. Convenient parking. cap shop. Good pay. 48-68 hours M a n c h e s t e r — Four-room details call Mr. Frechette. H. ELECTRICIAN —journeyman Truck Campers WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ Evans & Clapp, 460 Main St., Hourly wage,' plus bonus. 646- 254 BROAD STREET per week, all benefits. Must apartment first floor. Older 24-Hour Answering Service M. Frechette, . Realtors, 647- and experienced helper. Top be steady worker. Experience 1969 Ford Ranger F280 C ^ p - modeling specialist. AddlUons, Manchester. 647-1404. 0728 for appointment. An Equal Opportunity Employer Fuel and Feed 49-A Wanted— To Buy 5B couple. Gas and gae stove. $86. MANCHESTER wages with benefits. Call be­ helpful. Apply Nichols Man­ Pius security, Wertelde Real­ er Special, Automatic trans­ rec rooms, dormers, porches, SEASONED cord wood, sawed Free to Herald Readers DEMONS’TRATORS for our ter- WAITRESS to work 8 to 12 mid­ tween 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Rob­ chester ’Tire, Inc., 398 Broad ty, 649-4843. mission. cabinets, formica, built-ins, W ANTED — Antique furniture TAVERN for sale—Money mak­ lific line of toys, novelties, night, six nights a wbek. Good ert’s Electric Co, 644-2421. St., Manchester. to required lengths. Free de­ Wain intnrmatlon un one ut our classified adverbsementsr 2800 Watt Onan Generator, and bathrooms, kitchens, 649-3446. m e c h a n i c — tor fleet work, e l«t> kr NU, Ik . glass, pewter, oMt brakes factory air-conditioned, Garage— Service— rec rooms. room additions, ematics; experienced teacher. MECHANIC to do front-end YOUTH CENTER Call after 5 p.m.. 649-9046. MANCHESTER — Looking for fice. Call to apply at 742-9388. In atate operated community P U B U C HEARING OP to help in yard. Inquire Man­ COLLIES — AKC sable and inally over 8800.. 6 monthly disclose the identity of dark green with tan vinyl, low kitchens, add-a-Ievels, roofing, Call 633-0633 after 6 p.m. work. Must be famUlar with on apartment? Come aea our S t o r a g e 1 0 college. Must have experience THE ZONING BOARD chester Garden Apartments, 16 MANCHESTER LIBRARY A^ISTANT II white, 2 years old female, 4 payments of 88.80 eaeb or pay FURNISHED room, parking, any advertiser using box mileage, ver^ good condition. siding, general repairs. Quality MANICURIST wanted, full or alignment procedure and relat­ beautiful Prasldantlal Village. letters. Readers answer­ as a policeman or security OF APPEALS Forest St. PARKADE In state operated community months old male, all ehots, 451 cash 522-0081 dealer use art studio, patio, yard. Belling for $1,698. 649-4829. m e t a l building for rent in in­ workmanship. Financing avail­ part-time. Call Magic Mirror ed duties. Substantial salary We have deluxe SH-room and ing blind box ads wdto guard. 38-hour week, evening college. Minimum 4 years ex­ 563-4219. Near reetauronl, town. Ideal dustrial zone, also garage for BULLDOZER OPERA'TOR Beauty Salon, 643-2449. The Zoning Board of Appeals 4H-room apartments available desire to protect their able. Economy Builders, Inc. shift. Many fringe benefits. Ap­ JIG BORE Operators — firat, plus commission and other perience required, 38-)u>ur week. Model Home Furniture teacher, artist, sculptor. Priva­ rent with 10’ high doors. Phone TRAINEES NEEDED o f Andover, Conn., will bold a FULL-TIME automobile me- identity can follow ‘ his 848-6189. 872-0647 evenings ply to Mr. John Gannon, Man­ fringe benefits. Apply at Farm Many fringe benefits. Apply to 8 ROOM HOUSEFUL cy osaured by two working for Immediate occupancy, fea­ CHRYSLER Newport. 1682. 649-9844 after 8. RNs, LP N s and aides—various public heating In the Town Of­ second and third shift Lathe rtianlc. Also service station at­ procedure; chester Community College, 146 Oil, Route 83. Rockville or Mir. M. Drazlc, Manchester turing m baths, 3-bedrooms, Good condition. Call 743-6268. SAVE MONEY! Fast service. Train now to operate bulldozers, shift openings. Top wages, fice Building On Wednesday, operators, second shift Verti­ tendant, fuU-tIme. Apply Sun­ ArHclos For Solo 45 19 PIECES adulta. OenUeman only, ref- Hartford Rd., Manchester. 647- phone 878-3379 for appointment. Community College, 134 E. Mid­ dishwasher, disposal. seU- backhoes, etc., in booming oon- fringe benefits. Call Meadows Oct. 29, 1969 at 8:00 p.m. to cal turret lathe operators, sec­ 3297 erencea required. 643-7370 af­ Enclose your reply to Dormers, room oddlttons, gu- 9981. set Service Station, 665 E. Mid­ ALUM INUM sheets used aa rleonlng range, double door the box in an envelope — atruotlon industry. Complete Convalescent) Home, 647-1461. ond shift. Call LeM i Corpora­ dle ’Tpke., Mianchester 647-9951. ter 6. 1969 ’TOYOTA Corona hardtop. rages, porchei, roofing and hear the following appeals ask­ dle Tpke., Manchester. printing plates, .009 thick, 38x refrigerator, carpeting address to the Clasjlfied Motorcyclec— training program in full or part- tion, 648-3363. siding. Compare prices. Add- KIXX7K Compeiny has an open­ ing relief from the zoning laws 36’’, 25 cents each or 6 for $1. Interior Designer wants rellsblr H IR N I8H K D room for rent throughout, (wo alr-condltlon- Manager, Manchsster Call between 6-7 p.m., 876-0081. time classes. No correspond­ TAX PREPARERS for coming SERVICE MAN T ^ PREPARERS for coming B k y e l e s 11 A-Level Dormer Com., 289- ing for maintenance man. of the Town of Andover. FOOD SERVICE family or newlyweds to accept era, master TV antenna. Freo Evening Herald, together ence, learn on the equipment, Tax Season. Full or part-time. 648-2711. for gentleman. Parking, near 1962 CHEVROLET, automatic, 0446 No. 76 Jean-Guy Bouchard, Tax Season—Full or part-time. delivery of complete Model DIs. with a memo listing U>s BICYCLES— New and used. R e­ Choose your hours. With or Many benefits are offered such bus line. Call (M9-69I4. heat, hot water and parking. good condition. $160 or beat of­ state approved. Call anytime AUTO MECHANIC Choose your hours. With or WORKERS DARK RICH stonefree loam, play of Quality Furniture Jum companies you do NOT pairs on all makes. Open dally without experience. Complete as production bonus, paid holi­ Hutchlnatm Rd., Andovar, Full-time experienced oil Laundry and etorage area In fer. Call 648-4489. 1-228-8894. without experience. Complete five yards, $16. Sand, gravel, removed to warehouses for Pub TH E THOMPSON House tVX- want to see your letter. 9-8:80. Manchester Cycle Shop training ayailable. Special at­ days, and group insiu-ance Conn., requesting variance to Local Chevrolet dealer burner and heating man. basement Play area. Superin­ *oving— Driveways 14-A training available. SpecLal at­ B AK E R —Ehcperlenced, capable atone, fill, manure, pool and lie Bale Modern 9 completr U ge SI. centrally located, Your letter be de­ 182 West Middle Tpke., 649- tention to Math. Minded House­ plan. Apply in person at 1366 build a year-round house on needs two auto technicians Excellent salary, working tendent on premises. On bus 1989 COUGAR power tention to Teachers, Office em­ of operating small (2-man) shop patio sand. Call 648-9604. rooms with the $1,000 look. 8 large pleasantly furnished stroyed if the lulvertlser 2098 EiRIVBWAYfl Sealed —’This is wives, Teachers, Office Em­ Tolland ’Tpke., Manchester. an undersize lot (Lot. No. 10, immediately. Pay in accord­ conditions and security. Blue line at 'ntompeon Rd. off Cen­ Is one you’ve mentioned, steering, power brakes, alr- ployes, Insurance Agents, in dormitory cafeteria. NeW*" pc. Omvertible living Room rooms, parking. Call 449-2358 the time to restore the life and Help Wantod— ployes, Retired Persons, etc.— Hutchinson Rd.) ance with skill plus gen­ Cross. CMS, M ajor Medical,, ter St. Convenient to shopping, it not it will be handled condltlonlng, automatic trans­ INSPBBC3TORS and mold men Salesmen, Retired Persons, shop in excellent condition. SCREENED loam, procesaed e pc. bedroom, 5 pc. Dinette for overnight and permanent F e m a le 3 5 No. 76 Ralph Boles, Shoddy erous frihge benefits. Clean, uniforms and outstanding schools, and churches. Open In the usual manner mission, mag type wheels, 646- appearance of your driveway. Top earnings. All applications start at $2.66 per hour. All etc. Top earnings. All applica­ gravel, gravel, land, atone. 1068 B8A, 680 cc, $808, like new. profit shEiring and pension HEAD (X)OK — Minimum 3 $10 down, you may purchase guest rates. dally 1-7 p.m. 646-3631. 641-lOn. 3188. For free estimate call 742- held in strict confidence. For Mill Rd., Andover, Ck»n., re­ m odem shop. No Saturdays. tions held in strict confidence. HU. George H. Grifflng Inc Call 646-1614 after 8. DEINTAL assistant, experience benefits. Openings available plans. Call for appointment. years experience, capable of tny room Indlvtduslly Im 641-4112. Or by appointment. 9487. Information, write now to; ’The questing variance In front Overtime, if desired. See A1 For Information, write now to: Andover 742-7886. ROOM for rent In private home, 1067 IMPALA wagon, good con- ______preferred but w ill train, know- immediately on first and sec­ Bupervlalng dormitory cafeteria. mediate delivery or free M L T System, P.O. Box 1791, yard clearance. Patch, Service Manager, The M L T System, P.O. Box lady or gentleman with ref­ 20" BOYS Polo bike, excellent —------ledge of typing. Write Box " B ” ond shifts. Please call 289-4861. U a.m .-7 p.m. FOR SALE — Men’i rebuilt (tnrage HIX-ROOM duplex with en- Lost and Found I dltlon, 80,000 miles, V-8 388 Hartford, Conn. 06101 or Call At this hearing Interested 563-0181. 1791, Hartford, Conn, 06101 or erences, breakfast privileges, condition. New rear silk, 649- Roonng— Siding 16 Manchester Herald. Firestone Retread Shop, 20 Bld- shoes. Work or dress. Sam CAP a CCP Cliargc Plane closed front and back porches. engine. Call 640-1917. (anytime) 247-1460. persons may appear and be Call (anytime) 347-1469. parking, on bus line. Call 875- 0387 after 4 p.m. well Rd., South Windsor. Carter Chevrolet, . KITCHEN MEN—General kitch­ Yuyles, 28 Oak St., Manches­ also oui own Instant Oredli Adults preferred, no pets. CaU WILL THE person who Inadver­ ROOFING and Root Repair KEYPUNCH operator 029. heard and written communlca- en duties, will train, 11 a.m.-7 Plan 0488. 649-8004 after 5:10 p.m. 1961 RED OLDSMOBILE con­ TELLERS’ supervisor. No ex­ ter. tently exchanged turquoise all- Couglln Roofing Oo.. Inc.. 643- Mostly numerical. Benefits. SALESMAN — long established tlons received. Said appeals are 1229 Main St. PLANT LABOR, paint manu­ p.m. vertible, all power. Very good NURSES AIDES —11 p.m. to perience necessary, will train. VERY CLEAN heated furnish­ weather coat for similar coat, 7707 Gaer Bros., 140 R ye St., So. and rapidly growing, Hartford on file and may be seen In the facture, 40 hour week, (fontoct 1969 MCORBGOER DX Tour­ DISCOUNT FURNITURE IMMEDIATE — .5-ruom apart­ condition. $896. (JaU 649-1848. Business Services 7 a.m. Laurel Manor, 649-4819. Apply In person at Hartford ed room for a mature man at the Blood Mobile, Oct. 17, Windsor. wholesaler has attractive op­ Office of the Town Clerk. Jack Kaplan. 875-3386. Apply Personnel Services Di­ ney Irons, two through pUch- WAREHOUSE ment, second floor, two older BIDWELL Home Improvement PRODUCTION Workers —Open National Bank, 695 Main St., Coll 64S-6S53 or apply 3 Pearl call 640-2911. COUGAR—1968, 802 h.p., white­ O f f e r e d 1 3 EIXPBRIENCBD cleaning portunity for one man to cover Dated In Andover, Coin., this i vision, University of Connecti­ Ing wedge. Sold new for $175, children accepted, 8150. In­ Co. Expert installation of FULL-TIME saleswoman for 10 ings on all three shifts. Ex­ Manchester. NOW 2 BIO LOOA'nONS St. walls, studded snow tires. 644- woman, own transportation, local area. This is not can­ 18th day of October 1960. RESTAURANT help, evenings cut, Storrs, Conn. Coll 1-429- priced to sell at $65. 643-6597. cludes heal. References and YOU A R E A 1. truck Is A-1 aluminum siding, gutters and weeks until January 1. 8-day cellent fringe benfits and 8311 Ext. 1281 for an appoint­ 8880 Main St Hartford security. H.M. Freclwtte, Real­ FOUND — Fluffy black cat. 2828. references, 643-2681. vassing. Reply Box JJ, Man­ Zoning Board of Appeals and weekends. Mister Steak ROOM for rent, gentleman only, Cellars, atUos, yards, drtve- trim. Roofing Installation and week. Shoor' Jewelers, 917 storting rates. For appoint­ ment. SAVE BIO! Do your own rug 623-7349 tors, M7-99M. Green School vicinity. Call 648- chester Herald. Andover, Conn. y Restaurant. 