AP Task Force 70 News Series Completed SEE STORY BELOW Snowy, Cold light snow continuing until THEDAILY tonight. Clearing and cold FINAL then. Cloudy tomorrow. Red Bank, Freehold Long Branch (St. Detain, pat* 3) J EDITION Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 137 BED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1970 20 PAGES 10 CENTS •nuuuiiiiiiwiiuiiiiuiiiuuiiuiiiiuiiiniNJwiiiiuiwuiHuiiiuiiiiBUiiigiiiuuiiiiiiuiiuuiniiuiwtii Mitiua Biafran War Near End By MORT ROSKNBLUM trucks for convoys, and engineers to help repair roads, LAGOS (AP) — Britain and tho United States readied a bridges and airfields. massive relief airlift to Biafra today as Nigerian forces PLANES STAND BY pressed close to victory OVLT the secessionist state, President Nixon ordered eight C130 cargo planes on a Biafra's leader, Gen. C. Odumegwu Ojukwu, left the standby alert in the United States, with four helicopters country, saying in a prerecorded radio address that he was to be carried as cargo. They awaited word from Lagos going in search of peace and that he hoped to return soon. that the Nigerian.government would let them operate a Reliable reports said he had taken his family witii him. relief lift. The capture of Uli airstrip, Biafra's only link to the out- Canadian Foreign Minister Mitchell Siiarpe said his side world, appeared imminent as Nigerian bombers kept government also was making plans to provide transport, up their onslaught and federal troops and artillery pushed food, medical supplies and military observers to help toward it. Joint Church Aid, the European Protestant- achieve a just settlement. Roman Catholic relief organization, said it suspended its Hard fighting continued in the southeast corner of the flight to Uli yesterday because unloading personnel had former British colony as Biafran regulars resisted the prog- fled. It said the. last flight took out about 100 foreign relief ress of federal troops. Military spokesmen in Lagos said workers. there were heavy losses on both sides. MOVEMENT TO START CAPITAL FALLS A British Royal Air Force plane was scheduled to leave A radio report from the French colony of Gabon, to the London today with 20,000 pounds of medical supplies, the c south of Nigeria, said the latest Biafran capitals Orlu — vanguard of new government relief efforts for the war's vic- 'had fallen. Reports from Gabon added that panic-striken tims. A British cabinet minister was dispatched to consult members of the Biafran elite shouldered aside relief work- with Nigerian officials on the relief program, and prepara- ers for the escape seats on the last relief planes leaving tions were made to send in British medical teams, army Biafran, Pg. 2, AP's Task Force 70 Ends; Wiser Public Seen Result • By BOB HARING orientation for the governor- "It's going to be helpful possible in his. administra- ; TRENTON (AP) - A elect," wrote Mrs. John H. if not a little frigtening to the tion, said, "I must confess • unique venture in cooperative i Ford of Cresskill, vice chair- new administration." that if the deficit is as large journalism is ended and New man of the state Board of . The reports focused on as some people believe it will Jersey is better informed for Higher Education. She pro- various aspects of New Jer- be, T would have to say that it. claimed herself "utterly de- sey) the common theme, to while I hope it can be The venture is Task Force lighted about the series" and portray for New Jersey avoided, I could not in truth '70, a cooperative reporting added: newspaper readers the state say that it could be." project of The Associated General Education of their state. Cahill said a two-cent in- Press and 19 New Jersey AP "This should be an educa- A Common Need crease in the sales tax was member newspapers, which tion not only for the gover- If there was a universal virtually certain. since Dec. 1 has been ex- nor-elect but for the general finding, it was that the com- Action is already under way ploring the promise and the public." mon need was money. to try to change the state's problems of New Jersey as it New Senate President Ray- To outgoing Gov. Richard auditing procedures, one of enters the new decade of the mond H. Bateman said, "I J. Hughes, this meant: "We'll several problems reported in 1970s under a new governor, thought it was a good sum- have to have an income tax." the series. New Jersey is William T. Cahill. mary of what's in front of Gov.