DIRECfORY.] . EA~TO~ .. 125 EARL STONHAM is a parish and scattered village, games &c. There are a few small charities for the poor. s miles north-east from Needham Market station on In 1886 a well was sunk on Forward Green by public the and Norwich section of the Great Eastern subscription at a cost of £uo, of which Miss Noble, of railway and 5 east from Stowmarket, in the South Penrith, Cumberland, contributed £so. Earl Stonham Eastern division of the county, hundred of Bosmere, was the site of a Roman station, and Roman coins em-. petty sessional division and union of Bosmere and bracing a period of more than 400 years have been Claydon, county court district of Stowmarket, rural found here, as well as pottery in great abundance. Lord deanery of Bosmere, archdeaconry of Sufiolk and De Saumarez, of Shrubland Park, Capt. Sir Frederick diocese of Norwich. The · church of St. Mary is E. S. Adair bart. of Flixton Hall, Pembroke College, a beautiful cruciform structure of flint in the Early Cambridge, and Capt. W eyland, of Bicester, are the English, Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting principal landowners. The soil is stiff, rich loam ; the of chancel, nave with clerestory, transepts, south porch subsoil is clay. The chief crops are beans, barley, oats and an embattled western ·tower containing 5 bells; the and -wheat. The area is 2,550 acres; rateable value, roof is of chestnut wood, most. elaborately carv.ed .with · £2,859; the population in I9II was 617. many curious devices and representations of angels, Parish Clerk, Edwin E. Runeckle1. apostles, saints· and· :flowers~ the church has an ancient iont, and there is a credence table, piscina and sedilia: Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Ipswich road, Stonham.· the organ, with which the old organ was incorporated, .Alfred William Halls, sub-postmaster. London & was erected in 1899 at a cost of £330: during the general mail arrives via Stowmarket at 4.15 a.m. & restoration several mural paintings were found:· in x p.m. & delivered at 6.30 a.m. & 1 p.m.; dispatched the north transept one representing the "Nativity:" at xo a. m. & 8.50 p.m. ; on sundays, delivered at 7 over the chancel arch another of the "Last Judgment;" a. m. & dispatched at 8.50 p.m and in the south transept were paintings of the " Mar- Post Office, Forward Green.-Edwin Ebenezer Runeckles, tyrdom -of St. Catherine " and " St. George and the sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Stowmarket at Dragon:" fr"-"'ments...,., of the destroyed ·screen were in 4.30 a.m. & 12.45 p.m.; d'1spa t c h e d a t 10.1 5 a.m. & 1883 in the possession of Mr. H. Watling: the church 9.5 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph -office was restored in 1875 at a cost of upwards of £2,ooo: is at Ipswich road office, 2 miles distant there are 270 sittings. The register dates from •the Wall Letter Boxes.-Near the Church. cleared at xo.g Year 1654. The living is a rectory, net yearly value a.m. & 8. 55 p. m . ; sun. 8 . 55 p.m. ; M'ddl 1 ewoo d G reen, £371, with 32 acres of glebe and residence, in the c1 eare d a t 9·3 5 a . m . & 7·3 5 p .m.; sun d ays, 7·3 5 p.m gift of Pembroke College, Cambridge, and held since 1 go1 by the Rev. Edward Godfrey .!shwin M.A. of Public Elementary (Endowed) School (mixed), built in that college. There is a meeting room for the x869, & enlarged in 1907, for xoo children ; average Brethren near Forward Green. The Parish Room, attendance, 92; the endowment is derived from near the church, was erected and presented to the various pieces of land now realizing about £x2 yearly; parish by Mrs. Shaw, wife of the late Rev. Henry Fred Thomas Perry, master · John Shaw, rector x896-190I, in memory of her father; Carrier.-Frank Elliott, to Ipswich, tues. & sat. & t0 i.t contains a library of about 300 volumes, a piano, Stowmarket, thurs · A.shwin Rev. Edward Godfrey M.A. Chenery Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Penistan Frank Rd. farmer, Moat farm (rector), Rectory Ipswich road Runeckles Edwin E. parish clerk & Fulcher Samuel, The Firs Clarke Sidney, Angel P.H. Ipswich rd blacksmith, Post office,ForwardGrn Gray Charles Wing, Deerbolts hall Denny Robert Thomas, farmer Runeckles Frederick, farmer, black- Penistan Frank Richard, Moat Diaper Herbert Octavius, farmer smith & poor's rate collector, The Pyman Mrs. Weylands Draper Albert Chas.farmr.The Hollies Laurels, Forward Green COMMERCIAL. Edwards Elizh.