Design and Access Statement


Purpose of issue | For information

Date of issue| 26.03.20

Job Number | 19194

Revision | P00

Ystalyfera School Ystalyfera

Ystalyfera School, - March 2020 01 Contents Page

1.0 Introduction 4.0 Design Proposals

1.1 Summary of the proposal 4.1 Design Overview

1.2 The Brief 4.2 Key criteria of the proposed development 2.0 Planning Policy Framework 4.3 Proposed Site Layout

2.1 Overview 4.4 Proposed Building Layout

2.2 Planning Policy 4.5 Scale, Massing and External Appearance

2.3 Technical Advice Notes (TANs) 4.6 External Materials

2.4 Local Development Plan 4.7 Defi nition of the Entrance

2.5 Well-being of Future Generations Act (2015) 4.8 Landscape Proposals

2.6 Supplementary Planning Guidance 4.9 Sustainability Statement 3.0 Site Analysis 5.0 Access & Movement

3.1 Existing Site 5.1 Access Overview

3.2 Existing Buildings 5.2 External Access Design

3.3 Site Photos 5.3 Vehicle and Pedestrian Access

3.4 Site Constraints 5.4 Inclusive access

5.5 Conformance to Legislation

5.6 Wayfi nding

5.7 Access statement summary

Ystalyfera School, Swansea - March 2020 01 Introduction

1.1 Summary of the proposal

The following design and access statement together with the associated planning application relates to the proposed construction of a 2 storey teaching block at Ysgol Gymraeg Ystalyfera.

The proposals include for the demolition of existing buildings, rationalizing external circulation and creation of new teaching and performance spaces.

The construction of the new building is intended to accommodate the current pupil intake of the existing school while also providing facilities for use by the wider . The project aims to achieve a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating. 1.2 The Brief

An architectural brief document was provided by Neath Port Tabot Council (NPT). The document forms part of the NPT schools improvement plan, which includes the major redevelopment of Ysgol Gymraeg Ystalyfera.

The works discussed in this document form the third phase of the redevelopment of the school. Recently completed works include the Eiron Block and the Primary Block.

The following key objectives were set out in the architectural brief document:

• Construction will be part funded by Welsh Government so there is a requirement for the development to a achieve BRREAM ‘ Excellent’ rating

• The project includes the demolition of a number of existing blocks.

• External works are to include new hard and soft landscaping to compliment previous construction.

• The new teaching block is to include General Classrooms, Music Classrooms, Activity Studio, Main Hall, Canteen, Kitchen and Changing Rooms/WC’s.

• The school is to remain operational during the construction phase.

• BB100 standards are to be applied.

• The building must have a sprinkler system.

Ystalyfera School, Swansea - March 2020 02 Planning Policy Framework

2.1 Overview

The planning policy framework for the determination of this application is provided by the content and scope of National Planning Policy, which is contained within the tenth edition of Planning Policy Wales (PPW) and its associated Technical Advice Notes (TANs), together with the Local Planning Policy and its supplementary planning guidance.

The planning policy context for this application is provided in detail in the Planning Statement that accompanies this application. For a full review of pertinent policies please refer to the Planning Statement.

2.2 Planning Policy Wales

National planning policy is contained within the tenth edition of Planning Policy Wales (PPW), published by the Welsh Government in December 2018. PPW is supported by 21 topic-based Technical Advice Notes (TANs), which are also relevant. PPW is the Welsh Government’s principal planning policy document, setting out the context for sustainable land use planning policy, within which Development Plans are prepared and development.

Section 3.17 of PPW relates to design and access statements (DAS) discussing that a DAS should communicate what development is proposed, demonstrate the design process that has been undertaken and explains how the objectives of good design and placemaking have been considered from the outset of the development process.

2.3 Technical Advice Notes (TANs)

This application has been prepared in deference to the latest version of TAN 12: Design, which was updated in March 2016, TAN 18 (Transport) and the suitability of the proposals in this design context are demonstrated in this Design and Access Statement.