646-1996. central location, free parking. 1722. 1961 FALCON, standard shift, 2- ways sealed and email truck­ repairs. 649-6498, 876-9109. Main at. ment call Marge Hampson, Help Won tod— and upholstery cleaning with (former Fuller Brush bldg.i ing done A -l right. Cal) Tre- Marvin Oraboff, y j An equal opportunity employer. References required. 641-9999, door, good transportation. Call WANTED — Reliable woman to C3U8TODIAN —^part-time, make 643-5163 or apply to Rogers GAS STATION attendant and Ma!e er Femoi* Blue Lustre. Rent electric 175 Pine St Moncheste- LOST—Passbook No. 30-900434 mano Tnioklnp Bervlne toll WOMEN needed to do office Acting Chairman M9-81S0. FIRST floor, four rooms, lioo. 643-0319 after 1 p.m. do house work. Call 648-0829. your own hours. Community Corp., M ill & Oakland Sts., minor repair work. Apply shampooer 81. OlcoU Variety 646 2982 tree. 743-9487 Roofing and Brlcb Silsmeta, AdulU only. Call 628-0716. 1, The Connecticut Bank and cleaning in the Manchester Manchester. An equal opportu Araie’s Gulf, 260 Middle ’Tpke. MAN, WOMAN or couple to help I former Norman's Fun. I^ R O E , clean furnished room, 1963 RAM BLE R ' 9-passenger SECRETARIAL - clerk for TV Baptlal Church, call 246-4781 or ■eoretaiy Store. Trust Co. Application made for Chimneys 16-A area evenings, part-time. Good nlty employer. West. me In my new business. For In­ Situorions W antod Warehouse gentleman only. Kitchen privi­ station wagon. Good running STEPS, sidewalks stone walla and appliance distributor. 649-8672 after 6 p.m. payment. wages, paid holidays, and terview) phone 1-666-8439 ext. DON’T merely brighten your 4t corner of Pins S Furew Bt.at leges, free waaher, dryer, condition, automatic transmis­ fireplaces, flagstone terraces. ROOFING, Gutters, CSUmneys— Idqpl working conditions. Good Female 3B other benefits. Call 627-8171. 10. oarpets. . .Blue Lustre them. . Mon -Frl 9-9 Sat 9-4 parking. Palmer Realty, 649- sion, power brakes and steer­ All concrete repairs. bo’Ji tn- New and repairs our special­ salary, five-day week, vaca­ r sldo and outside railings. Land FULL-TIME and part-time LEGAL SECRETARY desires eliminate rapid renolllng. Rent 4131. INDUSTRIAL ing. Call alter 6:30 p,m. 649- ty, 20 years experience. Free tion, excellent benefits. Call M. LEWIS MACHINE OO. 8EWINO machine sale, new, Automobiles For Sal* 4 scaping. Reasonably priced part-time legal or general of­ electric shampooer $1. Paul's 1281. estimates. Call Roy Kanehl, waitresses, 6-day week, 9 - 8 Nlmlroskl, 828-6681, Eastco, 96 Suburban — Unique Combination uoed, sig sag, rebuilt Singer COMFORTABLE room, setnl- Call 648 0681 fice position. CaU 638-4504. Paint and Wallpaper Supply. NEED CAR? Credit very bod? 648-0883 after 6 p.m. shift. W. T. Grant Co., Park­ Leggett St., East Hartford. An Needs PRODUCTION WORKERS portables, 819.96 up; rebuilt privaU bath artd ehower, desk, ade. Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ equal opportunity employer. VOUtSW AOEN engine, you can consoles, 133.60 up; new and built-in bookcase, genUemon week etesst- 1964 HILLMAN Minx, new tires, SHARPENING Servlet- - Saws ROOFING — Speclallxlng re­ Emavtaaead in est Douglas accepts lowest Experienced men for: F IR ST AND SECXIND uaed cabinets 110 up. Parts and onl]r. Call M9-0719. mris, packaging, seat aaM- new brakes. 649-0198. knives, aces, shears. skates pairing roofs of all kinds, new BHIFTB Dogi llfds Pets 41 hear It running, excellent con­ down, smallest payments, any­ MuUl-OrcuU extends an in­ service. Ideal Sewing Machine mating and maoMna aannei- rotary blades. Quick servloe roofs, gutter work, chimneys BRIDGEPORTS dition. Also have authorised where. Not small loan finance W ANTED —Good used hydraulic vitation to visit our plant to OROOMI^ aU^breeds. “ Har­ Service, 19 Webster St., Hart­ ROOM For Rent. Kllt-hen prlvl- ty znalyiis, Capitol Equipment Co.. 3t cleaned and repaired. SO years’ Volkswagen transmission. 649- company plan. Douglas Mo­ jack and jackstands; also used LATHES ' discuss job opportunities in mony Hill. H. C. Chase, Hebron 5888. ford. 349-0786. legea, ladiea only. Call 641- laeentiva aln Main 8t., Maneheater. Hour; experience. Free estimates. FEMALE PRODUCTION stady. Apply la tors, 348 Main. edition of aUto reptilr manual. CHUCKERS the following areas: Rd., Bolton. 648-6427. 8634. dally 7:80-6, Thursday. 7:80-9 Call Howley 648-8861, 644- CLEAN. USED refriger.uon 643-4013. Saturday 7 :8(M 848-7868 INSPECTION KODAK M-3 Instamatic Movie BOY in service, must sell 1968 8888. ASSEMBLERS . camera, never used. Valued at ranges automatic wsahere IONA MM. CO. Cutlass, 8 cylinder, Ram-aIr, 1968 CHEVROLET Impala SS. ODD JOBS, light trucking, 55-hour week, top wages. Excellent benefits. Call PLATING FR E E kittens, desperately need 834.96, will sell for $16. 649- with guarantees. Sec them at ROOM for rent. kltchan 1st, Sad and Srd S H IF T O T E N IN G e B.D. Pearl's Appliance* Me power steering, 2-door hardtop. convertible, bucket seats, pow­ carpentry, miscellaneous re­ 289-3468 or apply in person, 22 John St., East SILK SCREENING home. 646-0885. 6314. prlvtlages. Ooll M64I139. M illin e r y , Main St Oall 649-3171 11,000 miles. $2,295. 568-7196 or er steering, automatic stick, pairs, etc., good servloe and H O U S E W IF E S lU F T 9-4 Hartford. INSPECTION 643-9883. V-8, new tires, winterized, Dressmaking 19 M AR IJN 80-30 with 4-power low prices. 648-7318. 00 BENEFITS, WAGES ASSEMBLY WOOL beige rug, mahogany leather upholstery. Creampuff. dining room act. Coll 643-88M $1,430. 649-7812. TREE SERVICE (Bouden ALTERATIONS my specialty, Read Herald Ads once, 885. 649-8786. 1963 PONTIAC Bonneville, good Trees out, building lots clear­ satisfaction guaranteed. Call Apply at our Personnel De­ after 7, or weekends 1-6. condition. Call 643-0680. 1961 MERCURY Meteor, 6 cyl­ 647-9607. ed, trees topped Got a tree partment, between 9-12 noon, Help Wantod Male or Female 37 UNIVERSAL gas stove, 186. inder, automatic transmission, problem? Well worth phone and 4-6 p.m. 1967 BARRACUDA Fastback, Large, nine year old, 8 bedroom ranch, 18’ x 27* T«e»telwl firm. Very good condition. Call good rubber, new battery. call. 743-8383 Polishers Wanted gold, V-8, automatic, low mile­ Moving— ^Trucking- living room, 2-car garage. Completely equipp^ gieenhouae M9-8378. or 646-3406. MALE Body In good condition. $800. age. e'en 649-0829. •that requires unbelievable nominal care. Over acre lot. Call 643-3936. BRICK, block and atone work. S t o r a g e 2 0 Men who are willing to learn polishing WINTER IS COMING TWO DRESSERS, one cheat, Assumable 6% mortgage with approximately $16,000. Many MUL'n-CIRCUITS 1967 MUSTANG convertible V-8, Brick walle, patloi, outdoor-in­ extras. Out of state owner must sell. Asking $34,800. for finished work on turbine blades and vanes, one wooden arm choir, bed and 1960 OLDSMOBILE. 4-door M AN O IE STE R DellVety-Ught 289, 3-speed floor shift, good door fireplacea, eidewalks, avenge hoorly mtes, fringe bentfits and 50 HARRISON ST. If the aggravation of traveling in traffic ia frame for one twin bed. (?heap hardtop, power steering $100. trucking and package delivery. condition. Service man, must chimneys. Free esUmaites. ahartaig plan. Apply at getting you down, why not work cloae to htmie. Call 641-4493. Call 043-8977. Refrigerators, wadiars and WANTED M. H. PALMER REALTY MANCHESTER. CONN. sell. 868-0683 after 6 p.m. Domenic Morrone, 649-1604. stove moving, specialty. Fold- 643-6321 We have openings on all thrM shifts in various NINE-PIBrLE dining room set. 1964 CHEVROLET standard, 1960 FORD 9-passenger wagon, ATTICS and cellar! cleaned, uig ohalre tor rent. t4»4rm 'Red-Lee Metal Riishieg C e., lee. jobs. Very good condition. Reason­ real good condition. Body — FuH-Timt — power steering and brakes. odd jobe, light trucking, treoa, M. Helen Palmer, Realtor, MulUple T.iirfirg Service 69 WOODLAND ST^MANCQESTER ably priced Cali 641-6308. clean, $276. 048-3838. HAIRDRBSSER wlUt following, FEMALE $78. Call 649-1116. removed and lots cleared. Call Stop in and diacusa a job with ua. 649-1794. Painrin^i— Pqpering 21 high style neceoaary. CtoU 646- SERVICE STATION AnENDANT 8494 for appointment 1968 P O N 'n A C LeMans, 3-door INSIDE—outside painting 8pa< hardtop, 6 cylinder, automatic, Trucks— Tractors 5 LIGHT trucking, odd jobs, also Apply WONDERUND TOYS moving large appliances. Burn­ dal ratM fo* people ovar M. AND LUBRICATION MAN good running condition. 81,- Call ipy tompatltora, than call CHENEY BROTHERS. Inc. CREDIT CLERK 2 080. Call after 8 p.m. 648-1908. 1964 DODGE Sportsman Van- ing barrels delivered. $4. 644- ma. BstUnataa given. M0-78a passenger truck, good condi­ 1776. - Y ea ’S antoy woriihig a t Mannkeaktafo fhMM 81 Cooper Hill Street rV L L -T D S E tion, $600. 049-4696. afotfon. Wotklng oondmons are pleasant and your fellow 1963 OLDSMOBILE F-86, etand- SDWARD R.”pRICE—Painting Manchester, Conn. L IN R I Construction Co., Car­ enoploma are moat rmngmiial, You will receive full oetn- T e 4m baakkaapiag oad ard transmission, with four exterior and interior Paper W O R K F O R SPORTING GOODS 1967 CHEVROLET pick - up pentry and remodeling service. pany kaneOfo phse mnny fringe beneain. too! Ap^ly fo IMMEDIATE Call 648-4141 for Saturday Appointments crodH ooiaa. SaoM tyyiai good tires plus two mounted truck, % ton, 8’ style side body. Additions, garage and renova­ hanging. OeiUngs. ate Inaured. raqahred . snow tires. Needs some work. 649-1008 647-1884. Qall after 6. tions. No job too smaU. Call It Prateitlj leeipflii SppHiiMiti $76. 743-7846. ^ Apply at mmem 648-0060 or 649-3083. TWO YOUNG married men will a i OPENINGSt '.968 C B LLAC convertible, ex­ do Interior painting through 1964 EXXINOLINB van. Beat of­ YOUR BUSINESS janitor, de­ Moriorty Brothers Fer P e n M M it PtiHieM l i H i N ta cellent condition. New tires. the winter. Free estimates. W. Te BRANT fer. 649-8089. pendable night service, dally, SISIS COM TUa ST., B fA N C H E S T im — MS-S188 SIYIRAL EXCBUNT OPPORTUNmU AMERBELLE CORPORATION Must sell this week. Call 644- weekly or monthly baals. Call Reasonable rates. 649-1143, 648- 5 2963. 1966 CHEVROLET carryail, 8 4791. 644-0639. HAVB DiVILOnD IN OUR HRM: passenger, 4-speed transmis­ CHEVROLET— 1960 4-door Bel B. H. MAGOWAN JR. jT s e m , 30 JOBS AVAILABLE MANCHESTER sion, economical 0 cylinder, re­ POLLARD Tree Service— B!x- Air, V-8, automatic snow tires, HELP WANTED movable seata. Ideal second pert tree removal, pruning and interior and exterior' painting, good condition. After 4 p.m., car for home owner. Call 648- trimming. Insured. 289-8730. paper hanging. Thirty years CONCRETE FABRICATORS 649-6746. expariancek four generations. 1st Shift 7 ajn.-3 pan., 2nd Shift 3 pjn.-ll pan., Srd Shift 11 pan.-7 eae. 8388 before 6 p.m. tooi l o Fem ale TOY STORE Httvg nuHiy optnlnas Cor staedy I N Free estimates, fully insured. PARAGON TOOL CO^ iN a 1962 CHEVY II, 4-door sedan. portotco roqatawL Yottr-nond wotfc with «mr> MALE HELP WANTED—NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED (Wc Tmki Yoe) 1964 OR 1968 FORD heavy duty HousekoM Services 643-7361. LooklBC Fer Wotfi N dv HeM? Y O U N G M A N • Clarical poaitiotu * Service Aaair Immaculate throughout. Ideal econollne-vans. Excellent con­ ttaM, T o p p a y m too . M s n y b en gA to. watan ahapi. car for the wife. Call 648-0639. Offered 13-A h Hiring dition. Call 743-7676. NAME yOUR own price. Paint­ RepUly growlBt indastry. Sew pfoat, ataeiy Aa I ■ New HIGH Wages e PaM HotUaya to traie o> • Rteoivinp and marking a ^ many othara U O H T TRUGKINO. bulk drite- ing, paper hanging, paper re­ W kii per witk avartiaic, paid lift iaaaiiaita. Im TWO VALIANTS, 1963 standard moval, ceillnge. ^ Guaranteed )8ep$rit, 1M0 shift, 4-door. 1968 automatic ery, ykrda, attics, oallars clean • Teel MsAers # AN-Araund MockieisH Htfae, iMlUsyas vacatka aad oUmt frtojt haatflfo. e Rag. full-time poaitioni, 5 days, 86 hours par Auto Accessories— \ workmanship. Prompt service. shift, 4-door. Call 648-4046. sd and ramovad. Also odd jobs Ezpgfimea moi meeemmrj, wiO tiitoL STORE waa_k, 7 twwn par day, Mon. thru SaL, 1 day o

li . \ ..


