Article Nigerian university libraries and the question of Information Impact: Journal of Information and marketing: reconciling the salient issues Knowledge Management 2016, Vol. 7 (1) 101 – 114 ISSN: 2141 – 4297 (print) ISSN: 2360 – 994X (e- version) Goodluck Ifijeh Covenant University,

Oyeronke Adebayo Covenant University, Nigeria

Julie Ilogho Covenant University, Nigeria

Aderonke Asaolu Covenant University, Nigeria

Happiness Chijioke Michael-Onuoha Covenant University, Nigeria

Abstract This paper makes a case for marketing library and information services in Nigerian University Libraries. It examines the practice and problems of marketing library and information services in Nigerian Universities as well as chart the way forward in dealing with identified problems. It further posits that if carefully planned and executed, marketing could help the library improve on its public perception and win more readerships.

Keywords: marketing, university libraries, users, services, Nigeria

Introduction established. Though marketing of library University Libraries in Nigeria have services is a concept of comparatively grown in number, infrastructure, recent origin, it has now emerged as an personnel and services over the last sixty important phenomenon for university years when the first University was libraries in Nigeria. Marketing covers those activities that connect the

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organization to those parts of its outside of information. Library acquisition, world that use, buy, sell or influence the organization and dissemination of outputs it produces and the benefits and information should therefore be based on services it offers (Joseph and the concept and practice of marketing in Parameswari, 2002). Though marketing order to achieve reader satisfaction. In a has no generally accepted definition, time when the Internet and other Kotler (1997)‟s definition appears more information and communication appropriate in our context. He viewed technology (ICT) facilities tend to be marketing as: getting more of users‟ attention, the library should endeavor to nurture the The analysis, planning and implementation, and control of culture of customer service to enhance its carefully designed programmes to image in the eyes of users. As Kotler establish voluntary value – transactions with target markets in (1995) points out, organizations such as order to meet the objectives of museums, universities, libraries and Organization. In the first place, the organization needs to be well charities need to market their causes and equipped in order to be able to their products to gain political, social as respond to the needs, wishes and requirements of the chosen market. well as economic support. Secondly, price setting, communication and distribution Development of university libraries in should make appropriate to Nigeria effectively inform, motivate and serve the chosen market. A university library aims at the The above view of marketing highlights advancement of objectives of its parent the following issues crucial to marketing body by rendering a cost – effective of library and information services – the information service and providing need to meet the objectives of the knowledge products to its respective organization, the importance of target community. Development of university markets, the nature of price – setting, libraries in Nigeria cannot be separated communication and distribution. from the evolution and growth of The library can be called an information universities in the country. The history of market and the library user is a consumer university library development in Nigeria

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dates back to pre – independence time extension university libraries) in Nigeria when the and its (NUC, 2016). library were established in 1948. As University Libraries especially in pointed out by Aguolu (1996), since government-owned universities are independence in 1960, there has been an suffering from low budgetary allocation. unrelenting upsurge in the establishment An analysis of the Federal Government of educational institutions at all levels, allocation to education sector in the last especially university education. nine years portrays the gory state of the University libraries, being integral sector in Nigeria. Between year 2000 and academic parts of the universities, 2008, Government‟s allocation to generally emerged simultaneously with education was an average of 9 % (Mordi, their parent institutions. At independence 2008). An editorial of the Punch in 1960, the Federal Government of Newspaper (2008) report on the funding Nigeria decided to establish a university of Federal Universities reveals that out of in each of the geo – political region as at the N738 billion the federal government then. This brought about the establishment allocated to the sector between 1999 and of the , Nsukka, 2007, the federal ministry of education University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo spent about N472 billion on salaries and University), Ile – Ife, and Ahmadu Bello wages, leaving a meager N265 billion for University, Zaria. These universities all the development of Infrastructure in these established libraries to meet the needs of universities over a period of eight years. their students and staff. Over the years, Unfortunately, six years after, the universities and by extension university challenge of funding remained unresolved libraries have increased. Federal and State (Deji-Folutile & Oketola, 2014). Governments have opened more MacArthur Foundation (2005) reported universities, while private individuals and that with low funding, universities are not organizations are now licensed to operate able to provide adequate funds to operate universities. Presently, there are one libraries with first class services. As a hundred and forty-two universities (by result, there are no adequate facilities and information resources, so students use the