Ystalyfera School, Swansea - March 2020 02 Planning Policy Framework

2.4 Local Development Plan 2.5 Well-being of Future Generations Act (2015)

Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that planning application The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act came into force in 2015 and seeks to improve decision should be made in accordance with the authority’s adopted development plan, unless the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales. The Act puts in place seven material considerations indicate otherwise. In this instance, the statutory development plan for this well-being goals in order to make sure that everyone works towards the same vision. The well-being application site is provided in the Neath Port Talbot Local Development Plan (2010-2021). Relevant goals are set out in the Planning Statement. planning policies are contained in the table provided to the XX 2.6 Supplementary Planning Guidance

Policy reference Relating to The following supplementary planning guidance’s are also of relevance to the proposed development: Overarching Policies

SP1 Climate Change • Parking Standards (October 2016); SP2 Health • Pollution SPG (October 2016) SP3 Sustainable Communities SC1 Settlement Limits • Design (July 2017); and SC2 Protection of Existing Community Facilities SP4 Infrastructure • Renewable and Low Carbon Energy in New Development (July 2017) Topic Based Policies

SP10 Open Spaces OS2 Protection of Existing Open Space Environment and Resources

SP15 Biodiversity and Geodiversity EN6 Important Biodiversity and Geodiversity Sites EN7 Important Natural Features SP16 Environmental Protection EN8 Pollution and Land Stability SP18 Renewable and Low Carbon Energy RE2 Renewable and Low Carbon Energy in New Development SP19 Waste Management W3 Waste Management in New Development Transport and Access

SP20 Transport Network TR2 Design and Access of New Development Culture and Heritage

BE1 Design

Ystalyfera School, Swansea - March 2020 03 Site Analysis

3.1 The Existing Site

Ysgol Gymraeg Ystalyfera is situated in the village of Ystalyfera in the upper . The village sits to the North-East of and to the South-West of . The site is located close to the A4067 which provides links to Swansea and the M4 motorway.

Ystalyfera RFC is located to the south of the school campus and the runs close to the eastern boundary. The schools playing fi elds are located to the East of the school site and are accessed via a footbridge over the Afon Twrch.

The school site contains a collection of buildings of varying ages. The school was founded in 1969 on the site of the former Ystalyfera Grammar School. Additional buildings were added as the school developed, with the most recent building being completed circa 2017. There is at present a diversity in the appearance of the various blocks which will be discussed in detail within this report.

Ysgol Gymraeg Ystalyfera The site and surrounding terrain are predominantly fl at. The school site extends to 2.58 hectares Playing Fields and the Playing Fields to 3.9 hectares, with both being owned by Neath Port Talbot Council.

ch r



o f


A fo n T w hrc

(3.1) The above diagram indicates the location of the (3.2) The above diagram indicates the location of the site in context with the immediate surroundings site in context with Swansea

Ystalyfera School, Swansea - March 2020 03 Site Analysis

3.2 Existing Buildings

The existing school comprises of

The existing school site comprises multiple buildings of varying appearance and heights. The principal language of the existing elevations consists of facing brickwork with bays of glazing. There are also some examples of prefabricated concrete panel wall systems.

The schools main entrance is located in the main school building (Eiron Block) which was completed circa 2017. This building sits on south-west of the campus and has a pitched roof, facing brick external walls and aluminium windows. The Primary School teaching block to the south-east of the site is of a similar age and construction and has its own dedicated entrance. The sports hall is also located to the south of the site and has a pitched roof with facing brick and aluminium cladding external walls.

To the north-west of the site is a collection of fl at roofed buildings with prefabricated panel walls. These buildings are predominantly single storey with a three-storey block in the middle, and are generally in poor condition.

To the north-east of the site is a collection of pitched roof buildings of traditional construction with either facing brickwork or facing stonework walls.

It is proposed that the fl at roofed buildings to the north-west of the site are to be demolished to (3.4) View 2 - Flat roofed buildings to north-west of site. Example of prefabricated panel walls. provide space for the new teaching block.

(3.3) View 1 - Eiron Block. School main entrance (3.5) View 3 - Primary School

Ystalyfera School, Swansea - March 2020 03 Site Analysis

3.3 Site Photos

To aid in the interpretation of this Design and Access Statement, we have included a selection of images of the existing site and buildings.

(3.6) View 1 - Existing access road to west boundary (3.7) View 2 - Existing ‘double decker’ block with Eiron (3.10) View 5 - Eiron Block south elevation (3.11) View 6 - Eastern boundary of campus Block behind

(3.8) View 3 - Existing access road and pre-fab (3.9) View 4 - Existing canteen panelled building

Ystalyfera School, Swansea - March 2020 03 Site Analysis

3.4 Site Constraints

The site comprises of existing school buildings, car park and associated playing fi elds. The school The school playing fi elds are located to the east of the school campus and are accessed by crossing a is currently accessed by vehicles and pedestrians via a one way access road which is shared with road and then a small footbridge over the river Twrch. neighbouring residential properties. The access road is used by pupils, staff , visitors and school buses. The fl at roofed buildings to the north-west of the site were constructed circa 1970 using prefabricated wall panels. It is notable that asbestos was extensively used in this form of building construction, The site is relatively fl at with a gentle slope that falls west to east towards the river Twrch. There are typically in fi re proofi ng and insulation. minimal secure boundaries to the school site.

