Mahendragarh District, No-19, Punjab
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CENSUS OF INDIA, 1961 PUNJAB DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK No. 19 MAHENDRAGARH, .' DISTRICT R. 1... ANAND Superintendent of Cent~us Operations and Jt;1'tU1TtCration C~om,missione'r, Punjab Published by the Government of Punjab 196ti N MAHENDRAGARH DISTRICT s , ,_ o PUNJA8 ," ... REFERENCE T \ \ I wo_..... STATE 80 VNDARY .~. )1 DISTRICT JI --- TAH$IL. II ......... METAE GAUGE RAIL.WAY N[TALl[O ROAD •••......• UN N ET'ALLEO ROAD MIL.E' $TREAN (0 5 0 to I , , f) OISTT. HEAOOUARTEFtS r 1 .., 15 o 1.5 o TAttS".. II klL.OMETAES • UAIAH CEHTRE A····-CENTRAL GOVE'RNMENT PUB.LICATTONS The pllblicatiotls relating to Punjab bear Volume No. XIII. and are bound separately as fOlJOy\lS :_ Part l·A Genera l Rc:' ~ t Part IV-B .. Tables on Housing and Establish- ments Part I-B Report on Vital Statistics Part V-A Special Tables on Scheduled fiart I .. qi) .. Subsidiary Ta hIes Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part I·C(ii) Subsidiarv Tab1es Part V-B Ethnographic Notes on ScheduJed .. Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part II-A (jeneral Population Tables Part VI Village Survey Monographs: 44 in number, each relatjng to an Part II-B(i) General Economic Tables (Tables individual viJIa ge B~I to B-IV, B-VIII and B-IX) Pa rt VII ... A Report un Selected ~landicrafts Part Il-B (ii) (jeneral Economic Tahles (Tables B-\' to B-VI]) Part VII-B Report and Tables on Fairs and Festivals Part II-e (i) Social and Cultural TabJe~ Part VIII-A Administrative Report: Enumera- Part II-e (i i) l\1igratioll Tables tion (Not for sale) Part VIH- B .. Administrative Report: "fa bula- Part III Household Econo nlic ~ra bles tion (Not for saJe) Part IV-A Report on Housing and Establish .. Part IX Socio-Econon1ic AtJas rnents B·-PlJNJAB (;OVERNl\'IENT PIJBLICAT1()NS It) Volunles of District Census Handbooks :-.. DCH·l Hissar DCH-Il Ludhiana .DCH .. 2 Rohtak DCH-12 Ferolepl1t' .DC.H-3 Gurgaoll DCH-13 Amritsill DCH .. 4 KarnaJ DCli-14 Gurdaspur I)CH-5 Ambala DCH.. 15 Kapurthala DCH-6 Simla DCH... l{; Bhatinda DCH·7 Kangra DeH .. 17 Sangrur DCH.. ~' Lahaul and Spiti DCH-U) Patiala DCH.. 9 lIoshinrpu r 1)CH-19 1\1 a ht."nd ra~u rh l')C 1-1 ~ l{\ Jutiundur PREFACE The luain reports and statistical volumes pertaining to the 1961-census fall under three broad groups on the basis of territory coverage. The All-India Reports and Tables cOlnpiled in the office of the Registrar General. India, enCOlnpass the entire country. The reports compiled by the Statt.~ Superintendents relatt~ to individual States and Centrally Administered Territories. The third group consists of l)istrict Census l-Iandbooks the scope of which is limited to individual Districts, and they give inforrllution for each town and village. rrhe fland books have been compiled by the Superintendent of Census Operat.ions, but are published by the St.ate Govern ment. The l)istrict Census .tJandbooks were published for the first tinlC at the 1951 .. census. They proved very useful with the officers working in COlnnlunity Developn1ent Blocks, Tahsils and Districts. and were consul ted in connection with elections and by students of social sciences interested in local probletus. It was, therefore. decided to continue with this series at the 1961-census. This Handbook contains the essential census data for each village and town (according to \\rards) in the District. Besides. sorn{~ very useful infortnation collected fronl various State T)cpartJllents has been included in iC trying to tnake it a self-contained book of reference for the District. The book is divided into four parts. Part I is rnostly descriptive and consists of four chapters. Chapter I introduces the District, giving information 011 its location, physical features, climate, fauna and flora, towns and places of interest, a brief history oftbe District and its adrninistrativc 111achinery. In Chapter 11 arc discussed the use of land, tnain crops and irrigation, industries, trade and COlnnlcrce, and COll11l1Unicatiolls. 111 Chapter III t he salient features of population arc discussed. Chapter 1V deals with social a nd developmental activities. and hchievealents during..... the First and Second Fivc-,renr Plans . tn Part II are presented the statistics secured froIH various (JOVt:rll111cnt .Departn1cnts relating to rainfall, tCluperaturc, land utilisation, irrigatioll, area and yield of principal -..:('ops, livestock, industry co"operation. education, printing and pub1ishing, entertaitllnent~, rnedical and health, births and deaths, transport and conlHlunications, c()rnlnunily deve}oplnent activities, hanks and insurance, and justice. Then COlllCS a Table on the fairs and festivals in the District. The ·Tables relating to the 1961-ccnsus are prest:nLCtl in Parl 111. Purt l V \.:untains a l)irectory of Villages and Town~:, showing the location of educational institutions, hospitals