Apartments—Flats— THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW PAGE NINETEEN BY SHORTEN end WHIPF l e Housm For Seri* 72 Houm s For Sola 72 Tenements 63 Hooms For Solo 72 He For Sob 72 Out of Towu MANCHESTER—Custom 8-room Out of Town Out of Towu Out of Towu SEVEN-ROOM, second floor, S e e m s tiJa t an v ecH<=> th e fO Lks l iHe , CLASSIFIED 3 uT THE o n es TNEV'd LIRE TO DISCOURAGE tri-level on wooded acre lot, 2 FOUR-PAMILT - consisting of TWO-FAMILY, S-8, 2 separate Fo rS d a 75 For Solo 75 apartmenrt, up to three children PRUMELLA TURlJS th u m b s DOWN ON •" For Solo 75 For Solo 75 ARE t h e o n e s s h e FLIPS FOR — baths, first-flow famUy room, rooms. City utUi- heating systems, handy to bus MANCHESTER _—6-room Cape accepted. |18S including heat ANDOVESt — 6-1^ ^ cape, 2-car garage, privacy, lo- liAu. Wolverton Agency, utilities, stove and refrigera­ VICRY STRim 646-3389 dition, city utilities. Built in tractive lot. Excellent location, all areas. Louis Dlmock Real­ ONE-BEDROOM Ranch type Realtors, 646-4200. kitchen with buUt-tos, vanity bath, wall to wall ESTATE Realtors, 649-1818. tor. Security deposit required. ■ TM. MR V. B. Fff. on,— AfMf tm tn ti I N.COPLAi PA 1964, $26,900. Piyibrick Agency. ctooe to school. Owner leaving ty. Realtors, 649-9623. apartment, $145. per month in­ JAN. 1ST. carpeting, attached garage. Assumable mort­ ^160 per month. 286-4680. l»iSsj!±djim 4e6Stiu MANCHESTER — Just listed. GARRISON Oolonall — All the Realtors, 646-4200. $26,600 — A TTR A C m V E 6-room BOLTON LA K E — Californian, state, $28,900. 872-3902. cluding appliances and heat. gage or refinancing with 10% down, full price SELLING your house? Ash Large 6-room Colonial, IM e rooms are exceptionally large. Cfolonial, raised hearth fire- 742-7141 Three bedrooms, spacious LOOKING for anyrthing In. real Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 649- $25,900. VERNON —Manchester Line, about our 1300 advertising OCCUPANCY baths, kitchen with bullt-lns, 24’ living room, 24’ bedroom, OXFORD Street — Seven-room iKace, buUt-ins, attached ga­ kitchen with bullt-lns, fl re­ estate rentals — apartments 4535. Out of Town Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 7%-room Split Level. Out of guarantee. Office 6490068. Res­ ^wall to wall carpeting, fire­ etc. Formal dining room, fire­ Colonial In choice area. Older rage, shade trees, assumable placed living room, oil heat, homes, multiple dwellings, no For Rent 66 place, beautifully landscaped home completely rebuilt. ‘TOLLAND — $21,200, 8%-room town owner wants fast sale. idence, 649-9188. Unsay Realty- M ANCHESTER Park Chestnut 4',4 room Town Hou.se apart­ MANCHESTER — Six-room place, porch, garage. Beautlful- VA mortgage. Hutchins Agen­ IH baths. Tastefully decorat­ fees. Cedi J D. Real Estate lot, excellent condition. Im ­ Three rooms down, three up Ranch on Jarge lot. Ideal for Bullt-lns, only $21,600. Hayes T C w "I------— Garden Apartments. Decem­ ment, 2 baths, air-condi­ VERNON — NOW Renting. Colonial, garage, wooded lot, SEVEN-ROOM Cfolonial, 2 ^ til­ by landscaped yard. Ckistom SOUTH WINDSOR—Unique 5%-room Ranch. Like new to cy. Realtors, 649-5324. ed. 121,900. Immediate Oc­ Associates. Inc. 643-6129 plus finished attic. Two full young family. 10 per cent Agency. 646^)131. SELLINQ? business with ber 1, 3V6 rooms at $150, 4% at tioning, stove, refrigerator, “ You owe it to yourself to see 67x160’, bus line. Earle Everett ed baths, large fam ily room, mediate occupancy. H. M. Fre­ built for present owner. $29,900. and out. Three bedrooms, tiled bath, living room cupancy. Warren B. Howland, ______one of the oldest agencies to dlspo.sal, patio with sliding 2 fireplaces, plastered walls, chette, Realtors, 647-9993. baths, m odem kitchen. Oidy 122,500 — NEW Raised Ranch, down to qualified btiver. T..I. EDGERTON Gardens — Near $176. Heat, hot water, oven — one of these lovely apartments Real Estate, 643-1634. Phllbrlck Agency, Realtors, with waU to waU carpeting, kitchen with buUt- Realtors, 643-1108. TOLLAND —Gorgeous 6-room town. Fbr prompt, courteous glass doors. Beautiful, beau­ full Insulation, porch, city util­ $27,600. T. J. Crockett, Real­ 3 bedrooms, garage, 150x200’ Crockett, Realtor, Tolland of­ hospital. Deluxe one-bedroom range, refrigerator, parking situated In a small apartment 646-4200. Ranch with 2-car attached ga­ service call the MRten Agen­ tiful. beautiful. Call. SDC-R(X)M Colonial, 1% baths, ities, buiit-lna, extra large 2- FT^TVACY — $25,900. Immacu­ tor, 643-1677. tos and eating area, screened porch, attached treed lot. Hutchins Agency fice. 875-6279 VERNON —Six-room ' Ranch apartments. Wall to wall car­ and storage. No pets. Tel­ complex located in an attrac­ rage in preferred executive cy, Realtors, member Multiple large lot, garage, plenty of car garage, near school, treed late Raised Ranch, Country FOUR-ROOM home, on heat, garage. Asking $26,500. Realtors, 649-5324. Just beyond the circle. Carpet­ peting, appliances and utilities ephone 627-9238 between 9 - 6' tive resldenUal area." Brand area. FVIly appointed and set Listing. 643-6930. kitchen, two fireplaces, recre­ large treed lot. Owner must SAULTEStS RD. — Immaculate ed living room with fireplace, etc. $165-$180. J. D. Real Es­ p.m. After 5 p.m. 647-1871. new a% room apartment (one cabinets. Reasonably priced at lot, excellent location. CJiarles cm a large troed tot. Low, tow $23,900. Keith Agency, 646- Lesperance, 649-7620. ation room, garage, patio, sell. Only $12,500. Keith Agen­ six-room Cape. Rec room, two C A LL on this one to see if it three generous bedrooms, tate Associates. 643-6120. 649-6651 bedroom) featuring heat, hot OPEN HOUSE 30’s. Heritage House, 646-2462. 649-2179 huge treed lot. Hutchins Agen­ cy, 646-4126, 649-1922. la your dream home. Not kitchen with built-in oven and water, refrigerator, range, 4126, 649-1922. tile baths, bullt-lns, paneled MANCHESTEKt—Good 'Value to this 6-rootn Colonial with Auetfom 78 FIVE-ROOM Apartment on OCCUPANCY NOV. 1ST. MANCHESTER — 8-room Rais­ cy, Realtors, 649-5324. fireplace, carpeting, garage. enough space to describe It’s range, attached garage. |M,- hood, garbage disposal, mas­ three bedrooms, large living room, formal din­ SU N D AY 2-6 P.M. (X nrE NTR Y Main St., seconj floor over a M ANCHESTER — Your chll- ed Ranch, four to five bed­ MANCHESTER —Green Manor New furnace. Awnings for many features. (T ip ) 7-room 900. Wolverton Agency, Fleal- AVAILABLE Nov. 1st, four ter T V antenna, telephone out­ IMMEDIATE CXXHPANCY__ ing room and kitchen-family room combination; NATHAN HALE business office, no children, no Four-room duplex In 2-famlly diren will love this older home rooms, bullt-lns dishwasher, Rd., 5H-room Ranch, enclosed complete house and patio. Cape. Peterman Real Etotate tora, M9-281S. rooms, one bedroom, stove, lets, curtain rods, window N ew 7-room Raised Ranch, 2 ^ Agency, 646-2223 or 649-9404. COUNTRY COUNTRY AUCTION pets due to the location. Avail­ house, appliances, parking, stor­ 3 blocks from grade school and cEtrpeting, rec room, wooded porch, large tile bath, 3 large Beautiful lot, 70x200’. Mid also basement rec room. 1% baths, screened 1080 FORBES ST., heat, hot water, garage, $136 shades and full bath with baths, 2 fireplaces, laundir WILLIMANTTC — Apartment Older 10-room COtonIa) with able Nov. 1st. $125 monthly. age. Junior high, 3 big bedrooms, lot. High 20'b. Hayes Agency, bedrooms, hot water oil heat, porch, carpeted floors throughout. Convenient monthly. Call '619-6022. vanity. Washers and dryers In room, built-ins, plastered 20’s. Phone owner, evenings 3 full baths. Church build­ Community HaU, Main St., formal dining room, big kitch­ 646-0131. fireplace, attached garage, location. Only 10% down cm this excellent val­ EAST HARTFORD house for sale, five units. Live Cali 643-7186. basement (coin-operated) and walls, 2-car garage, city utili­ and weekends, 649-6378. ing 70x40 (214 floors). Two- 649-2179 en. Only $20,900. Paul W. Dou­ combinations, city utilities, well SOUTH MANCHESTER free and aave for later years. FOUR-ROOM apartment, near storage area. Plenty of ties, near school, 80-day occu­ ue. Asking $26,600. story 2-car garage, 7H South Windsor. Monday, FOUR-ROOM apartment in gan, Realtor, 649-4535. MANCHESTER —New execu­ landscaped, very nice condi­ CAPE—Six room, three or four Excellent opportunMy for bus line and Main St., first parking. For an appointment pancy. Built 1^ Ansaldi. acres, long frontage. In pic­ four-family house. Appliances, tive home with 4 bedrooms, 2% tion, $25,500. Charles Lesper­ bedrooms, buUt-ln bookshelves Seven targe rooms, 12 years $3,800 down. $26,500. Bargain \^O ctober 27th, 7:30 p.m. Re- AVAILABLE November 1st, floor. For one or two adults. to see this new lovely apart­ .Charles Lesperance, 649-7620. 4.66 cleared and treed acres turesque setting. Potential parking and storage. $125. Nov. batlis and 2-oar garage. Priced ance, 649-7620. and drawers. Wooded lot. Han­ young, 3 bednooma, spacious HsU mailed, free catalog. 3V4-room apartment, third $80 monthly. Call 640-1428. ment building please call 872- with 641’ frontag*! on Fern flea market, auction gallery, 1st. occupancy. Call J.D. Real in the upper 30’s. Heritage dy location. $21,b00. A better ®ULTON— Choice of decor to this new Contemporary six- living room, formal dining freahmente available. AUC- floor, stove, refrigerator, hot 0629 weekdays for an appoint­ MANCHESTER — 6-room Cape BAANCHESTER — Glastonbury and Gartlner Sts. Half-mile Strout Realty, 226-9116. antique shop, studio, apart­ Estate Associates, 643-6129. MANCHESTER House, 646-2482. buy by Phllbrlck Agency, Real­ room Cape. Cathedral ceiling living room with room, eat-ln kitchen, fam­ water. Adults only. Parking. ment. Rental $185 dowmstalrs, plus Jalousied porch, flreplaced line —Tallwood —New Ranch to new ^Martin school, 8- ments, restaurant, day care 'nONEBR — Dick Tracy 643-8680. Furnishod living room, garage, lovely tors, 646-4200. floor to ceiling fireplace, three bedrooms, buildtog lot potential. E x­ ily room, 2 baths, garage B l i j S o ’f o N ” ” ONEl-BEDROOM newer apart­ $146 upstairs (including car­ MANCHESTER —Drive by 77- homes, (only 5 left), 6-7 rooms, center. treed lot, convenient central lo­ kitchen with bullt-lns and formal dining room, pandable t^der home. A plus basement. Private, 82 FOOT BRICK RANCH Sponsor: South Windsor ment, good condition, small Apartmants 63-A peting.) November ISt. occu­ RAMBLING CAPE 79 Oak St. Then give us a call fully equipped. Two baths, JACQUEUNE- D E LIG H TFU L one - bedroom cation. Bel Air Real Estate, two baths, attached garage. One acre treed lot. good Inveatmenlt. Plan now treed backyard. AcceoslUe This large 7-room execu­ building, $140. per month in­ pancy. Adults. No pets. and make an offer. Owner walkout basements, 2 • car Lions. apartment in small now apart­ GIRL TO Share apartment, fi­ Vincent A. Bogginl, Realtor, or later. Owner will fi­ to everything. Tax» only tive Ranch has all thermo- ROBERTS AGENCY In executive neighborhood, says sell immediately. Needs garages. Wooded acre plots, FIANO AGENCY 10% down payment. $31,000. cluding heat and appliances. ment complex. Available De­ nancially rewarding for re­ 643-9332. nance. $460. Priced to move. pane wtndowra , dishwasher, 646-3839 spacious 8 room custom only paint, paper, and gutters. beautifully situated between Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 649- cember 1. Centrally located on sponsible person. Call Sail, 647- Manchester: 6 rooms, 5% dlspoael, oven and range, Resort Pioperty Heritage House, 646-2482. two golf courses. City water, 4035. Center St. Ample ofl-street 1340. built for original owner, 4 M ANCHESTER — Two^^amlly % assumable. 