Vehicle and Pedestrian Access

d a Ysgol Gymraeg Ystalyfera o r ss Playing Fields ce c a y a w e n Vehicles Out O

Bus Parking Footbridge


c r




o f Staff and Visitor A Car Park

(3.12) Site Constraints.

Ystalyfera School, Swansea - March 2020 04 Design Proposals

4.1 Design Overview

As part of Neath Port Talbot Council’s school improvement plan, the council have been carrying out a major redevelopment of Ysgol Gymraeg Ystalyfera campus. Recently completed works include STAGE 1 DEMOLITION GREENHOUSE MATHS the Eiron Block and Primary School Block.

co nc.


Works for the third phase require the demolition of existing buildings to create space for a new block wal l teaching block. The accommodation will comprise of general teaching rooms, hall, studio, canteen,

block wal l

64 .75 0 TAWE mesh fenci ng 64.768 CANTEEN MUSIC / DRAMA

64.787 64.743 64.730 64.828

ker b line 64.710 64.882 t a r m a c. 64 O 64.673 .70 S 64.766 0 A 1 64.778 00 64.662 l 64.674 l 6 4 .6 64.622 a 5 0 100 w

. t

e r 0 kitchen, changing rooms and ancillary accommodation. External works will include new hard 5

1 k 6 4 c . i 33 2 r


64 .60 64.575 0 64.581 f 64.685 r a 64.796 w 64.722 64.535 d 64.626 64.570

64 .6 37 15 0ğ 64.608 @ 1 RW P : 4 63.844 0 64.334 steps ker b line 63.818 t a r m a c . 64.619 55 0 63.787

64 . 1 15 64.528 0ğ

5 64.382 64.618 @

0 1 kerb line S4 :1 ğ 0 0 CL 6 4.5 45 IL 63.300 64.608 64.584 64.521 64.594 64.515 64.519 RW P A stump 64.142 OS   63.853 63.737  64.401  F12   64.610 64.142 CL 6 4.4 97 64.559 IL 63.850 63.758 15 landscaping to compliment previous construction works and soft landscaping as required by F11 0ğ CL 6 4.4 55 64.148

.50 0 IL 63.800  64   64.414 63.768  63.761 63.752 64  .59  6

  flower bed 64.518 15 0  S3 64.577 ğ 64.357 F10 @ TFR  1 .45 0  CL 6 4.5 76 63.821 : 4 64 64.453  CL 6 4.4 08 0  stump 63.795  IL 63.470  IL 63.630   63.744

64.354     64.221  A   paving 63.772  S A 64.556   S  O A co 63.759 .40 0 O ve 64 S re d m O wa l k 0 wa 64.220 .3 y 0 = 1 D 64 63.823 5 .3 b 9 9 ri c 0 6 k  4 w ğ .2 a 63.742  5 ll kerb line BUS BAY PARKING  GZ 4  @  RW P  1  : 0 3 35 64.371 4. 6 64.2436 63.883 r 64.335 am mesh fenci ng 63.837 p

63.808 0 steps  63.717 5  1  :  64.425 1 64.354  63.703 6 BREEAM. 4  paving .5   @  0 2 ğ A S2 0 

5 CL 64.  N 1  rwp O IL 63.590 I 0  63.719 0 T 3  . RW P A 64  63.814 63.849   V  63.861 64.230  63.755 E  L

 t a r m a c. E  1

63.857 63.847 5


 ğ  63  1 .8 cc  5 0 46 rr  ğ a @ gully ssh 1: b 1 C a 0 rr 0 rriei rr N 64.204 0 64 .25 O 63.849 I   S1 T  A    CL 6 4.2 93 V E Stn.. . C IL 63.720 L E 277018.652 64 .20 0 gully 208791.345 64.245 15 64.243 0ğ 6  @ s&vp 4 1  : 63.796 .3 11 4  5 4  F17.1  RW P  CL 6 4.3 06  IL 63.450  gully 0  64 .15 

