Beltane 2018 Beltane Blessings! May 1St Marks the Calendar Day That We Traditionally Celebrate This Ancient Holy Day of Fertility

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Beltane 2018 Beltane Blessings! May 1St Marks the Calendar Day That We Traditionally Celebrate This Ancient Holy Day of Fertility Beltane 2018 Beltane Blessings! May 1st marks the calendar day that we traditionally celebrate this ancient holy day of fertility. Way back before there was the gregorian calendar, we celebrated by the moon + Beltane was most definitely a full moon party. Lunar Beltane is on 4/29 this year. The time between these days is sacred, witchy + magical. CREATE SACRED SPACE FOR THIS SACRED TIME I always start with a blessing as I create sacred space. Sit in a quiet place. Play soothing music. Intentionally create the container for your ritual. When you are ready, say this aloud: Bless me at this holy time, as I honor the traditions of my ancient sisters. I hold space for myself + for all living creatures on this planet. May the blessings be... And so it is! © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only Wheel of !X The Year There are 8 Sabbats/holy days or spokes in the wheel of the year: Four of the Sabbats fall on the solstices + equinoxes are also known as “quarter days” or “Lesser Sabbats” + are also referred to as “Sun Sabbats” (as they are based on the astronomical position of the sun) The other four fall (approximately) midway be- tween these + are commonly known as “cross- quarter days”, “fire festivals” or “Greater Sabbats” + are sometimes called “Moon Sabbats”. They may be observed on the full moon closest to the traditional festival date (or the second full moon after the preceding Sun Sabbat). The ritual observances of the full moon are known as Esbats. Traditionally, the Sabbats are times of celebration, while “magical work” is done at the Esbats. © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only The Sabbats are as follows in the Northern Hemisphere, according to our current calendar: • Samhain (aka Sowyn or Hallows or the Festival of the Dead): a Greater Sabbat, October 31. • Yule (aka Midwinter, the Winter Solstice): a Lesser Sabbat, December 21-22. • Imbolc (aka Candlemas, Oimelc or Brigit): a Greater Sabbat, January 31-February 2. • Ostara (aka Lady Day, the Spring or Vernal Equinox): a Lesser Sabbat, March 21/22. • Beltane (aka May Eve): a Greater Sabbat, April 30. • Litha (aka Midsummer, the Summer Solstice): a Lesser Sabbat, June 19-22. • Lughnasadh (aka Lammas or Lunasa): a Greater Sabbat, August 1/2. • Mabon (aka Modron or the Autumn Equinox): a Lesser Sabbat, September 21/22. © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only rituals: Beltane Blessings © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only What is Beltane? “Most recently observed on May 1st (October 31 – November 1 in the Southern Hemisphere), festivities typically begin the evening before, on the last night of April. It’s a time to welcome the abundance of the fertile earth. Beltane is a time of great fertility. This Sabbat has been celebrated for centuries for it’s fertility + to honor gods of the hunt or of the forest, goddesses of passion + motherhood, as well as agricultural deities.” © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only There are three ways of calculating Beltane- • Calendar Beltane always falls on May 1st. {AKA: may day} • Solar or astrological Beltane occurs when the sun is at the exact midpoint between spring equinox and summer solstice. • Lunar Beltane occurs at the full moon in Scorpio, this is the oldest calculation method. © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only rituals: Full Moon Esbat Beltane is traditionally seen as a fire festival. HUGE bonfires were built to honor the energy of this fertile time. If you are called to invoke the magic of the goddesses at this fertile time in ritual to celebrate Beltane, I recommend an Esbat: do a private little burn ritual on the full moon. You can do this with a candle + a piece of paper on which you have written anything you would like to shift in your life. Call in the goddesses + ask for their assistance. Burn that paper + release any attachments. {do this somewhere safe + have a glass of water next to you just in case, please!} Letting go of that which no longer serves you, frees up energy for the things that really light you up. You’ll notice you feel so much lighter after this ritual. Take time over the next few weeks to plan a way to honor Beltane’s energy. © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only releasing I’m ready to let go of: What I’ve learned from this: What part of my body I feel this in: How I’m feeling as things start to shift: date: © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only rituals: goddess invocation You can invoke the energy of Aphrodite for your ritual. Here’s a Beltane mantra you can use to embody her sensual goddess vibe. © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only “I receive pleasure and abundance with every breath I take.” A few powerful ways to use this mantra are: 1. When you see yourself in the mirror, look into your own beautiful eyes + repeat the words out loud. 2. Make yourself a reminder notification on your phone. When the mantra pops up, take three deep, nourishing breaths + read the words three times. 3. Write the mantra on a sticky note and put it by your bed. When you are falling asleep at night, lay your hand on your heart chakra and repeat the mantra as many times as you like. When you wake up in the morning, read the mantra again outloud. 4. Go to for more heart healing mantras. © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only rituals: Sacred Anointing Oil © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only Make this goddess anointing oil: 1 TBSP carrier oil 1 drop of each essential oil Geranium Jasmine Rosewood Ylang Ylang Sandalwood Patchouli Vetiver Combine in a glass bottle. Use a drop on your pulse points To invoke the goddess within © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only rituals: Sacred Art Meditation © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only Make: Flower Crowns Making flower crowns is a really fun way to celebrate Beltane. It is a creative + meditative process. My easy simple way to make one using wildflowers goes like this: Pick flowers leaving a long stem. I love dandelions + daisies + yarrow + any flower with a flexible stem for the base of the wreath. Place one flower on the ground in front of you. Take the stem of another flower and tie it gently onto the stem of the flower in front of you. Tie it just below the flower head. Leave a little space in between the knot and the flower so that you have space to join the next flower. Continue until it is big enough to fit on your head. Tie the last flower end to the first one. Tie or weave in flowers where ever you see an empty spot until you have it as full as you like. © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only Flower crown inspiration Floral crown patterns Oh my! wedding planners © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only Sacred Sex and The Goddess & God of Beltane Beltane’s energy is raw and passionate, energizing + empowering. It allows us to capture our feminine power + create conscious energetic shifts in our lives. Read more about it HERE from the order of bards, ovates + druids member Maria Ede-Weaving. © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only I embody the energy of Aphrodite when I: - Practice self care! Now keep going! Fill this page! © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only beltane flower recipes + ideas vegan power cake via the green kitchen © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only Candied flowers via Taste of home © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only Flower popsicles from Family Fresh Cooking © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only Marx Foods + Cookistry’s veggie + herb combo © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only I’mhello! Anne Hayman. sacred sister :: wise woman witchy crystal oracle :: earth mama holistic health practitioner :: intuitive artist moon temple priestess :: fire keeper sun: libra moon: capricorn rising: libra I created The Moon Sisterhood to help women remember WHO THEY REALLY ARE: Lightworkers, Biz Lady Bosses, Holistic Mamas, Sacred Artists, La Luna Lovers, Wise Women, Manifesting Goddesses + Moon Magicians. I remind them how to be wisely efficient with their energy so that they can harness it + become magnets for what they want to manifest. Connect with your intuition + spirit guides with my Moon Report Subscription. Learn how to flow with the moon’s rhythms throughout the cycles + discover how these energy imprints affect you personally, so that you can be the most authentic + powerful version of yourself. Learn more HERE © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only Blessings to you, moon sister! Are you ready to take inspired action? To celebrate this powerful time of year, use the code ‘beltane18’ HERE to get 30% off printables, courses + sessions! Let’s stay connected: SHOP + JOIN OUR INSTA- BLOG FREE GROUP GRAM © 2018 The Moon Sisterhood for personal use only.
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