DG ENVIRONMENT Establishing harmonised methods to determine the capacity of all portable and automotive batteries and rules for the use of a label indicating the capacity of these batteries [TENDER NO. ENV.G.A/ETU/2007/0080r] Final Report September 2008 July, 2007 Contact Bio Intelligence Service S.A.S. Cécile des Abbayes – Sanaée Iyama ℡ + 33 (0) 1 56 20 28 98
[email protected] [email protected] Disclaimer The project team does not accept any liability for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of this report or its content. Please note that this report contains the results of research by the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. Note Please note that all reproductions of IEC standards have been deleted from the present report as these documents are for exclusive use and their reproduction is prohibited. European Commission DG Environment 2 September 2008 Final report - Battery capacity determination and labelling Contents 1. Introduction ...................................................................................................... 5 2. Background And Objectives ........................................................................... 6 2.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 6 2.1.1 Battery Directive (2006/66/EC) ................................................................................. 6 2.2. Battery Technology And Types ........................................................................................