Democrat. Couldn't Be Found, and Mr
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THE ANN ARBOR SEVENTH YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1884. NUMBER 326. I few days. Mrs. Irish Is not blamed In the disarranged, and the body was not in a natural DOINGS IN CONGRESS. ing the time for closing the census bureau Michigan's Militia. MICHIGAN NEWS. matter. THE CROUCH TRIAL position. Witness gave a description c>f the from July], until the money now appropriated shots, and his professional opinion as to which Sheffield, .Senator Anthonv's shall be expended. Mr. Turner of Georgia, The report of Capt. T. J. Haskell, Killed b v the Cars: The Republican electoral college met at wound proved fatal. Also described the Bp- successor, was sworn in after the opening in the absence of Mr. Ranney of Massachusetts, Lansing on the Sdinst. George G. Steketee Another Attempt made To Solve the pearance of the bodies of Mr. and Mrs White. prayer. Mr. Vest of Missouri was on hand representing the minority, said bfi would not twenty-third United States infantry, PUBLISHED EVEiiY FBIDAY AT A peculiarly sad and shocking accident oc- was appointed messenger to convey the vote The body of Mrs. White was warm when h° with a resolution directing an Investigation call up tbe special crder—the Pool-3kinner detailed under orders of tho war de- curred on the lstinst., at the Norlh of the electoral college to Washington. The Great Mystery. first s »w it. She did not die at once, but lived In to the leasing of Indi in lands, the circum- election case—and tte House proceeded to partment to observe and inspect tbe ANN ARBOR, - MICHIGAN, Saginaw depot of the Michigan Cen- electoral college cast their votee for James G. possibly two hours after being shot. 1 lie stance under which the leases were made,,the consider the K«?an inter-state commerce bill. brigade of state troops in their encamp- tral railroad, resultine in the Blaine and John A. Logan. room of Mr. and Mrs. White was in good means used in obtaining tbe leases,and whether Mr. Findlay of Indiana preferred the bill of the BY JOHN L. BURLE1GH. death of Mrs. C. H. Green, and Mrs. W. 8. Survivors of the old Twenty-fourth Michi- order, and the ocd clothing was not disarrang- they were authorized by law. Messrs. Vest. committee to theKegan,Bubstitute.iMr.[O'Nelll ment of 1884, has beon made public by Green, wife and mother of t!. H. Green, a Proceedings. ed at all. Dawes, Maxey and Harrison participated in tho adjutant general of Michigan. In well-known lumberman, and one of the mo6t gan infantry will hold a reunion in Detroit on of Pennsylvania followed. The following Mich- Tuesday the lOih inst. Survivors and their Several witnesses were called who did not the animated debate which 1 nsued. The de- ganbiils were offered in the House to-day :By concluding his report Capt. Haskell THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. prominent families in social and business cir- families will be Invited, and there will be a bate was not confined to the fraudulent leases Mr. Eldredee, a bill granting a pension to Mrs". cles ID the Sigtnaws. The two ladies started John C. Harris, a Pinkerton detective was re- respond. Samuel Crawford was at last put of Indian lands, but took in the still more im- says: from their home in Sacinaw City to m3et Mr. banquet in the evening but the other details called at the opening of court, Dec. 2. He on the stand. He told of & conversatiou with Ann E. Gridley of Hillsdale, Mich ; by Mr. TERMS: have not yet been decided upon. produced the written statem"nt of tbe inter- liolcomb after his wife's death. Holcomb said portant sntj'jct of our vast area of public lands Maybury, a bill granting a pensloa to the "That the oncampment was a per- Green, who was awaiting them at the Bliss so ma?\y thousand acres of which are fenced in family of the late Lieut. Klsllngbury of De- S$ 1 .GO PER ANNUM. block in East Saginaw. They droye down Willie Brewster, aged 16, a son of Post- view between himself, Shciin Winney and he did not care for himself but he wished hia by wire fences, and in the possession of stock fect success as a camp of instruction; Washington street and turned into the road master Brewster of Midland, has been arrested Daniel S. Holcomb, which Holcomb had sign- wife could have lived long enough to have troit; also, by the same, a bill releasing cer- that the officers and men exhibited an If paid at the end of six months, or ed. The statement was offered In evi- seen the guilty parties brought to