2% baths, 22 foot sundeck For Rent 67 large bedrooms, 3 garages, gas, sidewalks. Best Financing M. H. PALM ER, parking. Complotely equipped JENSON St., Cape, 4 rooms, flat, 5 down 4 up, downstairs HEBRON—Swiss Chalet. Unique design for the discrlmtoat- JACQUEUNE- off beautifully paneled fam­ M ANCHESTER Highland Oak paneled den, recreation In Hartford County, 7 per cent Manchester: Two - family, kitchen. Rental, $155. with one- TWO-ROOM furnished apart­ NEW HAM PSHIRE, Gunstock finished on first floor, second has been completely remodel­ tog buyer. Three bedrooms, living room stone ily room. 2-car garage. New Libyan Regime Poses Village, quiet one and 2-bed­ room, formal dining room, interest, 25 per cent down, 26 laige lot. REALTOR, MLS RCBER'TS AGENCY, morvth security required. Cali ment. Heat, hot water, stove, floor expandable, porch off ed, fine residential area. Both fireplace and redwood paneling, formal dining Priced to sell at $a,900. J. room apartments, heat, park­ Mountain, Lake WInnipesaukee enclosed patio. Many oth­ years. Priced In 80’s. Call Su­ JarvLs R ealty Co., 643-1121. refrigerator. Apply Marlow’s, kitchen, wooded lot, $21,900. apartments vacant upon sale. 648-6821. Florence, 649-5306. ing, carpeting and appliances area. Swiss chalet, sleeps 30 or er refinements. Situated on zanne Shorts, 646-3233, J. Wat­ Botton: 6-room Colonial, room, open planked stairway, sun deck, glass 646-8889 Formidable Threat to Israel 867 Main St. Manchester. Phllbrlck Agency Realtors, T.J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- 6%% assumable. Included. Starting $160. Im ­ FOUR-ROOM apartment, heat more, carpeting, electric heat, huge private lot. Call son Beach A Co., Realtors, 278- sliding doors. 10% down, $38,000. 646-4200. 1677. By MfCHAJEL OOUMMITH mediate occupancy. Call 647- and hot water. $135 per month. BOLTON Notch — across from 2 baths, club house facilities. 5660. B & W The Ubyan preoa for the flrat B treed tot. $44,000. bam, 5-room rental. Hutchins $26,900. Hayes Agency, 646- Pasek Rsallora, 289-7478, 742- heavy self-propelled guru and a and other related buslnesi, 50’ frontage on Main St., ■Value! Four-bedroom brick • Wall to Wall Carpeting throughout. Two bedroom 6-room Cape, full-shed dor­ annually to Egypt to help com- 5291 Spilt Level. Double garage. Agency, Realtors, 649-08M. 0131. 82U. sophisticated ^ r lo ground mis- (Mmoate for loas of the Sues C9 centrally located. More than 186’ deep with 60’ frontage OPEN HOUSE apartments include one and one-half baths. mer, garage, basement rec on Brnlnnrd Place. Unlim­ Three-full baths, flreplaced liv­ Bile eyetem a< a total cost of ■nal rsvsnues. A smallsr grant ample parking. Available No­ room. H i beiths plus pan­ TWO-FAMILY flate — Masonry SOUTH WINDSOR -Birch Hlfl. VERNON $26,800 ited business or office po­ ing room. Loads of extras. Out ;^ p le parking, individual basement storage, master nearly $400 mAUon. The United went to Jordan. The nation’s vember 1. Cairtor A Goldfarb, eled porch. Call now. SOUTH WINDSOR—Visit our new section of homes on Ell­ construction. East Center St. Raised Ranch, modem kitch­ tential. SU N D AY 2-4:30 of state owner wants immedi­ TV antenna. Convenient to transportation, shopping, Hlates had promised to add 10 new leaders criticise these 643-8442. 875-8244. ington Road and see this executive type ten- location. 329,900. Phllbrlck en with bullt-lns formal din­ NEED TWO BEDROf)MS? ate sale. Warren E. Howland, schoolfl-find churchefi. supersonlo F8 flghter-bombeni grants as "m laeriy" and ora •Agency. Realtors. 646-4200. ing room, cathedral celling 8287 263 MAIN 8T. — Office space Realtors, 643-1108. room Raised Ranch with four bedrooms and Here Is a large and lovely to the 10 already delivered to certain to Incrsosa Owm-with Vernon 106-108 Broad St. Two-year- WARREN E. HOWLAND and fireplaces In living room 4.12.yn. available Immediately. Rea­ RaiM agent 0(‘ toilay for the M ANCHESTER — Tender tov- Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. ASSUMABLE Ubyan Intervention on the N.Y. loose. new ’OH Fall ami Winter large finished rec room, 2 fire­ Dwelling could be easily con­ Ing care has been given this splendid (estures plus a spec­ These figures were uncovered 125 MAIN STREET HORSE LOVERS Beat the high m orta g e Kgyptlan front Moet of these rrinl Nome, l l l r i n with ZIP ALBUM! places, $400. per month, lease verted for professional or com­ comfortable Split Level home WE8TSIDE — 5-room home, 3 tacular treed kit. Upper lO'c. by the first national survey of COOC, lly lt Nombtr ond S lit. BOLTON—Custom designed four-year old UAR built, seven- DELIGHT rates. Enjoy suburban liv­ men nrw hold prominent or In- oioiE rivomTEt . . « cbiioc- required. U A R Realty Oo.. mercial occupancy. Robert J In desirable Woodhlll Heights down, 2 up, one bath, garage. Heritage House, 646-2463 roadside titter, a project spoo- Send nOd extra for a copy tlon at 11 iHlItt rafarrini to (ACROSS FROM THE KNIGHTS OF dOLUMRUS) ing at Its flnaet. Three bed­ Ifuentlal postilons In the m ili­ Inc., 043-2692. R.D. Murdock, Smith. Inc.. 963 Main Street. near the Porkade, 3 bedrooms, Lot 80x180’ , $19,900. Phllbrlck room Split that hast)features such . as 15x24’ Four S-acre parcels border­ aored by Keep America Beauti­ o f the T.n Fall & Winter ■Ibla Starloi, Pattern placaii dl- rooms. m baths, family BOLTON School Rd. Three tary regime radiant. BlOO It only SOC a 643-6472. M9-S241. Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. family room adjoining the kitchen, a separate ing on state forest. 110.000 ful. Inc , the national Ultsr-pr9 Rnsie kah iiio n . capyl 2 baths, garagh, nicely land­ Just like your own private home bedroom Chateeu Oarage, alu­ in one of his first sUlemenU rec room on the lower level, large formal din­ room, bulU-lna, garage. % ventlon organisation. BUSINESS zone —Stone build­ scaped lot, close to schools, per parcel. efter eeislng pbwer. army chief FOUR-BEDROOM Cape, $225~a GEORGIAN Colonial, 7 rooms, acre and more. Santa comes minum Biding, 1% baths, flre- Allen H Seed Jr., exacutive ing consliUng of four unit shopping and highway. A real ing room, 15x16’ master bedroom, fleldstone Col kluammar Mohamaed Ka- month, Manchehter, Wolverton 1% baths, fireplace, 2-car ga­ J^fcdUELINE- but once a year. $25,900 placed bookcase wrall Situated vice prsaldent of KAB, called apartments. Three house trail­ bargain and should be seen to­ Fum Hm I—Free Hot Wator—Free Gas For Cookiig fireplace, glass sliding doors, sun deck, two full dafl Mid "All our reaourcoe Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. rage, central location, many on ruatlc sere Asking 338.600 the survey "the most com pr9 er parking loU. Excellent In­ day. Call the Jarvis Realty Oo. baths, wall to wall carpeting and many more ROBERTS AGENCY V III be placed In the asrvice of extras, city uUUties. Morrison aoodchlld-Barttslt Realtura. henalvc of Its kind ever under­ MANCHESTER — NV^Tflve- come. Phllbrlck Agency, Real­ Realtors, MLS, 643-1121. features that must be seen to be appreciated. 646-3339 B &<. W 2*90639, 8293696. tlw battle end the Palestinian Private Laundry Area Agency, Realtor, 643-1016. taken In Am erica” It was cca- FIRST REMINDER room Ranch, three bedrooms, tors. 646-4200. BARROWS and W ALLACE Co < euse ■■ He listed smcsig Um re- Priced realistically at $58,000. ducted by the H'ghway Re- with fireplace, disposal unit, ■nVO-FAlOLr! 4^^ «cellent APPROXIMATELY four acres Msuichester Parkade VERNON New r’okmlsl wlj,h g.rne’s top aims ' the asUblish- eearrh Board of the National - dishwasher. Available Im­ Manchester Featuring for your enjoyment: condition throughout. One-car prime land. Near community Mancheatrr 649-3306 4 huge bedrooms. 2S batha. menl of a strong modern army Academy of Sciences In cooper- mediately. $290. monthly. Call Homos For Sdo 72 garage, plus carport. Large 'Ollege site and new Route C fronl-to-back living room and to perttcipate prMtIlvely In the stion with ihs highway depart­ Paul W. Dougan, Realtor. 649- with self-cleaning oven, refrigerator, disposal, dishwasher, stonn lot. Beauty In beautiful condi­ Adequate financing available on all of these quality 921.500. Phllbrlck Agency, SOt.’TH WINDSOR Nine - fam ily room, sat-ln kitchen Jo.nt Arab etruggis." MANCHESTER -~New w VACANT CAPE COD ments of 39 particIpaUng ateteo. 4535. dtoors a i^ windows, shades, wall to wall carpeting, one and one telf ceiam k tion. $23,900.^ Call EUsworth homes and a cash trade-in policy available for your present f’.ealtors. 646-4200 room Colonial In Birch Hill. and formal dining room Ga­ Some Western dipkmiata in market. Immaculate modern tile baths, pknk areas with picnic table and gas barbecues for you M id Mitten Agency, Realtors, 643- home. Four bedrooms. 214 beUu. two rage and treed tot Low 30's. Trtprdi believe Kadatl U unlike­ ihiper Items accountad for M NOV. Colonial. Central location, IH F IV E AA zoned lots Approxi­ SINGLE home at Bolton Lake Handy location, beautiful rir< places, ouaUndlng family Heritage Huum. 6$924S3 ly to risk his 7.509man army or per cent of total roadside Htter, baths, 2-car garage, recrea­ your femify. Sliding glass doors off the dining area opening onto a red- until June 1st, Two bedrooms, yard, handsome house, ga­ mately 112x300' Ftoanclng kitchen - GE buUt-tni lA rge li.s small air force and navy according lo the Mtrvey. TIM tion room, screened rear w «w porch, full private orilar with washer and dryer nps. master TV SOUTH WINDSOR Three-bed- stove, refrigerator, heat. $150 rage. breezeway. large available. Heritage House. wooded lot wKh beautiful new. against Israel during the cur­ rest was 16 per cent cans, 6 por monthly. CaU 643-2627 after porch. Front-to-back living M tenn^ Excellent location on bos mute. waA to schools, churches and 646-2482. r>xim Ranch, twro batha. dining kitchen, 3 bedrooms, large B W lT A 'n O N Approximately 2,900 aquar* rent "war of altrllk/n " But fur rent plastic Itsma. 