(Mrs.),frmr.Church fm Runeckles Fredk.Wm.farmr,White ho Armstrong · Emma (Mrs.), farmer, Elliott Alfd. pork butchr.ForwardGrn Runeckles Gilbert J. F. cycle agent, Mill farm Elliott Frank, carrier & grocer, For- Forward Green Bannister Herbert,farmer, Rookery fm ward Green Shipp Herbert, farmer, Hill house :Bardwell Ellen (Mrs.), grocer, For- Elliott Henry, builder & contractor, Shipp Robert, farmer ward Green wheelwright, carpenter & under- Sillett Wm. beer retlr. Ipswich road Bloomfield Stephen, wheelwright taker, Forward Green Soames Henry, beer ret.Forward Grn Boby Elizabeth & Emily (Misses), Hunt Frederick, baker Southgate John, farmer, Martin's fm ·-poultry farmers, The Chestnuts Kitson Adolphus, farmer Sturgeon William, beer retailer Brame George, poultry dealer Matthews Elizabeth & Charlotte Taylor Clara (Mrs.), farmer, Sponge Brundish Jane (Mrs.), farmer (Misses), farmers Trent Saville, blacksmith Chappel) F. & C. farmers & thresh- Matthews John, farmer, Chapel farm Tydeman Lemon, farmer ing machine proprietors, .Welham & Mills Charles, boot maker Williams James, bricklayer Elms farms, Forward Green Parish Room Woollard Frank, baker, Ipswich road EASTON is a parish and pleasant village on the river of Graham,- who is lady of the manor and principal Deben, 6 mi1e11 north from Woodbridge, 3 south from landowner; the mansion is of white brick, two stories terminal station and 4 north-west from in height, with a fine frontage, and was much improved Wickham Market station on the Ipswich and Lowestoft by the late Duke of Hamilton; it stands within a section of the Great Eastern railway, in the Northern fine park of 148 acres, studded with cedar and other W.vision of the county, Blything petty sessional division, trees, and is surrounded by lawns and gardens taste­ hundred of Loes, union of Plomesgate, Framlingham and fully laid out: the stables are of red brick with large county court district, rural deanery of square tower rising from the centre and containing a Loes, archdeaconry of Suffolk and diocese of Norwich. clock with four illuminated dials; there -are stalls for 'rhe church of All Saints, which stands on an eminen<'e so horses: the estate office is in the mansion yard. in t·he centre of the village, is a building of flint with The kennels of the Easton Harriers are in this parish.. stone dressings in the Perpendicular style, consisting of The soil is clay and· loam; subsoil, clay. The chief chancel, nave, south porch and an octagonal embattled crops are wheat, roots, barley, beans and hay. The western tower· containing 5 bells : there are brasses parish contains 1,477 acres of land and 7 of water; rate­ to John Wingfield, 1584; to Radcliffe, daughter of Sir able value, £1,655; the population in 19n was 415. Gilbert Gerrard kt. and wife of Sir Thomas Wing- Sexton, J ames. Wix. field kt. 1601 ; and monuments io Dame Mary Wingfield and to William Henry (Nassau}, sth Earl of Rochford, Post & Telegraph Office.-Mrs. Phoobe Tuthill, sub- who died unmarried 3 Sept. 1830, when the title be- postmistress. Letters through Wickham Market, Suf- came extinct: there is also a memorial window to folk, are delivered at 6.3o a.m. & 1·5 p.m. (to callers William Alexander, 11th Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, only) i dispatched at n a. m. k 6.4o p.m.; snndays at n.zo a.m. Wickham Market is the nearest money d. July 15, 1863: in 1888 a new organ was presented order office by the Duchess of Hamilton : there are 250 sittings. The register dates from the year I56I. The living is Public Elementary School (mixed), erected by the late a rectory. net yearly value £ 170, including 2 5 acres of Duke of Hamilton in x8g1, for 140 children; average glebe and residence, in the gift of the Marchioness of attendance, 85; Waiter Moakson, master; Mrs. iMoak· Graham, and held -since 1909 by the Rev. Arthur Robert- IWn, mistress son Hoare B..A, of Trinity College, Cambridge. Easton Carrier to Woodbridge.-Davin Airey, passes through Park is the property ,and residence of the Marchioness from Letheringham, thurs Graham Marquis of C.V.O .• D.L. & Smith David F. The Cottage !Best James Alfred, head gardener to Marchioness, Easton park 00'801 RRCIAL. the Marchioness of Graham Hoare Rev. Arthur Bobertso~ B.A. Bames Thomas, farm bailiff to Arthnrl Fairs- Leonard M. farmer, Low farm (rector), Rectory Heywood esq. D.L., J.P. Home farm 1Fox Waiter, White H()rse P.H