Of Maritime Administration Affairs No

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Of Maritime Administration Affairs No JOURNAL OF MARITIME ADMINISTRATION AFFAIRS NO. 2/2018 (8) RENOVATION OF AIDS TO NAVIGATION AT THE MARITIME ADMINISTRATION 1 Content/Foreword Table of Contents Dear FEATURE: 3 Renovation of Lighthouses – One of Our Priorities Readers, JUBILEE: Maritime Administration 100 he year 2018 marked the 100th 6 HOSTING US / VISITING US anniversary of the Estonian 8 President Kaljulaid at MA, Director Maritime Administration. I General in Singapore and in Croa- would like to use this opportu- tia, Director General of Slovenian nity to thank all our colleagues MA in Tallinn, Meeting of Maritime Twho have helped to create such a Authorities of Three Baltic States good and well-functioning institu- INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION: tion. Special thanks should go to our 10 PA Safe SC and HELCOM AIS EWG partners from the neighbouring Meetings, BIM Annual Meeting countries, especially Sweden and Fin- MISCELLANEOUS land, who contributed to the restora- 11 MA’s New Website, Construction tion of our maritime authority after Works at Hundipea, New Work- Estonia regained its independence in shop at Rohuküla, Dredging Works 1991. Taking into consideration such in Rukki kanal, New Head in the a remarkable anniversary, the event Hydrography and Aids to was celebrated at the Seaplane Har- Navigation Division bour of the Estonian Maritime Muse- Pajula Raigo by Photo um in a more glamorous manner than in previous years. In order to share this memorable occasion with our readers we bring to you some nice JOURNAL photos of it. OF MARITIME ADMINISTRATION AFFAIRS In this issue of the Journal we re- NO. 2/2018 (8) view last year’s major developments. Right now we have about 20 aids to navigation in Estonia, including light In addition to being beacons and day marks, which have important for the safety been completely renovated. Due to RENOVATION the extra 1.5 million euros we re- of water traffic, navigational OF AIDS TO ceived from the Government budget marks, particularly lighthouses, NAVIGATION in 2018 we managed to repair two AT THE MARITIME more lighthouses and start the prepa- also attract tourists. ADMINISTRATION rations for renovation of several oth- ers. In addition to being important for the safety of water traffic, navigational marks, particularly lighthouses, also attract tourists – approximately 1 100,000 people a year visit the light- houses which are open to the public. Journal of Maritime Administration Thus the main article this time focus- joint harbour for the fleets of the Adminis- Affairs es on the renovation of lighthouses in tration and the Police and Border Guard No. 2/2018 (8) Estonia. Board. Cover image: Renovation of Kihnu Among other things you can read What to expect in 2019? We would like to lighthouse in autumn 2018 about the dredging of the fairway be- go on with renovation of navigational (photo: MA archive) tween Hiiumaa Island and the main- marks, and we have plans to purchase new land undertaken by the Maritime Ad- radars for our VTS system. Our flag ship EDITORIAL STAFF: ministration to make sure that ferry project “Enhancing the International Editors: Annika Naame, Tarmo Ots service can continue even in case of Competitiveness of Estonian Shipping” is Layout & design: Profimeedia low water level; the new workshop at taking shape and we will take a look at it in Rohuküla which is used for the main- the next issue, after it has passed the final CONTACTS: tenance of floating aids in West Esto- reading at the Riigikogu (Estonian Parlia- Estonian Maritime Administration nia; and extensive reconstruction ment). Until then – enjoy reading about Valge 4, 11413 Tallinn works that started in Hundipea har- the highlights of 2018! Phone: +372 6205 500 bour, the home of MA’s fleet, to make RENE ARIKAS E-mail: [email protected] berthing safer. In the future it will be a Director General 2 Feature Renovation of lighthouses — One of Our Priorities The year 2018 was remarkable from the point of view of renovation of Estonian lighthouses. For the first time a significant amount of money was allocated from the Governmental budget to reconstruct lighthouses which are valuable as cultural heritage. 1.5 million euros gives the MA a possibility to start the renovation process of four aids to navigation. Photos: MA ARCHIVE n Estonia, there are 41 operational lighthouses, some of which are archi- The almost tectural heritage objects. The Interna- 300-year-old Keri tional Association of Marine Aids to lighthouse is a Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities cultural heritage I(IALA) has compiled a list of 100 notewor- site but closed to the public because thy lighthouses that are preserved as ar- The 43-metre Tahkuna lighthouse in of the danger of chitectural and cultural heritage sites, and Hiiumaa is the tallest cast-iron building in collapsing 6 Estonian lighthouses can also be found Estonia on that list: Kõpu, Ruhnu, Tahkuna, Keri, Pakri and Suurupi front. Kõpu lighthouse with an approximate