6 per cent 5:30 p.m. room with fireplace. Bel Air room, recreation room, porch, ll\1ng room with stone fire­ foci Mid 40's, Principles only. 111 first tunc a token Ubyan bottles and Jars and 12 par eeal Real Bstote. Vincent A. Bog- garage Treed tot. private back place and wall to wall car- T O B ID U & R REALTY CO. Owner. M4-27M. force may be sent to the llusa mlscellansou* glni, Realtor, 643-9332. R«s«ftOft FiProporty yard, near erhools, churches, Out of Town peUng. Exceptionally nice. Canal TTia large rolaeellaaionB THIS IS THE U S T DAY TO FILE Sealed bids will be received HEBRON London Park. Move Move in tomorrow. For Sob 74 atorea 4'-» per cent mortgage grouping was divided between For Ront 66 MANCHESTER - ExceltoJir6- IMMEDIATE O CCU fA N CY at the|Offlce of the Director of irl, today Owner anxloue. A $33,500 644-0703 A new all-out Middle East war room Cape, one unfinished, I ^ INCORPORATED cuuid sec U bya's fortca fully Urea, hisnber and a variety of YOUR PERSOHAL PROPERTY LISTS General Services, 41 Center I I BOLTON LA K E -Tear 'round Mister Clean i>ome with an as­ HEBRON — Flour room apart­ shed dormer, fireplace entry, v.-ummlUed. unclaaaitted Items raagtnig treoa W A R R E N E. HOW LAND Exdosivc Rental Agent: Street, Manchester, Conn., un- 4'4 room home. Oil )wt wrster sumable im rig w *. 9%-rooni BOLTON Spectacular 9acre ment for rent. Heal included. hair curlrrs. underwear and (Exception Motor Vehlrleoi porch, city utilities, plastered tU Novem ber 5. 1969 at IIKJO 99 East Center St.-^Mancheater beat. 180' of take fronuge with Ranch plua recreation room, hilltop aetUng Itx-room atone But a mors immediate tnrval Strom ReaMy, RFD No, 1 . Heb- walls, hot water oil heat, com­ 648-1108 to Israel is U bya's cnronuius In­ false teeth to Ice ebsaM and Such lists shall be filed not later than November lat each a.m. for trees and privacy. Enclosed wall to wrall carpeting through­ Ranch features "sweeping'' ron. Oonn, 228-9115. binations. Quick occupancy. washing machlnso. year, or if the first shaU be a Sundav or legal holiday then STORM SEWER PIPE 643-2692 porch. ImmaciiUte condMlon out Mini-estate lot Only $31.- views from 34x24' living room. come as the world's third larg­ on the next business day following. Low 20’s. Charles Lesperance, J. D. Real Estate Bid forms, plans and specifl- Hurry: Hayes Agency. 646-0131 900 H- M. Frechette, Realtova. Jalousied patio, dining room, est oU capurtsr. SUBI..EASB— room apart­ 649-7620. MANCPIESTER — Four bed­ cattoos are available at the 647-9Bn efficteacy kueben. breakfast Arrtung the ftrat aetp of the Failure to file such list by November 1st means TEN ment. Vernon Gardena. C>iH room tri-level home with three General Services Office. 41 Cen­ room, 3 twtn-atsed bedrooms, new ‘regime was a gtll of PEB CENT addition lo the assessment as required by the 872-4993. MANCHESTER — SU • room full baths, living room with ter Street. Manchester. Coo- O otef fowo COVENTRY 2-fanuly houaa 4- den, 114 baths, laundry- 2‘oar $380,000 to the Palestine Ubera- State Statute. Colonial overlooking Center cathedral celling and car-. RssecLlROL ROBERT D. MURDOCK thjn Organization Much more 3S ROOM apartment, heat In­ nectlcat. For Sob 75 4. A-l condition. 3 car garage, garags, greenhouse, eeparale Park. 114 bathe, two-oor peUng, grade level fam ily BEAL ES'k'ATB NEED NOT BE DECLARED cluded. Cellar storage, park­ Town Mancherter. artesian and town water. oU office ■ storage building. Must financial aid to PLO Is likely lo Karage, large rooma. Immedl- room, eunny kitchen with din­ COVENTRY $UJ0O -4-room ! P. JOSEPH MURPHY, ASSESSOR ing. Grove St.. Rockville. $118 Connecticut REALTOR beat. lo4 no X 778. walklry be seen. Far below replace­ follow King Idris contributed a ■Ue occupancy. Hayes Agen­ ing area. Mid 30'a. Wohrertoa 443^m 443.R729 Ranch, garage. WIU oomidrr. distanced to village center and mere piltonce to PLO and never ¥faOON DKU« CO. m ^ lh ly. Call 649-2871. cy. 646-0131. Rohsrt B. Weiss, ment In ihe W a Call Suaanne m Mala St-jen W M * Agency, Realton, M9-2S12. rental with option. Pasek Real- lake beach. Priced for aale. allowed Its agent* to operate In General Manager ihorts. 6493231. J. Watson tot*. 2M-7478, 442-042. Call 742-6176 or your ageat. Beach A Co.. RMltors, 3796660. Libya. /

A. \ PAGE TWENTY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1969 Maurljiesitpr A

Those interested In teaching Sisterhood of TUmple Beth-I About Town in the second session of the Sholom will hold a . rummage W ard P . PonticelU, aon at Mr. Community Enrichmenit Courses sale Tbtusday from.;2 to 8 p.m. at Temple • Beth Sholom may and Mrs. Alfred PonticelU of 30 and Friday from 9 a.m. until JA M ES FARR The Baby Has contact Mrs. Alan Krupp, 21 McKee St., Is enrolled at Went­ noon at the Masonic Temple. Agnes Dr. worth Institute, Boston. Fabrics and new and used cloth­ ing will be sold. for Board of Directors St. Margaret’s Circle, Daugh­ Friendship Circle of the Sol­ ters of Isabella, will install offi­ vation Army will have a work Catholic Graduates Club of Jim, a Manchester native, resides at 19 Raddingr cers ’Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Greater Hartford wlU hold a Been Named night program at Its meeting St. with his wife Joyce and four children, BjS, K of C Home. Officers to be In­ Monday at 7:46 p.m. at the potiuck tonight at 8 p.m. at the degree University of Conn. 1950. Former Intelli­ stalled are reminded to wear home of Mr. and Mra. James | church. Hostesses are Mrs. gence Officer and Korean War Veteran. Owns white dresses and gloves. Carlson of 68 Leland Dr. Maj. Kenneth Lance and Mrs. and operates Manchester Surplus Sales Coi in the BlacDonald, CraiK Edward, son of OHaites and Valerie H ai^ Jenkins. North End Renewal Project. He is a member of Vasbinder MDacDOnaM, 190 Princeton 9t., Hlancheiiiter. He was Mrs. Gerald Charest will Were Rurtlerg K ofC CouncU 573;- bom Oot 18 at Mancheeter Hemorlal HospStal. His mstomal Wunnee Chapter o f'th e Ques- serve as hostess at Lutz Junior Pive-Year-OldH? granOnnother la M i«. Nlelds Haas, F t. LaudeanSale, F V . His Museum tomorrow from 2 to 6 ten? wlU meet Monday at 8 p.m. SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP) — I petomal grandfaUier la Chartes MacDonald, PonUec, Milch. at the home of Mrs. Wesley P. p.m. Storekeepers wlU be * • « *1 » Police are lookup for the des­ VOTE REPUBLICAN Alvord, Williams Rd., Bolton. Miss Jill Nash and M iss Sue perados who rustled about 800 lU s Ad Sponsored by the Manchester B^iiihUcan ’rown Schwebel, Ix>ren Gene, daughter at Abbot and Marilyn Mrs.-Russell Pdtter will speak Hitt, both from Cadette Girl horses from a railroad boxcar | Schaefer Schwebef, 24 Center 8t., Rockville. She was bom Oot. on irons and Mrs. Alvord will Scout TVoop 800 at Bowera at a siding here. Committee — Chas. McKenxie, Treaa. 18 alt Manchester Memorial HoapHal. Her maternal grand­ speak on trivets. Plans for a School. The rustlers may not want to mother Is Mrs. Olaic^ Schaefer, 28 Center St., Rockville. Her holiday party will be discussed. rush the horses to the old cor­ paternal gilandparento are Mr. and Mra. Mbiton Schwebel, In Ueu of dues, members are Bentley School PTA executive ral, however. Stamford. She has a brother, Hoheit, 8; and a sWter, IVunson asked to bring an item for a board will meet Monday at 8 'The loot was a herd of toy 4. silent auction. p.m. in the school library. stick horses, all boxed. Read Herald Advertisemente • • w * « Lewie, Daniel John, son of Donald and Grace Woodaid Lewie, 841 Lydall St., Mancheeter. He was bom Odt. 18 at Mancheeter Memorial HospUal. His matemal grendparenls are Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Woodard, 8S CheetnUt Bt, Manchee- CLIP and SAVE ter. His paternal gilandparente are Mr. and Mra. Clarence Lewie, 179 Birch St., Manchester. He has two slaters, Cheryl, 6^, and Deanne, 4^. OCT. 26 ONE-DAY-ONLY

Zollo, Jason Alexander, eon of Gregory end Elaine 81- brtna* Zollo, RFD 8, BrtardBff Rd., WllMmanttc. Ho was bom Oot. 17 at Mancheeter Memortea HoepRal. Rla matemal grand- parenls are Mr. and Mra. John Stbrinu, 46 Fhlrfieid Bt., Man­ WltUBBT MUHUPfWBff cheeter. Hia paternal graivdparenta are Mr. said Mrs. Benedict Zollo, 66 Gardner St., Mancheeter. • w «i « • Sombric, Theresa Lynn, daughter of David J. and Joanne KeimeaUy Sombric, 77 Ellsabeih Dr., Mancheeter. She was bom Oct. 16 at Mancheeter Memorial HoepMai. Her ma­ temal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. John KenneeHy, 21 Wil­ lard Rd., Msincheeter. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. Stanleiy Sombric. 261 W. Center St., MlanchetSter. She has a brother, Kevin, 2. I Campanelll, Linda Doris, daughter of ROberi and Evelyn \ Ameit OEunpenelll, 22 Seaman Circle, Mancheeter. She was bom Oct. 16 at Mancheeter Memorial Hospfhal. Her maternal grandfalher Is John Ameit, Baetford. Her paternal grandpar- ets are Mir. and Mrs. Joseih Oampanem, 79 Malher Bt., Mbn- T t fc L IP & SAVE COUPON oheeter. She bias a brather, R obert Jr., 6 ^ . T t fc L IP & SAVE CO U PO N • JU NIO R BOVB^ G race, Kathleen M ary, daughter o f WDUaim end JIanet OIBU' Baiordl Grace, 176 Diane Dr., Whipping. She was bom Oot. 14 HEAVY DENIM PANTS SWEAT SHIRTS at Mancheeter Memorial Hospital. Her matemal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. Frank Boliradi, Jamaica, N.T. Her paternal Slsea 8 to 8 grandmother is Mra. Raymond Grace Sr., Rockfail. She has Aaat. Colors FaU C o lo n i 07 two brothers, William Jr., 8, end James, 3. « i» • Wear Resistant ~ Sizes 7 to 14 With Oonpon Shanaman, Todd Clinton, son of Whiter and Shaion With Ooopsn Wlihout Coupon 1,86 Rauechenbhch Sbanhman, 68 Ihompeon Rd., Manchester. He Without Coupon 1JS7 was bom Oct. 17 at Manchester Memorial HoapMal. Hia ma­ temal grandparenia are Mr. end Mra. Clyde Rauschenbach, 68 Thompson Rd., Manchester. His paternal grandparents are Mr. end Mrs. Eiwood Shanaman, WetheraUieid. •I » » v • LADIES’ Suhle, Andrea Doris and Dina Marie, twin daughtera of Andrew and DOrts MleheMtsch SuMe, 117 Ooswell Circle, Bast LOUNOINO GOULOTTES Hartford. They were bom Oct. 19 at Manchester Memorial Hoepital. Their matemal grandparenia are Mir. and Mrs. Gus- Colortol Prints teiv MAchelitoch, 84 St. John St., Mancheeter. Tljolr paternal 100% A cetate grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Suhle, 86 HoU St., Manchester. Sizes S-M-L With Ooivsa