 64.555 64.235



 kerb line  rwp  

 D 0 = WELSH

64 .10    F9 

CL=64.778 0


IL=63.568 CL 6 4.5 66 2

 0 IL 63.058 m 5 63.772 2 .2 63.809 RW P m 64 64 .05 0 0 .3 0 64.146 = 64.153 D Stn.. .. G pole   277108.585  ' elp O RW P  EX. FW MH 8 : O S  + 5 208784.395 S A 6  CL 6 4.1 00 6 A 4 ' +0 .0 . ) 3 IL 62.921 $ ' %  5 64.116 7 6 7 1 0 +. 4 $ F15.1 & + % 5 5 +0 # 6 ) . # 0  CL 6 4.0 53 5 & 6 ğ +5 + 1  s 6 0  EX. FW MH 7 IL 63.450 ub 4   + @   s $     CL 6 4.0 00 S11 ta 7    ti 6 1    on + 1    IL 62.844 CL 6 4.0 03 :  0 7    IL 63.450 0 64.129

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IL 62.808 6 ;   :  5  E ' .  L +   EV   .  A S5   TI :   ON   1  B   7  Throughout the design development, a robust user consultation process has been undertaken, CL 6 4.4 56 ' 64.163  6  ) IL 63.000 63.846  63.755   F4A     CL 6 4.0 36  rwprwp 64.177    63.687

6   3.   82  4 64.136 EIRON BLOCKRW P F5 RW P CL 63 .89 IL 62.548

iron railings            64.069    64.084          F4

   CL 6 3.9 17    IL 62.508    S6   rwprwp CL 6 4.2 33  DOUBLE S10 IL 62.750 CL64.046 this process has ensured that all design proposals are reviewed, tested and refi ned, so that IL63.335 64.071    rwp    63.896 63.848

2 F18 2 5 64.060 ğ @ CL64. 306 DECKER

1 RW P :1 IL63.300 50 RW P 1 5  0ğ 63.948 @  63.846 1  :  50 

S7 CL 6 4.2 39 63.734 S7.1 IL 62.720  RW P RODDING POINT 63.681 63.837 CATCHPIT CHAMBER (CHAMBER BOTTOM 63.873 SET 300mm BELOW CHAMBER INVERT) 63.548 CL 64.269 63.867 IL 61.920 63.649  63.621    63.674  241215'&51#-#9#;75+0)    %'..7.#45;56'/žž#37#%'..žž$;   63.746 ğ    0  15/#9#8+0145+/+.#4    63.830  5    1 5+<'241215'&+5/Z/Z/    &''22418+&+0)#/+0+/7/  palisade railings rwp     5614#)'1(OÈ1(81.7/' the developed design as far as possible addresses practical and educational issues, as well as   X       O       5+<'+5$#5'&102'4%1.#6+10 R P 6'565%#44+'&176$;37#067/ P A RW P F17 rwp 5 )'16'%*0+%#.'0)+0''45  6   CL64.125 .   3 5;56'/61$'%105647%6'&+0 IL62.983  6 


63.831  /#07(#%674'45 Stn....D 4'%1//'0+105 277027.356




                 0 F3 providing a strong architectural design that complements the existing school. 0 1 CL 6 4.1 04 63.809 :

1 IL 62.276    @      F16 ğ  0      CL 63.7416 4.1 06 5  1

IL 62.724  D



.  6

 0 63.681   PRIMARY

  m   63.645  63.678  S8 rwp 63.659 CL64. 098 IL62.780 15 0ğ  @   63.704

1: 1 60 5 0  ğ  @  1   : 15  63.622 0    

F15 CL64. 216 63.595 IL62.444 10

63.662  gully  

F14 1  5   CL 6 4.2 18 F2 0    CL63.967 ğ IL 62.264 IL62.118

15 0ğ 1 @ 50  F13 1 ğ  :   15 @  CL63.902 0 1  : 6 co 0 IL62.075 nc. 1 63.529

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  IL 63.040  1 277106.632      :  8 208737.886

0 63.482

edge of tarmac 63.424 15 0ğ

1 63.362 5 0  ğ 1 @ A user consultation process has included numerous consultations with the senior management 5 1 0 :1 ğ 50

EX.FW MH 1 CL 63. 717 IL 62. 016 7



5 1


0 0


Stn.... E ğ 1 0 64.048


ğ 1



277081.114 1 0

6 ğ 63.881


3 0 1 63.578

208732.543 .