justice, and raisers. At the request of Mr. Conger Jof tain imaginary claims of the government to leading to the Gene6ee avenue bridge, and for rifling registered letters. Hfi had stolen Michigan, the matter went over one day, and the Detroit high school property. intense feeling and interest in their were very near the railroad crossing when a $103, but only 75 cents was found on the pris- dence. It contained a statement added, "it was that damned rcbsl that killed the Senate adjourned. $ I .OO IN ADVANCE. freight train from the i orth, drawn by engine oner. He admits having given the money to of defendant's actions and whereabouts on the my wife," but mentioned EO names. duties, and that each and every hour night of the murder. No. 127, Engneer Frederick Vonkin, whistled an abandoned woman of the town. Mrs. G. N. Hatch wns ntxt sworn. She HouSB —Nearly the entire session was de- Michigan's Gold Fields. showed an improvement in drill, dieoi- H. E. H. BOWER, Editor. for the crossing. When the first whistle was The Wyandotte rolling mills shut down Nov. Sheriff Winney was recalled and stated that reached the scene cf the murder about voted to the discussion of the conduct of Lr>t plino, and all the duties pertaining to blown the unfortunate ladies checked their when "Detective Harris asked Mr. Holcomb If Wright, Waited States Marshal for the south- A correspondent of the Detroit free 29th, because the men refused to accept a re- he had a 88-caliber Smith & Wesson revolver 8 o'clock and remained there nearlv two hours. the protession of the soldier. The Office, Rooms 6 and 7, Opera House Block, con horse for an instant acd then drove on again, duction of wages. Two hundred men are She started for the city and met Holcomb, who ern district of Ohio, at the October election in Press, writing from Ishpemino;, says: camp was in a beautiful location; the evidently believing that they could cross the thrown out of work. The men had been noti- when he went up north, Mr. Holcomb choked asked her hseband, "Is this true, George! Cincinnati, and a resolatlon adopted directing ner Main and Aim Streets. track in safety, as the train was only moving up and asked for water. I touched the bell To this region of wonderful mineral ground was the most advantageous for fied of the proposed reduction but refused be- Are they all murdered!" and when told in an investigation into the charges preferred possessions, in the way of iron ore and at the rate of three miles an hour. They had cause they had been employed on yearly scale to summon a boy, but Mr. Holcomb continued wae so, said: "My Godl who could have killed against that tSdal. The inter-state com- camp purposes; drainage excellent; driven nearly across the track, the horse hav- of wages. to choke and arose and drank out of the water that old man who never harmed anybody 1" merce bill was called up and considered for a copper, there is about to be added a sufficient rain fell to keep tho camp COOK HOUSE, inggaineil the eastern Bide,when the inmates of pitcher standing in the wash-bowl on the time, Mr. Reagan of Texas, being chief capping of a golden kind that will ap- fi^ H. HUDSON, Proprietor, the Duggy In their terror at the closeness of the Alexander Axford, of Sixteen, Midland stand in the bedroom." The witness identified Sheriff Winney was put oc the stand again. speaker of the day. free from dust, and, notwithstanding XV . Newly Furnished. The leading house in Ann train, turned the horse's head to the north, county, entered the saloon of Frank Kosauky, the 38-caliber, double-action, center fire Smith Witness searched the premises on the day after propriately embellish all else of metal- the fact of having several boavy show- Arbor. as though to run before the train, but before in East Saginaw a few days since. He was In- & Wesson revolver which he had found in Mr. the murder. Found three centu in Mr. Crouch's DECEMBER 3. liferous character found hero. There is ers, the water in no instance remained the horse could turn, the pilot of the engine toxicated and demanded a drink; but at the Holcomb's house. At the cross-examination pocket. Did ;not see any watch in White's SBNATI.—The resolution introduced yester- strong evidence of the truth of this now ST. JAMES HOTEL. struck the buggy. The engineer had seen the same instant dropped dead on the floor, of Winney said that he had known Holcomb for ciom. Saw no blood on Polley's clothing. day by Senator Vest, directing the committee above the surface; consequently there Ii. STONE, Proprietor.