Lie Piled on Lie Good Reasons
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greatly respect, requested anonymity for Lie piled on lie good reasons. I would ask readers to take o0.acrivjssisFJoIlIlfDTOOFFERRtit ARRE my word on that. And I would ask Lane: Do viewpoint an the JFK film (ITT, Jan. I5). you really think Prouty is 'a straight-laced, He does not, however, have the moral right patriotic. middle-of-the-mad American." as to do so by the publication of Hese will point you stated Dec. 20,1991, during an interview to a few such lies published by Briers. an Pacifica station KPFA? Populist He seeks to &suede Fletcher Prouty. "Mr. Prouty sits on the Liberty Lobby's X" in Oliver Stone's film JFK, who was there Action Committee. He is now marketing his portrayed by Donald Sutherland, and to de- book Sever Team. through Noontide Press. mesn Victor Marchetti. a former CIA officer. the publishing arm of Liberty Lobby that also Of them. Bleiluss, quoting "a researcher' sells the seminal anti-Semitic work, Pnirocoe (unnamed. since he "requested anonymity"}, of the Elders of Zion. Finally, the Liberty writes that they "represent a dissident, far- Lobby paper Sportighr (circulation 200.0011 right branch of the CIA." Prouty and Mar- reports that Prouty was prepared to go to chetti had both offered evidence of CIA in- catat in the Institute for Historical Review volvement in the assassination and thus also relied upon secret informants, but he To have done so is not a dishonorable thing. IHR case Lane mentions above, and testify had apparently won the enmity of the secret at least. was decked out in full wolf regalia The ACLU represents David Duke. and hon- as a character raters for Willis A. Carta. the informant and Bleikes The facts are rele- and never claimed to be a sheep. orable and distinguished members of the thunder of liberty Lobby and IHR. , vant. Prouty has never been in the CIA. Mar- In desk-tiring my book, Plausible Denial bar have often represented individuals and It was Carta who once wrote: Hiders de- chetti resigned from the CLA and, together during an interview with a Pacifica radio organizations that hold to unpopular views feat was the defeat of europe.And of America. with Sohn Marks, a fellow of Harvard's Insti• station. KPFA, I had defended Prouty and and views not shared by their counsel. It is Flow could we have been so blind? The tote of Pelitics and a leader of the left-ol- former New Orleans District Attorney Jim just a fact, however, that I have never rep- blame. 'It seems. must be laid at the door of center Center for National Security Studies, Garrison from several false attacks that had resented the IHR. the international Jews. It was their propa- published a book, The CIA arid the Cult of been made upon them in an article pub- Likewise. the statement that the IHR ganda. lies and demands which biffided the Esquire. For having done so, 'posits the Holocaust as a Jewish hoax" is West to what Germany was doing.... If Satan intelligence, which was an imporeent attack, lished by herself. with all of his superhuman genius from the left. upon the "totalitarian" nature Bleiffiss turned his practiced eye and poi- false. Is there not presently sufficient anti- soned pen upon me. Semitism in the US? Must Bleihiss Invent and diabolical ingenuity at his ceinmand, had of the CIA. First_ lie asserts that Mark Lane has ere- anti-Semitism even where it does not exist? Wed to create a permanent disintegration Blears' shrouded -.source" then was ten a book about the reessinatIon that During September 1991. the allegation as and force for the destruction of the nations. quoted as calling Freely. "a Nazi crackpot' ever stated have done no better than to invent and asserted that the filmJIX was 'a propa- "puts the blame squarely on the CIA." News in whether or nut the Hi has he could ganda platform for Nazis, ostensibly be- Lash: Time magazine and CNN have pub- that the Holocaust did not exist was subject the Jews.' Ramble Denial—No.."; cause it presented Prouty's views. Those lished a poll revealing that three-quarters In litigation. The case was tried in the in his new book who saw the film may remember the Suthet- of American people believe there was a con- County of Los Angeles, Superior Court of on the New York Times bestseller list (the end monologue in which lie spoke the spiracy to kill President Kennedy, and half California, before Judge Stephen M. Lachs, noreliction oriel—Lane describes his hour• eloquently, as Prouty, against the continu- 01 them believe that the CIA was involved. who is Jewish, as am I. Judge Lachs stated bon-sipping buddy