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libraries mainly for study space. Few marketing has the potential to increase faculty members use the libraries‟ University libraries‟ chances of survival resources regularly and most seem and help them flourish through relevance unaware of new developments and and productivity. resources within the library. The library Marketing library products and staff is struggling to provide access to services in universities electronic resources while coping with unreliable power, fluctuating access to the The concept of marketing in libraries is internet and low bandwidth. Many view often misunderstood. Many, even among the library as weak and unable to support librarians associate it with profit motive teaching and research (MacArthur only or see it as promotion of library Foundation, 2005). services (Okogwu, 2006); while both views are not entirely wrong, they do not University libraries are faced with several reflect the broad nature of marketing. challenges in trying to fit into the present Olson and Moseman (1997) in Okogwu information society. The above challenges (2006) posits that marketing includes can be met by developing strategies for determining market niches, defining survival and growth so that stakeholders products and services, setting prices, recognize the role of librarians and their promoting services and building good value to society. The challenges can also public relations. Marketing library and be met by creating clear vision and values, information services entails understanding defining mission and objectives, with the objectives of the library, the needs of customer focus and quality management the target market, packaging the library for effective and efficient service and its services to meet these needs, (Nkanga, 1999). University libraries in promotion of the library and its services to Nigeria must begin to realize that attract target market and pricing. marketing of information products and services is important, especially as a means for improving user satisfaction and promoting the use of services by current and potential users. If carefully planned,

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Objectives of the library be carrying out these functions and services if it must attract readership and To be able to market its services justify its existence. effectively, the library must take into consideration its objectives. All the The target market processes of marketing undertaken by the In marketing information services, the library must be guided by these library should study the target market‟s objectives. The marketing process begins needs, design appropriate products, at the library‟s core, namely, the library‟s services and means to inform, motivate mission statement. The mission statement and serve the market. These activities can reflects the values of the library and be done through market segmentation. explicitly states the service philosophy Market segmentation is the division of the (Lee 2001). market or consumers into certain Ifidon and Ifidon (2007) outline the major categories according to their buying habits objectives of university libraries in (Peter Collin Dictionary of Marketing, Nigeria as: 2000). In carrying out this, the library identifies its distinct groups of users and  Provision of materials in support of the learning process. their expectations of the library and  Provision of materials for research librarians. For university libraries, the for students and faculty  Provision of materials to help target market comprises its various users library users in their personal self which include: development  Co-operation with other libraries  Members of faculty: This includes to broaden access to materials for academic staff of various ranks the benefit of Users such as professors, readers, senior  Meeting the specialized lecturers, lecturers 1 and 2, information needs of the university assistant lecturers and graduate community assistants. The users need to appreciate these  Students: This comprises of undergraduate and postgraduate functions and services in relation to their students. academic progression. This is the essence  Non academic staff  External users of marketing. The library must be seen to

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In categorizing these users and their Each of these groups of users has distinct needs, the library should be able to answer needs and user behavior which must be the following questions: taken into consideration for proper and effective marketing to be carried by  Who uses your services the most?  What are the top 10 subject areas? libraries. Adeyemi (2009) in her research  What are the most common on impact of electronic resources in competitive tasks? academic libraries in Nigeria observed  What are some recent customer complaints? that senior academics (especially those  Are there any recurring between the age of 55 and 65 years) rarely complaints? make use of electronic resources due to Identifying the distinct groups of users poor eyesight, lack of internet search and their needs will help the library to skills or inability to use the computer. concentrate on the most productive market This implies that they prefer to make use services and think of better ways to of hard copies (print) rather than soft answer other more tangential needs. copies (non print) versions of information In Nigerian University libraries, the target resources in the library. Consequently, for market is made up of: effective marketing of library‟s resources and services to senior academics in  Junior academics: this comprises mainly academics with masters‟ Nigeria, libraries should either focus on degrees in various subject fields. use of print materials or collaborate with They rank from graduate assistants to lecturer 2. relevant agencies to organize seminars and training workshops on internet and  Senior academics: These are members of faculty with PhD database search skills as well as use of degrees in various fields. They computer. However, junior academics are rank from lecturer 1 to professor. favorably disposed towards the use of  Undergraduate and postgraduate students both electronic and print resources

