"I have been to, over the last 55 years, a countless number of seminars, professional association conferences, and local, state, and national company sales meetings. At these meetings, I have been privileged to hear some of the greatest motivational and technical speakers of our time, yet never have I heard a more powerful presentation than I did from you last Friday. It was absolutely the most wonderful presentation I have ever heard." MEETING ATTENDEE

ED HEARN CSP QUICK REFERENCE HIGHLIGHT SHEET   The 1st & only, current or former Professional athlete from the four major sports to receive the prestigious CSP designation! (Received 2001) 16th year as a full time  8 1/2 years persevering in the minor leagues professional speaker  Member of the 1986 World Champion  After a superb rookie season as a for the Mets, he was traded to the for a young pitcher named . Shortly into that season - major shoulder surgery. Spent the next 3 years attempting a comeback.  Spring of 1991, no more opportunities for him in baseball.  Just three short months after he began his new career in the business world, Ed was diagnosed with three very serious and potentially life threatening illnesses that made his shoulder injury pale by comparison. He had gone from being a big, strong professional athlete to a man who was too weak to get out of bed without assistance. Today, after three kidney transplants, and with the aid of a breathing machine each night, a $3,000 IV treatment each month, and between 25-50 pills a day ($40,000 of medications per year), Ed Hearn has comeback to live a life which is truly an inspiration to all those around him.  As a man & professional speaker, his courage, faith, motivation & willingness to be openly vulnerable in relating to his audiences the good, the bad & the ugly. He speaks volumes to each of us as we face life's challenges in pursuit of the happiness and success we all desire  Gleaming from a lifetime of reaching for the top of life's mountain while experiencing the pits of it's deepest valleys, Ed Hearn shares a wit and wisdom about life usually reserved for those much further along in years. Certainly his celebrity status of being a former Major League ballplayer initially attracts many to ask him to speak, but be it young or old, executive or blue-collar worker, his audiences walk away remembering him not so much as an athlete, but more as a man who has had a dramatic affect on the way they view their own lives and challenges they face. They speak of being uplifted and inspired with a renewed spirit of hope and motivation to pursue victory in all areas of their lives no matter what the challenge or adversity.

What makes Ed Hearn different? * Ed Hearn is fanatical about making a difference in the personal & professional lives of his audiences. * He has lived that which most speakers can only talk about. When he speaks about becoming "a champion of life" and overcoming tremendous challenges, he speaks from experience. * His personal philosophy is that of being more than just a speaker to the groups who book him. Whenever possible, he likes to “hang out” with the group. Sharing these special “up-close” moments- whether it’s taking photos with new friends and the RING, personally autographing his book or even joining in on a round of golf with the group - Ed considers these to be all part of the job in helping to make your event one they will remember for a long time to come. * If needed, he will assist you in finding creative ways of putting together a compensation package that fits your budget, (sponsorships, multiple bookings, book sale supplements, etc.). * With audiences up to 300, he will usually sign one autograph per attendee at no additional charge. * He never makes outlandish demands of 1st class travel or accommodations. He is a simple man with very basic travel and lodging needs. No big egos here! He is big on always trying to give the client more than what they expect!