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BENNINGTON, Ne. BILLINGBOROUGH, HORBLING Utnco 1n~bit·t. BENNINGTON, Ne. GENTRY & CLERGY-Cfmtd. Brown William, baker, Foston Wadkfn Mary, baker rFoston Rear Mr. Richard Bullimore Edw.collar makel',Foston Watson Thomas, grocer ana tailor, Welby Rev. Montague Earle Cold rOll John, tailOl' and Rhopkeeper Whitakl'r John, boot maker Whitaker Mr. John Dalby Daniel, butcher, }~oston Winter Wm. grocer & drap'er,Foston Whitby Mr. Joseph Drillg William, blacksmith Young Edward, beer retaIler Williamson Rev. William Elwood Thomas Gab)', carpenter COACHES, 'PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. Emmonds Richd.boot makeI', Foston Passi,ng through LO~G BENNINGTO!W. Bames Elizabeth, ladies' boarding Fox Richard, wheelwright, FostOll and day school Geeson Mary, shopkeeper, Fostoll To LONDON, the Royal Mail (froll Edinburgh) every afterlloon at four­ Lynn Sarah, day school Guy Dalll.mlller&corn factol',Foston the Wellington (from York) every morn­ Newton Robert, day school Guy Johu, maltster, Foston jng (Sunday excl'pted) at flve--and the Poole Winter Cup page, surgeon and HarbyJohn,wheelwright&cal'pentel' Rockingha11l Union (fl'om Leeds) evel'J registrar of births and deaths Holhs Thomas, blacksmith, Foston evening (Sunnay excepted) at six. Stafford William, surgeon Hubbard William, tailor To DOSCASTER,theAmity(frolD Stalllo fm'di every afternoon (Sun. ex.) at ooe. PUBLIC HOUSES. Jackson Robert, COI'll factor To EDINBURGH and GLASGOW, the Kidward William, tailor Royal Mail (from London) everymorn­ Black Boy, Joseph Wilsou, Foston Lee Eliz. & Son, gl'Ocers and dmpet's ing at ninl'. Black Horse, Wm. 'Fowler, Fostuu Lineker William, boot maker To GRANTHAM, the QUee1i Adelaide Duke William, Samuel Drury,Foston May Samuel, grocer Fl!/(fromNewark)everymorningatniM. Rein Deer, Thomas Nix Metham George, boot maker To LEEDS,the Rbckingham Ullion(lrom Royal Oak lun, Geol'ge Jackson M ills William, shopkeepet' and baker London) ,"very morning at half-pas! 8. To NEWARK, the Queen Adelaide Fl, Swan, Thomas Christmas Movells Elisha, boot niaker (from Grantham) every evetlingahi'll. Wheat Sheaf, Thomas Amold NicholsOll William, shopkeeper To STAMFORD, the Amity (fTQm Dollo White Lion, Richard Newton Pilcher John, shopkeeper c8stt'r) every afternoon (Suooay ex­ SHOPKEEPERS &; TRADERS. RichardsJames, corn factor, Foston !'I'pll'd) at haIr-past three. To YORK, the Wt'llington(from London) Adams Samuel, blacksmith Rimington Daniel, miller every morning (Sun.ex.)at halt:.past fin. Asher Thomas, tailor, Foston Rimington William, butcher Bemrose Johu, grocer and chymist Rowbotham EdmulId, miller CARRIERS. Bemrose William, maltstel' Simpson George, carpenter To GRANTHAM, Robe!'t Bennett and Bennett Robert, beer retailer Slack Thomas, plumber and glazier WilIiam Mills, from their homes, Long Birkett Mar)', shopkeepel' SOlltlJem William, lime bumel' Benning-ton, and William Tnylor, froln BoyersJohn,saddler&harlless mal,er Speed John, carpenter, Foston his hOllse, Foston, every Saturday. I To NEWAHK, RobertBennett& WilIiam Brallston John, shopkeeper Speed William, carpenter, Foston Mills, from their houses, Long Benning_ Brown John, boot maker, I~ostou Stafford Mary, dress maker ton, and WilIiam 'faylor, from his bouse, Brown William. butchel', FostOll Wad(tJohn,carpentel' & wheelwright Foston, every Wednesday. BILLINGBOROUGH, HORBLING AND POINTON. BILLINGBOROUGH is a large and flourishing vil-11taVe the Wesleyall mcthodiosts. An annual fair, which lage in the parish of its name, wapelltake of Aveland. continues three days (more particularly noticed under and parts of Kesteven; situate 3 milesE. of Falkingham, the head of FALKINGHAM), is held in June upon Stow­ and 10 N.B. of Bourn. That this vicinage was a Roman green. about two miles west from the dllage. The station