 Non academic staff ranging from Ilo and Ifijeh (2010) posited that Nigerian administrative to technical cadre students make use of electronic resources  External users especially the internet in their academic pursuit. Thus, University libraries can take

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advantage of the use of the internet in The library building houses library driving their marketing efforts towards staff, readers, information this target group. The provision of resources and equipment. Each of electronic media centers in libraries will these has needs which the building in no small measure boost marketing must meet, if the library services efforts as well as increase patronage for must be effective and efficient. junior academics, students and other Ideally, the library building should members of the university community. In occupy a central location on the words of Omekwu (2002): campus for easy accessibility to users. Though, users may access The concepts of virtual libraries, digital libraries, paperless the library through information systems, electronic books(e- and communication (ICT) books),CD-ROMs and information communication technology, are all facilities, they may need to visit suggesting to libraries and the library itself from time to time. librarians in Nigeria that it can no longer be the era of meek and The reading rooms must be neat, apologetic librarianship as usual well ventilated and comfortable so but the new era of “aggressive and active” librarianship as to encourage readership. Currently, except for a few, most Libraries and librarians must evolve university library buildings strategies that will make them remain especially those of government relevant to their users. own universities are in poor shape Packaging the library and its services due to lack of maintenance culture

Packaging here implies putting things in occasioned by poor funding place to attract customers (users) and (Mordi, 2008). There is a dire need enhance marketing. Some of the facilities to renovate these buildings and and resources that should be considered in install relevant facilities if libraries packaging include: must market their collections and services effectively and increase  The library building patronage.  Information resources

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The library should be stocked with exhibit courtesy in interactions good information resources in with users. The minimum various fields of study offered in qualification for academic the university. These should be in librarians in Nigeria is masters print and non print formats. The degree in library and information Library‟s Stock should be able to science. University libraries must compete with those of other therefore explore these rich human information resource centers. The resources in driving and boosting library should also be equipped marketing efforts. with Internet and e-learning Promotion/publicity facilities. Reports indicate that most libraries are well stocked Promotion is the activity that covers all with print materials but deficient aids to sales. It involves mechanisms that in electronic resources (Unagha, inform the target groups about the 2006). This anomaly must be resources available, services and products corrected so as to promote offered by the library (Joseph and marketing. Parameswari 2002). The library needs to  Staffing make its users aware of the services it The library must have adequate provides. In carrying out promotional professional librarians. The activities, the library should emphasize its librarians should possess skills for area of strength and competitive marketing library and information advantage, taking into consideration services. Such skills include ability unique benefits users‟ gain from its to perceive user needs, obtain feed services. Some promotional activities the back from users, technical library could embark on include the knowledge of librarianship and following: knowledge of marketing strategies.  Publishing and distribution of Reference librarians/front desk hand bills officers must possess good  Publishing and distribution of newsletters communication skills as well as  Mailing Lists programs

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 Use of portable computers like agency which offer services free of circuit – rider librarians for charge. Though the library is not profit demonstrations in peoples offices  Placing posters in strategic places oriented, the reality of today‟s world in  Use of bill boards terms of cost of acquisitions and services  Library awareness programs like library week and library makes it inevitable for the library to orientation etc charge users for services rendered.  The use of social media platforms However, the amount to be charged In a competitive domain like information should be minimal and for certain services, it has become necessary for the specialized services only. Such services libraries to back up their products and may include: services with warranties and guarantees.  Registration Examples could include the following:  Selective dissemination of information  A promise to deliver hard copy  Use of the library‟s internet information resources (where facilities electronic copies are not available) to users‟ home or offices.  Specialized abstracting and indexing services for individual  A guarantee that a search of the user etc libraries‟ bibliographic databases will provide needed information Libraries may also charge fees for overdue quickly and accurately loans and final year students‟ clearance. It Pricing is important to note that funds generated Pricing is the marketing activity that from such charges will help to provide determines the price of the better facilities and services for users. product/service. This is done on the basis Problems of marketing in university of cost of production as well as market libraries in Nigeria factors like distribution channels, competitor‟s prices and ability or Funding willingness of customers to pay. This is a Packaging the library to make it very delicate subject which must be marketable requires a lot of funds. For handled with care in the context of most universities in Nigeria, funds are not libraries in Nigeria. Users especially at the readily available. Aguolu(1996) posits university level view the library as an Information Impact | Journal of information and knowledge management Page 109