Toth, Sandl Sue, daughter of Robert and Sandra James Without Ooiqion 6.66 Toth, Woodland Rd., Storrs. She was bom Oot, 17 at Manches­ ter Memorial Hcmpfial. Her matemal grandparenlls are Mr. and Mra. Benjamin James, South St.’ Coventry. Her paternal grandparenia are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph TOIh, SInrra. «i >* « «( •, Fisher Jr., Kenneth Raymond, son of Kenneth Sr. and T e a c u p & SAVE c o u p o n ' ^ LoU Fliokering FMier, Box 409, Soantio Rd., Warehouse “BRADLET” Point. He was bom Oct. 17 et Manchester Memorial HoepUttsl. TRAVEL AURM CLOCK SnJOONB TREATED Hia matemal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. Rikdrord Picker­ ing, warehouse Point. Bis paternal grandparenia are Mr. and IRONING BOARD COVER MtS. Andrew Flrtier, Rt. 6, Andover. Buy Naw for 0 8 8 • ■» « *1 • Fits AU Standard OhristmsB Giving Cockerliam, Gary Michael, son of Rliohaird and Darlene Ironing Boards Stewart Cockerham, 166 Birch St., Manchester. He was bom< With Coupon Elastic Edge, Easy 6ct. 17 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His matemal grand- to P u t On Without Coupon 8.96 With Coupon ■ porentH are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stewart, 168 Birch St., Manchester. His paltemol granmOther Is Mra. Anthony Mau- W ithout Coupon 44c luccl. Chambers St., Mancheeter. He has two elstera, Michelle, 6, and Loren, 8. •I ,* •, * v i v i V 2 y i J V t V J 1V-/1V i V ♦ v2 T Z f C U P & SAVE C O U PO N Reid, Mitchell James, son of James and Mary MbkUlts I CLIP & SAVE COUPON Reid, 82 W. Center St„ Mancheeter. He was bom Oct. 20 at BOYS’—HEAVY Manchester Memorial Hospital. Hts maternal grandmother is Mra. Helen MokuMs, Bast H artford. His paternal grandfather CANVAS SNEAKERS QUILTED UNDEBBED Is Wilfred Reid, Simsbury. He has two brothers, MTchnel, 4, STORAGE CHESTS and Marie, 2. 'Black, Green, White * « • *1 • 0 2 2 Mull, Michael Edward, eon of Edward and Joyce Fur- U.S. Made StunUly BuUt bush Mull, 41 Orchard St., Rockville. He wan born Odt. 21 at Sloes 8V4-18, l* h - » Buy Now and Save Mancherter Memorial Hoepital. His maternal grandparents " With Coupon ore Mr .and Mra. Lewis Futbush, East Hartford. His paternal Without Coupon 2.97 With Coupon grandparents ore Mr. and Mra. Benjamin Mull, Blast Hamp­ ton. I OM* Without Coupon IJ tt ,*1 « *1 *, • h I Godin, Brenda Mario, daughter of Donald and Theresa LeBlanc Godin, 262 Oak St., Manchester. She was bom Oct. 19 at Mancheeter Memortal Hospital. Her maternal grandparents T tfc L IP & SAVE CO UPO N are Mr. and Mra. Leon LeBlanc, Hllltard St., Manchester. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. John Godin, New G-K TBANSUrrOB Brunswick, Canada. She has a brother, Roland, 4; and a ste- ter, Lisa, 2. POCKET RADIO IS • s • “

Dahlstrom, Lisa Marie, daughter of DavM and Suran Com plete WonsoWager DaNMrom, 64^ Park 81.. Rockville. She was bom Oct. 16 at Rockville General Hospltnl. Her matemal with Battery grandphrenta are Mr. and Mra. Edward WolVicMager, Bart Windsor. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mtli. Nor­ With Coupon man DaMStrom, Windsor. Without Coupon SAT *1 ^ (It McDonald, Todd Michael, son of John and Mary Hlgley McDonald, 28 Reservoir Rd., Rockville. He was bom Oct. 9 at Rockville General Hospital. Hia motemal grandparents are YOUR Mr. and Mni. Harold A. Htgiey, East Hatfbrd. M's paternal gnandparenti ore Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, Windsor. He has a brother, John, 3; and a sister, Mary. 3. • t i «i • ir RIvenburg, Jeffrey Allen, son of James and Jeannen Vnl- NAUOWEETIIEIomiwlO-Paek MESTLE>S CHOCOLATE GARS clulls RIvenburg. 68 Mountain 8t„ RockviHe. He was bom Oct. FUN^IZE GANDIES 12 at Rockville General Hoepital. Hia maternal grandparents Choiee Of Ahnond, are Mr. and Mra. John Valrtulla. 8 Westvlew Ter. Rockville. Milk Choeokte GIANT 40 PACK HU paternal grandperenU are Mr. and Mrs. EldWaid RIven­ and CnuJi Ifilky Way. burg, 75 BUlngton Ave., RookvlUe. He tuu a aUter, Sheila, ISU 8 Mnriteteers manths. c •• 91 » and SnickerB Ooebee, Joseph David, son of David and Christine Ka­ minski Goctoee, 42 Wert St., Rockville. He wsui bom Oot 9 at Sale Price Rockville General Hospital. HU mataraal grandparerta are Sale Price Mr. and Mra. Andrew Kaminski. 78 VUIage 81.. Rockville. Ha patomal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frot* Gortiee 17 Oakland Bt.. Mancheoter. • «l 9 • HALLOWEEN CANDIES t r i c k o r t r e a t d a k LARGE 14 OZ. BAG - Michael, aon of ThamaB and Geraldine (kady Com L aifa Shopping DowRng Kelly, RFD 8, Goose Lane, Coventry, jfa was bom Indin Cora Siae WHIi Hand O rt^ a t Manchester Memorial Hospital. HU maternal grand- ■V \ HarvuBt Ciumna \ X •^'>**«* DowMng, WUkea-BaiTe, Pa. OnuNgiimdMhek • » « Miraa -hitora, Mkuraen, Bharan HALLOWEEN—TRICK OR UKl UKQy* TREAT SPECIALS HUNDREDS OF BRANDS Oyr, Steve Alfred, eon of Alfred Mtd HMwina Soucy Cyr TO CHOOSE FROM Sale Price Sale Price 16H BighUnd Ave., Apt. Ci2, RockvtUe. He wan bom Oct. 19 at RookvUle General Hospital. HU matemal granthxtrenta am H r. and Mrs. Joyhne Souoy, Naw Brunawick, Canada. HM na- c y r . n V w MANCHESTER parkade open SUNDAY - FRIDAY 10A.M. ■ 10 P.M in th e ib er o f

Mmuiftettr T V Shows Contlttg llnralik

Tom and Georgy

Two film hits cMne to television this week. Below, Albert Finney and Susannah Y<*t are lovers in “Tom Jones.” The film, which won four Oscars, will be shown today 8:30-11 p.m. on NBC. A t left, James Mason helps Lynn Redgrave shop in “Geor­ g y G irl," W ednesday 9-11 p jn . on ABC.

Judy Came Doctor To Do Play MKW YORK (AP)— Judy Is a Hit Came haa left NBC*a "Laush- By BOB THOMAS In," wMh Immediate plana to do a New Toifc play. Eariier, HOLLYWOOD (AP) _ Ike Chelaea Brown, another o t the television season is still a bit show’s regulars, jniUed out to young tor predioUona, but moat move in other career direotiona. observers agree on one thing: And if Arte Johnson’s half-hour “ Marcus Welby, M.D.” is a hit. pilot turns Into a mtd-seaaon re- The reviews were good, the idacement series on the net- ratings have been excellent. The work, the Mcmday night show medical eeriea, along with “ Mod would undoubtedly lose htn serv­ Squad" and “Movie of the ic e s , too. Week” has given X b c oom - By the end of last season, mand of ’Tuesday night (or the Judy was doing her beat to con­ first time in its history. ceal her boredom with those What makes a hltT (Tyidca say “sock it to n>e" routines and the time slot Is all-important, was beginning to complain and "W elby" Is doubly bleaaed about the rough treatment she by facing CBS news shows and suffered week in and week out. NBC'e weakest movies. On ths “Sock it to me” happily haa more positive side, "W elby" Is been mothballed and Judy haa modem, well-produced and not caught a bucket of water or sharply written. dropped through a trap door But the essential element of thia season, but some of her old the show's success may wall be bounce and enthusiasm have iU enormously Ukable and sm- been missing. patheUc sUr, Robert Young. Tom and Dick Smothera have MoM producers thought Bob made a deal with NBC Cor a Young would never return to a special. It will be broadcast on television aeries. He had been Feb. 16 at the end of the Mon­ through a diaUngulahed career day night schedule that includes in nima, had five successful a Bob Hope show. D ie program years In "Father Knows Bast” is the fitirt network project a t on TV, plus a haplsss ssaaon In the brothers’ new production com pany. (See Page Three) ABC will abandon its daytime game show “Dream. House” the first of next year, replacing it with a soap opera, “All My Chil­ MINI-MOTORS d ren .’ ’ SMALL BNOINB S P B C 1 A U 8T B LAWNMOWERS Bob Hope and ^Roberta* SHARPENED By CHABIJCS CHAMPUN dence is uncoivinciiv. Ha left ry Hafaiea on Broadway. REPAIRED The Das dngelea Thiiin recently to spent eight woskh« “R was the Rrst t b h « r d evnr OPEN days in Dallas, taping a televi­ Ws Are Not Satisfied TOLUCA LAKE, Calif. — done which showed I could Until You Are! Applauae is the strongest addic­ sion special of “Robeita’’ in the superb new S6S-seat Bob Hope move around tai a story,” Hope FO R THE tion of them all. It can’t be said not long ago ovsr lunch 64S-S7Q6 bought and haa to be named: Theater at Southern MeChodist SEASON University. (The event la also la the Tofaica Loka homo hla a » 188R M id dle T u rn pike but so long as it can be earned, stwiates affectionately can the those who have known its ex­ a benefit, naturally; someoiw benefits from almost everythiag Winter Palace, "tt was lbs Srst DAY AND NIGHT hilarating warmth are not easi­ thing with class rd doat." ly persuaded o f the Joys a t q id st Hope does these days except • PAR 3 retirement. s h a v e .) This time Mlchsls Lee will oo- Hope continues to log mors star, along srtth John Davidson, • DRIVING RANGE The Joy of arorking is the only real motivation Bob Hope must time in the air then most atew- and with SsbaaOsa Cabot to the • MINIATURE GOLF be able to conjure for working ardsassa. He is already hatch­ role which Sidney Oreenetreet these daya, but it is the only ing his next movie, “The Bride origiaated on Broadway fat IMS. • G O CARTS IKore BUnkars,’’ to ba flUned in one he needs. He is wen off TIm (our live perfornumeea la (which is as descriptive as say­ Ireland with Jackia CHeaaon and Dallas will ralM oparaHig; funds ELLCTRONICS T m SpOM RMtOTORt ing the Taj Mahal is cute) and poaaibly Bing Ooaby. He makes for the theatm. BBC win ahr a movie a year and the i iii i wd the special Nov. 6. LABOfiftTORlES PwliirtiM l he turned 66 earlier this year, thus adding Social Secuiity to one, "How To Commit Mar­ Hope’s public psraDaaUty is riage,’’ has so far dens batter A1 0 >y» i , P m . his other benefits. But exospt mellower now, but essentially 277 BROAD for a recurrent aye at the bon ofBea than any Hope his strengths as s perSormliM Hope is in rousing good health, film alnee “The Seven Uttle oomedtaa are what they have Golf 0 Troa with the drive and anBmalaani Faya." He Is deeply Involved always baao. topieaJHy, torsvar. erith his telsvisien specials, dees EDTOiflMl Ml of a oonsiderably younger man. enca, a mtartuM of tirsisj silf guas* appearaaeas and, of twwBdence aad poottog Bw Bra- B «i.