5 0


4 0 63.542

0 ğ D 0 =

63.439 0.4 63.511 ğ 0 m steps

 tar mac .  63.501 63.368 63.469  fai   63.497  ker b line 63.402 63.464 9

1 5 0 63.425 # ğ CL=63.457 ' 4 # : ' ; IL=61.927 '  5 + # N  63.4315 .    . G  ' 6 6 X  + 7 G : 0 1 .  CL=63.437 )   +5   63.354 I  IL=61.867) &  ) KP  6  4 0 V k + ) + U Z e 0 # K Q rb 7 6 63.289 Z T ) + 1 5 ' R lin .  + 63.385 team, as well as sessions with the school, education advisors and members of the local council. R e  . 65 : # # ' 10 ' 4 ; ğ ' #

O S A pal isade rail ings

CL=63.323 pal isade rail ings UTR -s tuc k 8

block wal l



277157.920 63.048 208708.923 63.428 61.950 61.968 62.469 63.009

62.360 62.200

62.472 61.973 62.641 62.178 62.384 61.922 62.059 62.289 63.021 61.94 C.L.:62.074 3 62.424 61.984

62.353 62.565 62.266 62.554 61.979 61.946 62.438 61.955 62.951 62.345

61.969 62.070 62.399 63.011 62.214 62.462 62.068 62.101 C.L.:62.082 4.2 Key criteria of the proposed development 62.214 62.342

62.260 62.078

62.047 62.129 62.245 62.389 C.L.:62.052 61.971


62.944 62.931 62.032 62.078 62.172 62.073 61.959 62.373

61.974 62.173 62.019 62.387

62.282 62.174 62.052

61.961 61.972 62.167 62.081


277137.356 208687.174 62.099 6 2.910 62.080 277107.395 SPORTS 62.380 208686.221 62.208 61.952 61.962 61.947 63.058

62.188 63.043

62 61.933 61.931 .933 61.978 HALL 62.269 62.208 62.886 62.348 62.150 62.178 62.215 Site Area : 6175sqm (1.52 acres) 62.303

62.119 62.034 62.935


62.110 61.765 61.874

61.962 61.764 61.967

61.921 61.921 62.259 61.988


62.064 62.278

62.875 61.692 62.274

61.834 61.963 62.232 61.943 61.992 61.982 61.665 62.116 61.797 61.921 62.205

62.053 62.074 62.109

61.812 62.090

61.959 61.999 62.066 62.059 61.921

61.649 61.698 62.097 61.995 62.792 Gross footprint of existing buildings to be demolished : 2184.5sqm 62.005 62.065 61.826 61.950 4 62.087 62.041 61.939 61.890

61.942 62.039 62.010 5 61.911 62.016 62.072 62.034

61.604 6 61.970 277096.913 61.658 208656.418 62.725 61.733 61.803 62.047



61.994 1 61.945 62.683 61.682 62.013


61.796 62.652

61.615 61.656 61.687

2 61.947 Gross internal fl oor area of proposed building : 2421sqm 61.781 61.868 62.634

61.918 3



62.605 • Ground Floor : 1445sqm (4.1) Proposed demolition of existing Tawe Block, Maths and Swimming Pool • First Floor : 976sqm

The proposed development is to provide a Hall, Dining Hall, Changing Rooms, Music Classrooms, General Teaching Classrooms.

The Dining Hall is to cater for both Junior and Senior pupils.

(4.2) Initial Ground Floor Plan sketch

Ystalyfera School, Swansea - March 2020 04 Design Proposals

4.3 Proposed Site Layout

The new teaching block will occupy the space currently inhabited by the Tawe Block, Maths and Swimming Pool buildings. These existing buildings will need to be demolished prior to the erection of the new teaching block. ACCESSSITE GATES ENTRANCE FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLES

The new teaching block’s location on the site is dictated by the existing access road which runs

4 4 9 north to south along the western boundary. A new masonry wall adjacent to the access road will EXISTING 2 ensure safe separation between vehicles and pedestrian routes. BIN STORE

It’s understood that the existing Canteen block will be demolished during future development phases on the school campus. The proposed soft landscaping has been designed with future development ss New tarmacadam surface cce ties into existing in mind, and to complement the materials used in the previous building phase. a n a ri st e d e P Tarmacadam surface to match existing Masonry retaining wall to account for level change between road and path BICYCLE D A SHELTERS O Raised planting bed Engineer to confirm requirements relating to R S sustainable drainage proposal S E C C A E L IC H E Raised planting bed V 3 Engineer to confirm requirements relating to 01 3 sustainable drainage proposal



