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Tv Page 6B 09-23 6b The Goodland Star-News / Friday, September 23, 2005 abigail ommend I handle this? — TOO of me. If I managed to get one step Dawn, who appears to be insecure, passed away last fall, and we’re try- CLOSE FOR COMFORT IN CA- ahead of her, she’d get jealous and jealous and lacking in judgment. Her ing to find an eloquent way of in- Eye on nude van buren LIF. mad. remark was extremely inappropriate cluding her name on the invitation. DEAR TOO CLOSE FOR Recently my mother got preg- and not in the least bit funny. Your Any suggestions? — “STUCK” IN COMFORT: With a 6-foot fence nant. A few days ago she heard the mother should have explained that to SHREVEPORT, LA. gardening •dear abby around his property, Roy is prob- heartbeat. Dawn was there when Dawn and also discussed it with her DEAR STUCK: The invitation ably within his rights to garden “au Mother was telling me and my mother. My advice to you is to do could be worded this way: Mr. and his back yard and has told my wife naturel.” One way to handle the brother the good news. Dawn said, some serious rethinking of your re- Mrs. John Smythe Request the neighbor he does this. Otherwise, he seems problem would be for you to de- “Oh, it’s not dead yet?” She thought lationship with Dawn. Best friends honor of your presence at the mar- NEIGHBOR CAN’T CLOSE like a decent fellow. He has given velop an interest in horticulture. it was a funny joke. She has been support each other; they don’t one- riage of their daughter Louise HIS EYES TO NUDE GAR- my wife nectarines from over the Perhaps the appearance of that saying things like that ever since she up each other or put each other down. “Stuck” Smythe to Simon Wallace DENER NEXT DOOR fence, which is as close as I want his fence could be improved by plant- heard about the pregnancy. Your parents are looking out for your Penn Jr. the son of Simon Wallace DEAR ABBY: I am 76, my wife naked presence to my wife. Roy in- ing bougainvillea, or poison ivy on Abby, I have told her once to stop best interests in wanting you to limit Penn Sr. and the late Sylvia Palmer is 65. Our neighbor “Roy” is retired, sists he has the “right” to go naked your side of it. Or a lovely cactus all the chaos. I’m afraid to tell her your time with her. Penn etc. but probably less than 60 years old. in his own back yard. Unfortu- garden ... the possibilities are al- again. My parents are now telling DEAR ABBY: My fiance, “Si- Dear Abby is written by Abigail The fence between Roy’s property nately, my wife agrees, and tells me most endless if you put your mind me they no longer want me going to mon,” and I are being married in Van Buren, also known as Jeanne and ours is 6 feet tall, but the wood she’s not looking. I have asked her to it. P.S. Just be sure to wear gloves. Dawn’s house. Please help me. — three months. Although my parents Phillips, and was founded by her has shrunk and there are gaps of not to accept any more gifts over the DEAR ABBY: Hello! I am 11 WONDERING IN DODGE CITY, are paying for the wedding and re- mother, Pauline Phillips. Write about half an inch or more between fence from Roy and to keep her con- years old. I have known my best KAN. ception, we would like to acknowl- Dear Abby at the boards. tact with him to a minimum. Am I friend, “Dawn,” since preschool. DEAR WONDERING: The per- edge his parents in the invitation. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, Abby, Roy likes to work nude in being foolish? How would you rec- She has always been one step ahead son who needs help isn’t you, it’s The problem is Simon’s mother CA 90069. E=Eagle Cable E=Eagle Cable SATURDAY EVENINGS=S&T Telephone SEP. 24, 2005 SUNDAY EVENINGS=S&T Telephone SEP. 25, 2005 ES 6 pm 6:30 7 pm 7:30 8 pm 8:30 9 pm 9:30 10 pm 10:30 ES 6 pm 6:30 7 pm 7:30 8 pm 8:30 9 pm 9:30 10 pm 10:30 Flip This House Flip This House Flip This House Run- American Justice “The Flip This House The First 48 “Devil’s Family Family Intervention “Tina” CSI: Miami “Wet The First 48 “Devil’s 36 47 A&E down home transformed. Monster Inside” 36 47 A&E Candy” Plots Plots Foot/Dry Foot” Candy” ((( “Catch Me if You Can” (2002, Comedy-Drama) Leonardo DiCaprio, (:08) News (:43) Sein- (:13) Sein- Star Trek: Extreme Makeover: Desperate Housewives (:01) Grey’s Anatomy News (:35) Sein- Lawyer on Diamond 46 ABC Tom Hanks. A teenage scam artist poses as a pilot, surgeon and lawyer. feld feld Enterprise 