Ration Calendar iIl\ Will a IIoeIli PIIOCESSED FOODS veen . lamps A. B . C (book 4, Slightly Cooler eJlpll'e Dec. 20. green . tampa D. E . F eltPlre Jan. 20: ieh has MEAT brown stampa L. M. and N (book 3) expire lan. I; SUGAlI ajamp 29 (book 4) aplrn Jan. 1$; IOWA: Ma.U7 C....,...... bU,. les Car_ SHOE otamp 18 (book I) and airplane ab~t (book 3) Yalld Indefinitely: GABOLlNE A-S coupons expire THE DAILY Iow~~ .wei'. Iss Cora Jan. 21; FUEL OIL per. 1 coupons expire Jan. 3. tlle coi_ Iowa City'. Morning Newspaper le selec. no .u1OCl.U'&D ..... r. Gar. FIVE CENTS ·TRB ASSOCIATBD ""SS IOWA CITY. IOWA SATURDAY. DOCEMBER 11. 1943 VOLUME XLIV NUMBER 66

~ Stout be pre~ WHY ALL THE CAMERAS? THERE ARE THREE R~SONS i, "The ps. stu. Sic, will cd 1>rot : "Com~ to Reds (It>nd. kuooking an im- ('util' Italilln campai~n hll\'(' isulat d tht' Ocrmall 'Ironghold of * * * portant prop from the G rmans' easternmOilt salient to p ed we't Mi"IUUlo R'ullI'uiug I h . vHlIl'YK to Rome, it )fIlS announced yester- VALLETTA, M a I t a (AP) - and uth toward other k ypoin ,but .10 cow admitted today 8 dllY, and they now !oit llJo,tl'idl' th main highway and railroad be- President Roosevelt made a dra- deep Nazi penetration into the Kiev bulge, rolling the Ru iang malic three-hour appearance on b . 0') f K tween that mountain rortN'~ Hnd ea 'ino, 10 miles to tJle noI'lll' this bomb-scarred little BritiSh is- ack to a pOint 3 ml east 0 orosten. w . t. land In the Me d 1 t err a n e a n Znamenka. 11 central rllil junction for German reinforcement The Futh's army' lh·jvr througb th' fin;t tt'rrible barrier of Wednesday and paid tribute to its and upply for tll ar a, was torn from the German only after the NII?i 'K winter lin wa broul(ht to a ~ll\lI~hin~ climax Thuro-day heroic defenders with preB4:nta- three da of Dlan-killing truggLe in which the Nuis dug their when American infantry in SB"ag hand-to,l!and fighting abov Uon of an Illumjnated scroll. tanks into the ground and defended e\'ery tre t to the death. the cloudS captured towering Mt. amucro on the nortllcrnid Travellln, from the series of Its capture ",a hailed by a 8p cia! order of the day from of the stl'stegie valley above ~lignano and other allied units hi torle conferenc In the mlddle Premi r Marshal Jo ph talin, sir ing it importance. ~ tabbed f 0I ' W& r d into thPf east, the president dropped down The;t: . ow midnight communique, recorded by the Soviet , d d f i.. tram the clouds In II lour-englned ~ 0 ',. dd't' I d t '1 ~~:m~: i~~~n ary en ell u.:- AII'led Planes Pound Douglas CM-transport plane at ,. ~~ ~J~;rii ~:t~!ga an~I~~fd 0: !~~ These thrusu forced the last 9idly:50 throughIn the mornln"a succeslon pas ofed cere-rap- U• S • Planes Blast vanc be yond the cJty. t h at . ALLIED BIG THREE. President Roosevelt. Premier Josef Stalin and Prime Minister Winston ChurcbiU, stubbornly-resisting Germans to Cape Gloucester Area monies, lind then, saying he had w pt up th rail junction of . pose for a battcry of photographers on the steps of the Soviet embassy In Teheran, , where the hi - withdraw from the Immediate "m.ny thin,s to do," flew aw.y Capital of Bulgaria Khiro"ka wber the Kiro"grlld lorle conferenees of the Allied leaders were held. U. S. Army Air Forces photo. ClnternajJonal) vicinity ot Mignano, which had ugaln to an unannounced dClitina- railway loins the Srnela-Znamenka . , . been a "no mlln's land" tor a F 111h St· 'hi D tlon. line a few . ,rules northwest of • I or ralg ay week as the Firth army smashed .. (The Berlin radio said Pre:Jident Sofia Pounded For Znamenka. Another column took YANKS FIND TOUGH GOING - . yard by yard through rortlfica- Roo evelt miglrt be headed tor H 4S MO Chabanovk., 50 milel north of tlOIlS more formidable than those New Britain Base S r> a In Lo meet Genernpssimo our, Inutes; Krivol Rag. which stalled Lhe allies for ri ve U d Y k' FI'anco, or to London. The presl- Rail Yard- Damaged About 1,500 German. were months in T un isI a. n ergoe, an s dO(lt's movemenlc; as usual were • illlled, U tanka destro,.ed aud Wba .. the Germans bad hoped Pre-Invasion Treatment ceret.) BERN. Switzerland (AP)-The many prisoners. arUUe!')' wu- would prove all I",prernable In the ct'remorue the president polltlcaUy~ haleen Bulgarian capl- ponl and .tores captarecl In Jlne hlnred on Mlrnano had SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AL- Iref e 1'1' e d to Prim Minister tal of Sofia WIS blasted :for al\ thll 'l,hUnr In lIIe lui It hOD". been cracked In loCarcely more LIED HEADQUARTERS. Satur- Churchill. who had stopped pt hour and 45 minut~s this after- The Ru,~lans Clushed on toward tban a. week of savare tlrhtln,. day (AP)- For the 11th stralaht Malta earlier, and -ald. "I feel noon by everal wave at allied Kirovgrad. dislodging the Oer­ Lates' repOrts showed thai at ~ have litruck ,trong blows for plane whose explo Ives c.used mana from 11 populated places and least one enemy division-the day. Cape Gloucester, In the NcW Ithe future of the human race." great destruction and killed many sending them fieelni in disordered 15th panzer rrenadle.--bad Brltllln Island area In greatec;t He declared, "The Unit e d oersons, the Sofia rlldlo diSclosed retreat !rom their trenches In the suffered extremely beavy losse. danger of Inv8slon. by Gen, Doug- Slates wi ll pi'oceed uolll the war last nigbt. Khlrovka area. The Germans Lar,e quanUties of war mate- l.s MacArthur's New Guin a Is won, but more Lhan that, we American , planes npparenUy abandoned guns, trucks and am­ rials were left behind by the lorces has been pounded by 111- 1will stand shoulder to sh.oulder made the shatterlnl attack on the munlUon in their flight. In an­ ,elreaUn« Nads. Tbill booty lied b6mbers with Lhe BriUsh empire and, our reportedly waverin, axis aatelllte other .ector an enUre b.ttallo"l Included two 81 rnm. CUDS, live Headguar~8 . annoWlced today other allies ,\n makll\i It a victory nation, and it WI/S indlcltlerl that was routed and priaonel'l taken. 75 mm. pleee. and 30 machine- that Mitchell medlum bombers" worthwHUe. , the target agaln W8~ the railroad The advance, flowing Inexor­ rafts. which bit their tar.eu from minI- The president · Unprecedented district which was hIt so hard last ably a10n, the raUroad Hnes In The ba1.Ue for 3,OOO-foot Mt. mum altltude, deUvered the lates~ vlalt hel'e !ultuled What he de- i Nov. 24 by U. S. Liberators of the the Dnieper bend where ralilinel Samucro was a ,rim struggle, attack In a series which have ex- scribed as a wish of many months Inorthwe ~ African command. provided the only dependable with American troops pressing up pl6ded approximately 1,000 ton. as he presented a scroll on behaU The rall yard arc a mile from routes for lupply. under cover of heavy clouds to f bombs In that small area alone 01 the American people saluting parliament, scene of fervid Bul- Moscow reports said the Ger­ within a lew yards ot the enemy 0 Th' i I 55 It n n ~ the delenders at Malla tor "val- garLan deliberations of political mans were attempU", to maln­ before being discovered. There IS aer a a au a eel orous service ts r above and be- and military Import followin, the taln their armies in the area wlLh followed II wifd clash with small supplies was coordinated win yond the call of duty" during the trl-power nnnonncement at Te- air transport as they did belore arms and hand grenades until the nav~1 IIClit>~ ~r p~. b~ts Whl~h months of almost continual axis I heran and the sub cquent "clos- the faU of Stalin grad and Ort:1. last German OPPOSition was wiped ~~ N:! ~eUln~a~~c'::~rl~~essec~ bombardment. est unity" council among Presi- But clearing skys and hardening out. .. 10J's. The inscription on the scroll dent Roosevelt, Prime Minister ground alter bllzzard8 that her- A1so captured In the find A spoke man said AustralLans reael: Churchill lind the leaders of Tur- aIded an early winter were fa- sweep or Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark's i who captured the jungle supply "In the name of the people of key, nelgb~r of Bulgaria. cllitating the superior Russian air troops t? nullify Mignano was Ihigh point or Wareo on the Huon the United S"'tes of America I I The heavy raid, the third In a strength and wInter equipment. Rocca D Evandro, II strongly-de- ""'nlnsula of' New Guinea till are salute the is lan" at Malta and its month, began at 11 :40 II. m, Dnd A baUte as bloody and .. f end e"... vill age on the. north wp.s t ,,-progressing north of there.s people and I defenders, who, in ' the capital was under an alert for .peetacular wu rarinr %.. miles slope oC Mt. Camino. The allies I the cause of freedom and justice two hours or more, a Budapest to the northwest ID the area now linnly hold the entire east- Jap Marshall Bases and dee e n c y throughout the radlo announcement said. beyond Kiev wbere au ambltt- ern and southern bank of the world, have rendered valorous I The premier was quoted as say- ous Ruutan thrust &0 the west Garlgllano river from Rocca Get Another Blow service far above and beyond the Ing there were "material losses" bad been whittled .. own b,. D'Evandro to its mouth, a dis- PEARL HARBOR (AP)-An- call of duty . , . .. plus numerous dead, "as before." nearly two monU" of lIea4Iy TIll MOUNTAINOUS TERRAIN of Italy make it heavy rolnr lor these Yanks who are scaUnr t~b tance of 14 airline mUes. other softening up blow has beE!n German counter-attaoka b,. al- rocky leualn, carrying heavy packs or supplies on their backs and leadlnr ration-laden mule. Il was di~loled that Canadian delivered against important .Jalr most 2,000 taa.ka. }international) 1orces earI y W e d nes d ay h a d anese aircraft bases In the Mar- REGISTRATION TODAY AT IOWA UNION Clashing with stubborn Russian opene d a malor. aasau It ag alnst shall islands by Liberator boml)- Junior. and Rnlors in the colle,es of Uberal aria, commerce Je!enders, the German armored enem Y defe nse s 0 n the Adrl a tIe· ers of th e seven th army air force, and education and students In the ,raduate eollere rertater forces thundered In tor lOme of ft Si B t bo b accordlnr &0 number between 9 ••m. and 2 p,m. toda,. III tbe coas tal sec to I' 0 r G"n. r er- More than lor y tons of m s the -eaLellt> confllcts of the Soviet • • EI hth J 1 1 main 10Uttle of Iowa Union. ... nard L . Mon.gomery s g were unloaded on a uU and MI 1 IWill' and have already struck to a.n Japs _' Get Buf€h . O'Hare army f ron.• an d were r'n a kIng' goo d atollS by the great four-en, In"d All IItuden' In tbese eoUeres wbo were rerlltered tbe lint ll'ea south of Malin, 60 miles west ·th d t eme ler and who intend to en.roU for the second semester ,lIou1d progreSli WI Bemore suppor. b 0 01 be r s Wednesday, Admiral If Kiev and 30 miles east. of Kor. Meuured In ..,Ues, the ad- Chester W. Nimitz announced yes- reJisler today wben aU facult,. advllMlrtl and department heads Isten, ABOARD A U. S.· CARRIER IN Jap when the fireworks st811.erl. off into the water, making a big M. f CI .....' A art • d d wlU be at one central location. StUdeDi.s re~ after ·tIl'" van"" 0 ..T ... S ".m" CaD ..n tel' 8,y . The communique said German THE CENTRAL PACIFIC, No\, . I was shooting at a Jap, and my splash. Then I thought, 'My God. Brt" h ' 00 In 'h • I ht P ti d date ma), not find It u convenient to _ advl ... aaC .. eeeure • .r PI • e p .... e r erhaps Indica ve of the e~ ))un"es wer- successfu)]v COIl- 29 (Delayed) (AP)-Lleut. Comdr. gunner was shooting at a Jap who that may be Butch.' v .- d a,s was no...- ....pre --..... , ve. b u & strucUon wreaked on enemy all'- the neceaaary &tInatures on tbelr rerJftraUon carda. ined... in thl. area although a typ_ Edward H. (Butch) O'Hare, fa- in turn was shooting at O'Hare. "1 attempted to mak·e con tart, 'h d ...... 