and dispensaries, post and I cJcgraph offices, electritication and protected water-supply; area: nUJ11ber of occupied residential hOllses and households living therein; populatjon; persons belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes; number of literate and edu cated persons; number of \vorkers in nine broad industrial cat.egorics; and nU111ber of non-worker:,. The book contain~ severallnaps. There is a rnap of the District showing Ule ndnlinistrativc boundaries, roads and railways, rivers and canals, and location of towns. Another nlap shows the distribution of population in the I)istrict by dots: the population of towns is shown by proportionate circles; and of rural areas by dots, one dot representing 200 persons. For each Tahsil in the District two types of Inaps have been prepared, one showing the location of social alnenities, and the second showing the boundaries of villages and towns. These n1aps were prepared in thl! Cartographic Section in the State Census Office, jointly by KUlnaris Ranhir Sokhi and Satwinder H. Singh, both M.As'. in Geography. This publication is the outCOfilC of the joint efforts of a large nurnbcr of workers and Government Departlnents, and grateful acknowledgenlcnt is tnade of the help received froln thern. Within the Census Organisa tion Illention needs to be made of Shri Jaswant Singh DilawarYt Statistical Assistant and Shri Vishwa Mitter. Supervisor, under the supervision of Shri T. P. Garg, P.C.S., Deputy Superintendent of Census Operations. for preparing the Tables presented in Part II and of Shri Goverdhan .Dnss Singla, Statistical Assistant and Sarvshri Dharaln Paul Jain and Joginder Nath Suri, Tabulation Assistants, under the supervision of Shri Pawan Kumar, Tabulation Officer) for preparing the Tables presented in Parts III and IV. Shri T. P. Garg, p.e.s., Deputy Superintendent of Censlls Operations. Punjab, paid a nUJnber of visits to the various parts of the Mahendragarh District, and after collecting inforolatioll by personal observations and discussions with a large nunlber of persons, produced the draft of t.his lIandbook. My thanks are due also to Shri K. C. Kuriyan, Controller of Printing & Stationery, PtlOjab! and his Deputy, Shr; Tara Chand. for their persona1 attention in the printing of the book. R. L. ANAND, CHANDIGARH ; Superintendent of Census Operatious, February 1, 1966. and Enluneration Commissioner, Punjab .. CONTENTS PAGI ... PREFACE 111 ('ART I-INTRODUCTION TO THE DISTRICT 1-28 Chapter I-Introduction 3 Chapter II-Economy 1 I Chapter Ill-Population .-. 17 Chapter IV--SociaJ and Developmental Activities 23 PART II-DEPARTMEN TAL STATISTICS 29-9l Explanatory Note 33 Tables ~8 PA.RT In-CENSUS TABLES 93-,--229 Explanatory Note 98 Tables ]26 p'AR'r IV -DIRECTORY OF VILLAGES AND TOWNS j .. -~, xl .. Explanatory Note 11 . Directory tV ... Alphabetical List of Villages ~XXll1 MAPS Administrative Map of Mahendragarh Di5triCt Frontispiece Mahcndragarh District Map showing Population .. Facinl page 17 Maps 01 three TahsiJ~ showing Schools, Dispensaries and POlt Oftices Pacini pap 23 Maps of Tahsils showing boundaries of Vil1'lge~ •• Facinl paaca xxxv, xxxvii & ~xxi.. PART I INTRODUCTION TO THE DISTRICT CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Name.-The District takes its name from the town of Mahendragarh once called Kanaud. But the District headquarters are located mainly because of the availability of office accommodation, at Namaul, which is said to be founded about 900 years ago near the Dhosi hill in the midst of a vast forest and was called 'Nahar Haul' or Lion's dread. Another folk etymology ascribes it to the wife of a Raja Laun Karan. Narnaul, according to this story, is a corrupted form for 'Nar Laun'. Location and houndaries.-Mahendragarh is one of the four Districts in the Patiala Division, and occupies the southern extremity of the State, jointly with Gurgaon. It lies between 27°-47'-50" and 28° .. 48' .. 50" north latitude, and 75° -48' -50" and 76° ~28' _00" east longitude, and lies in the extreme south of the State. Bounded by Hissar and Rohtak Districts in the north, Gurgaon in the east, Alwar District of Rajasthan in the south and Jhunjhunu District of Rajasthan in the west: the District is some 60 miles south.. w'est of Delhi. Area*.-The area of the District, according to the Surveyor General of India is 1343.00 sq. miles and according to the Director of Land Records, Punjab 1341.4 sq. miles. The District ranks fifteenth in area among the 19 Districts of Punjab. The area of its three Tahsils, according to the village papers is given below . Tahsil Total Rural Urban Dadri 572·9 564·4 8·5 Mahendragarh 400·8 396 ·1 4·7 Narnaul 367·7 365·0 2·7 PHYSICAL FEATURES The hill ranges are a marked feature of the District; they are part of the great Aravali chain. They provide natural meadows for animals and also contain a number of rich minerals. The Dhosi hill touches a height of about 2,100 feet above the sea-level.