Brick paviers to match existing Brick paviers to match existing

Pupil / Staff Access under link

d n CANTEEN a g in g K k in r k N a r I P a L P s f u f a B t o S T

New landscaping to replace existing



O rwp I T



E L Existing masonry dwarf wal to be retained E






(4.3) Proposed Site Plan - Refer to Architectural drawing

Ystalyfera School, Swansea - March 2020 04 Design Proposals

4.4 Proposed Building Layout

The fl oor plans below illustrate the design proposal for the ground and fi rst fl oor levels. The changing rooms have external access which faces the nearby playing fi elds. Each changing room provide facilities for 20 persons and can be used out of hours if required with restricted access to the At Ground Floor Level; The principal entrance has been located on the east elevation. This entrance remainder of the building. faces the remainder of the school campus and will be used by staff and pupils. This entrance will also be used for out of hours access. There is also a secondary access located on the south elevation. This A passenger lift and 2nr staircases lead up to the fi rst fl oor accommodation. entrance provides a covered link to the recently completed Eiron Block to the south. This entrance will be used by staff and pupils during school hours. At First Floor Level; Music Classrooms, Music Recital and practice rooms have been clustered towards the north of the plan. A control room is accessed from Music Recital which will be used during The entrance lobby leads to the main hall and adjoining activity studio which provides a fl exible performances in the adjacent Hall. space for teaching and performances. Unisex wc’s are also accessed off the entrance lobby. These will be used during the school day and out of hours, when the Hall is used for community use and Circulation corridors and Breakout space provides access to general teaching classrooms, offi ce and performances. seminar room. WC accommodation is located towards the south of the plan.

The Dining Hall provides seating for 180 pupils. A table store allows the Dining Hall to be a multi-use A link corridor provides access into the recently completed Eiron Block. space, while the Junior WC’s cater for the primary school pupils who would use the dining hall before the secondary school pupils.

B-B B-B A-063001 A-063001




C-C C-C A-063001 A-063001 ENTRANCE

30.2 m²


55 G-003



13765 8600 8600 8600 2600

VOID ABOVE 10.7 m² 18.5 m² 44 m² 44.3 m² 1-006 C ACTIVITY STUDIO U G-004 OFFICE

R G-009 G-010 C 147.4 m² OFFICE 62.9 m² T U 98.3 m² MALE CHANGING FEMALE CHANGING 60.2 m² 60.2 m² 60.2 m²

A R G-002 1-001 I

T N G-007 Changing for 20 Changing for 20 1-003 1-004 1-005



N 7140 I



I N Stage access

E 26.6 m² 4 m² 2.7 m² 26.6 m² 6 m² 5.8 m² G-012 26.6 m² 26.6 m² G-006 1-007 1-008 G-008 G-011 STAIR 02 1-002 CIRC CL 1-009 STAIR 01 A.WC & SHOWER A.WC & SHOWER STAIR 01 STAIR 02 90 SEATS ARTITION SLIDING FOLDING P / HOLDING (PERFORMANCES) 104 m² IN LINE CURTA G-005 ENTRANCE LOBBY 54.8 m² 48.3 m² 10.9 m² 10.5 m² 52.5 m² G-017 G-013 1-025 1-024 1-017 27.6 m² 3160 280.2 m² CIRCULATION CIRCULATION STORE 3500 PRACTICE CIRCULATION LINK 154 m² 1-010 G-001 1-011 LINK HALL 3000





5 3.5 m² A-A Store access when retractable A-A 3.3 m² 4.4 m² 8.1 m² seating is in use 4.4 m² G-014 A-063001 8.1 m² A-063001 1-020 LIFT SERVER RISER LIFT 1-019 19.8 m² 2770 PRACTICE 3.3 m² PRACTICE G-019 2910 2500 G-024 TABLE STORE CLEANER 5 m² 2160 3.2 m² G-021 1500 FLOOR SEATING 14.5 m² 3.5 m² (90 seats) G-023 WC VOID ABOVE 84.8 m² 1-022 1-012

140.5 m² 2310 WC MUSIC STORE WC G-018 135.6 m² 42.1 m² HALL 1-023 30 m² G-015 MUSIC RECITAL Roller Shutter Roller

10640 DINING HALL 02 G-016


59.6 m² 21.5 m² 7250 7250 Roller Shutter Roller Shutter CLASSROOM 29.5 m² G-022 G-020 62.5 m² 35.5 m² 1-013

