Introduction to Airborne

March 2020

Udo Zillmann Kristian Petrick Stefanie Thoms 1 § Introduction to


§ Airborne Wind Energy – principle and concepts

§ Advantages

§ Challenges

§ Airborne Wind Europe

§ Meeting with DG RTD 2 § AWE principle and concepts


§ Principles § Ground generation § On-board generation

§ Different types § Soft wing § Rigid wing § Semi-rigid wing § Other forms 3 § AWE principle

Ground generation (“ground gen”) or yo-yo principle

Kite flies out in a spiral and creates a tractive pull force to the tether, the winch generates as it is being reeled out.




Tether is retracted back as kite flies directly back to the starting point. Return phase consumes a few % of Generator power generated, requires < 10 % of total cycle time. 4 § AWE principle

On-board generation (“fly-gen”)

Kite flies constantly cross-wind, power is produced in the on-board generators and evacuated through the tether 5 § AWE principle

The general idea: Emulating the movement of a blade tip but at higher altitudes

Source: Erc Highwind Makani 6 § AWE principle

Fundamental idea of AWE systems

• With a conventional wind , the outer 20 % of the blades (the fastest moving part) generates about 60% of the power • AWE is the logical step to use only a fast flying device that emulates the blade tip. 7 § AWE concepts

Concepts of our members – soft, semi-rigid and rigid wings 8 § AWE Concept

Overview of technological concepts Aerostatic concepts are not in scope of this presentation

Source: Ecorys 2018 9 § AWE Concept

Rigid kite with Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL)

1. Launch 2. Produce Electricity 3. Land The kite takes flight powered by electric Once the tether reaches a minimum length If the wind stops, the propellers engage, and propellers. The tether reels out of the winch the propellers turn off. Driven by the wind the kite transitions to hover mode and the at a constant speed until it reaches a alone, the kite flies ‘pumping cycles’, each tether reels in entirely. minimum length. consisting of a series of loops followed by a The kite returns to the platform until the wind short recovery phase. Electricity is generated picks up. as the kite pulls the tether from the winch.

300 m Twing

Wind Altitude

Pumping Cycle 150 m

Ground Station with Generator

1 Vertical Take-off and Landing Source: TwingTec 10 11 § AWE Concept

Soft kite: Launch with a mast

Source: Skysails 12 § AWE Concept

Rigid kite: Catapult Launch and Landing 13 § AWE Concept

Semi-rigid kite: Rotating arm

Source: Enerkite 14 § AWE Concept

Ground-based generation technologies have developed over time

TwingTec Rigid 1-line Kitemill E-kite wing/ 2-lines Skypull VTOL 3-lines KPS

1-line Ampyx Power Rigid 2-lines wing 3-lines Enerkite

1-line Skysails Kitepower 2-lines Soft kite Kitenergy 3-lines

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 15 § Introduction to Airborne Wind Energy


§ Airborne Wind Energy

§ AWE Advantages

§ Challenges

§ Airborne Wind Europe 16 § AWE Advantages


§ Less material: lower environmental impact: CO2 footprint, visual, resources

§ Additional wind resources: capturing more renewable potential globally

§ High full load hours: more constant electricity production

§ Low LCOE: potential for lower cost of energy produced

§ Flexibility: easier logistics, quick set-up

§ Scalability: from few kW to several MW

§ New markets: Repowering and floating offshore 17 § AWE advantages

Less material, more compact, lower visual impact

Size comparison of a 100 kW system

Source: TwingTec 18 § AWE advantages

Lower material costs – a large share of a conventional turbine‘s cost structure is for tower, blades and foundation Percentag e of CAPEX

source: IRENA 19 § AWE advantages

Less material, lower carbon footprint

§ 7 MW plant: nearly 5,000 tons of material. § AWE systems require about 90% less material than conventional wind § Tower, foundation, , large share of rotor blade mass become obsolete § indicative 90% onshore and 97% offshore § Saving resources concrete and steel reduce the environmental impact of the system during production -> higher material efficiency § Materials reduction influcences all levels of the value chain § The lower carbon footprint can offer additional economic advantages in case carbon prices rise in future

§ “AWE is substituting hardware with software” 20 § AWE advantages

Less material for same power and higher energy output

Example of a 30 kW system

Source: TwingTec 21 § AWE Advantages

More available wind resources world-wide

Wind power increases with the cube of the increase of the wind speed (v3). The average wind speed increases with the height from the ground. 22 § AWE Advantages

