9 \ A PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1969 Averace Ikdfy Net ^ees Ron \' iNanrt;]f0ter lEvrmng Week ■edeJ October «. tom The WeatherV J Anyone with a special intere^ Members of Boy Scout Troop . / About Town or hobby, who would like to 120 planning to attend the UiU* Campus Sketches Partly cloudy and mlider, plan and teach a weekly course verstty of Connecticut football 15,790 high 88 to 60 today, low tonigM A Holiday Pair will be held in the Community Enrichment game tomorrow are reminded Put on Exhibit IE in the upper 30e and low 40e. at Trinity Covenant Church to- Courses offered at Temple Beth to meet at St. James' School ATTENTION »imsseheater^4 City o f Village Chmrtr Sunday p ^ y cloudy and mild. mortow from 10 a.ro. to 3 p.m. Sholom, may contact Mrs. Alan parkinjg lot at noon. All mem­ Preliminary , architectural VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 22 The \ dining room will feature Krutt, 21 Agnes Dr. The next bers of the troop and their driv­ ideas being considered for the (TWENTY PAGES—TV SECTION) session of oo\irses wilf start In MANC^HESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25,^1969 (Claaalfled Adverltofauc cn Pose Ig) coffee and buns o t 10 a.m. and ers will meet Sunday at 1 p.m. ' permanent Manchester Oom- PRICE TEN CENTb luncheon at noon. December. at the school cafeteria for the munity College campus are In­ SHOPPERS troop’s annual candy sale. corporated in a set of large Senior Hi-League of Trinity Temple Chapter* OES, will color plate sketches which will Oovenent Church will conduct a hold a military whist tonight at TTie rummage sale sponsored tag sale tomorrow from 10 a.m. 8 at the Masonic Temple. by the Newcomers Club of the be on exhibit in, the Stairwell Birth Control: to 3 p.m. on the church grounds. YWCA will ibe held tomorrow Gallery o t the Hartford Rd. building today through Wednes­ The Rev. Dr. Thorsten Gus­ from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Mott’s $ Million Baby day. r " Mjembers of the Manchester Community Hall, E. Middle E.S.A. tafson of Southbury will speak WASHmOTON (AP) ^ The gallery is open to the pub­ Rod and Gun Club will meet to­ at a meeting of the Emanuel Tpke. - Ihe Office of Economic Op­ 300-Man Unit Invades lic weekdays from 8 a.m. to 10 night at 7:30 p.m. at the W.P. Lutheran Church stewardship Sfprfs Sat., Ocf. portunity has boosted by $T p.m. 25 Quish Funearl Home, 22S Main committee, team captains and Officers and members of the million the amount K will The sketches were viewed St., to pay respect to the late visitors Monday at 7:30 p.m. in British - American Club will W H A T A spend fids year in tts war earlier this week by the Board Harry Firato, a member of Uie the youth Room of the Parish meet tonight at 7 :30 at the club­ agalnrt the population ex­ of Trustees for Regional Com­ club. Building. a house to proceed to Holmes Fu­ SHOP NOW— PAY hfEXT YEAR plosion. neral Home, 400 Main St., to munity Colleges and the MCC e Vs in Jan — Vs in Fob. —H^s in March OBO Director Donald Manchester Council of Church­ pay respects to the late Winiam Regional Council. President The Junior Choir of North Rumsfeld announced Friday Lebanese Hill R. Collins, a member. Frederick W. Lowe Jr. said Country es’ will meet Monday at 7:80 fiiat«the federal antlpoveity United Methodist Church will they ’’are preliminary studies p.m. in the Robbins Room of . „ j f 1. What is E.S.A.? agency will spend $33 mil­ that Indicate the direction in Center Congregational Church, " I P ™ The Rev. WInthrop Nelson Jr. A special plan effective from October 25 N ovenber lion in file year eiviing next BEIRUT, LEBANON at the church. of Center Congregational which we are moving, but are M 29, designed to help your bodget over the icMt boiy- June 80 to provide family (AP)— An armored force Church will conduct a service by no means final.” Mrs. Dorothy Morris of Can­ / ing period. planning services to mmiotv The stewardship committee of Sunday at 8:18 a.m. on radio of S()0 men has crossed into ton will speak on "Landscaping The sketches were prepared of women who have not had Trinity Covenant Church will station W INF. The program Is Lebanon from Sjrria and the Small Property,” a f a meet­ by the California architectural 2. How Does If W ork? previoue help in limiting the ing of the Perennial Planters meet Monday at 8 p.m. at the eponsored by the Manchester firm of Daniel, Mann, Johnson occupy hills overlooking the All your purchases mode from tbe date of KAA. number o f their children. Garden Club