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that universities‟ budgets are so meager Poor/lack of marketing skills among that they are barely sufficient to pay staff librarians salaries, not to talk of equipping libraries Most librarians lack business expertise and providing funds for effective (Joseph and Parameswari 2002). Thus, marketing of its services. This has they only carry out traditional schedule of hampered professional library services acquisition, cataloguing, classification, and frustrated marketing efforts. Many user education and shelving; and university libraries cannot compete with thereafter, maintain „sit down look‟ other information providing centers due to posture, waiting for users (customers) poor infrastructure, low morale among instead of launching out to attract users librarians and lack of quality learning through professional marketing skills. resources, occasioned by lack of funds (Mac Arthur Foundation, 2005) The way forward

Image of libraries  Create a marketing plan and strategy: Effective Marketing of MacArthur foundation (2005) in its report library services in Nigeria on university libraries stated that many University Libraries should begin students and faculty view the libraries as with each library putting in place a weak and unable to support research. Such written marketing strategy. This mindsets make most of them use the will involve creating and library for study space. Marketing the implementing library marketing library and its services therefore becomes plan. The marketing plan should a herculean task. Similarly, Okogwu revolve round a mission statement. (2006) said libraries are perceived as This will give the library staff a giving information away “for free”; and in sense of direction and our culture, Nigerians do not seem to accomplishment. The effects of attach importance or value to what they marketing library services will be receive as free. Changing this notion is more pronounced if library staff also a huge task for libraries. follow a predetermined marketing plan.

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 Marketing on tight budget : Botswana as reported by Marketing demands enormous Nkanga(1999) is a clear example funding, the library needs to of marketing on tight budget. generate funds in order to compete  Staff training: Librarians need to with other information resource acquire professional skills for centers, instead of waiting for marketing. This can be achieved allocation from Government or its through in-house retraining parent body. This could be from programmes and attending short- library development levies (from term marketing courses. Library students), consultancy services, schools should incorporate library fines, registration fees and marketing courses in their donor agencies. Funds provided curricula to equip graduate and generated should be well librarians for marketing practice. managed. Libraries may opt for Ifidon (2008) rightly observed that use of handbills and other cheap Nigerian Library schools need to materials in carrying out review their curriculum to reflect promotions and publicity, instead modern day realities. of erecting expensive bill boards. They may also use e-mails to  Maximizing social media publicize their activities. This is platforms: Social media platforms relatively cheaper than other have become ready tools for sources of publicity. University marketing products and services. library managers must cut wastes Platforms like facebook, twitter and excesses in order to minimize and instagram among others can cost and promote effectiveness and be used by libraries to publicize efficiency. The University Alumni and market products and services. and other friends of the library These platforms also provide should be involved in library unique opportunities for libraries development programmes. The to interact and get feed backs from case of special libraries in patrons. They are also easily

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accessed on handy gadgets like objectives of the University. Librarians mobile phones. The use of social should train to be experts who will media helps libraries take their package library services such that users products and services right to would place value on and even pay for where the users are. them.