1I; f mlU'- 1" Reristratlon ma.terlal, are available at the ofrlce of the rertll- by • e ,.ar ••.., 0 ..ry ac- bases in these mid-Pacific is annS I'cal German thr.. . t In one 8ec'~r 1IIOus·fighter pilot, was shot down "My target exploded and blew calling 'Butch, this is Pnll' over l'-bale' 'L bl d tear to tb_ wbo bave not received them. 8tudent. 111111& brine' - .. ' in a 'night air battle over the cen­ up beautifully, with at least a and over, but I g6i no response. comp.. n. Olley ae eve by the heavy assault by carrler- lIIeir .tudenl Iden&lflcaUoD carcla. included 200 tanks and infantry, one of the oatetandlnr lJuceeues ba8ed planes last Saturday w~s In this ar.a "part ot the German tral Pacific. two nights ago while quarter ot a mile torch of gaso~ I kept thinking the splash lasted f th Meclt'-- an At h TulUon I. pa,.able Ian. 6. 7, and I b)' a.1l .tadena enrolUnr ~ O e .." ••ne war. n the fact that no 'enemy fig ters tan k 8 -'cceeded In br...... '.:.g Arnl\l'lcan airmen were breaking line trailing behind him before he a long time and it may ha"e been th 1 t f d .....t ... etra" h j It for 'be lemeller berinninr lan, S, 19U. ...",un e pO n 0 ee...... n ..on rose to meet t e ra ders on Jalu . through our forma"ons, but up an attack of 30 or 40 Japanese hit the water. . Butch's parachute. Now I think it fro CaJabrl"· to &h e It ba k U 1. M 1J Cluaes for the second aemester belln at • a.m, MOIIU)', Jan. " w.-...... m .... e a /I Ten Zeroes 0 ered Igllt over I destroyed," the communique wd, torpedo planes o.n a United State~ "While I was watching the Jap was a Jap plane which Butch shot of the upper Garl,Uano, the and two of them were shot down 3, 1844. carrier force, his flying compan­ burn I saw something drop straight down." Fifth had clawed Its wa,. only by the AmerIcan heavyweights. !.------...; ions said todllY. three miles lorward, but thll Slodes told by a squadron com­ wu made across terrain too mander, a .fighter pilot, radioman Old (rime rOUlh even for mule trains, Ie ON THE WAY IN TO TARAWA-TAKEN AT HIGH COST and gunner, the last to sec O'Hare Bulgaria, Rumania Reported tha.t the troop. were dependent in the air, were not in complete upOn food .nd arnmunUion agreement. But the action was dropped from the air. and I(ailed Solyed swift and in the darkness with the UIrourh a continuous series of blinding of tracer fire and lhc Looking for Way Oul of .War storms. I1IImes from burning planes as lhc It WIlS a bloody business to DES MOINES (AP)-The slay­ IlIaln ~ lh1.miJ;Lation, SQ it was nat­ smash the N8l.is from their moun- I ing in 1832 of 9-year-old Evel.rn Ural lhat none of lhem would LONDON (AP) - S i g n s that ]n that connection the reported tain chain, and touah fighUng still Lee was actually solved by Polk know exactly what hap·pened. Adolf Hitler's squirming satellites arrival of a new Russian attache is ahead before the allies can hope county officl.h, Assistant County "For three days Butch and I are seeking a way out of the war in Sofia was regarded as slgnifi­ to carve their way deeper Into the Attorney Ed S. Thayer stated dur­ "'ere standing by for our Japan­ Ing his fin.l argument in a crim­ increased last night as dispatches cant. Senior officers of the Bul­ Intricate series of entrenchments, _-stalking attack," said Lieut. minefields and gun positlons dot­ inal tria 1 yes1e.rday. Comdr. John L. Phillips Jr., 33, from neutral capitaLs pictured Bul- gar ian army of 400,000 geo6ally ting the valley and neighboring In ref.,rin, to the crimin.l at­ 0{ Linden. Va. "Butch was the garia in, lhe throes of a crisis and are considered pro-German, but hillsides belore and even beyond tack and .Iaying of the girl, Thayer Ilrst oft the deck. We had difCi­ panicky Rumanians leaving ciUes pro-Russian sentiments of Bul­ Cassino. said the slayer was detected by the late Park A. Findley before he re­ CWty sticking together when it in fear of air raids. garian peasantry arc reflected in lot dark. But we were lucky and For the last two days there have tired as sherif!, and was committed "ere joining up when we ran the lower ranks. to an inaane asylum where he later been reports that the pro-German RnoU POMIbie American Censorship died. lliack into the Japs rendezvous- Bulgarian premier, Dobri Bojilov, ina. was struggling to patch up his The presence of German troops In commenUng on hiB remarks to the jury, . Thayer said be learned "Butch came up on my star­ shaky regime after a vote of no in Bulgaria bolsters the pro-Nazi Eased on Press, Air of th~ m u r d e r case solution -8ftl and Wingman Skon on the confidence. The premier hlmseU I'egime, but partiCipation of Rus­ WASHINGTON (AP) - Ameri­ 1IOrt. Then my gunner Kernan saw through a confidential source, add­ was said to be taking over the sian forces in an allied invasion of ca's censorship on the home !ront ing that Flndlet had never made • fourth plane coming up below foreign office portfOlio after the the ' Balkans might touch of( a was liberalized in some respects ~utch . I gave him permiSSion to public the solution becaUie the minister resigned. yesterday, but the cbanges do not man was inllllle and was .. former 'II'!! as soon as we were within revolt beyond German capacity to Reports that Germans were affect the complete military con­ serviceman. IIlIge. At lhe same time I over­ massing troops on the Bulgarian­ contt'Ol. trol of all news Irom th~ fighting kauled a Jap and got into his slip­ Thayer IlSserted relatlva of the Turkish border were discounted Rumania i8 in tbe tightest spot fronts. slayer told ofllcials the man had I!team and at 50 yards knocked here, and there was no confirma­ of all the satellite states. Alter Byron Price, director of the of­ committed the murder. Into a tea kettle. iIIm tion of any unusual frontier ac­ participating in the forward surge fice of censol'5hip, eliminated a The s1!t1in, of the girl I. re­ ,"Meanwhile on the other side tivity so far. number of restrictive requests corded in county .nd city records 0{ OUr carrier task force, 30 miles of Hitler's armies in 1941 and see­ Bulgaria's relations with Russia, from the .voluQtal'J codes govern~ 8$ an unsolved crlrnc, and both :tlltant, jI Jap dropped a series of with whom she .is not at war­ ing much of her manpower slaulh­ Ing the press and radio, and County Attomv Francis J, Kuble '''res fOr a torpedo attack illum­ might provide an escape in spite tered. or captured in comeback expressed the opinion that the TlD8 PICTUaI, Jad rei..... mOM Ute IIlvulon boa&. on Uae wa,. In &0 ~wa iaIaDd. th. UIIT Gilbert and Silerift Vane B. Overturtt illation and our ships were clearly of the fact that she is a co-bellige­ drives of the Red army, she faces trend of cenlOnhip in tbe field IllaDd aloll wbJeb _ taIlen b,. V. 8. f_ a& • lIeaV7 -' ., We. IIInIM Me...... remarked yesterday that they h.d outlined. rent with Germany against the the prospect 01 belnJ overwhelmed covered by hJJ civilian agency Graft &I'll II...... '01' tile 1teaeIa. . Bare nn. OD ...... III baIIQroad are ~ of ..... ad air '-t- no Imowlqe of the reported 101u­ "I WII closing in on 8 second United States and ;Britain. by Russian forces. would be downward henceforth. llerdmeat. (...... tIo.al) lion. PAGE TWO THE DAILY lOW AN, lOW A CITY, lOW A SATURDAY. DECEMBER 11,1143 ~===--~==~======IF~~~~~~~~~~~~======~======~~====~==~~~~~~~~~~~ = t~Uab~ ~~!O~ e!~1.':i~, News Behind the News 2,5, 10 Years Ago- OFFICIAL DAIL Y BULLETIN D Student Publicatiolll Incorporated at 12,-130 .. Iowa avenue, Iowa City, Iowa. Teheran Meeting Apparently From The • Board of Trustees: Wilbur Schramm. A. Craig A Roosevelt Show r. Baird, Kirk H. Porter, Paul R. OlloD, Jack B, PAUL MALLON Moyen, Donald Ottilie, Sarah BaUey, Jeanne low an F·'esI Franklin, Charles F. Swisher. T W ASHINOTON-The ~heran meeting ton: Fred M. Pownall. Publllh. apparently wa a Roo evelt show. 'l' he text UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Karle Nau, Advertiaiq MaDapa Dec. 11, 1941 ... Gar. of the declaration cleady sounus more like In their lirst encounter with Saturday, Dec. 11 Saturday, Dec. 18 iDt Jam. F. Zabel, Editor an expI'ession of hi~ 1 adership than a docu­ 2 p. m. mat j nee: "Twelllh 2:30 p . m. Tea, A. A. U. W, ships of the U. S. Asiatic [leet, fOOl ment compo d by either 'talin or hurchill. Night," University theater. University club rooms; talk bJ Entered BI MCODd clalll mail matter at the pod­ Japane'e warships had tW'Tled ,m In it, his name is always mentioned fiMt, tail Prof. Arnold OlUette on "A Scent bOY fflce at Iowa City, Iowa. UDder the act of 0CIIl­ and !led to avoid cOminl;l to grips, Tuesday, Dec. 14 Designer's Approach to a PlaT." while those of hurchiH and. tnlin were al­ WO cress of March 2, 1879. It was discloscd, while the Aq!erl­ 5 p. m. Phi Bela Kappa lnitia- Sunday, Dec. I. ternated in s condary po ition. Obviou Iy eis can defenses of Luzon had beaten lion, s nate chamber, Old Capitol. 4 p. m. Sacred Christmas IOI!C I the SubSCription rates-By mall, per ,eu; b1 he dominated tbe gaUlel'ing-at I a t all far back with strong effect heavy, Wednesday, Dec. 15 concert by Uhiverslty chorus. Iowa ,5 as the official announcements show. 141ll: carrier, 15 cents weekly, $5 per year. Japanese air assault. 8 p. m. Concert by University Union. bOx. Member of The Associated Prea By gOi11g 110 fa,.OIl'l· thcm these (Ill- In widespread raids seeking to Orchestra, Iowa Union. Tuesday, Dec. 11 A Thursday, Dec. 10 12 m. Professional WOl'ftfll', The Associated Prelll is exclusively mtiUed to 11OlL1u"l'lllents tltemselv s, and avoidi 9 cover continuing efforts of the by ~ blVaders' land forces to seize 3-5:30 p. m. Christmas tea, Uni- luncheon, Un i v e r s j t y club; IJIe for republication 01 aU DIIWII dispatch.. any military secrets tIJhirh Hay be beltind and tltem, YOIt 'will find otllel' I'Iwealing sug­ lod.ements. 113 Jap bombers versity club. speaker, Mary Vonne de Klmky, COn credited to it or not otherwise m:Klitecl in tb1I "ere counted. but 11 planes were 9 p. m. Christmas lormal, Tri.. on "Christmas in South America.· paper and &lao the local newa publilhed here1D. gestions of the limit alld seop of agret:­ serg smashed by the American forc • anille club Wednesda.y, Dee. !t olle mant. The death toll from an explosion Friday. Dec. 17 10 a. m. University Convocation, TELEPHONFS Primm'ity, the participants expre sed sic; Editorial OUiee ______4191 that rocked the $60,000,000 Iowa 4 p. m. The reading hour, Uni- Iowa Union. lon, (C detenn1natio1l." to work loget/le)', but ordnance plant in Burlington and verslty theater lounge. 5 p. m. First semesler ends. and Society Editor 4UI3 did 110t choose to amplify this olle-sen­ destroyed a TNT melling machine, (For InformatIon rerardlnr dates beyond this sehedule .... Buaintlll Office 4111 tence statement of purpose ill llny .c­ stood at six known dead, and seven I'8Irvatlons III the ofrlce of the President, Old Capltul.) pla1llltOl'y way. missing. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1l, 1943 Decisions reached 011 the war were I It Twenty-one injured men were confused to bewildet' the enemy. The pro­ lodged in Burlington hospitals and GENERAL NOTICES announcement was made by army nouncement says only that plans were" con­ IOWA UNION the Hillel lounge Saturday alter. certed" f01' timing attacks upon Germany authorities expressing doubt at suggestions 01 sabotage in the ex­ MUSIV ROOM SOHEDULB noon and Sunday. The HeWtt from t111'ee side '. My peronal gn is the plOSion. However, these same au­ Sunday-ll to 0 and 7 to 9. class will meet at 10 o'clock Sun­ r Editorially American and British conception 01 overall day morning and regular Hilld thorities announced that an investi­ Monday-U to 2 and 3 to 9, tl'at gy underwent some alteration. Snch religious services will be held SuD. galion was planned within the next impo e by force or extend by de- departure from the campus scene. Tuesdoy-ll to 2 and 4:15 to 9. a ehange eemed advisable as a re u1t of the Lew days. ceplion." day at 11 a. m. The construction of a $4,SOO,OOO Wednesday-ll to O. RABBI GILBERT KLAPIRMM, diffioulties encountel'ed in the Italian attack. D 11 1938 J 0 h n C. Wolfe, manall'ln, hospital, increase in enrollment of Speaking •• .As to· the peace, it is to be one whicll will ec., . . . editor of the Washington nerald Thursday- ll to 2 and 4:15 to 9, Dlrecltr Nations of the western hemi- In Washington, D. C .• was to 181 percent and enlargement oC Friday-11 to 2 and 3 to 9. "command good will from the oVCl'whelming sphere, spurred by what Secretary appear as the main speaker of the educational scope o! the Uni­ Saturday- 11 to 3. TOWN WOMEN By Jim Zabel rna of the peoples of tIle wOl'ld." This of State Cordell Hull called a the annual Wayzgoose banquet versity of Iowa through the addi­ All town women are Invited It pbra e i far from Rp ciIic. Jj'ew govern­ "grave world situation" took first of journalism students In Iowa tion of $11,000,000 to the phySical FRRNCII READING attend a semi-formal dance in Iht ments ill nIl histOl'Y did not claim or aim at steps to organize tor peace in the Union at 6 o'clock that evenln •. plant were just a few oC the very EXAMINATION river room of lowa Union SahJl. tIle good will of tJ1e overwhelming masses. new world. ond protection from distinguishing marks of Dr. Jes­ The Ph.D. French rea din g day. Dec. 11. from 8 to 11 p. IlL More on Atrociti8'- The furth r goal oJ: eliminating "tyranny the old. Dec. 11, 1933 .. _ sup's regime of president !rom examination will be given Tues­ Tickets may be purchased fl'Oll Putting aside what Hull termed President Walter A. Jessup ler- 1916 to 1933. day, Dec. 14, from 3 to 5 p. m. in members of Tau .Gamma. and slavery, oppression and intolerance," room 314, SchaeUer hall. Please Excerpts from a letter of objection. means no more than tbat the axis is to be "excessive and short sighted na- minated a 22 year association with The president expressed regret ANN POPOVIOH lionalism" the nalions plunged into the University of Iowa the pre­ make application by signing the Publicity Chalrmu II In your column Dec. 9 on atrocities you at his leaving the compus saying, crushed completely. paper which is ~osted on the bul- tend to equalize and mooth over the whole discussion of far-reaching projects ceding day to accept a position as "when you have been around the A "world family of democratic nations" before the committee on organiza- president of the Carnegie Founda­ letln board outside room 307, IOWA MOUNTAINEEIS thing by aying' there are really no atroci­ University for 17 yean! each day is promi ed, but the extent of democracy tion of peace. Hull declared Ition fOr the advancement of is another adventure. My greatest SchaeHer hall. No applications The 11th hike of the season will ties in ,val' ... war itself is atrocity' .. _ to be praeticed in it could l'ltn all the way American nations were "keenly Teaching in . thrill has been the construction or will b~ accepted a[ter Dec. 11. The be held Sunday afternoon, Dee. "I agree with the latter pal·t of tltis from tho one party Socialist-eollec.:tivist sys­ aware of the threat to their prin- No action had yet been taken the new hospital and my greotElilt next examination will be given at' 12. Hikers will meet at the inter. statement . .. waf' is an a1rociotts, brtttal, tem of Russia 10 the two or more party sys­ ciples and institutions which has to appoint a successor to President disapPOintment is that we don't the end of the second semester. urban station, 28 E. College street, horrible thin(J . .. b1tt, trite and 'hmnani­ tems of Britain or the United tate, where arisen elsewher in nations holding Jessup and board members ex­ have the proper library facilities ROMANCE L~NGUAGEB at 1:40 p. m., bringing 10 cenfl tarian' as it mny sOImd, there are cer­ opposition is countenanced. alien [deos which they :seek to pressed surprise and regret at his as yet." DEPARTMENT for fare. The members wlll takt tain degrading practices our enemies the cal' leaving at 1:52 P. m., and More definite is the final 2Jhmseolog!1 COSMOPOLITAN CLUB will get of! at Burr Oak, return· have engaged in tlfat have not been that "those ~oho arc to be rl'lieved of An Ilnnual Christmas dinner needed to aid their toar effort and thers­ ing lit about 5:15. If weather iI tyranny m.ay live according to their vary­ party is being planned by mem­ not good, a shorter hilte will be fOI' e, I think, can and mttst be classif1'ed ing desit'es and theil' own consciences." bers of Cosmopolitan club. The taken. as nothing less than atrocities . .. • party will be given Saturday, Dec. This would seem to be pm'e drmoct'Gcy C.C. WYLIE "And the perpetrators mnst be made to as 10e 1tnderstall[l ii, but anJi jump to 11, lrom G to 12 p.m. in the social Hlkln. Chatrllllll room of the Unitarian church, at pay for them. . • that c01lcl1tsion t'l~ ql/it'C8 a hesitant ,-ecol­ "aitler's unrelenting attempt to extermi­ laction of the fact that some govct'nments ~S·tJ "I- Iowa avenu and Gilbert street. BAND REGISTRATION Friends of members and othen nate the Jewish (and Slavic) peoples of in "ecent years, not alone those in the 9/0 ON yOUR. RADIO DIAL Students desiring to register fer Europe is, I think, a shining example of this who are interested are welcome. University band lor the second a:ris, have extencZed thei,' boundaries Tickets may be obtained from semester may secure permits from kind of uncalled for brutality... and, iI'on­ 1)1'omising freedom fm' tl/(' jU'op7r. TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS II- High School News 7:30-Boston Symphony Orches­ George Hall, room B12, Univer­ ic81ly enough, you have cited the fact several the director, room Ili, music stu· 'rhus whate\'el' politieal dl'cisions were 11 :l5-News About Children tra sity hall, before Saturday noon, dio building. Freshman and soph. times in your column that tbe Nazis have al­ reached were not announced nny more clearly BY-PROD CTS OF THE WAR­ 11:30-Ration Pointers 8:15-Edword Tomlinson, Com- Dec. 11. Those attending may omore men may substitute ban4 ready killed over 5,000,000 Jews in Europe, A IS-minute transcribed drama­ come semi-formal Ol' in native than the war decisions. No mentioll is made 1l:50-Farm Flashes mentator for required military trnioilll; and you have heartily denOllllced it... of economic or financial subjects. tization, pOinting out how tubercu­ costume. others. except freshman women, 12-Rhythm. Rambles B:30-Victory Parade 01 "I cannot see how exterminating already Main apparent at'complisbment of the losh; incr ases in wartime, will b Spot-! SING-MUm SI,.(O may arn one semester hout of 12:39- ews, The Dally Iowan light Bands Presldenl helpless inmates of German concentration gathering was the dewlopment of a per­ heard this afternoon at 4 o'clock I2:45- Spi"it of the Vikings credit through the department of as part of the 1943 Christmas seal B:5S-Sports, Harry Wismer music. Rehearsal hours are Tues. camps bas aided Hitler's war effort... nor onal, fricnclly relaLionship between the par'­ I-Musical Chats 9-John Gunther HILLEL FOUNDATroN can I ee how the execution of ho tages has drive. This program is sponsored 2-What's Happening in Holly- day, Thul'sdoy and Friday-4:IOiIi ticipants. In all thei!' report d nctions, th y Iby the National Tuberculosis as­ 9:1S-Army Service Forces Pre- Lleut. W. J. Silvermnn. adjutant helped his armies at the front... these ac­ wood in the army specialized training 5:30 p . m. seemed to slap each oLhel' on tho back. sociation. sent PROF. C. B. RIGJrl'U tivities are alien to warfare, I think, and The ChurchiU birthday dinner party car­ 2:15-The B)'oadca t Theater 9:45-Betty Rann, Songs program, wilt speak to Hillel mem­ 2:30-Science News bers Friday !light, Dec. lll, in the D1reetor mu t be clas Wed as atrocitie ... ried it to U1lllsuallimits and followed Ru sian PAN-A ![ERICA PRESENTS- lO-News, Roy Porter 2:45-Treasury Star Parode Hillel loullge, 24!>J S. Clinton, on "The sarno applies to tho Japanese in their Pro. Jerome Mallo. Spanish 10:15-Johnny Long's Orchestra protocol more than western fE'a'l1ing methods 3--Light Opera Airs "The FuturIJ of the A. S. T. P., COMMENOEMENT inva ion of China... their flagrant and in­ born, will speak on "Democratic 10:30-News, Leon Henderson -although Mr. hurchill paid for his own 3:I5-Voice of the Army 10:45-Los Latinos progrom." INVITATIONS discreet born bing of civilians, rape torture party (or his governm nt did). hurchill Ideals and Sentiments in Latin 3:39-News. The Dally Iowan The Minyan prayer group will Cand ida tes for degrees at tile America Countl'ies" this after­ lO :55-War News and plunder that thcy carried out, had little referred to the Rn~sian It'ader as "Stalin the 3:35-Afternoon Melodies meet at S o'clock Saturday arter- Dec. 22 Convocat!on. w.ho ha\~ noon at 4:15 in another oC the ll-Jan Garber's Orchestra to do with the military matt 1'8 i it was 4-By-Products of the War noon. Open hOuse will be held in placed orders tor lIlvJtations lIU1 Great," presented "the Staliugl'ad sword," new WSUI series, Pan-America 11 :30-Freddie Martin's Orche"­ merely !ldded suffering that the Japanese and all drank 50 toasts. 4:15-Pan-America Presents tra receive them now by presenlinl Presents. Professor Mallo received their receipls at the Alumni of!1ee, forced upon tlJ'e Chinese people. . . The separate declarutiolls 011 Irull wel'e 4:30-Tea Time Melodies l1:5,S-News 10:I5-Parude of Fealures his LL.D. from the University Old Capitol. "If war itself is atrocity, then we must no doubt offered mainly as insurance to that 5-Children's HOUl' lO :30- Musi(' You Love I of Madrid and an honorary de­ 5:30-Musical Moods I F. G, mOBIE ihiM of some newel' word to describe minor nation against future domination by gree of licenciate of laws. CBS ll- News the horrible and iulmma?lc practices our 5:45--News, The Daily Iowan WMT (600); WBBM (780) 1l:15- Tommy Dorsey's Band I Director of ConvoclUens Russia. At the same time, it told othel' miu01' This series of programs is spon­ 6-Dinner HOUr Music sored 11 :30- Rny Pearl's Band enemies have engaged in ttnder the guise nations of the con iderations th y migllt ex­ by the campus L a tin 7- With Iowa Editors ROOM VACANCIES of militat·y ex.pedienoy .. . " America club. 6-The Man Behind the Gun 12-Pl'ess News pect in the "new family of democratic na­ 7:15- Reminiscing Time 6:30-Thanks to the Yanks Householders who will have room vacancies second semester The most obvious loophole in your argu­ tions," whatever its final i'orm if! to hI". 7 :30--Sportstime 7- First Nighter l\lBS DAUOIlTERS OF THE are asked to telephone the divi· ment is that, indirectly, you are attempting 7:45-Evening Musicale 7:30-Inner Sanctum WON (7241) to hold the allies up as paragons of virtue , A fERICAN REVOLUTIQN- 8-Boys' Town sion of student housing, x27~, by "The Lonely Death," composed 7:55-News Saturday noon, Dec 11. in denouncing the enemy... to which I ask 8:30-Album of Artists 8-Hit Parode 6- The Return of Nick Carter by Charles Garland, who is work­ 8:45-News, The Dally Iowan MRS. IMELDA C. lIruRPBl' this: What about the 10,000,000 pea ants that Fads or Freedoml ing on his Ph.D. deil'ee hel'e in 8:4S-Spotlight on Rhythm 7:30- Foreign Assignment DIvision of SludeDt Ho ..... Stalin shipped off in boxcars to tarve to the univerSity, will be sung by 9:I5-Correclion Please 8-Chicago Theater of the Air death in Siberia f . . . Wjll~t a.bout the In­ W al'o going thl' ugh a period of history Cora Curtis, A4 of Counell Bluffs, Network Highlights 9:45-Conlidentially YOul'S 9:15-Soturday N i g h t Bond- NEWMAN CLUB dian people, who are dying of tarvation and mad~ up of scrambled conomics flavored this morninll at 9 o'clock on WSUI. 100News, Douglas Grant wagon A mixer dance will be held maltreatment under British rule much more with fascism, socialism, co mmu ni.