More available wind resources in Europe

100 m 500 m

Bechtle et. al., to be published, wind data: ERA5 Light green means excellent conditions 23 § AWE Advantages

Higher altitude means more wind, resulting in higher energy yields and improved economics

100 m altitude 200 m altitude

IRENA: Global Atlas, Map data: DTU 2015, OpenStreetMap contributors 24 § AWE Advantages

More full load hours, more constant electricity production, less intermittency, better system integration Higher (60%-80% or beyond) compared to conventional wind (30-60%) and solar (15-25%)


Graph: Enerkite 25 § AWE Advantages

More full-load hours: Power curves allow low cut-in speeds

Gupta et al. (2019). Power Curve Analysis Of On-ground Airborne Wind Energy Systems 26 § AWE Advantages

Low LCOE due to less material and higher yield

Support only required at a comparably low level and not for a long time


Source: Kitemill 27 § AWE Advantages


Source: Skysails 28 § AWE Advantages

Flexibility: quick set-up, easier logistics, greater availability of suitable sites

§ Containerized solution for small systems are possible, only simple foundation necessary if any § Flexible solution for islands and other remote communities (including resorts) – substituting expensive diesel generation § In hurricane areas the systems can be secured to avoid damage § Mines: They can plan only for a few years ahead can relocate AWE systems during lifetime

Source: TwingTec, Kitemill 29 § AWE Advantages

Deep offshore – only small platform required

Avoiding fixed bottom structures reduces environmental impact on seabed flora and maritime fauna (e.g. whales).

Source: Makani 30 § AWE Advantages

Repowering of existing off-shore sites 31 § AWE Advantages

Hybrid installations with solar fields possible

Source: Enerkite 32 § AWE advantages

High system scalability from few kW to several MW

§ Current demonstrator systems are in the 30-50 kW range § First commercial systems will be in the 100 – 250 kW range § Upscaling to > 2 MW is foreseen by all companies

§ The wide power range will allow a multitude of applications which are difficult to achieve with horizontal axis turbines

§ This scalability and modularity makes AWE comparable to photovoltaics.

§ Energy density 20 MW/km2 compared to wind 4-5 MW/km2 and solar 4–9 MW/km2. 33 § AWE advantages

Potentially higher energy density: less space use for the same capacity

Energy density up to 20 MW/km2 compared to conventional wind 4-5 MW/km2 and solar 4–9 MW/km2.

Source: Ampyx, TwingTec Check source for values 34 § AWE Advantages

“Spill-over effect” to applications in maritime transport sector

AWE knowledge can help decarbonising maritime shipping

Skysails 35 § AWE Advantages

Markets and sequence of potential AWES deployment

Grid-connected onshore deployment will be important for early upscaling

Source: Ecorys 2018 36 § AWE advantages

AWE becoming part of a wide mix

§ AWE is complementary to traditional wind, e.g. areas with currently low wind resources § There will be areas where AWE will be the best and most suited RET § But in other areas there will be other RETs, including conventional on- and offshore wind § AWE is part of the wind community § We are not competition to the wind community because we also need support of the wind community § A suite of renewable technologies is required to make the energy transition happen § All RE technologies are needed, distributed and centrally deployed. § They have to be continuously improved to reach a 100% RE § AWE competes against fossil and nuclear , not against other renewables 37 § Introduction to Airborne Wind Energy


§ Airborne Wind Energy

§ Advantages

§ Challenges

§ Airborne Wind Europe 38 § Challenges

Barriers affecting the Investment risk and LCOE of AWES technologies

Source: EC / Ecorys 2018 39 § Challenges

AWE companies will face “Valley of Death”: Still high risk and high funding needs (especially public funding)

Maturity Applied R&D, Commercial Basic R&D Demonstration Deployment Prototype viability Science or Part-scale Full- Research Centers Dominant design Fully-commercial industry led scale

Perceived / real risk

Valley of Death public private Funding needs 40 § Introduction to Airborne Wind Energy


§ Airborne Wind Energy

§ Advantages

§ Challenges

§ AWE sector and Airborne Wind Europe 41 § AWE sector and Airborne Wind Europe


§ AWE in the world

§ Stakeholders

§ Airborne Wind Europe

§ AWE Conferences

§ Working Group Safety and Technical Guidelines

§ Working Group Roadmap 42 § AWE sector

Most AWE activities are concentrated in Europe

Source: TU Delft 43 § AWE sector

AWE has been supported by public and private stakeholders

Public institutions Private companies 44 § AWE sector

The AWE sector will have to deal with many stakeholders

Clients / Investors Financial Sector Administration

Utilities (e.on, RWE, Grid operators, regulators, Stadtwerke,...) EIB, Banks, Private investors, airspace authorities, EASA, funds, public investors local administrations, Project developers certification bodies ...

