Constructing the Underground Community: the Letters of Theodore the Studite and the Letter of Emperors Michael Ii and Theophilos to Louis the Pious
Vladimir Baranov Novosibirsk, Russia CONSTRUCTING THE UNDERGROUND COMMUNITY: THE LETTERS OF THEODORE THE STUDITE AND THE LETTER OF EMPERORS MICHAEL II AND THEOPHILOS TO LOUIS THE PIOUS The Le er of the Iconoclastic Emperors Michael II and Theophilos to Louis the Pious1 (dated to 824) contains a list of off ences that were allegedly commi ed by the Iconodules against what they considered the right practices of the Church. Their list includes the substitution of images in churches for crosses, taking images as godparents, using images to perform the cu ing of children’s hair and monastic habit, scraping paint of images to be added to the Eucharist or distributing the Eucharistic bread from the hands of images, as well as using panel images as altars for serving the Liturgy in ordinary houses and church- es.2 Of course, these might have been easily treated as fi ction and pro- (1) Emperor Theophilus (b. 812/813) was crowned co-Emperor in 821 by his Father Michael II (820–829), and this is why his name appears on the Let- ter. However, since in 824 he was only a 12-year old boy, for the Le er I will use the short title “Le er of Michael II.” (2) The Le er is preserved in the MGH, Leg. Sect. III, Concilia, tomus II, pars 2, Concilia aevi Karolini I (Hannover—Leipzig, 1908, repr. 1979) 475–480; Mansi, XIV, 417–422; the pertinent passage is translated in C. Mango, The Art of the Byzantine Empire 312–1453: Sources and Documents (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1986) 157–158.
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