-Jn , bureau­ Also two songs from the cantata, Red-NBC 1O:15-News, Douglas Grant 9:J5-Leo Cherne (See· BULLETIN, pap 8) rapidly than the Jews (and other conquered ism, and countless ot her" isms. " "Redeemer," by Albert Kimble WlIO (1040); WMAQ (670) people) under Nazi domination T •.• Each "i m" claims to be the "deal' Stout, who is working on his doc­ Washington in Warlime- And we don't even have to go back ivto people's" savior fl'om toil, and promi es to tor's degree, will be played. Prof. 6-For This We Fight American history as far as the wa1'S against take f rom tho e who " have " for those who Herald Stark of the music depart­ 6:30-Ellery Queen "haven't." All the Hi ms" claim to be the ment will sing "Come Unto Me," 7-Abje's Irish Rose the Indian in thi country to dig up good and Mary Phillips, A4 of Lynch­ 7:30-Truth or Consequences "atrocities ". , . W11at about the lynchings cure fo1' war, but they all tach cIa. hatred Politics Will Tee Off in January burg, Va., will sing "Fear Ye 8-Alka Seltzer National Barn in the south, the race riots, and the inhumane - hatred of the mall who 11llS "saved." Not." Dance "3rd degree-" methods used in some of our The . nit d • tat s has not b en an aggres­ 8:30-Can You Top This? By JACK STINNETT ,promised through Notional ChaiL'-t would have the advanla;t It prisonst .. sor nation, it ba fought only for eqnal right TOI).AY'S PI\QGRAMS 9- MilLion Dollar Band WASHINGTON - January may man Frank C. Walker that they gauging the tide of war at tIJe Don't get me W1'011g . . . I am not t1'ying aud individual" frecdom. 9:30- Pl'ince Albert Grand Ole usher in the most historic year of will al that time hold one or latest date, with additional ' pos!I. to defend Hitler and the Japanese .. . ' I • • • 8-Mol'ning Chapel Opry World War II. .T hat remains to be mor~ "Jackson Da;" banquets at bility that they could make poli~· 8:15-Musical Miniatures am simply tryi1~g. to point out that those 1Ve in this counl,·y !lttlSt not allow OUI'~ 10-News seen, but one thing is certain, that '. . . cal hay out of the declaration tIIIt selves to be fooled by "isms." We can 8:30--News, The Daily Iowan 10;I5-NeJson Olmst~d, Stories month will mark the opening of whIch pally spokesmen WIll glYe they are merely trying to avoid pmctices whick you have labeled" atroci­ B:45- Program Calendar ties" are just as nmch a. part of war as make adjustm nt wiillOltt 1tlJSetting a 10:30-1 Sustain the Wings the aU-important 1944 political "the answers to a lot of ques- any long drawn-out national calli- 11ation of contentment. We haue a con­ 8:55-Service Reports ll- War News campaigns. tions." paign that would hamper the ",r the bombing of indtt trial plants alld or­ 9.-Daughte.rs of the American ll:05-Thomas Peluso's Orches- Both major parties have se- Those who anticipate that any effort. dinary battlefield fighting . . . stitutional government that tws sltrvilJ (l Revolution depl-ession and obstacles before, and it tra Ilected January lor the '44 cam- of these "answers to a lot of As a matter of fact, except fill War, while it is fought by trained men 9:30-Music Magic I1 :30-Mr. Smith Goes to Town paign kicko!~. The Republican qUestions" will have anything to the opportunities tor pulse-feeliJII and machines, neverthele ' rests entirely upon certainly can pull ont of ils PI' sent 9:45-Keep 'Em Eating II :55-News National committee will meet in do with clarifying the status of among the political leaders 01 boIIi civilian morale . .. once this i broken com­ problems, if "isms" do 1l0t 1tnc1crmine 9:50-Australian News Chicago Jan. 10-11 to pick the site the fourth term are slated for dis- parties, the January sessions are pletely, the most efficient military organi­ it f01t1idation. 9:55r-News, The J)aU~ Iowan Blue and name the date of their conven- appointment. not expected to produce any cllt! • • • la-Fashions With PhYllis K 0 (1460); WENR (8941) tion. On Jan. 22, the Democratic Ambrose O'Connell, vice chair- as to who the candidates will bI. zation will collapse. . . , 10:15- Yeslefday's Musical Fa- Once the citizens of a country at war be­ Blaming war on capitalistic abu and National committee will meet here man of the committee, when * • * trying to incite out' people against capita( voril'ts 6- What's New for the same purpose. asked point blank if the fourth There is almost certain to be aD come disillusioned and take on a. defea.tist lO:30- Fo,ward Mal'ch 7-News, Roy Porter attitude, that nation is doomed. . . Hitler (private saving ), do n't make sen . The In addition the Democrats have term would be discussed, said "I such clue in the selection 0/1.'00' tried to accomplish ju t this by haphazard countries that claim to be non-capitali tic doubt it very much." Political vention cities. While it some\iJDll * observers here are more positive happens that one pOlitical cd' and ruthle s bombing of the civilian popula­ are the most war aggre ·ive. And anyway, * * LIfE WILL BE BACK* TO* NORMAL* IN RADIO where thel'e i a wheel turning there is 'in­ than that. date or another gains pnIIIi# tion of London and other English towns ... Altbough some Roosevelt back- through selection 01 a conve!lliGll ~tary experts now agree that he came dan­ vestment, whieh i capital. No matter whetber ers may choos lhat time to re- city in one of his own itroopalii. gerously near to succeeding. . . the people do the investing, 01' the govern. state their allegiauce, it is consid- the determining factor this ,. W~ are trying to do the sallie tA'lng ment does it, the people in the end lire the el'ed certain that the president is almost bOWid to pe trauaporl3' today by large scale raids 01t Gierman in" tors. himself 01' anyone who can speak tion. oities . .. the press repoI'ls that illd14strial for hIm, will wait until the last For that reason, obse\'VeH MIf taraets are the primary objectives, hi very little chance of unified opposition minute to make his announce- think that both parties will ~ ment. That's nol even very deep, Chicago. There are seve~ Q(bIr the trentel~dous number of clvilian forming . .. the pc pIe b come llotbing more dark stra Legy. cities still in the' r\ll1nlni !om l1li' oasualties indicates fltat we are hitting than di iIlu ioned, heIple' lIw , ... • * * cony nHons. Phila~elphiJ btl at German morale directly . . , air maps Hitler is frying to accomplish Hlis ellcZ The presidential n\ce next year made a strong bi\i (or tl\e'Dll!¥i' of some - heavily bombed German cities by mthles , syst matic mC!lus . .. yet Ikey depends much on the tide of war. cralic convenlion. ~oit IDII Si .q" flW entire reside~eial StCti011s' 'lUlpui are di,' clly related to the 1I! to CBS ~ud Violln~~ l. HeMY wUI be Urote.cted py as poasibl perhaps as late as Janaury is written off Uw...... on.ce this leadership is d.e troyed there i4 cities" ar , tragically, a!L ~_ I!art ~f it. .• Mary Llvln1'8Wme "01\ thai oUler neLwodl"-.. &0 quote Freet. September. tn tbl.\t al, , they I dar. / . SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1943 THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA C. TT, IOWA PAGEtHRBI >'--- • t Damsels' Draft J WAR PERMlnING, YANKS ENJOY NAPLES REST CENtER "Heavenly Body:' ISpecial Square Dance - The Party Line. • • . Feature to Be Tonight -This Week End at Iowa Tonight at 8 Hick Hawks, lquare dancinC club of the Women's Recreation A CHIll TMAS P AKTY •.• • ·r Alpha Chi Omega associatJon. acting as hosts at to­ The "Damsels' Draft," a semi­ · .. beginnini with a formal din­ the ae ive group. liekn Oltman, A2 of Oak Park, night's open house at the ·women's formal dance sponsored by Tau ner will take place at the chapter iiI., committee chairman, will be gymnasium, bas planned a special Gamma sorority for women living house TuellCiay evenin&: for mem­ .,. isted by Lois Ita, E3 of Burllng­ square dance to hllhUght the eve­ In town, will be held in tbe river ben 01 Chi Omep 5Orority, Gifts ton; ....mla Voss. Al of Daven­ room of Iowa Union tonight from win be 19ch.aneed before a g ily port, :md Ellen Da\is. Betty Bach­ ning's entertainment. • until 11 o'clock. This gIrl-takes­ decorated Chrlstmas tne, after mann ami Betty Picgrey. all A2. The g;ymnasium will resound boy party is open to all lawn wh.ich a program will be held. of CEdar Rapids. with many an old-time chant as women and a few remainlng tick­ Children of the convalescent I \" nf i/. chaperon ProL Ella May Small. faculty ad­ ets have been placed on sale for home will be entertained at the 1r..!. Art.l)ur W . GuerO! ey. house- viser to Hlek Hawks, and Martin Schein, A3 of Brooklyn, N. Y., the general public in Old Capitol. Chi Omega hou e Wednesday 1n ~ lher , Mr. and Mrs. E. J. call the dances and the dancers Music wlll be furnished by a juke­ from 7 until a p. m. A gift ex­ Li(chty and tr. and Irs. Donald box. change will take place and enter­ Bro"'r.. swing out in a rollicking square A floor show is being planned tainment wi! be pro\'ided. dance complete with fiddle and by June Turner, A3 of New York, KAPP LPHA THETA' banjo. and Ann Popovich, A3 of Oakville, A FAREWELL TEA ••• . .. annual Christmas formal will This open house, one of the se­ Conn. The acts will include Ser­ · .. in honor of Mrs. Veva Hunt­ t. ke place at the chapter hoU! ries sponsored every Saturday sergeant Carr of the A. S. T. P. ington, housemother, will be eiven lhl ' e\'ening from 8 until 11 night by W.R.A. from 7:30 to 10 o'clock, wlU also Include a spedal offering boogie-woogie piano mu­ by members or Zeta Tau Alpha o'clock. The on:h~tra will play sic; Bette Kinkead, A2 of Charl- sorority tomorrow afternoon from Cor dancing on the second tioor, !loor show with a novelty band 10D, in a tap-dance, and a piano Imade up of majors In the pbySical 3 until 5 o'clock. In charge of the which will be decorated in cold, and vocal act presented by Sergi. sliver and evergreen. The ,round education ~partment. aUair are Janet Howell, A3 of The usual recreation lacilities Ralph McGill and Sergeant Mus­ floor will be U!ed as a lounge with Springfield, Ohio; Helen Kne Car­ will also be available to univer31ty toki of the A. S. T . P. ter, A4 of Mitchellville, and Phyl­ holJday trlmmincs in red and students, faculty members, serv- Barbara Meade, A3 at Mason lis N~, A3 of San Francisco, Cali(. ~n. City, is general chairman of the icemen stationeO here on campus The committee for the a!fair and Iowa Cltians who attend the dance. Members of the ticket com­ AN INFORMAL con:;is of Ann Waterman and mittee are Noreen Healy, Al of Iopen house. Th include table RADIO DANCE ••• EI anor Pownall, both Al ot Iowa I tennis, shuHleboard, mixed swim- Iowa City, chairman; Gail Mosely, · .. wiL! be held tonight at 8 City; Martha Richardson, A2 of I A3 of Anamosa; Rhodanda Miller, ming, aerIal darts, \'oUeyball. card o'clock in the Alph Delta PI s0- Evan. ton. 111.; Lihby Shanley, A I ,ames and various group games. A3 of Oskaloosa; Ann Pickering, rority house. A Christma tr and of Kirkwood, Mo., and Ann Mosey, AI of Iowa City; Pat Kilbourne. other Christmas decorations will A3 or Reinbeck. I Al of Lone Tree, and Jean She­ be teatured and cake and punch Civil Service Opens