Obituaries During World War II
14 THE JEWISH LEADER, DECEMBER 18, 2015 BENJAMIN SPECTOR YOSSI SARID, LEADER OF MERETZ PARTY SEATTLE, Wash. - Benjamin L. Spector, born in Hart- By Edgar Asher, Ashernet joined the forerunner of ford, Conn. on Jan. 27, 1922, died peacefully in Seattle, Yossi Sarid , who was a member of the Knes- the Meretz party – the Wash. on Thursday, Nov. 26, 2015 with his daughter, set from 1974 to 2006 and served in the govern- Citizens Rights Move- Julie Spector, by his side. ment of Yitzhak Rabin, died on Friday evening ment. He was raised in Hartford, Conn. and attended of a heart attack at his home in Tel Aviv. He was Sarid was also an Weaver High School and The University of Connecticut, outspoken champion of followed by dental school at the University of Pennsyl- Sarid was for some time the leader of the ex- secularism and strongly vania, where he obtained his DDS. He practiced den- seventy-fivetreme left-wing years Meretz old. party. Speaking tonight opposed the privileges tistry for a short period of time of his one-time political adversary Prime Min- granted by the Israeli before enlisting in the U.S. Army ister Netanyahu said, “Although we disagreed state to ultra-Orthodox Obituaries during World War II. He served on numerous issues, I admired his dedication Jews, which include gen- as a Captain in the Philippines to his convictions, his extensive knowledge and erous subsidies to reli- and in Kyoto, Japan. In 1949, he his meticulous use of Hebrew in his words and gious schools as well as Yossi Sarid married Ebba Melrose, who pre- writings.” exemptions from mili- deceased him.
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