Judge Boyle Blocks Theories at Inquest
r' HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE 1-10-70 1-10-70 4.7 at 0636 0.2 at 0036 5.7 at 1848 0.5 at 1224 __ tOURGlASS 01\..\', J '~.!,.,~... " ..... M ~...,.;:-- All The News ts VOL. 9, No. 8596 KWAJALEIN, MARSHALL ISLANDS Frlday, 9, 1970 -------- Judge Boyle Blocks Theories at Inquest EDGARTOWN, MASS -- Judge James A Boyle refused to allow testlmony that Mary Jo Kopechne mlght have been saved lf U S Senator Edward M Kennedy had summoned help promptly, lt has been learned Sklndiver John Farrar, who had expressed that oplnlon publlCly, was per mltted to testlfy only about his role In recoverlng Mlss Kopechne's body from Kennedy's submerged car on Chappaqulddlck Island last July 19 The information came from a courtroom source at the secret Kopechne In quest WhlCh ended yesterday after 3 1/2 days of testlmony Army Predicts Lengthy "The law," the source said, "lS In teres ted only in facts--not conJec ture, theory or casual opinlon My Lai Investigations That's the way thlS lnquest was con ducted, rlght down the llne " WASHINGTON -- Wlth four soldlers KOPECHNE INQUEST WITNESSES--Among the Kennedy and hlS legal team had con now charged, U S Army sources say it wltnesses at the Edgartown, Mass , sldered Farrar's testimony the cru may take another three months to com lnquest are Nance Lyons, 25, (left), clal point of the lnquest, WhlCh plete lilvestlgations of 22 other men who attended a party on Chappaqulddlck sought to determlne whether the 28- suspected of lnvolvement In the al Island precedlng the drownlng and John year-old Washlngton secretary's death leged massacre of Vletnamese clvlllans Farrar (rlght), scuba dlver who re called for crimlnal proceedlngs at My Lal covered M1SS Kopechne's body Judge Boyle wlll glve hlS oplnlon Formal charges of premedltated mur on that In a report to the Superlor der were flIed yesterday agalnst Ser Agnew Visits Indon sia Court along with the transcrlpt of geant Charles E lrutto, 21 and Prlvate the lnquest.
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