quist, A2 of Iowa City. Audrey will be served. Mrs. Vera Mar­ ILYER, BLUE AND GOLD •.. Under Clerk Positions ' Anderson, A4 of Iowa City, heads san, housemother, will erve as ... will be the color ch me fea­ the publlcity committee, and Har­ chaperon. tured at the Delta Delta Delta I For limited Time riett Hubbard, A2 of Rockford, is The committee in charge of ar­ semi-formal dance to be held In serving on the chaperon commit­ rangements Includes Norma NikIa­ th chapter house this evening The United States civil service lee. son, C4 of Brooklnis, S. D.; Bette from 8 until 11 o'clock. Walt Whit­ commission has announced an ex­ Dance programs will feature a Bishop, A4 of Lorimor; Evelyn mer', orchestra will play for Ule amination for the position of under Chrislmas theme. The covers are Mulnix, A2 of Clinton, and Janet a!lair with additional entertain­ clerk, at a salary of ,840 to $1,280 made of green paper decorated McTavish, A2 of Estherville. ment turnished by the Trl-Delt a year plus overtime. with silver In a snow effect. A EVIN HOT SHOWERS are IncJ~ded In this reat center eatabUlhed by Ueut,. ~n . Mark Clark in a former Trio. Punch will be served. MA VII IT 'S COINCIDENCI. but Applicants for this position must Christmas tree is centered between high lehoOT:Wlldlng In Naplel to provlde his combat troops lOme well·earned relaxation. Yanks manl. cm OMEGA CHRI TMA • Chaperons will be Mrs. Lido FlIm Star Hedy Lamarr polled lor show that they have had at least the Greek letters, Tau and Gamma, festlnl belief In the algo above them are. left to right. Pvt. Walter Earll. Corbin. l(y. Serg't. Roque · .. formal will take place at the Filkins, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Slavata "Ie, ,rt" tor the 1I1'IIt time In her one year of clerical experience in done in red. Baul. PacifiC Grove. Ca.l.; Sergt. William Feigel, Vancouver. Wash .• Pte. WiUla Lace),. Reedsport. Ore .. chapter hou e tonight from 7:30 and Mr. nd Mrs. Clair Hamilton. Hollywood eareer whlle Ihe was lan oflice, or other experience in­ Serving as chaperons will be and Pvt. Reuben Nixon. Hartwell, Ga. Naples ce.mpaign laated for da,... • (lntrrn.t;onI1) until 10;30 with music b;y Howard Jean Tabla, A4 of Sioux City, i workLn&, on a new picture. "The volvinll meeting and dealing with Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Copeland, Mrs. Prybil and his on:hestra. A "cock­ chairman of the d nc commltt Heavenly Body." at M·C·M. The the public. Each IiUec fully com- Orrie Couch, Helen Reich and Mr. Harley Rohm, A. S. T. P. student taU hour" at 6:30 will precede the which Is compo ed oC Lillian Ca t­ legl In no way mar Hedy', glam. pleted yellt of a standard four and Mrs. Jack Johnson. from New York. dance. The theme centers around ner, A3 of Des Moines; Ann Rinck, or, either. (In.trn.llon.l) year high Ichool course may be sub tituted [or thrce months of the Kat Kirby, A4 of Nuugatuck, a Christmas silhouette. A2 of La Grange, Ill., ond M rlon Choperoning the affair will be Schnui, C4 or Dow . required experience. Conn., is a g\lt in the home ot and chiIdr n hav n't chan d in Applications must be filed with. i'ranc 5 Simunh n. A4 of Sioux Prof. lind Mrs. H. J. Thornton and lhat ro peel," said Mrs. Youtz. The r--B-Uff-on,-BUff-on--:- t'==O=U=S=E='=.o= H=O=U=S===E Prot. Bnd Mrs. Kurl Robin:;on. THE EVERGREEN HOP ..• th director, ei,hth United States City, th is wcekend. civil ervice region. PoetoHice and ••• a remi-formal par~ giv n litU ones will throw th m on the is the weekend guest of Betty Vi Hing M rgnret Rowland, A3 Darlene Lackender, Al of Iowa EveTyone Has Them ALPHA cm OMEGA City, is in charge of decorations. by Ule pledges 01 Alpha Xi Delta floor, but th • older one will Cu t mhou e bulldln" St. Paul, Mun en, A3 of Boone. of DaylOn, Ohio, this w ckend wiU match number, play IJOldiers and Minn. Appllcations will be ac­ Robert StiUler, William Nelson, by Art Takin ton Marjorie Stout., A4 of Ca per, sorority tor the actives, w[J] be This Christmas John Chehak and Robert Mitchell, Visiting friends in Cedar fillpids Wyo., heads the refreshment com­ held from 7 until 10 o'clock to­ build thinlls with them. cepted until Ihe n eds of the serv­ Cupt. W. L. Hutchl:on will be a Children love to crawl Into ice hn ve b en met. members ot the V-12 pro.&ram at this weekend are Zae Kvidera, Al ~weekend gue t of B ·tty Bevan, A3 mittee, and entertainment during nllhi in the chapter hou e. Chrl.t­ Button, button, who's got the plllee , 80 wh;y not make a cover st. Ambrose college, Davenport, of Toledo; Betty Synhorst, Al of of Denver, Col. intermtsslon will be dlre<:ted by rna. decorations will be used. button? Or shall we say, to what will spend today and tomorrow Newton, and Mardis Shively, Al Mary B Ul PUm r, AI ot Des Beverly Jones, A3 of Iowa City. The committee In charge o!the tor an old c rdtable . a that they IDorothea Grundy Eleded new heights has the lowly button visiting Betty Bachman, A2 of of Marshalllown. aCfair Includes Patricia Lorenz, At can have a lent to play in? • • h' Moines, will have o.s her guest Plan for Rainy Day New PubliCity C aIrman risen? Cedar Rapids, and Agneta Voss, Spending the weekend at home today ond tomorrow Eddy Hunter, JINGLE BELLES ... at La GranlleLIII.; M rjorie Wal­ For if you're running Iowan Al of Davenport. nre Mary Lee Bower, Al of Keota; · .. ill the theme of the Christ­ dorf, A3 of Peru, 111.; Dorothy A board pointed on both ends V-12 at 5t. Ambros college in Dorothea Grundy, A2 of Dy­ ideas lor Christmas presents for Spending yesterday Bnd today at Nadine Niebuhr, Al Oxford, mas seml-Iormal dance to be held Loui e Burns, A2 01 Mt. Harr! , with spools nail d on to it for ot Davenpo~t. sart, was announced yesterday as the college-age girl on your list, the chapter house is Alice Godfrey, Gloria Zemanek, A4 Cedar toniiht from 8 until II o'clock In Col., and Marilyn Thomp on, A I masts makes a beautiful boat. at the new IIcneral publicity chair­ bring out your button box, some traveling secretary for world stu- Rapids; Rosemary :Brock, A I the chapter hou e by the pledges of Cedar Rapids. When the April. howers come you at K PPA KAPPA GAMMA man of the Information First lec­ velvet ribbon, an assortment of dent service fund. , Winterset; Shirley Sh rburne, Al will rind that the children wlJl MalY Jan M a are, A3 oC ture seri committee. \ She was ten-cent store earrings, combs and Gerie Keating of Muscatine is of Lone Tree, and Mary Beth ------:- put lhe boat rather than Uleir leet s Spencer, ent rtained her parents I lccted from applications by in­ such-and then let your imagina­ spending the weekend with Pru­ Timm, A4 of MuscatJn . in lhe puddles. Wednesday. Whatever the Age- terviews held this wcek, Edna tion run riot. dence Wheeler, Al of Rock Island, Mary Petersen of Des Molnes Pat TobIn, A2 oC Vinton, will The !ive-year-old likes to help. What girl doesn't like pretty Ill. visited Criends here recently. Bean bags and pOt hold r8 may Herbst, chairman of the In!orm'l­ have as her w kend lfUests her tion First c ntral committee, an­ ea~rings? If you have a pair of Visiting Phyllis Nissen, A3 of R ita Geising oC Waukon, a parents. sound diWcult to mok , but lilt rhinestone studded buttons, yoU Walnut, is Miles Chenault of Chi­ former university student, recently your child try. 11 may 5urprir nounced. Christmas Means Toys Her work will include the pro­ have the makings of a pair of cago. visited Sally Duschl, A4 of Maple­ PHI GMll\lA DELTA you. It takes a whole afternoon for earrings to catch any eye. Just pry Lieut. Robert Ohme, now sta­ ton. Charles L edham. Al of Spring­ - Blocks Always Popular I a slx-y ar-old to mak clothespin moUon of the lecture series, which the setting out of an old pair and tioned with the air corps in East Weekend guests of Mildred viii e, ent rtained r cently his doliN, but he has 0 much Iun is PI' entcd under th auspices snip off the shank of the button St. Louis, Ill., will spend the week­ Cords, A3 of Rudd, are Barbara mother, Mrs. E. G. L edham, and working on t~em. oC the "Double V" pro,ram. Sbe with pliers. A drop of household end visiting his wife, Florence, * * * • will work with the heads of sub­ Crist and Eleanor Ander on of his grandparen • Dr. and Mrs. G. "Children *love * blocks, * and with equires D co!fe~ can and clothes- If your chJld ha reach d tho cement on the earring disc, press A4 of Sidney. Rock Island, Ill. W. Gearhart, all of Springville. • . a where he wants to put all the committees handling the varIous the button into place, let the whole Mrs. Joel Hinrichs recently vi­ so llttle to buy for them this pins. Pilint them With bright col- pictures h find on the wall or Lorms of publicity empioyed by thing dry for everal hours, and ALPHA DELTA PI Christmas worryin, parent wllI (ln, lin the cloth pin around I hi room, provide hIm with dip Information First. sited Peggy Frink, A4 of Tama. .)r Bt-;TA PIO « presto - sparkly rhinestone ear­ Gloria Harney, A3 of Aledo, Ill., Ann CI ws, a stud nt at Grinnell find in blocks a satisfactory an­ til cdg of th can and wlltCh.1 with which h can fll $len them. rings pretty enough to deligh t any is at home this weekend. DELTA DELTA DELTA college, w!1l visiL her 51 ter, swer to the lIut problem," said your child spend many hllPpy Th n the picture can be cllangeJ the studen und r the direction eirl's heart. Spending the weekend in Chi­ At home for the weekend is Marion, At of Ft. Dodge, this Mrs. May Youtz, director at the hours. as often os the youngster wlshps of Dorothy Mitchell. Hat pins are another bright idea. cago is Carita Markel, Al of Ruth Shambaugh, A4 of Ciarinda. weekend. parent education service of the All chlldr n love wagons, trl-' and your w IIpaper won't be UpOn the iliness of one of the To make these, just slip a cOrsage Omaha, Neb. Patricia Eichhorn, AS of Oska­ Vonny Hortman, A2 of Des child welfare station here, In a cycles and scooters, and you Will marked. leading actre ses, Anne Thomp­ pin through the button shank and loosa, and Ellen Garms, A2 of Moln , has I' turned this week talk Wednesday ni,ht before mem­ rind that they wiU be thrilled wlUl Remember that pillY Is not the son, Carole st pped Into the part anchor it in place with cement. ALPHA XI DELTA Lakewood, Ohio, are spending thc [rom II lrip to New York and bers of the Child Study club. a table and chairs, too. Stout oppo ite or work for a chJld. All and carried the play along to a Or top the corsage pin head with a At home for the weekend are weekend in Oskaloosa, visitini Washington, D. C. Inexpensive sets ot blocks clln sturdy little chnlrs can easily be the whll the child i playing, he 8UCceJ fuI !inal curtain. Carole piece of felt or velvet. Doris Ruth House, C3 of Webster John Eichhorn, who has Just re­ Mary Bal ter, A4 of Marion, is be made from pieces 01 white plne made, but be sure they are small Is learning. So ive him gifts this was not an understudY but had F~r a real headliner, sew three City, and Mary Beatty, A3 of At­ turned from England. spending this weekend in Louis­ cut into various lengths. Don't enouih so that the child can alt Christmas that will teach him attended the rehearsals, although rhinestone buttons on a velvet kins. Visiting Peggie Marvel, C3 of ville, Ky., wh re she will attend keep them unlform In size, be­ comfortably in them and touch while amu ing him. s~e admits she was not acquainted band to simulate stars for night­ Carolyn Nelson o[ Cedar Rapids Webster City, is Tannyc Hill of the graduation or OWcer Candi­ cause all sizes of blocks are es­ the 1I00r with his feet. with the cu . She learned Thurs­ time magic. This band holds the is visiting Marilyn Thompson, Al Dallas, Tex. date Robert