European Commission AWE comanies National Ministries

DG RTD, Technology Developers, DG ENER, DG COMP, DE, IE, NL, NO, UK, ... Supply Chain Companies DG JRC, DG CLIMA, EASME, ...

Research Institutions Associations General public Universities, EUREC, Citizens (final electricity ETIP Wind, other institutes WindEurope, GWEC, national consumers, tax payers), civil like . InnoEnergy, DLR, IEA, associations IRENA society, NGOs 45 § AWE sector

Airborne Wind Europe – members and collaboration

Airborne Wind Europe

Member of:

Planned collaboration: 46 § AWE sector

European commission study on AWE (Ecorys 2018)

“[…] The study provides an overview of the technological state of the art, assesses market potential and barriers, and outlines measures and a pathway towards commercialisation. The study finds that the technology is still immature, and that it remains unclear whether the technology can ultimately reach cost-competitiveness and contribute to EU and decarbonisation targets. However, the AWES case from the perspective of EU industrial leadership is strong. Moreover, there is sufficient potential to continue exploring the technology. The sector needs to do so under a risk-controlled technology development approach. […]” 47 § AWE sector

ETIP Wind – Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda

“Researchers need to look for game changers for wind energy […]

To that end, […] the viability of new prototypes of airborne wind energy systems should be researched.” 48 § AWE sector

Airborne Wind Energy Conference (AWEC)

2009: Chico, CA, USA 2010: Stanford, CA, USA 2011: Leuven, Belgium 2012: Hampton, VA, USA 2013: Berlin, Germany in 2013 biennial event since then 49 § AWE Sector

AWEC 2019 Glasgow

§ More than 220 delegates from 21 countries § 5 plenary talks by selected experts from international agencies, industry and academia (WindEurope, Ampyx Power, Makani, IEA and Politecnico di Milano), § 11 contributed talk sessions in two parallel tracks, comprising a total of 42 presentations, § 5 panel discussions covering all aspects of airborne wind energy, including a further 10 presentations, § 2 poster sessions, each preceded by plenary spotlight presentations, with altogether 21 poster presentations. 50 § AWE Sector

Airborne Wind Energy at WindEnergy Hamburg2018

Highly frequented booth with over 1000 visitors 51 § Airborne Wind Europe

Two active Working Groups since end of 2018

Airborne Wind Europe

Working Group 1 Working Group 2 Working Group 3 WG x Safety & WG x Roadmap WG Environment Technical Guidelines Grid Grid 52 § Airborne Wind Europe

Two active Working Groups since end of 2018

Airborne Wind Europe

Working Group 1 Working Group 2 Working Group 3 WG x Safety & WG x Roadmap WG Environment Technical Guidelines Grid Grid 53 § AWE Working Group Safety and Technical Guidelines Objectives

§ Ensure safe operations § Any accident can harm the entire sector (apart from the harm done) § Shape new standards for AWE system according to the sector’s needs § Neither IEC wind standards nor aviation standards currently consider AWE § Get aligned with regulatory authorities § To be prepared for commercialisation § Ensure that AWES are considered power generation systems § Viable operation is key § Apply a flexible approach that will fit all concepts and markets. § Not all AWE companies plan to use aviation standards § Certain AWE concepts can/should be treated as obstruction instead of an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) 54 § AWE Working Group Safety and Technical Guidelines We develop a Technical AWE Guideline based on IEC Standard 61400 and complemented by other standards

Aviation / Airspace or IEC Standards AWE Guideline / Standard other standards IEC 61400-1 Main structure according to Where necessary or Design requirements IEC 61400 appropriate • … • 5. Principal elements Priorities: •. • 6. External conditions Tether •. • 7. Structural Design Ground station •. • 8. Control System Airborne structure EASA / JARUS Standard •. • … Wind conditions and Power performance SORA (Specific Operations Risk IEC 61400-12 •. … Power performance Assessment) •. measurements Operations Risk assessment IEC 61508: Functional safety of electrical systems 55 § AWE Working Group Safety and Technical Guidelines We are working on common Safety Principles

Safety Principles

•. General: • Reference Standards • Compliance • ... •. Design •. Production and Verification •. Operations and Maintenance • Authority Approval • ... Signed by: 56 § Airborne Wind Europe

Two active Working Groups since end of 2018

Airborne Wind Europe

Working Group 1 Working Group 2 Working Group 3 WG x Safety & WG x Roadmap WG Environment Technical Guidelines Grid Grid 57 § AWE Roadmap

A Roadmap for the European Airborne Wind Sector

§ Objective: Estimate sector’s growth plans in a bottom-up approach.