WC's JUNIOR WC's 14.5 m² 1-015 8750 1-014 WC's RETRACTABLE SEATING CLASSROOM SEMINAR ROOM (270 seats) Pupil and Staff Access 1-021 under link MUSIC STORE 8600 8600 13200

12 m² CONTROL ROOM 11300 1-026 3840 CONTROL ROOM ABOVE OBSCURED GLAZING 7145 4055 1500







EXISTING VEHICLE ACCESS ROAD Proposed First Floor Plan 1 : 100

Proposed Ground Floor Plan 1 : 100 0:14:23

(4.4) Proposed ground fl oor plan - Refer to Architectural drawing (4.5) Proposed fi rst fl oor plan - Refer to Architectural drawing

Ystalyfera School, Swansea - March 2020 04 Design Proposals

4.5 Scale, Massing and External Appearance

The proposed teaching block consists of a two-storey element which contains the general teaching activities. The performance hall sits at an alternative angle and provides interest to the overall mass.

To minimise the impact of the building on the adjacent residential properties, the new building sits a distance from the surrounding properties. The scale of the block and two-storey height creates a mass that is sympathetic to the existing school and the adjacent residential properties, allowing the new building to sit respectfully within the site context.

The plan depth is designed to utilise natural ventilation within the classrooms where possible, with generous corridor widths and breakout spaces.

The roof design takes a design que from the Eiron Block and Primary school. The proposed eaves height, roof pitch and roof covering on the new teaching block refl ect the adjacent Eiron Block.

The vertical banding and window grid compliment the recently completed building phases and aim to continue the design template that has developed. 4.6 External Materials (4.8) Perspective View 01 - Proposed East Elevation The external materials to be used in the proposed development consist of facing brickwork with aluminium window units, facias and roof covering. These materials are in context with the other buildings on campus and look to create a similar material palette used on the recently completed Eiron Block.

(4.6) Eiron Block courtyard area (4.7) Existing Primary School (4.9) Perspective View 02 - Proposed North Elevation

Ystalyfera School, Swansea - March 2020 04 Design Proposals

4.7 Defi nition of the Entrance

The main school entrance is located in the Eiron Block. This is the main entrance to the school.

The primary entrance to the proposed development faces east towards the campus and is defi ned by a simple fl at roofed canopy. The link entrance is located to create a direct circulation route from the Eiron Block through to the new development. 4.8 Landscape Proposals Canopy above building entrance The proposed site plan below illustrates the landscape proposal including new planting beds and the intent to replant/renew existing soft landscaping.

Brick paviers are proposed outside the east elevation to tie-in and compliment the materials used on the previous building phase and to provide a defi ned path to the building entrance. Existing soft landscaping adjacent to the entrance is to be renewed/replanted. New teaching block entrance doors

Raised planting beds to the north-west of the site will provide much needed green spaces on the (4.11) Proposed East Elevation building entrance campus, while also contributing to the sustainable drainage strategy for the development. 4.9 Sustainability Statement ACCESSSITE GATES ENTRANCE FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLES Sustainability measures will be implemented in accordance with Neath Port Talbot Council

4 4 9 EXISTING 2 requirements. The building shall be designed and constructed to achieve BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating. BIN STORE

Green Build Consult have been appointed as BREEAM Assessor and as an Accredited Professional ss New tarmacadam surface cce ties into existing a n a ri st to advise the design team on sustainability issues. Assessments have been prepared for the whole e d e P Tarmacadam surface to match existing development. Masonry retaining wall to account for level change between road and path BICYCLE D A SHELTERS O Raised planting bed Engineer to confirm requirements relating to R S sustainable drainage proposal S E C C A E L IC H E Raised planting bed V 3 Engineer to confirm requirements relating to 01 3 sustainable drainage proposal



Brick paviers to match existing Brick paviers to match existing

Pupil / Staff Access under link

d n CANTEEN a g in g K k in r k N a r I P a L P s f u f a B t o S T

New landscaping to replace existing



O rwp I T



E L Existing masonry dwarf wal to be retained E






(4.10) Eiron Block. Existing school main entrance (4.12) Proposed Site Plan - Refer to Architectural drawing

Ystalyfera School, Swansea - March 2020 05 Access & Movement

5.1 Access Overview

The new proposals within this application have been developed to facilitate convenient and safe access for all building users, regardless of special needs, disability, and familiarity with the site. The proposed extensions and site layout support good accessibility for pedestrians and those using cars and public transport. It conforms to current legislative requirements and best practice guidance.