Cross. sential to make the things chil­ An oatmeal box pull-to;y is very day morning of her role and stud­ hair in place when worn in the of Cedar Rapids, this weekend. Kathleen McGladrey, AS of Ce­ dren observe. They'll need a long satisfactory. Put a few kernels of ied untJ[ the first performance latest "smooth on top" fashion. The weekend guest of Maxine DELTA GAMMA dar Rapid, will pend the week­ thin block, rather than a square corn In the box, run a cord through Junior High Students Thursday afternoon. In order to change street pumps Bowman, Al of Marshalltown, is Going home Ulis weekend are end at home. one, to make a coal chute Uke the each end to make a long handle, • to evening slippers (sboe l'atlon­ Beverly Brook of Marsballtown. Mary Porter, C3, and Ann John­ Kathleen Palt n, A3 at Tulsa, aile the man used to unload coal lind your child will be kept busy Stage 'Master Patelin' in. yoU know) shoe buckle bows son, A4 both of Oskaloosa, Ilnd Okla.; Mary Ellcn Wcst, Al oC at the neighbor's house," Mr. OMEGA lor hours. MARY V. BURNS ' Ire in demand. Buy a pair 01 cm Margaret Barngrover, A4 of Cedar Savannah, Ga.; Lenke lsacson, Al Youtz said. Anoth r type o[ pull-toy is mad BII1s11 belt buckles and arrange the Guests in the chapter house this Kllth rine Cornel! woulcl (. - Typlnf MlmeorraphlD( RapIds. r Omaha, Ncb., and Jean Daniels, Many toys can be made with 11 from a match box that will slide, tailored grosgrain bows through weekend are Betty Thesen, pre3l­ tuinJy have offered orchidS had Capt. Bob Dennis, who recently A3 of Cedar Rapids, will visit in minimum of Ume and expenSf!. D oiau Publle them. Sew or wire a safety pin to dent, and Nancy Martyn, vice­ with spool inside the box to sh n th perfol'manc of ar­ returned from the Jamaica Islands, Cedar Rapids this weekend. Nest toys can be made from tin Pbone 185. the back-and there are your bows president, of Mu Gamma chapter rattie. Mrs. Youtz suagested s v­ ole Whltebook in the junior high Willi a dinner guest in the chapter cans. Be sure the edies are smooL." eral sturdy cardboard boxes fast­ ready for a quick change. of Chi Omega at the University of RU ELL HOUSE sohol play, "Master Patelln," pre-I 10_ Siate Bank .. ~ 1SIdr. Missouri in Columbia. house Wednesday. then paint the cans in bright col- ened together to make a train pull­ nted Thursday and Friday by Cult-Jinks made from buttons Diane Marshall, AI, Charys Margaret Ems, A4 of Savageton, wlll be welcomed by the tailored Lois Sherrill of Moline, Ill., is ors. toy. Lenzen, A2, Kathleen Hansen, AI, Wyo., was a dinner guest Tuesday Malle CloUIHpln To,. ,irl. Take two pairs of pretty the guest of Muriel Mansfield, A2 of ber sisler, Norma Ems, AI. Encour ...e tbe ArU I Martha Lou Smith, AI, and Kay AnoUler slmple playth.in., but Larg pads of paper makc grand puttons, link each pair together of Moline, this weekend. HalTieUe Hubbard, A2 or Rock­ Barngrover, A2, all of Cedar one that two-year-olds appreciate, playthings. Your corner grocery with several thicknesses of strong Gloria Huenger, A2 of Whiting, lord was a dinner guest this week A TYPICAL AMERICAN SUCCESS STORY: thread, holding the buttons about Ind., will leave for Norman, Okla., Rapids, are going home this week­ store will sell you some wrappinll end to attend a :!Ihower, at which of Jeanne Stacy, A3 of Osage. an inch apart and buttonhole-stitch where she will visit Aviation Ca­ her home at Madison this' paper at a minimum cost. Cut the the latter two girls will be host­ Betty Sorensen, Al oC West Ft. the full length of thread between det Harold Barber of Minneapolis, Bran cI) , will spend tomorrow at weekend will be Robert Balser, paper in 22 or 24 inch lengths. the buttons-your gift of cuff­ Minn. csses. "START· AT THE BOTTOI Pfc. Earl Delzell Jr. who is sta­ home. U. S. N. R. cUp together at the top and your links will make her Christmllll Spending the weekend at home pad is complete. Colored crayons merrY. CUllItIER tioned at the University of Utah in Cadet Ray Matson of OUumwa Salt Lake City, visited Margaret JOMA DELTA TAU is Mary Mclntosh, Al of West go with the paper-they're much will visit Genevieve Casady, A4 Barngrover, A4 of Cedar Rapids, Louise Hil(man, A2 of Betten­ Liberty. easier for the lltUe person to AND WORI UP" Weekly Tea Dance of Dean, this weekend. this week. dart, will have as her weekend Mrs. Glen Gates and daughter, handle than are pencils. Will Be Held Today Visiting Edith Gillespie, Al of guest LeHne Gellerman 01 Rock Gwendolyn, of Kansas City. Mo., "If you recall when you were It'l • 1001& dlltance from Washington, this weekend is Doris FAIJlCHILD HOUSE Island, Ill. were dinner guests in the chapter small, you'll remember how weI! In Union River Room Gray of Washington. Spending the weekend at home Sam ;Kaplan, former student and house Monday night. you llked to play with dominl)es the bottom of the foot In Charlene Fenton, Al of Stan­ are DolOres Schechtman, AI of member of Phi Epsilon Pi irater­ Because upperclassmen In the wood, is spending the weekend Earlville, and June Polluck, Al of ·nity here, will visit his sisters, Italy to the eft1l1bra1n" 1ft , College or liberal arts will be with friends in Cedar Rapids. Springville. Beatrice, Al of Sioux City, this re,istering in the main lounge of Mrs. A. K. Nelson of Sioux City weekend. Germany. but our boJI .. Iowa Union this afternoon, the will visit her daughter, Arlene, KAPPA ALPHA TUETA on tbe wa7- Thef'n write replar Saturday afternoon tea Al, this weekend. A guest of Martha Richardson ZETA TAU ALPIIA dance for university students and Rosemary Huston of St. Louis I A2 of Evanston, Ill., this week wa~ VIsiting Norma Slempei, AI, in DANCELAND . the Jut chapter of tIdI lervlcemen stationed here on cunpus wlJl be held In the river Cedar Rapids IUCa. Itor)' In Berlin. W. room of the Union. This announcement, made by can belp them write It ." Jennie Evans, A4 of Ames, and Patrlclann., Baldridge, A4 of Iowa buJinI& mon War BondI. City, co-chairmen of the Union D~ke Ellington! ~rd subcommittee in charge of these tea dances, is followed py • lpecial invitation to all univer­ and his * Ilty men, as well as the army and ~ __ "Iee'" ~v;y trainees on campus, to at­ Famous Orchestra -"..,.. ". tend...... wr. __.. lee ... Inauiurated dUl'ing the sum­ "'r, the Saturday afternoon tea Thursday, Dec. 23 dances Bre the main feature of -_-.-...... the weekend program of Iowa A UmHed NIIIDber 01 Advance TIclleu Are Now 08 Bale Unto .. planned with the needs of at Joe', Place. uatverlity students and the men in untfo~ in mind. ADVANCE PRICES University women act as hos­ AT DOOR Iowa State Bank &Trust Co. ,. , tesae. at these dan(:es, held from $1.11 plus tax $1.33 plus tax 1:10 to 3 o'clock, with curreut rtcordinp {urnl.bin, mUlic for IOWA'S 8MAATEST BALLllOOII dIDc1DI. PAG'l tomt · 1~ THE DA:lL Y IOWAN , IOWA CITY,- IOWA SATURDAY. DECEMBER, 11. L > •

nonls -n ornors ~ • pta DeC con Service Team the Jac eyes Trounce Husker uinfet, 50-33 mtll Is Announced, ----~~~~~~----- ~~------~~~~~~~~------~~~~-- .~------~------nee fARM HEAD • ing 1943 Roster Show. City High 10 Play. the Galaxy of All-Pro, THE DAILY IOWAN Iowa Eagers den MtKinley Here vag All-America Stars Sun By CHIP ROYAL • Win Handily At 8:15 Tonight ing AP Features Sports Editor ca Sh01 NEW YORK (AP)-Did you PO R "T Hawklets Hit by Flu Outplay Nebraskans; ever see dreams (of football coach- Epid&tnic Just Before es) playing on the country's grid­ Ives, Danner Lead irons? Well, the lucky fans who Conference Opener saw service teams in action this Hawk Scoring List year did. Hard hit by the flu epidemic, It you were one of the less fOf· By DOLOBES RIELLY City high's basketeers will rally tunate, slant your eyes at the 1913 owks to Meet Minnesota Sporte Editor, Dally Iowan. their forces tonight to meet Me- All·America Service team selected 10Wd's Hawkeye cagers opened Kinley of Cedar Rapids on the , ~------.~~----'-".--"'~"----: by The Associated Press, the first their 1943-44 season last night local court at 8:15 p. m. In who! of its kind. And don't forget 11) with an easy victory as they de- will be the first conierence game look at the second team and the 1eated the Nebraska Corn huskers of the season ·for the Little Hawks. honorable mention group. There GOp~Il€Onsidered 'Don Wagner Leads U·High here~ 50 to 33. Pacing the Hawks The startiug lineup is somewhat are enough All-America and All­ all the way through were Dick in doubt since the two first team Pro candidates t1lere to make a Ives with a sum total of 19 points forwards, Wayne Lacina and Gene coach's heart do flip flops. 10 his credit and Dave Danner, Matthess, have both been sick with First, the ace backfield: Corp. s~:.:: Basketeers 10 58·26 Triumph who chalked up 14 on his own. the flu most of the week. It these Glenn Dobbs, Randolph Field, . Thd game was off to a slow start two aren't In cohditlon, DOn Farns­ and the Iowa lads had little trouble worth, lanky forward who was Tex.; Ens. Dick Todd. IoWa Pre­ second df Bluehawks Show FU,ht; Lieut. (j.g.) Len Eshmont, For Pre-Pllghterss.c..on ronly two counted b~cause .or a stepping out in front to pile up a high scorer last week against Mus­ Del Monte Pre-Flight. and Cadet Big Impro'lement charging foul on hIm. Vander lO-point lead for a 23-13 score at catlne, will probably get one of Bruce Smith, St. Mary's Pre­ Zee's two buckets were beautiful the end or the first hal r. It was the starting berths. Flight. Tonight the Brothers Nordly pit I Ives wh91ed the scoring trail from Don Lay or Curly Brack seem In Defense Tactic. affairs. They were from quite a What ball carriers, kickers, one's team against the other as I the first wilh four field goals and to be top contenders for lhe othr.r ways out resembling shot putt one charity toss in the first period forwaTd post if Laciha and Mat­ passers and backs! Lltlut. O. M. Nordl),'s Seahllw~s By BOB BOm •form, paSSing through the basket of the game. thess are not able to play. Don Then the Une: ends, Sergt. Jack meet Carl Notdly's MinneSota Capt. Don Wagner, scoring 25 Russell, Blttckland, Tex., air field, points on his own, led the Blue- without touching the rim. Iowa's players showed plenty 01 Trumpp and Bob Hein aPe sure and Chief Specialist Bob Fitch, Gophers in Minneapolis in the haWk teart'! to a victory of 58-26 This game, the second of the defensive as W'i!ll as C\ffensive starters at the guard pOSition., Camp Lejeune, N. C.; tackle, Corp. pre-flighters' second game of the lMl night. Although the 1irst team Biuehawks, shows great improve­ power which was in no way wHile "Moose" Mellicker will get Johnny Mellus, Camp Davis, N. C., sebBon. for the most purt only played two ment over their first, indicating Iequaled by Nebraska throughout I the center call. and Ens. Ray Bray, Del' Monfe, Although the Gopher outfit is quarters, they easily rolled over that they will probably be in great I the fiI6t haH, and, despite the I McKinley has several lettermen Calif., Pre-Flight; guards, Seaman considered speedier than the navy the Rough Riders frol11 Roosevelt shape next Friday when they start Huskers' tightened up defense in from last year back in lhe lineup Garrard Ramsey, Bainbridge, Md., cadets, Lieutenant Nordly believes high in Cedar Rapids. their conference games by play- the second period the Hawkeye and should put a strong quintet Naval Training station; Sergt. Playing on the home floor, Wag- ing the Tipton Tigers at Tipton, combination of Jack Spencer and on the floor. Led by Lee, speedy his quintet compares evenly in Ned Postels hard on the rebound Negro sharp shooter, the MeKin­ Marion Rogers, South Plains, Tex., other J'es~ects With the Minne­ ner's 25 point'll were supported by This game was a lively one to trail was too much for the visitors. ley lineup will probably see Le~, army airfield; cente~ Ens. Vhtcent sotans. Jack Shay with six points, Wayne watch with a score of 35-11 at the Top men for the Nebraskans Blakey, Clark, Berry, and Abo­ Banouls, Iowa Pre-Flight. The Seahawks' starting lineup EmmonS' and "Fritz" LeGrande haif and ending 58-2t1. Were Don Barl'Y, whose record in- deely starting. Maybe they are better·known will have Al Shh'ley of Flora, ILl., with 5 each. High pOint man lor U-blgh FG FT PF TP 3 25 eluded three field goals and one In games thus (ar this season by their colleges. Ail-America at center; Paul Murphy of Madi­ the Rough Riders was FOushee Wagner (F) .. 