§ Ten companies collaborated in Working Group § Data reflect their business plans until 2030 for pre-commercial and commercial projects: § Number of systems § MW installed § investment needs § jobs created.

§ Top-down analysis to estimate AWE market potential for 2050 58 § AWE Roadmap

First commercial systems in 2020/21; 9 out of 10 companies plan commercial systems by 2023 59 § AWE Roadmap

Pre-commercial systems: At least 200 Mio Euro cumulated investment needs until 2022

Note: Two out of ten companies did not provide investment needs 60 § AWE Roadmap

Cumulated capacity in the GW-range by 2030 is seen as realistic – but there are still many unknown developments Unknowns: • Technology advancements • AWE and RE policies • Regulation, • Markets • etc.

Range 61 § AWE Roadmap

Very fast growth within a short time frame is possible

§ Within 10 years a technology can grow into the GW range in a single market § PV Germany in 2000-10: from a few MW to 15 GW (single market!) § UK offshore wind 2002-12: from 0 to 3 GW

§ Within one year capacity in the GW-range can double in a single market: § PV Germany in 2008-09: from 1.9 to 4.4 GW § UK Offshore Wind 2011-12: from 0.5 to 1.1 GW

§ But: § PV and onshore wind were proven technologies when large-scale deployment started while AWE is still in the development phase. 62 § Global scenarios

GWEC (2016): Up to 5800 GW of wind power expected by 2050

Several hundred GW for AWE in 2050 are considered realistic 63 § AWE Roadmap

Global 100% RE scenario: Global wind capacities of about 10,000 GW on- and offshore by 2050

Several hundred GW are realistic, if global wind capacity reaches 3- 10,000 GW by 2050

LUT_EWG 2019, Global Energy System based on 100% Renewable Energy (Lappeenranta University of Technology Research and Energy Watch Group) 64 § AWE Roadmap


1. GW-range by 2030 possible – but many unknowns

2. AWE commercialization 2021 - 2024

3. Pre-commercial investment needs > 200 Mio EUR by 2022

4. Several hundred GW by 2050 seem realistic

5. Detailed study of potentials and scenarios required 65 § Contact

Thank you for your attention!

Udo Zillmann Kristian Petrick Secretary General Policy and Regulation +49 173 7141203 +34 637 710 451 [email protected] kristian. [email protected]

Airborne Wind Europe Avenue de la Renaissance 1 1000 Brussels, Belgium [email protected] 66 § Introduction to Airborne Wind Energy

Agenda – Back-up

§ Examples / Visualisations

§ Other potentially useful slides § Some of following slides which show potentially useful illustrations may be adapted 67 § Examples

Ampyx Power 68 § Examples

Ampyx Power 69 § Examples

Kitemill 70 § Examples

Kitemill 71 § Examples

Skysails 72 § Examples


Product TT100 (100 kW) TT500 (500 kW) TT3000 (3000 kW)

LCOE (€/MWh) 100 – 200 50 - 100 << 50

Target market off-grid

on-grid, on-shore

on-grid, off-shore 73 § Examples

Enerkite 74 § Examples

Enerkite 75 § Examples


Potential remote application (photo montage 76 § Examples

Kitepower Winch 77 § Examples

Makani 78 § Examples

Maybe the future: Dual wind drones in very high altitudes using jet stream

Source: Antonello Cherubini 79 § Introduction to Airborne Wind Energy

Agenda – Back-up

§ Examples / Visualisations

§ Other potentially useful slides § Some of following slides which show potentially useful illustrations may be adapted 80 § Examples

Kitepower – kite components

Exemplary yoyo-system (Peschel, Kitepower) 81 § Other ideas

Higher wind speeds at higher altitudes 82 Markets 83 § Examples

Companies Europe I

Ampyx Power, NL

EnerKíte, GER e-kite, NL

Kitenergy, IT

KiteGen, IT

Kitemill, NO

Kitepower, NL 84 § Examples

Companies Europe II

Kite Power Systems, UK


Omnidea-RTG, GER

Skypull, CH

SkySailsPower, GER