each. And that, with the exceptions aforesaid, the within the hundred of Stow, as are not included several parishes and places included in the hun- in any highway district formed in the Western dreds of and Lothingtand, that Is to say, Division of the said county, that is to say, the the several parishes of Ashby, Barnby, .Helton several parishes of Akenham, Ashfield-with- and Brownston, with Flixton, Brad- Thorpe, Ashbocking, Badley, Barham, Barking, well, Burgh Castle, , Gorton, and Darmsden, Battisford, Baylham, Blakenham Fritton, , Gunton, , Hopton, Great, Blakenham Little, Bramford, Bricet , Lound, Mutford, Oulton, Great, Claydon, Coddenham, Greeting All Saints', with such part of as is not included Greeting Saint Mary, Creeting Saint Olave, under the Improvement Act, Rushmere, Crowfield, Debenham, Flowton, Framsden, and , shall constitute a Highway Gosbeck, Helmingham, Hemingstone, Henley, District, to be known as "The Mutford and Mickfield, , Nettlestead, Offton- Lothingland District." And we do hereby order, with-Little Bricet, Pettaugh, Old Newton-with- that all the several parishes comprised in the said Dagworth, Onehouse, Shetland, and district shall have one Waywarden each. And ChUton, Stowupland, Ringshall, Somersham, that, with the exceptions aforesaid, the several Stonham Aspall, Stonham Earl, Stonham Parva, parishes and places included in the , Winston, Willisham, Buxhall, Combs- . Union, that is to say, the several parishes of Ben- with-Finborough Parva, Creeting Saint, Peter, hall, , , , , Finborougb Magna, Gipping, Harleston, Haughley Farnham, , Great Glemharn, Little Glem- and Wetherden, shall constitute a highway district, ham, Hazelwood, , Parham with North Cut- to be known as " The Bosmere Claydon and Stow tles and Silverlace Greens, , Saxmund- District;" and we do hereby order, that all the hanij , Hoo, Kenton, , several parishes comprised in tKe said district, Snape, , Stratford Saint Andrew, shall have one Waywarden each, and that with the Sudbourn, , Tunstall with Dunning- exceptions aforesaid, the several parishes and worth, , , Butley, Camp- places included in the Woodbridge Union, that is sey Ash, , , Easton, to say, the several parishes of Alderton, , , and Glevering, , , Boyton, , , Capel , , Bendlesham, and Wick- Saint Andrew, , , , ham Market shall constitute a Highway District , Melton, , , Shoitis- to be known as " The Plomesgate District." And ham, Sutton, Ufford, and Kern broke, we do hereby order, that the several parishes of , , Hcmley, Kirton, Great Framlingham and shall have two Bealings, , Brightwell, Burgh, Waywardens each, and that all the other several Clopton, , Foxhall, , parishes comprised in the said district shall have , , , Newbourn, one Waywarden each. And that, with the ex- Otley, Playford, such part and so much of the ceptions aforesaid, the several parishes and places parish of Rushiuere, as is not within the limits of included in the Warigford Union, that is to say, the borough of , Tuddenham, , the several parishes of Barsham, Holy Waldingfield, , , Trimley Saint Trinity, Bungay Saint Mary, with Martin with , Trimley Saint Mary •Woriingham. Peter or Parva, , Flixton, Walton and Woodbridge, shall constitute a high- Homcrsfield, Ilketshall Saint Andrew, Jlketshall way district', to be known as " The Woodbridge Saint John, Ilketshall Saint Lawrence, with Saint District;" and we do hereby order, that the parish Lawrence Green, Ilketshall Saint Margaret, of Woodbridge shall have three Waywardens, and , Magna, , Sliadd- that all the other several parishes comprised ingfield, , , Southelmham in the said district shall have one. Waywarden All Saints' with Saint Nicholas, Southelmham each, and that with the exceptions aforesaid, Saint Cross or Saint George otherwise Sancroft, the several parishes and places included in the Southelmham Saint James, Southelmham Saint Samford Union that is to saj*, the several Margaret, Southelmham Saint Michael, Southelm- parishes of Arwarton, , Bentley, Bran- ham Saint Peter, Weston, Willingham Saint tham, Burs tall, Capel Saint Mary, , Mary, and Woriingham shall constitute a High- , , Freston, way District to be known as "The , Higham, , Holbrook, District." And we do hereby order that the Holton Saint Mary, , Shelley, , several parishes of Bungay Holy Trinity, and Stratford Saint Mary, Stutton, , Bungay Saint Mary shall have two Waywardens , Wenham Magna, , each, and that all the other several parishes com- , , and so much and such prised in the said district shall have one Way- part of the parish of as is not within warden each. And that, with the exceptions the limits of the borough of Ipswich, shall con- aforesaid, the several parishes and places included stitute a Highway District, to be known as " The in the Hoxne Union, that is to say, the several Samford District." And we do hereby order, parishes of Athclington, , Bedfield, that all the several parishes comprised in the said Bedingfield, Brundish, Denham, , district shall have one Waywarden each ; and Fressingficld, Hoxnc, Horham, Laxfield, 'Mend- do hereby appoint the General Quarter Sessions ham, or such part thereof as is in , Metfield, of the Peace to be held by adjournment at Monk Soham, Saxted, Southolt, Stradbrokc, Syle- Ipswich aforesaid, in and for the said county, on ham, Tannington, Weybread, Wilby, Wingfield, Thursday, the 10th day of March, in the year of Withersdale, and Worlingworth shall constitute our Lord 1864, at half-past one o'clock in the a highway district to be known as " The Hoxne afternoon of the same day, for taking into considera- District." And we do hereby order, that the several tion the confirmation of this Order by a Final parishes of Hoxne, Fressingfield, and Stradbroke Order. ahall have two Waywardens each, and that all the By the Court, other several parishes comprised in the said district J3orfon Clerk of the Peace. shall have one Waywarden each. And that, with t the exceptions aforesaid, the several parishes and Notice is hereby given, that the confirmation of places included in the Bosmere and Claydon the said Provisional Order by a Final Order will Union together with such parishes and places be taken into consideration by the Justices at the No. 22809. C