FAUNAL AND FLORAL ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT AS PART OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT PROCESS FOR THE PROPOSED ERASMUS PARK PHASE 2 TOWNSHIP DEVELOPMENT, ERASMUSRAND, GAUTENG. Prepared for Nali Sustainability Solutions February 2019 Section C: Faunal Assessment Prepared by: Scientific Terrestrial Services Report author: C. Hooton Report reviewer: K. Marais (Pr. Sci. Nat) Report Reference: STS 180084 Date: February 2019 Scientific Terrestrial Services CC CC Reg No 2005/122329/23 PO Box 751779 Gardenview 2047 Tel: 011 616 7893 Fax: 086 724 3132 E-mail:
[email protected] STS 180084 February 2019 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY From the faunal assessment it can be concluded that there are four habitat units encompassed within the study area, namely Senegalia caffra – Vachellia karroo Woodland, Rocky Grassland, Degraded Hyparrhenia Grassland and Freshwater Habitat. These habitat range from moderately-low to moderately high sensitivities Based on the impact assessment, the impacts on faunal habitat, diversity and SCC within the different habitat units varies from low to high significance during the construction and the operational phase of the project prior to mitigation taking place. With effective mitigation implemented, all impacts may be reduced to very-low to medium-low levels. It is the opinion of the ecologists that this study provides the relevant information required in order to implement an Integrated Environmental Management (IEM) plan and to ensure that the best long-term use of the ecological resources in the study area will be made in support of the principle of sustainable development. Scientific Terrestrial Services (STS) was appointed to conduct a faunal and floral ecological assessment for the proposed Erasmus Park development on the remaining extent of the farm Waterkloof 378 JR, Erasmusrand, Gauteng Province (hereafter referred to as the ‘study area’).