WHEREAS, Charter Section B3.581 empowers the Port Commission with the authority and duty to use, conduct, operate, maintain, manage, regulate and control the lands within the Port jurisdiction; and

WHEREAS, In 1848, Queen Victoria authorized the creation of a “One Hundred Guinea Cup” of solid silver (134 oz.), 27” tall for a yacht race “open to all nations;” and

WHEREAS, In 1851, one American boat challenged 16 English ships. The “” of Cowes, England was the host. The entry was the schooner “.” W.H. Brown, the designer, was so confident of his design that he refused payment if “America” did not win. The America held a great lead and was assured victory around the Isle of Wight over the 16 other yachts causing the Queen to ask, “Who is first?” “America” has won, she was told. “Who was second?” asked the Queen. The reply still echoes – “Your Majesty, there is no second;” and

WHEREAS, In 30 defenses since then, the interplay of national pride, fierce competition, wide-ranging brilliant designs, and now modern technology, have kept the cup very much alive. The 132 years of successful defense by the New York Yacht Club remains the longest record in sports history. Sir Thomas Lipton tried for 31 years to win The Cup, commencing in 1899. From schooners, to J-boats, to 12 meters to the current IOAC designs, men’s brains, wits, skills and money have been locked in sea-swept combat; and

WHEREAS, Originally named the Royal Yacht Squadron Cup, it became known as the "America's Cup" after the first yacht to win the trophy, the schooner America; and

WHEREAS, The America’s Cup is a competition between the defending champion and the winner of a series of preliminary races that determine the challenger; and

WHEREAS, Under rules set forth in the Deed of Gift, created in the late 1800s to govern the terms of the race, the ownership of the America’s Cup and the responsibility of staging the event go to the winning team that includes all rights to the event, from the marks, broadcast rights and merchandise to event hospitality and sponsorship sales; and

WHEREAS, The challenger BMW/ORACLE Racing team beat the of Switzerland 2-0 and won the Cup for the San Francisco in February 2010 in Valencia, Spain and it returned to the United States for the first time since 1995; and

WHEREAS, The (a sailboat with three hulls arranged side by side) is owned by Silicon Valley maverick and steered by of , the black-and-white USA literally flew over the Mediterranean Sea along the Spanish coast on Friday, February 12, 2010, powered by a radical, 223-foot wing sail; and

WHEREAS, Based on estimates in the sailing industry, the America’s Cup accounts for nearly $3 billion during each race cycle spent on building boats and money generated from hospitality, sponsorship, television and merchandise; and

WHEREAS, The San Francisco Golden Gate Yacht Club has confirmed Club Nautico di Roma as the challenger of record for the 34th America’s Cup; and

WHEREAS, Holding the America’s Cup Race on the San Francisco Bay will bring significant major sporting event income into the local economy from teams’ operating expenditures and increased private and corporate tourism to watch races on the same order of magnitude as the Olympic Games, Super Bowl or World Cup; and

WHEREAS, Having the America’s Cup Race on the San Francisco Bay would continue and support San Francisco’s already high profile as one of the top destinations in the world and the Port’s mission of attracting more visitors to the waterfront and the Bay Area; and

WHEREAS, Unlike the Super Bowl or Olympic Games, the distinct possibility exists for the America’s Cup to be held twice in a row at the same venue; and

WHEREAS, That the Port Commission hereby supports the defense of the 34th America’s Cup to be held in San Francisco; and now therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the Port Commission congratulates the BMW/ORACLE Racing team on winning the Cup and returning it to the United States; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the Port Commission, in partnership with Mayor Gavin Newsom's Office and with the support of the entire city family, will do everything possible to secure a San Francisco venue suitable for the hosting of the 34th America's Cup on the San Francisco Bay, and be it further

RESOLVED, That the Port Commission directs Port staff to send a letter congratulating the BMW/ORACLE Racing team on their victory and expressing strong support to bring America’s Cup, the oldest and most prestigious international trophy competition for sailing, to the San Francisco Bay in the next couple of years; and recognizing the good work of the San Francisco Golden Gate Yacht Club.

I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted by the San Francisco Port Commission at its meeting of March 9, 2010. ______Secretary