10 5 r ~/I(fINI~UJI~ free throw, andAllan Artman with the Hawklets have lost to Musca­ Dobbll went to Tulsa, Todd, son, Wis., and Dick Lehr of Bell­ with 9 baskets, followed by Mart- Nussel' (F) ...... 1 1 3 3 two baskets and two charity tosses. tine while conqul!ring West Branch Te a A &; M; Eshmont, Ford­ ain wfth 5 and Pealer with 4. Shay eC) " 2 2 o 6 I G~ "'APE: '" ~""f.().A.) ' mont, 111., forwaJ'ds; Bob Fletchp.r f~ f{l~I,.F As "'14 OV'(F'ft~ The Iowa team outclassed their and Washington. ham; All-America Smith, Mln­ of Newcastle, Ind., and Dick Burk Noticeably better was the u- Vander Zee (G) 2 0 2 4 6pponents last night both in play­ 3 5 ~-r~e;: Sf. !.«lIS CARDiNAl-S' :;l.:) .. ne ota; Rus ell, Baylor; Fitch, of Minneapolis, guards. high defense Which kept the Rough Emmons (G) ." 2 1 'jeARSAEiO ing performance and height and Mlnnesotai; Melius, VlIIallova~ Tonight's engagement is the Riders down lo 11 points in the Williams (G) .... 1 • 0 1 2 were not called upon at any tlme, Bray, Western Michigan; AlI­ Second return trip to his home first half and 15 more in the sec- White (F) ...... I 0 1 2 saVe shortly after lhe beginning Big Six Schools Hold America Ramsey, William &; toWn for Burk, who saw action ond. In the second quarter Coach LeGrande (C) 1 3 1 5 of the second half when the Husk­ Mary; Rogers, Maryville 'I'each­ with the Seahawk football team Ross Wedemeyer sent in the sec- Helm (G) ... " ..... 2 0 3 4 ers showed signs of a rally, to un­ 1 2 Patrick's Takes Annual' ~onference erS, Mo.; BanonIs, Detroit uni­ In their game with Minnesota Nov. ond team composed of: Jim Wi!- Greene (F) " . 0 2 Forty Consecutive St. cork their real powers. versity. 27. Iiams, "Whlzzer" White, LeGrande, In addition to his scoreboard Army, Navy and Coast Guard and Bill Helm, Wagner played Totals ...... 22 14 18 58 West Branch 15·12 contributions, Ives, forward, was In Kansas City· Of theSe top service team grld­ with this bunch, but in the last Roosevelt FG FT PF TP Big Ten Defeats outstJlncl1n'g with his general speed dt!l's, Fitch is a coast guardsman All-Ametica Service Team quarter when they went in again M ar t·am (F) .... " 2 1 1 5 and alertness which made trouble KANSAS OITY (AP)-The Big from North Carolina's Camp Le­ FIRST TEAM Bill Greene substituted for him. Foushee (F) ... 2 5 1 9 But Kyle Anderson 'Red' Gatens Throws fQr the visitors all the way Six conJerence's anhultl indoor jeune. Five others now are sta­ Position Player, Tt!am Although no one went out on ' Sperow (C) .. 0 0 2 0 Hopes Chicago Boys field Goal to Make through. Danner, the olher Iow!\

Floren BlI&hes, hat shop man· Ikeep up the mo Ie and do acer: "Not unl they have some lDlU<'h 8'QOd the C' ling men." Major Hubbard Back Iron Student Religion CH U R C H 'CALE NDAR JUrl Kaufmann; pain, lIiore From St. louis Trip Scrap Opinion professional field as ~o nu~ or manacv: "Yes. it's aU right." ,irls with work xperlence. If th Donald dJI AI I Bloom. I Major Clyd W. Hubbard, PI~ (For Tomorrow ~nd Next WHk) Fellowship On and Off Campus women know wh t th y're doin, flWl: "It' all ri t if th y ant Drive Planned The students and servi m n • and want to 10 it', all richt." 10. It' j\ll;l a matt I' of \ hether of ~he Co~tional church Fini BapiW*** elullu *** • u Ph I G of Blae· they want to go or not. They QUESTION: 00 YOU T H INK rleld, W. V .: "Y The experl nee shouldn't be fOKed to Ihe s act as hp&ts for the youlll people 22' . IIn ....~ • N'O '{EN AR fED A scrap iron drive has been Elmer E. Dlerkll. N&sor IN THE would be a ~ 'orthwhile one. In relUl r anny." for the Annual Univel'$ity Student FORCES SHOULD BE SEN T p(anned for Iowa City, Sunday. Christian council Christmas get­ 9: O--Church O()l. Ito wU- most C~ women are as capable ---- OVER £AS? of performing their duU~lI:cept together, which is to be held in Uams cI for youlll people He OFRCIAl BULLETIN Dec. 19, by the county salvage !.orral.rie 4 I ntaD- for actual combat.- men." lhe First Con.regational church meets at the student center. ·lo.... (Continued from 2) committee with the cooperation of ell :"Y . I think th .~ ha\'e Pte. Thom unnl~ham tomorrow. At (:30 the Fellowship lQ:30-0sei'Vkt!i of wonhip. "The the junior chamber of commerce. much to fight for as the men .. 'anu t, . Y., n cl IaDllIAI'e hour will be held in the socia) Bible Rationed!" will be the sub­ El In Brody. A3 ot enlel'\'Ute: nd rea luden' In Ille . . T. P.: Jack While, county salvage chair­ rooms; at 5:30 the supper hour j t. "Y ., if th re's a need for them ") ·ee no rea on why they man, announced yesterday. and song test. and the candlelight 4:30-Roger WIUlanu u\,(!r II. J don't think they hould houldn't if they want to 10." vesper will be held in the main welcomes young people. Volunteer trucks and men lire be prot 'ted n more th n the rntei:run.er, S P sanctuary at 6:30. 7-8:30-Universlty of Lile lur needed ror the drive. Those wish­ bonta : "1 think they should. If I ing to volunteer may cal] '1955, With Carol Ohman as the leader, high school people at Methodlit the members of lhe Pilgrim Fel­ joined I'd want to. Women should tomorrow: 7 a . m., m church. t. Patrtcll' chllfth ha\' th ch nee to travel and nre conter nee; 8 a. m., m the Civililln Defense office. Resi­ lowship will meet for thelr Ember Wednesday. 2:30 p.m.-Baptist !t4 E. ourt tret-t dents lire asked to have their sal­ hour, for Christian fellowship and their country • 11 th m n.", women's Women's association rneets for at. Re . Mav. Pa'rlC!k O'R lily. • . Wendell Weed, ho · \\ lIe: conteren vage on the curb by 10 o'clock co"versation at 8 o'clock. Christmas prOJTlll'1\ a1 Roger Wil­ tor Sunday morning. Anyone possess­ "Yes. I do Why go lnto the nrice • liams house. Rev. Georre E. nell. if you don't expect to! Worn n can I ing extremely heavy scrap which a tant p r cannot be carried to the curb WeIIle"an J'ounda • '1-Low nut • Betty Burns will give a dra· First Chri tlan chur " should call the police statio'll tor 21'7 Iowa avenue 8'36-H1gh m 88. aid. matic reading, "The Other Wise Man," followin, the usual social Rev. Raymoncl LuclwlbOn. 9:4:5--Low mass. These tru ks will not 10 Into UP"I.,)' pa' lor II- Low m the country, White said, but a hout' at 4:30 li nd dinner tomorrow evenilli. 9:30-Sunday school. contest wUl be held between rural 10:30-Mornln, worship. Wom­ schools with a $50 war bond being en's day address by Myrtle Fur­ t. Paul' Lutheran awarded to the school which col­ man, mi lonary from India. UnlversIt" church lects the most scrap per student. Lutheran Student A.-oclatioD The followlng proiTam wiU take 4:30-Union meetin, ot youth Gilbert and Jefferson rue tl This contest goes into eItect at L. C. Wuetlfel, pastor once, place tomorrow afternoon and fellowship at PI' byterian church. MONOA\,{- evenlne: Social hour at 5:30. and 9:S6-SundaY school. a discussion hour at 6:30. Kenneth First Chureh ot Christ. 8el~ntht IO:3D-Divine w 0 r" hlp w' h '"PoPEVE Amundson will be the leader. with 122 E. Coli ere street hOly communion In which the JOIN' "Faith-Fact or Fancy" as his sub· 9:3O-Sunday school. pastor will speak on "The d THE 'Oil From Plants' ject. II-Le on-sermOn. 'lGod the COming 01 Christ." Preserver of Man" will be the J2 :30-JnternaUonal ~t"eran NAVY Says State Geologist text. hour over WMT. OONT~IT New.an Olub Wednesday, 8 p.m.-Testimonial 4-DI. cusslon of "Unionism" by Closin, exercises for the tri­ meeti11g. students and servic men al the Oil may actually be extraoted duum sponsored by Newman club from plants in the future, H. G. Gamma Della dlscuuion lind 0- will be held this mornilll at 7:30. Fir t Ooncreratlona) Chllreb clal hour. Hershey. assistant state geologist, Masses will be ai 7 and 8 o·clock. told members of the Masonic lodge Clinton anel Jeffenoo streeta Wednesdny, 7 p.m.-Choir r - The "Mil{ 'Em or Match 'Em" Rev. James E. Waery, minister hearsal in the chapel. , yesterday. Christmas mixer of the Newmnn CHIC YOUNG At our present rate of consump­ 10:30-Church school. MornIng Thur day. 7 p.m.-Teacher'l· club will be held tonight in the worship with rvice or com­ m tlng. tion we may be faced with the new student center, 108 MllcLean temporary need of more oil than munion and communion rneditu­ Thursday. 8 p.m.-Lecture on street, from 8 to 11 p. m. tion. "Chrl tlan Fundamentnl ·" in th(> we are producing. As a result. he Newman club meetinl will be said. natUral gas, oil shales and 4:30-Fellowship hour. chllpeJ. held Tuesday nleht in 107 Mac­ 5:30-Supper hour. coal will probably be our best po­ bride hall. tenlial sources and the tneory 01 6:30-Candlellght v e s per In "growing" oil may be practicalized main sanctuary. TrlnUy ,pllW'opal also. ao.er WlUlams Club 7-University 01 Lite "flll rnt 218 '. John Oil lr ~ There are 20,OOO,OOP,OOO barrels BOjer Williams hou will wel­ in Method!. t church. Rev. Freet W. rutn m, re'ttlr. ot oil in proved resel'ves. Hershey come students. ervlce men and 8-Unlversity Pilgrim lellow­ II-Holy communion. said. "Before Pearl Harbor this other young people during this af­ hip ember hour. 9:30-Upper cl1ureh school. would have represented a 14-year ternoon and evening lor Informal Wednesdny. 2:30-Women's as­ JO:45-Mornlng prny r lind r- $upply. Through our expanqeq fellowship. For the vesp r service, sociaUon will m et at church. mono Lower church school In use, it will last only 12 years." the Fellowship will join with Saturday. 7-]) p.m. - 0 pen pari h house. This. however, is only oil which other church groups lit the on­ house. 4-Cant rbury club In rectory. has been definitely proved to exist gregational church. W~nesday . 7 und 10 a.m.­ beneath the ground. There are also First En.lIsh Lulheran church Ember day with holy communion mnny other unproved reserves. Dubuqu a nd Market 8treet, In chnpe1. Hershey assured his audience. mUel FoundaUon. Rev. Ralph M , Krue,er, pastor Friday ond Saturday, 9 am.­ "Any petroleum shortage during The Minyan prayer group will 9:3IJ--Sunday school. Ember d ys. M tins In the chnpel this war is due to lack of transpor­ meet at 5 o'clOck this afternoon. 10:45-Mornlng worship. "Lord. Saturday. :; p.m.-Junlm chfllr HENRY CAlU. ANDERSON tation and not scarcity of oil." Open house will be held in the Thy Word Abideth" will be the dinner in nnrillh house. Hershey said. Before Pearl Har­ Hille) lounge this aIternon lind subject. bor, 90 percent of the oil gO ing to tomorrow. The Hebrew class will 5:30-Lutheran stud ni J1l etlng the east coast went by tanker. meet at 10 o'clock tomorrow morn­ i. Wen e 'lau hutch at Zion Lutheran church. G30 E, Davenport tre' Today. due to the submarine men­ ing. and re~lar Hillel religioll 6:3D-Lulheran stu!:lent devo· Rev. Edward Wi Neuzll. J) tor ace and the use of some of these services will be held nt 11 Q. m. tional meetin" tankers for trans-Atlantic delivery Rev . .1. B. ollr th, Wednesd y, 2:30 p.m.