46 ABC Home Edition (N) “Next” (Season Premiere) (N) feld the Line Adventures The Big Squeeze Subtle as a Serpent Anaconda: Giant Snake The Big Squeeze Subtle as a Serpent Animal Icons “Hollywood’s Prehistoric Superstars” The Big Squeeze Animal Icons “Hollywood’s Prehistoric Superstars” 26 54 ANPL of the Amazon 26 54 ANPL Perception of dinosaurs. (N) Perception of dinosaurs. (((* “Good Will Hunting” (1997) Matt Damon. A young (:45) (((* “Good Will Hunting” (1997) Matt Damon. A young Inside the Actors Studio Eagles Farewell I Tour The band performs. All-Star Reality Reunion My Name Is The Office 63 67 BRAVO Boston man must deal with his genius and emotions. ‘R’ % Boston man must deal with his genius and emotions. ‘R’ 63 67 BRAVO Jodie Foster. Earl “Dundies” Cold Case “The House” Without a Trace “Bait” 48 Hours Mystery “Back News Kansas (:05) Alias “Truth Be Cold Case “Family” (Sea- “Martha Behind Bars” (2005) Cybill Shepherd. News (:35) News (:05) Alias “So It Begins” 711 CBS From the Dead” Shopper Told” 711 CBS son Premiere) (N) Martha Stewart must serve five months in prison. Dirty Jobs “Worm Dung Dirty Jobs Garbage Dirty Jobs San Francis- The New Detectives The FBI Files “No Place The Family Carnival Little People, Big Firehouse USA: Boston Killer Squid Killer Ants 55 42 DISC Farmer” man. co sewer inspector. “Murder by Numbers” to Hide” 55 42 DISC Dreams Buzz on Buzz on Naturally Life With Zack & That’s So ((* “The Return of Jafar” (1994) “Aladdin- Phil of the That’s So Aly & AJ: Life With Zack & That’s So (( “Bob the Butler” (2005, Comedy) Tom Green, 33 56 DISN Maggie Maggie (N) Sadie Derek Cody Raven Voices of Scott Weinger. ‘G’ King” 33 56 DISN Future Raven In Concert Derek (N) Cody Raven Brooke Shields. ‘PG’ % 49 66 E!TV It’s So Over: 50 Biggest Celebrity Break-Ups! Saturday Night Live Taradise Taradise Howard S. Howard S. 49 66 E!TV Desperate Housewives Girls Girls Filthy Rich: Cattle Drive Desperate Housewives: True Hollywood Story 22 28 ESPN (5:45) College Football Tennessee at LSU. (:45) SportsCenter College Gameday Final 22 28 ESPN NFL NFL Football New York Giants at San Diego Chargers. SportsCenter 23 29 ESPN2 College Football College Football Georgia at Mississippi State. Baseball Tonight 23 29 ESPN2 MLB Baseball Texas Rangers at Oakland Athletics. (Subject to Blackout) NHRA Drag Racing: O’Reilly Fall Nationals 32 58 FAM (( “Au Pair” (1999) Gregory Harrison. (* “Au Pair II” (2001) Gregory Harrison. Videos Videos 32 58 FAM (( “Doctor Dolittle” (1998) Eddie Murphy. Whose? Whose? Videos Videos J. Osteen Feed 35 - FMC (((* “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” (1953) ((( “How to Marry a Millionaire” (1953) ((( “Niagara” 35 - FMC (((* “Fantastic Voyage” (1966) ((* “Mother, Jugs & Speed” (1976) “Myra Breckinridge” Emeril Live “Diner Din- Unwrapped The Secret Al Roker’s Diner Desti- Iron Chef America Cat Emeril Live “Diner Din- Emeril Live Emeril’s Iron Chef America “Flay Spam Cook-Off Unwrapped Unwrapped Emeril Live Emeril’s 53 45 FOOD ing” Diner classics. Life Of... nations Cora vs. Kerry Simon. ing” Diner classics. 53 45 FOOD 1500th show. (N) vs. Lang” “Crispy” 1500th show. Cops (N) Cops America’s Most Wanted- St. Elsewhere “No Mad TV (N) Blind Date Blind Date The Simp- The War at Family Guy American Quincy, M.E. “Sullied Be Kojak “I Want to Report a Movie 13 7 FOX Fights Back Chemo, Sabe?” 13 7 FOX sons (N) Home (N) (N) Dad (N) Thy Name” Dream” 40 41 FX “A Glimpse of Hell” (((* “JFK” (1991) Kevin Costner. Based on the alleged conspiracy surrounding JFK’s death. 40 41 FX Dr. Do 2 ( “Just Married” (2003) Ashton Kutcher, Brittany Murphy. ((* “Phone Booth” (2002) Colin Farrell. 30 27 FXSP College Football Rocky Mt. Broncos Track Myers Rockies Helmets Off Football 30 27 FXSP Volleyball Beyond the Glory (N) Knockouts Poker Superstars Boxing: Sunday Rockies Track -60 HALL (5:00) “The Runaway” ((* “My Sister’s Keeper” (2002, Drama) M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H -60HALL “Mystery Woman: Sing” “McBride: Anybody Here Murder Marty” (2005) ((* “Matlock: The Don” (1986) Andy Griffith. “Shark (:45) ((( “Selena” (1997) Jennifer Lopez. Based on the life ((* “I, Robot” (2004) Will Smith. A homicide de- “Wyatt Hist. Vio- ((* “S.W.A.T.” (2003) Samuel L. Jackson. A Los Rome “Stealing From Rome Caesar weighs 5- HBO Tale” ‘PG’ and brief career of the murdered singer. $ ‘PG’ % tective tracks a dangerous robot in 2035.
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