Volume Iv. Washington City, D. 0., June 28,1874
VOLUME IV. WASHINGTON CITY, D. 0., JUNE 28,1874. NUMBER 17. can speak sentiments so fair and uncontaminated The Beecher Case. malice replete. I couldn't help it—I dressed, Trent LATEST BT TELEGRAPH. NEW. YORK, June 27.—J. B. Carpenter, artist, men- THE CAPITAL, down into the street and threw a stone at him. with passion, merits a call from his feilow-citizens to tioned In Tilton's letter to Beecher as the person Who PUBLISHED WEEKLY But our nights here, are lovely. If we have the a position where they may give life to opinion and SPECIALS FKOM BALTIMORB. had informed him that Beecher had said money could same moon that you have down the city, we at least firmness to action. They are not such sentiments as be obtained to send Tllton and family to Europe, if BY THJB have a different point of perspective—it is so large domesticate themselves in a narrow breast. Why THE CITY HALL AGAIN. tiling to go, lias been interviewed and says : " A few CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, and so luminous, the sky so vast and so blue, the should not the name of their gallant and generous BALTIMORE, June 27.—An article that recently ap- days after the adjournment of the council I had occa- 927 I> Street, Washington, W. €. stars so nnmerons and brilliant, and the Capitol ris- author, Who speaks what is ready to leap from every peared in this corresppndencé relative to alleged over- sion to call uponBéecher at his house, In connection BONN PIATT Editor. ing before you like some enchanted palace, with its tongue to-day, be named for.
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