Monday at 8 p.m. home of Paul Jacobsen, 28 Hill­ Clergy Association and the Man­ and Mendenhall, vdilch is de­ village of Yanta, Beirut ra­ provai tbrougfa the entire month of November wBl Rumsfeld released a sur­ in the Federation Room of Cen­ side Manor Ave., Vernon. chester Council of Churches. signing the campus, with Philip ' billed on your E./UUL,Y SHOPPES AOODNT. vey that showed famUy plan­ dio said today. ter Congregaltional Church. Mns. J. dlCorcia Associates of 380 ning services were available Yanta is about four miles Joseph Aniello, hostess, will be The council of mlnisteries of The VFW Post and Auxillaiy W. Middle Tpke. serving as t 3. Thof Means! to nearly 5H million wom­ from Lebanon’s eastern assisted by Mrs. James Brit­ South United Methodist Church will conduct a bingo Monday liaison. en in only 1,200 of the no­ ton and Mrs. Raymond Haltted. will meet Monday at 7:80 p.m. night at the Connecticut Valley Better budgeting for you on your Christmas g ift shop- liorder with Syria. / ping with NO BILL ^ m ns until January, 1979. Tlien tion’s 8,072 oountlss. Tbe The broadcast said five ar­ The event is open to members at Susannah Wesley Hall of the Veterans Hospital, Middletown. you pay by the 10th of the month, y, in January, y, in survey also said only one out mored cars, three jee$>e with re- and guests. church. Those planning to attend w ill 2 February and y, in March. of seven low-income women meet at 6:18 at the Post Home. Arthritis Appeal collleas rifles and eight veUcles received family planning towing 130mm mortars mads up help in fiscal year 1988. The executive board of the Gets Under Way NO ADDED COST the force that entered Lebanon Ladles Guild of the Assumption Friday night. The Arthritia Foundation’s ALL THIS WITHOUT A will meet Monday at 8 p.m. in The column was not Identlfled A T PERO'S 1969 Capitol Region Appeal is the Assumption School library. ^ FlkLNCE CHARGE os being a regular Syrian unit, now getting under way and will but authoritativa oourcea said ORCHARD FRESH; Macs, Cortlands, Red Delicious, Bald­ continue imtll the end o f Novem­ wins, Greenings, Macounn, Bose Pears, Ben Ezra Chapter of B ’nai How about Jtliat? No F IN AN C E d targe! AH you have to Commission they believed It was a contin­ ber with the aid, hopefully, of do is Complete paying for your E.SjV. purchases by Pumpkins, Gourds, Indian Com, Fresh B'rlth will sponsor a program Former Capt. Marasco (A P Photofax) gent from the Syrian army. 800 door-to-door volunteers In 3i: March 31! That’s all there’s to it. After that date there Cider, Native Chestnuts. on the Manchester drug prob­ The radio said Leboneaa army 5 Manchester. iij will be the normal FINANCs; charge on your unpaid NATIVE: Cauliflower, Cukes, Egg Plant, Yellow and White lem Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. at ToProbeTV units moved up to the viUage to There are 4,600 victims of jf: balance of 1%% per month or 18% per year on balances Turnips, Acorn and Butternut Squash, Beet Temple Beth Sholom. J. Grant block acceas routes and prevent arthritis In Manchester alone, up to $500; or 1% per month or 12% per year on bal- Greens, Swiss Chard, Beets, Boston Lettuce, Swank Jr., executive vice pres­ the force from advancing. says Elizabeth L. Crosby, public : onccs hi cxccss of $800 after deducting current payments Spinach, Black Radishes, Cherry Tomatoes, ident of Manchester Chamber of :! and/or credits. FINANCE charge may be avoided by fiarasco Critical Fire Hazard There was no report of on en­ relations director of the founda­ White and Sweet Potatoes, Red Onions, Shallots, Commerce; and Robert J. Dl- paying new balance before next closing date. gagement between the two Belgium Endive, Leeks, Dill. tion’s Connecticut chapter. SOUTHAMBOT, N.J. (AP) — A passenger in Marasco’s car, gan, coordinator of youUi serv­ WASHINGTON (AP) — A ildea. She reports that the founda­ Former A i^y Capt. Robert F. Jacqueline Ziegenbalg, 84, of FRESH; Tangerines, Tangelos, Grapefruit, Red, White ices in the Manchester School presidential commiaalon expects ! The invading aoldtars were and Blue Grapes, Honeydews, Cantaloupes, tion will try to ’’contact every­ Otlier E.S.A. Benefits . Old Bridge, was hospitalized system, will speak. The meet­ Marasco, a cbntral figure in the to determine Tuesday if there is carried in 80 trucks, the radio Dates, Limes, Peiiilmmona, Seckel Pears, one in Manchester to ask them is Do we have to mentten them? Better sdectfons, no with leg injuries.
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