«ftaO , lUeattvflto He insists thi« be takas H easier right along, bat tbs evi- eourse, the andtass bat tioo—aU p rsssntid with impoe- TAFES eluding his recent and i eabto u e C a . B Is a mimidwitinn ous visit to the wuSsssly tens wed by Bs «»wstei- aged Ouif country . «y and Skaly to prove as Ume- Atlantic Fuel OH The revival a t “ B e Isas as Hops wests It to bs. a partimlar pleasure Hope’s rsvMt "Bskasta" may, la fact, rentlad os once |L T. W O O D C O . ‘ATSSt.? ' again Omt bs M a gMBtoaty os- pe»t (arcsur as weB an h i oa- created the PAGE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1969 MANGMEtfJKR EVENING HERAIJ), MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1909 PAGE IB R E R SATU RD AY JU PRO G RAM Momine M O ND AY JC/ PROGRAM UiW (S) Tto llMUkMa (0) ley. Educational Tke IU r tr tw i (C) 8:88 (8) My Ibraa Saaa (0) 1:18 (j^WM^TsB: (G) PROGRAM (8) TUa Week la Pr* Pm UmU (z8-tc-48) Mavla-^am danaa Highllshta of game action In "Tom Jones" Albeit Flimey. TV * 148}5J^<^«B <0> and AFL during preced­ At Heme wHh KMty (G) TV Suaannah York, M e^ OrlffitK <|I) At ing week. (C) Dame Edita Bvani, Joan (Monday — Friday) "Destiny of a Spy" L oom 4-88) Dtaom Msoss """ award-winning fUm veraloo of ^XM»M> Yea’ie PMttw )Si 148 (8) 4 As lha Wm ;Thal Touoh of Mink" '88. UiM (I> BFD 8 ( 0 > Greene, Rachel Baberta, An- * As taa_WaiM Tkms Henry Fielalng'a clamic novel SlgB Qa aad Prayar g84148) Tea’: (Z8-» 88) Uadardag ( 0 ) tiwctng romantic ahananlgana Tawa Crier Uxxw Quoyta James Donald (18) Kaighte Poetball of r ^ c playboy bt 18th centu­ Baarlaa Bamealar (C) 8:88 (1) Lave Is a Maay Splaadered ODd^Bany Andrews. Retired Sonday, Octahm s; 9^-'tssjs^ ilgkU ry England. (O spy -is pressed into service by , „ 4-18)jjM) hat’sLei Maka~ a Deal (c { li 88 (I) CoBgreeaiaaal Bapart laflatta Bariaans Ruealan IntelUgence tS un­ 84# 4)^teve4 ) Lave 1le a Maap Bpleaierea . „ (8-48) lAwraace Walk Show Caagmmimal Bapart (C) cover ^ r y behind mysterious S:N AaUaam VM Tktag— ( ) Petticoat Jaaetton (C) 848 letter that caused Uv BriUah ^ Dare.ef Oar Lives (28) Film 8:88 8 Mandag Ballertlaaa (C) wUentlM to softer a heart at 848 PYoach Chef > B ------(8-18)- NeerljrwedNe Oatae (C) ___ ' Deaert Whaiea" fa aa ih*ti Palaoa iC) Newa tack. Filmed In t& a o a . (O 8 4 8 jM M M ) DabMa Bt ( « ) ■ (0) 18:88 (8) Manaia (C) ii; Mr. Oaahar S:N NBT Jsanal (G) (88) Bailer Derbr (C) Mannlx inveatlgatea 3-yeaivold 8:88 l i 848 ({> Bed BkaMaa Hear (48) Yea AakedAakM » r U 04t) Taday Shew (U) Della Bsme (G) Metador IG) crime to diaprove noalpractlca (3) Capt, Baagarso % 8:88 4) TIM ^ Ikdag <01 8:M Fanyta Sage 848 (1) btalSIf aiTSali lo| (C) 1(88 (8) Jonay Qaeat (C> -—chargee . — agamat wwuan—" town----- i4*) n e Plia&daaas }8{ Dinner at Swithlna doctor. New Yoik va. Dallas (8) Maala (C) (48) - - - - M :88 Inro Amerieaa BMe 18:M The Advecatae (C) (18) FIrlag Uaa (C) (U ) Movie ( 8) Hap Biehards Shaw "Don't Juat Stand Thara' lage FaotbaD Montgomery. (zai Film itM ilVttSrIEi"” i 18:88 (8) Mevie — „ T ™ Bose Garden” . „ Oae ^ to Uva (C) From Pratt Field (U) David TYsst Shaw (C) (XSMm T Letters ts L a a g M 11:88 4 88.J8 M ) News — Waotker (C) 448 (8) Baagar BteHea (C ) ^oorr'^’m ^ ^ (48) Ckampieaakip Wreatilag "Pcaiy top^rem" Chariton Hea­ (88) OaBaplag Gaarmat (C) (8) Mike Oaoglas SttokT^^(C) ■S8:M 'S STThoPs ^S f tNew "• * » 0()rnlB Johra ____ Si ( » , Big Tkeater ton. Rhoiida Fleming, Jan (48) Leave U la Beaver (U ) Tetaae U D) 7:N Galea Tag fees? ^haagMi watchw8B»4-si iiiwcmoniamovemeata O0 m 88 8 4:18 (U ) B om T 8m aiS 5ia?eSl!*'Sr* *• *«»•«« tO agent. BUI WUUama. Gloria dli-TCt maU route from Missou­ (It) FBm 448 (8) Moeal U48 484148) TealgU Shew The .Creally«_Perom (0) •:|| <|MMi) IfewB (O) from an attractive sTrl who Talbott. ri Plains to Padfic. (M) News (C) (U) PJI.9. ar Ga ___ RoMneoa JefMm "Invaaian ()uartet” '81. Come­ 448) **lii)*¥35V dy aoout amaahing of huge ISiM l a D T R : ! ? ^ ^ S L t e t . U tU 4 ) N« aad W « Altalm enemy gun during WW U by (10X848) It Thkas U:M 4 ) Merv » )'% llm ' David Fraat 8:18 (1) Peny Orfata (0) 1 8 4 8 $ ^ ^ ^ ^ ,G) four patlenta at Britiah hoa- Ui88 <8) Maviaa 1:88 ( g Ml pltal. BIU Travora, arogotre Engelbert Humper­ 18:BI »4 8 ) News dinck with N a n c y turbulent personal Ufa of the U:18 ROM) Balia af Oantaiy Phyllis Diller appears Off i8 ! M ^n etare (O) «48iarte2te.!!r^ tormented artist Tlnoent Tan U:XS News dlsTJisrS^* 'Ifn tm arB Is88 (8-48) NCAA Football (C) Ames on ABC*a *^ e 8:88 (SIHews wid W m ta s r^ I ! ' 8 <®> John Wayne with Red Iflcliigan State va. Iowa Gogh. IGrk Doualaa, Anthony U:S1 Lave at Ufa (C> S tU (48) WmOm o n A B C ’s “L o v e , Beat at MsiMsIlia aad 8:88 Ifhat’s New (18)18) taabrldgedCl • - Winn. Everett SloaiM, Pam­ ROM) HaBywaad Sgaara 8:M 4 ) Stamp Ike Stan (O) Skelton on C ^ ’ "The (0) Hollywood Palace” t^ ela Brown. (C) (U> Daderdeg American Style,” Mon­ OB * 8:88 (18) Hay ride -io C U O i (C) (0) day 9.:80-10;80 pjn. ■Horror of Dmouda" '68. Pe­ (M> Seeae Red l^dttni S h o w ” Oamter. (88) Sklppy ter Cushlu Christopher Lee, 18:1 M ) OBfigaa’s Uaad day 10-11 p.m. S l S S r ^ ^ e y Deheta 4 8 ) ____ 8:88 (88) Combat (C) Mdiaaa Stribllng. (C) Tueedey 8:80 - 9:M 4:88 (18) CoBBtry Maalo Jg> TsS5tL2>"_ » «C) dtS8 (»4> Wsetker —Spar GARNET CREATION H:M£f"1£5*Seie3S'«Fa."“ ^ (48) TTram ro A ar CamSarnmamama p.m . U 48 * (88) OatdMra U:M (B> News (O) 7:88 < » After Dtaaer Mevie S:M ^ ) Waataar "Alas. Indd, Olivia de HaviUand. (C) ^ jU M M Ia (O) Ol ■vU" '18 I (88) Cobb. Claoa-Up — Draga ^^JUI Amarleaa CaBaam HjiMfews - WeathiF^ and 48) Baatley - BriiHley Her on CBS’ ”T1ie Jackie CHeaaon fisjRsip.'R.r' “ |88) M ^ ’a N . „ Wellea. Charitoa Haotao, 8:88 (8) Gldgat (C) 8:88 (iSi BawSdde Lalfh. (18) Oatdaara (C> (18) Admtaraa M Para^ao ll{4 t 8iep Beiread 8:18 (8) N e s n wHh WaMer flno- TSTTiatt e ISi Show,” say* be created the ^ SiM (48) Bawkida 4 ) Nau. (88) Aa Sckooto Maleh Wita "L«dy from South Chicago" “ Deluilon'* n e Nancy Sliuara, Itey Tim. Kan- tetwcentow and underworld SUNDAY i "Face the Nation,” y ^ Thonday, Oetaher 88 ? 8 * )* W ny Rogers a d The First EdP in hla love for a beautiful Chancellor Willy Brandt of Weat tfon and Osmond Bros. imd myaterloua lady played 8:M Feeae m Saiiiia (C) 118) Vay age to Bottom af Sea by Rita Hayworth, Gennany, noon to 12:80 p.m. From Fire and Air —Swsdieh (88) TBA .:M |W I?»a~Oam a 1:8# (81 ChUler Theatiw (88) Meet the Caadldatea (C) on CBS... "Julliapd Comes to Glam (W Movies "The DevU Oomnumda” Borla • 4 8 W ^ s New . ^ !•> Warid afiUirta "The Klllerp of KlUimaiiJaro" Karloff, Anuuida Duff. Lincoln Center: A Dedication 8:88 (8) Newa wHk Bager Madd Robert 'Taylor, Anthony N ^ - WEDNESDAY J(/ PROGRAM 8:88 (88) Newi aad SIga Off Concert," with Leonajd Bern­ stein, Van CUbum and cdheik, Both sets feature a big 19" 1:M (8) OIri Talk (O) Greene, - - ’TgT (C) 5:30-7 p.m. on CSS... "Ufa the F o ^ diagonally measured screen, i»:M?!sy'Daaa"^eUh . Roiten Fuilar. Great PuiRiddn, Charlie built-in UHF and VHP anten­ Burns Is faotui Brown,” the gang and Hallo­ ^ Friday, Oetaher 81 1:88 C 4 M ) Mevie nas, up-front controls for "(lebrnr Glri" Janes Moosa. ween, 7:80-8 p.m. on CBS... “ The I Limn Radmva, (Haa Balaa SUNDAY JU PROGRAM 0'rt,.“ ned OaMBY awntas Fall of the Roman Empire,” tuning ease and Sylvania’s . .. !!:*!> **!’• a Deal Isaaea aad Aaawars (C) a ^ d o n ^ . (Ilegillmiua Goito 7:U (8) siga Oa and Prayar Guinness, 9 p.m. to midnight on (wtaa Sma dmm/ l) Papaarwtyu weat OareJW LIvw 8:88 (8) Ike Chriataphars (C) . ^ IHaeavonr (C) makes service a snap. a Sammer NigU ------Oaaea (O) 1(88 (8) Speaklag far Ike CsBaaaa- ABC. e.m ,»«> to u t Qutatette (8) SalaU far ChUdrea (O) Model MY73GY 8:18 CaHa^ Aftaln "Claah by Night" trim cabinet. t:M NBT Playheaee B < ) Faiik far Taday (C) Crulae"------RHbicySUhiey Toler, AtMot. 4Robert NBC... “Black Journal," with 8 Lowery. Ckarile atalka a Doctor is a Hit S I £ * 2 (0 > a film on blacks, “ Fipe” , 9 p.m. (8d) F Trsap murder on board luxury liner, (ContlBued from Page Oae) lIS S T LS S -ta LatariSi ^'Bac|^ Dawn 1 D ie" :U (48) Sacred Hsarf • and almoat mlaaea. on Channel 24. iSVlVANlAl „ (U ) Beet af Tempo U IC) "Window on Main StreeL" I t S:88 !a! Campaa • IJ4)“,i£,a“Ta^ 18 (8) Ckrialapaera la Sawtac (O) (48) Thla Is the Ufa now 62—Young would be inter­ :« (8) Saared HaaH §Sf£;i°^e» VA ^ guest, 8:80-9:80 p.m. on CBS . . . ested in anoUier seriee. 4:M 4 ) Maaal (G) >8 (88 Diego Chaigera “ The Undersea World of Jac­ (IS) P.D.a. { aala My Feat (li^Vaekleal Ship la Army (C) "Everybody Uiought I was too MScheSf** Mantta 1^1 C lu SfX af SalvaUsa ill) Jaamay Is Advaatare (O) rich to work any more,” aald (tt) OaBatea Bkaw (C) . ^ <**> C k a ^ Chaa la CuUa California Gray Whales, 7:30- l ^ a w . (48) FMk" m *Tad!^ 4:88 (8) Tlw Bajria Baa Landed: Young. "They th ^h t I had re­ 18:88 (8) Leak Vp aad Uvs The PUgM af Apalla n 8:80 p.m. on ABC . . . “ Don't tired, and I almoet did. A few Ike Taaekar B^aks Preoared by NASA summary JuM Stand There,” film farce (O) of hlatorie flight tncluaea spo- years ago my wife Betty and I REAL GOVERNOR 8:8d (88) Saerillea af tka Mass on smuggling, with Mary Tyler Judy Pace appeen in (48) Ckrtotapkera elal on-board phottatraphy. started going ddwn to our house Off — — — (18) MaUaea Moore and Robert Wagner, 9-11 Gov. Raymond P. Bhalar of the TV film, “TTie "Wyomkig Renef^ea" PhU at Rancho Santa Fe—near San Carey. Ifartha Hyer. p.m. on NBC. STANEK Pennsylvania wlU aiqiiMi aa Y o u n g L a w y e r a,” IMego— on weekends. We found' 8:81 (8) Zaonuna (C) WEDNESDAY: "The Brass hlinneU In asi aplaoda of “ The (8i Mavis Spartacalar ouraelves spending more »»«< Tuesday 8:80 - 10 Authorized Dealer Are Coming,” music by Herb Ooviemor and J.J.” fUmlag tor "Throe Secreta" Patricia more Ume there and finoUy we p.m. on ABC. Nral, Ruth Roman. When Alpert and the Tijuana Brass, hrnadraiM later thla aeaecn on Sophia Loren stars in mountain plane crash traps ELECTRONICS decided to close up the Beverly case. Don Dailey stars and Julia 9-10 p.m. on NBC . . . ” Ge<»gy their men, three women, Hills house—our four daughera " ^ ^ i r t e m p the film, 'The Fall of atrangera to each other. Itaul Girl,” film comedy of a gau^y 277 BROAD SHIEET — PHONE 649-1124 Bonunaia cootoia in the UUa (C) A t o Z their deepest secreta are a were all gone—and live at Ran­ 848 (8> Parry the Roman Empire,” girl In I.x>ndon, with Lynn Red­ rolea o f this TYteoday night (U) ------shared tragedy. cho Santa Fe. RENTAL CENTER 148) A U rJ ilteheeck grave and James Mason, 9 - 11 cosnody. Sunday 9 p.m. to mid­ "Woodbine Twineth" " I must say I enjoyed the 1:88 (8) JaUllard Behaal Dadleala- p.m. on ABC. (48) oiuSna’a night on ABC. ___ nr CaaaeH (C) easy life, and I never ran out of S « (48) Ife d B ta 8(88 (11) Voyage Is BaMam af Baa thliige to do. But one day in the 848 4) etawiitae (C) (48) U O'Claek High 11:18 (8) Camera Three (C> 7(18 (1) Lassie (0) locker room of the golf club I aad Peeple (C) WUd Hhigdam iC) Make a Difference Where You Save! beard a retired executive say­ (tt) Oaldelkae cameras mlkillow two badger and takes over — emperor, IT DOES cubs as thay leave their ruling with cnieltly and (reach- ing, 'You know, this morning I U-HAUL OaldaBim (C) prairie den and begin adven- ery and feces relibeUloB in the (C) JNmapMaa l> N (^ « Dame FaalhaB III) Adveataras to . Paradlee Bel. ,v. (tt) BkthBgkta (O) Sotro Dtmp v*. Tulano "Mlmlon to ManUIa' M l Stajild-Wake Before i self, 'What the hell am I going IM) MfBara'a Mary .. A. CUmpiMiUlp Bmwtku (88) News — Weather Die .