As Librarians improve on their service delivery and engage in References promotions/publicity, the library‟s poor public image will gradually improve. Adeyemi, A (2009) Impact of Electronic Resources on Academic Improving on service delivery will Productivity of Faculty: A Case involve the library ensuring that greater Study of Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria. Journal of Library effort is devoted to designing and and Information Science. implementing suitable methods for Vol.6 (1), June, 22-42 finding out what users want and expect Aguolu, I (1996) Nigerian University from the library. Libraries: What Future? The International Information and Conclusion Library Review, 28(3), 261. Decay In Public Education System: An Editorial (2008, December University libraries in Nigeria need to 19). The Punch, p.15 fully embrace the concept of marketing in Deji-Folutile,O. & Oketola, D. order to achieve its primary objective of (2014,November 15). Big disseminating information to its users. Budgets, Yet Dilapidated Structures on Nigerian Campuses. Though libraries never claim the The Punch, Retrieved from monopoly of information, the advent of budgets-yet-dilapidated-structures- Information and Communication on-nigerian- campuses/ Technology (ICT) has brought about Dictionary of Marketing ( 2nd ed). (2000). competition in the domain and primary functions of the library. University Middlesex: Peter Collin Publishers Ifidon,S (2008). Review of Library and Libraries should therefore employ the Information Practice in Nigeria in vital tool of marketing their services if Relation to the Adequacy of the Curriculum. they must be relevant to the overall

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Heartland Journal of Library and Nigeria:AReport. Retrieved from Information Science. Vol. 2 (1&2), June – December. 1-15 ~mbolin/1ppissueinde on October 15, 2007) Ifidon, S & Ifidon E (2007). New Directions in African Library Mordi, R (2008, November 3). Funding Management. Ibadan: Education in Nigeria: Surviving on a Spectrum Books, p.361 Shoestring Budget, Tell Magazine, No.44, p.32 – 34 Ilo, P and Ifijeh, G (2010). Impact of the Internet on Final Year Students‟ Nigerian Universities Commission (2016). Research: A Case Study of List of Universities in Nigeria. Retrieved Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria. from Library Philosophy and Practice, July. Retrieved Nkanga, N (1999). Strategy for Marketing from Information Services in Botswana Special ifijeh.htm Libraries and Information Centres. African Journal of Library, Archival Joseph, J and Parameswari, B (2002). and Information Science 9(1), Marketing of Information Products 59 – 67 and Services for Libraries in India. Library Philosophy and Okogwu, F (2006). Marketing: A Practice,5(1). Challenge for Librarians. The Research Librarian,1(1), 105 – 115 Omegwu, O pv5n1.htm (2002).

Kotler, P (1997). Marketing Management: The Challenges of Information Systems in Analysis, Planning, Modern Libraries In E.C Madu Implementation and Control. and M.B Dirisu (eds), Information Science NJ: Prentice Hall and Technology for Schools in Kotler, P (1995). Africa. Ibadan: Evi-Coleman Publications. Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations, 2nd ed. NJ: Prentice Hall Unagha, A.O (2006). Towards an Lee, D (2001). Marketing for Libraries: Information and Communication Theory and Practice. Technology – Conscious Nigerian Mississippi: Mississippi Library Society. Research Librarian, Vol. 1(1), Association May, 70-84 MacArthur Foundation. (2005). Developing Strong University Libraries in

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Author biography

Goodluck Ifijeh MLS is Senior Librarian, Centre for Learning Resources, Covenant University, Nigeria. He has published numerous research papers in both local and international journals, and has also contributed chapters in books. He can be reached [email protected] .

Oyeronke Adebayo MLS is Circulation Librarian, Centre for Learning Resources, Covenant University, Nigeria. She has published numerous articles in reputable local and international journals. She can be reached @ [email protected]

Julie Ilogho MLS M.Sc is currently Serials Librarian, Centre for Learning Resources, Covenant University Nigeria. She has published many research papers in journals and has contributed chapters in books. She is currently a Doctoral student in Covenant University. She can be reached @ [email protected]

Aderonke Asaolu MLS is Head, Reference and Repository services, Centre for Learning Resources, Covenant University, Nigeria. She has published numerous research papers in reputable international and local journals. She can be reached [email protected]

Happiness Chijioke Michael-Onuoha MLS is Librarian in the Technical Services unit of the Centre for Learning Resources, Covenant University, Nigeria. She has made scholarly contributions in both local and international journals. She can be reached through happiness.michael- [email protected]

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