-elect Cahill, asked if an spending $2.5 billion for state "I can't think of a better us. income tax might after all be (AP, Pg. 2, Col. 6) Propriety of FBI's Release ON THE WAY TO VICTORY IN BIAFRA — Troops of federal forces of Nigeria, such as those shown above, hava pushed in on the diminishing secessionist state of Biafra from practically all sides. Biafran leader Gen. C. Crime Transcripts Pondered Odumegwu Ojukwu said yesterday morning he was flying out of Biafra "to explore possibilities" for peace. Several French officials reported the end was near for the secessionist state. ' IAP Wirephoto) NEWARK (AP) - Should transcripts of FBI tapes of a reputed Mafia boss, were made between 1961 and 1965. alleged Mafia conversations have been made public? That is Morgenthau said he believes it was "dangerous" to •SQ ' ' a question being debated now by lawyers as they discuss reveal the contents of the tapes in mid-trial. both the legal and practical aspects of the release. Morgenthau said during his tenure as New York's chief There. are some who favor the release, while others, federal law enforcer he did not use "bugging or wire- Including a leading federal law official, argue that jt does tapping" but obtained many more convictions than any other Heart Attack Fells Kelly; more harm than good. U. S. Attorney's office in the" country. Robert M. Morgenthau, outgoing U. S. Attorney for the * DECISION SUPPORTED Southern District of New York, said Sunday he would, not Other lawyers support Judge Shaw's decision, admitting have released the transcripts. the possibility of damage to innocent persons but main- Morgenthau defined a principle opposition point when he taining that the public good might outweigh the harm to Condition Called 'Serious' said, "Everybody mentioned is not necessarily guilty—hood- individuals. SOUTH AMBOY (AP) - The 52-year-old Kelly has by Gov.-elect William T. Ca- sure was a threat lo basic lums, like others, tend to be braggarts." Many public of- • One lawyer said, "It's not too high a price to pay for Col. David B. Kelly, State po- been State Police superinten- hill. freedoms and described Kel- ficials were mentioned in the transcripts, possibly impugning the need of the public to know what is going on." lice superintendent, remained dent since January 1965 when Thursday, Kelly said he ly as "one of the nation's fin- their integrity without a fair hearing, according to transcript Former Essex County Prosecutor Brendan T. Byrne, in serious condition last night he was appointed to the post was glad the FBI tapes had est law enforcement. offi- opponents. mentioned in the transcripts as a man the Mafia was un- in South Amboy Memorial by Gov. Richard J. Hughes. been released because they cials." RELEASE ORDERED able to influence, said, "I have read things that are horribly Hospital following a heart at- His name was in the news performed a public service Hughes said it was "ex- The transcripts were ordered released last Tuesday by unfair to people of great stature and integrity." tack Saturday. last week when alleged un-, in "exposing" his predeces- tremely unjust" that any U. S. District Court Judge Robert Shaw who presides at the But Byrne, now president of the State Public Utilities Kelly was rushed to the derworld figures made refer- sor in the superintendent's question should be raised as extortion trial of Angelo "Gyp" DeCarlo and three others. Commission, disagreed with some who feel the release order hospital Saturday afternoon ence to him in taped conver- post and the influence of the to Kelly's probity. The transcripts of electronic eavesdropping on DeCarlo, Propriety, Pg. J, Col. J) -after he was" stricken at his sations whose contents were Cosa Nostra. Kelly said he did not con- home here. His personal . released Tuesday. The tapes, The predecessor, Dominick sider that anything in the physician diagnosed the trou- made by the FBIowere made R. Capello, was mentioned in. tapes reflected badly on him. ble as a heart attack. public at the extortion trial of the tapes as being "on the He said the FBI disclosed Sales Tax The State Police said last reputed Mafia leader Angelo take" from the Mafia. the contents of the tapes to night that a thorough diag- "Gyp" DeCarlo and three Kelly said, "I'm glad that ' him when he took office in nosis and prognosis would other men. s.o.b. Capello was exposed, 1965 and helped him clean Hike Due not be available until today Hoover Memo I've been living with this thing up the state police. or Tuesday. Meanwhile, Kel- A memo to FBI Director J. all by myself. I hope people "The FBI trusted me then ly was reported resting com- Edgar Hoover describing the can see and understand what and they trust me now," he To a Crisis fortably in the coronary care tapes alleged that in one in- happened." said. section of the hospital. Gov. Hughes, in discussing' TRENTON (AP) - New stance Hudson County Demo- Kelly is married and is the the tapes, said their disclo- Jersey's "urgent financial Kelly's duties will be tem- cratic leader John V.
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