^alte Nielsen and Hart EARNINGS to do today?' (C) Rhodes, Whra man (Robert S A V I M GS 841 IS ftSklii SALES & SERVICE lt:M w« BgHrvr D r i^ ) convtoted of homicide "That scared me. After all, Renting Equipment See na for oar no ooat aor- ••Prq4«RUnr* 7:80 (8?* M’s * ^ Oraat Pampkka, for retrial after ri }l( / Iv O A. M 5% Dividend paid you can play Just k > many hun­ **** iSta "*** **“ CharUe Bmra (C) amra ^yeare on death row, 4 ) Nmr. wMB Fta tor vey when you baUd or mod- Danforth and Washburn dls- dred hours of golf and then you ernlae. t 7: Ml Woadrrfal Wsrid of treoa dBy a f iepaUt DIaaey (C) ■Itoeo on hla guUt each sup- start to hate the game. So Betty Work or Play Shlri» Fabrleant and Chria- potthig court s case In Us rMmmjraar'MB vtM m s U:.8 own manner. 4 ttama yearly. and I started talking about my OPEN SEVEN DAT! S tlne lioatra, jAaeagaTte-e aiBsaT ptnaaaiat latTiTeTia^ 8;8 r !8; 1:88 (8) B d S A v a a Maw (Cl UtM (8-ttM) Nkwe — Weather aad going back to work.” (8)1 #48-4611 il-M) The F.BJ. (C) U48 (C) U Tolland Tpfca., Manehodtar ift)% &;iit;a"sss. \c\ (11) Jsa Wamalh Mmw (C) (C) 18#7 M A IN 8T . M A N C H E S TE R a R O U TE 81, O O V E N T R T Young had been playing some isF«r.'Tr Warid (C)| (t^ Calverslly af Mam. Fasa- —:18^lS04OW«nCeeHl&ew (C) R efrltentlnn and guest-star roles in televlsloa (ttPitaBMay . A ir OondlHonlBf uMaaa vs. UCbnn ■Three /Hours to KIU" Dana UtM News — Wealher series, among them "The Name REPAIR SERVICE (Si) Haal the CaadUasaa IC) . _ Andrewa Donim Rao(L to 18 U(4B 18) Iks NFL T a te (C> U:U of the Game.” Ota of that aerias typewriters M. Louis va. CtevelaiKi *’** itttiw^BaaSaa* "*** Diary" producers, David Victor , was ; (808848) Mos« Iba Praas (C) preparing a new show a b ^ a tofisi T o= r 649-6733 if) Tala PhilhaB HIgShAla F w of the Roman Empire" , —itraat HeU!” Freak Love- MANCHESTER <884Md>amte ------'M GIMRflNTEED 47t E) Middle Tomplke „ (|8) Dililkia U News Sophia Loren, Stephen Boyd, ioy. Richard Carisoa. SeUtog general-practitioner doctor, and „ <48> OaavaraaUaaa wl& . . . Alec Guineaa TIm llMntlous Korean War: Story and— ^ hu- 748 Maneheater 1(10 (804848) AFL Oaaaa (C) am nf Ifocus Aurelius ar- Man drama oa every bbattle- Young's name came up aa star. SERVICE New York Jala va Bostaa raagas to r hla lather's murder (mM which gave bhtf to title SALES ABC was cool to the casttng, OLDSMOBILE m 148 T m^ wanting an actor wrlth a tougtiar ;Trtbate to a Bad Maa" *9$. quality. JAmea OagM y, Don Dubbtess MEMORIAL CORNER STORE "They were atin ttifaikliig o f ' silitoi Van Ctiborn will ap­ (18) PARTY GOODS — GRBBTINO CARDS -- MAQABlfRS — GMfMiieMiM 1:18 (1) Ssseklar le r ika " ---- SinVEST CENTER ST. - CO-ISH me In terms of Jim Anderaon on oQu> CUTS — pmcns — vm crA au s 'Father Knows Boot,’ ”' said p e a r in " J n l l l e r d 848 ( WE DEPEND ON TOC ------TOC GAN IM PE N D ON C8 848 148) Nesse Gomel to Lincoln Cse- o n Yoiaig' "They Hwmgtit I wan too ixIiSw'Tni.j OPEN SEVEN DATS A WEEB m ItM (n‘\L!IL ' bland, even-tanvorad and bbIvo ter: A Dedkathm MAIN ST. 148 (1) Newe Weather NEWorilSED to play Wslhy. 1 had to provo C o n o e rt,” S n a d e y that I wman’t." 6:80-7 pjB. on CBS. Pope! He’ll g VATR2AN <3ITY (AP; f*aul VI closed the secc synod of Roman Cath< PAGE FOGB ops today by adopting I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1969 re(x>mmendations foi ■haring of bishops in { thority, and by p "maximum considerat the others. THURSDAY JU PROGRAM At the same time he liM (S> OaMlu Uzkt ^ (O) (Add) Cheat aad Mrs. Matr call synods regularly, e (M-ZtiunriKctara <0 ) didd U) ib s Nabara Haar years, and give greater (Add) Datlu Oaau (C) (Add) That CM I8i ' (I) lb 8aM. She Said TBA The were two points (dddXdt) Br&U F r a S e (0) (AM) 7 ^ b Taaa daaes (O) point document the sy (Add) Oae Ufa la Ut% Baacer StaMaa (C) didd (XAMdd) D ranet (O) approved virtually unai (XA-dAdd) LaMars to L a a s l^ Ididd jXAXAdd) ~toeaaDeaa MmrSm “ minutes before. The d «) Mika D a a ^ SItow “ (Id) Teaiaa Id 181 Guests are Thny Bennett ^ amoimted to an uniHre (4d) Dark Shadaa Qhtotur, .. M Benty aad plea to the Pope to give CXi^ea Nebon RelUy. ( I d ) ___ la Sewtad (C) a g reater voice In his (XddAdd, News (C) (ddd)_U Takes a TUet (d) Itoael . (U) Tea O’Obak Ben (O) making. (Id) F.D.Q. (C) Midd (U) ABred BIteheaek "None Are So Kind" H ie 146-meml>er syi Isjffia^srafcw (C) proved a doinunent res “ '**aSd*S5to ’ (O) d;dd {r?ari?-fll=r (C) the Pope's primacy ai (Id) MaiBBar BasM "The rW U b c dSIh' Jama verssU authority" over i (Xd) This b the Lite Juliet Prowse ia « O u p i^ M TFBrIan. (dd IMaastors „ „ <••) Jrae Dsdaettvea billion member church, («) omiyaa's J guest on CBS- '*IIie Uidd (d) Merr Orlffla Shaw (C) (XA»M) Tealght Shaw iJkii- ominended, in part; (M) Weather Jim Nabors Hbm^ ay ■ CarssB - (O) —That bishops advise (d> Stamp the Stars (C) jU) Uaderdas Thursday 8-9 pjn. iiddl“ii4K' laborate with the Pope c (Xd) us Nary. Film "Smoke SIsnal” Dana An­ decisions affecting thi blaad drews, Piper Laurie, Rex Rea- 5J5, Caa^aeaeea diN (dd) Bawhida soo. (O chimdi. d:dd (dd) Weather — Sparta aad didd (d> News wMh Waltav Oiaa. (d) Nawaeapa —That a synod be helc News (C) (C) (dd) News aad Sica Off (Xd) Mr n ra rlta Martlaa (d) News with BTaak Begr- (M> News BeadUaes — TTSAF least every two years t (Xd) UblnTay Patral aalds (0) BelMsns F lta aad Sica Off the pxmtlff. (XX) HlcUlithta (C) (U> DIek Vaa Dyke Xild (»> (X) ?aws u d Weather — Ma- (Xd) McSae’s Navy |») Jtoaadba jS m meat af MedMatlsa aad Sica —^That a permanent s («) News (XX-dd) HaaUey - Briahtoy Be. Off at in Rome -represent tl ests of bishops to the F

Sugar Ray Robinson as a former boxing champ- tumed-trumpeter on ABC’s “Land of the Giants” Sunday at 7 p,m. PROGRAM I (X) Girt Tab (O) Therein E (Xd) nim (U) (O) (tl) At Brme with Kitty (C) UiM lng (XX)______(C) T-Uie toeme derelopedT to JV. 80 if no one else but us shops (lAM) Flbtotoaes Schllnkert for beginning his expedition to put down her shop­ there, we've got It made." diM (S> Perry (O) <*•> Premier Theatre JTlie Exile" Douclos Fblr- streak in 1968. ping bag, order a vodka and Km talked about her daugh­ tonlto Jr. pmjmys Charles the At first, the potent soda with a pony of Qalllano ter, Delomea, 9, called Dump- (Xd) Maattore Celeste Hobn on ABC’s Second of EnrUnd, banished (M) OUlbaa’, lilaad from h s naUve land by OUver dates flocked to the and wedge of lime. "I'm a sey. Why? "Did you ever hear 5:Xf (M) Weather “Mr. Deeds Goes to LTomwell, voluntary withdrawali lush,” she beamed at the pux- a three-yeeu'-ald try to aay 5;Id (d> Stomp (he Store (C) — WSAF Democratic primary zled waiter. (Id) Daderdec Town” Friday 8:80-9 S)^ft5LZ2“ “ A Mm Off Humpty-Dumpty? Dumpsey to the number. The four a p.m. S r S S B e p e H She was wearing a fiery opcU whait came out." crat Bartholomew F. G ring made from a stone she had She talked about her career. _____ (M) OBUcaa'a b la a d publican Paul Capra; dug out of a mine in AtBtralla. "Baaically, my daughter to a tfYva dent John Mofflt (a to She admired a coat and dreus Onr SPEEDY Specialty very nice chUd. But she was at V /U A ▼ a publican), and Liberty on a model who was doing the the stage where she was aettlr.g - •=M iE ^Ss'^ssnid IC) TRULY DELiaOIJS •rican party nominee up things to get attenUon. I do- I lAwf-lhAhCl SSLi?^E2II lUrtlaa CHICKEN Blenzo, a city alder eWed I had better May home VdlVlUfJS .» state senator for th with her. So I gave iq> traveling A fh i a |SS Brown io 6 Mlnatcs cralts. to club dates. I Just worked Jf rO D ld ll a'H is 55S“* — H m world'a *ibMBt .Guida is 66 years old when I had bUto to pay. I was ^ ^ ehlcken” with Bidared a tradiMonal, i; home aoout a year when the HOIjLTWOOD (AP) — Parto, _ ... (C) servative, pollUclan. Idea for this show wae prupos- London, New York, the thohioa aSidg**** CALL IN ORDER ^ i M g a M n a A the jet eet—how |1*> PRk ya» Pick Up 10 Mtoutaa ELECTRONICS She talked about her peta. I've do they reoUy inOnanee , „ xajJ ^ got a poodle named Dog and a «>• woman'h taate In fjS 3)* DECI’S DRIVE-IN LABORATORIES cocker apamel named^. We olotheaT 8i) iSS i. ; " ^ ' b5 S iW ito get aome funny looka in the "Well, xfhen W mlBton people TS^Traih «r - {£{ 4CI CENTER ITT til MgQ nelghboftuxMl when Dmnipeey see Carol B urnett w aft out on ,t,D) ijbvb IC id Gl 277 BROAD opens the door, yells "Here Dog, «»•«• e»*fe to b^ ImHo. It to hard G u f f itto to S ? ^ Matchum. here Cat.' And two doga show to toMgtne that her elnthea are Reps —Weaihar — T up." not communtoating eomethtog," 7tM JS SHOP m d She talked about business said (VrMgiter Rsy AghaiMB, Sft*H*>..1ik-Ctosaivai (C) SAVE Displi F.M. AND A.M. meetings. “I had one wXh men Mgh-pitosd. high o^ils high AMS mi lO) t^ momtng. tt was the kind prtoM of tolsvtolooeoutnrs. ]oi WHERE WASHINGTON (AP) - CAfl where 1 tried not to get emo- AghajMui (pronounced aw- (XAtoSSr^ilawT? the YO U SEE tional but I did and then 1 got gngHin) may ha pcajiidtoad nSS ard Nixon Is demonstra THIS hasn't foigotten the ar because tt was what they Mnea hto p ^ a e r . BoTlb^A SUkerf^lW ktoS said I would do In the first dealiBM the ntnfhax to r Cluol ^ n /X v ilto , meato. SIGN once made him a bare-l STEREO Waoe" Li~ot rsmll and Snmpb ato an at- champion among Amerii **“ Ihe WOBpMl SB tomey. fsihlm editor —e on IlMcians. w w ie ljr Show, and A gha» PLBN'S TEXACO RADIOS ae^whlto seU her apart from an's eux^ -TlgiBniiilato S ^ iJ^ ? tS u e £ ii“ h!; M l MAIN ST. The President t(x>k < nioet performeTB. Finally, her Mods holh the naw ■«* _u - vto. to be. (C) gloves last week and tndi TV-Badto mies SarvlM OORBIAN RROa, are he may keep swing least through next 1 pln,hnc.bee«M«..MuL hoto ■ bmt,'' tor w l^hit -m o— to. i«a- no MAIN SC. when he delivers his pr tXMBtog out Jim 's clottMS. — — — — Vietnam war message. Talavtoloa's parHuttal ------SPECIAL! KITCHEN CARPET. WALL-TO-WALL Nixon, taking the of nine months to the da] RITBBER b a c k e d CARPBTIIfO «KM per sq. yd. tnitiBril i . d o b w u i s g m o q s taking office, called in ne RESIDENTIAL — COMMEECIAL GARPETINQ toBia wear to tha pratoHiloB H-nti m __W------BOIAUSlB------DT ^ one week ago to defe ■MfcarA r podpeara, d lg n iM 01 WHERIi AUONMBNT AND choice of Clement F. DAIGIR CARPET COVERING. INC P ______sworth Jr., his nominee M SrSNOES c o w ~ «>at aMtots toe it m im k haaiA liH OEMBLU. ADTO Supreme Court. Hayni wMa: todxt iHwdw. P Mfi-un—u MAIN m MANC the President said, was a of “vicious character ass tion." Although he spoke soft smiled ofen, Nixon’s wor a sharper edge than any used in public since be. President. This (»me at a time many Republicans as v Democrats had concluded wrould remain a rather and passive chief execuU) Just a week earlier the Nixon approach of the fir