cost of 300,000 euros. is one of the three oldest navigational In total, 18 lighthouses and light beacons marks in the world still actively used. have been reconstructed in the last decade. Noteworthy is also Suurupi lighthouse An additional 1.5 million euros enable front (erected in 1885) because it is the us to completely renovate lighthouses lo- only wooden lighthouse in Estonia cur- cated in Kihnu and Vilsandi islands. The rently in operation and one of the few construction works in Kihnu Island, which wooden lighthouses in the world still have been completed by now, included working. stripping off the many layers of paint on the walls both outside and inside and re- RECENT DEVELOPMENTS painting them (including walls, stairs, In recent years the State has found it possi- landings), and weatherizing the façade. ble to finance the renovation of either two Major electricity works were required, and lighthouses or three light beacons a year the foundation and the socle had to be 3 Feature People Voted Kõpu Lighthouse Their Favourite In November 2018, the Estonian Mari- time Administration organised an opin- ion poll to find out which lighthouse people consider to be their favourite lighthouse in Estonia. The results of the poll were revealed on 13 November, at the Administration’s 100th anniversary, and it was the Administration’s present to the state on the 100th centenary of the Republic of Estonia. In total, over 3200 votes were cast. Almost a quarter of the voters selected Kõpu Lighthouse in Hiiumaa as their favourite. Sõrve Lighthouse in Saare- maa placed second, and Keri Light- house, which will celebrate its 300th anniversary next year, came third. Kõpu Lighthouse is the oldest in Estonia (erected in 1531, it will be 488 years old in 2019) and third oldest in the world. It is also the oldest continu- ously functioning lighthouse in the world. Originally a fire was lit on top of the structure, which could be seen from the sea. Today a 1000 W lantern is used that has luminous intensity of about 2,000,000 cd. The light of Kõpu Light- house is the most powerful in the Baltic region and Scandinavia; its visibility in darkness is 26 nautical miles. Its focal plane is 103.6 m, which makes it the highest lighthouse light in Estonia. Kõpu was also the first lighthouse in Estonia to welcome visitors – it was Kõpu lighthouse is people’s favourite, as revealed by an opinion poll in 2018 opened for the public in 2002. fixed up. Also, preparation of technical lighthouse complexes to private enterpris- Tallinn lighthouse front is on the list renovation projects of Ruhnu and Tallinn es or persons, and according to contracts a of lighthouses front lighthouses have been started. certain amount of income coming from waiting to be ticket sale is used for maintenance of the repaired in the LIGHTHOUSES ATTRACT TOURISTS lighthouses. So it is a win-win situation for near future Renovation of lighthouses is one of the both sides – we can earn an additional in- priorities of the Maritime Administration come to maintain the lighthouses and the and a lot of effort and human resources local communities have additional busi- have been put into this work. ness opportunities and working places. Readers may ask why this topic is so im- Thus, out of the 41 Estonian lighthouses portant for us. The issue needs to be con- 10 already welcome sightseers in sum- sidered in a wider perspective than only mertime: Suurupi front and rear, Ristna, safety of navigation. Lighthouses attract Kõpu, Tahkuna, Kihnu, Pakri, Ruhnu and attention and people are very keen to visit Vormsi, as well as Sõrve. There are official them. Well maintained aids to navigation requests to open two more lighthouses in open to the public attract tourists. Tourists the future. create additional business opportunities (shops, eating places, accommodation). KERI LIGHTHOUSE NEEDS INVESTMENTS Most lighthouses are located in rural areas As an aid to navigation, Keri lighthouse is and every additional workplace has signif- indispensable. It is located on a tiny islet in icance. It is important to note that the the Gulf of Finland, erected in 1719. The Maritime Administration has handed over lighthouse used natural gas from the local the administration of the buildings in drilling well for its light in the years from 4 Feature Sõrve lighthouse was first opened for visitors in the summer of 2018 Suurupi front – the oldest wooden lighthouse of the Baltic coasts Sõrve Lighthouse A nice winter shot of Pakri lighthouse Is Ready To Receive complicated task to renovate a lighthouse so far in the sea. Guests On Saturday, 15 June 2018, Sõrve TALLINN LIGHTHOUSE Lighthouse was officially opened for FRONT WILL BE REPAIRED the public. This is the first lighthouse in Tallinn lighthouse front, or Tallinn light- Saaremaa Island, and the tenth in house north (or, by yet another name, the Estonia, to welcome visitors, who can White lighthouse) is situated next to the enjoy the beautiful vistas of Saaremaa VTS Centre of the Maritime Administra- from 45 metres above the ground.
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