ACCESS GATES FOR S 5.2 External Access Design EMERGENCY VEHICLES t D av id' s R SITE ENTRANCE d New gates to replace The external areas to the proposed building have been designed as fully accessible spaces for existing fence pupils and visitors with restricted mobility. Materials and colours will be carefully considered to provide a comfortable and practical environment for visually impaired people. ad 9 o 9 R 5 s 4 s e d B c c R

A y n a o f W a e r The existing accessible parking provisions in the staff parking area will be retained and disabled n y

O n

a YSTALYERA PHASE 3 l parking bays for visitors will be as existing. The existing pedestrian access across the whole site G has been considered. Pedestrian routes connecting the proposed building to the existing campus allow for all, including wheelchair users to use the routes comfortably and conveniently. Colours and MUSIC / DRAMA BUS PARKING texture of paving have been selected to match the existing materials used on site. CANTEEN

YSTALYERA PLAYING FIELDS All new windows opening onto existing and proposed paths will not open further than 100mm from WELSH the front face of the building, and therefore additional protection will not be required. All external entrances/exits have been designed to provide fl ush level entry/exit and primary doors will have EIRON BLOCK

DOUBLE provisions and protection to achieve the requirements of Part M - Building Regulations. DECKER

PRIMARY 5.3 Vehicle Access & Parking


c r



The school campus is currently accessed by vehicle or foot via a one-way access road which is n o f shared with neighbouring residential properties. The access road is used by pupils, staff , visitors and A

STAFF AND VISITOR school buses and runs adjacent to the proposed development. The design proposals allow for the CAR PARK

construction of a masonry wall to separate vehicle and pedestrian routes. d



o f

a r



a l

Emergency vehicles have multiple access points on to the campus as indicated on (5.1). A new G vehicle access gate to the north boundary will ensure that emergency vehicles can service site.

Pedestrian access is available to the full perimeter of the proposed building, with level threshold provided to both main entrance and link entrance doors.

(5.1) Proposed vehicle access

Ystalyfera School, Swansea - March 2020 05 Access & Movement

5.4 Inclusive Access 5.7 Access Statement Summary

The following measures have been applied to the project to ensure inclusive access: Accessibility legislation, with respect to educational buildings, places a great deal of responsibility on the educational providers. This Access Statement is intended to clarify the interpretation that • The proposals have been designed to ensure all students, teachers and members of the the design and construction teams have taken against the minimum requirements set out in Part M community can use the building and landscape in an effi cient, eff ective and enjoyable manner. legislation and best practice guidance.

• The provision of a Part M compliant lift has been provided within the new teaching block Accessibility legislation makes it clear that a reasonable approach is key to determining what is to be done in each circumstance and for the function of the building. The statement, therefore, embodies • All new doors will have a Part M compliant vision panels, unless it is inconvenient, due to a what it is considered reasonable to provide and a mixture of practical provision and support requirement for security or privacy mechanisms for accessing the building.

• All new door furniture will contrast in colour and luminance with the surface of the door, for easy The design proposals aim to provide a fl exible, accessible, and manageable environment for all identifi cation by visually impaired building users. within the context of the brief and the site. Whilst the project will be delivered to an achieve the current standard for universal access, it is important to note that further special physical adjustment • Toilet provision has been designed in accordance with the standard ‘Doc M’ layouts may be required during occupancy to suit any specifi c additional needs that arise. 5.5 Conformance with Legislation

• Approved Document to Part M of the Building Regulations, 2010

• BS 8300:2009+A1:2010

• Building Bulletin 91 Access for Disabled People to School Buildings Management & Design Guide, DFES, 1999

• Building Bulletin 94 Inclusive School Design, DFES, 2001

• Building Bulletin 104 Designing for Pupils with Special Educational Needs, DFES, 2015 5.6 Wayfi nding Full design of the wayfi nding and signage will be developed during detailed design. Key principles of the wayfi nding design will be as follows: • Wayfi nding has been designed to be as intuitive as possible, by designing to provide clear and logical circulation. • Ensuring that the signage and wayfi nding are consistent across the whole school. • Ensuring that wayfi nding and signage is able to adapt to future changes. (5.2) Perspective View 01 - Proposed East Elevation • Providing a robust and long-life signage set.

Ystalyfera School, Swansea - March 2020