Climate Risk, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment in the Morobe Province in Papua New Guinea Colophon
CLIMATE RISK, VULNERABILITY AND RISK ASSESSMENT IN THE MOROBE PROVINCE IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA COLOPHON Project: CLIMATE RISK, VULNERABILITY AND NEEDS ASSESSMENT FOR MOROBE, MADANG, EAST SEPIK, NORTHERN AND NEW IRELAND PROVINCES OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA. REF. NO. PNG/AF/VNA/2014 (PNG/AF/VNA/2014). Client: UNDP / CCDA UN House Level-14, Deloitte Tower, Douglas Street PO Box 1041, Port Moresby Papua New Guinea Service provider: Antea Belgium nv Buchtenstraat 9 9051 Gent Belgium T : +32(0)9 261 63 00 F : +32 (0) 9 261 63 01 VAT: BE 414.321.939 RPR Antwerpen 0414.321.939 IBAN: BE81 4062 0904 6124 BIC: KREDBEBB Antea Group is certified according to ISO9001 Document ID: 2291483034 Date: 19/06/2017 Revision: Rev 1 Approval: Renaat De Sutter Check: Ivan Rocabado Project collaborators: Tom D’Haeyer, assistant team leader Julie Deleu, GIS expert Edith Maroy, GIS expert Danitza Salazar, hydrologist Georg Petersen, Hydro-Meteorologist Charles Pendley, Social Scientist Michael Allen, Agriculture and livelihood expert Bonie Belonio, Community DRM specialist Antea Belgium nv 2017 CONTENTS 0. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................. 11 1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................... 17 1.1. OBJECTIVES........................................................................................................................ 17 1.2. METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................................
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