-Monthly a I tallt p tor work. there has been an appreci- lanker, the speaker said. the I'e­ meeting ot Ladle' guild at homjl 6:30-Low mas .. able decrease in the amount of oillmElinder beIng carri d by railroad oC MrS. Raymond Memler. 8-Low ma.s. delivered. tank cars. The "big inch" pip 7 Wednesday, p.m.-ChOlr pra..:· 10 - HIgh m~s . Tn Decembe!', 1942, on~y 10 ~er · line has largely solved the probl 1'0 lice Eli church. rent or the 011 was dehvered by of oil deliveries At present. Friday. 2:30 p.m. - You i h Lutheran Dumes m t at home 01 Z'ml .UI ran church Mi'!!. S. A. Neumann. Jehnsen nit Bloomlnrton slrt'(·t • C. Proeht. p for Fir t Pre b lea-Iau chur h 9:15-Sunday sch I. 2S I. Uere treet 9:3D-Blb! <:1 a Daily Iowan Want Ad Or. Uion T. Jon , pastor JO:30-Divine servJce in which 9:30-Church school. Bible class the stor will speak on "Tit ArJ~ ~====~~======~ -====-=~' ~----~ taught by Prof. H. J. Thornton. vent oll." CLASSIFIED*** I WANTED*** 10:3O-Service of Worship. 2- Divlne . ervice al SI. John's BruCK BltADfORD ClJlRENCE GM," 4-Westminster fellowship Lutheran church, Sharon Cenler. ADVERTISING Dental student and wife desire unites with other groups in union 4-Reheursul or the Chrlstmus RATE CAHD turnisheq apartment for occu­ service at Congregational church. pageant. panoy about J anuary 1. Write 5:30-Lutheran Student nssocl­ CASH RATE Daily Iowan Box 999. Unitarian church atlon luncheon and social hour ill lor 2 day.- 481 E. Iowa a enue the church p.trlOfi. lOc per line per dQ WANTED-Laundry shirts 9/!. Flat EVIIIIS ortllJe)', ..~ 6:30-Lutheran ludenl associ­ 3 consecutive dat_ finish 5c pound. Dill 1 3762. 10:45-Publlc !)ervice. "The atlon devotional hour. uFnlth­ 7c per Une per cH7 Longstreth. Mystery or Mysticism" is the sub­ Fact or Fancy,/,' will be Ihe topic e const'\.."Utive days- j ct. discussed. 5c per Une per da7 WANTED-Plumbing and heatin,. 1 month- Larew Co. Dial 9681. 4c per line per day -Figure 5 words to line­ LOST AND FOUND Minimum Ad- 2 line. Universal Bible Day one LOST-Girl's brown bil1iold con­ taining keys and identification. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Dial 2950 evenings. Will Be Observed o 0 1I0c coL Inch INSTRUCTION o 4 Or $5.00 per month Throughout World o 4 PAUL ROBINSON o • AU Want Ads Cash in Advance Payable at Daily Iowan BUBi­ o 0 Dell ojfice dail7 u~tu It p.JIL

8 53 Cancellation. must be eall~ in belore S p.Jn. ReIpoDlible for ope fJaoorreoI tnaertion on~. Brown's Commerce College Iowa City's Accredited Business School Established 1921 DIAL 4191 Da)' School Night School "Open the Year 'Round" Dial 4682 FOR* *RENT * FtJBNITUllE MOVING ROOM FOR RENT-Very desir­ able. Single or double. 730 N. MAH R IROS. TRANSPEI Van Buren. Phone 9532. lor ptlOklot Furniture lIovIDI OLD HOME TOWN BY STAHLE! ROOM FOR RENT-Nice, warm, Ask About Our ROOM AND BOABD BY GEm' AHERR --- . well-kepi room, steam heated. WARDROBE SERVICE TERi':t' 1IJLD HE. 1W:R£ liES fo/II'DIE a¥:lUG1\ Shower. Close in. Garage. Also DIAL - 9696 - DtAL IS $ 300 1101 nvrr ORl.IM OFF 'THE CHIE:F basement apartment. Dial 6403. PINICf' GOT FiIO'.\ 'THE ~GETTlNG CHIEF, ,&UT PlNICf' , ~ 50 " SET FOR.. OOEiN'T 1(NQi/I/ IT • 1'lfOSi; PIES! I'vE OFFERED $t5 FOR. liiE DiWM,l!UT i 30CHIM"'! CJo,H liES RELUCTANT U~E SCWoE / mSELJ..1T/ TREASUR:I' SIoJJD. Lost Something, I've BEEN ON SCAATCH SINCE !; Ladyl LASTJUWC! -Wallets, Watches, Weskits, or What- Haven't You . . . You Lose 'em, We Find 'em, Low Rat... Quick lewltt 'JOU.T.. , CAN SINK U"SOATS fA tilT OF \" " \~ Daily Iowan .Classified Ads FAMILY ! IIA ! -,,-.au't _----- LARCENY ~...... _ ... $twi1lt\ ....1&.i..., PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA - • SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1943 Automobile Accident Christian council and its constitu­ Henry Van Dyke's "The Other Alice Godfrey to Be education has been interrupted by World Student Service ent groups. Wise Man." the war. New Impulses, Greal Tradilion Injures 3 Persons The fellowship hour will begin' The general committee in charge Guest Speaker Today Money raised by the natiolla] at 4:45 p. m. The program will of the vesper proiram is headed organization through student ClIII\, Three persons were injured al by Albert Slater, and includes At Y. W. C. A. Meeting paigns on college campuses in the Secretary to Speak include carol singing. The supper 7:30 p. m. Thursday four miles John Kooiker, M2 of Milford; Jean United States will be used in committee includes Betty Long. A. Shoquist, A2 of Lone Tree, and Alice Godfrey, traveling secre- Vilallo Peace, Says Hancher west of Tiffin when the car in helping bolh students and profes. For Christian Council A3 o{ Iowa Falls, and Robert Merle Fleming. tary for the World Student Serv- sors who are prisoners ot war ill which they were riding coUided Montz, A3 of Lowden. The pro­ Discussing "The U n i v e r sit y ice fund, who is spending the foreign countries. . ices are being closely watched for with a truck, left the road and A featured speaker at the gram will be directed by the fol­ ••======::;, Religious leaders on campUi lowing committee: Lois Studley, weekend in Iowa City in prepara­ When Peace Comes," as the linal possible values to peacetime edu- t struck a telephone pole. The truck Christmas meeting of the Student Curlers, Cold Cream representatives of stude'lt grOU~ lectw'e in the 1943 Baconian series, cation. A3 of Cumberland; Laurene Jones, tion for the World Student Serv- driver, Irvin Goorisch, was not Christian council tomorrow in the ice fund campaign which will be- and their advisers are tD be ,pt., President Virgil M. Hancher last ]n conclusion President Hancher A3 of Des Moines, and Margaret Cancelled by Coeds cial guests of the Y.W.C.A. cabi_ hurt. First Congregationl church will be Barngrover, A4 of Cedar Rapids. gin next semester, is to be the night declared "If we remain static expressed a wish that "Dec. 7, 1 At Currier Coke Bar net at this afternoon's meeting. 1941 , will mark the climax of the The injured persons, who were I Alice Goltrey, traveling secretary The cdndlelight Christmas ves­ • • main speaker at the Y.W.C.A. we shall die. If we discard al.l the prevalent fragmentation of knowl­ per service will be held in the It's nothing unusual to see girls cabinet meeting this afternoon at taken to Mercy hospital, are Mr. of the world student service fund. Rhode Island is the most densely old we shall be foolish. It will be edge, and that American learning sanctuary of the Congregational in Currier after-hours, but when 4 o'clock in the "Y" conference and Mrs. Elmer Bales who live Miss Godfrey, a graduate of populated state, with 550.5 when peace comes will be on the church at 6:30. Ed Vorba, A3 of men invade the innermost re- rooms of Iowa Union. per_ by the union and interplay of the near Oxford and James Newkirk. Macalester college, St. Paul, Minn., sons per square mile. new impulses and the great tra­ way to greater coherence and unity Traer, will act as chairman of the cesses alter 10:30-that's almost The World Student Service fund Their physician is Dr. R. J . Hennes will speak to representatives ot committee in charge of the vesper enough to cause a riot. is an' educational and fund-rais- d itions working together that we than has been witnessed thus far in the 20th century." of Oxford. the· campus religious groups on serviee, and wilJ be assisted by The coeds are in the habit of ing organization for the aid of stu­ .. .-- shall manage to solve peacefully Helen Hensleigh, A4 of Iowa City, going to the soda fountain for dents in foreign countries whose those problems which now con­ ------the need for the alleviation of dis- 4 MONTH INTE NSIYE and Albert Slater, A3 of Ft. Madi­ something to eat belore they go to Secr.tarial COUM fot front us." tress among students of occupied son. bed-clad in pajamas, curlers and Acknowled&inr t hat any Former Studenh- nations of Europe and Asia and The program will include choral cold cream. But those who did so COlLEGE STUDEHlS fIII(/ G.AlHAlIS torecast 01 the future Speaks Tomorrow lor carrying on educational work music prepared by a quartet from Thursday night received the sur- Myrtle Furman. missionary in A thorough, jotto.iv~, '~Ct,ho resides at 219 S. i.g they can do to ·stop mel (you're the finanoial brains of of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Chri5ten~en, Johnson street. this family). But it'll buy us the 313 Ronalds street, has completed I start of one , won't it? Congregational Unit a course in depot adminislration MI'. and M\·s . J. P. Clark, !J09 Dh. Jimmy, it's a beautiful blue and supply at the army ' service Page street, have received news door--or mayb& it's green. I hope So Merry Christmas , darling I I'm Plans Open House (ol'ces depot ilL Columbus, Ohio. that their SOn. Warren, has been you like it. I hope I did the A former university student, he transferred from Camp SwiLl, holding on to the Wa r Bond 'oause atllllned his B.A. degree in 1939 right thing. 'fhe weekly first Congregational Tex., to Shreveport, La., where he it's too preoious to go ohasing ,Efen if you haven't a son ""­ and M.A. degree in 1940. church open house again will be is stationed as a second lieutenant on maneuvers with the tank de­ around the world after you . But or a brother or a husband held for all university students I walked l!Iile~ and miles through Among Iowa City men in seJ."vice stroyer reconnaissance company. pleale, on Christmas Eve , open the who is filUtting, there's II I stores. And nothing was halt nice and servicemen in the social rooms Christmas presen t-a nd II of the church from 7 to 11 o'clock door . . • and walk in • • • and enough tor a new husband. And coming home present-you th is even lng. besides, I thought , Jia.y won't dream awhUe. All students are cordially invited can lUve all our boys this yea~ to spend all or part of tbe evening want to lug some silly gadget all dancing, playing ping pong, or to ovor the Atlantic ocean. 'Love, participate in the games and en­ tertainment. Refreshments will be I Then j )lst "~.n I wu about to served. Jean The open house is sponsored by tear my hair out--I ~ what I the Pilgrim Fellowship, student I Trays group of the church. Edward Vorba is the director; Prof. Sybil Pictures Woodruff, head of the home eco­ Plaques nomics department, and Prof. Ed­ ward C, Mabie, head of the speech Lamps and fine arts depar·tment are spon­ Coffee Sets sors. \ ..... , FOR PEACE ONEARIH,*B.UY WAR BONDS This event is held in coopera­ Dresser Sets tion with the Iowa City usa. Cocktail Sets KADERA'S CAFE B. P. O. ELKS BREMER'S Wine Sets Iowa State Bank anJ 1,,, •• Co, Meteorologists to Have ~~~ . Silver Trays NALL CHEVROLET DANE COAL CO. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. BECKMAN'S . Christmas Furloughs Wood Trays Larew Co. Plumbing & H~ating KELLEY CLEANERS H. L. BAILEY, AGENCY DOMBY BOOT SHOP. Students of the army air forces Glass Trays ~,.. , technical t r a i n in g detachment, Loyal Order of Moose quartered in East hall and the Coffee Trays First Capital National Bank SWANER'S THREE SISTERS Law commons will' have an aca­ Figures Iowa City Lodge No. 1096 demic break from Dec. 21 to 28, Maj. Clyde W. Hubbard, com­ BookEnds HOTEL JEFFERSON TOWNER'S Iowa-Illinois Gas & Electric manding officer, announced yes- Army Sets terday. I Classes for these pre-meteor­ Navy Sets RACINE'S CIGAR STORES ology students will not meet at all , , . ,. .. .' . during the holiday week and the We Wrap Your Gift stUdents wilJ be granted fur­ loughs, during which those who live neal' enough to reach home by Christmas may go to their JACKSON'S homes for the holiday. Classes will resume Wednesday, Dec. 29,

There is no remaining trace of the Colossus of Rhodes, one of the I seven wonders 01 the ancient world.