ED HEARN, CSP Thinking Outside “the Box”…Thy SELF The Key that Opens ALL “Boxes” In baseball, the game that Ed Hearn played and loved, The Bottom of the Ninth never takes place unless the game is tied or the good guys (the home team) are behind. Today, as our great country is being shaken to its core by greed and self-centeredness, it is obvious we have reached The Bottom of the Ninth. Now is the time for all Americans to step up to the plate, focus on “the team,” and “Think Outside Thy…SELF.” TEAMWORK “THE SYNERGY”  We all need each other  "WHAT'S IT LIKE PLAYING ON A WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM? How does the concept of teamwork in baseball compare with that of teamwork in corporate America?  Each player must know his role and be accountable to the fans (customers), themselves, their teammates, the coaches and the management.  Homeruns vs. the sacrifice bunt. It must be less me & more we. LEADERSHIP  You must earn the right to become one.  Actions speaker MUCH larger than words.  First you must serve, then, you must serve more & more...  Be interactive & listen to the input of your team, i.e. pregame meetings COMMUNICATION  Verbal Communication  Nonverbal communication  Listening FACING CHALENGES / CHANGE  “CONQUERING LIFE’S CURVES” - Change & Challenges are ever present in our society today  Turning life’s curves into homeruns.  Pity Parties?  Overcome Change and Challenge with acceptance and then embrace it as an opportunity PERSPECTIVE  The gift of perspective  When that time comes and you’re feeling down about your challenging situation, go out and do something for someone that's less fortunate than you. It will give you a whole new prospective on your life. THINK OUTSIDE THY SELF  First,have a profound impact on thelivesof those around you… the bottom line will then take care of itself.  Each player must know his role and be accountable to the fans (customers), themselves, their teammates, the coaches and the management.  In the bottom of the ninth inning, two out, down by a , with the bases loaded…champions don’t think about their own batting average… they think about the bigger prize…the team goal of “winning the .” Who are you focusing on? “…when I returned to my office that afternoon I had already received four positive phone calls from our people commenting on your presentation. Before the week was up I received more than ten phone calls or messages letting me know how much our folks appreciated your speech. People were still talking about it when we met the following meeting. I must agree with our membership when I say you have been the most dynamic motivational speaker we have ever been privileged to listen to.” PROGRAM COMMITTEE CAHIRMAN “You left our team on such a high they didn't even flinch when we announced this year’s lofty sales goals. They were ready to go!” NATIONAL VP OF SALE/MARKETING “The super message that you brought to our audience was instituted by the passion in your presentation. You are a marvelous “edu-trainer.” DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION

ED HEARN, CSP AN INSPIRATIONAL CHAMPION From the Penthouse to the Outhouse AND BACK From the “Penthouse” of a Championship, under the bright lights of New York City, to the “Outhouse,” with a career-ending shoulder injury, three life-saving kidney transplants, dialysis, thirty radiation treatments for a bout with cancer, the aid of a breathing machine each night, an IV treatment each month, and 25 pills a day, Ed Hearn has come back again and again with courage, faith and determination that speak volumes. He has lived that which most other speakers can only talk about. Based on his book “Conquering Life’s Curves: Baseball, Battles and Beyond” Mr. Hearn has stepped up to the plate countless times with the “game of life” on the line and his real-life messages leaves audiences remembering him not so much as an athlete, but more as a man who has had a lasting impact on their lives. For 20 years, Ed has delivered real-life messages that leave audiences remembering him not so much as an athlete, but more as a man who has had a lasting impact on their lives. Many are surprised when he reveals his keys to significant success and victory when facing today’s unending curves and change.

*Ed’s personal philosophy is that of being more than just a speaker to the groups who book him. Whenever possible, he likes to “hang out” with the group. Sharing these special “up-close” moments - whether it’s taking photos with new friends and the World Series trophy &/or RING, personally autographing his book or even joining in on a round of golf with the group - Ed considers these to be all part of the job in helping to make your event one they will remember for a long time to come.

Canadian Pacific Railway (Alberta) National Assoc. of Insurance & Financial Advisors PGA of America GE Lighting (CO) Mayo Clinic (MN) NCAA College Baseball World Series Breakfast (NE) Hallmark Cards Eli Lilly (USA) Ronald McDonald House (USA) Pfizer (US) American Legion National Leadership (IN) Southwestern Bell Telephone University of Tennessee – Martin (TN) Salvation Army (NY, NC, KS, MO) Sysco Foods (OR) Nat. Federation of State High School Assoc. National Center for Fathering (USA) SPRINT Anderson Cancer Network (TX) Merrill Lynch (KS, AZ, NC, CA) Nabisco Barnes Jewish Hospital (STL) John Hancock Countless Regional & National Assocs.