Carta as a man who "teal- ation of the war in Vietnam, against the Actually. Plausible Denial is in large mea- that he had read the voluminous record, lenges the power structure, the right of fi- exploitation of the people of Central sure the story of a trial in the U.S. District comprised in part of all the relevant publi- nancial institutions. unelected by the peo- America, against the overthrow by the CIA Court in which I represented Liberty Lobby, cations of the IHR. and that the tiff had ple. to rule the nation, whatever their reli- and the military-industrial complex of Ar- Inc., the publishers of Spotlight, a news- never stated that the Holocaust had not oc- gions or political affiliation may be." tetra in Guatemala and Mossadegh in lean. paper that had printed an article written by curred. He ordered counsel for the plaintiff With such praise. Lane might have also the rigging of elections in Europe after Marchetti indicating CIA complicity in the in that case never to state to the jury that made a good character witness for Casio during the above-mentioned court case—if World War if by the CIA, and the use by US. assassination. We won the ear, and that fore- the FR had ever contended that the he hadn't been working as the Liberty intelligence forces of 'the Nazi intelligence woman of the jury stated that the evidence Holocaust had not occurred. He ordered Lobby's attorney. As Lane points out, he apparatus: Prosty. through Sutherland, adduced at the trial constrained the conclu- counsel for the plaintiff not to make such called for the end of attacks upon Castro's sion that the CIA had Indeed killed President a false statement to the jury, On Oct. 20. cannot practice in California. and therefore he was not the attorney of record in that Cuba_ Prouty, through Sutherland. observed Kennedy. These facts have appeared in newe- /491. Judge Lacks entered an order dismiss• that Kennedy had been assassinated be- paper reviews of Plausible Denial published ing the case against the MR. state lor Casio. the Liberty Lobby or the throughout the country. Word has Marla Lana [FIR, But in a deposition for the case taken cause he "set out to withdraw from Viet- Washington, D.C. name citing a National Security Advisory apparently not yet reached Bleifuss. It was in New Yore, 'Mark Lane, Esq." is listed as "attarney for the defendant—Liberty memorandum he had authorized. Indeed, it the jury and the evidence upon which they was Col. Prouty, in real life, who helped to relied that "puts the blame squarely on the Lobby. Inc." The case in quesbon—California draft the memorandum and the Trip Report CIA! Joel Rieifuss replies: Will the real Mark Court Case No. Ce2 92 24—in- upon which it was largely based_ Bleifur asserts, regarding the broadcast. Lane please stand up? One of the low honest Superior For the fictionalized version of the event, that "Lane, however, failed to identify him• statements that Lane makes in the above let- volved a suit by a survivor of Aitschwiu. Mel Mermelstein. against Carta and two or• see JR'. For lies about It, read In These self as a Liberty Lobby lawyer" and that I ter is that he is Jewish. fin fate, Lane twee ionizations Casio thunded—Liberty Lobby Times. for the facts, read Plausible tailed le identify myself "as the lawyer for out his religious heritage anytime anyone and IHR. Merrnetstein had previously gone which I wrote and to which Prouty contri- the Institute for Historical Review, the brings up his ongoing association with the ro coat and successfulty 'arced [RR to pay buted the introduction. California-based organization that posits leading lights of America's anti-Semitic far him the $sogoo reward it had acted to I do not believe that a single statement the Holocaust as a Jewish hoax.' All serious right, anyone who could priwe that the Holocaust authored by Prouty in the film differs from charges; all blatant lies. Lane Is not so quick to bring up the fact as analysis of the same historic event pub- Of course, 1 was the lawyer in the trial of that he was a co-editor of Zionist Watch, a happened. In the course 01 that trial. Carus deposteunt 'Certainly there were lished (Wet the years by In These Times. Hum ix bberty, Lobby !said so repeatedly publicatlen founded in September 1987 by said In a A question occurs. How can fileifess, the throughout Ramie/4 Denial, I said so in the Liberty Lobby. the largest and most influen- no Jews gassed at Auschwitz. because there were no gas chambers. There were no Jews en Peron" editor al fn These Times, write KPFA inteniew on several occasions and I tial anti•Semitic organization in the country.