the still existing vestiges offort8, evidently con- parish (which has no depelldent township,) contained, structed by tllat people, and the number of their coins by the returns for 1831, 831 inhabitants. and other relics so frequently found, are indisputable The l"illage and parish of HORBLlNG adjoin to BiI­ testimonies. The appearallce of the private dwellings, lillgborough, and like that plare have the advantage of the shops and inns here, denotes the prosperity of the spring8 of water of a peculiarlr fine quality. The parish inhabitants, which is mainly attributable to the rkhness church, dedicated to Saint Andrew, is a fine structure, of the surrounding soil. The copiousness and purity of with a tower and transepts; its architecture combines the springs in the neighbourhood are remarkable; and the sty le prevailing in the reign of Edward III with spe­ there also is a fine chalybeate spring. The church, de- cimens of an earlier date: the benefice is a discharged dicated to St.Andrew, IS a handsome edifice, displaying vicarage, in the patronage of the see of Lincoln. The chiefly the decorated style of English architecture, with parish contained, in 1831, 559 inhabitants. an elegant lofty IIpire: the lh'ing is a discharged vic.arage, About 3! miles E. s. E. from Falkingham, and one s. in the presentation of Lord F0l1esc'ue, wh~ is the chief froJ? Billingborough, is the chapelry of PO,u'!.TON, in the land proprietor; the Rev. Thomas Latham IS the present pansh of SlMPRINGHAM-the latter contaullng a popu­ incumbent. The Calvinists have a chapel, as likewise lation of 490, and the chapelry 409 of that number. POST.-Letters arrive from and are despatched to FALKINGHAM daily . ••• The names toithout address are in BILLINGBOROUGH. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Ashwell Jonathan, master of free Barnard Ann, plumber and glazier Border Mr. Richard, Billingborough school, Horbling Barnard John, chymist and drup Cas swell Mr. Thomas, Pointon Bland l\Iary, mistress of free school Bothamley Thomas, shopkeeper Craven Mrs. Ma~, Billington Blasson Thomas, surgeon Bray Isaac, boot and shoemaker Dawson Mr. Wilham, Barthorpe Gosling John, portrait painter Bumble William, miller and baker, Dean Mr. SethEllis, Billingborough Pick worth James, surgeon, HOl'bIing Horbling Everington Mr.Tholl.Billingbol'Ough Smith and Wilkinsul1, attorneys, Butney Joseph, tailor, Horbling Fisher Mr. John, Billingborough Horblil1g Chapman James, cooper Gould Mr. James, Billingborough INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Cock John, shoemakel' Gould Mr. James, jun. Barthorp Crowll Inn, Robert Abel Codling James, bricklayer Gray Mrs. Jane, Billingborough Fortescue Arms, William Smith Cox William, wheelwright Larking Rev. Edmund R. Horbling George and Dl'agon, Richard Clay Crussley John, saddler Latham Rev. Thos. Billingborough Barnett, Pointon Dean William, draper, Horbling Seward Mr. George, Horbling George and Dragon, Sarah Johnson Easton John, shoemaker. HorbIing Smith Benjamin, esq. Horbling New Ship, John ShiIlcock, Horbling Goodacre James, butcher Pepper Mrs. -, Horbling Plough, William Tow, HOI'bling Goodacre Robert, saddler Pepper Mr. Thomas, Horbling SHOPKEEPERS &; TRADERS. Goodacre William, beer retailer Pepper Mr. William. Billingborough AlIen Charles, joiner and carpenter Hare Matthew, butcher Pickworth Mrs. -, Billingborough Andrew .Tames, blacksmith Hensoll Mary, shopkeeper Westmoreland Mr. Robt. Horbling Andrew William, blacksmith Hills George, blacksmith PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. ArmstrongRobert, milleralld baker, Howal'dJohn, blacksmith, Horbling Allinson Augustine _Gollon, master Barthorp Holt Wm. boot, &c. maker, Horbling of free school AshtQU Edwd. shopkeeper, Horbling Hugell Richard, beer retailer ~ .
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